The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, June 08, 1921, Page 3, Image 3

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v. '
II K tnitrriat-e t Miss I!-ri ha , .-b! officii. Phe bas nmuerou
Meters and l. 1'ai Ifrsoti friends in Salem who will wish
was soiernnizeo iasi nifni at ht .v-i n 1 1 piio ss. Mr. Saucier
is an c-nsin. i for tbe Hooth-KH-ly
l-umttr t t)iit.'ii . D.inng th
' :ir s'-rvi l with tl. A !n-ri .1 1!
fores ov-r,::a.
the hOUH; nl tin lirid s .i riit-..
Mr. al Mrs. W. Y. Masters In
Portland .- where both rtMd Mr.
Patterson is a you ol Mr. and
lrtf. Isaac l-'1' Patterson, of Sa ;1
lem and well known here. II.- is oiiiing its a eoniplM. surprise
a graduate of Stanford unit ersity i " th-,r many friends was the
and promuK-nt in social and busi-1 niarri;K of Miss Ib-rtha Vle and
net circles ill Portland. Hi John 1J. in Portland la-t
bride is a member of Camma I'lii j ''ek.
geU sorority and attended both Mls Vv'yle is a New York uiri
the l'niver:-it of Oregon and taii-.oir"l has a nutnlmr of friends in
lord university.
Miss Hel.Mi M. Savage, daugh
ter of Mr .uid Mrs. Kliuer S.iv
tg of 1T Marion str-ei, and
Richard S iui ier of Mill City, wcr
married Tuesday morning at St..
Joseph's church. A brother and
Bister of the Lride, y,M ( athei
Ine Savag ' and Herbert L Sav:fc
were IhHr only attendant:.
wedding breakfast was
iierved at the home uf the bride's
parent J following the s r ice
which was witnessed by friend
jnd of th" coul ract mi:
The bride wore a midnight blue
Ulluer and blur hat trimmed with
gray, and gloves to match. They
left this morniiiK for Portland
Tire they will in the Pose
festival. returning to Salem in
two weeks.
Mra'. Saucier is well known in
Salem, having Imti tor hIx year
teputy county recorder and for
the pant two years chief deputy
recorder. An efficient and cap-
; . Try tne ryrf Term
At the Salem School of Kxpresslon
Under direction of
I Lola Rosamond Walton
Graduate of Currjr School, Boston
: H7 North Commercial Street
692 Telephones 14 84 J
Figure 8
1900 Cataract
125 N. Liberty St.
is all important
tor bo years
better babies
have been raised
ndensed Milk
i orwanu. lumng vi-itea there pre
vious to her inarriaire. Mr. liloure
Alio i identified with the Noilli
ern Pacific Kailway toinpany of
Portland, was formerly of Salem,
beinir the youngest son of IJow
nian Itloore.
After their honeymoon in New
York city and other eastern 'points
they will be at home to their
frinds in Portland.
A group of Salem people went
over to the new town of Cent ley
Sunday, where they met a number
of other iriends and enjoyed a
pleasant jMenic. Those molnp over
from Salem included Mr. and Mrs
('. K. Spauldini;. Mr. and Mrs
Walter Spaulding and Mr and
Mrs. Koy Mills.
The president's reception for
the seniors of Willamette univer
sity will be held in Lausanne hall
Monday evening between 8 aOl U
O'clock. President and Mrs.
Ioney, the trustees anil members
of the faculty and their wl
ill he iii the receiving I me. The
public is invited to attend.
The Women's Korean Mission
ary s.M i. ty of the Fir.-t Methodist
episcopal church are jiiviiiR a tea
for the women of the church on
Wednesday at the home of Mrs.
;W. T. ltigdon. 2!l9 North Winter
jhtreet. The program will he given
h the Isahelle Thoburn auxiliary
Of the university. All women of
be church are being cordially in
vited, i
The children of the Jason Lee
tfhurcli were puetts at an outdoor
party triven In their honor by the
superintendents of the primarv
department; Mrs. C. K. Haneman.
superintendent or the cradle roll.
Mrs. J. P. Dunlap, and superinten
dent of the Mothers Jewels, Mrs. 1.
4. Cleave. More than 50 children
and mothers enjoyed tho arter
noon on the lawn and the dainty
leiresntiients serred in the pri
mary department later which car
ried out a color Kcheme of pink
and white.
Mr. and Mre. A. N. Moores will
hae today for Portland where
they will take in the festival and
V Isi t with rriends until early next
ieek. returning in time for com
mencement. ;
; Mr. and Mrs. Charles Park are
spending two weeks in Victoria,
C. They drove up and will re
turn sometime next week.
j Judte and Mrs. Lawrence Har
ris ar now at their country home
near Coburg. They have with
tlieni as their guests Mr. and Mrs.
fhomas Tontrue of Washington
Miss Mamie von Behren and
Miss Grace Behren will leave to
day for Portland where they will
attend the wedding of their con
sn. Winn Redman. Mr. Redman is
a; traveling salesman and Is known
in Salein. He ij ni.irryiiif Mti!
Nellie Thompson ot Portland. The i
weildnu' will be in the hirst
ethodl-t church this e eiiinp; ,at
V o'clock.
Mrs C. K. Spnuldine; leaves to
1i.1t lo attend the Rose Festival.
She vtill be pone ii it t ) 1 the llr-t
of next week.
Mr--. l. K. Revtley is visitine
ilh her daughter. Mrs. (o-ore
Hihnert ir . of Astoria. She will
be away several weeks.
Mr. and Mrs J. (. Lewis and
baby. Frances, returned today to
(lietr home in Vancouver. Wash ,
aiti-i vi itiiif; for a few days with
Mrs. li A. Nte of 14'J" Saginaw.
Mrs Lewis was formerly Miss :
NOr.i Whittaker and lived in Sa-b-ni.
Mr?. Koy Mills is going to
Portland today to spend a couple
of days taking in the Rose festival.
Willamette University Students
Play Shakespeare With Credit in
Presentation of "Julius Caesar
leiiioved lroin. Oregon tate hieh
w ay.
Ci rvalMs to have new hospital
built bv private capital.
Paker sawmill enlarges force to men.
boxing Satuiduy if hi.-
ee in sutliciently healed.
Crowded along the ring
ion ?p..ctalors. half of thetii tv'o-
Two Heavyweights Fight
In New York on July;!
GU)lw have a Coal .
Bin or a Wood Box ?
YOU can get clean ecxinpmi
cal Pearl Oil from dealers
everywhere. v
You save yourself a lt?t of
trouble and work when you
cook with a good oil cooksfove.
No ashes to carry no firps to
require your frequent attention.
With a good oil cooktove
and Pearl OU the heat is applied
directly to the cooking utensil.
The beat is steady and depend
able. Pearl Oil gives high, fuel
values. i
Pearl Oil is the clean burn
ing, uniform, economical kero
senerefined and re-refined by
special process-Dealersevery-where.
Order by name Pearl
Score is 14 to 3 Hiah
Fliers and Cardinals Are
Slated for Today
Tuesday's game between the
Washington 7A team and the
Wildcat team was a walkaway for
the Wildcats. The score was
to It.
! Washington "A.
r. Smith
.1. Faro . .
II. Itusick
F. Wood
"luli't-" still lips in
the hearts ot men. a.s he did li":i
'h- iilnrt :i:irhe,l 011( oti-r the
Alpi alio the ImruinK sands o:
ancient Koine, and the eaple ban
ner flew in every sky that knew
th - tuc- of men, as he dd 'a h-n
Shakespeare 'uucovered the urn
when-. ii he hj, lam Imried for 1 '
centuries. :, : d hioiiKht t h- siory'
hack to lhr-dhinK lite.
The presentation of the play at
Willatnett chaptl. hist niht. and
the breathless, in-rtoiis husli that
held the alltlieiice in tile tens
iiionientB. i.s the at-haiid prooli
Miat it will never, never die tha
(irat t''s ghost still has pow
er to male nun pause and wonder
hat's comitiB next- and he al-
most glad when he's none, for
it's too creepy for him to slay
too long.
Ik-al to-niu.N Shown.
The play was stated by the
piihlic speakitiK departm -nt -f the
university, with a cast of 17
named characters and the "rab
ble" that was not named. It was
prerented in the Old (Ireek style i
with no fussy fol-de-rois to de
tract from or accentuate th si'-j
nations: one had to make 'cm
out of his o n head. They were !
fplendidly so made; some of the'
presentations would be accredit",!
to genius on any sta(;e. i
Caesar himself is only a minor
physical character in the play
he is a present
men .
Condon - Untie Creek ranch
eii- lio.iuiu pounds of wool for
populace tint could he stayed ny IS cents.
a r, n-, a word. Seaside
Once They l-umlie. Iiave i 1 -. . t M 1 1 ih had
t'tle had to lolfcef a lot in lit- N1 1 Tabor bllildilli
tint; some of the title roie.s to tin- community house.
"Id l:niiiatis 1". centuries ht-rore Hrownsvil le to build a commun-
eveKlas:-,.? .-ere invented. Three 't' house, with pyninasium and
of the headlmers wore such l.all.
glasses as never Roman senator !as well and signs of oil found
dreamed of. However, if they'd by drillers a .Malheur lake,
lad spats, or pinch-back coats or ,"n';,nd bulhlitr. permites in
stilts, or had carried automatic Mav 2S; i; totniinp- it rin r.jr
U'ith the arrival of another dor
today. I)empey's kennel was'ln
i 'leased to tour The new loft,ls
a prize winniiur Itelian police do;.'
eeanii u m river toalued at $.".'Mi. It was the fit!
ery. . ,,! ;, iniilfonaite admirer.
$ ', 1 1 , i ii 1 1 1
Classified Ads. In The -Statesman
Brin Results:
NEW YOUKT Jnne Frank
Mr.rati. PiltsburKh UeavywelKftt.
and Hob Martin. "A. K. F. heavy
weifht chainp'on hare been
been match! d for a iS-round opn
,...,,i.w t.iirv .I ii I v 1. it waa
i announcpd tonight, flits will b
! Moran"8 first bout since, he re
Inmnil from Kn eland, where ne
'...,.. ed oui Johnny uetkett last
! llecember. ' t
pistols or machine kuiis. it would
not base seemed out of place; for
the atmosphere of Old Home her
self lived thtfoieh the wholo per
foruiance. and the externaU didn't
There was one laugh w hen the
two friends draped the noble
Casear off st;'.s;eto exhibit him
to th'' populace. Few people can
die. f-ntirely dead, vith gracn and
conviction, and a heavy body 's
Koinii to be handled pretty awk
wardly by an amateur undertaker.
The noble Caesar couldn't help
himselt- he v,as in the hands of
his fri'-nds. like many a "dead
one" in politics and other walk''
of life, and the people who naw
him labghed. Maybe it was a
ntrvous, hysterical laughter, he
cause of his recent bloody mas
sacre but they really laughed.
Inlcri'wt Intense.
Marshfield lumber industry ,
adopts $:', as minimum wate. I
Near Mt. Jefferson 30 men are
planting 17:1. hum ea r-old fir-
June 7 Uedniond voted oir
$2m,.imm) water supply system
I rairie City .Sawmill and box
ractory at Dixie Meadows operat- !
ini:. i
Portland Loyal Legion of Log.
, ters accepts pay reduction from
i '1 0 to
Hrick manufacture resumed
1 June 1 at Hend.
! lleppticr post American Legion
j to erect concrete building.
j Washington grangers will take
referendum on county salary
j Li. Grande O.-W. It. & N. i
if.mpany machine shops to have
We're Long on
2 1.0 00 improvements.
SilvertouY. new 1
The play showed a long, care- j opens.
fiil study. Uoth tor the physical i stanriwi win i,. .i
..... lia T IIT- W IIMH1HI 11
A. (luvlor
K. Hall . . .
A. llaitges
K. Uice .
C. Chittick
. . ... r . . ... , . , -. 1 iiiciu -ni nave in
ice. a spiritual force, i efOcU and the spiritual atmo- .high school huildini
that lives on from ihe first to th" neix was splendidly ren-; state to have new fish hatch-y
last, and on through the cn-1 dcred ; it is indeed a credit to the near I)0( i'uildin-s to ho of tern
turies. The part was well taken ' performers, and to t h- department porarv ire Uc Inndline of
by li-rnard Morse. ! and its director. Nina L. Uanlinjt, j 7.1...eoo rainbow trout this season
Casslus. however, and Urutus. i who had given it her personal at- , i.orai;1Il may prcve deira'l ,
are the oulsianding flgurest- hey ; tention. ;,jlat ne,r.ianent hatchery wil';
and Marc Antony. The lean. It is a man's play, mostly : there built.
1 . .. n ..... . i ... L 1 1 1 1 11 I ' lLttilie L' -J U Will). itifn . . n 1 . . t V. . , a ... ... . . nl.a.i,.tir.i I I . 1 . .
Ii'.'. '' a.in1Uo " " ' ' nr Ulli; Ulier; nuillull inaiai .lei); '1,111111(1 l-jurt isllf for
all ot which were delight! tilly j omu!,. --n t i!,.,. i......
way :.d The iJatles-CalifornU
liii-'hWuy in co ope a? ion with state
highway commission favored.
I. K. L. & P. company to expend
large sums improving Estacada
berluily played by J. l-red Mc
grew ; the more ponderous, up
light Hi tit ns w as well portrayed
by Hnv Skein; alid if th- original
Marc Antony had the voice an 1
manner 01 Vir"il Anderson, it
was no wonder that the plotter?
given. The costuming was accu
rate, as nearly as the writer can
remember of ancient Rome; and
the breathlesh, soundless interest
of the audience was an eloquent
speaking testimonial to the ap-
The materials we're showing
for men's and young men's suits
are all new. up-tottae-minute pat
terns the latest productions from
?fhe best mills of the country.
The Woolen Mills are back to
pre-war quality nslng pure vlr
in wool in the new fabrics and
we are receiving new goods -?ery
week you are sure to get the
best here.
Better Values at
jj Lower Prices
- Is our motto and then
Best of All An Extra
Pair of Pants
Absolutely Free
:oes w ith every suit ordered now
4 2G State Street ; J , Salem, Oregon
were overthrown 'y tlo- fickle preciation of those who heard.
I'.rumwell .
Kellv '-'
(). Crosby 1
A. Kurtz 2
Total 14
The next game will be played
on Willamette field at 4: SO to
day. This content will be be
tween the two strongest teams bo
it ought to prove lntesesting. The
teams are the High Flyers and
the Cardinals.
The standing of th" teams are
as follows:
High Flyers r?
Washington 7 A . .. .'
Cardinals '.
Wildcats 1
Richmond Tigers . . 1
ha? nine pitchforks along its
gleaming belly, and that only a
large - mouthed, addled - brained
bass would want to bite at all.
The fishing promises to be bet
ter than it has for years. The
fish are said to be actually more
ll plentiful than usual, through the
careful conservation of the llsti
and game department; and the
fisherman breaks from nothing
plunk into the heart of the best
fishing season, without having to
worry along through bad weather
and indifferent fish throueh the
early months of the year. Hass
fishers expect to establish one
real record this season in the
sloughs and bayous along the
Willamette, and in the other
waters where the bass are to be
W. L. Pet.
0 .1000
i .;;
l .r.a'
1 .r.oo
2 .333
.1 .000
The Wildcats team has play
ed only two games while the
other teams have played three
games eacn. : ... o I. I n., llUU 4
The game Tuesday was not' nill OUI1UUI DUy UlldUIC IU
counted in this standing as this, Qiinrwt Achlw in PnrU
5 the Washington 7A's fourth ' wkk'i ... ..v
land Yesterday
Failure to support Ashby. the
pitcher, yesterday lost for the Sa
lem high baseball nine the third
and championship game with Col
umbia university of Portland by
a score of 9 to o, thereby losing
all claim to the state and Pacific
i northwest championship honors.
Sportsmen Preparing For Ashb' fa"noVJ dl.,r'n,,h,
; Date When Legal Pro
' tection is Removed
Pass will be officially ripe June
'.. a week from this morning
They have been on the retired
list for the past two months, pro
tected by law as if they were
pearls of great price, or kings, or
German sympathizers. They have
h-n as secure as an Iron safe in
a msquito conference, or a fiiart
bottle of milk in a red-nose con
Hut the law runs out on them
June ir. They will be legally of
-.i e nmt its t nunh-H ltd whether
the Utss or the man wins. The., "beaten by a
hass certainly will. If he doesn't i
bite; if he restrains his ardor for
the flashing wooden near-fish that j
game and pitched air-tight hail
and did splendid work at the bat
Salem played poorly throngh
j cut the whole game. I'nlike the
t second game with Columbia which
was played here it was not mostly
a matter of luck. Saiem was un
able to hold up to its standard
; of Tast playing held in the first
; game and was beaten by sheer in-
ability to play the game. Smith,
the Columbia pitcher, was the
star for the Portlanders.
The game yesterday completes
the schedule for the local team.
In the first game with Colum
i bia last Thursday at Portland Sa
; lem defeated the university men
7 to 4. In the return game
I layed here Saturday Sal. ni was
to 1 score.
comprise' not more than 20 per
cent of the membership of each
succeeding graduating class, tho
winners to be named by the fac
ulty after a competitive study of
records class, social and In gen
eral college service during four
Milton Pacific Telephone
leiegrapn company expending
large sums on new equipment.
Clatskaine Tichenur Lumber
company's sawmill to resume after
many months. Many improve
ments made.
Newberg to have
tlonary and ice
new confec-
cream m.innf.ii.
full years. Dr. Boulton, or the ""? esiannsnment. Erection of
University of Washington, is to be I nPW Methodist Episcopal hospital
here to deliver the address on this 'n Portland planned.
The 10 names for 1921 have I
been selected from' the class of
55. and will represent the high
est honor that the university can
officially give. The nomination is
open only for seniors, as the terms
call for a full four years' record.
The public is Invited to attend
the presentation ceremony.
At Pittsbureh K. H
Boston . , 10 15 2
Pittsburgh " 13 2
Watson, Oeschger and O'Neill:
Zinn. Yellowsorse, Morrison and
At Cincinnati U. H. E.
New York 0 5 0
Cincinnati 6 13 3
Pcnton. Nehf. Salle and Snyder;
Marquard and Hargrave.
tug mnwr
Carpentier Gives Poilu War
Cry and Pursues When
Bunny Appears
At Chicago It. H. E.
Philadelphia 6 J 1
Chicago 8 12 2
Hubbell. Baunigartner and
Hiuggy; Freeman and Daly.
A St. Louis R. H. E.
Urooklyn 5 12 1
St. Louis 14 19 0
Cadore. Mitchell, Miljus and
Miller, Krueger; Goodwin, North i
and Dilhoefer.
Our stock is brimful of
appropriate gifts for the
graduate; for example
Eversharp Pencils
Eastman Kodaks
Roy croft Ware
Gift Books
Desk Sets
School Memory Books
Music Rolls
Classy Stationery
Waterman Fountain
1C3 N. Commercial St.
Three Hundred Willamette
Students Determined on
New Building
At Boston It. IL E.
St. Louis 6 11 t
Boston 7 1
Richmond. 1 Palmero, Burwel
and Severeid; Bush, Thormahlen.
Kussell and Iluel.
MANHASSET, N. Y.. June 7.
Georges Carpentier engaged in
game of tag with a wild rabbit
today and won.
Off to an early start to the
woods with his sparring partner,
the challenger climbed a few
trees, then started across country
In search of new snorts lie
jumped a rabbit, gave a poilu bat
tie cry and started in pursuit.
Across the fields and through
briar patches the rabbit fled. It
doubled and started into the
woods and Georges pounced upon
it. Picking it up by the ears, he
said :
"That was a good workout; I
will be just as elusive as you on
July 2."
This afternoon Carpentier spent
an hour in the gymnasium, shad
ow boxing, rope jumping and bag
Carpentier believes he is in bet
ter condition for a championship
battle than at any time in his
"I could be ready for Dempsey
in a week," he said.
At New York
New York
It. II. E.
7. Jack Dempsey illustrated the
power of his punches and his Fhift
in his workout today. He gave
Via tMinnliln.. . . I. V. i
Coveb-skie. Odenwald. Morton and r. "' 1uro"u'nR.
. , . ... ,. addition to two rounds of shadow
boxing and driving blows at the
t'.O-pound felt stuffed bag for a
For the first time he used his
shift while punching the bag. and
he ripped terrific left and right
hooks into it
Iiempsey intends to resume
At Washington K. II
Detroit 2 !l 0
Washington 3 8 1
Leonard. Middleton. Sutherland
and Ainsrnith. Bassler; Zachary
and Cjharrity.
Newsy Notes of State
Industrial Growth
Threo hundred students, most
of them boys hut a number being
of their game co ed fiit rs,
pledted themselves to go oil with
the Boosters' club for the Willaiu-
etie gymnasium, at the 4-hupel
services esterday forenoon.
The board of trustees has not
et met to say formally -what the
financial situation will l or
rather who will build the building
that everybody knows Is going to
be built; but the boosters ar- lay
ing out their work in a systematic
manner. Each booster is to in
terview at least lo ood prospects,
and wheedle or argue (,r sandbag
from each one a generous sub
scription to the gym fund.
An important chapel meeting is
to be held this morning, begin
ning at 11 o;clock. earlier than
usual. The occasion will be the
announcement of the nominees for
the new senior honor society, the
Alpha Kappa Nu. This society
1 was instituted last year, and is to
Seaman's strike has tied up
some ruwmllls for a month.
Two Portland plints compress
ing sawmill waste into fuel blocks.
Pilot Ftock -Wool clip from one
raticli of i:;0,00 pounds, shipped
to Boston.
1'reight reductions on dried
prunes will save $liih;Mu to
S. P. company will build wagon
road from Mapbton to Cusbman.
costing UOO.ihmi.
Oreion City Hawler paper
mills building wireless plant at
nill here.
Portland gets outing and work
clothes factory from Mt. Joseph,
Timber owners pay $111,531
out of $172,412 expense of fire
patrol in state.
Marshfield lets $21,000 street
improvement contracts.
Diamond and Timber lakes to
be connected by a highway.
Oregon has promise of largest
hop crop on record.
Multnomah station to have
$ln.00ii community church build
ins:. Oregon University medical
school' gets $163,269 from Rocke
feller funds for new building to
erected at once, making it largest
In west.
Portland retail meatcutters'
wages cnt six dollars a week.
All advertising v'.gns ordered
Best Range in America
For wood only and the only
steel range made, with a 26
Inch oven.
Patent draft construction al
lows no cold air to enter range
while baking. The fuel burns
frolh the top and consumes
nearly all the ashes. Cuts your
fuel bill In half. Burns saw
dust, bark, green wood and
Is a perfect baker.
Send for Catalogue
271 N. Commercial Street
F. N. Clark & Company of Portland, Ore
gon, desire to secure the services of a re
sponsible man as their local representative in
Marion County. i.
Qualifications Stecessary; local bank ref
erences as to character and responsibility ,
ability to furnish Satisfactory bond, selling
ability, and if possible experience in buying
and selling of securities.
We have a very, attractive proposition to
offer the right man. ..Position permanent.
If a man, otherwise qualified, lacks the
training, we shall be glad to train him.
Address communications to Mr. Orton E.
Cioodwin, Treasurer F. N. Clark & Company,
1009 Wilcox Bldg.,vportland, Oregon.
Of Furniture and House Furnish
ings Everything P.eautiful fcxf- tho home. Hundreds of bar
gains await you here. ;I'lan to come and take advan
tage of this wonderfulohoney-saving opportunity.
Everything Reduced;
Your Choice of pur Entire Stock of
Watl Paper
Worth & Gray
Department Store
Successor to W. W. Moore
177 N. Liberty St.
Phone 983
ii -