THK WKATIIKIt. the Statesman receives th leased nire report of the Associated Tress, the greatest and roost re liable press association in the world. Wednesday- fair; modern to west erly winds. SEVENTY-FIRST YEAR SALEM, OREGON, WEDNESDAY MORNING, JUNE 8, 1921 PRICE: FIVE CENTS mem MARION COUNTY ACCORDS ROUSING LEAD SOLDIER AID MEASURE GIVEN TO AID BILL FOR 1ERGENCY VETO IN LEAD; OTHERS LOSE IN LOCAL COUNTING Forty-two of County's 74 Precincts report Complete up to 2 o'CIock This Morning Show Majority of 1480 (or Bonus Measure Sixty-Day Hit Hard Both in Sa lem and Precincts at Large Hygienic Marriage and :- Women Juror Bills Held Undesirable ' The soldiers bonus arnendrnenifc, which loomed above all other issues in yesterday's special5 election, went over with ,i bang in Marion county. Complete returns received from 42 of the 74 voting pre cincts up until two o'clock this morning, together with incom plete counts from a half dozen other precincts, showed that the amendment received ;a total of 3859 votes. There were cast against the amendment 2379 ballots, giving the measure a majority of 1480 votes. The total vote for the several measures, based on com plete returns from 42 precincts, follows: HERS MET B C IIS My Jaunts to Camping Park Begun Registra 'i tions Increasing 'While more than 1500 cars of toirlsts hare stopped at the Salem tito park so far this spring, cars coming directly fTom the east have tot as yet begun to arrive, ac cording to Superintendent Albert. Those going through now are re turning from California where they hate t pent the winter or are going from Washington south ward or from California north ward. ' Thirty-seven cars had stopped U tha park yesterday up to 7:30 but night, the record for the sea ion In one day being 42. Com mittees of the Cberrlans began tbeir "greeting trips" last night which they will continue through Oat the season. A new store build ing Is being erected near the en truce to the park which Is con lidered will fill a long felt want ( Huong tourists who are no sooner loaded than they begin to seek I, place to bay fresh supplies. John A. Sebastian who is niak iC his second trip across the con- j tloeut is traveling on a motor Tcls and is handicapped by hav es' lost his legs In a callroad ac cident some years ago. He sets l his own tent and "gets alone well as though he had four WW" according to Superintendent Albert Sebastian is Just now go l from San Francisco to New iork. ; ; . Among those registering yoster- r ' ir. ana Mrs. r,. i. X toc1jco. Springfield, O.; Mr. and y E. Vogan, St. Ixuis. Mo.; ' T. Fahay and family of uatonver, B. C. on the way to J'lnil: Mr. and Mrs. C. V f41ol Hood River who are re- - uu uiyit wiiu are i loraln f u . . . ff-Ceorge Hemler of Chicago : Wbo Pent the winter in Tacorna fodars fmiV" ' way oi van- - lni' r' aml v,rB- " J ess up k C' K,ood of Miami. Ariz.. C on tnlr wav to Portland: ' Caw T,br anl K. S. Johnson of ' Ing 7 Minn - wl,o are return- Vm a wlntrr in California: ' jlDodl of Selale. Wash.; II, C. t61 f Pasaie;ia: Mr. and Mrs. tBtf u 8 01 Grants Pass; Mr. adM- A' ( urlaln an' Mr ver Wr" ' ' owers (,f Vancou- 7n'; Mr. and Mrs. Iml?011 who ar on their way " loi Utt,e tf Lo? AncelPK: Mr. 8nt E- A- Humphrey of Jlicvi B,no C'rwk. Minn.: W. T) ' Hoff,n of Kalamazoo. Mien.. H. i A R0 of Lo AiiKelesCal.; K. - B1U?- Ancelmrral.: O to P.. or Oakland on 1)1.- s way K. . a wrfiiro w.?1""- ,ow'. now on their In CtfjfJhln,;ton Hfl('r winter 'ronTtCarR rf,"l"'' yesterday ' Srtri . VeK'. Nevada. The KCJI. :nCi,'1p', t'e fa ml I Ion of C. were twx r;i4r,B from uribett Soldiers Bonus Amendment For ; 3859 Against 2379 Majority for 1480 KUty Day Keion For 1259 Agaidst Majority against 3439 fcmerjcencjr Veto Clause For i 3065 Against 2629 Majority for 43 6 Hygienic Marriage Iw For 3012 Against 3122 , Majority against 110 Women Jurors Hill For 2378 Against 3517 Majority against 1139 Salem leal Heavy In the Salem precinct. 17 of which, had reported early this morning, the amendment received a total of 223 5 vote?, as artinst H99 ballots cast by the opposition. The majority for the amendment in th'; city, exclusive of pr i-iw t No. 14 which is yet to bo li ar l from aggregated 1336. These fig ures. When compared with the vote cast for and against the amendment in the rural districts. Indicate that the city electorate was responsible for the splendid showing made by the veterans. A summary of the vote, based on the returns from 17 of the is vot!ngi precincts in Salem, fol lows: SohijIerV ItontiH Amendment For , 223', Against M! Majority for , Sixty lay Scfon For . Against 741 o - r. Majority against 1514 KjlierKeney 'ljlle rto Ffr . Against Majority for Itygenlc Miirrlitge I.w For . . t Against . . 17r.r, 1100 636 172 122R foo 1 402 1266 126 Majority for 11'j.iku.n Hill ; .......... ........ ..... Against Majrfrity for kiglit Auain-i Ibmie. An analysis o,f Hi.- returns shows .that eiuht of tlw tJ pre cincts from whirl) ro'ntplefe re turns had een rereiv early this morning swatted the bonus am endment. Sublimity, with a total vote of 1 T . dealt the soldiers measurij the most s'Vrf jolt of ntiy precinct yet beard from. In this preHnri 122 of the voter.-, rast their billot acainst the amendiuent. while 1 of the elec tors supported the l.-.sur. Other precincts votfrte majori ties acainst the amendment in cluded Macleay. with 3 votes for and 61'. votes acainst: Marion, with 2- votes for and t.'I votes nrafnst;; West llnhhatd. with .'!'. oles for ami 12 votes attain!; Kast Mt. AiircI. with "3 votes for and 137 votes acainst; Seotfs Mills, with :.o voten for and '. votes aisaiiiit, and Pon.ild. with 2-! votes for and atain.-t ! Slem Ih SelH. All jF the Salem irerincts r- -turned majorities In favor of the fivo amendments and nvas-ires submitted. The rlosent contest in (Continued on page 2) WORLD Ten pact PRESENTED TO State Department Proposes Agreement of Commerce And Amity With Protec tion of Rights. REPLY FROM OBREGON IS NOT MADE PUBLIC Obstacles Impossible Unless Mexico Insists on Con- j fiscatory Policy WASHINGTON. June 7. T,,e 1 American government has pro- : posed a treaty of amity and com merce with Mexico, it was an nounced today at the state de partment, in which Mexno will j agre-j to safeguard the riclits ol ; property in that country held by ' American citizens which attacheii j before the constitution of 1 IV ' was promulgated. The signing of the treaty automatically would accomplish recognition of t!ie Mexican goernm?nt. Annoancement of the adminis-! tratlon's policy toward the south ern republic was made after th subject had been discussed at the cabinet meeting. President Hard- j in and' his advisors had before j them a communication from I'res- ident Ohhegon relating to the pro posed treaty, which was presented to the Mexican president by George T. Summerlirf, American charge at Mexico City on Mny 27. Iteply Text tt'itlihetd. The text of Obregon's reply has been withheld. It is und'-rstood. however, that Ohregon referred to the negotiations proceeding with Mr. Summerlin and indicat ed a willingness to carry them for ward. It Ia known that he has summoned Ministers Callus and De La Huerta. who are reported to have counselled aRaUist- the signing of such a. treaty at a M'-x- lean caom.-i cnierence. Secretary Hughes- ment contained no reference to the attitade assumed by President Obregon but it did say that if Mexico did not contemplate h con. fiscatory policy with regard to the property, the American govern ment could "conceive of no pos sible objection to the treaty." Statement lvued. It was stated that the propos'-d treatv contained the "convention al stipulations as to commerce aim reciprocal agreements in both countries"; that it provided lor the conclusion of a convention for th" settlement of claims for osse of life and property, and also for a provision rf a "just settlement of boundary matters. '' The following statement war, issued: fiuestion "The fundamental which confronts the United States in considering its refations with Mexico is th-i safeguarding 01 property rights against contisca- tion. Mexico is free to adopt any policy she pleases with respect to t.or i.nhlu- h.nds. but she is not free to destroy without compen sation valid titles which have be'ti obtained by American itiens un dr Mexican laws A confiscatory policy strikes not only at the in terests of particular individuals, but at the foundation ot interna tional intercourse, for it is only on the basis of security of prop- (Continued on page 2) MEXICAN HEAD VISIT TO M'KINLEY SCHOOL IS REVELATION OF WHAT IS ACCOMPLISHED BY CHILDREN Old Ideas No -linger Tolerated, and in Their Place Young sters Learn Dozens of Useful Things That Were Not Taught Their Granddads They liet the Three Km .Also Py CHARLLS J. LISl.K at What do they teach your kid school? Now here's what you're going to say, if you are a moker ami lind the price of cigars a bit loo high for all the indllR'clife.t you'd lik : or if you're a worried tavprm-r without .1 1 wa v- a 10 b. or r n with a Job of owning a patch of berries and the price gone clear down in y boot-;; you'll say it in about this tone of voice, most likely; and perhaps add some fireworks trim- mlnrs: ' "They teach 'em to i-end money WAR VETERANS MATRON AT VANCOUVER IS ACCUSED (irand larceny Charce Is Lodged Against Woman Connected With Police VANCOI'Vin;, Wash . June 7. Mrs. I'raiK is llieseker. police matron and former wife of ex Sin rift liiesecker of this city, to i,! was arre-ted on a charge of -r.ilid l.ircen. .Mr? I! ieseker's arrest follow, itit charcs that -he had "doub led'' board bills lor priotn rs held in the local jail, the cookiuc for which was under her supervision. She was released under $,"'Hi bail. Mr Uie;rcki-r i- about A ." yea r old. She ha.-i Ix-en matron since Jung H2. TO LIFT ARMS Gcnoral Pcrshins Make; Announcement in Ad dress at Lincoln LINCOLN. Neb.. June 7. Pres ident Harding told General John J. Pershing, chief of staff of the I'n i ted States army, he had taken steps 'through diplomatic chan nels" with the end in view of securing a concord of nations to "lift the burden of excessive ar mament." the general declared in an address here "tonight. "I am authorized to say that if we could secure a concord of nations he would be happy to lift the burden of excessive arma ment." the general said. "He told me that he had taken steps through diplomatic channels to get the thing started with that end in view.-' TO OE FOUGHT n , r. ,,. UK MOVES MEASURE nouse rreparcs 101 Dani0!iMe To Strike Amendment From Naval Bill WASHINGTON. June 7. - The I, ohm- prepared today for its fiuht to strike the Itorah disarmament amendment from thl naval ap propriat ion bill. In sending the bill to confer ence, by a vote of ."5 J to 11", 'Republican leaders ind lea ted t hat the would not have an op portunity to vote directly on the 1. 01. 1I1 amendment. Instead. Representative Moll dell. Republican leader, annoiinc- ed lie would advocate acceptance a.- a substitute of the Porter reso- lotion whicn would leave in the h.nul-. of President Harding the i;ihsIimii ol calling of the inter- national di -a rma ment conference VVnile there was sharp differ- r.,u.,, ,,f opinion on the Rorah ani - 'iidmeiif, the house seemed united it; ils determination not to accept any part of th.- $ n s .1010. nun :i,l,led to llo. tiav:.l till l.v the by senate. The I'orter resolution was at tacked by Democrats. Represetita liv Connally. Texas, declaring it to be ' a coloi ! : ., one-half of 1 per cent proposition without any I ei t li or wh inkers. " 'on new --fancied things that we 'never seen when I wa a boy: they te;iti ,-) nonsense 'bout I ii'ldin" an' dress. makin' .vi f'i..y. Inlly dope that ain't worth a dog-irone when they get out into Mfc Win don't they learn "et -..,) haw) sen .e like tlie dim.' when I was a kid and we learned I l..:ir live-" that staved with tl all our The trouble with mi many of these old ducks is. that the things they learned in their cajlow school davs actually do stav with ' J 1 (Continued on page 5) PUEBLO HMKES FUST STRIDES Danger of Pestilence is Pas sed, Some Business Es tablishments Operate; Lawlessness Rare. KILLING OF WITHERS CLOUDED IN MYSTERY Expert Disaster Workers Recruited from All Parts Of Nation, Arrive PCKBLO. Colo . Juno 7. (Ry the Associated Press) Pueblo made strides today in its recov ery from Friday's flood which took a heavy toll of lives and IN RECOVERY 1" nLarn,'r.,y ,oss of fro,"l Sal,m PfoP" miv contribute $15 000.000 to 20.000.00. donations to the stricken resi- Danger of pestilence is passed, dents of Pueblo, Colo., through according to officials of the I nlt-i the aKpncv 0( the Red cross, ac ed States public health service; j rording to a telegram received tnere i.s plenty of food; shelter i vesterday by Henry W. Meyers, has been provided in a refugee chairman of Wi::mette chapter, camp to remove the congestion from j. E. Crichton. divisionjiian -in churches, schools and private aper of the northwest divfsion. homes and an army of men has j wnose headquarters are at Seat been at work clearing the streets te of debris, removing dead animals; "Donations may be received for and clearing out the business peblo and forward at once to places. ! nortnwest division headquarters, " ity Partially Lighted was tho word received. tart of the city is again elec- trically lighted. The gas com-! ,. , . pany has preparations nearly ! PollCC Quell Battle in complete for supplying gas for! -u -r u -r ui heat and lights The ritv wotor LnlCaOO 13X1030 I T0UD e plant is functioning and tomor-j how a water purifier will prepare! for human consumption 5, 000, 000 gallons of water daily. Military officials. Red Cross workers and medical men work ing under the direction of the I'nited Slates public health ser vice agree that the situation to night is a remarkable tribute to the efficinecy and cooperation of the various agem Us working to bring back to the people of this .naniifarl li-eHNe anger Slight Dr. John C. Cornell, head of the United States public health service for this dist rict, is author - ity for the statement that pres ence of conagious and infectious , diseases is rarer than in the days I prior to the disaster anil this in the race of the fact that hundreds of dead bodies of horses, cattle and hogs are decaying in the flood swept area spreading a stench which is o?fiiMve lo the nostrils even in the drier sections probably fatally wounded here lo j no panic aboard the train, which of North Pueblo j nitit in what the police said was; carried a large number of passen Only two cases of diptherla j a ton- outbreak. gers. Few p-'rst-ns on tho train. It have developed within the la.-t A third Chnaman was Hahhed : was said, knew what had happened two days, according to reports of, and a fourth was shot a short, until later, the he. til It service which Is rnak-i tftne alter. Polic reserves have! ing a bouse to house canvass toi'eeu rushed to Chinatown. All report sickness and. guard against i of tin- wounded are members of insaniiat ion. This is attributed I the Hop Sur tong. Their assail to the fact that the floods vir-lnnls were said to be members of tually wiped out the poorer rcsi-lthe Iting Kong tong. (b-nc,. district mi the bottoms in ; whic h ." percent, of all contagi- 011s and itifec; j..iis d'seaes orig- .inatcd prior to the Hood. lilMrrs Numerous Additional troops tonight are on '.he way from Roiilder and Vicinity. 1FIKK-. wagons, mines. drivers and equipment have been ordered from Fort l A Russell Washington State coRetre split at Cheyenne and from )Fort Sam even on four games played with Houston. Texas Knowledge that j tie- University of Idaho baseball .congressional aid is assured has team this season, by winning t 1 given a new air of confident e da 's contest h"re. .". to Jack Th military order compelling all able hodbd Iii'-n to work has brought out ;in'ar:i:y "f laborers. The city has In 11 remarkably free from lawlessness under the 1 irciimstHi'ies. Only a few ar rests have been made for looting Occasional shots have been fired but the only fatality from this i source occurring last night, was not from the gun of any mem ber of the night patrol, accord ing to a careful investigation made bv the military authorities. Killing it 1v-teiioiis Kvery patrol within several 1 blocks of the tragedy which caused the death of K. K With ers, prominent businessman, was famind. The weapons of each guard were, inspected and showed that no shot had been fired from any of their gnus. Kvery cart- ridge issued to each man was i ounled before the tr.m went on guard and every cartridge was found nniis d after the lrage.y; a'cording to Captain II O N : h s. adj.itan' to Lieutenant onel Until P N'ewlon commander. Mr Withrrs' son Yollie, who wa with his ather in the auto- mobile at th time. declared the ( Continued on page 2) STATE APPROVAL BY THREE YOUTH RE TURNS, MAN ARRESTED JTo'm?pSrE "'rar Narcotics VANCOCVKK, Wash. June 7 -loe Koi, alias John Smith, was arrested here today charKed with l:indnapinc Leon llustead 1 1 vears. who ! isa ppea"el irom hi.'i home Ijere recently. YoiifiR Must"ad returned home a few days aco, ami the arrest or K m wmh the result of a t-torv told- by the lad. lie said' he had accompanied Kol to Aberdeen an.l other Grays Harbor towns, and had carried mysterious package'; for the man. He ran away from Uoi. ho naid because of ill treai ment. Iputy Sheriff Nelson Steel to day said Hoi had confessed he was a member of a ring handling narcotics. Pueblo Donations to Be Received by Red Cross CHICAGO. June 7 - Police re- ! serves were called out tonight to iiicll a battle between tlfitfers ,lf ,. rival concerns, in the heart of the down town busi r.ess districts. The drivers were fightinir for position and drove their cars into each other while companions waged fist fights. Police with drawn pistols separ ated the combatants and arrested orivers. One man was badlv in- jured when struck over the head jwnn a wrencn. 1 ne name nas engine ana one 01 llio oaggagn ' continued for several months, cars of Chicago, Burlington & several men having been seriously j Quin"v passenger train No. 303. : injured in previous clashes anden route from Alliance, Neb., to many cars wrecked. Fresno is Startled By Chinese Tong War Two ami KRKSNf). Cal . June 7 -Chinese men were stabbed A lifth Chinese has been shot. He also was :i member of the Hop Suey Washington State and Idaho Even in Baseball PCLLMAN, Wash.. Juae 7. Fr.e), Cougar pitch'-r, struck out 1 men . 1 In rat'c b.MI. visitors p!aye er- THIRTY-ONE JERSEYS ARE SOU) IN AUCTION AT STATE FAIR GROUNDS Thiitv on - Jersey;-, all letnale and a number of them only (hi spring's calves, were soi l at th" '-t.ite fiiir grounds yesterday, for a total of $ts:,o. an average price - "1 a I most $ uo each. Th v were not all spring chir-: eii'-. li'ivvevcr. There was one 1 -year older in the lot. that sold tor a pretty good price ill that. This KTcat-ereat-giandmother of wm of tlir good Jersey lords of the v. iey was --till worth some one's attention many years alter her 1'iile mit;ht bav' lieen expected to tie woi n our ) sri(e toiiowing ner demise or oia age. i ne jerseys are stayers, as wen as payers. Most of the animals were con- i s'gncd from breeders In Tilla- TO ONE, RETURNS SHOW PORTLAND, Jane 7 27 counties out of 36 in the bom the special election i f erred to the people by the 1 "W,W bo"a -""'"Jmenf to one. The count from 27 counties on this measure stood: For 32 58; against 11,467. The incomplete count on other measures follows: Amendment to lengthen legislative session to 60 days: Yes 17,050; no 22 ,543. Emergency clause veto: Yes 22,332; No. 13,689. Hygienic marriage examination bill: Yes 1010; no 11,652. Women jurors law: Yes 10,020 ; No 1IJI5. U WOMAN DIES IN STREAM Mrs, M, E. Gray Falls From Foot-Bridge Near Ana conda, Montana ANACONDA, Mont., June 7. Mrts. M. K. Gray, a wealthy widow of Ashland, Ore., was drowned last night in the west fork . of Rock creek, about 40 miles south west of here, according to' Word received in this city tonight. Mrs. Gray was with a party of tourists from Oregon and they had gone to the Upper Rock creek district to inspect mining prop erty. While attempting to walk a foot log across the swift stream, Mrs. Gray fell in, it was reported. A search is being made for the body. Flood-Weakened Bridge Goes Down With Engine 1 UNION, Colo., June 7. The Denver, slipped into the Hood- j swept waters of the Platte river neat- here early tonight. The en- tintf crew was rescued, according to railroad information. I A larre pier at one end of the ! Platte river bridge gave way as 1 the enrlne 'an upon tho structure, I According to reports, there waa Fast Ball Club Will Play Senators Sunday The baseball team of the Alti frican Railway Kxpresa company, said to be one of the hardest hit ting aggregations in Portland, will be in Salem Sunday for' a game with the Senators, accord ing to announcement last nighi by Manager Jack Hayes of the Salem team. Thompson, who was t wirier for the fast Arleta team of Portland, seen here some time ago, will pitch for the Senators. Manager Hayes said last night that another game may hi' played with Albany in the near futute. Ki forts to arrange another gan'ie are under wav. " mook county, though a few cam- from the herd of Clifford F. Reed cf Portland. They were widely scattered in the sale. Three young Pflimals wre bought by a Sidney, It ('.. blivf;' lor Khinmetlt acrrtts the line. Others go in various di rections from here The highest price paid vas $."50 for Kdith's f)rford Rosie. a sen ior 2 -year-old bred by Clifford t' Reed of Portland. She was sold to R. C. Williams of Howard Ac Williams, Sherwood. Ore Th i.nlmal promises to get inside the hieh production class. The sale i considered highly satisfactory, under the conditions of age of the offering's and the general financial conditions. VOTE OF Incomplete returns from state received here tonight held today on measures re- Igislature, indicated that the W been approved by three i GET JTJF JAIL far is Sawed from Klamath ; Falls Bastile None ; Yet Returned- KLAMATH FALLS. Ore., June 7v-f Seven of 13 prisoners con fined In the city and county jail escaped early today after sawing the lars from one of the jail win dows. The fugities are Albert Murkle and Walter Highland, al leged moonshiners; Ed Jones, ac cused of robbery: Arthur Slarla. jjnrglary; Frank Rodriguez, for gery; James Eastman, , bogus check passing, and Fred Swager. A. C. Elliott, recently arrested near Hray, Cal., on a moonshinlng charge, wos one of the six wbo re mained in jail. Elliott said he was tod large to crawl through the opening and the prisoners who had the saw refused to remove another bar. Jewelers Select Eugene o As Next Meeting Place ASTORIA. Ore.. June 7. Eu gene, the home of the new asso ciation president, was selected to day by a unanimous vote as the convention city in 1922 for the Oregon Retail Jewelers' associa tion. Ofticers were selected as fol lows: Major Wlllard L. Coppernell, Kugene, president; J. H. Shaner, Astoria, first vice-president; R. M. Durris, Freewater, second vice-president; W. F. Bertram, Marshfleld, third vice-president, and F. M. French. Albany, secre tary i The closing session of the 14th annual convention was devoted principally to round table discus sions of trade problems. T COAST BASEBALL j ' SEATTLE 6, PORTLAJfD 3 ; l'0iTl.AM). Ore. June 7. By cor run in th . f irKt inning n a I walkj, ttirif hit und Hale's high throw li first, the Si-mtlc Indian piled up j u Ii thnl i'urtlaiid rould not overrom j uml won tnrtiij-'ii gum 5 to S. After i the tirti in n i Pillette pitched beautiful , J .Halt- in 11. 1 r four hitu in fie time ; m I'M, three of them being two baggera ! asioBst th" fence. R It. K S IO 2 S"nti l'rtfnI . . 3 9 ,'t JUUerKu ;ery and Totiin ; Pillette. rolifttt, Kalho and Baker. SACRAMENTO 3. SALT LAKE 0 .S VjrUAMKVTO. Calif June T S.r. i-rami-iSto won rhi opening game of the I .-ri.' .frmn Sull bake today .'t to t. The B--e -;wi r- un.iliU- to find th- o frringa : nf N:if'hitiis and TVnner. ffetting only ; five tilt Vidimus wm removed in tho j B-v. nth due to wildnesa. r: 11 r. Sull 1,ak.- (. 5 4 I Sa'-rHtjrirnto SCO rX"1 "4 ''nn: t- j , ,i X v?-?7n3' ,P55I'.AXI?. 2 j f r.nd re ',,V t winning run tm i.-ored in tile aerenth ' "h,'n M" i-'USl toot ril on a taiNOtf - liall. went to third on Tkad- hotirnf.a out and home on High'a aarri-fi'-e tly, r. R It. r. eaklabd 2 S t Vernort .. 3 O 1 Uniiterien--Winn and Koehlar; iail li,-! (tiiiinh. STANDING OF THE CLUBS Vet. .S7 .sis .540 .532 .492 .43 .82 .276 W. t,. S in J'rn is'-o S rhii nlo Vernon '. Seattln Oakland lo Ahgelea fU Unke ... for I laud 42 30 34 S3 29 20 21 10 21 24 20 29 80 81 87 43