! 11 "v: THURSDAY MORNING, JUNE 2, 1921 i ' . Tirp r r it1 rr xt ctatpomam crni( nnprnw j i .- i. a . i EAT MORE BREAD IIOLSUM BREAD Is your Best BR HAD Buy more of it is your Best food Eat more of it . CHERRY CITY BAKING CO. It's Havana Virtuola Cigars made from the fin est Spanish Tobacco com pletely wrapped in tin foil n bunches of 5 and selling for 25c. The Cigars are made from - the seconds from the high grade Spanish Tobacco from which Virtuola Class B and C are manufactured. SHOW ALTER & JACOBS Wholesale IHtrtbutors Do You Want Your , Cows To it Pay? If so, Buy An Indiana Silo 8. II. Edwards, of Alderdale Here 'ord Farm. Fossil. Oregon, erected the first silo In W heel er county an Indiana and filled It with sunflowers. Mr. Edwards writes: "I will say further, t the feeder or sheep., beef and dairy cattle, that there Is absolutely no in vestment that they can make that will give them the return that they vill get from a good 'Ho., properly filled with sun flowers, corn or other suitable e'lage crop." Can You Profit From the K erlrncf of others Chas. K. Spaulding Logging Company J A l i; M O It EG O X THE PHEZ CO. Loju Applju v Ph FRUIT BUYERS H. A. BAKER & CO. J. L. Van Doren, Mgr. Trade St., near High If your EYES need attention Appeal to O'Neill Optometrist-Optician Complete (Jrin'inir Plant on Premises Lenses Duplicated Over Ladd and Bush Bank ,X-JL i'.'J' .,r. :- . -. Hi" . 't - 1 1-,7 SOUND TIRES SOUND ALL AROUND VICK BROS. Trade and High 'ft A Great Poultry Industry For The Salem District There is no better poultry country than the Salem district. The greatest fourteen hens in the world were raised here, at the Oregon State hospital; the largest flock of .100-egg producers on earth. This is the ideal place for the five-story farmer; for the farmer who raises nuts, fruits, bush berries, bees and poultry i They have three-story farmers in other countries; we add a couple of stories here in the Salem district. ; And you can add dairying and general live stock breeding and general farming and gardening, too; or you can; specialize in a hundred different ways For this is the land of diversity; the land of opportunity. You do hot have to carry all your eggs in one bas ;ct here; you can have many baskets; but you should havj; some eggs. "More acres and more to the acre" ought to be our slogan here in the Salem district, followed faith fully till there is neither an idle nor an unprofitably employed acre of land. i Salem should be the Petaluma of Oregon; we can produce the poultry and we can produce the feed for the poultry. Next week's Salem Slogan subject will be Land. For! Quick Action In Real Estate and Fire Insurance Either City or Country Sec L A. HAYFORD ! 305 State St. Men Try Bishop's If you want the best ob tainable in men's clothes and furnishings. Salem Woolen Mills Store C. P. Bishop, Prop. A Progressive Store Whose Slogan Is: MEUrilANDlSE OK MKU1T MODERATE PRICES COl'RTKOl S SKUVK i: Dry !(k.s --Ladies Ready T t Wfar - La'ties' Shoes KAFOURY BROS. 474 State Street That Which You No : Longer Use, but i-hlrh la still uful to somebodr, represents an aaset which you may quickly turn into money through a little ad vertising in the classified col umnsJ DIXIE SALT RISING BREAD SALEM BAKING CO. 139 Court Slreet DAIRY SUPPLIES Milk Tails,, Pans, Scales. Churns, Thermometers, Ant! Kicks, Bottles. Caps, Slratnr, Bottle Carriers, etc. SALEM HARDWARE CO Salem, Oregon rianos Phonographs I GEO. C. WILL i Everything in Music and Sewin Machines 4.T2 State Street, Salem Sheet Music ana Piano Studies Edison. Victor and Columbia Phonographs and Records USE BUTTER CUP BUTTER Capital City Coopt;-ative Creamerv V.M So. ComT St. Phone 2W Our Idei: Our Method: The. Best Only Co operation Our efforts will be to assist in every possible way the development of the fruit and berry industries of this valley OREGON PACKING COMPANY FAIRMOUNT DAIRY Schindler Bros., Prop. Dealers in Milk and Cream Wholesale and Retail Phone 725 Salem, Ore. Roth Grocery Co. STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES FRESH FRUIT AND VEGETABLES North Liberty Stret HOTEL MARION SALEM, OREGON The Largest and Most om plete Hostelry in Oregon Out of Portland DRAGER FRUIT CO. Dried Fruit Packers j 221 S. Hih St. Salem, Ore. j Always in the market for dried fruits of all kinds I MANGISBROS. All Kinds of Fruit Car Lot Shippers of Potatoes :1 St.ite St. I'hone 717 U. S. Government Inspected Cascade Brand HAMS, BACON and LARD Ask Your Dealers for Them. VALLEY PACKING COMPANY Salem's Progress and Development Depends Very Largely Upon the Degree of Support We Give Local Busness Enterprises. Let Us Put Our Shoulder to the Wheel and Boost for Pi ogress. United States National Bank Salem, Oregon An Institution that is Ever Anxious to Foster "Worthy Enterprises Building Loans Farm Loans Fire, Auto. Life ami Indem nity Insurance A. C. BOHRNSTEDT 401 Masonic Temple SALEM : OREGON Investigate the Pacific Fruit Drying and Hop Drying Stove Recommended by Oregon Ag ricultural College. Ask your neighbor about them W. W. Rosebraugh Co. Salern, Oregon We are out after 2 millions. We Hie now paying over t hree quarters of a million dollars a year to the dairy men of this section for milk. "Marion Butter" is the best butter More rows and better cows is the eryine need MARION CREAMERY & PRODUCE CO. Xafetn, ()-' Phone 2188 SHIPLEY'S Women's, Misses' and Children's Clothes and Haberdashery The Pay As You Go Plan HEATING PLANTS See the advantages our ftir n.iees nri'? heating plants will make for your Ihhiip. Eco nomical, serviceable, labor saving THEO. M. BARR Plumbing -Heating -Tinning FIVE ACRE NUT OR BERRY TRACTS Supplement your regular In come by owning a small fruit tract. Wo caro for It for you. See us about buying one now. Limited number tract for sale. PEARCY BROS. Oregon Building Salem LADD & BUSH, BANKERS Capital $500,000 Long experience and thor ough understanding makes this bank able to give unex celled assistance to all indus tries DO YOU KNOW? That this big, busy store sells (JROCERIES, DRY GOODS, CLOTHING and SHOES AT LOW PRICES! We do a large volume of bus iness at a small margin of profit and sell for CASII PEOPLES CASH STORE 186-194 N. Commercial St. Sales and Service F0RDS0N TRACTORS VALLEY MOTOR CO. L'GO N. High Stale and Front RODGERS PAPER COMPANY 4G0 Ferry St. Salem. Ore. Wholesalers of Paper and Bookbinders You can be accommodated in your own home town The bee lays away his supply of honey while the flowers are in bloom and the squir rel his store of nuts while the harvest is here. Should not we be as wise as theyt Start an Account Today Salem Bank of Commerce 40 ACKE8. ALU IV CROP. MODEKW T room n.w bungalow with baawirat. firrplam, bsth, toilet, electric lifbti and water in all buildinn. barn with 20 cow atmr-hion. two ailoa, all woff d wire fncfd, layi well, on jt eled road, rl.ne to pared road, walking dmtari'-e ut Ort-eon rtate normal arbool well lorafd and a fio'i ftnne for 9 1 1.. loo ; half of the rrop con. Term and poaneuion ran be arranged to auit. nAlllINl ASH UlDClNO MOt'SK M) ins Al bumni'M, roiulprlely urniabed and ri.ulle of sin (.lug and boarding fi.'i perMnnf lo'at-fl in Kd town ir bel locution. Prim for equipment, f -imrr anil boildinic. 7'i.i T.Ttna en arrr,s-.l. See K-ol"fly. 31 Klala .inet, S.lem. I'boria i70. Mdrris Optical Company SYo FARM LOANS 6 We loan money for five years. We allow you to pay $100.00 or multiple on the principal on any interest date We close our loans promptly HAWKINS & ROBERTS 205 Oregon Building WvHGrabenhorst & Co. Farm and Fruit Lands Small Tracts and Invest ments Telephone 515 275 State St. Salem, Oregon DID YOU KNOW that the Salem district is ideal for the poultry and pet stock industry; that there is already an awakened and fast increasing interest in all the branches of this industry; that there is vast room for expansion here, in connection with fruit and nut growing, dairying and live stock breeding; that many large commercial poultry plants ought to be established here, making this the Petaluma of Oregon; lhat more intensified farming methods ought to be followed all over this district; that we should have less scratched over land, unless it is scratched over by poultry; that the invitation for more fanners who want to engage in diversified farming, with the poultry industry as a part of it, ought to be given broadcast throughout the country and throughout the world; that the warm welcome that is here and the splendid opportunities that are here ought to be much more generally known? Eat a plate a day WEATHERLY ICE CREAM Sold everywhere BUTTERCUP ICE CREAM CO. P. M. Gregory, Mgr. 240 So. Coml St. Salem STATESMAN CLASSIFIED ADS. Bring Buyer and Seller together. The cost is small. Trv one in our next issue WILLAMETTE VALLEY PRUNE ASSOCIATION Price ol.falnM !y Trune- Grow er. Organizations for Its mern tera 1918 crop of pruna Willamette Valley prune Association 20130 .225 30.10 - .1752 4o!r. . ir,2 f,o o .1357 60,70 .1082 8alem Frnlt Union 30!n.U82 4060- -.1.T.T2 C060 .1132 60J70 .0932 'The Old Reliable" THE SALEM NURSERY COMPANY Car Supply You With Well grown and reliable Krult, Nut and Ornamental Trees. Small Fruits, Roses. Good se lection of varieties Gur Trees Give Satisfaction 4 28 OreRon Bldg.. Salem. Ore. Additional Salesmen Wanted sp3 ARE YOU WELL? If not, here is health for the sufferer, acute or chronic dr. o.l scon Chiropractor P. S. C. graduate Class 1911 One of the largest and best equipped Chiropractic offices on the Pacific coast Hours 10 to 12 a. m. 2 to 6 p. m. Rooms 309-10-11-12 U. S. Bank Building F. E. SHAFER Harness, norse Blankets, Robes and Gloves Puttees, Suit Cases and Dags Leather Goods of Quality W. T. RIGD0N & SON Progressive Funeral Directors SALEM Wo carry the following lines of .MISTS, Sherwia Williams Co. and Bass Hueter Co. Also Everything In Building Material Falls City-Salem Lumber Company A. H Kelsar. Mgr. 343 So. 12th St. I'hone 813 KKH WHAT YOU KT . f Z. Z 1 ,r"u w-'kM; with n lo... f poer r.,m alippHgft with oot paVmC (h anil 110 S,,th High fi(re.,. tHKtftl Truck Tractor Co. Yours For Co-operation in the upbuilding of the Sa lern district SALEM VATER, LIGHT & POWER CO. r SALEM IS THE DEHY DRATION CENTER OF THE WORLD ; po you reai ue bat that meftos? It meana that there Is a mar ket, and a growing market for every Tegetable and fruit that can be raised on the land In this territory. nd that meana more than la apparent to the stranger at flrat glance; for a greater Ta riefy of fruits and vegetables call be successfully rown hert) thih In any other part of thla country or the world. Rehydration Is the greatest tbJtig In the world. In food con. aervatlon. : It takes out the water; the cdOBumer puts it back, at any tiine In the future, anywhere under the shining snn and then he bas the fruit or the vegetable as good as fresh, ln ev'ry nutritive quality, and la eVy other way. ;The saving will be billions, annually. And all the money comes to Salem excepting what is expended for the nails la the shipping boxes. better than a gold mine; tor it .will rcver "pinch onf KING'S PRODUCTS COMPANY SALEM OREGON (This company is committed to the growth of this commu nity, by a program that will make its output ten times Its present output that will, em ploy 2&00 people at Its factory; that will pay to the growers $20,000,000 a year for theit products.) CLETRAC 5 Tank-Type-Tractor An soon as the plowing job is finished, hook the Cletrae to the harrow and seeder, and finish the job "the CLETRAC rides the tjp of the soil lightly and does not pack the ground. W. H. PATTERSON CO. . Distributors 340 Ferry St., Salem, Oregon If you want to get RESULTS from your advertising, use y space in 1; THE statesman Th Vrooman strain Franquette if .the nut we sell the trees. Illng. Royal Anne and Lambert arS: the leaders we sell them. The Italian prunes are the standard we can supply them ifl any grade end any quantity while they last. Salesman Wanted I ! Capital City Nursery i Company .Mn.TO Chetneketa Street SALEM : : OREGON ILIGHT-HEAT r POWER At Reasonable Rates IS Oiir contributions to the up- J'; building of Salem II 5 ' i -: PORTLAND RAILWAY LIGHT & POWER CO. 8 it.f I