The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, June 02, 1921, Page 3, Image 3

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A automobile owned by the
People ('!lsh a,,n' was la,l,y
lamafed l collision yesterday
i the intersection of Trade and
rapltol tm". Tho car. which
Us driven by C. D. I'lttnam. X23
Sorth Common lal street, received
1 mahed radiator, a broken
front uprlng ami front axle. The
other car whiU figured in the
trident was driven by W. .
Maswy. l.10 Trade street. It
vis not reported damaged.
W. O. W. Attention
Friday evening. June 3, election
of otricers. Kvcry member l
present. Leave W O. W hail
:.mriiif evening. June 11 for
n-Sft n. m. sharp. Ad
V ' 1
One Lk-eiwe .ieu
A marriage license was grant-
t yesterday in the office or the
wontr elerk to Lilly M. Rlake
of Salem and Wiillara L. Woelk
of Portland.
Chirk Pinner Kvcry Sunday
Table and counters. . Jack's
Caft I3 a- Cmercial st Adr.
)Ufl Carrier In KaM
Ben P- Taylor, who for the past
34 year nM 8erve1 a" C1rk in
tb Salem postofrice. Is away on
tacatlon in the east. He ex
pats to Tisit in. Washington, I).
r before returning Dome. air.
-i.- rnnA r.nrta Itntrh nnw
. T17l - o -
deceased, were the rim mail car
riers in Salem. There are now
1$ carrier. ,
"What'f Worth
; WKIe"
J : Comedy
Our glasses ffi your eyes. Our
.-, bills your purse
' feweler and Optlciana
fnona 1255 Balem, Oregon
Better Goods For Vem
l -
Kuons Perfect Liquid PalnU
Eeftaonh prices
n-tMbaJ FnrnltBra ft Ilanfwmre Co.
tt N. Commercial - iw ik i
lofts Cleaned .k.' .f 10
w 4 '
Htn Cleanert & Dyeri
Wll 8. Coml St, Phone liet
fm Bprlag Pltta Ordr VMM
rna sALE3t jojrserx co.
liLlM ti 010
CJ a n. Tracy Wood Co.
' for All kind of
' f dry wood
Fraspt dellrery
: -.-.-
Phone 110
Do you trto .
If not, why notT
So otaer bathn or treatments
eu yrodoee the permanent re
lief, to the person snff erlns
trora disagreeable eold or all
Besta of the flesh or body like
ft Turkish Baths will.
-.Opea I a. m. until 9 p. uu
U4y nnd Oentlemem attend
ants Investigate
1 Up-ffdate pollciei.
Lower net cost.
- District MfiT.
27lSUteSt, Pkone99
11 i
Specia Merchants9
n Lunch 35c
r 11 A. M. TO 8 P. M.
?n,l,Bi0Pstalrs at Nomklng Care,
very Tneaday, Thnrsday and Sat-
ITgblt' American and Chl
eae dishes,
. .
" K. Commercial St.
HI lie Sunday Il
knockout comedy at the Lib
erty today. Adv.
IUii Kllen lkllarK'
An honorable discharge from
the I' nited State army was filed
yesterday in the office of the
count v clerk by Marion I Sean.
Mr. isean enlisted June 7, 1!U7.
:il Itutte. Mont., and received his
discharge from Cohleni, tiermany.
in October 31, 1919.
SriHkei on Kumlay
Arrested! See Ulue Sunday,
the fastest comedy of the year.
:tl the Liberty starting today with
Katherlne MacDonald In "Notori
ous Miss Lisle." Adv.
(iroKveuor-M Have irl
A 74-pounU girl was uorn yes
terday to Mr. and Mrs. F. S
GrtHlvenor of 230 South Sixteenth
street. She has been Riven the
name of Martha Mulala Grosve
nor. Kissed II in Wife
On Sunday arrested! See nine
Sunday at the Liberty today.
Mr. Molralf Sek Divorce
A complaint In an Action for
a divorce was filed in the circuit
court yesterday by Evelyn Met
caif against Itowley Metcalf. The
plaintiff asks the court to grant
an absolute diTorce, the care of
their two children, a one-third
interest in their real premises
arid the posbession of the person
al property. Desertion and cruel
and! inhuman treatment were
given as cause for the suit.
Amateur Niehf Tonight
A the Bligh theater. Adv.
Warner Ktale AppraiiMMl
An Inventory and appraise
ment of the property of the late
MIsa Clara Warner was filed yes
terday in the county court. The
property valuation is JS999.89.
F. Z. Lau, Jessie McCune and
Effie Winchcomb were the ap
praisers of the estate.
Amateurs Wanted
Rpom for Just a few more at
the Bligh theater tonght. Adv
Motorcyclist Reported '
A man riding a motorcycle on
the sidewalk east on Cross street
was r reported Tuesday night to
the oolice station. The record
gave the name of the owner of
the machine as being Walter
Leisv. :1465 South' Church street.
Jnst who was riding the machine
at the time of the violation was
not known.
NVw llarlier Shop
T. M. Newberry and A. L. Turn-
Vacuum Geaneri Repaired
Motor rewinding:, contracting,
electric Fixtures, etc
337 Court St Phone 488
We pay 2c aboye the
market price for eggs
and pro'ducts
Worth Whfle
There lire not may walks o?
life, where a thorough busi
ness training would not be
of distinct advantage. "Doc
tor, lawyer, merchant,
chief" all nesd a working
Knowledge of business pro
cedures and practices.
The business world Itself
offers many opportunities
to the- properly trained
young person.
A thorough training along
thejro lines does not reqnire
a long time. We can help
you get this training.
This school Is In session
throughout the entire sum
mer. Write or call for in
formation. Capital Business College
Home- Builders
, .Take Notice
. - fi - ;
We an save yon money on
your Plumbing Supplies;, tt
wM!i pay yon to come and
see -os about price. We al
ways hare a supply of all
kinds. -
Tenls, all sizes, prices
very low
Bargain House
We jpuy asd sen everything
- Phone 39S ,
21& Chemeketa St.
bletiii has ttpt-ned a barber shop
at 1 7 :.S Nir;ii Liberty street, next
dir to W. V. MooreH furniture
Portland Muii I Im-d
N. L. Ilt-yser of t'ortland was
fined testerduy by Judr Karl
Uace fur passing a street car
wliil.- it was ttipM-d al an inler
M'ltiiiii to load and unload pas-
S-!1)-I'I s.
Ilitilx-r SIuh "
N-w berry Ac Tumbleson at li
North Liberty Adv.
lAtt Yaluabl lure
Maty J. Hembrce of Lafayette
reported to the Salem police yes
terday the loss on the road be
tween her home and Salem of a
lari;e purse containing ome jew
elry and $11 in money. An F-l- i
Kin watch and Ioiir chain, three
rings, some wering apparel and
the money were said to have been
iii the purse.
The Senior 1as IMay
"The Man From Home", ha.
l.-'-en postponed to Wednesday.
June .s at S:15 p. m. Adv.
far Turns Completely Over
While driving to Seaside to !
ottnn 1 M nv i it-1 i 1 tn nr an1 !
Mrs. Y. Cm. Andreas car turned
completely over on the road be
tween Seaside and Astoria, caus
ing a few slight bruises to Mr.
Andrea's face and Injuring one of
Mrs. Andrea's ankles.
Flower For llove
And outdoor planting at re
duced prices,. Arthur Plants
Greenhouse?.' 129S S. 13th and
Wilbur. Adv.
Going to Minneapolis
Mrs. J. F. Agnew of Eugene is
leaving today to visit in Minneap
olis, her former home. Since leav
ing Eugene a few days ago she has
been visiting with Mr. Agnew In
this city. Their daughter, Alicia,
a student at University of Oregon,
remained In Eugene to complete
the school year.
Fitted at Tyler's Drug store hy
an expert in the business. (Adv.)
Home From California
Sir. and Mrs. B. A. Shaver have
returned from an automobile trip
to California. On their way home
this week they stopped in Eugene
for a day with friends. Mr. Shav
er was formerly head of the Shav
er Printing company In this city.
Kodak Developing, Etc.
Commercial Boole Store, 163 N.
Commercial. Adv.
Street Sneaking, June '4
Justice Lawrence T. Harris, of
the Oregon supreme court, is ex-
ipected to address a street meet
ing at State and Commercial, at
8 o'clock Saturday night, on the
soldier bonus and loan bill.
Salem Elite
Hemstitching, pleating and but
tons. New location. Room 329
Oregon Bldg. Adv.
Soldier Bonus at Church-
Walter C. Winslow gave a very
brief but very pointed address on
the soldier bonus and loan bill, at
the First Methodist church Sun
day morning, just before the regu
lar sermon. The First Methodist
church palpit was resognized as
one of the best recruiting stations
in Oregon during the war. and the
presentation of this after-tbe-war
measure as a part of the early
pledge of the church, Beemed ap
propriate. Dance
BeneHt of Co. F. 162nd Inf.
mess fund. Armory. Friday, June
Th funeral of the late Mrs.
Emma C. Whitmore will be held
today; Thursday, at 2 o'clock,
rrom the Rig don chapel. Rev.
Blaine E. Kirkpatrlck officiating.
Interment will be in City View
Leading Morticians
Funeral Directors
We have just added this
line of world renowned
kodaks and supplies to
our stock.
Bring Your Films
to Us
AH developing and print
ing work absolutely
163 N. Com'l St., Salem
Phone 4
M unle by liungalow orchestra
Dancing starts at 9.- Adv.
.Mi'H.ionariett to Speak
Itev. Arthur H. Chilson and
wife, returned missionaries from
ATrica. will speak In the Highland
avenue Friends church tonight at
S o'clock and in the South Salem
Friend rhurcli Friday evening at
the same hour. They are nald to
be forceful speakers. The meet
ings are public.
A (lasKifletl Ad
Will bring you a buyer.
ItiiKineMt Men to .Meet 'j
The repular meeting of the Sa-M
lMil . I4niiiu VI....'.. ...ill I
' ii n iraur win
be held tonight at the Commercial
club. The meeting is announced
to open at 8 o'clock. Some impor
tant Hubjects affectinp the mer
cantile world, it is Raid, will be in
troduced for discussion.
Legal Ilianks
Get them at The Statesman of
fice. Catalog on application.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Oglesby,
2.:ii4 Hazel avenue. Wf?nt to Ore
gon City on Memorial day and
spent the day visiting friends.
They returned in the evening.
Mrs. II. H. Freeland or Spring
field is visiting here at the homo
of her mother, Mrs. Henderson.
!'or a few days.
Sam A. Kozer. secretary ot
state; Dr. K. K. Lee Steiner. su
perintendent of the state hospital
for the insane, and W. C. Knight
on, architect employed by the
state, will return home Saturday
night from a trip to eastern
Mr. and Mrs. James Albert are
leaving this week oh an automo
bile trip to Spokane. Mr. Albert
i rural mail carrier on routp ;.
Mrs. C. A. Sehlbrede of Corval
lis was in Salem this week visiting
with relatives and friends.
Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Savage of
Corvallis were in Salem the flr3t
of the week visiting with relatives.
E. 11. Small of Elkhorn was a
visitor in the city yesterday.
Frank Davidson of St. Paul
was at the court house today con
ferring with the county court.
H. H. Cooley of Talbot was
among visitors In the city yester
day from that section.
W. R. McKay of St. Paul wa
in Salem on Wednesday.
L. S. Lambert of Stayton was a
business visitor in the city yester
day. Theodore Hewberger of Sublim
ity was transacting business yes
terday in Salem.
Hugh Gering of Newberg was
in the city yesterday.
Joseph Rnbbens of Gervais was
a brief visitor yesterday In the
James Smith of St. Paul was at
tending to business at the court
house yesterday.
MARION W. W. Graham, J.
A. Nott, Frank A. Rhodes, M.
Davis, J. Winchell. R. K. Akin,
W. R .Hughes. L. Skaggs. L. E.
Davis. W. A. Coffey. W. E. Ru
bens, Harvey Jones, W. W. Jones,
G. R. Lamb, M, Griffin, W. M.
Coplan, J. M. Holt, Gerald Cle
ment, A. Speer, R. E. Hodge, R.
T. Frocel, H. W. Holcomb, E. L.
Moore, J. A. Kendall, R. W. Os
born. F. J. Hoffman, R. W. Sun
gerland, J. G. Caldwell, VV. M.
Cowley Jr., A. W. Parsons, A. C.
Cromdt. N. W. Clover, W. E. Ro
land, A. C. Hall and wife. C. L.
Monson, L. B. T ravers, all of
Portland; Fred Scheech. Tacoma;
Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Palmer, Chi
cago, Glenn L. Taylor, Roseburg;
John S. McMillin, Roche Harbor,
Wash.; D. F. Stratton, M. E. Levy,
H. W. Morton, R. H. Sweet. C.
H. Wright. Seattle; Boyd Ura
chen, J. Gregory, Menes Park,
CaL, Mr. and Mrs. O. H. Shaffer.
Long Beach Cal., S. Rosenblum,
E. Baird, New York; C. W. Beck
ley, F. L. Fuller, San Francisco ;
W. L. Campbell, J. Campbell. G.
W. Anderson. N. F. Baker, F. K.
Blakson,. W. L. Pine, J. E. Reedy,
Tillamook; F. P. Masoni Detroit.
Mich.; Mr. and Mrs. Albert Hart
rich. Pittsburgh, Pa.
BLIGH Capt. I. B. Sanburn.
H. A. Tierney, Henry Saremon.
Chas. I. Elliott. R. W. Hogue, Col.
P. E. Monovert and wife, Lieut.
Col. I. C. Kay and wife, Mrs. Edna
Schaun, H. Doesen, H. E. Marty.
Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Trisle and
child, A. M. Hand, Walter Scott.
W. E. Robertson. A. E. Eastlund.
L. F. Evans, S. P. Van Datta and
Wire. D. J. Goodnight, C. C. Ross.
Portland; C. W. Fenn and wife,
J. Hamman and Herbert Stanb.
Salem; Vivian Yocum, George M.
Duffees, Heppner. G. North, San
Jose, L. C. Earle, Mickey La
Vonne, Los Angeles. Los Angeles;
Mr. and Mrs. G. S. LaRue. Mc
Mlnnville. R. Hardisty, Ed Savage,
Wilma Savage, Marcola; C. R.
Simmons. Lyons: B. R. Hooe and
wife. Tacoma; H. A. Filler. Spo
kane; W. H. Donath, Seattle;
Herry Perrin. Stockton, CaL, C.
Dansen. New York City; C. E. Ly
man, Des Moines, Iowa; W. IT.
Cameron, Nampa: M .M. Stoll.
Denver: F. L. Hedges. Grays
River, Wash.
Club Constitutions Are
Given to School Board
All of the clnbs and societies of
the high school have submitted
their constitutions to the school
board, according to an announce
ment made yesterday by Superin
tendent George Hug. The board,
however, has not given time to
their consideration because of oth
er more pressing business.
The action has ben taken in
compliance with an order of the
school board some time ago be
cause of agitation against so-called
secret societies following some
ratber strenuous initiation cere
monies. The board asked for th
constitution;: of the clubs as a ba
sis to determine whether the clubs
are legally constituted.
Classified Ads. In The
Statesman Bring Results
Legioners and State House
Battle Even in Extra
Inning Affair
A.S . :
Drive Probably Saves Defeat !
For Players from Under '
Big Dome
Darkness nalted the State
House-Legion battle last niKlU,
with the score standing to C af
ter it had raged for one Inning
over time.
The Legionaires started the fire-w-orks
In I lie first canto, when
Norman walked, went second on
IVarmlne's single, and came home
on Ashby's three bagger who in !
turn came across on an overthrow
to third base. Axainst this the
Senators were able to pluck but
one when "Knick" walked, stole
second and third uac came home
on an overthrow. With that the
scoring stopped until the third
when the ex-service men put
across three more through errors
on the part of the Senators. The
State Housers came back with two
more to their credit when Small
and Knickerbocker drew free pass-
: cs to first and came home on Ga
j brielson's drive over siiortstop.
With the score reading 6 to 3
'against them the Senators look
I their last chance in the fifth with
a showing of determination when
Glayser drew four balls and Small
followed with a long drive into
center field for a trip around the
i circuit. Knick captured the tie-
ing run through a duplication of
his walk and steal performance in
the first frame, and an error by
catcher Pearmine.
Jack Elliot, center fielder of the
Legionaires handled several chanc
es in big league style and Weeks
pitched his usual bang-up game.
Small, of the Senators, was la the
game with volumes of pep and his
home run saved the day for them.
Box Score
Legion AB R H PO
Daily, If....
Norman, rf . .
Elliott, cf...
Pearmine c. .
Ashby ss. . . .
Race, 3b. . . .
Rinehart. lb.
Weeks, p 2
Parker, 2b 3
25 6 4 18 3 1
State House AB R H PO A E
Small, p..:. 2 2 1 1 0 0
Knick'rb'k'r ss 0 3 0 4 1
Gabrielson c. .3 0 1 7 0 2
Stolz. lb 3 0 0 8 0 3
Toothacre, rf . .3 0 0 OO 0
Snyder, cf... .3 0 0 0 0 0
McKlnney, If . . 3 0 0 o 0
Sonthwick. 2b 3 0 6 2 2 0
Glayser, 3b... 1 1 0 0 0 0
21 6 2 18 6 6
"Three-base hit Ashby. Home
run Small. Bases on balls Off
Stolz 5. off Weeks 5. Si ruck out
By Stolz, by Weeks 9.
I'mplre Gregg.
Standings of the teams:
Percent -Won
Lost age
Y. M. C. A 3 0 1000
Slate House 2 1 666
American Legion 2 1 66
Spaulding . '. 1 2 333-
Vallev Packing Co. 1 2 333
Bankers 0 3 000
Tie game.
Foley Cathartic Tablets have
long been a favorite physic with
men. Women suffer as much as
men do from indigestion and con
stipation, and they also require 6
scientific remedy to keep the
stomach sweet, the liver active
and the bowels regular. Mrs.
George Powers, 8 4 Winthrop Ave.,
Rever, Mass.. writes: "I have
taken Foley's Cathartic Tablets
and I recommend them to every
one." They banish biliousness,
headache, bloating. Sold every
where.r Adv.
Registering at the auto camp
grounds yesterday were Mr. and
Mrs. M. P. Wheeler, Greenleaf,
to Portland: Mr and Mrs. C. A.
Farsons, Seattle to California:
Mr. and Mrs. E. Smith, Portland
southbound: Mr. and Mrs. W. E.
McDowell. Kansas City, on way
to California; Mr. and Mrs. A.
Larson, Roseburg to Tacoma; Mr.
and Mrs. W. J. Packner, Colton.
Cal.. northbound for a week; Mr.
and Mrs. W. Hart nnd family.
Colton, northbound; Mr. and Mrs.
George Schroeder, Little Falls.
Minn., returning home via the
northern route; Mr. and Mrs. T.
B ISriggs Portland, Me., touring
the northwest; A. H. Emerson,
formerly of Salem, returning
ifom California: Mr. and Mrs. F.
Schroeder, San Francisco to Yel
lowstone; Sergt. and Mrs. J. N.
vf familv. Ft. Stevens to
San Francisco; Mr. and Mrs. H.
M. Bessinger and family, vwmes.
Wash., to California: Mr. and
xx "hands orr
Where The lUg
" , Shows PJay.
1- v -
$500 For 3 Best Letters
Vi-;ti tin- Statesman in a
few plain words the results
that you receive from th
Statesman ilusftiflPd atls.
ru for the best ettr. for the second best
1 o for the third l-?t
Your letter must reach the
Statesman li-fore Monday to
compete in this week's con
test. The Statesman is to be
sole judge of which letters
are to receive prizes. An
nouncement of winners will
he made on each Tuesday
and the winning letters will
be published during the
we. k. I possible, send in
j clipping of the result-produc
ing advertisement and the
date on which advertisement
ran in the Statesman. Ad
dress your letter to the Clas
sified Ad. Manager in care
of the Statesman.
ldM Week's Awards
A number of very clever
letters were received la;t
week and the Judges have
decided upon the following
as the winners.
First award II. Oliver,
general delivery, Salem,
Second award Mayme
Thompson, Salem. Oregon.
Third award -Earl Coop
er, Sheltuirn, Oregon.
The letter winning the
second award is published in
full below; the others will
be published in future issues
of the Statesman. Watch for
Salem, Oregon,
May 2C, 1920.
Classified Adv. Manager,
Oregon Statesman,
Salem. Oregon.
Dear Sir: The attached ad,
which appeared in The
Statesman this week aided
a party to decide on the
Oregon Fire Relief Insur
ance company for insurance
of his dwelling and house
hold goods. This party had
been noticing the ads of this
company, and noticing the
number of years service that
this company had given to
the residents of this state,
thought it was the company
to carry his policy in:
lief of McMlnnville has
saved millions of dollars
the past 27 years to its
policy holders, and paid
as much more in losses. It
is safe beyond question,
unfailingly fair, and low
cost. See Standley & Fo
ley, Agts., Hush bank
bldg. Phone 347.
Even the classified ads of
The Statesman pays the In
surance men to carry that
kind of advertising. Yours
very truly, . , . . . . , , .
Mayme Thompson!
Mrs. A. Hull and family. Mr. and
Mrs. T. P. Stalcnp, Eugene, north
bound; Mr. and Mrs. J. Kenyon
and family, Los Angeles; Charles
Manerrnann and family. Dryad,
Wash., to California.
Doesn't it beat all how so many
things continue to "loom" these
dajfl? . "
Hamiltoe's Sale
Thousands of dollars worth of high grade Furniture Rugs, Draperies,
Stoves, Ranges, at greatly reduced prices. Ladies' Shopping Baskets t on
sale at 50c and 75c 1
See Window Display
Wanted 5dOQ Grates
- -j
Of Strawberries; Daily
I We are connected with
ship daily 5000 crates.
necessary the trucks for
to Max Solof.
Adjutant General Will
Talk at Willamette Today
Adjutant Ceiicrnl George A
White, veteran of the Spanish
American wur uml the World war.
is to speak before the class: in
world war hulory at Willamette
iinUeisily at Hl::!0 a. in. today.
The class is held at I lean Allien s
m om in Eaton hall, nnd Is oKn
to all visitors who may care to
The eubjeet of the address will
lie. "Military Operations of the
War." a brief resume of the im
portant army movements that had
direct bearing- on the final out
come. Following tii is class appear
ance, the speaker will be pre
sented to the chapel assemblage
for another address This nay
not be so military in its character.
It Is understdod to deal princi
The best assortment of
Thepatterns and colors
indeed low.
36 inch and 4Q jtnch Voiles at
49c, 69c and 75c yard
Oar Prices Alwdyt the Lowest
Commercial and
For Big Values
the People's Produce Co. of Portland and have contracted to
We pay top notch market prices and furnish the crates, if
hauling also. ..For further information call to see or write
3 V
pally with the obligations of good
citizenship. This address also, is
public. - . . .
r- ' '
jtSoine of these fine days , girl
vith a naturally fine complexion
1)1 get credit for It. Now she
lias everylmdy guessing.
5l .
&5 "Among TTiose"
K With t
Sunday e
: put -in your cellar now
means loads of solid com
fort next winter. Don't put
off .ordering until the last
minute. Practice prepared
ness by giving, us your or
der now. Jt will be money
in your pocket to do so. The
longer you delay the more
? vou must nav. s
Voiles we have ever ha'rL
are new. The prices are
& CO.
Court Streets
i i i'