The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, June 01, 1921, Page 8, Image 8

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Adele Garrison's New Phase Of
CHAFTJilt 78
For a momnt I clung to the
back of a chair while the walls of
the' room whirled around me In
temporary vertigo.
'From my " little mother I had
Imbibed lasting horror of the
false friend who had lured her
husband from her. doomed her to
worse than widowhood, and me to
the aad . childhood in which the
father ! pokn- of with whis
pered shame. This woman Was to
me like the bog-y man of which
some little children stand in such
terror, it fcemed to me that I
couldn't again look upon her evil
facfr, eontront the sneer I h.i'i
watched in the oaf's upon the on
ly occasion 1 had ever seen hr.
Bui n- a few minutes the love
for, mv'l'ttli mother which wai
my; whole life until death tailed
her away from me, carm to the
rescue of my will power. With
almopt her last strength she had
urged me to forgive and chorion
my father should I ever meet bim.
In the name rohmn hour she hart
referred to the woman who hart
itofen h!s love with no diminu
tion of the just hatred she had
felt for so many years. I knew
that if my mother could knov:
what I was doing she would ap
prove of my facing and thwarting
the malevolent personality that
had, caused fo much misery.
What were my own feelings
compared with this opportunity
for'fcervins my father and in part
avenging my dead mother, all in
one; moment? -My pulses thrilled
with a primitive ds'.re for con
flict and vengeance as 1 went
back upstairs in hurried quest of
Experienced Truck Driver
Must have references and know the city
thoroughly J
People's Cash Store
Alice Holcombe. for the recess
time was almost over and 1
v -wneci to -e her beforo tiie pu
pils came In.
A Hitter Smile.
"I have been called away by a
busmesr, matter 01 the gravrt importance-."
I told her. "If 1 at
tend to it prop-rly I ought to get
that train 10 minutes after schooi
closes. Hut I bale to leave you
alone with the extra work."
"What nonsense'."' sTie ex
claimed promptly. "There's noth
:nn here 1 enn't atfnn to easilv
Hut you can't make it from her?
unless you p,et a taxi "
"I'm Koing to telephone for one
right now." I said mechanically,
for my tho'ighls were tusy. not
with Alice Holcombe's cheerful
ready word.-?, but with th? dis
mayed expression I had seen leap
into her eyes at my announce
men t .
She didn't want me to go for
some reason which I was sure war,
unconnected with tho work de
volving upon us in the absence o'
ilr. Stockbndge. She had spoken
only the truth. There was noth
ing especial ou hand, and I knew
Alice Holcombe was' the last per
son in the world to object to ex
tra work. She was generous in
the extreme in thought and ac
tion. It WMf not the thought of
thf extra woik that was troubling
With a st'dden impulse I P'tt
my hand on her shoulder.
"What Is It, dear?" I asked
"You don't want me to go 'or
some reason not connected with
the work. T can see that. It is
imperative that I go to the city
this afternoon or I shouldn't think
of leaving. Hut at least tell me
what is troubling you. I shall
away easier Tor knowing, and per
haps I can help you."
She smiled a trifle bitterly.
"The Fear "
"If you're a nerve specialist
with experience of patients having
all sorts of oneer notions you may
be able to do something." she said
Made-To-Measure Clothes for Men
and Young Men
Thafs Our t
Just Clothes
'That's why we can give you
better value, better styles,
better fit, better service
We are offering you an
. Extra Pair of
Pahts Absolutely
with every suit ordered now.
Better order that new suit you
want for the 4th. It takes a
little time. Come in today.
Today and Tommorrow
, . . .
Itealart Pictures
Adapt! from Am tBrybjrWttaAtflltnniO
CtatxXdkrSAM'Xno PboCttAIJCZErrCa
On Our New Pipe Organ
Where the Br Shows Play
426 State Street
Exclusively at Salem's Big Store
For Wednesday and
M. J. 1$. Coffee, 5 pounds, per lb. 38c
3 pounds, per lb 39c
1 pound, per lb. 1 41c
Diamond W Coffee, 5 pounds, per lb: rr. 33c
1 pound, per lb. ':. r 36c
Ground Chocolate, bulk. 4 22c
Cocoa, in bulk, pound- ..12c
Economy bulk Coffee, pound 17c
Peaberry Coffee, pound....;. 23c
Nucoa Butter, pound . 22c
Star Corn J, : 11c
Curtis best Olives, talL... 15c
Shop Where You Get Most for Your Money
Shop Where the Crowds Buy
with the ironical drawl she has
used fo much that it has almost
become a part of her. "Otherwis-j
you can't help me. Run along,
child, and telephone for your
taxi. Those hoodlums will be
storming up.stairs in another min
ute or two."
"My taxi can wait." I said de
teriuinedly. "1 can leave my pu
pils alone long enough to tele
phone. Hut as it happens I've
had so many queer notions and
premonitions myself that I ?eel
I'm particularly well qualified to
help out a similar sufferer."
I was almost talking at random,
saying almost anyth:ng that came
into my head, but Alice Holcombe
reized upon one word avidly.
"Premonitions:" she exclaimed.
"Do you have them, too? Then
vou know what I'm suffering to
day. I know something terrible is
going to happen to Kenneth. The
fear of it has been crushing me
all day."
(To be continued
The IVonus Itill.
Editor Statesman:
The nature of my work pre
vents me from taking an active
personal part for the success of
(he soldiers' bonus measure which
comes before the people for their
endorsement next week, so I am
asking a short space in your col
umns in which to urge the favor
able action of the voters of Mar
ion county thereon and to ask
that they take time between now
and election day to study the sub
ject, talk it over with friends and
neighbors, to -go to the polls them
selves, and insist upon their ac
quaintances doing likewise.
I am aware that all tax-raising
movements are naturally unpopu
lar, but the ultimate result of the
success of the bonus measure will
be the reduction of taxes in Ore
gon by increasing the home-builders,
the developers of industry,
the producers of wealth, the tax
contributing forces, so that from
that standpoint it is a movement
of great economic value for the
future. It means that the state
will use its credit to finance sev
eral thousand vigorous, patriotic
young men to establish homes and
productive enterprises in Oregon
and that the state will be fully
reimbursed by those men from the
products of their industry, while
during the years of that reim
bursement they will also contrib
ute their full share in the prog
ress and advancement of the state
In supporting the schools, the
churches and the various civic en
terprises of the state, and sharing
In the exactments of taxation with
their fellow men.
This action is similar to that
of the parent who has a worthy
son and has not the capital to give
him a decent start, but is willing
to go to the bank and assist the
young man in borrowing the ne
cessary sum. The young man in
time pays it back and the father
loses nothing. The action is sim
ilar, but with this difference: In
the case of the father, he gains
nothing except the satisfaction of
having assisted the son, while in
the case of this bonus the state
not only will have the satisfaction
of aiding a son who has proven
worthy, but will also derive a
substantial and permanent bene
fit from the productive enterprise
it has made possible.
I was one of many who went
to the school houses, the theaters
and the public platforms in the
Red Cross, the liberty loan and
other patriotic missions in which
the sympathies of loyal Americans
were enlisted a few years ago.
In the name of the American peo
ple and by the authority 'of state
and national officials I promised
the "boys" who went out to rep
resent Oregon in the conflict for
the protection of human liberty
and American honor that they
would not be forgotten or ignored
when that conflict should end.
Now, I want to see that prom
ise fulfilled. Those young men
dkl their duty faithfully and well.
They brought pride and glory to
the state of Oregon. They freely
gave all they had to give. They
loft a good period of productive
time when others were reaping
great harvests of profit. Let us
now be willing to loan our credit
co that they may be given a start
la life.
Honor to a nation's defenders
is an investment which produces
patriotism and is a credit to a
nation's citizenry. Ingratitude to
them is a national disgrace and
breeds disloyalty.
Vote No. 302 YES on June 7.
Equipment for Special Elec
tion of June 7 Dispatch
ed by State
Special Election to Be
Held at High Today
A special election necessitate
by the failure of any candidate to
secure the required majority vote
in the regular election held a
week ago will be held todav by
the student body of the "high
school to choose officers to tilt
the position of secretary and ser-Seant-at-arm.
All but the two
nominees securing the highest
namber of votes in the regular
election have been eliminated, and
with but two in the race a warm
contest is expected. Ruth Grif
fith and Marie Rostein are still in
the race for the secretaryship
while Howard Post, aiid Ellis
White will battle for the position
of sergcant-at-arms. 1
The secretary of state's office
yesterday finished the task of
sending out election supplies to
the county clerks for the special
election of June 7. The county
clerks distribute the supplies to
the election precincts. It is esti
mated that the election will cost
$100,000, and of this amount
only $15,000 will be paid by the
Under a law enacted by the
1921 legislature county courts
may use counting boards at the
special election, who would begin
the count after 20 ballots had
been cast. This would make it
possible in any precinct to com
plete the count within an hour
after the closing of the polls and
greatly facilitate the gathering of
election returns.
It is not believed many court."
will as yet avail themselves of the
privilege afforded by the new law.
by Justice McBride. Judge J. W.
Knowles afrlrmed,
Frank A. Gildersleeve, appel
lant. ,vs Robert E. Lee; appeal
from Wallowa county; suit Invol
ving richt of plaintiff to convey
fee simple title to real property;
opinion by Justice Drown. Judge
J. W. Knowles reversed.
Joe Meno vs Frank Otto, ap
pellant; appeal from Wallowa
county: suit to obtain possession
of mare. Opinion by Justice
Johns. Judge J. W. Knowles af-
111 Hit U.
Ralph Imbric vs A. J. Ilart
rampf. appellant; appeal from
Washington county; suit to en
force specific performance of con
tract." Opinion by Justice Bean.
Judge George R. Ragley affirmed.
Petitions for rehearings denied
in Stull vs Porter and Kirk vs
Jack Price Returned to
State Penitentiary Here
Jack Price, who escaped from
ihc slate penitentiary in March,
1920. was returned yesterday
from the North Dakota rtate pris
on where ho has been doing time
almost all the time since he left
Price and Robert Grant, anotn-j
er convict, escaped in an automo
bile belonging to Percy M. Varney.
state parole officer. He was sen
tenced from Umatilla county for
obtaining money by fals? pretens
es in 1919. After his escape here
he was sent to the North Dakota
prison for forgery.
Outcome of Poulsen Against
Hoff May Mean Thous
ands to State
Should the appellant prevail in
the supreme court in the case of
Poulsen, as executor of the R. D.
Inman estate against State Treas
urer Hoff. a rebate of $36,000 in
inheritance taxes would be due the
Henry L. Pittock estate of Port
land, and about $50,000 to other
estates. The case was argued in
the supreme court yesterday.
The question is whether the
amount collected by the govern
ment in estate taxes should be
deducted from the amount of the
estate, on which inheritance taxes
are paid the state. Treasurer
Hoff was upheld in the lower
court by Judge Tazwell of Mult
nomah county and Poulsen appealed.
Five Opinions Handed
Down by Supreme Court
The following opinions were
handed down by the supreme
court yesterday:
C. F. Stone vs. J. T. Burtchael
et al, appellant; appeal from Till
amook, county; petition for re
hearing denied and former opin
ion sustained by Chief Justice
C. H. Allen, et al, appellants, vs
Chas. G. Bilyeu, et al; appeal
from Wallowa county; suit to
compel a bank to refund money
alleged to have been unlawfully
rebated from the amount collect
ed from bank for taxes; opinion
j We Don't Like
"The Killer"
as a Title but it's
Popular Novel and
can't very well be
In Attractive
or Money
This offer for
a limited time
Remit by mon
ey order or
cash (no
FrarJ Razor Co.
1475 Broadway
New York
Two Teams Expect to Re
turn Recent Trouncing in
Contests Today
The Salem Y. M. C. A. is to
send two volleyball teams to Port
land tonight, to wallop the Port
landers to a standstill in return
for what the northerners did to
Salem a few weeks. The invado-
came down to Salem and trounced
the locals in a straight series, bm
Pimples, Boils, Eruptions, tc.r
Mental and Physical Weakness.
Are all very prevalent Just now,
and are positive proof that the
blood is wanting in the power to
defend the body against contagious
and infectious diseases. They show
conclusively that the blood needs
thorough cleansing, enriching and
Do not put oft giving attention to
these dangerous symptoms.
Get Hood's Harsaparilla today
and begin taking It at once.
Remember, this medicine has
given satisfaction to three genera
tions, as a treatment for the blood,
stomach, liver and kidneys, and for
catarrh, rheumatism and other
common diseases. It builds up the
system, makes food taste good, and
helps you to eat and sleep well.
For a gentle laxative or an active
cathartic, take Hood's Pill You
will like them.
Director O. J Hull says they never
saw the day they could da it.
The CapHal City players will
go to Portland by automobile this
afternoon In time for the big me
lee. They have worked vigorous
ly enough to feel confident of a
victory, and plan to make it snap
py and spectacular. Among the
players will be: ?
Oleson., Htockum, Hoffman,,
Ohormley, Walters. Evans, Kakfn,
McClaln. Hug. Hull. Hertjog,
Hillborn, Shields, White.
Tip Top Mining Company
Files Corporation Papers
Articles nf ineorporatton were
filed here yesterday by theTip
Top Mining company of Uranu
Pass, capitalized at $.'.0,000. Tho
incorporators are A. C. Stewjrt'
W. B. Oliphint and James T
Chinnock. --
.Sunday y
in "hands orr"
J hvrc The liitf
Showa Play
Read The Classified Ads.
The belt assortment of Voiles we have ever had.'
The patterns and colors are new. The prices are
indeed low. v
36 inch and; 40 inch Voiles at ; : J
49c, 69c and 75c yard
Our Prices Always the Lowest
GALE km.
Commercial and Court Streets
usick & S
3 erSlb 40C
6 5fh, 39c m wM&M ' i
Kellogg 's Corn Flakes $ ,10
Post Toasties .10
lell'O .10
Jiffy Jell ,10
Diamond C Flour .. 1.65
gallon (jJolden Marsh- - fky
mallow Syrup 1UJ
Half frallon Golden Marsh-
mallow Syrup mOO
1 gallon Amber Karo 76
Half gallon Amber Karo .43
1 gallon Crystal White
Half gallon; Crystal -White
Best ("ream try Hutter
10 bars Crystal While Soap
r bars ('remi' Oil Soap
7 Lenox Soajj
5 Ivory .. .4..
0 lbs. FanejfXCalifoi nia
Head Hice
b" lbs. FanevjS'a vv leans . ..
Are you still paying high prices? We are selling on today's market Larg
est display of new stock Groceries in Willamette Valley at prices that will
reduce your Grocery Bill 25c on every dollar.