The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, June 01, 1921, Page 3, Image 3

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of appreciation
l PAF1 "
.the co-operatim ct ln-r lare
Li 0f 'assistants and all thoMJ
fast ofr (U'u,i"- al,,,
n lot the Armenians on IWimlle
V'last Wednesday, is inudo by
. ifnntnor. rh.iirinan of
Strife for Marion rouuty. Mr
? five tons or cloilnnr, ';t
Ti. for both f-liildreu uU
! rl been forwarded to tho Nar
Relief headquart-rs in l'rt-
toprtiCBUrIy was the work of
hl Boy Scout and of the M-ota
"- V.lnflll ill KlltlierlllK UP
Standlei. The drive was abc
La Terr much by tho clergy of
" , ,. IV-
f try tae Term
jijsilem School of Expression
T under direction of
lila Rosamond Walton
Craata of Curry School. Doston
117 Nortn Commercial Street
jl j Telephones 1484 J
the it " who made tho appeal
from their pulpit:; on the Sunday
pifs ions lo t he d rive.
f .Interest in Salem a; well as
iri Portland and other north west
ne.pupr and theatrical rirrles
is the uibriiae of .Miss Mae Nor
ton, for -.several years a teut'lie
writer op the staff of tho Port
land Telegram. to ItroderUk
O'Farrell of the Baker players,
near Portland yesterday.- The
ceremony Mas performed on the
upper bridge at Multnomah f ills.
MUs Ipna keefer. pianist, pu
pil of Bertha Junk-Darby, was
presented!, in recital Saturday
nlKht at jhe First Presbyterian
church, having completed the
four-year rourne of tlie Godowsky
seriex of piuno lesson under the
in.strwtoribip of Mrs. Darby.
Mr. Vita Mallory Beatty, contral
to, wa;; assistant artist.
Miss lveefer played her entire
program from memory, perform
ing with an easo and self posses
sion that as attractive ax well an
In Greys
Either French or Cuban Heels
White, Plain or Ball Strap
Brown, Plain or Ball Straps
Blacks of All Sorts. Also
Sport Oxfords in all grey, white with black
rtnzsiing or white with brown trimming, also
. Black Satin Pumps -
was the display of her mastery ot
technique required for the inter
pretation f the various styles of
inlisic 4treseiitid on her program.
A 1 1 honk.' h youiu; she evinced con
siderable talent as a musician.
The additional numbers by Mrs.
i Beutty were unusually delightful
i and the jiiulicnre called her back
lor an encore at the close of her
second t:roiip Of soups. Mrs.
Darby was accompanist.
Presentation of the certificate
from the (Jodowsky school wa"
i made by K. Kothe. western mana
ger of the Art . Publication society
of St. Louis. who spoke on the
work required under this course.
The proprnm follows:
Eglantine waltz..... Srharwenka
'Serenade ......... Schubert-Liszt
Norwegian Bridal Procession..
Iriua Keefer
The Plains of Peace.... Barnard
j Love Is a Rose Sans Susrl
j Mrs. Beatty
; Clipue-French Suite. No. V..Rach
i Nocturne in (J Majotu op T.7
; No. 2 Chopin
Waltz in C Flat ...Chopin
j Irtua Keefer
j Past and Future DeKoven
Creole l,ove Sons: Smith
Mrs. Beatty
Lo Betour (Caprice) Saner
Galatea Jensen
Airs Calants Saar
Crescendo Lassen
irma Keefer
Miss Winifred Eyre's birthday
was tho occasion for a delightful
party on Monday night when Miss
Eyre invited in a few friends Xor
an informal party in honor of the
occasion. Pink rosebuds were
used in decorating the table and
clever place cards marked the
places for the following guests:
No Pumps sell over $9.50
See them in our Big Windows
At the Electric Sign "SHOES"
fc The Most refreshing thinf
I5J fonnd la photoplay theatres te-
X dT ' U cImo, fall-he&rted
Q Unthter okdr by
"Among Those
Sondty X tb OREGON
v imsm
Best Range in America
For wood only and the only
steel range made with a 26
lncb oven.
Patent draft construction al
lows no cold air to enter range
while baking. The fuel burns
from the top and consumes
nearly all the ashes. Cuts your
fuel bill in half. Barns saw
dust, bark, green wood and
Is a perfect baker.
Send for Catalogue
271 HT, Commercial Street
v Naw
To See One Through the
Time and Again Comes the
Need qr a Serviceable Frock
in the summer
One of the .frocks answers the purpose
exactly. Fine for shopping, for church,
for days in town, even for summer trav
eling. Styles are delightfully varied to
suit many needs.
Cay select from a collection of Canton Crepes, Crepe de Chine, Taffeta,
and Georgettes. Priced from ? 1 8 upwards.
1 Dresses in the very latest models suggesting r.arly fall styles You will
Priced from $35 upwards.
f Eposes Are Coming in by Every Express. '
Misses Edna Gilbert. Klsie (Jil
bert, Mildred (iarrett, Mary Not
son. Marguerite Cook and Wini
fred Eyre, and Liwrcnce Ouvies,
Itein Jackson. Paul Flegel. Harold
Kminel. David Law. son and Tink
haiu Ciilhert.
Miss Beruice l nut lis. Miss
Crace Barley and Miss Mildred
Stevens, loriner students at Wil
lamette university, were visitors
u the Wtllametie campus Tues
day. This afternoon at the home of
Mrs. John Carson. ? 2 n South ilih
stre't. the War Mothers are piv.
lug a silver tea to th. ir members !
and friends. No invitations havej
been issued but a general invita-j
tion to all the women in town has)
been extended through the news- '
papers ami through the members
of tho organization.
Mr. and Mrs. W. If. Prunk and
Mr. and Mrs. Byron K. Brunk re
turned to Salem yesterday morn
ing from an automobile "trip to
Portland. Astoria and the Tilla
mook beaches over Sunday and
Monday. They visited Oearhart.
Seaside. Bay View. Tillamook and
Bay City, arriving in Salem at an
early hour yesterday morning.
Mrs. E. Hofer. Miss Florence
Mc.Kinney and Mr. and Mrs. H. M.
Hofer and two children made up
a motoring party to Astoria and
Tillamook over Sunday and Me
morial day. They returned to Sa
lem yesterday afternoon.
Many Salem friends or Mr. aud
Mrs. Stacy Heeves will be inter
ested lo know that the Reeves
have just purchased a new homo
in Astoria where they have been
living for about a year. The
Reeves formerly lived in Salem.
Mr. and Mrs. John McNary en
tertained Sunday and Monday as
their house guests Miss Margaret
Gray arid Miss Margaret Fisk,
both of Portland. Miss Gray is a
niece of Mrs. McNary.
Memorial day guests at the E
Hofer home on South Commercial
street were Mr. and Mrs. Patrick,
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Patrick and
Miss Elizabeth Patrick of Port
land. They were entertained at
the Hofer home for luncheon on
Among Salem people spending
the week-end at Seaside were Dr.
and Mrs. C. B. O'Neill and Mr.
and Mrs. Earl Anderson. The An-
dersons went on to Cannon Beach
before reurning to their home
A party of motorists went to
Silver Creek falls Monday to
spend Memorial day, the group
gathering at Willard and going
from there In automobiles. Those
making the trip were Mr. and
Mrs. G. II. Thompson, Mr. and
Mrs. David Ramshire, Mr. and
Mrs. Jay. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Cur
rie and daughter. Julia, and son
John. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Jones,
all of Willard; Mrs. Peterson and
Miss JIuss, both of Portland; Miss
Parks of Oregon City, and Mr.
and Mrs. Guy O Smith of Salem.
One year old Catherine Estelle
LaCourse's birthday was celebrat
ed recently at the home of her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. O. A. La
Course, about 30 small friends
and their mothers being invited
for the afternoon. Pink and white
were the colors used in the deco
rative scheme. Mrs. LftCourse was
assisted by Miss Tresa Fowle. Mrs.
A. A. Bynon and Mrs. Paul Bur
ris. Misses Mildred and Margaret
Collamore have returned from a
visit over Memorial day with their
mother. Mrs. Bessie Collamore. in
Miss Madge Kyle, a student at
Willamette university, had Mon
day luncheon guests at Lausanne
hall inviting in Mrs. 8. S. Bynon
and her daughter. Miss Edith By
non. both of Portland, and Mrs.
O. A. LaCourse of Salem. Mrs
Bynon and Miss Edith Bynon are
visiting with Mrs. Bynon's daugh
ter, Mrs. LaCourse.
Round-up City Making Elab
orate Preparation for
Annual Encampment
On June 14, 15 and 16 the an
nual state encampment of the G.
A. R. will be held In Pendleton
and the- Commercial association
of that city is making every prep
aration to give the veterans and
their wives an elaborate enter
tainment. Several members will
attend from Salem.
In handling the G. A. R. and
auxiliary conventions, comprising
the Woman'i Relief corp, the La
dles of the G. A. R. and Daugh
ters of Veterans, ine Commercial
association committee has enlist
ed the co-operation of the Ameri
can legion, the local organization
of Ladies of the G. A. R. and the
Boy Scouts, according to Informa
tion reaching here.
Features of the convention
will be a general reception at the
county library, Tuesday evening
June 14; a parade on the fore
noon of the next day and a dinner
and "camp fire" meeting on the
evening of June 15.
' The dinner on the evening of
June 15 will be staged in the open
air in Pioneer park and will be
served by the Ladies of the G. A.
R. and assistants. The dinner will
be not only for the G. A. R.. but
for women attending the auxiliary
conventions and it is felt no in
door place will be large enough to
handle the affair.
Hi'?Ji School Teams Stniv--He
for Supremacy On
Willamette Field
ik r . ... i v -
A Miff l,;,n.. ,s jir.-dicted hi:
high school ciass track men wh.-n
d"leiiders of the r.iree clas-.-s l,.,t
tle on the Willamette field lor
supremacy j tra,k !(,(bv ;U ,
o'clock. Th" best runners of Hi
school ar, to tali.- part. :y none
of the school team men lias earn
ed his letli-Ts as yet and th.-re-or-none
is barred from class partici
pa I ion.
The advantage, though mice
tain seems to be generally con
ceiled to be with the juinors, who
have three of th ' best school team
men. Soc.dofsky, Salem stir.
Post and Tucker, are among those
who will enter from the junior
clasr.. Roberts. anther Tast
school teatn man. will be running
with the seniors.
The class met has been post
poned many times, but it is ex
petted that unless the weather
should not permit, the sehed'.ib'
will go through today. The carl
calls for all of the regular track
met events with the exception or
the pole-vault and the hurdl's
which at present are still uncertain.
5 .... J v.
. I .. ....... ' I
rJr Amoltic
: .7
; ; : - - o
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! (
"... Qot, A
T. I.
Irrigation Districts
To Undergo Inspection
The Silver lake and the Sum
mer lake irrigation districts in
Lake county will be inspected by
Percy A. Cupper, state engineer.
and Frank C. Bramwell, state su
perintendent of banks, in their ca
pacities as members of the state
irrigation securities commission,
relative to recent application of
the two districts to sell about
$535,000 in bonds at 80 cents on
the dollar. Cupper an Bramwell
will go to Lake county this week.
- it mmm waria 1 1 1 1 1 1 m 1 n 1
MM V " "
"pi v
Concrete lavements
hare made good
Kvery Jot on this map represents
a city whose; people are riding over
streets pavL-jd'with asphaltic con
crete in baseaiiJ surface.
In California such counties as
Kings, Yolo, t'fesno, Yuba.Vcntara,'
Orange, San .Joaquin, L09 Angeles,'
Solano, San Mateo, Sacramento and
Imperial have' taid this type of pave- .
njent, ! i
In Oregon, the State Highway
Commission is constructing a large .
amount of asphaltic concrete mile
age as have also Clackamas and
Jackson counties, Oregon, and Frank
lin, Pierce, Spokane and Yakima
counties, Washington.
What has been successful in other
places will be successful in your
Profit by theexperiences of others.
Adopt the asphaltic concrete type
of construction for the paving now
under consideration.
biuiuH ll"M'0'""'1" - r rifi krmM
, j , u - film - -
1 . - 1 .. .j . -1 .i 1 1 1 . i . 1 ...I. 1 1. .
"'"-IV" -''M
''It''-' ''
How We Build!
the Structure of Good Paint
WE make good paints like this to save
you money ; and we've put 72 years
experience into thcrn.
Some people figure paint economy as "cost
per gallon." That is wrong. For "cheap"
paint doesn t cover so much surface you
pcricncc mm uiciu. j- - . ,
We use pure PIONEER WHITE buy more gallons. ' Cheap ' paint is harden
LEAD, pure linseed oil, zinc and color in
scientifically exact proportions.
The lead base is made so fine that it will
pass through a silk screen with 40,000
meshes to the square inch. That means
covering capacity and ease of spread.
A special device super-purifies the kad,
making it "Whiter" so Fuller paints are
exceptionally clear-toned. All ingredients
are thoroughly mixed in specially designed
machines, so the paint b always uniform
and smooth
The result on the house is a .beautiful,
elastic, tough, protective coating that stays,
if properly applied, five or more years,
keeping the wood Uke new.
to spread and vou have more labor cost. So)
the "cheap" paint on the house costs just
as much as the best of paint.
Don't allow surf aces, to rot it costs less
to paint them.
"Cheap" paint on the average starts
cracking in twelve months, while the best
paint stays intact from five to ten times
longer, if properly applied. Figure the cost
per year of service and decide which paint
you want to use.
We spend more to make paints for your
economy. Be sure you get them when you
Mouse Points
Phoenix Pure Point1
Pure Prepared Point
Manufactured by W. P. Fuller & Co,
tin 1 rR
"Pure Prepared" and "Phoenix" are
Fuller' specification for bouse paint
ing. Get either and you have the best
that anyone can niaic icug
leryice paints.
Where To Bay Them. These
paints are important to you to It's im
portant to go to the right stores to gel
them. Agents' names and addresses
are printed in the memo, coupon to the
right. Cut it out and put it io you
pocket now.
Free Advice
on Painting
ASK our agent for our free
adrice. He will show you
a color card which shows 32
hades of this desirable paint.
We have a Fuller Specifica
tion Department which will tell
you all about the most desirable
color schemes, color harmony
and those other details you
want to know. "
Take advantage of Fuller House Paints. Take
eteps to paint now. Don't let weather depre
ciate your investment.
Dept. 9, San Fraacisco
PlOCter Manofaettirer of Paint. VamUhn, KatJBtL
toe Ywa. Established 4.
Branches in 10 Cities in the West Dealers everysrotrtj
Also maker of Rubber Cement Floor Paint. All
Purpose Varnishes, Silkcawhite EaaiDat, FUuca-for-Floora
Varnish, Washable Wall Finish. Aato EaaoMl.
barn and Roof Faint, Porcb and Stea Paint m
For ail exterior Jobs of aiatlsf It la aaVlsaU 1
obtain U service oi JdaaUr Faiater
(Cot this out and paste it in you
not oook a a snetao.)
My honse needs piintinr. Fuller's Specification1 HoUt)
Patau arc told by the followiac Aetata: .
Howant Itanip, ' Tare PrepsretL
John,Mt. Angel, Phoeatx.
I7!!7,,er r - Ma,em' ITwnlx. V
K. I. Gilbert o.. Salem. Pure, Prepared.
1 L. Got Suberic. Wlrertoa, Par Piared.
L. D. Linqo, Monitor. Pure Prrpared., . ?
Orecon Grain Ca. fit... - m., f" . "
; si
') ?!
s .
I :
I !
A r
; 1
, f:
: f
: f
! I
- 1 '
p -El Read The Classified Ads. " - ,". - '""
" v.v uuiiiiuij, x ure 1 rc pared.