The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, May 31, 1921, Page 3, Image 3

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Thi Drv"iHv of Mr.;. I'.va Kin-
ory Dye, On'duu historian ;nnl :ui
tporesa, ""' i, v , !,u'r,'ii
today a ":r ''as'on f11 '"'
reptinn in li'-r honor l.r ! nieiit at
tbe home r Iili rt s :.ufc'-.
professor or fMcpm hi -lory it
Willamette university. I'roiessor
tiatk. Dean l-'ramv. M. Ki' lmrils
and thp ' "' 1 " ' ''' i'"'4
at the univr.-m v. ie i!i- ln -: .
and hosf' v l(,r 'he ri it iit
which was very
Members i'i ilu- student rxxly
and faculty of both Willamette
HnivrMity and Ktiiil'jll S h i
TUeolufO'. and all people in the
city IntrW' Pit ri i u lai 1 v in !
ron' history ;iiut in Mrs. I were
Included in the general invitation
to tle affair.
Mrs. !' v,:" speak ti.v to the
, jjjgipg In Oi'fKon history ami will
also- he. chapel speaker at I 1 : 'o
o'clock today.
'.'On ot '-he njnt far-r'aoh ns
community enterprises ever the churches of Salem
U that of til" Daily Vacation li'hle
School. Sunday afternoon tlir
pastors and representatives from
literal of tin local churches and
Sunday "schoi Is inel at the First
JlcthoUItt church and considered
the whole matter of establishing
the Dally Vacation Whip school
ts a permanent community enter
prise A committee previously
appointed made a very favorable
report- ;
Alpbeoa Gillette, c'aairman or
the committee, showed that it was
no .longer an experiment but a
!iureis everywhere it has been
tried and that It has become a
." great' national movement. Last
year'Aherfol.lowing places in Ore
gotf aaitoch' srfaools and intend
tofrontlnue them, year by; year:
Roburs, Eugewe. Albany. Arh
lank Astoria, Corvallis, CreRon.
CitJr Portland and 'also several
piaeg In jieMern, Oregon. The
Uapllst chtfrcH of Salem conduct
ed inch a fcpboot last summer and.
jntefid to ooprate In this com
mqtriry enterprise!
- , it is the bopq of 4, the council
. elected yesteYday' that' the Sunday
' atbools of the various churches m
th's city will help foster the
(0tmr cfe&ina) smd m
damd rnaM tat trial. riwlMm inj
raMo HTCueMiOTAsniow rrrmvn.
inuveinent. Those elected wcro:
i.nsilent. Dr. frank lirown; vi.
j.ifsi(U i,t. Hcv. K u. Kirkatri. k;
en tary. Mildred tiarrett: treas
urer. Ilarnld Ivikin; director Ai-
J ln us CillctU: cuinlilil pult
' f ( hainnaii, K. .. I'utnam;
(niaitct'. Harold Kakin. Mrs. V.
". Kniiiifiii:. '. f. Uaict'iiian.
Tlir followint' school will in
all probability cooperate in tin'
enterprise this summer's s Imo!
Which will be in fiHiou for three
eeks l alter th pub
lic t'-liocl close's: First Methodist
r'piscopal, Ja.on Lee Methodist
jvpiscii'ii.l, i'.aptist, t'eliiral Con
i;reKational. Kir.-t Coticreatiunnl,
Nazarcite, Court Slreei Christian.'
Highland frionds and one or two
Oilier sm;ill cluirrhes. Ttie mat
ter Is to be presented to each
School for definite action.
I. vie Martlioloinew. sradnate of
Salem hih school and a well
known Salem boy, will play the
part oT l)io'y onnley in the play.
Nothing i'.ot the Truth " coming
to Silem n.'Xt Friday nifcht for n
one nixht performance at a local
theater. "Nothins but tlif
Truth." is the senior play put on
by the. fourth year students on the
htate university campus during
tjie recent Junior week-end. It
scored such a success on both
nights of Its appearance that ne
gotiations were started to brim?
the comedy to Salem.
Th,e story of the play in brief I
that Hob P.ennett, leading man.
niaftes an agreement wjth a num
ber of friend that he can tell
iijrvthlng but the truth for 2 4
honrp. The play is woven about
the complication which eneue.
Mr. and Mrs. nyron F. r:runK
returned law nlsht from spending
-the week-end in Portland.
Leland Milton. Jr. Is the name
of a son born to Mr. and Mrs. Le
laitd Milton Ryer Sr., Saturday
night. The new arrival weighs
nine pounds.
Miss Mary Findley, oananter of
Dr. and Mrs. M. C. Findley. ar
rived Monday morning to spend
thle summer in Salem. Miss Find
ley has been a student at Colum
bia university this year, r.ince her
graduation last year from Willam
ette university. Miss Findley ha
as her guest until today Miss Mar
lab Nicholson, a fellow student,
onl her way to Los Angeles to
spend the lummer at her home
there. Miss Findley will resume
her studies at Columbia, where
she Is fitting herself for a life of
social aervlce worfc. In the fall.
The 66th birthday of Daniel C.
Gibson was celebrated Sunday
when children, grandchildren and
tritends. of Mr. Gibson gathereJ
fof an afternoon, In hla honor.
Gaines were played and the after
noon spent In Informal amuse
ment. , .
. r -
ifr. and Mrs. Iberson and MUs
Popular Novel
"The Killer"
wo n Toua mam and Annataa. wr wax. has. rou oy
csrroaa AMD f amovs aitotsl . :, . . i ,
Lorre,,poodeneo lastroetioa and Local uaascs
to voax art
Etliabeth James, the latter an In
structor in English in Salem high
rchool. went to I'ortlauU Satur
day to spend the wek-e.nd. They
returneti iat ni?rht.
j About 10 yonntj people of the
i Center Street .Methodist chtirc.'i
j held a pit-air Monday at Silver
Creek falls. The entire party
! made a trip in automobiles.
i r r f
"' 'i i -i ' i' i hi
r -r j
Summer Excursion -Rates
To Eastern Points Through
Tickets on sale June 1st to August
15th inclusive. Limit three months
from, date of sale, with final return
limit October 31st. For full particu
lars write, telephone, or call at office.
E. E. Penn, General Agent,;
Passenger Department,
55 Third St., Portland, Oregon
Kdward W. Hedfield. the paint
er of snow scenes, said the other
day at the Philadelphia Art club:
"I see that in Paris the exerts
are proving the authenticity of
dubious old masters by means or
the X-ray. This is a good Idea.
It will do away with a lot of hoax-
"I heard the other day of a
dealer who tiied to hoax a prof
iteer The dealer offered a
Raphael for sale, pointing to the
signature triumphantly, but after
examiuing the signature, the
profiteer said:
" The name don't look like
Raphael. Looks more like Hachel
to me.'
"The dealer examined the sig
nature himself.
" Yes. it is Itachel.' he said.
Til teil you the history of that.
Whcm Raphael painted that pic
ture he was In hard luck, y'under
f.tand, so he put it in the wife's'
name.' " Washington Star.
Reception to Mrs, Eva Emery
Dye is Given at Home of
Mrs. Fowle
A host or interested Oregon his
tory students gathered last night
at the home of Mrs. Carrie O.
Fowle, 298 North Capitol street,
to greet Mr. Emery .Dye of Ore
gon City, the e:st;ngaTsned Ore
gon historian. She comes as the
guest of Robert M. Gatke, instruc
tor of Oregon history in Willam
ette university, and Miss Frances
Richards, dean of the university
women. She will be the house
guest of Miss Richards,
A brief program was given at
the reception, among the numbers
being two solos. "Out Where the
West Begins" and "When the
Great Red Dawn's Shining," by
P. M. DIenkinson. Mlc9 Martha
Ferguson of Willamette gave a
reading, the third chapter of Mc
Loughlln of Old Oregon, the
first of MPs. Dye's pubhsned his
torical works: this
chapter treating of Jason Lee'rf
weaaing. Mrs. Dye followed this
wun a brier interpretation of the
story, and some personal notes on
Dr. McLoughlln. (Fie was Irish,
and ho pronounced his name Mc.
Lbcklin, the Historian Bald).
Punch and. wafers were served
during the evening.
Mrs. Dye is to speak before the
Willamette students this morning,
especially to the two classes in
Oregon history, for whose benefit
she made the trip. She is recog
nized as one or the foremost his
torians of the northwest, and her
coming Is counted a red-letter
erect $20,000
One of our bootlegging friends
says that the raisin, like some of
the promises of President Wilson,
has proven very disappointing.
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Comer,
Shenandoah, Va.. were both' ill".
He writes: "Rheumatism and
bladder trouble was our trouble.
My wite had rheumatism In her
arms so she could not use them.
She hag had no trouble since tak
ing Foley Kidney Pills. I don't
have to get up at night so much
since taking Foley Kidney Pills,
nor have I a weak back." Rack
ache, sore, swollen or stiff mus
cles or joints, tired languid feel
ing yield quickly to Foley Kid
ney Pills. Sold everywhere.
Newsy Notes of State
Industrial Growth
Try-weekly passenger service
will be restored on June 1 be
tween Eugeae and Marshfield and
through standard sleeping car ser
vice will also be restred between
Portland and MarshHeld.
Klamath Falls $20,000 Lost
river diversion dam to be built
near Merrill.
Astoria $75,000 being expend-
ed on Young's river naval radio
State highway projects total
$21,293,606, counties to pay $10,
830.974. Portland sails fifth loaded ship
since strike began.
Hood Rover Columbia Gorge
hotel nearing completion.
Hood River ADole Growers as
sociation distributes $50,000 to
apple growers. Total disburse
ments for 1920 crop now $1,140,-
Lebanon paper mill employes
get 20 per cent wane reduction,
which places minimum pay at
about $3.25 per day and $6.00
Salem Oregon growers ship
100,000 pounds prunes to London
during past week.
Excavation completed for Hood
River's new $40,000 theatre, com
pletely equipped, and with seat
ing capacity of 900.
"First National Bank of Aur
ora" with 62 stockholders soon
to be ready for business. New
building to be erected.
Lincoln county proposes to co
operate with state in grading and
Corvallis-N'ewDort hiehwav to
Benton county line, expending
$213,240 of total cost of highway.
Tillamook beaches
La Grande Palmer sawmill to
start operations guuu.
Mend Farm products distribu
tion company to
Paper mills at f.alem and Ore
gon City reduce wages 20 er emit.
St. Helens sends shipload
Washington and Idaho pine to
South, Africa.
Corvallis to pave north Ninth
street to connect Pacific highway.
Med ford Contract closed Tor
losing 8 7 million feet timber in
Crater Lake National Park east of
Rutle Falls.
lri Grande I'nion county votes
June 7 on salary raise bill.
New business booked by Oregon
ami Washington" sawmills tor the
past week totaled 68 million feet,
production only 57.0O0.O0ft." '
Dallas, Independence and Mon
mouth may have free postal deliv
ery. Hosebtirg Work . starts on
$30o0 business building.
Koseburg Work to start on
trout hatchery at Rock Cfeek.
Albany gels new business build
ing to cost $25,000.
Hood River to vote on $35t).00i)
road bond issue June 7.
Mollalla $4.m0 water bond
eleetion carries 106 to 12.
Work involving expenditure of
1$0,00U begins at once on Clat
sWanie river hatchery, capacity 8,
000.000 fry.
Governmnent work on Bandon
bar started.
La Pine Work started on
Third street road across meadow.
From Corvallis south to Monre
paving to cost $226,552. 1
Brownsville votes $25,000 for
new water system. J
Klamath Falls Creamery moves
recently recoustruted building.
New machinery installed will give
plant capacity of 50,000 pounds
butter per month.
Astoria Good indications of
gas and oil at Lower Columbia Oil
& Gas Co.'s well.
Astoria to have $40,000 apart
ment house to relieve housing sil
uaution. Lorane Bumper fruit crop pre
dicted. Salem--$12,853 industrial build
ing going in at deatmute school.
S. P. Co. cuts lumber rates to
terminals which will help interior
mills make larger shipments for
export business.
Hood River to have new two
Btory grade school, costing $27,
511. Bandon Globe-Times sold to N.
C. Westcott of late Aurora Observer.
Watson lumber mill closed In
definitely account heavy Astoria
Portland West over terraces to
have ten new dwellings, $7500 to
Albany has completed plans for
$45,000 junior high school.
Philomath planning to build a
fruit cannery.
Southern Pacific and other rail
roads placing large orders for
Osweeo Contract let for build
ing Elk Rock tunnel on S. P. Co.
State Highway corn-mission let
100 miles of road contracts past
Steamer Willamette loaded with
lumber gets off after 3-weeks
Linnf,on to have street car ser
vice after suspension for many
Oregon and Washington lumber
cut for 1920 exceeds all past rec
ords, totalling 8.841.000.000 feet.
The housing shortage continues to
grow worse. Estimated shortage
now over 1,000,000 dwellings.
Portland Pennlnsula Lumber
company to build $750,000 plant
work starts.
Grants Pass Work to start on
$200,000 Savage Rapid dam.
Portland City sewer building
on $93,000 job exceeds cost by
Marshfield votes June 4 on $85.
000 school house proposition.
Managers of Eugene fair
grounds erecting race horse barn.
Crane, Harney cunty, building
community church
Kvssa S30.O00.000 of ore
blocked out at Red Ledge mine.
Wheeler Building boom on
along beach from Bar View to
Postal Telegraph Co., to rebuild
line between Goble and Astoria at
cost of $50,000.
In Attractive
or Money
This offer for
a limited time
Remit by mon
ey order or
cash (no
Frad Razor Co.
1475 Broadway
New York
nan m.
Famous Educators From ail
Over World Gatltei at
Virginia Univeisity
( '"ARI.OTTKSVlLLI-:. Va. Max
as eroded toisllt Hi,,"; is 'oV
' r K aIi"nni w"" ar-
of thl V;e -"rntPnnUI ''Hehrat.oM
whi-h , nf,vorsi,y "f Vh.ia.:
winch begins tomorrow and con- i
tmues thruiiRtt Friday. (iraU...,M-s
from as rar bark as the Hass of
"J." paraded the streets while
prominent educators ,r"m a .
parts ot the ,,,i,,,t,.. . ,'
, null irillll
abroad were guost, al the UU.ver
.Kxorcis in Ca.el halt, com
memorating the influence of I he
'M.verBity m the religious life oi
nation will mu, k Ulft opening
Vfi centennial tomorrow I)
illiam Alexander P.arr. dean ot
Christ Church cathedral Nnv Or
leans, will oe the principal speak
er. Governor Davis, of Virginia.
" nr. tvtwam A. Alderman
president of the university will
welcome the visitors, aud Dr.' Hen
ry Van Dyke of Princeton univer
sity, will praach at vesper services.
Greek Amphitheater Presented
In the evening the new Mclntire
reek amphitheater will be dedi
cated. The amphitheater, a girt
fiom Paul Coodloe Mclntire, oi
Charlottesville and New York,
biingc the total number of out-of-door
Greek theaters in this coun
try up to seven. The others are
located at Berkeley. Point Lomt,
Rakersfleld. ClaremOnt. Califor
nia: Cranbrook. Michigan and
Garfield park, Chicago.
Among the d!sting-..;aed educa
tors to aMcnd the centennial ex
ercises are Prof. Jules Legras.
University of Parts; Prof. Beverly
Dandridge Tucker. Jr.. University
of Oxford; Prof. Ernest William
Brown, University of Cambridge;
William Jhn Matheson. Univer
sity of Saint "Andres; Prof. Frod
erico de Onls y Sanchez, Central
t nieis,ty of .Spain; His Excel
lency Marc Pet -r, University ot
Geneva: Prof John K el man. 'Uni
versity of Kdmborgh; Moiisteir
Gabriel llanatanx. Academy Fran
chise; prof. Earnest William
I'.rown, the Royal society; I'rot.
Charles llornir llaskins. Academie
des Inscriptions et IiHles Lett res;
I'io'. Jon- Maria Galve-. Univer
sity of Chile; Arne Kildal. I' Di
versity of Christiania : Prof. Wl!
trel pir Mustard. -University of
Toronto; Mr. Tourrray-Stlvay.
I'niversiiy ol Prurseiis; Pro!.
.Samuel Alfred Mitchell, Queens
i 'iilver? it ; The It.-v. John Edg:.r
Park. The Queen'.. I'niversity ot
M lfast: l'i f John William Cun
liffe. Victoria University of Man
chester; Pro'. Walter llerron
Talor. St. Johns university, and
Prof. Albert Hobert Aches n, I'ni
versity of X-w Zealand.
Ameiican Educators Present
Amer.can college and univer
sity presidents Include: Dr. A.
Lawrence Lowell, president of
Harvard university; Dr. John
Crier Hibbon. pr-sid.nt of Prince
ton uuiversity: Dr. Anson Phelps
Stokes, secretary of Yale univer
sity: Dr. Albert William Smith
acting president of Cornell uni
versity; Dr. James Rowland An
gell, president-eWt of Yale, rep
repenting the Carnegie Founda
tion; Dr. Frank J. Goodnow, pres
ident of Johns Hopkins; Dr. Jac
ob Gould Shurman. former presi
dent of Cornell; Dr. Henry Van
Dyke of Princeton: Dr. John H.
iFnly. former commissioner of
education of New York state; Act
ing Provost Joriah Harmer Penni
man. University of Pennsylvania:
President William Herbert Perry
Faunce, Brown university: Presi
dent Henry Steele Damare3t. Rut
gers college; President Henry
Louig Smith Washington and Lee
university; Chancellor John Gab
bert Bowman, University of Pitts
burgh; President Harry Woodburn
Chae, University of North Caro
lina; President William Spenser
Currell, University of South Caro
lina; President William Arthur
Ganfield. Centre college; Acting
President Melbourns Stuart Reed,
Colgate university; President
John Henry MacCracken, Lafay
ette college; President Walter
Hnlllhen, University of Delaware;
"" ') 1 1 ' 1 1 1 "T
President William W'lster" 4lr
fort. HaverCord college: President
Albrt Bledsoe Dinwiddle. Tutiie
University of Louisiana: Presijiait
Arthur Cii.thiiian McGl rert, Sln
ion Theological seminary.
.York; President Stuart McGulio.
Medical college of Virginia; Pres
ident Albert Kosp Hill. Uuiverjitty
or Missouri. Major General i
ward West Nichols. Vitginia .Mili
tary Institute; President KrMafc
Laltond McVey- University
Kentucky; Pr-sident Frank Bftt-
Wr TmtferrW'&t TirgfBl Mttlvervt
sity; President Ellen Fitx Pendle
ton. Wellesley college; President
Frederick Charier 11ickst-University
of, Cincinnati? President John -Clinton
Vutrall. University ot
Arkansas;, Acting President Cyrus
Adler. The Jewish Theological
Seminary of America.
There is ano;-ier lesson .to 'be
learnd from the Stillman divorce
case and that is the cost of vampires.
WrfCfl you (?T
you BlLL?i
HQTttiti PotN wmt
Until, yoo cer weu..
i tvt ootf rr to
Yoo Now Yoo would
nt vwnt to cer 4
.vyeiL.iTii. -mne you
ro pay it.
? i:- 4
lit fTnri'
, Mi' T'ili .-r t t if i fin" -
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At your, 'store this week
, Your dealer Will give you .a 10- .
Dajf rube of JPiepsodent if yoti"
Dresent the . coupon;at , any store
Dp liis ior your 6wn sake for
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your teeth improve The deliriit-
fifl effects will ; very soon'convikcft
rs :
Prettier Teeth Next Week
If you will now start this delightful test
Every application of Pepspdetit brings five
distinct results. And modern authorities con
sider all el them essential. , , v
; p- -r v
Iovr ii rld pnethod
2n many-eountrlta ftst 4uj-s
placing oil teeth cleaning: methods. Dental
authorities the world over endorse it Care
ful people most adopt H sooner or later, for
old methods are hot right ' With them, tooth
trouble! and diacolormenta Jiatt become, al
most universal. A change must comcr and
bow is the time to start it. '
This is to offer you a way to whiter teeth,
cleaner, aafer teeth. Such glistening teeth as
millions now enjoy.
Your dealer will give yon the means. Get
it and watch the elects. See your teeth grow
prettier note how clean they feeL
Dentists everywhere advise this method.
Millions of homes have adopted it Try it
this week, for your own sake. eaxn what it
means to you.
To remove the film
Your teeth are coated with a dingy film.
It is viscous you can feel it with your
tongue. It clings to teeth, enters crevices
and stays. It clouds the teeth and causes
most tooth troubles.
The ordinary tooth paste does not effec
tively combat it o the tooth brush has left
much of it intact As a result, teeth lose
their luster. And, despite all brushing, tooth
troubles have been constantly increasing.
The film is what discolors, not the teeth.
Film is the basis of tartar. It holds food
substance which ferments and forms add. It
holds the acid in contact with the teeth to
cause decay.
Germs breed by millions in it They, with
tartar, are the chief cause of pyorrhea. Many
other serious troubles are also traced to
them, '
Science comL&ts it
Dental science has long sought ways to
combat that film. The ways have .now been
found. Able authorities have amply proved
them. Leading dentists everywhere advise
their daily use "
The methods are embodied in a new-day
tooth paste Pepsodent It combats the film
wherever it may linger. In this way it brings
surprising results which one quickly sees.
Over 5,000 new people daily are trying out
this modem method.
Fights'ftcicU too
Pepsodent brings three other effects which
authorities now desire.
It multiplies the salivary flow Nature's
great tooth-protecting agent It multiplies
the starch digestant in the saliva. That is
there to digest starch deposits which may
otherwise form acid.
It multiplies the alkalinity of the saliva.
That is Nature's neutralizer for the acids
which clause decay. Pepsin is also included,
REG. U.S. " i , i i '
The New-Day Dentifrice
Endorsed by authorities, advised by leading dentists every
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Free at These Stores This Week
Simply present the coupon
..Quick changes come
The user of Pepsodent quickly feels con
spicuous changes. - One cannot doubt the
benefits it brings. ? '' r
Perhaps men who smoke see the most eon
spicuous effects. Their films are tobacco-,
Women fee them in prettier teeth, for most
film-coats are dingy. ' ' r ,? . ,
But Pepsodent is most important to the
children. Their teeth seem most subject to
these film and starch attacks. Dentists ad
vise that children use Pepsodent from the
time the first tooth appears.
j " :,
Present the coupon for a 10-Day Tube. Note
how dean the teeth feel after using. Mark
the absence of the viscous film. See how
teeth whiten as the film-coats disappear.
Watch the other good effects, and read the;
reasons inthe book we send,
This veivday test will be a revelation. It
may bring to your home a new era in teeth
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pon now. I Present It at your store.
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Present this coupon, with your name and address filled
In, to any store named, j It is good for a 10-Day Tube of
Pepsodent 5j I - )
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Out-of-town residents should mail this coupon to The
Pepsodent Company, 1104 So. Wabash Avenue, Chicago,
and tb tube riH be sent by mall.
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or 40 per cent, s
Many new cottases building on