BMmma THK WKATIIKIt The Statesman recelres the leased wire report of the Associated Press, the greatest and. most re. liable press association in the ' world. Cloudy-, probably showers cW portion; moderate westerly wind. SEVENTY-FIRST YEAR SALEM, OREGON, TUESDAY MORNING, MAY 31, 1921 PRICE:- FIVE CENTS CTZ1 I- 'I GMEIIS FI TO SET PRICE 11921 CROP Failure to Accept Commit ; tee Report on Loganbcr Vrie Practically Disrupts Organization. MEMBERS CONCEDE THAT CANNERS HOLD WHIR Proposal to Appoint Com V mittee to Confer With ; packers Refused i following a Tote to reject the report of the committee on prices, that they should agree to accept a price ot 6 cents a pound for lo ganberries, the Independent growers' association at its meet ing Saturday adjourned without action. Various mem oers expressed themselves as believing that there will be no further meetings under the old call.- A committee had beenoppoint- ed at a meeting some weeks ago to consider the price to be asked this year. W. U Bentley of Wood burn and W. H.Pownejr of Salem, the members, presented a report st the Saturday meeting, fixing 6 ccma M a yruuauiv yi ivv ivt yr. The convention voted i s.alnst to 6 contray to the accep tance of the report. Some held openly for 7 cents Many fixed no pries, but thought that they must ' Ue more. Getting nowhere in ik . . m i i & a .An .Aniinn practically agreed ta disagree; and, simply quit business. - Hrwbeta Kswpectn Xlgger e ' ' SS fB assajfa . w, Afflhov." insisted Frank Hru- aa niesas in ina r biipb bets route S Salem. "This meet ing Is being packed against the grower." He objected to the 5 cent price. . -"Rather than sell at 5 cents, the grower should leave the ber ries on' the, vines. was the senti ment of Fred Wright of Hubbard. "If I can't get more than 5 cents for ray logans, I'll make 'em into wine and drink 'en." was the statement of Senator Alex La Follett of Salem. . v aunrr iuih , ,"We are -In the hands ot the canners, and will "have to take what they- offer," was the state ment of Yf H .Wowney. who fav ored the 6-cent price if neces sary. 'The growers need not ex pect any profit this year." "This is the buyer'a year," was the expression of W. l. Bentley. .The growers had theirs last year. ' One' grower asked of Mr. Bent ley now it came that ne iarorea i cents 30 days ago, and had come aown in & rents as a iair once now. "If you can get 5 .cents for , . . . i . ,,, - juur togana mis ear, juu 11 ire lucky," continued Bentley. "You ' ftFsa fit at Ait Af IAaIp Ka f n on VAII "got too much last year." Pressed ior a statement, the speaker fin ally agreed that he was buying ? for the Paulhamus Interests, but offered to cancel any 5-cent con- tract that he held. LaFolIett objection to the coa- Wefelt..- ..I I A U ? v, nhMug ail yiivv vt, a n , Mason's products. 4 Five Cents Advised One big grower advised the ac ceptance of 5 cents. "If you will agree to that you sell all your crop, and the rrtce is fair and honest," he said. The original committee report W' gixed a tentative price of 5 ts for logans, 6 cents for strawberries, and 8 cents for raup- -". . iu Toie on rejection u taken only as to the logans. To other items were ignored, j snd should the convention never assemble, these twrvfruits wiil fii11 "taring them In the face, '"homeless ghosts. But the 5 nt loganberry question is ap parently dead. ... , tt impressive statement was "de by a delegation visiting uprnu 4 rr- a i font giackamas county. Clacka- growers had had an offer of -5 a crate for their atrawber. the crate costing them 17 "nt. leaving $1.08 net for their Pounds of berries, or 6 cents Pound which they refused, gather ' than accept that price, ,i ke tne fruU "P ,nto joice, they said. But you fellows "0 organisation, and that is "ei-gary as the Blngle grower y Bo ehanre." ! . Not to ,M(Tt Inkers leS resolutions were of- lew .Be f thom be,n for tnc pwataicnt of a committee to go Pile.' fnnrs, and confer as to BDon 11 WOre lost- or m,t a( Oeat! d,cd w,th the adJu"- vn,y One Contract waa mZj logans; beyond that. H?5In.ned on page 2) LIVES ENDANGERED WHEN DIKE BREAKS NEAR WOODLAND, WN. WOODLAND, Wash., May 30. A dike protecting a reclaimed farm area of some 12,000 acres near here broke under pressure of flood waters tonight The pumping station at Barch Slough went out soon after the break occurred and indications were that the entire district would be flooded. Between 400 and 500 per sons, farmers and their families live in the district. Couriers were sent in all directions to warn them to flee to higher ground. The dike which broke tonight was completed this year at a cost of about $200,000. The flood from the Columbia river began to cut into it last weekf but dredges and crews of men were rushed to theweakened spots and it was reported later that the danger seemed to have been averted. The diked land will be flooded to a depth of from eight to 12 feet, according to indications tonight. LOSS MAY REACH $300,000 The pressure of the rising waters tore a hole 60 feet wide in the dike, which is 15 feet high, 70 feet wide at the base and 20 feet wide at the top. The dike burst at the mouth cf Burrows creek, two miles south of Mar tin's Bluff and the waters poured through into the low lands with terrific force making it appear certain that frm 5,000. ta 6,000 acres of the 12,000 acres in the district, which is known as No. 5 would be inundated, by morning. Within 30 minutes after the break occurred the pumping station had been swept away. Observers here estimated that the loss to farm property would be in the neighborhood of $300,000. SETTLERS NOTIFIED HURRIEDLY When first reports of the break in the dike reached here tonight farmers residing within the section men aced by the rising flood were notified by telephone from here, and those who did not have telephone connec tions were notified by persons in automobiles des patched from here. It was believed that every family in the territory threatened had been notified and had fled to higher ground. For several days as a precau tionary measure, farmers have been sending their cattle out of the lowlands, but it is possible that seme cattle may be lost, as not all had been removed. The area embraced in the diking district is approx imately nine miles long and two to three miles wide. The Northern Pacific railway tracks parallel the district on the inside nd the dike protects it from the Columbia on the outer side. IN DEATH OE GEORGE KRAUS LAST TRUSTEE OF HISTORIC COLON S (leorne Kraus iifl at bis home In Aurorrf, Or., on Sunday rven ing. May 2 3, I f 2 1 . aped 79 years, 8 months and 2 days. Thus passed the last surviving member of the trustees of the Aurora colony whose charter dated back to August SO, 184 4, and the beginnings of which at Aurora were In June, lS.'.K. ('.force Kraus was anions the .youngest of th trustees of that remarkable comjiany of people who carved homes cnit of a tim bered wilderness and lived a com munity .life of exceeding content ment and prosperity while the founder. Dr. William Keil. was alive A.o direct their activities. It was perhaps the most successful rxperiiiient of the kind on the Woodland diking district iES American continent, if not in the world, in most particulars. ;'orK' K rans was born in I Pittsburgh, Pa.. September S. IS II. He came to Aurora from Hethfl. Mo. in 1Sf,3, with the largest of five trains coming to Oregon from Missouri to take up colony life at Aurora. In that train there were in wagons drawn by ox and mule teams. George Kraus was married at Aurora in 1873. to Klixabeth (Jiesy. daughter of John ;isy, the chairman of the board of t-ust'-es of the colony. Uesids hin wife lie leaves Arthur V. and John It. Kraus. t-ons. and Orletta and Georgia, daughters, and one brother, William, the latter a res ident pf Aurora. Arthur is a (Continued on page 6) FRENCH UNITE INDEGORATING 40.000 GRAVES Resting Place of Every Am erican Adorned With Flag and Poppy-Dotted Wreath Of Reverence. CHATEAU THIERRY ! SILENT IN TRIBUTE! Token From White House5 Pl?ced on Tomb of First Slain Doughboy ! PARIS. May r.O ( Hv the As sociated Press) Little - American Hags and poppy-cotted wreaths' marked the graves of every one j of th forty-odd thousand Amer.-! can deed soldier remaining In ! France dnd the few hundreds! scattered throughout the Euro pean continent. Even to the sin- gle mound on Gibraltar America remembered her dead. The Americans, comparatively few, shared with the French their ! fsi task of honoring those who ' di?d in the great cause. T The-' French took part in ever cere-1 mnny and where nerhaos ' there I was only a single grave and the American committee was able to send only one representative, French patriotic societies organ ized services. v Priet and (liildren Mourn There were 77 groups of graves where formal memorial programs were carr.rd put in France, but there were others where a French priest led the school children to an isolated American j?rave, or where a village mayor prlded over the services. Imposing ceremonies were held at Surenes. with regiments ot French soldiers and affocting cer emonies were frequent where children gathered to carry bou quets of wild flowers to the grave of one they knw only as "the American." Noted Warrior Sneak SrilESNES, France. May 30. (By The Aassociated Press) Full military and civil honors were paid American heroes who dted for their country today through out France hy their former bro thers in arms, soldiers of France, government officials. American, French and other allied veteran end patriotic organizations and French orphans. The principal ceremony was held In th2 Ameri can military ceremony her'. He!' ore American and French troops drawn up in line in front of the speakers' stand and huni rcds of American and French. Am bassador Hugh (' Wallao and Major General Henry T. Allen, commander of the American forc es oh the Rhine, paid America'? homage, while Marshal Petain and Franc. ItesMnive OinmI SI rin k Ambassador Wallace struck a, responsive chord when he sai;l. "could I have my way, these graves would never be disturbed." Marshal Petain. standing among his soldiers before the ror.trnm on which Madame Millerand, wile of the French president, stool witli Ambassador and Mrs. Wallace, echoerl the American ambassador's expression of infinite regret that France could not always care for all those Americans who fell on her soil. 'o4Tiiis Are Adorned ANTWERP. May :h. A de tachment of American troops from the American forces at l'ob!fi7. together with a Helgian battalion and a group of French sailors, to day paid tribute to ll'OO Ameri can dead lying n the dock shi"l here. AlongEide the dock tlie American transport Whaton was tied up in readiness to transport the caskets to the I'nited States. Belgian girls gathered around the American flag in the center of the building and lat-r placed Mowers on every flag-covered cof fin. ;rcliarn (iravo lionon-d. BATKHLEMONT. France. Mav 3o. President Harding' wreath symbolizing his tribute to the American dead in France today was placed on the grave of Frank T. Gresham who fell here Novem ber 1. 1317. the first American soldier to be killed in France af ter the I'nited States entered the ! war. Chateau Thierry Silent CHATEAP THIERRY. Fran'.. May 30. The children who re garded them as saviors of tln-ii towns and homes and former French soldiers who weie their comrades joined today in honor ing tho American dead. Chateau Thierry was beflagged and busi ness was at a standstill. (Continued on page 2) PATRIOTS JOIN i i IN RONORS TO ! VALIANT OEAO Nature Breathes Benediction Upon Salem Ceremonies In Commemoration of the Brave Who Are Gone. MONUMENTS DEDICATED BY LEGION MEMBERS Cemeteries of City, Armory And River Scenes of Other Services By CHARLES J. LISLE Nature was never brighter. more alluring, more fair, than tor Decoration day, 1021. It was a day to emphasize the value of what the soldiers of the nation have bequeathed to those of to day. The speaker out at the Jason Lee memorial services, quoted "a statement from the Oregon state university, that nowhere else in the whole world is there another section with so many splendid ed ucational institutions, proportion ate to the population, as in the Willamette valley. "Worth fight ing for. worth dying for." he said. "They've done both, and the re ward Is here to say whether it's worth the price. Monuments Indicated First on the day's program was the memorial service at the coun ty court house, held by the Am erican legiou members in the ded ication of memorial x tablets to their own comrades who sacrificed themselves ia the World war. When the Grand Army1 post marched up from the armory, flag flying and grey hair stream ing, the services began. The band gave the first number, "Officer of the Day," a military march. Fol lowing it was a quartet, Mrs. W. Carlton Smith, Mrs. Ethel Law. F. G. Deckebach and William Mc Gilchrist. with the magnificent Russian national hymn set to American words. One could a lost see those under-armed Russian soldiers of the early part of the war, sacrificing themselves in the face of certain death before the German guns -and delaying the, war so that, whatever Russia did In the later years, she held back the hun from overrunning the went, and strik ing America in her days of unpre paredness. A million homes in America have kept their loved ones because of the ragged sol diers who sang that Russian hymn in the face ol the German death: it miuht well enough be a hymn of praise on any American Memorial day. loyalty I'rged hy Sneaker Rev. Blaine Kirkpatrick was in troduced by Captain B. F. Pound, chairman of the meeting, to deliv er the invocation. Following this, the chairman Introduced Dr. W. Carlton Smith as the principal speaker, in substitution for Jamen Crawford who had been expected but who was detained from Salem hy an automobile accident. Dr. Smith cave a very brief ad dress, pointing to the fact that for all that the boys of the last war had done, there is still war ir? Silesia, in Erin, in .Mexico. spoke of the kind of memorial that would be most appropriate for the soldier a tree, that draws Its strength from the land it pre fects, and bet-omen mightier slghtlier year hy year, instead of crumbling or rcurndinsr as does stone or bronze. He exhorted ' "the hoys" to remain true to their early vows of fidelity to nation, and closed with the prayer of Kiplinp's "Recessional" "Lord Cod of hosts, be with us et Icst we forpet. lest wo forget." 'cruel cry Services Held The quartet "anp another beau tiful selection. For Thee, O Pear, Pear Country." Two pieces by Un hand. "Tin- American Patrol" and (Continued on pace f) Motion Picture Actor Drowns in Staging Rescue Scene With Girl SEATTLE, Wash., May 30. J. A. Clark, motion picture actor, was drawncd in Green lake here today, in his attempt to stage a rescue of Isabelle: Carpenter, his leading lady, as a part of a picture drama being filmed by the Kolwood Producing company. The scenario called for the capsizing of the canoe with the two principals. Miss Carpenter, when she saw Clark was in difficulty, attempted to rescue him and narrowly escaped drowning with him. PORTLAND AT ALLY AT MONDAY'S SPEED . ; i SOUL LIGHT GIVEN TO BLIND - .. - - - .. i- - - - -n ' If-' ' ,'-'-'-?SSw - "",' i 1 R w J M - . 'sC"1 V, ,' s ' , , i, - , K-lt'. - J : J W 4 S -'fp . , v . ! il ' t ""'fit x :-... ill t , f i ' , " 7 j j ; . i 1 -r '' -Y-rrT Tfiiifr h ti ifrrifirtTiii i t i ivn i'rsMisTJ"-TTr--ltrirlrfiii'mMiWMM i I jf "1 1 f- -r i t t , Vi?Tgrl Work among tne blind, carried on by the Association for the Blind through four projects, which during the past yearj, reached 4000 sightless persons, has attained its present Wide scope through the vision of one woman, Miss Winifred Holt a pioneer worker among New York's blind. She has just . , i m m 1- f t 1 TT 1 started a $2,00U,000 campaign, neaaea oy rrcsiaeni naming, to broaden the scope of her work. 2 SENATORS UN Standard Oil Team of Port land Clearly Outplayed hy H?.ye's Men BERG PERFORMS WELL Decoration Day Score 8 to 2 and Sunday Regular Merry-go-round Tho Salem Senators clearly outplayed the Zerolene Hears, tlie Sta'idard Oil representatives, of I Portland in yesterday's am kt Oxford park, winning hy a scoro of 8 to 2. Pert; of Kupene, who pitched for t lie Senators, performed ably, allowing only five hits, all of which wero scattered except two gleaned in succession by t ho Per kins hoys in tho second inning. The locals netted eight safeties off the delivery of Krause. Holmes, who is leading Hie Sa lem cl'ih in batting, scored two safes yesterday. Two likewise (Continued on pane 2) AIR PILOT? THOUGHT INJURED IN International Significance is Added to MemoriaFDay At Washington diplomats take part British Ambassador Places Wreath From United Kingdom on Flag : WASHINGTON, May 30. Tho national capital's memorial cere monies for American war dead weie colored by a new touch of inteniKtional slenlficanro todayjat strvi'-es held in Arlington cerfle tery under the of President Harding. Sneaking in the Arlington atn- pitheater to veterans of three wars and to officials and diplo matists, the president re-dedicated th nation to the cause of free dom and civilization and promised that ir neei would fail to mess Ti re ui to v ry demand presented to it in in halt of civilisation. I liv striking across tne pea in the World war, he declared, Ajji irica had sanctified again h'er j 'faith in free institutions for po j i)es everywhere. - "Wherever men are free," Jie. said. "th"y are wont to give thought to our country's services in freedoin'H cause. Today the sons and daughters of other lands are placing with loving hands their laurels on American grave. Our memorial day is become n international occasion." "a Sir Auckland Ceddcg, Rritth ambassador, seconded Ihc sent! inent by placing on the American Has; ieside the proKident a wreath of roses presented by the people of the United Kingdom and her dominions "In undlmmed mem ory of the sacrifices America hs made for Individual liberty.' HARDING TALKS AT ARLINGTON PLUNGE CONTESTS Joe Peters Crashed to Earth. With Plane in Sight of Big Throng That Witnesses Holiday Races. SANDERSON SAVED BY LEAPING INTO TREE Photographer "Jumps From Cockpit When Ship is 75 Feet from Ground PORTLAND, Ore., May 30. . Joe Peters, probably ,ms fa tally injured lata today when his airplane crashed at the Rose Qity speedway during the motorcycle races. i Gile E. Sanderson, a photog rapher, and Joe Reeves were in the plane at the time and were slightly hurt. Peters was bleeding internally, when ex tricated from the wreck. The party had been taking moving pictures of the races. Plane in Nose Dive. The crash came just after the plane had taken off from the center, of the big oval within the mile speedway and apparently was due to lack qf (Continued oo pat ) r 1 coast baseball: SALT LAKE S-. POBTXJUTO 4-S SALT LAKE CITY. Mr SO--Pw Und nd Halt Lake . i( divided double header today, the borne - rial winning the bf a arore ot t to 4 and the vieitora the eerond t U 1 In the tint fame the Bees ataged a bat ting rally in the eighth, which gare them fire runa. The aeeond game vac bat tle between Pillette and Bromley. An error gave the Beareri what turned out to he the winning ran. Lynn knocked the ' ball over the fence in the aeeond Inning for the Been only two tallies. Is the fiint game Hale, Johnson and Kmg tat Portland and Siglin for Salt Lake hit homers. The Beavers won five of the nine games of lb.e series. Keennd game-'- K. H. t. Porttsnd . , S S 0 Bait La' u . S Batteries Pillette and Fiaher; Breov ley and Lynn. - SACRAMENTO. May SOSaorameata defeated I Angelea in both games of a doable header here today, taking the morning contest by a score of ft. to 0 snd shotting tho Angels oat sgsia ia jne afternoon Vf the 6 to O aeore. The feature of the morning came was the pitching of Penner, who held Loe Angelea to one hit. The Hrnators drove ( randsll from tha mound in tha aarantb inninic. iHmovleh. who reliered Hashes ia tha first inning of tho afteraooa ' gama proved effertrra and held tha hama taaai io one ran. The visitors eon Id not sol the offering of P.roagh,. hewaven ' and tha toeala won handily. Kirst gams R. It. E I-o Angeles , , 0 t O Harramento .. . S 2 Butler lea Crandalt and Baldwin: IVnner and Cook.. - tlmii B IT t-00 Angeles fl 0 D riarrsmento VI Battarija - Hoghes, DumoTich god Ilsldwin; Trough snd Cook. SEATTLE 12-1, VERKOV 8-2 I-OH AJJOKLEH, Majr SO. Seala and ernon divided the riouMa h..jM tlr. the Tigers tsking tha moraine gnwe 2 to 1 and the Riwashes tha afternoon 12 to 2. Heattla k. aeries. 5 to 4. Vernon clinched tha firnt game in the aerenth inning, aeor ing the winninr ran an w..v.i. ingle and a aarrifira. The TUitors turned the afternoon contest into a hit frst. knocking twa Tiger pitchers oat of the bos. In tha sixth Bates hit a homer with nobody on. Kirst game r, Hv E - r""'e 1 a n mon 2 j f FUtterie tiejr, Daily and Adam;, I-ll and Hannah. ' Jl wnd game R. H. JB I5eattla .. . 1, u . ernon 3 10 ' Prhorr. W. Mitrhell R.h.-;jl- raisco 9-20, oakuutd s-4 ; .SAX KRA N CISCO, W.y SO. -f g, won thin morning from Oak' UikI and gin this afternoon ia gamoa- on idrd tbrr waa-little appar aoro of any tonlmt Th mornin arora 5 In the afternoon Kame, whra i- Seals had tired of rimling the bases, ttir srore had marked for them 20 rana to the Oak.' 4. Kach Seal N? Vnaid made at M-ast one ran and Schick ' OmriV foor. : Kim ao- R. H. R Oakland 6 10 a San Francisco g 15 i Hatterte Krause, Kramer, Biebol4 b4 Mitie, Kohler; Lewis, Couch and Sgnew. Oakland .. 4 ,0 4 Ran rranosco .... 20 2S 6 Itslteriea Alten. Winm Fait. Bhaltla wad Korhler; Mcgoaid and Yalta... , BTAHDIHO OF THE CLUBS ffn rranruH-o 87. JS Sarrameata , , SS m Ternon . S SS os Angelea 27 25 Seattle 27 27 Oakland - -r- .i,. 21 2S fait Lakt 17 S2 PoiiUad ...Z.. IS " SS '. ,67 . 3T .819 J0O .451 ,S4T .