The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, May 26, 1921, Page 5, Image 5

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port Under Arretted
John Munson o,f Portland was
grrested yesterday by I'olico Offi
cer Havil''n tor exceeding the
speed limit while driving an au
tomobile south on Commercial
Street. H deposited si bond ot
(10 for his appearance, before
Judge Earl Race today ut 2 p. in.
flrbool 1iMrt-irH Matinee
Matinee of "Itlark Ueanty" Sat
irday, 10:30 a. in. Liberty Adv.
fHrrrt Car Hit Truck
A street car and a truck driven
ly E. VV. Kindley of the Leonard
hotel, collided yesterday on Chem-
. ekeU street. Doth tho street car
and truck were damaged.
lUahee Country (Tub
Members Attention! Informal
dance this evening. rc per Per
IOB. "The Committee." Adv.
focnan Aunion Illume -
An automobile collision occur
red yesterday between cars driven
By Mrt. Carl Hultenberft. 4?0
gouth Nineteenth street, and Cass
A. Nlcbolan of route 6. while
rroMi the bridKe near the
.Preamland rink. From the report
'given the police department. .Mrs.
Qui glasses fi your eyes. Oar
bills your parse
Jewelers and Optician
flona 12S5 Salem, Oregon
Max 0. Buren
DRY PASTE " 179 N. Com. St
Better Goods For Let
Naaona Perfect Liquid Palnta
v Busonablo price
Capital Foraltart & Hrdwr Co.
u r - -l.l PVm 017
i "A
mk Preaaed x
Ealca Cleaners & Dyers
Ull a Com! St. PbO0 ISIS
! 1 fm Bvrtog PUatlag Orr Trim
: dim Onm Balldllt
I1L1K tt OI0
pkM ires
H I 7 J h&ZtL
?. ICWI O. H. TracT Wood Co.
j . - tor ail klada ot
i , ; dry wood
'Prompt deUvery Phono ISO
' "Do yott t
"t It not. why not?
Ka other baths oi treatments
eat produce the permanent re-
uei io the person bii
from disagreeable cold or ail
ments ot the flesh or bodrUk
tae Tnrklsh Baths will.
Open 8 a. m. until f p. in.
Lady and Gentlemen attend
ants 'Investigate
The Mutual Liie
oi N.Y.
'- Up-to-date policies.
' Lower net cost.
District Mgr.
171 State St Pk6ne99
Special Merchants?
Lunch 35c
BOntS u A.M. TO 8 P. Bf.
Danclag upstairs at Nomklng Cafe.
11V7 Tnflr. Thursday and Sat.
roy nights. American and Chl
lshes. , , .
"it, w . 1 '
Hultenlbert; assume all blame, tor
the accident. Both cars were
slichtlv damaged, but no one was
Our tut Flow -is and Potted
Plants for decorations and for
other put pores. Arthur IMants'
Greenhouses. ll".H South Thir
teenth and Wilbur. Adv.
llo.e l lisins
Fifty feet of black hose is miss
ing from the home of A. .1. Paris,
10 5 North Twelfth street, accord
ing to a report given the police.
Mr. l'airis also Kaid that comeone
had been taking milk from his
Slwp Anywhere
Hut eat at the "Good Kats."
IUtrew Call Com
A call came into police head
quarters Tuesday night savins
that a man was railing for help
near the Damon store on North"
Commercial and I streets. Police
Officer Victor was sent to investi
gate, bat could locate no trouble.
Wanted Girl
r'or parlor work. Lady coo'
for night work. Adv.
KLick lloauty
A picture better than the book,
coining to lhj Liberty Sunday.
Special school children's matinee
Saturday 10:30 a m Adv
CALDWELL at the residence,
165 West Washington street.
Wednesday evening. May 2"t. e.t
8 p. m.. Mrs. Alice K. McLench
Caldwell age 62 years, widow
of the late Frank P. Caldwell,
ulster of Mrs. A. Watson and
Frank O McLench. A daugh
ter ESstella died in 1901 at the
age of 8 years. Death came
suddenly from a stroke of apo
plexy, while in the garden
picking flowers. Mrs. Caldwell
was a member of the Women's
Helief corps, being a past pres
ident of that organization. The
bpdv is ,t Higdon's. Funeral
notice later.
ZIMMER In this city Tuesday.
May 2 4. Christ Zlmmer, age 72
years, late a resident of Canbv.
The body vrill be forwarded to
that place today Thursday by
Rigdon & Son. where funeral
services and interment will be
llnrh if!. Tireler. ase 5 rears.
death oecurred In Portland May
23 TTa leaves one son. Albert H..
and twoi brothers, W'. A. Dressier
of Monmouth. J. B. Bressler M
Grass Valley, Or., and two sisters.
Mm, Jennie wooiery, saiem au
Mrs. WYD. Gilliam of Dallas. Mr.
Dressier was killed in Portland.
Funeral services will be held at
the K. of P. cemetery. Monmouth,
Or. Thursday, May 26. at 2:30 p.
m. A. U Keeney, funeral director
of Independence, has charge ot
funeral arrangements.
The Funeral of Grant Ashby
will' be held at 2 o'clock Friday
aftefnoon at the Webb & Clough
chanel. followed by Interment -t
Rockpolat cemetery In Waldo
Hills. Rev. II. C. Stover will be
the minister.
Leading Morticians
Webb & Clough
1 Funeral Directors
Vacuum Cleaners Regaired
Motor rewinding, conti-cting,
electric Fixtures, etct
337 Court St. Phone 488
Wc pay 2c above the
market price for eggs
and products
Home Builders
Take Notice
We can save you money on
your Plumbing Supplies; it
will pay you to come and
see us about prices. We al
ways have a supply of all
Tents, all sizes, prices
very low
Bargain House
We buy and sell everything
Phone 398
21 S Chemeketa St.
Spec-lal Meeting
Of Multnomah R. A. chapter No.
1. this evening. Work In It. A. de
gree. Vlxitlng companions wel
come. Refreshments. Adv.
Ci'ohm Will Admit mI
An order admitting the will of
the late E. C. Cross to probate was
tiled yesterday by the county
court. The estate ,s saw; to
tied at $60.4100. consisting oT per
sonal properly only. Anna W.
Cross has been named by the
rourt as administratrix and Rus
sell Catlin. W. H. Byrd and W. S.
Walton apprasiers. The will was
approved at a hearing yesterday,
MM-S-'aKon Milliner) Sale
Wednesday, Thursday, Friday
and Saturday. Trimmed hats half
rfre. All white, sport and tail
ored hats a third less. Gibson
Millinery. Adv.
ltotarins 'to McMinnvillc
A Ptore of Kotarians went to
MrMinnvllle afternoon to attend
the festivities over the (jranrins
of a Rotary r barter to the M
Minnville bum h Thy were to
have a dinner at 0:30, and that
was to occupy most of the evening
tjie object being to fill out th1
lingular Sak-mltes to an obese ro
tundity of pernon for once in
their lives. A number of quests
were to come from Portland lor
the occasion.
Chicken Dinner Kvery Sunday
Tables and counters. Jack's
Cafe, 103 S. Commercial St. Adv
Mee4 at Slifi-wocMl Home
A tew friends gathered at the
Sherwood home, 7S7 Crpss street,
taut iiifcht for a surprise partv tor
William Sherwood, who expects to
leave thin wesk tor Arizona. A
delightful evening is reported.
Fitted at Tyler'a Drug atore by
an expert In the business. (Adv.)
They Saw Snake
Iafe Manning of Portland was
a Salem visitor Wednesday even
ing. He is a member of Scout
Young camp. I'. S. W. V.. and re
ports a reat "blow-out" of the
Snakes at I'oitland Tuesday night,
when 24 members were initiated
Into that gnieomely delightful
order. Som.' would call it a di
ordr Instead, but Mr. ManninR
who was in the navy ciuring the
Spanish-American war. and accus
tomed to seeing sea-serpents and
other terrible things that are nev
er on land. ays they had the time
of thir lives at the Tuesday nigh;
celebration. A number of the Sa
lem boys belong to the Snaken,
which are rfot, however, of the al
coholic variety.
Kodak Developing, Etc.
Commercial Book Store, 1C3 N
Commercial. Adv.
Commander Cominir
John R. Ueckwith. commander
of the I'nl'ed States naval re
serves, will make an address to
members of the reserves in Salem
at the armory tonight at 7:30
o'clock. The summer cruise will
be the subject of his adaress. ha
lem has about 50 members of thf
Miles Forfeit Boni
Donald Miles was arrested Tues
day by Traffic Officer Hayden for
breaking the traffic regulations of
the city In exceeding the speed
limit while driving on South Com
mercial street,, between Kerney
and Bush streets. Failing to ap
pear yesterday a cited, he for
feited his bond of $10.
A Pleasing Incident
The other day a young man
who graduated from our bus
iness course a number of years
ago stopped between trains at
Salem to visit this school. He
sat down and told of his suc
cess, and It was a pleasure to
learn how much of It he attrib
uted to the traning he had re
ceived In this -school.
The evident appreciation of
this young man Is really worth
more to us than the tuition he
paid while In school, for it is
an Indication of our success,
and schools prize success Just
as much cs do individuals.
We believe that we can help
you be equally successful. We
wish you would give us an op
portunity to tell you more
about our courses. Write or
call for information.
Capital Business College
We have just adited this
line of world renowned
kodaks and supplies to
our stock.
Bring Your Films
to Us
All developing and print
ing work absolutely
163 N. Com'l St.. Salem
Phone 64
Cole McKlrov's OrrheMra
Dreamland rink Monday. May 3o
Mill Will Oi.eri.le
Information reaches Salem thnt
the mill of the Hammond Lunik r
company at Kugene will begin op
eration aboiil June 1 for an in
definite steady run and that it will
operate at capacity. The com
pany's camps bave been closed
since Christinas and the mill hii?
been in operation only intermit
tently with a small crvw of men.
Wilfofd Allen of Crants Pass
was In the i t y yesterday transact
ing business at the capitol iu con
nection witii a big irrigation pro
ject in which he is interested 'n
southern Oregon. Mr. All-n was
formerly a member of the state
industrial accident commission,
but was peremptorily fired ty
(Jovernor Olcott and without no
tice being q'ven him, until he read
about it in the newspapers.
Illiihefi Country flub
Members Attention! lnfornn;!
dance this ivening. ",(ir per per
son. "The Committee." Adv.
I'icnic Hate Kived
The Marlon County Sunday
school picnic scheduled to be held
at the fairgrounds will be held on
July 2-'. and not June 2:'.. as for
merly announced.
Classified Ad
Will bring you a buyer.
M. O. Viesko. while driving
south on Commercial utreet, be
tween State and Ferry streets, col
lided witii an automobile, damag
ing one of the fenders on his car.
nto Radiator Tirpnirmg
Modern equipment, prompt ex
oert service. Nelson Bros., 356
359 Chemeketa St. Adv.
Commencement SoloiM
Alfred Bates, a student at Kim
ball School of Theology, was so
loist for the annual commence
ment exercises at Tualatin high
school Tuesday night. This Is the
seventh annual commencement of
tho Tualatin school.
(jcgal Blanks
Get them at Tbe Statesman of
f'ce. Catalog on application.
I-aundrymen Give to Fund
While the laundrymen of the
tate were In session last week at
Eugene they made a donation of
over $40 to the veterans' national
memorial fund. Nearly every del
egate present purchased one of the
silk popies made by the French
war widows and orphans.
For One Week Only
5 loads of 16-fnch mill wood.
$ 1 S . 7 : prompt delivery. SpauP
ding Logging Co. Adv.
Property to Bo Sold
A petition for an order pf pale
of the real property of J. H. Al
bert, deceased, was filed yester
'lay with the county court, by
Charles A. Park, administrator.
The value of the real and per
sonal property of the estate Is
raid to be $180,000.
Inmate Returned
Frank Winusbank, an escaped
inmate of the state hospital for
the feeble minded, was apprehend
ed Monday night by the police at
Albany. He was returned to the
school Wednesday.
Laws Distributed
The session laws of 1921 were
distributed to various county of
ficials yesterday, the day on which
the laws became effective.
iev For KMt
Mr. and Mrs. Kdward Tallraan
left yesterday for New York ty
automobile. They will go over a
central route, and be gone for
about a year. During their a
snce thir home has been leased
by C. ". Hrandf and family.
Stover Is Seaker
Hev. Mt. Stover, pastor of the
Congregational church In this
city, gave an interesting talk to
the ministers and their wlve in
th Kimball School of Theologv
yesterday afternoon on "Essen
tials for the Success of the Small
Ohurch." Dr. Kugene Hickman
Foresters of America
Will give a dance Thursday.
May (, in Forresters' hall All
Forresters and their friends aro
Invited. A Jv.
Divorrte Allowed
Jude G. G. Bingham of the cir
cuit court, announced yesterday
from the bench following a bear
ing of the case of Gladys Day vs
Beryl. Day, that a decree of divorce
would be granted the plaintiff.
Thirty-five dollars a month to
ward the support of their minor
child was allowed.
The big Electric Fixture sale Is
now on in full blast at 222 N.
Liberty. Adv.
Docket Motions Fllel
Applications were filed yester
day to place on the docket for the
June term of the circuit court, the
cases of William Fleming vs Clar
ence Burr and of William N.
Thomas vs. F. If. Argetsinger.
The Kleclric Fixture and Sup
lv company are n w offering the
public a big reduction in electric
Tixtures. 22 2 N. Liberty. Adv.
.'nrnler; Named
F. E. Lau. Jessie McCune. and
Effie Winchomb were appointed
by the county court yesterday as
apprasiers of the estate of the late
Miss Clara Warner.
Klectric Fixture
Are now on sale at 222 North
Liberty street Adv.
!nl'Ktriou liny Drowns
Clarnc Alexortr ff Pribtr.
who was drowned In the Santlam
river last month had won first
prize In the school fair exhfblf.
Clarene was 14 years old and had
finished his work but a short einie
befoe ills death.
kadi we.-k The Statesman
will give three cash rewards
for the ,eht - stories" of the
ac tual remit of a leal States
man classified ud May 2 2,
-J. 2.",. i'i;. e want facts.
The best story, M awardem
The best .stoiy, first award
The second best story. 2d
award, $l..",o
The third best Ftorv, 3d
award $1.00.
The awards will be an
nounced each Tuesday mor
"ing. The contestants must
ee that their "stories"
reacb The Statesman office
before Monday morning of
each week in order to be
The Staiesman wants your
stories of the result of a
classified ad. Please clip
the ad and tell us about the
results that it brought, and
mail to the classified ad
manager. Oregon Statesman,
Salem. Or.
Ijist Wwk'N Awards.
A number of very clever
selections of ads were re
ceived last week, and the
judges have decided upon
the following as the win
ners: First award. Mrs. W. C.
Young, 22S North Capitol
stieet, Salem.
Second award. Mae Shep
herd, It. F. D. 2, McMlnn
ville. Or.
Third award. Mrs. A. V.
Davidson, route 1, box 5,
Brownsville, Or.
The selection wliwilng the
third award is published In
full below; the others will
be published in future Issues
of The Statesman. Watch
for them.
Rev. V. R. Royston, one of the
students at Kimball School ol
Theology who will graduate in
June, is at present sick at his
home on Ferry street.
Wlnlield Clarke, a student in
Washington Junior high school
has so lar recovered from a recent
severe attack of the grippe that
he will again be in school this
Mrs. Mary Massey of Cottage
Grove, submitted to an operation
yesterday at a local hospital.
Mrs. Babb. deputy county clerR
of Albany, was a guest in Salem
V. H. Sherman of Jefferson
T7as a visitor in the city Wednes
day. Judge O G. Bing:iam will go M
Albany today to hold court. On
Friday he will go to Portland.
Herbert Humphreys. 1147 Oa!:
treet. was operated on for appen
dicitis at the Salem Deaconess
hosDital last night.
Mrs. E. J. Marshall, 1600 Web
er street is reported seriously ill.
A. P. Carpenter and J. P. Bress
ler were In faalem yesterday inter
viewing th roadmaster with ref
erence to the paving of the River
side road.
C. B. Moffitt of Silvetton was
in the city veeterday on' business.
Charles Heate of Sublimity was
a business caller in Salem yester-
A. R. Nelson, a Tumberman ol
Monitor, was transacting business
yesterday with the county court.
J. H. Nlckerson. who for the
Tast two years has been a patient
at the Salem Deaconess hospita!.
left yesterday afternoon for Hot
Lake. Or.
Miss Childs, a teacher in the
Lincoln school, submitted to -n
operation Tuesday at a local hos
pital. F. V. Brown Is in the city from
h's summer home in Dallas. He
will spend the week assisting with
the work at the Spa during thy
absence of the proprietor. F. i
UMyers, who is spending the week
fishing at Tillamook.
Miss Bertha t'lark if a guevt
of her brother, Ed Clark of Cor
vallis for the remainder of 'he
school term.
Mrs. Ralph LIn.lsnv is spending
the week visiting with friends in
the city.
John L. Rand of Baker v.'."
among the visitors in the city
Articles Are Filed By
Salem Baking Company
Articles of incorporation were
filed yesterday with the state cor
poration department by the L
liott Oil corporation of Portland,
capitalized at $2o0.o00. The in
corporators are A. F. Case. W.
Musical Setting
A Vocal Quartette
Opening of Our New
Pipe Organ
I'O has Iu.) f x,t j-n'H ht-llriic
iiiur:iiHH, -lo.k or mh erliMnk' M.i-'
I'' .'tlfh' til tlfVuO 111 IMltirf1 tlMit- ;tlil
! inn s ti.r mlvaiii rti I Mini
l';,v' tt otiruK ti iri".Mit limim-...
)iriixiMt ion to mt-r hunt iiikI ),i.if.-s
sii.iiiil mi ii n,w.-r in onr iwn han.l
v i : t ; ii ir. Mutui: UK. Mliii-at toi.a I jnal
it ! at iiiiw. -x i rii'tii i- uh volji'jinr. -t'
.'lilri si I .So .',1. Mni.miiaii ulfn
lar.- kl. eji, ii;; ,orih. f i r-f I .-. lamidr
. K I ' ' a 1 - f"r laiwiilrv .liri- v. !
full h;i-iit.-nt. dot WMtT ti.-;it;ii ,
1-in. (till Inn. Ii k it' ll, n. Iianlv.wl '
flui.r. kili li. ii ami l,tl) fmikliril in
lil.- flH,ts. hoimI work mi f i r-1 floor'
in nun hihI r ii i-i.aim l A lot of
Jr.tter. uikI kom urtain i,n.l i-sr
AUi a Karuic I'r 7.7. j
I'lioin- imiiir liioriti itx ami e '-111111;. ,
ut l.'U.M. or nt !;. ilirnif thy da.
lro..-rt loi at.,1 at ., .North Sumuirr ;
lt.MII ;
t; ai-n-v for oultrv ain! fruit
rumiiiif: four iiiiI-k nortli of SaU'ni.
" r I'ui iln- highway ult, ra,viy i-ta
liurm: fully c,,,ii.. ii. firptr ii-ity, i.r
Ktsteiiii,: two dwIliiijtK. loinpliie rtuip !
iiiytit and to' k now on Lund .vIum i
ff sold nil 1,.1-olllit of d.atll of forlni-i '
owiifrs. N t'. Jorg-iii-ii and wife .".
lohan I' Ni....i, .Salt-in, Hit roui.
1. lo 1 . ol; prt-lni.t-v or I ar' . r
Mnim.. i-xrintoi, .Mmii;,' H 1.1 if , .s,,!,-,,.
Ort icon.
THK MlH'I'll V1-;ST
I'll. Tin- IngKfht
! Ili hvi-
J'Oullrv tot ii. 7 '.t-
l'tit I.TKY .III' l;
aii'l LfM in lh.
in t- a j i .. for lo
war. !j I i
l-tl'l . ftllts ftir ta:;t!t,
Sal tin !
The Vorilio-t-xt lonltiv Journal
Ort-Kon. M.-otioii this a. I.
Kn sai.k kkim t't.n y,m yi k k
alt- from t;tiiiu to t t"J .'(t . a tir t . la
f room htHisi: hatli, two tout-tit. all
Imxl. rn t xi t ot furna' i-. tlir htst l.nill
li'insf hi Sail-in. I.arifi' lot wtth ull
kinds of fruit, j:ist olf oiiinoT' ia I St
on slit. ul, I ii,,. hous to aiirt-
latt- its ali;.-. aim..! l.uil.l th.s
liousf for awitl ini; l,k.. th;, amoiilit
Phone 707 .-, & c, D Ar.y Bldff.
1. Ii.ii
Hrownavillc, Or'gon
C Lindsay, T. J. Elliott and oth
ers Other articles filed were:
Oregon Wool ajid Mohair
Growers' Co-operative associa
tion. Portland; incorporators. F.
W. Herrin, J. B. Cdrnett, William
Riddle Jr., P. O. Powell, C. L.
Beckley; maintained by member
ship fee charges of $1 per mem
ber. Rhododendron Summer Home
association. Portland; incorpor
ators, S. W.- Lawrence, William
R. Stokes, J. H. Lemoree. M. H.
Gunthre; property valuation, $56.
Pioneer Market company. Port
lend; Incorporators, Fred J. Mey
er, L. E. Schmitt, Jeane Loner
tan; capitalization. $10,000.
Salem Baking company, Salem;
incorporators, M. T. Madsen. C.
E. Foster. H. H. Haynes; capital
ization, $23,000.
Forest Grove Woman's club,
Forest Grove; incorporators, Mrs.
W. M. Pollock, Mrs. C. E. Hawke,
Mrs. W. S. Roberts; property val
uation, $150.
Berry Growers' Packing com
pany, Gresham; incorporators, H.
O. Andrew, Eugene Chiodo. W.
D. Lindeman and others; capitali
zation. $10,000.
A permit to operate in Oregon
was granted to the Co-operative
Finance company of California,
capitalized at $500,000. The attorney-in-fact
for Oregon is James
F. Diggs of Baker.
Resolutions of dissolution were
filed by the Natatorlum & Am
usement company of Medford.
the Niagara Realty company of
Astoria, and the Ada Warehouse
company of Ada Station, Douglas
The rniversal Nul-I,ock com
pany of Portland filed resolutions
showing an increase In capitali
zation from $100,000 to $250,
000. Marion People Generous
At Famine Relief Social
MARION, Or.. :,Iay 25, Th
famine relief social was a succees
from every point of view. Th3
entertainment was more than wits
expected. Much credit Is du- to
the teachers and all who took
part. The Plea for China panto
mime by the primary classes was
extra fine. The net proceeds are
$.'!. K7 after paying full jirif"
for everything that could not be
furnished by the community.
.lohn Palmer. Sr . has gone: to
Oorvallis for a few days to help
John Jr.. wilh some farm work.
Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Hoag were
Dallas visitors Sunday. They
S Don't Miss 0
Latest i
0 "A Man Of The jg
tg Forest"
5j at -4
Sunday g
lp tme mm
Special Prices
Including War Tax
Adults 55c
Children 30c
Under 6 years Old Not
went to visit Mr lloag's inothcr
who is uuubie to le arouud 6a ac
count of u very badly sprained
ankle. J
x 1 1 : l v
No medicine 1i;k a !( tor .fepu
. tat ion lliiiii l iilej ;; Honey and Tar
for (;iiii k I y i-ehevliij; coughs '.-colds
and t roup. It loosens the phlegm
I anil mucus, clears the passages,
lead's hoarsi iiess. stops tickling
throat. John '.. I l k kiiifr, 1 '
; Burgess Place. Passu ic, N. J..
, writes: "1 was suffering from an
acute case of broncb'.'tl tr.Q'H'le
! w hich gave me consiilerabjij :.n
ixe! Foh.y's Horn s and Tthr (!'-
serves all tli- cr'dit O r my peinq
will niiw." Sold everywhere.
Road The Classified ; Ads,
PJlONB 930
Enjoy The Concert
By The
Your 50c will save the starving people of the Near
a East
Friday, May 27, 8 : 15
.. j . " .
The Big
Sale is now on. Buy now for thiey will not last for al
ways. Come early f thfcfc you may' have yVur.choScev
Electric Fixtures and
Supply Co.
222 North Liberty i Phone 1934
a - .
f SSSSswM If
"OUT after alj, it takes but ten of them
to make a dollar, and that makes
you a depositor in the United States
National Bank.
The thrifty Scotch say "mony a mickle
makes a muckle," and it is surprising
how your account will grow if you save
your small changes j
1 ' W T
Cllniied Stales National Dank J
WhereHhe Big
An eastern professor has "writ
ten an ank-le In. favorof -tt
skirts. That mean's there' HI noth
ing more to be said on the subject.
Cole McEIroy's
Monday, May 30
Clean Coal and
Cleanly Delivered
Wo have It for tlioae wh
need It. Our coal Is what wi
are force,! to call unusual, out
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o. i lie oi iuii.i i y granes urcausi.
we find ii navs us better to car-
ry it, and our customers get
more real monetary satisfactioi
by using It. It lasts longer and
saves jou money. "j
p. rru
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Shows Play
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