The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, May 26, 1921, Page 1, Image 1

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    YOU KNOW That the Salem District Can Build Up a Big Cabbage and Salier Kaut Industry?
Tbursdiy, fair; warmer Interior
and west portion; coulf r fast
' portion; moderate to fresh
westerly winds.
Tb Statesman recelre the leased
Irlre report of the Associated
Press, the greatest and most re.
liable press association In the
i i
jifiiini :
Parliamentary - Committee
From Orient Arrives In
rjn i pn n ro rpn nnn uu
p i ! i'm
, wv - -
r siunv oounirv.
- ; . j. . r
, -
I Visitors Declare They Are
Surprised 'at Talk Here
. ':'" Of Armed Clash
f SAN FRANCISCO, Cal.. May 25,
--Confidence that all questions oi
dispute between America and Ja
pas, would be Fettled on a basis of
friendship was expressed by mem
bers of a Japanese perliamentary
eoaunittee which arrived in San
Francisco today from Honolulu,
tot a tour of the United States.
Admiral Baron Sotokichi Uriu
of the Japanese navy was leader
of another party which reached
her today. The party headed by
Admiral Uriu is bound for Wash
ington where he will attend the
annual reunion of the class of
i 1881 at Annapolis naval academy
of which he was a member.
! - Conflict "Unthinkable"
Bokusabuo Nakantshi, member
of the Japanese diet, and leader
ot the party of statesmen, declar
ed the committee had no real pur
pose in coming to the United
States other than to get first band
information on subjects which
might affect the two countries.
He made reference to .an old
Japanese saying that "seeing once
is better than hearing one hundred
! Members ot the parliamentary
party, especially Mr. Nakanisbi.
said they were surprised to hear
talk ot a clash between the United
States and Japan. He Eaid this
was "unthinkable" and expressed
his belief that problems which
might lend to armed conflict
cooJd be settled by conference.
Yap Diftcntmrtl.
-The island ot Yap question is
causing no excitement in Japan,
declared Takeo Tanaka, repre
sentative of the Kenseikel or op
position party, who is a member
of the parliamentary mission.
"It Is my belief," he said, "that
Japan will be reasonable about
fortifications on the island if Am
erica continues to' object."
Biff Navy HecrkHl.
He declared he was against a
large navy for Japan and said his
party., and others in the minority
were resisting the present build
ing program. Japan would build
eight battleships and eight bat
tle cruisers.
Referring to the California anti-
, alien land law, Tanaka said he
did not think "California had any
right to pass it." He expressed
.belief, however, that the question
would be settled satisfactory by
pending negotiations.
Request Received Here
Several days ago Governor 01
; rott was requested by the Japan
ese consul in Portland to aend him
all. available data relating to the
Japanese situation in .Oregon for
;,of the'party that arrived In
Saa Francisco. The governor's of
flee has an exhaustive report on
; the subject prepared, by Frank
Ikrey of Salem, who was em
ployed by the .governor to make an
investigation or the state relative
to the number of Japanese in
Oreton and their Industrial con
dition. Other information about
tba state was also requested.
The Oregon legislature of this
Ta decided not to enact anti
Jajtneg legislation, preferring to
save the question to the congress
the United States.
It is presumed the Japanese
oeiegaUon, will visit this state.
Bfihth Inning Rally
' a ...... ....
waxes whitman victor
4 -
1 5ALLA WALLA, Wash.. May
r"An eighth Inning rally won
r Whitman in baseball today
"om Willamette university, 4 to
Willamette was leading three
10 nntll the eighth.
, Scora-i R. H. K
"lainette .. . . 3 6 3
tfc0 ...... 7 3
j.-Trtea inrln and Towner;
-MOoweii, Rich and Valther3.
E9? Drop More Than
50 Percent in Yean
wv AGo May 25 Fresh eggs
i "?ted at 41 Cf"ni dozen
wholesale May 19. 920. dropped
this V DU dozen up to May 1
ear according to figures
JJf. Public today by O. W. Ol-lrfri.-?.r.M,dent
of u' Chicago
fiWe E"hange.
that 2STi tnh trades of butter
the 4 holale at 56. cents
0Brt .ter art of 1920 were
22ft If 1521. 27
h!'. ' f,Mrw for Plyniou t h
'SSVif drop from 26
Carpentier, Dcscamps and McVey Talk About Fights of De
cade Aro When Geoi'es Was Yet in Tadpole Stage Demp
sey Receives Hulldog From Spokane Benjamin in Camp
, NANHASSET. X. Y.. May 25..!
It was a da.v of reminiscences
rather than work at fiw.rcps Car
penier's camp. Compelled to cut1
short the day'g program because
of rain. Carpentier. his manaser,
Descant ps and Sam McVey who
called to offer his services, outer- '
tamed newspapermen with tales ;
of boxing bouts of a decadex and '
more ago. j
While going through a half
hour's work in the gymnasium, i
Carpentier recalled to McVey and
Deseanpes, in Paris in 19! when
Georges was making his debut as
a lightweight. The three were
members of a traveling boxing ;
troupe. Descampes was the tar. I
11 the transcontinental, railroads
will make the fruit freight re
duction unanimous for fresh fruit
as well as for the dried product
they will put between 14.000.000
and $5,000,000 into the pockets
of the northwestern growers. The
saving on the dried prunes alone.
which is a sure thing, will mean
$100, Opo to the Oregon grower
this year.
This is the substance of an in
terview by R. C. Pauius, general
manager of the Oregon Growers'
Co-operative association.
Old Prunes up Hand.
The benefit to the prune grow
er might really be a good deal
more thap that, for there is a
considerable quantity of the 1D20
crop still on hand that would be
marketed if the prjee could make
it possible. There is no reason
tor the freight reduction to in
crease prices, but it would give
the growers enough more than
they now get to make it possible
to sell where they do not now
move their crop, and so it would
be of instant benefit to the while
growing and packing industry.
Reduction Kxpectel.
The rate reduction has been
1 IS
"Say. fellers! Let's go!"
That's what the fellers are
whispering, delightedly, over the
prospect of the summer camp at
Elk lake, at the foot of, Battle
Axe butte in the heart of the
national forest on the Santiam.
Battle Axe butte recalls some
of the dreadful doin's of Dare
devil Dan the Demon Desperado
of the Do-em-Up clan. It's a
name full of shivery suggestions
of Indians, piruts, buried gold,
triggers and intriguers, kid cour
age and ancient wisdom. But
mostly it is to recall the delight
fullest outing that boys ever hid,
when they come home to tell
about it.
This is a Y.M.C.A. enterprise,
to be carried out from June 21
to July 5. It is to cost $8.50 a
week, which includes the packers'
charges for handling their beg
gage in the mountains. A Soy
can take 50 lbs. of baggage. No
firearms are to be allowed; and
they'll have to use play-guns, 6r
bows and arrows and tomahawks,
for all their war games. Regu
lar instruction in swimming and
Motion Filed to Have Case
Up for Hearing at June
Term of Court .
The case of H. H. Vandervort
and others vs C. L. Byron and
John W. Todd will in all probabil
ity come up for a hearing in the
June tprm of the circuit court, as
an application w riled yester
day with th circuit court request
it to be heard at that time.
Tbft complaint was filed on Au
gust . 25, 1920. A judgment
against the defendant for the sum
of $9000 is asked for in the com
plaint. This sum is alleged due the
plaintiffs through 17 assign
ments of J500 each, said to be due
because of money given the defen- j
dants and held by them, and j
which the complaint states theyj
now refuse to pay.
.McVey the manauer.
( liullcnucr Shows Siecl
Carpentier won from his oppo
nent, Gloria, in seven rounds and
Deseamps won a 1 it-round bout.
Carpentier received 2u francs,
lb-scamps 4ti and McVey 10.
McVey said he would appear
next wef-k to box Georges. Joe
Gans arrived today and started
In his workout today the chal
lenger was more impressive than
on Monday. His shadow-boxing
was vicious and at the bag he de
livered his punches with a stroke
that he did not show before. He
braved the rain for a short run
about the camp, then had two
(Continued on page 6.)
expected for some time past.
When Prof. C. I. Lewis, assistant
general manager for the big Ore
gon cooprative association, at
tended the freight rate hearing
I of the interstate commerce com
mission at Yakima recently, the
demand was .presented very
strongly. The commission has
. . . . .i i . .. 1 1 .. . .
i'.ki. yr-i iiliru nut LUC Idlliuuua
seem to have beaten them to it
by announcing the reduction be
fore an order could be issued.
The interstate commission is ex
pected to make an order about
July 1.
'r Sow Kinpty.
The saving of 4 9 cents per 100
pouuds on dried prunes, in the
cost of freighting them to mar
ket, means that the present Ore
Ron crop is likely to move; for
Just that much more for the
growers would tempt many a
t rower to let go on a cash basis.
Just now, the railroads are run
ning e in lit v cars. Hie irrowers are
j longing for a chance to do busi
Jr.ess. and the people of a prune
I less world is wondering what's
become of their favorite fruit
' (Continned on page 8)
practice in mountain climbing,
woodcraft, camp cookery and san
itation, arid a hundred other in
terest ing and valuable things will
be part of the camp activities.
Full changes of clothing, tow
els, soap, personal effects, a pair
.of blankets, table equipment, are
the essentials; the frills can nil h
be crowded into the 50 pounds
baggage allowance.
Bin Camp Expected
Dr. F. E. Brown and Frederick
Schmidt are the special camp com
mittee for the outing, with T. E.
McCroskey as chairman of the
general committee of the Y.M.C.
A. that handles all this boys'
A very large attendance is ex
pected, for the outing in the
national forest in such a delight
ful place is one that couldn't help
appealing to any live boy. Appli
cations may be made at the
Y.M.C.A. office, accompanied by
a $2 advance fee whifh is applied
on the regular bill' of $8.30 a
week. The boys pay their own
transportation to Detroit, but are
furnished everything from there
Salem Members of Oregon
Association Planning to
Go To Portland
A large number of Salem pio
neers and descendants of pioneers
will be among those attending the
i!tth annual reunion ot the Ore
gon Pioneer association in Port
land. June lfi. The reunion will
l- held in the public auditorium.
Third street, between Clay and
Market, starting at 1:30. T. C.
Belcher will be grand marshal.
On the program for the day
iiK literary exercises at 2 o'clock,
"Kloslie Muck-a-Muck" at 4:30.
and the annual business meeting
at 7:30. The annual camp fire
will begin at s o'clock. Past Pres
ident Col. Robert A. Miller. 1S34.
piesiding. Five minute talks will
be made by all of the pioneers
and old-time melodies sung as a
part of the entertainment for tho
evening. Two special feature
(Continued on page 6.)
Carpentier the seml-flnalist
ra w
Present Opinion at Wash-!
ington is That President;
Will Call Conference on
Disarmament. ;
Negotiations Resumed For
Establishment of Naval
Base at Alameda '
I r.aiiiiin.iis :-nate approval was'
gnen today to Senator Borah's;
proposal for ;;n iM rnatioiu I naz
al uisarmani) m conference.
By a vote , r 74 to o th- amend-;
mnt was a-lded to the naval a'. '
propriation I ill authorizing and;
requesting the president i mvue
lireat llnta n and Japan to -end
representatives to a conference!
with I'nited States iepr'i ntativ';3 ;
in an effort to reach gome agree-
ment on disarmament.
Vole Cut ami lriei
The vote was in .conformity;
with the ;ind Tstanding reached
last week by administration for- a ,
to support Senator Borah's plan !
Besides the 4c Republicans and!
28 Democrats voting for the j
usiieiiumtnt. announcements were'
inaie on behalf of many absentee.,;
that they, too, favored the disarm-
ament plan.
t'pon passage of the bill the I
amendment Will go to coherence :
with the house, but its advocates I
bel'ev" it vniII l,e endorsed and I
then approved by President Hard-!
Kffot-t Ttt Vol,, Vail
With the Borah amendment in
corporated, an effort was made to
reach a vote on nasaee if the hill
late today, hut this was frustrat- j
d by dehuie on minor amend-!
menu. Senator King, Democrat, i
t tali, promised to introduced sev
eral o'her amendments to abolish
what he teimed "useless navy
yards. " -v
Senator I.aFollette mad"! an
other iengthy address in opposi
tion to capita! ship construction
and considerable more debate was
in prospect when adjournment
was taken. With tomorrow set !
for consideration of the cotrsted
nomination f David H. Blair., to
be internal revenue commissioner,
immediate steps of the till was
a hazy prospect.
Air Board Provided
Amonjj minor amendments j
adopted tod;iy was the committee j
provision for creation in the navy I
department or a special bureau of
aeronautics, with a head selectei
by the president.
Another amendment by Senator
Smoot. Republican. 1'tah. adonte-i
would authorize the department i
to continue publication of the '
"shopping bulletin" to be supplied j
to subscribers at actual cost.
Alametta Rase lloK-less
Further negotiations were held ;
today between senators on amend-;
ments recently defeated to estah
lifh a new naval supply base at
Alameda. Cal.. and for continuing ;
work on Charleston. S. C, pro-!
I-ittle headway toward an agree-1
ment on the Alameda project wis
reported. 1
All Gotham Wonders Who: j
Will Sample the Booze I
NEW YORK, May 25. All that
is good in the $12,000,000,000 i
stock of liquor and imitation li
quor seized by police in recent dry ;
raids must be given to the sheriff '
to be sold to hospitals and the bad ;
stuff started on its way to the sea, !
corpration Counsel O'Brien ruled .
His order put it up to the jud- '
es. to divide the good from the
bad, as each specimen was brought ;
before them. Just how this was !
done was not announced. Large :
p umbers of persons were repo.t
ed K be highly inte;cted.
's all Right to Cuss
Operators Just Once
.'KFFF.RKON C"VY, Mo , .V iv ;
-b. Telephone. ubheribers have ;
a light to us.; language
;onte to telephone operators when
connect ions ure not satisfactory."
; the stale public service commisi-
sion ruled today in ordering thej
jCarlow telephone i-iiiany to re-'
store service to Geoi te H. Oxford..
; farmer. Oxford's telephone had '
been removed following an alter
cation with a young man in charge
j of the exchange afe Cat low.
i The commission ruled that a I
! single Instance of use of abusive '
language was not grounds for di
i continuance of service.
tiimphuano; v try. jivkx
OTTAWA. May 2".. Final fig
ures on the Canadian temperance
act .vote in Ontario April IS were
announced today as ." 77.'! ai-i
firmathe and 273,938 negative. I
our th. m MILLS
'OOC news lor tir-cntter nnil
.'Ukvytrs! They can sell every tie
tlx-y can cu- ihis year, if they'll
take an tindaN-u note
naYahle in
s x days or : Ix thousand years. On
i nose terms the buyers will haul hoard mill. The aggregate num
the ties then, selves and save ti- ber of employes, and the aggre
cutters the trouble and expense. ; ate pay roll and production, of
That s really about all the 'ie the Oregon small mills that pro
market there is on the coast t - ,UCo more i:; than anything else,
day. There is an urgent nee( for js very larg indeed
i-s never was so great a iif"l
since the railroads began to crawl
across the Nebraska prairies. The
old stuff has lasted splendidly
hut it need? replacement on most
of the 2."i0,uii0 miles of American
lailrot'.ds. Some of the ties
should haw been oslerized long
ago at that, and others have whis
kers on th( m thnt they could
braid Into ropes.
Not Buying Tics
.But the railroads aren't buying i,MT .'" 'Mln- ,JUI u """tin t tane
ties First it s the government ! a, fair, fraction of those that are
control during the war. which already clamoring for sal'
took it out of their hands. Then j Year's (irowtb Certain
it is the hUh wages; then the; There is one beautiful consol
eompetHion of the trucks which ! ;ng thought about it the tree
is Indeed a formidable compel i- ; lover who'd rather shiver In the
lion; and then it's too much ship-1 shelter of a sage brush than to
ping at too low freight rats. and cut oown a tree and carve it up
too little moving at too hivh i into lumber for a house, is going
ratec. And then there is the gen- j to see his evergreen p -ts prow lor
eral business condiCm. There one mor vear without fearing
isn't a railroad in America that
would dare to buy ties at a cent
a dozen, if the cut -was to be in'
real money.
lroduction Is Kay j
This is a business setback to ;
western Oregon, where the mill
ing industry is st big and usually'
First of Series on Nonparti
san League Heard at
Deshler, Nebr,
DESHLER. Neb.. May 25.
The Non-partisan league program
in North Dakota was attacked by
former Attorney Ceneral Lunger
of that state, and defended by
A. C. Townley, the league's
national president, here today in
the first of a scries of debates in
The question was: "Resolved;
that the Non-pa rtisaja league pro
gram as managed in North Dako
ta is detrimental to the best in
terests of that state."
Mr. Langer opened the debate
with an hour's talk in which he
declared that the Townley inter
ests had been "ruinous"' to North
Mr. Townley explained the
workings of the league and re
ferred to his opponent as a re
jected politlcan whose statements
were not worthy of consideration.
Mr. Langer. who was defeated
for hte governorship in North
Dakota at the last election, used
15 minutes in rebuttal.
Volstead Amendment Will .
Be Carried to Senate
bers of the house opposed to the
Volstead amendment recently
added to the deficiency appropri
ation bill making an additional
fl'oo.000 available for prohibition
enforcement until July 1, had an
opportunity today to force an
other vote on the question during
f onsideration of the measure, but
did not take advantage of it. As
a result the bill, which probably
will be passed tomorrow, will g
to the senate carrying the amend
ment. Body Found in River
Not Yet Identified
PORTLAND, May 2.V No iden
tification has yet leMi made of
the body of tho man found float
ing in the river yesterday A
letter written in Italian was ad
dressed to '"Dear Brother.' and
ended "Your Brother." There was
no envelope or means of identifi
W A S II I N ( ;T( ) N . M a y 2 . . Re
ports show virtually no increase
i mm nrniTP
in the illegal liquor traffic not- I cluderi the landing place of ChrU
withstanding the cut of 700 in j tophr Columbus, the patron saint
the federal field forces, prohibi- .of the order. Acceptance was
tion officials said tonight. voted unanimously.
ro good. There simply isn't any
market for lies. Ties are t!ie
easiest to produce and to handle
in tin. um..u i...... v, .. 1 1
a dozen tie mills to everv one real
1 This
is not pleasant news to
, 1'ave to publish, but interested
I sawmill men have thought they'd
as well get It off their system, and
' go out and hunt jobs. There are
1 a great many thousand ties
; already lrft over from last win
: ter's cut in the Oregon woods, and
' there is practically not a vestige
of a market for them. It is u'l
j derstood that the Salt Lake & Los
I Angeles railroad is to buy a few
the axe. It won't require any agi
tation to Woodman-Spare-Tuat-Tree
this year. And if, as it Is
estimated, tin annual gTowth o!
wood in a gi'Od forest is approxi
mately 200 cubic feet per square
acre. there'; polng U. be a whai3
of a crop for next sear's harves.
Remains of Thirteen North
western Men Who Died
Arrive on Sunday
PORTLAND. May 2.".. Thir
teen bodies of northwestern men
who died overseas will arrive
here Sunday, according to an
nouncement today by the army
quartermaster's office here.
Those from Oregon are:
Leon McElfresh, Redmond.
Karl R. Rodgers, Albany.
John F. Schall, Eugene.
Eugene Kelly, Forest Grove.
Russell Simon Hawk, Medford.
Robert J. Boswell, Ontario.
George F. Meats. Eut-ene.
I me G. Ledford Hillsboro
Thomas J. Morgan. Eagle Point
Tnonias h . Martin, Portland.
AUTO mis cow,
Charles Green of Klamath
Falls Victim Ten
Others Injured
GRANTS I ASS. Or.. May 2...--
Klevt n persons were injured, one I
fatally, when an auto staue en-
route to this city from Klamath
l-'alls struck a cow and upset in
n ditch three miles south of the
Grants Pass city limits.
Th- man fatally injured was
Charles Green of Klamath Fall,
who died of a broken toe!' short
ly after t he accideut.
Mrs. Clyde Harper of Grants
Pis-; suffered several broken ribs.
She was liroiight to Grants Pass
and taken to a hospital. Nine
other rsotis on the auto stage
;;iif.-i.-d b-s.s serious injuries.
K. of C. May Purchase
Columbus Landing Place:
ROCHKSTKR. N. Y.. May 2I. 1
Through Father ChrysoFtum, r.l
the Order of St. Benedict, an op-'
portunity wa offered to th" New j
i o i K Mini' i ouiu ii oi in- rvniRinj
of Columbus, in convention today, I
rf niircli!iiiiii -fClKI -irrm, n t i a o- i
sau. Bahama islands, which in-
One of the most remarkable ex
periences encountered yeBterday
in the collection of old clothing
and toys for the famine sufferers
of Armenia happened when a man,
dressed in shabby clothing en
tered Kafoury's store, where some
of the bundles were being left, and
asked If he might give the very
coat off his back for the good of
the cause. The coat was almost
beyond use but there were still
parts which would cover the body
of some sufterer. One good pocket
remained in the coat and the man
explained that it would hold
something and that it might be
of some use.
Man RcfuM-s Aid.
When urged to keep the coat
because he probably the
generous-hearted man said that
someone else needed it more than
he. He refused an offer of assis
tance for himself.
Five tons, or 10,000 pounds of
clothes and cast off toys were
gathered up yesterday by members
of the city council and the Boy
Scouts and members of the scout
council for the relief of the fam
ine stricken Armenians. All who
were missed on the first day, ac
cording to. Mrs. W. C. Kantner,
head- of the campaign for Marion
county, should call her at 691-W
and the bundles which were miss
ed will be gathered up today
Other Ionat;ons Expected
This is n remarkably large
showing from Salem and it Is ex
pected that within the next few
days a large number of . other ar
ticles and garments will be added
to thift. in addition to the reports
which have not come in from the
outlying districts and towns.
Flanders Poppies Arrive
And Are Placed on Sale
Silk poppies made by the wid
ows and children of France and
significant of the remembrance
for the soldiers of the allied
armies who died on French soil
or in the recent world war, have
I arrived and will be on sale at
tne ueu i.rosa rnarmacy an-, ine
Commercial Book store under the
auspices of the Women's Relief
corps, today, Friday and Satur
day. The proceeds from the sale
of the poppies are to go to a
benefit for the orphans of France.
The Salem chapter of the War
Mothers will have the poppies on
sale at the Central pharmacy also
on these days. ' '
J . .
Genin, cf.
Wolfer. If.
Hale. 3b.
J Cox- rf-
Poole, lb.
Baker, c. .
Young, ss.
Johnson, p.
Totals 3
Siglin. 2b.
Sand, ss. . .
Wilhoit, R.
Strand, cf.
Brown, 3b.
I Jourdan, lb.
i Cravath. rf.
Score by innings-
, Portland
. ..
; Salt Lake
Batted for Leverenz in ninth.
' SM.'I I.AKK. May J".. Kx.-e1t.-nt
t inl-liini; I'T .lolmrou eavp the H.-avcru .
I vi. tor owr Salt l,ke lo.tay. -r to -J
I.-t.-!(Z mI.ho pit'-bfj good ball, .ut
j Portland" hits m-'r tmorh-d. Brown
aim) krug hit honi'- rtinfl. -Samruy lialr,
in f -l.l-r. joined Portland from I.-tfoit
today and plad Iiik first i-oaht lane
Port ijfid . . "i
S It !.. h g . '
If, V.
5 1
7 i
K.l..,. I. .I,.,...,. ,Jf
-i .1 mill P l-r
WOKl.KS. May 27, Seattle
look, the l.-a.l todjy and defeated Vernon
-I to -i Th.- Siwahhes mude three ru'iH
im the first inning on three unified, a
sa.-nfii-e fl and an error. The Tiera
in the Mcond Krore.J twiie. The Tuitort
fliiieheil the esme ill the third when tbev
K c.r.d again on -two kingleK and a dou
k. n, k
Seattle 4 9- 1
H.-iit.-nes, .-k
3 7 . 'I
Spenrcr ;
PU'UAMKNTO, Cal., May 2.1. 8r
ramento baMmen bad rood day and
haniincreil Hughe and Ttiomai for It
hits and nix run, while Vranr'r held Lou
Augelei to two tallies, Comptoo, Saa-
Employes of Departments
Covered With Guns While
Petrol is Poured and Tor
ches Applied.
Fifty Made Prisoners Oc
curence One of WorsV
Of Revolution
DUBLIN, May 25. (By
The Associated Press) The
Dublin custom house is in
ruins tonight and all the most
important documents of the
government relating to Ire
land together with papers and
records have been destroyed.
1 This, Dublin Castle official
ly announces, is the work of :
Sinn Fein forces, which early ,
this afternoon made the most
formidable attack , against
government property that has
been engineered aince the :
present revolution began.
r. Employes of the depart
ments housed in the building .
Were made prisoners, vast!
quantities of petrol were
jpoured over the interior of the i
building and the light was ap
plied. Soon military lorries
crowded with" soldiers ap
peared and a battle ensued.
The Sinn Feiners occupied the
Customs house and from the
Windows, met the soldiers
with a heavy fire. Machine
guns and rifles responded and
a strong cordon was thrown:
around the building.
" When the flames became
too hot, the raiders attempted
to escape but several were
shot and killed and many
wounded. According to the of
ficial statement, seven civil
ians were killed, 11 wourfded
ahd 111 captured. Four auxil
iaries were wounded.
Some Die in Flames.
Crown forces in a sortie en
tered the buUdlng and made many
captures. Some raiders were
saturated with petrol and it is
(Continued on page 6.)
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mentn r.-nlerf lelder, aent the ball em
tlie fight field (cure for two boms runi,
one with a man on baa
K. H: E
Ion Ang-elea 2 1
havrKmento 6 4
Hattenea Hughea, Thooiaa and Cut;;
remit and Klliott.
B. KKA.NTIHCO, Mar 2S. Kraaao
wan in fine form today and allowed not
a Kittgle oppomn batter to ret beyond
fce.-ond, with the result that Oakland
iihnt jiian Knnrno) out, aeea to nothinc
Threfriof the fie hita off hia delivery
were .infield aeratrhea. Ilia teammates
drovj;l,ewi from the found in the fourth,
M.aald replaring him. Kork. a aeaai
pro. lit-hed the ninth inninc for tho
Sealv; allowina; four walk and a kit
that Betted three rnni for the Oak a
.. -. R. H." E
OakliHid 7 9 O
San ranriro 0 6 2
liaiteriea K'ranae and Koehler; Iew-
ta, McQuaid, Hock and Yelle.
San franriaeo
1-oa Angeh-a
Salt lake
W. L. Pet.
All ,