The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, May 22, 1921, Page 9, Image 9

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4ldBAllriftrlw3i . f f. WnffflV 7 T1TI1T 1
WEEK piiiWiiiiig
1 Announcement or the appropch-Lr-itrfwe
of l'aUwwi.
ion oC Mr. and Mrs. Isaac
ll..mnn of Salem, and
Cffha Mast-rw. daughter of M'
ni M r "W, Y. Mastera of Port
land was made at a family dinner
Ki Maters home in Portland
luring the w, ok Th wu
41 IU un 'v'',t of '
i Ts ceriuonv althtuh U wi'.l
L home af'alr with oHly clone
1l,-h- .nd relative present, will
Jl boo the Ins lBtrestt.,n and
of nrominencs for the families or
both of the young People are very
wtdetj known and both Mis Mas
ters and Mr. Patterson are popn
,la college and younger virciea.
Urc Patter' is anionic the fore
most figure In the Daughter oi
tL American Revolution, at pres--nt'
being one of the nations.! vie-
Kfll Irl n'l P -- -
. ft DOIlllcai irsar
SuTlness mn. The Master fam
ily are of pioneer stork,
i ru . bride-to-be attended the
tWrtlty t on and Stan-
fhfd ana 13 a infi'i"r'
I Phi Hat a. Mr. Patterson U a
.BtATd. man. member oi t'ae Chi
fl fraternity and by profession
. mlnin engineer. He ls a1ro in
terested in the wholesale broker
. ... business.
i iyt,n-Patterson, broths of Le
......n will be best man and
JitM Masters will be attended by
er suiter.
.! .
U iAiftr scheme ot yellow and
.Ltn was used by members of
'the Atnlcitlan club for the decor
ations for their dancing party at
. ltnM hall . Friday night, Scotch
Iroom and greenery in art baskets
ttrryioff 0t tbe effect in an ar
tistic manner. The patronesses
tor-the affair Mrs, a F.
Victor, "Mrs. O, D. Purvine.. Mrs.
tox Abst. Mrs. Miller E. Cooper.
; IM the Hoivr 1 fff Ii "fflf
J llto-Dri , i y 11
'.UBrattr; U 1 KXj tjY,
' 1NtP I JKf
. tienctMn all grit. 1". f IN
t'llitw and Zr -IX
Mrs. F. A. Pike, Mrs. V. F. Kl
;in. Mrs. Prank TaiUington and
1m Cora TalkUiKtou.
Those whd attended the affair
wire 'he Misses Pearl Pike. Molly
Ke hwabbauer, loulse Cooper.
Kloreiir.' Klin. CaroitiM' Eai,
lltSltf llUltul. Aldtne llill)t.
Dora Pike. Mildred West. Klsle
Victor. Elsie Boynton. ltlta Clag
tfeil. Ih Wilaoa. Francea Ward.
Marlorif Tucker. Helen Tucker.
M;trf;aret WeKtabrook. l'uulino
tverly, Marjorie Victor. Kathleen
C'urrln. Maysell lloutcr. Huth
Mare. Alice MrCtellaa. Huth
Tucker, Katheryn Vincent. Alice
Putnanu. VivUn Brown. Margaret
l,ivealey, l.illtan Hartshorn. Mel
ba Davenport. rorothy Esch.
Dorothy Patteron, Prudence Pat
tirson. Lucille Beckley. Margaret
Pierce. Katherfne Pngh. Marian
Draper; Catherine Barhyte. Myr
tle Martin. Nellie Rowland. Mary
Weat. Kdna Satterly. Emma
Snook. Elsa Schwabbauer of Sil-
ei ion. Alma Paje, SUverton.
MarJorle Wilson, Portland; Mr.
and, Mrs. Larry Orlh. Mr. and
Mrs. Kenneth Ue41e, Mr. and Mrs.
KniltW. Mr. and Mrs. Kyle. Mr.
and Mrs. Harley Pugh. Walter
Hocotofsky. Irving Dugan. Orville
Epperson. Bill Christens. Wyndom
Buren. Claude Steusloff. Carnet
Harra. Harold Moon. Wallace
Caraon. Morris McKlnney. Dick
Goodtn. Ed Aldrick, Mr. Edwards.
Ira Mercer. Vem Drager. Paul
Rice. Fred Alklre. Paal Staley.
Ernest Bonsteele, Stanley Allen,
Kv&n Jones. Kenneth Wilson.
William Gosser, Edwin Arm
strong, Donald Smith, James Put
nam. Orley Liningweu, U8ri
Snyder, Haywaxd Powell, Frank
Chapman, Frank Durbin, Frank
Patterson, Ted Purvine, Asaf
Eoff. Alfred Montgomery, George
Fry, Carl Armstrong, Donald Da
viaon. Tom Kilosky, Milton Stei-
ner. Kowiana unineaari. rran
Rhinehart, Clifford Townsend
Oral Lemmon, Howard Rex. John
Griffith, Ray Darnell.
Mr. and Mra. M. L. Meyers are
in Portland for a few days inia
week attending the funeral of the
mother of Mrs. Charles K. dick.
The Dicks formerly lived In Sa
lem and have a boat of friends
here who will be grieved to learn
of their bereavement.
Covers were placed for six at
a birthday dinner given Wednes
day night at the George II. Alden
home by Mrs, Alden in, honor oi
her eon Rodney's birthday.
Mies Bertha Master of Port
land, whose wedding, to Leer rau
Sorolofsky. Harold iWoloiKky. at
Sigma Chi; Artliur Hamilton.
Ralph Hamilton and As.-1 Kof(.
Simula Nu; Aubrey TraAvU k at Phi
Gumma Delia. Coach H. H. Sav
age of the Salem debate team was
a f.uest at Frlendl ball ot Carlton
Savage, who is pre.sld-lit of tlit
ITnlverslty of Oregon Associated
Student Body this year.
In honor of Edwin Mark ham.
Oregon poet laureate, who ou
Tuesday night lectured to the
iMpl, of Salem on "Poetry" un
der the auspices of the Salem Art
leag-ue, Mrs. F. S. Barton was a
nreredine the lec-l
Nehrln. Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Da-,
vies, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ho.ell.
Mr and Mrs C. E. Barber and
.Mi. and Mrs. Edward Angl.
Mr. W. V. Emuiou:; who was
in Eugene during Junior wek-end
festivities at Cniversity of Ore
gon returned to Salvia Krl,a
night. Mrs .1. B. Littler ami Mrs.
E. E. Fpnieyer, who drove down,
returned Saturday aUernton
bringing with them a number e
lxys who wer on the Salem
high school debating team tUat
won the ?tale ihamplonship this
musirai numbers and readings wa;;
greatly enjoyed. Mrji. Mark E. El-1
liott and Mrs, Charles M. oglesby j
assist-! ti,e entci t alunien t . j
Readings were glveu by Mis. c. i
W. Davi, Mis. Harry Ross. Mrs. j
J. J. Neuuiyre and Mrs ('. M. j
f 'htllUl .... .1 fc. .... . Ml I
her daughter. Mrs. J. W. Martin.; ouartotto. Julius Co-Jmake their home in Porllajld. Mr.
Spring flower?, in all ...lors. were I ben. Mis Clady Smith. Miss Ma-Pmith is on the advertising .tian (
tised to decorate the rooms. At ! j' Verbkk and twills Solof. f the Oregonlan.
the close of the ufternoon dainty
i fr. shiueiits were served to the j Mrs. vV. L. Rryan. Mr. and Mr?,
'o Mow ing Kiiesls: .Mrs. William l Carl . Wood, Mr. and Mrs. Harry
Neiiiu-yer. Mrs. William Hit-key, ! Cohvu. Julius C. Cohen. Miss Lena
i lid Mrs. O'Neill si4iirf :l m- ' Mrs I I). Itarr Mrs J. W. Mar- i Farder. .Mrs. M. O. Christie. Mrs.
lo, Others .who played piano se-ln. Mrs. ti E. Lesliro, Mrs. I Birdie Hulsey, Mrs. Ollie Hanson,
lections were Keiiu-lh aud Mil- , James ykes. Mrs. Charles O. Kraft. Mr. Jaeger. Charles
died Abbot ami I.hmI i.wir ! ilsuii ami Mrs. Smith. ! Broneuciu. Miss Mario Verbek,
Mr. t. E. M.-cialn kMsisted the ; MUs Gladys Smith, Mrs. E. Rudie,
hostess iu serving. The next meet-i i-inUv nf the People's Cash ! Miss Mbel Brongucin. T. A. Sin-
sell. Miss Ida Vogt. Miss Gertrude
i Tucker. Miss Gussle Solof, Miss
Sarah Solof. Miss Silvia Solof, Sam
4ilof. Louis Solof and William
ing of the class will b at the
country home of Mrs. S. Willis iu
Employes of the People's Cash j
stori- were entertained on 1 burs
day night at the home of ir. and
: Mrs Max S.dof, proprietors of the
ture w hi.-h was held in the audi-1 The larj-eft am: niont elaborate
t4.rinm or the Salem nigh school.
Mrs. Barton Invited in Mr. ami
Mrs. R. Monroe Gilbert. Mr. and
Mrs. Whitl4jck of Lebanon and M".
and Mrs. J. C. Nelson. A beau
tiful centerpiece of tulips tiecorat
ed the table.
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Petri, promi
nent musician and William Jeff
reys, brother of Mrs. Petri, all of
Portlaud. are wek-end guests of
Mr. and Mrs. Ruthyn Turney at
Mrs. Ed E, Kiddle of Island
City. Oregon will be the guest for
a few days of Mrs. Robert Eakin.
Mrs. C. J. Van Slyke, sister of
Mrs. Craig Marvin, was honored
at a bridge tea riven Friday after
noon by her sister. Marigolds and
nurnle rockets formed an unusu
ally attractive and artistic decora
tive scheme. Mrs. Paul Hauser
.rored the highest in the after
noon of bride. Mrs. Van Slyke and
Miss Harriet Van Slyke assisted
Mrs. Marvin's guests were Mrs.
G. C. Bellinger. Mrs. noy
Mrs. Walter Spauldlng. Mrs. Fred
erick Chambers. Mrs. Paul Hau
ser. Mra. Raymoad Walsh. Mrs.
Merlin Harding, Mrs. William Mc
Gllchrlst Jr., Miss Harriet Van
Slyke. Miss Josephine Beebe or
WuulUndn. Cal.: Mrs. W. W.
Moore. Mrs. William Hamilton.
rM Walter Kirk. Mrs. L. 3. Geer,
Mr." W. T. Greer. Misa Marie Mrs. F. G. Bowerso.
Mrs. W. D. Clark, Mrs. Millar Me-
Gilchrlst. Mrs. Paul Johnson. Mrs
r,mv Mr Mra. Roy Barton
Mrs. Carl Webb, Mrs. Tom Gallo
way. Misa Rath Johns, Mrs. r rea
o-iir TKnmnson. Mra Henry Cor
m n J. McKlnnoa. Mrs.
u'lLnn narbv. Mrs. Clifford Dar.
by and Mrs. B. T. Basse lie
A mom Salem Klrla spendiaf
the week-end In Eugene at L
tT.ltv of Oregon are
Piano pupils of Miss Dorothy
Pearce were presented In recital
Tuesday night at the Pearce home
on Winter tr.-t, a large num
ber of friends and persons Int4-r-ested
in music being present for
the :4ff:iir All ,.t ih. .........
mt 1 ln. ..n . . " .'"""B 4i."-
4 iciit-i suics htu ""f sicluns playo.) well
lor tne Dasi weea ana iut? B4 4a4i
dancing party evfr planned by the
Girls' Friendly society of St.
Paul's Episcopal church Is the one
tomorrow night at Moose hall.
Which is a benefit for the society.
stor. (lames, music and dancing sw"'-
funib-li.d diversion for the eve j w 'x
ning hours. A buffet luncheon was I Saturday at high miou, in the
served. Those taking part in a j Cout egalloua) parsonage, John
program which was arrangea
promises ro be one oi tna most
successful ever given by the girls.
Sarah Lansing. president of the
clt'b, is In charge of the dance and
rale of tickets.
The following have been an
nounced as patrons and patronea-
os: Mr. and Mra. Frank Spears. I
Mr. and Mrs. Curtiss Cross. Dr. j
bhowiug abil-
careful training. Each
was played from mem-
ity and
Miss Pearce used blue lupines
pnd pink rose9 to decorate the liv
ing rooms and in the dining room
the punch table was centered with
pink flowers. Punch aud wafers
were served to the gut U.
lhe program Included the fol-
Piano sole, Mrs. Esther Rudie;
piano duet. Miss Birdie HalFey and
Miss Lena Farder; reading. Miss
! Daltou Smith and Miss Edna May
Blaker, both of Portland, were
united in marriage by Dr. W. C.
Kanener. After the ceremony they
Ki At o'clock Saturday at m
fougregatlon parsonage, W. F..'
yaitHUU or roriiauu uuu
othy Scott oi Salem were unitea,.
In marriage by Dr. W. C. Kautner. ;
tSMr. Vaughn Is a well Known musi
cian, and has Dtjeu in aieiu.tur
few months studying the plr or-
I Mlfls Laura Austin ol J od-,
burn,, a returned mlsaJonary Iroui
nUla. is lMing entertained at the
rjiouie of Rev. and Mrs, Thomas,
Acheuon over the .wee-euc..
Friends of Miss Austin will be de
lighted to know that sua ' win
peak at the morning servtee at
iacon Lee Methodbit chttrcb thl
Inornlng at 11 o'clock,
Gertrude Tucker; violin solo. Sam left tor Eugene. They plan to
( Continued on page 4.
and Mrs. W. H. Lytle. Mr. and
Mrs. P. A. Franklin. Dr. and Mrs.
V. Carlton Smith, Mr. and Mrs.
U. G. Shipley, Rev. and Mrs. C. H.
Powell. Mr. and Mrs. L. S. Geer,
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Vassal, Mr.
and Mrs. R. L. White, Mr. and
Mrs. F. G. Deckebach, Mr. and
Mrs. Will Walton aud Mr. and
Mrs. F. G. Rupert.
A nartv cf Salen- oeoole some
down this week to atf-nd a party J in har Japan
given by Miss Helen Wood in. Marjorie Marcus
Portland was made up of Mr. ana Minuet in o minor
lowing numbers:
I met. -The Merry Bob-o-link"
Margaret Heltzel. Marjorie
Stuly Loeschorn
Bonnie Schaefer.
March of the Recruits. . .Schmoll
John Heltzel.
The Milkmaid's Song. . . .Cadman
Loretta Matthis.
uance or the Marionettes. .Adams
. Swift
terson will be an event of next Baumgartner who is the guest of
Ma din wndos In Hoowd"crpjtinc.
Ltt M fnr M la Tout booa Term
125 N. Liberty St.
it :.M
v i
month, will be cuest of honor at a
I dinner at the home of Mrs. Frank
8pear today. Misa Masters' en-
rriremKt to Mr. Patterson, wuo
Is the on of Mr. and .Mrs. isaac
I Leo Patterson of Salem, was an-
noaneed at an affair at the home
(of the bride-to-be's parents, Mr.
I and Mrs. W. Y. Masters. In Port
land fast week. Hrs. Spears and
Miss Master were school friends
I. . -f rmtrnrt
itogemer si. unite. , the sue-
. M,Mik.AM Af n n w . l,. .miuaw
!nere ,D!?.W" Wl" r ..' : ,, t eontestaats for honors.
Slpear. will te marigold, a. table Large bouquet. o( pk njjj.
decorations today. Tnose inruea .t the close
tn in Mr and Mr. W. I . I oriru i" '
M.' daughter. Miss Mar. of thje evening n?
mret Masters. Portland; Mr. and inr was seryea.
iir. jmM simnson. Mr. and Mrs. erson ana ars
nivi w - r w
. a. as mm jl
ricks hall.' Margaret Ptoree. Paul
ins Remington and Alice Metw
...fU o ih Delta Delta 1I
to house, and Nellie Rowland who
being entertained at i-ia
R Downing entertain
,i .w friends Thursday night.
::."...., wine snent In "live
i j.rwi Mrs. Tana iwww.-
Mrs. Tom Wood, Mr. and Mrs. Al-
ford Nolan, Beatrice Walton. Nell
Thlelsen and James Crawford.
Mrs. L. M. Baker of Eugene is
the guest of her daughter. Mm.
Frank Hughes for the week.
At her beautiful residence at
1157 South Fifteenth street, Fri
day alternocn, Mrs. E. S. Hart
mari entertained a small group of
friends from 2 until 5 o'clocK.
Re'reshments were served anu an
enjoyable afternoon spent.
An unusually large gToup ot
local writers were present Thurs
day night for the meeting ot tne
modern writer's section of the Sa
lem Arts league at the home oi
Mr. and Mrs. F. D. Bason. Mrs.
Miller Bevler eang an original
song and a number of those prev
ent read original snort
and noema Perry Reigleman
read an interesting group ot ni
poems, seven or eight In number,
written whik he was In France
Brings New Numbers in our, slock ht
j. c.
Why not appear ' "arnartly
dressed and wear a JYUet
Corset, that has been perfectly
ouea to jour figure.
The low elastic toD corsets
allow perfect ease and comiort
to the wearer.
Rcnjka L. Swart
? Corset Specialist
i . , li Uberty St.
Isaac Lee Patterson. Mr. and Mrs.
Ruell Catlin and son, David
Catlln and the geat of honor.
Miss Masters is wen anown sere
having visited here often daring
the time she was at school and
Inee. In Mareb she "Pent a couple
of weeks at the Spears borne.
B. E. Sisson of the Miller Mer
cantile company addreased the
yonag women of the Trf L club at
their meeting at the T. W. C. A.
rooms on Tuesday night, using the
subject "Salesmanship." About 20
girls were present.
R. N. Jdyers and bis mother
have gone, to Astoria for a vaca
tion of one week. Thejr made the
trip by aatomobile.
Among, Salem high school men
who spent the week end attending
Jnnlor week-end festivities at
University of Oregon were Paul
Staley, Evan Jones, Frank Chap
man and Bill Ashby wno were
guests at Kappa Sigma; Ralph
Bailer. Robert Littler, Ward
South worth 'and Alfred Montgom
ery, at Bachelordon; Donald Wor
den. Delta Tau Delta; Frank Rein
hart Ronald Reinhart. .Herbert
Mr. Frank Bow
D. C. Minto as
sisted the bosteae.
Those invited tn by ar.
Ing were Mr. aaa r.
Pelsal. Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Mlnto.
Mr. and Mrs. K. iioier. -
un J. B. Craig. Mr. and Mrs.
Fri Steusloff. Mr. and Mrs Daa
J. Fry. Sr.. Mr. ana rs. r
Bowersox. Mr. and Mrs. ft. r
ley and Mr. and Mrs. Chapman.
Three tables of bridge were ar
ranged on Thursday eight for a
small group of friends at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Paul John
son. Yellow labernum and lav
ender rocket made very attractive
h a -m in -which the guests
wore, entertained. Mrs. Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. C. B.
wKK r and Mrs. Frank My
ers. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Galloway.
vt an Mrs. Walter Ktrk, Mr.
end Mrs. John Brophy and Misa
Zoe Stockman.
Mrs. Melvia Plimpton will go to
Portland this week to spena
week with friends and relatives.
Guests of Mr. and Mra. George
n.irnett this week were Mr.
1-ry the Term
At the Salem School of Expression
Under direction of
Lulu Rosamond Walton
Gradnate ef Curry School, Boston
147 North Commercial Street
1 9 2 Telephones 1 4 8 4 J
Make Your Vacation The
Perfect One
'See America First'
; A glorious never-to-be-forzottcn eight day per
, Bonally conducted, all expense tour through Lla
' cler National Park, Mont.
!" America's Scenic Wonderland
1 . Tours of Comfort, Pleasure and Education
Leave Portland on Oriental Limited, Standnartf
Pullman. June 15 July 1 July 15 August
. 1 August 15 and September 1. For itinerary,
rates, etc., address 4
Multnomah Hotel, Portland, Oregon
nd Mrs. F. Ernest r erguson
Hood Rtver. The Fergusons were
accompanied by their daughter.
Miss Martha.
Friends of the R. E. Downing
family and ot Mrs. W. B. George,
who until a few weeks ago was
Miss Hazel Downing of this city,
will be interested to know that
Mr. and Mr. George are now in
Los Angeles where Mr. George
will go Into business for himself.
The yonng couple nave jusi iy
centty gone to Los Angeles fol
lowing their wedding tour of the
eastern and middle western citie.
For tbHr farewell club meet
ing of the year the T. E. S. H.
o-iv- ifandred club members
gathered at the home otvMr. cm
v rtartiar Thursday night, Mr
Barber, Mrs. Edward Angel -and
ur Fred Bozelle being hostess
es High score for the evening
was won by Mrs. T. W. Davis and
Fred Bozelle and Mrs. Carl Ner
uon ,nd T. W. Davles were glren
th r,rie for low wore. A variety
,.f ,,inr flowers decorated the
.ntion rooms. Although this
is the final meeting until neit
.m will he a number of
ninii.. and out of door social at durinc the summer months
Mr C. E. Barber will be hostess
tha nivrt meeting In the fall
Special geesU on Tuesday night
were Mr. and Mrs. uoy wihiiki
G H. Kelsey. Mrs. Edna Lukins
Miss Esther Davles and Miss Le
nia Antrel.
u.mhoni. of the club are Mr
mA un rharles Ferrell. Mr. and
un Georee Steele. Dr. and Mra
o. L. Stark. Mr. and Mr. Charles
dnrinir the recent war. Mrs
Milton assisted Mrs. Eason.
Those preaent oa Thursdav
night were: Mr. and Mrs. J. M.
r-iiffni-a Mr. and Mrs. R. Monroe
Gilbert. Mr. and Mrs. F. S. Har
ton. Mr. J. C. Nelson. Gertrude
Robinson Roes. Mrs. Byron
Brunk. Mrs. C. E. Rtchards.
Miss Frances Richards, nensaa
Swart. Mr. Miller nevier. ren
Reigleman and Mr. and Mrs. r, .
Eason. -
tist Tuesday night Miss Martha
Ferguson and rrel Mcurew
gave a dramatic recital to one of
the largest audiences ever attend
ing a similar affair In the Willlm-
ette university caapei. ir. k-
Grew's cutting of Gilbert Park
er's novel. "The Right ot Way."
into a 40 minute dramatic read
ing, with characters acted and im
personated, was gripping through
out. The story follows the intense
ly interesting career of cnanie
Steele, a cynical infidel and drunk
ard with masterful Intellect.
Miss Ferguson's rendition oi
the tragedy "Alice Hartman' Re
solve." was keen and intense. In
this she proceeds from soliloquy
to remorse, to bitter self-denunciation,
to determination and re
solve, to fear at the approach of
one of her associates, to anger as
she quarrels with him and finally
to bitter regret when she reallzea
that she has stabbed him to death.
For a girl to give this entire story
without one piece of stage prop
erty and alone, and yet make the
audience forget that she is 'alone,
is a rare treat for Salem, and the
I work was highly appreciated.
Two heavy plays, " i ne t,ion anu
the Mouse" and "Strongheart
were each concentrated to 15 min
ute productions by Miss Ferguson
and Mr. McGrew and were very
welt acted out. As a whole tne
program was neavy. ngmeneu
Bomewhat however, with three
humorous selections. "Ticklish
Reuben," "The Silent System"
and "A Pair of Lunatics." Mlaa
Fergason and Mr. McGrew are
planning a series ot sueh recitals
for net year, so Mr. McGrew reports.
Mrs. C. D. Reea ot gtayton.
wife of the pastor ef the Silver
ton Methodist church, was 8
eiiest at the Georae U, Alden
home in tfci city for a day this
week. Mrs. May C. Bliss of i-on
Angeles, national secretary of the
Women's Home Missionary socie
ty, was also a guest ot the Al
Miss Margaret Hewson. deacon
ess ofthe portiana wbu-h'
church who was In Salem thin
week as the guest of Mr. and Mrs.
H. H. Vandevort, spoke at in
meetings of the East and West
Central circles of the First Meth
od ut ohttrrh thin week on her ex
periences in church work In Oil
eago. Mr. and Mrs. E. Cooke Pattnn
left the latter part of the week to
spend several months In Califor
nia. They will remain for the
Elks convention in July.
The Countonme class of the
First Baptist Sunday schol en
joyed a social evening at the home
of Mr. M. E. Abbott at 290 Cfaer-
von no Wednesday night. 'K
Dorothy Lewis.
Duet, "At the Village Black
smith's'' , Lange
John Heltzel. James Heltzel
Minuet Dussek
Bonnie Schaefer.
The Little Wanderer.... Gurlitt
James Heltzel.
Evening Primrose Cadman
Josephine Albert
Grasshopper Green Llvsey
Singing and Swinging Adams
Margaret Heltzel.
The Summer Sea Smith
Dorothy Lewis.
Two pianos
With Hound and HarcBiibro
Josephine Albert
Loretta Matthis
The Republican Women's Study
ciud will hold their regular meet
ing at the C. P. Bishop residence
at 140 North Liberty street Mon
day afternoon. Judge George M. '
Brown will speak on the amend
ments and proposed leglslaUon
commg up a the June election.
The birthday of Mrs. J. F.
Smith was celebrated at the
Smith home on North Liberty
street Thursday, a few friends
of Mrs. Smith coming In for the
occasion and also to meet Mrs. G.
E. Lestlco of Great Falls, Mont..
who has been visiting here with
Ladies' one strap black
kid pump, cuban heel,
".$6.95 and $7.45
Brown kid oxford. Cu
ban heel $5.45, $7.85
Black kid oxford cuban
heel $7.95
Black kid oxford, mili
tary heel .$5.85
Yhite Nubuck Pumps,
Cuban heel...$7.95
Memmorial Day is a
sort of official starting
point for real summer;
weather, and real sum
mer weather means,
these pretty new ox
fords and pumps for
every Salemite. You'll
get the craze sooner, or
later, but why wait un
til the beautiful weath-!
sr is half gone? See
our wide selection (we
can quote but a few,
prices here! and. get;
yours for Memmorial;
White reignskin oxforrJ:
cuban heel....$S;85;
White canvas oxfordsV
I and pumps $2.85
Sji "
White canvas sport
shoe, tan trimmed
!i andbal strap $3.95'
Misses' -brown zh&J
I black oxford turn -
sole, new broad tqe, :
sizes, 11 to 2, a
m i ii
Ii You will find our prices the Iovy!
in . '
i 4m ii - . t .
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A Big Sale
Electric Ibixtur
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We have just 5 days in which t0ieduce our
$10,000 stock, of electric f ixtures To do this
we are going to sell you high class electric
fixtures at the lowest pric eve attempted
in Salem, Some of this stocky about two
thousand dollars worth, is bankrupt stock
and the rest was bought direct f rtim th sup-
ply house under our personal inspection
Our whole slock of fixtures are going at an
immense loss to us. This sale wiU allow you
to have your house wired with up-to-date sys
tems of wiring at a cost unheard of before
in Salem. We invite you U come in and see
our stock.
Electric Fixture and
Supply Co.
222 North Libertf StPhone 1934
; Sh . Ink
! AM
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