The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, May 22, 1921, Page 7, Image 7

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Aatotnobilef, Society, Special Features aid
i I General Newt
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Motorcycles Bicycles Accessories
Motorcycle Racing Meets
Approbation of SDorts
" men. in California
; t
Motereycle Taclng'has tnet tbe
fall aonrobatlon Of California
iDort fans.' It 1 malting such
strong Md for public favor, it is
jald. that It la somewhere near on
par with baseball and football.
The crowda -which' flocked to wit
Li the sDeed dueVs on the Fresno
I.j iu i inniM board saacer
.UU Mvm - - r
speedway and mora, recently.. on
lie fast dirt tracg at waaersiieiu,
Indicate this- at least.
T t,m, bimmi carnival . held on
; the Beverly Hills , track, at Los
ActelefV a CQpl9 Oi weeas s.
L. wnrM'i rarordi for S and 25
miles were set up. An average of
lQi miles an hour was maintained
,in h mile ' event and the
speeds attained In tb other events
mmrm -enuillv remarkable, inter
est In thin tnrent was riven a' de
elded Impetus because of the chal
lenge issued several days before
by Otto Walker, one of tbe noted
riders, and directed at several of
the famous car drivers. Walker
offered to wager 15000 tbat be
r mi Id beat tnr of the fastest cars
In a match race for any distance.
In practice trials be developed a
greater speed by three miles an
hour than the four-wheeled speed
demons turned up in the meet held
a week before. His defy went un
H tat nrv wan created at the
Rakarafield. Ca.. meet. Mav 8th.
also, when new l-mtle dirt track
records were established for 1, 5.
and 10 miles. Jim Davis turned
the 6 miles at an average of prac
tically 81 miles an hour, an as
tonishing speed for a 1-mile cir
cular course.
Ttnth the T.o Anelelea and
Rakcrmflald meets were attended
by huge crowds of people. Many
Los Angeles fans journey to Ba
korafinld tn watch their favorite
riders pedfofm on the dirt track
after- seeing . their thrilling per
formances on the Los- Angeles
board speedway. From the looks
of things, motorcycle racing has
certainly found a permanent oertn
Motorcyclists in Every Cor
ner of United States
Studying Maps
on the Pacific coast sport calen
dar. i
Opposite Court House Phone 41
TiresTires Tires
Hood, Fisk. and Silvertown Corda Automotive Sup.
plies Expert Repairing: Welding
We Never Sleep
Motorcyclists in everv corner of
the land are pouring over maps
and route books these days, get
ting camping equipment in readi
ness, and otherwise laying plans
for long cross-country tours.
Never before have there been so
many riders who are hearkening
to the call of the open road. Rid
ers in the middle west and many
even from eastern states are mak
ing plans to tour to Yellowstone
park this summer with their mo
torcycles. On the other hand,
many motorcyclists are planning
t) take in the sights and attrac
tions of tbe country's largest city
and other interesting points along
tbe Atlantic coast. Tbe greatest
attraction for the embryo tourists,
however, appears to be the gov
ernment national parks, in tbe
western states. It is quite natural
that this is the case, however, as
the average motorcyclists of today
Id a red-blooded person to whom
tbe great outdoors and hand of
nature has a great appeal.
tery to whose life there Just does
n't seem to be any limit. And im
mediately after the appearance of
any such publicity I am literally
drowned by a deluge of questions
from my customers wanting to
.snow wny ioy wa i sei 9ni
such everlasting service from their !
batteries. 1
"As a matter of fact, 1 don't
know why they can't if they will
really give their batteries, honest
and unfailing care. This stuff
about a short lire and a merry one,
that the pessimistic motorist is
forever pulling about, his battery,
is mostly bonk. Starting and light
ing batteries will live and do tneir
work a whole lot longer than most
neoDl think, if. as I said before.
they're eiven a fair chance. I've
got a bunch of letters in my ofnee j
now reprints of originals sent tdj
the home office testimonials)
from all sorts -of peopre from"stl
parts of the country In which 'El
ide' Batteries that have been giv
ing bang-up performance any
where from three to six years are
mentioned. Of course, no firm
can guarantee any thing like that,
any mere than the seedsman can
guarantee his seeds coming up
results are so markedly dependent
on the nser and the local condi
tions. But I will say that anyone
who bnvs an 'Elide' Ratterv. and
backs that battery up with a faith
ful using of 'Exlde' service, is
surely going to get bis money's
worth and then some every
Famous Theater Magnate
Indulges Choice Pastime
In California
LOS ANGKL.ES, Cal., May 21.
Daniel Frohman's hobby is mo
torcycling. The story leaked out
in Los Angeles yesterday when i
lady reporter was sent out by one i
of the otbk dailies to interview
th theater man who Is sojourn
ing here temporarily in the inter
est of his business enierpnn.
Mrh.t la vnnr nrinciDSl UODDY B'
sporting pastime?" ventured the
laay reporter.
Dealer Deluged With
Queries About Batteries
"Every once -In a while," says
Mr. It. D. barton, manager of the
local Exlde service station, "you'll
sea an ad -or read some article
about a starting and lighting bat.
" 1 ' : - I
Ifamtv (iuMolifM- Ktiuiw'l
With an ooening at one side In-
ptcad of the top, a gatuillne funnel
ror auiomoniics, and that can tie
carried in small space, has been
Invented in England.
1 s
It economy b practicaUy expressed in its
low gasoline consumption, its high tire mile
age, and the infrequency of repairs.
It is further expressed in the durability of
its finish, which seldom requires more, than
a thorough cleaning to bring back its orig
inal lustre.
Tn Warm Motorrvc-INt' Hand
Hands, and feet of inotorcyrlo
riders can be keot warm with
new attachments for tlilr ma
chines that convey warm exhaust
gases from tbe engines to metal
Prevents Tractor Wheels ( logging
I lie 1UKH oil A in:w iirti.i. j
whc?l work in and out like xpadc
from an eccentric on the axles
and clean themselves, preventing
the wheel cioecinjc in Bticklcst
Iinal lustre. II
184 S. Commercial St., SALEM
Phone 423 11
j U
. k. ' ' 'V'"'WiMf-'-' risassssssss""" ' '
replied Mr. Frohipan, "and that i.
r.dlng a motorcyc.e. I have tev
'ral automobiles at my home In
V aur Vnrlr Iml fir nniirt II 11 'I
healthful outdoor exerrlse I pre -1
ler to riae a moiorcycie. oum-1
times 1 play golf, but nothing in
vigorates me so much, or gives me
mote pleasure than to don my rid
ing suit and puttees ana go mm
a ride about the, Now York parks
ano boulevard system. I know
that certain of my friends think
I'm crazy because I ride a motor
cycle, but tbat is only because
they never rode moiorcycirs
themrelves, and don't know what
real snort is."
For the benefit of those who
have never heard of Mr. Frohman,
they have but to r-Jfer to almost
any billboard in their neighbor
hood, no matter where they may
reside. Very likely their eyes
would meet th printed express
ion "rianiei Frohman presents
such and such an actor or actress,
in such and -such a play." Mr.
t-rniiffliii ! undoubtedly one c1
the foremost figures in the theat
rical world.
Brown Trucking Company
Claims Machine Damaged
By Little Dodge (lr
In a mutual collision, fhe heav
lest machine fares the wofat is a
th"ory in physics that theVplain
tiffs- in the case . of the thrown
Trucking company against the
Hrownfield-Canty Carpet company
are attempting to demonstrate In
the hearing of the action 'begun
Thursday morning In Jud WU
llam E. Carroll's court before
jury. Damages totaling $441.&
are sought, by the trucking; com
Danv for losses alleged 1 1& havs
hMn incurred throuch repair bills
for the machine and throtjfgh tho
fact that they were uables(to ue
it tar annroximatelv a month af-
ter tn acciaem. : m
comnany'a car was a three and I
one-half ton White truck, tBe rnri.
nlture company's being a Dodge
delivery true. , '
In the collision which occurrea
on Harrison aveinue in February.
1920, the smaller car is also aam
tn hnvM been damsfed but the
worst sufferer apparently was
Mike lwney, itnat turaiiare com
pany's driver, who. was badly in
jured in the mash-up. Ban n. .
Renihortcr iJ aUBmrinc Cor tbe
plaintiff, Camiingand Oeegan and '
Tom Davis iTepwaenung ine w- .
fendants. f
Unique Cycle is ,hown -p ;
By Mc!i0rran N Ramsden
Ttamadeu a UcMorns have on
display ir; their show window an
TnMan Tfntrvrcvcl whlrh u !
pecially ' finished . by the factory
for use in tbe Chicago auto allow.
At thA 1 nrount Wlm lh mftf nr. !
cycle is being sent around the 1
country to be -used by the an- t
terent inaian dealers tor display - ;
purposes. The machine, which - )
Is of a beautiful cream eolor, la j
especially mounted ' with, regard .
to display purposes. : it "l
"and Rim Parti for all Can
3Tr Rrfiorf AArtrm --
WO Duth.Hlgh. Etreet
111 UV U IVfinS Ala CAR
A'flrrjitor Workii HorlzoniaUy
An automobile accelerator pedal
patented by a North Dakotan
works horl7ntaIly instead or ver-
vnr from
keeping his foot in a strained po-
The Ford Delivery Car is probably one of the most used cars in
the business world. The reasons are ample: ItUnueconoxn-,
ical motor car in service; it is the most dependable motor car m
Urvice- it i the most satisfactory motor car m service because it is
S Regular Ford Chassis with just the tod of bfyyotjanL We
can set or build any kind of a body you may desire, plaitf or fancy.)
I?wiU multiply the volume of your business by doubling ydg tames
erritory. If this were not so, the biggest conxaationsji he
country would not dc using uccw w v-r - r i
Sses Come in. Let's go into details a little farther with you.
,You will find it a profitable investigation.
Must Not Splamli PedoMHunn
Several Japanese rltieR
that automobiles be equipped with
to nrevent'the win
! eni
it t
Radiator Xeiir Itear
The motor and radiator of aj
new French automomio are
mounted close to the rear axle,
tho inventor claiminK this ar
rangement permit t" use oi
fmaller and lighter bodies.
Whistles Wlien Lubricant If
Blown by suction from the in-
takf manifold, a whistle has brea
invented to warn a motorist that
the circulation or lubricuttng oil
in bin car has stopped.
Warm Automobile at the Cuib.
An electric llcht company In an !
Ontario city has installed taps on
many of its poles to enable auto-,
mohiltas to keep thier cars warm
while standing on the streets.
Classified Ads. In The
Statesman Bring Results
$674.78 At Salem
. . HISJ-.
tt "
Valley Moh