Li ' 1 I TIIE OREGON STATESMAN. SALEM. OREGON Issued Daily Except Monday by THR HTATKSMAN PI Bl.lSIIIM; XMPAXY , . 216 8. Commercial St.. Salem. Oreguu (Portland Office, C27 Board of Trade Builtllug. Phone Automata r - 627-59) If yon are not a cabbage-head, tell the Salem slogan editor what you know .about cabbage. Mt-moilal da) in Salem and - tfi f should be a day bob-un, iiietnotittl and not a da (.1 hilarity and noise and purt: MKMBKK OK T11K AHSOCIATKII I'KKHS Th Associated Press la exclusively entitled to the use for repub lication -ot all newa dispatches credited to It or not otherwise credited tn this paper and also the local news published berein. It. J. Hendricks . . Manager Stephen A. Stone. : Managing Kdltor Ralph Glover . . . ; Cashier Frank Jaskoiki Manager Job Dept. DAILY STATESMAN. Berved by carrier in Saleui and suburbs, 10 cents a week, 65 cents a mouth. DAILY STATESMAN, by mail, in advance, $6 a year. $3 for six souths, $1.50 for three months, 50 cents a month, in Marion tad Polk counties; outside of these counties. 17 a y-ar, (3.50 lor six months, $1.76 for three months, 6u cents a month. W hen not paid In advance, 60 cenla a year additional. TUB PACIFIC HOMESTEAD, the great western weekly farm paper, will be aent a year to anyone paying a year In advance to the Dally Statesman. SUNDAY STATESMAN, $1.50 a year; 75 cents for six months; 40 cents for three months; 25 cents for 2 months; 15 cents for one tnonth. WEEKLY STATESMAN, issued In two six-page sections. Tuesdays and Fridays, $1 a year (if not paid in adfauce, $1.26); 50 V .'V ceiti for six months; 25 cents for three months. TELEPHONES: . r' ... ; Business Office, 23. Circulation Department, 583 Job Department, 583 Society Editor, 106 Entered at the Postofflce in Salem, Oregon, as second class matter. LOVE, THE DIVINE PANACEA Uilly S.mday collect d $.".. on at the close of his sinner-savin campaign in Cinciunat i. Y-t the Son of Man. In who-;.- behalf h" spoke, had no plac- to lay hi- head. The plan of pending fruits from the Pacific roast thrtuph th Pan ama c.'iial to eastern tnatkets feems to be a success The high railway rates are offering an ini pcrtant field for ships end trucks driven with gasoline. Is a new chapter in shipments of freight being written the ing The Petal.ima chamber of rom nerce has sent a delegation to Washington to ask for a protec tive tariff on poultry products. With eggs selling at two to threo cents a dozen in China, this ought r.ot to be necersary. The mem bers of the house ways and means committee. including our Cn giessman Hawley. have eyes and ears )' (Copyrighted by the San Jose Mercury Of the millions of men and women who call themselves Christians but a very small percentage measures up to the cornerstone of Christianity, the Golden Rule Some there . may be, but the vast majority fall short. Nor is it easy to do unto others as you would be done by. The flesh is weak, temptation knocks at the door and it is opened. But this does Hot I mean that because multitudes of professing Chris tians fai in the observance of this fundamental they are de Void of all the graces of religion, It does mean that too many ; prefer the letter to the spirit, the shadow to the substance. In a word, they prefer the formalities to the essentials, and herein arid to this extent Christianity, or rather its profes sors, fail ' It isj a mistake to assume that the observance of the rules of religityf constitutes religion. One may live up to ' the very letter of these rules and yet have none of the true spirit of religion. The traducers of the good name of Jesus Christ who betrayed him and finally crucified him were the ' most punctilious formalists in the world. To the externals they' were fanatically faithful. The outside of the platter was spotless, the inside was unclean. Before they entered the temple the feet were washed- Their prayers were loud and 7 long and timed with the preciseness of the rising and setting of the sun. Every requirement of ceremonialism was rigidly adhered to. These were the Pharisees who planned and con- spired against the life and religion of Jesus. A national organization to se cure the repeal of the prohibition national amendment has been 'ormed. It is a gigantic under taking. The opponents of prohi bition must elect a congress two thirds pro-li(iior, and thereafter 3C state legislatures of the same type. Each body has a house-and senate and both must vote for re- oeal, for rejection by a single chamber In each of the 36 states would prevent the repeal of tn amendment. And besides, ni !-inendment of the federal consti tution has ever been repealed I1KAXS AXI BIIAIXS, so many purses to be won by the blooded horses of that state. Physical supremacy has been conquered by the nipple athletes of the Pacific coaxt all the way from Oiej'oii to San liietjo. Ask man who is the greatest I i v - American, and he will reply without bet Station, -Herbert Hoo ver." the man who received his brain cells and his love for his fellow men from the soil of Ore gon and California, and the free air of the Pacific breezes. Dr. Crilly recounted the result of his investigation and analysis. He ieferred to the records made by Pacific coast students in east ern colleges. Their average is uniformly high. That none lias vet reached an eminence which silhouettes him on the intellectu al sky-line Is due to the fact that brains develop less rapidly than muscle?. An athlete matures in '.a tl. ...r.1 t,.a-Am- a lew yeais; nut urvi'tdi nujiriii- acy is a plant of slower growth P.ret Harte and Jack London did their best work in California, as did Helen Hunt Jackson. Joaquin Miller wrote his greates lines while he was a resident of Ore gon. Perhaps another N'ew'on, Shake speare or KnteiBon in now at tending the piibli" school fome here in Oregon. And it is in 'ie nut'iial c.Mir-'e rf events that the Nader who shall bring the Ha of . I.eapu oi Nations to lib fruition shall feed his senilis ;n the legumes and the vitamines of the Pacific coast. It Is so easy to forget that Christianity is a religion of love that despite the most slavish obedience to formula Without love there can be no spiritual progress. It was the beginning and the end of 'all that Jesus taught and lived. Hypocrisy, intrigue, lust and murder, were everywhere about hiny in the very midst of a religion so-called whose sacerdo- talism was all that the most exacting formalist could wish. 1I& knew and saw the futility of it all. He warned them, he entreated them to abandon the vanities of profession, which, standing alone, led to spiritual death. A few of the more jcourageous followed him. Others halted between two opin ions, still others waited to see what manner of man was this who had dared ttTthrust the selfish materialists out of the temple; who had flayed the Pharisaical mischief-makers of a religion I which had to do only with' externals; who dared to teach the golden lesson of social equality and of religious freedom. And strangely enough, after the lapse of nearly two thousand years, these same principles call for more ' emphasis than ever, so sordid is the, same human nature, so self ish and arbitrary are the relations among men. f VV: The message which Christ brought to the world was a message of love- To banish from men's hearts the canker of hate'.and revenge was His aim. This He taught and lived ; this He practiced against the taunts and persecution of crit- - ics who only knew the pagan doctrine of an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth. "By this ye shall be known as my disciples, that ye have love one to another." Such was the new message to a world enmeshed in dogmatic ecclesiasticism and hypocritical pretense. , ; 4 -' ; t What a beautiful message it is ! What a different world "we should have if men but hearkened to it instead of sac rificing peace and good will for the pottage of materialism. Nor is it .a difficult message to translate into action if men areionly true to their own better natures. What profit is there in revenge? What advantage in spreading the venom of hate and reprisal? Will the recollection of such a life s soothe the worn spirit as the body enters the portals of JeatJi? We are here for a little while only. We engage in a .few activities which some of us do a little better than othrs but which all of us do imperfectly. We permit our natures to become enslaved to earth-bound ambitions and our passions to run riot as though life held nothing better for us. Instead of having fellowship with our better nature and drinking from the weUs of spiritual knowledge, which we may if we will, we yield to the sordid selfish passions which drag down and never uplift. We hear of a fellow-citizen's distress and suddenly remember some fancied wrong he has done us. Then ?re join the haranguing outcry against him Stephen was toned ho death by those who disagreed with him. Paul the apostle gave his life for his faith. Pontius Pilate practically handed Christ over to the executioner, not because he be lieved him guilty but bcause he feared the loss of his political power. Caesar was assassinated in the house of his friends, not because he had betrayed them but because of the jeal ousy and intrigue of powerful contemporaries. All along the mileposts of history are found similar examples of treachery and Ingratitude. ' Let u$ be tolerant, kindly, charitable. The impulse to re venge or the spirit of reprisal let us promptly repress. In none of us are wanting the nobilities which embellish char acter if only we would hearken to their cry, We could if we would but we perversely won't love our neighbor as our selves. Not one of the ten commandments is impossible or illogical oi impracticable. And the men who will persistently listen to the veice of his own higher nature will not only ride safely the tides which threaten to overwhelm him but will in the end, when age dims the eye and the reaper comes near, have the satisfaction of knowing that at least he has made the pilgrimage as best he could, fulfilling according to . iniH me purpose oi ms creator ana tne duties of his bet- "I'pon what meat hath this, our Caesar, fed?" may have pos sessed a more literal meaninc than the world lias hitherto bus pected. From an eminent Con necticut chemist comes the. as sertion that Yale has lost its ath 'etic supremacy because the soi' in which are grown the products on which Yale students feed has Wt Its vitality. Training alone was not responsible for the crush ing victory of California over Dhlo on the Pasadena gridiron on New Year's day. The Berkeley earn carried more legumes an-J a superior supply of vitamines The Ohio team was the heavier, lut the meat would not grade ip to the standard of'the Pacific coast product. Ir. Crilly expresses frankly his opinion that the eastern colleges will not be able in the future to compete successfully in athletics with those of the Pacific coast; and he expresses some doubts about their being able to main ain an intellectual equality. "The oil of the Pacific states is best itted," he says, "to turn out na 'ional champions, not only in phyaical but in intellectual lines." He says further that "it is im possible for athletes from Yale. Trinity or Wesleyan colleges to be properly trained for their games unless they are fed the proper legumes and receive the adequate vitamines. If the ath letes now training for Yale teams could be fed the proper legumes there Is no doubt Yale would re gain its athletic supremacy." So earnest is Dr. Crilly in the advocacy of his theory that he has petitioned Governor Kverett of Connecticut to urge the legis lature to pass laws which will iid in supplying the farmers of the state wit-h lime and legumes to feed the soil. It is from soil that possesses the highest productivity that the substances are drawn which give to braUi and muscle their best ipiiK-n t There is a great leal more In food. accord ing to the chemists, than in heredity. It was the deep oil of Oregon and the robust outdoor life of the great plains that made it possible tor Kdwin Markham to write "The Man With the Hoe." and that put into the brain of Sam Simpson the im mortal words of "The Beautiful Willamette." The sporting world a genera tion ago discovered it was the blue grass of Kentucky, even more than breeding, that caused KKKPIVfi Sl NhAY. The Paptibt ministers of Mary land have expressed helr objec tion to the principle of a compul ory observance of the Sabbath They wish men and women to ob erve an orderly Christian Sun lay because it is proper and de sirable. Not because it is the law. The strength of the church Hes in its appeal to the heart, the "nind and the conscience. It JFould be weakened In its mission were the attempt made to enforce ts tenets by legal enactment. The ministers say they will pro selyte, but not prosecute, it is the placing of Sunday observance upon religious grounds that starts instant controversy in the minds of many. The idea of one day of rest in feven they welcome, but that it shall be on Sunday and that it shall be given to the church invites a lot of unchris tianly argument They eay. let the church win its ends by good will rather than force of law. day, despite the fact that there U rush work on every farm. Memorial day a week from to morrow. ". His-t. the jrirl raluate I"- com ing duWU the pike. V "- When all the new buildings provided for in and around Salem ret under way. It will look very much like a building boom. "- Tomorrow morning the con crete will begin going down on the Pacific highway from out -Jefferson way towards Salem. ". Is this the week the emergency tariff bill is lr get through con gress? That has been the hong for a long, long time. V V The Slatesmun is saying good morning, each succeeding day. to a long list of new subscribers; to whom the Bits for Breakfast man would make his politest bow and extend his most sincere thanks, hoping the relationship may be long and mutually pleas ant. F. H. Kunkel, Sa".em, Koute 1, who lives a mile down the Wal lace road, -on the Polk county side, just over the first hill, is one of the latest to join the ranks ot the broccoli growers. He is planting tdx acres. Mr. Kunkel Is a new comer, and lie does not ihink he can undertake the care of more than that. But he has eight to ten acres more of good, new, well drained land that he would like to have some one else take and plant to broccoli. He would like to hear from some one who will undertake this. Here s a chance for some Salem resi dent, or any one else who wants to get into the broccoli industry. Mr. Kunkel's phone number is .".i;K13. The Statesman is insert- . . . 0 ing this paragrapn on account oi the desire of Its broccoli enthusi ast that the acreage may be tne limit of the amount of available seed, for the Kood of the industry. the country, and all the individ uals engaged in it. SUNDAY MORNINC, MAY 22, 1021 OREGON STATESMAN MTIW AM CIAS' WILL FIND ANYTHING They will find lost articles, will find a buyer if you have southing to sell or will find a bargain if you want to buy something. 1 fei:t axi brains. A scientist asserts that large feet are associated with mad wo men, while with men it is just the reverse. It is the insane men who have small feet. Out of 1000 i normal women 23 per cent had big feet. In 1000 insane women over SO per cent had large feet A similar investigation among men showed a contrary condition Out of 1000 insane men almost 80 per cent had small feet. What seems to be the answer? Maybe it drives a woman crazy just to have big feet, while a man be comes Idiotic because of his small understandings. uut there s no doubt about a lady with massive hoofs being a wild woman. HOOK OF HOOKS. ) ter beinjr. FUlUKt DATES M 2. 27 D! 2 BuirlMll, W .ll.m tt t, .tmin. at V!U WU Mv 2-. S.iiurdsT--Tri-W mt. S!.n hith . Ik.oT anil Jim John high I,kI f fnrtl,!).!. on Salem fi-ld Mar 29. HunJa? Mrmenal gumlay Mv SO, Vnn1,T Vmrial Ut. Jnnr 3 Fnl? Annua) nxr play br Jib 7. TupmUt Aurtmn aal of ilowlpJ J.r- ,t f,,r rroupri, Jiib 1 I. TiKtday KtVa annual Ut ita prorram. Jim I j to 29 frjrnn National ftiar-l frmpiuMiu at Camp Un and Kort StTnm Jon 16, Thnn-taT Orrron Ptonr'r aaanriation nttinir in Portland Jim 17. Friday High arhool frlu Hirh fe-bnol Jiib 17. Friday Aaanal Ioa plmk, etat fair rronnda Jun 20, Mondar Reboot rWii July 80. Saturday Marion roonty Baaday sckool pK-air, atata fair groaada. Speaking of the best sellers, it doth appear that since the inven tion of type a total of more than six hundred million copies of the Bible have been printed. It takes about thirty million fresh copies every year to keep pace with the demand. The Hible is being printed in 112 different tongues which is a couple of hundred more than any school teacher can name. When it comes to the making of books the Hible is the wonder of the world, even from the viewpoint of a non-believer. There is nothing to compare with it. Printing the HibU Is the big gest publishing business today. i By Cinrf BABOON Hanfton Town, I 'umpan iun ) Youth' At ight o'Hofk in 111 I'Vfmnt And at two in the afternoon, Th- nionst-T i nrlnnm open. Th fiddl rreak and rrnon. And thn I low to tli people A lunttr'niC hatiooti. I wiiiiib-r why I !o il ' Why do thf p-opl star-. From i-Tn rows of a hhadow Behind the foollia-htft' irlare ? tv'hy do I ito throurh my weary trirk On a Ul.le and a chair! They lauph, and elap. find giggle. They never eem to tire. For I am unite aiiiUKing Af I dame upon a wire; Or leap, at rnv inantr' aiicnal. Through golden hoop of fire. I cannot smile like the people; I cannot kpeuk at all. I pirouette innanely In the fool i nil carnival: Yet, could 1 laugh, oh 1 would laugh. When the velvet curtain fall. For . I wonder why those people Hit in audi even rown, Aad ioile at niy iiKelen knowledge, 1 .aiign at my mincing toes; And dream that they have wisdom. How little a human kuow! And why do they always rather In house bright and hot. When they might be out in ine open In a place I've never forgot f Why do they live in a shell like thm And hid me share their lot And why is my life a schedule Run by rote and rule? I was not meant for theatres. I was not made for school : I was not Diean't to caper here A thing of ridicule I I was not meant to l.e the slave of a man in a shiny suit. To bring the golden dollars in. To stand lip and salute: The good Jod put me in the world To be a happy brute! But at eight o'clock in the -veninj. And at two in the afternoon, The monster curtains open; The fiddle creak and croon. And I bow to the senseless people A sensible baboon I TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY FOK KKXT WKI.I. Kt'KX 181! KD house keeping rooms close in Ml Mill street Mrs. Kugene I'rescott. LOST BETWKKX OK XT Kit ST AMI Oregon theater, or in theater, a brooch Keward I'hone 013 S S K Zanp Rrov's l Latest Book WHICH SHALL IT UK? In a case in court here the other day a husband made the tearful plea to the jiuU-e that it was utterly impossible for him to keep both a wife and a motor cr. Which did lie keep? A leautiful steel engraving of George Washington will be given 'or the first correct solution. l.os AnpHes Times. SHAKK FOK IT. If we have to hav" airtight ships to ecaie the deadly work of aerial gas bombers we are In favor of doing away with this war business altogether. When we have a dispute let's settle it with the dic box in the good old way Exchange. BITS FOR BREAKFAST Are you enioying the sunshine? Salem was a busy burg yester- 51 1 .51 I? .54 The Man nf Th IV Forest" g 5? V A AVAVAVA VAVi Q fwl SHUR-0NS In hotel lobbies and places where big business men meet, you will meet big bus iness men who keei an eye oh their eyes by wearing Shur-on Glasses. We specialize in Shur-on frames and mountings, and hav our own grinding plant where we can turn out al most any lens In one hour. There is no one in Salem erruipped to turn out quicker service. MORRIS OPTICAL CO. Eyesight Specialists 204-211 Salem Bank of Commerce Building SALEM. OREGON Oregon's Largest, Most Mod ern, Best Equipped Ki tioftive Optical Establishment. Illustrating the Buying Value of the Dollar At Shop Whh the ( rovvds At Kalem'n Busy HI ore THEpgpnjiTg inrirniiii We Deliver FHEE With Order of $2 Or Over SPECIAL SURPRISE SAVING In Every Department ot This Big Store For Monday Selling Special Savings In Ladies' Furnishings $ $1.25 Bungalow Aprons; special at 3Jc Children's heavy cotton Hose; 2 pair for Children's White Organdie Dresses up from $2 Ladies' Fancy Night Gowns, Muslin and flannel . . . 25c Huck Towels, 16x3 4; special each 20- Turkish Towels; extra value for $1.25 60-inch Table Dam ask; fine quality, per yd. 85c Ladies fine quality Hose, special 65c Linen for Sport Suits, special, per yard 75c fine Mercerized I'nion Suits; special at .69 .25 .95 .85 .09 .09 .59 .39 .39 .49 DRESS GOODS $2.50 all Taffeta Silks; special at the yard . . All the 75c Kobe Silks; special at only the yard SNc mixed wool Serges, :! inches wide; Saturday specials, the yard 28c Ginghams, very pretty plaids; special at the yd. Genuine Hope Muslin, for specials, at the yard. 25c Percales, 36 inches wide; special at the yard .... CHARMING NEW BLOUSES $5 Beautiful Pongee Blouses Neatly made of heavy Jap Pongee Silk; on sale J0 AO Monday $lfitO $6 All Silk Georgette Blouses Wiih nrettv hand embroidery des igns;- on sale Monday $1.65 .45 .65 .14 .14 .16 $2.98 Surpise Savings In Coats Suits and Dresses Arrival of Newest Silk Taffeta Dresses The women who appreciate value and style will be exceedingly interested in these wonderful values; made of very good grade of taffeta silks, neatly trimmed with beads and hand embroidery. These are ill valuelo $27.50. On sale Monday at $15.75 Special Selling of All Wool Jersey Sport Coats $5.98 Values to $10.00. In a Variety of different de sirable shade and colors; all affected by Monday's underselling. $15 Ladies' Serge Suits Made of heavy storm serge, trimmed with novelty silk braid and fancy ;button, Q f"A effects; on sale Monday a.t v73U Groceries At Surprise Saving For Monday Selling i MEN! Surprising Value in Shoes for the Whole Family $4.25 2.75 3.25 .69 1.98 1.98 3.98 $8.00 Ladies' Hlucher Kid Oxfords Special $3.50 Men's Peters Work Shoes; Special at -r Values to $8 men's black and brown Dress Shoes $1.50 Men's Black Tennis Shoes; Special $3 50 Ladies' White Oxfords; Special $3.75 Ladies' Sport White and Black Oxfords at $7.50 Ladies' Black Kid Oxfords and Pumps; special at These Furnishing Specials Are Real Surprise Savings $ .95 .55 .85 .98 $1.75 Men's heavy weight Overalls; special $1.15 Heavy Work Shirts; special $1.60 Men Balbriggan I'nion Suits; Sat. special $2.50 Men 'ii Heavy Cotton Pants; Special Sat u rday at A Record Breaking Sale of Men's Suits at Prices That Will Surprise To !f-.").(M) men's Suits; special at. $12.50 To .o.'i.oO meii'ii Suits; sjn.'ciiil at 14.50 To if-UUM) men's Suits; at.. 16.50 To .$4."i.(0 men's Suits; special at. 19.00 To :f."i0.00 men's Suits; special nt . 22.50 $9.50 Men's all wool Serge Trousers ; ; Saturday .Special 2 5c Men's iiockfonl Work Sox ; Special at ...... 65c Fiber Silk Hose; Special at 40c Boys' Black Bearskin Hose;: jHPrial at the pair r,Cc Mmih engineer and fire men Ifosej special .... 7 5c Men'B Afl Leather Work Glove, special 7.c Police Suspenders; SpeciaJ at- 15c C.ood weight Canvas Gloves? special at 3.98 .09 .39 .25 .19 .49 .45 .09 Many Special Values In Our Economy Basement ADVERTISE IN THE STATESMAN FOR RESULTS