The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, May 22, 1921, Page 12, Image 12

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11.1-11,1,1 mm mi "f " f II mwi'iP iiwin ' - " !.- " " ' I 111 '" -- -- . . - . i . "? I . ,. a . ...
! (Contlnuipd from Inst 'e-k.
A human prism he was re
trading the light In wven differ
ent colors. But different in this
he was not predictable. Ueda ant'
blues and yellows there were in
Lis moods, hut sometime? the gold
w.uld predominate and Nomotf mes
the indigo. Hill Porter's ia a
baffling spectrum of cay and
pomber hues.
These moo- of 7: were in
scrutable to weAt times he Has
w aloof 1 eoufa sea rely get a
wrd Irom him. 1 would go away
!.ethinn with anger. Ami in an
hour he would come over with the
gentlest aud subtlest perNuasion
. v . II.. . - I . I -. i 11; . .
W Wllctfuie we miu 1 1 iriiiiiiiiraa.
- Bill, you've got a feii)lTme
streak In you; you're so damned
unreliable." I meant it for a tluir
Uig rtbuke. .
T Porter looked at mr. putting on
at Boolisb aimpM-. "It makes me
aulte interesting and enigmatic,
oesn't It. colonel?'
And then lie became instantly
serious. "Sometimes things look
so black to ine Al. I don't ft
vim h me In anythrng. t can't bet
myself. Sometimes I want to
have nothing to -do with any one
aad sometimes I envy th defl-
1 ance that seems
I inauy f riemis."
to win you so
I'erter Sore ill
JonalngN' Popularity.
! I'orter could have walked down
Broadway and won the uiilnig mh
lute of every celebrity for a iniltj
had he so wished. And yet ht
made that comment one day be
cause a half doen bartenders had
called me by name.
He hail been very busy getting
out wume utories. I had not seen
him for four days. I improved
the time by striking up acquain
tance with the elite of the bar
rooms One. evening I was talk
ing to the tender- lu a saloon
across from the Klatlron lluildlng
Both my listener and 1 were ex
citedly going through the perilous
joys of a holdup.' I heard a hesi
tating cough. Porter was at ni
"Did you find an old friend in J
the barlendier'.'" he asked when wt.
got oatskta.
"No. I just met him yesterday ."
"Well. I stood there 10 minutes
with a Sahara (hirst on me before
he turned to quench it. You'ro
evidently inure riches lo him than
uay dime.
"I've lieen looking for you. col
onel. 1 went into five different
saloons. I asked if a diminutive
tfiant vsith a denture face and red
hair had been prowling about the
premises. 'Who. Mr. Jenrtiu-)
I rum Oklahoma'." tluv up aud suj .
and then th-y try to ooiui out
gitur fool pi iliis to hie oil the a:
phall. IIoa do nt do It'."
Wuitleif J'tiiiiiiK o
Itun for Mayor.
The best thin? you can do is to bring
that blown- out, run. cut or otherwise in
jured casing or tube to US if it can be
economically repaired we can do it
- A repair made HERE is a repair
made with skilled hands, high grade ma
terials, and modern equipment A TRIAL
J. B.
(1 .(
The Home of Ray Batteries
291 North Commercial St Phone 787
Did It Ever Happen To You?
. VI HEN 0U rf?E ALL
Set for conFoioAftLE.
tM N fnt ouo BVS
motor devexqw s
Tinker with EVEfCf-
-fN0 UE. ON OOR.
ltffQ YOUR tfcR.
rVt NtT fit
f RNt TtLV.c 70O
.Mft y&o owe op,
ftnb vPivec to
toweo to a tinner I
WH"V tu QUlts -yoJ
EVER I5Cjvht s
- - Afit Tnc occ
ZOhiV -VtCK vjlP JviiT
1.C iC Uft TnC,
F.atTron:- OH
"You OIIK'lt to onie here It lltl
run for maior. Vnu'il b
sure. Alul then you could ap
pin 11 1 me your st'iictaiy We'd
in clover."
Many I10111 : Liter wheeled
nroiind a; Min ii-ai" i be l-'latiion
building. My rallied
away in itie torti.olo aiul then
hulled down tin kIHiI
I started to run al'ier it. Por-
Mr'u fli in ttrAlnr Id iwl U'ri4 oil i
my arm. "I'on'i colonel. Some
one Mill brills it lo you. The
north wiinl it coitMderaie. Ii payi
indeiiiiiitit-s on I he damage
wrought. If will send a porter to
return your headpiece lo you."
"Lake bell it will.".
A likely chance it senn-d at -
o'clock in the morning. I shook
off bis arm. d 't rmWo'd to recover
my property, wlieit. ilasliin- "P
from nowher' came an old man.
"Pariion me. s r. is this yours?"
Kor the second time in my l'.!e
I heard Mill Porter s. ikI up 'hat
hubliliiM. si.noroiiK laugh ol his:
Kor a moment I felt like a Pt
ron hewitciik'd. "WhT" in ttuin
der did that old gnome ci.iue fr.nn,
a fry way
"You oiiEhtn't to he so paiticu
lar about the creature's origin.
You've got your hat, haven't
It was a night of gayety. 'We'll
continue this in our next, colonel.
Come over at noon." It was Por
ter's good night.
1 was ready Tor the jaunt
promptly at 12. "Mr. Porter n
lit his rooms go right up. ' the
clerk saiu. I reached the door.
could hear Kill stropping his raz-
.or. I knocked, lie aid noi an
Gives Guest
Latch Key.
Mindful of the joyoua buoyancy
of the night before I gave a vic
ious kick at the door. He did not
In a gale or resentment and
hurt pride, I rushed to my room a
block away.
"He's sick and tired of me slid
ing ir there night and day." 1
thought. "He wants to be rid ol
me"'. 1 grabbed my suitcase and
started dumping my clothes into
It. . I planned to leave New York
thai, afternoon. I was just jam
ming In the last few collars when
I M-tbiii.l S.ulh ( 'laiuti-r.-!
nii.t l . r Nlr-t. iitra- . . .Aiurii-u.
Ifislir 'J t " a in . fiiimlay . School, K.
Kliotcii su. riiilfiiili-nt ll orjii
.mI rla.o". lor all irK U'I prad."!
1'rifmir.' ilfparlnifiii nuUr ilirwcimii vf
u.n. 1 1 u I n.r.-v II m Ttt HiArninir
elected ! w.,,-hiu :ih ..tiim'Ii U i'TOtmfinr Jo
t-uli I. Kntfiu. A.M . hKil of tli le in hia-ruturi- t YVillauirlt)'
.itti.iit Aiifh.-iii liv t r i-koir. " I
U ill I. ill ti (. .vl itit- (''. I'lins. II. l Oflrrtorv lu. . " H k of
rii.'' Stphm ilo.r. hv Sliiwn Man
i iirnrr ami Mililn il Siivvry. :l .m ,
l ih. f ai Kii. ril.' IiiIhIiuw u til utt-t'l tb
jiin.or Kjtoilli lauii. i J rati
iiiri inprtms ui On' f pworlh Irnicuc
Iv iiiilil. lo not fgrc't at-rvii-r
Vilnt-ilny i-M-iiiiiit al ii rlili'i
liut'lri. I autl
u( tli Kirortb
i. airut' I'li pastor will lilt-vl 'l.alt
h p it. V.veionie w.irshi Mih I. aura
.4uttii, 'a urailtiao tif Will.-till onivr
in. anU a r. ully returned niuioDtry
Irom lliilia Hill Kit I llr . v c.ll li auui.An
on ''liiiliu Anilim hr ilif. i lioir. 'l.t
Mi fry lamir t mo 'I'ti.-. ' II. w.
1'ui t.T. w Hi a soprano toiii ly Mm. A.
N KiikUiuI Ofi.-rtory lu, "The Nin
tv nml N in. " I .napion, liy Mr. Floyd
II. .Mrlntyrv.
.T.1SOH I.- Nfmorial Winter and Jef-
I ( r5ii urMH, Tlioiuaa Ai'tti son, liBHtor
On Suii.l.iv Mi;. '."Juil hrrk'u'-a fet tbut
tliurili will i..'ui Willi a prawr aervi-e
for 4'hriviiau ivurki'in and all who au
1.1 ln J HI 1.1 UmI l.y Uf. M-. llliiil...
Sunday hi hoot ronvefie at 1:4 a.u.
with Mr llaif Minn, miperiiitnflfiil. ('Jan
lor all atrra with capable teachers
in chart:.' a-uranl- to all who come a
try profttnl'U- tun'. Siratiitr and in
hor alwiiM welcome t'nlr the aui
picea of the Koreiyn Minno:irT Society
of lit- church Miu Laura Aimtin. a r
turned lit ik loiwtry from India will ad
ilr the m.'-i ntr at the 11 o'clock hour.
.In ii lor church at II am, wheu a ai-r
M-e full of inter.-Kt for yomiK people
ill lie conducted. Mra. Arheaon will
in chartc We earnestly auk the co
opcralitxi uf purt uta itli uk in linn very
iiMrtiuU fold.' Kpworth leaftiie irieeta
at 7 pin Thia imrliiiit ia crowing in
iiilT.-l uml iiuiiilnrH. V.OUHK people fre
urtred lo le present. Kreninic worship S
p.iu Sul.ject, 'Tbe MeSKaco of Two
Covenants." There will ha good Biuaic
led ly the choir, at iioth morning and
rveaine meetinjs. The pahlie ia cordial-
the door opAcd and Hill's ntddy,
understanding face looked down
at me.
' Forgive me, coronel, that 1
have not a sixth sense.- I could
not distinguish your knock from
anyone else's." Porter slipped hia
hand into his pocket. "Take this.
Al, and let yourself in any hour of
the day or night. . You'll never
find Hill Porter's door or hi time
locked against the salt of the
More eloquent than the gift of
a dollar from a Shylock was this
tiibute from the reserved Hill
Wa KoliUHt. '
First Method it corner Plat anil
t'liiirch Mrect, brain r: Kir" pa'rick,
intitixler Siiudiiy school ";41 a. in Morn
IBS' ''worfiliil It o'clock. This 'iioliiv
will ha ohaerred an Will.ttnelie Siindav
and a apeciut invitation ia iaued to the
Hlifdeiitft of the hiicb ai-hool and the
university. The pa-tor will preuch a
ieriuou on Chriituifi education, u.iii the
Milijc I. "The I uiravrlied Uo.i.l " There
will I.- ntccml iniiKtc under the direction t I he mesh:i:e
of I'rof K. V. IIoImou. Let iin lituke lh- third in
Ihia a day of (treat tairniratiou. At I :.'
o'ctffk the intermediate and senior Kp
worth lenities will unite ill the cel.-oi :i
tioii of the :rjad uiiveriary of the
foiindiiij; of the'orth league oy ore
Keiilinij the historical puKeaut. "You
Are the Hope of the World." This pro
ir ram will te of iimiual interest l nil
ouni: people.' KveniiiK worship at H
o'clock. .seriuon l tlie pantor o'i the
Huhje.t, "Sulvation hy Miiliatitullon
The choir will furnish aix'cial inuvic Ml
'i' i
at ":!' ii in , Kvenjiuc erice at H p m
Special iiiiisip in tle UKirOiliif and even
liiK rvice. Seruiona hv .the pastor.
'Ihuraduy e eniiis"erriee at 7;S0 pin.
ure coriiianv invueu. i ue rsaoiui circle
will have the finul meeting of -he year
al the church on Tuesday evciiiui; at
(,: flu o'cliH-k. with supper and social
good time for all of the faiuihc ol the
circle Church niiclil on Thurxday even
i ue, 7 ::io p u.
Siandinavian M.llio.list Kifteentll and
Mill streets tier (' II. lUksel will
preadi at 1 1 o'clock a hi. Sunday aehool
:it 1- Don't fail to he with ua if you
understand our laniruaKe.
St. I'stil's t'heuiekeia and riuinh
streets. ftervieea for Trinity Sunday,
one of the five great festivals of the
t'hristiaii yar 7 .'Mi a.u., low celehra
tiou of the holy communion; H:4' a.iu
i hurt h school : 11 a m., htirh relehral ion
ami aernioi. o veitinr aerrici'. Kvcry
hody welcome. t'has. H. row ell. rector.
Service are schedule. I l.y the Min
ifderuil AsKOoatioii an follows: atate hos
pital, t a.m., Hev, Thoiuaa Acheson ;
feehle iniiirletl instjtiite, a in.. Kev. K.
I., t'litnmn: deaf school, J: 1.1 pin., Rev.
W. T Millikeu; cottage farm, 'J:i!D p.m.,
lie. . W. t'orliy: girl'a industrial school,
.'I pin.. Rev. t'. II. Powell; ttiiierculosis
hnnital, :i:l" pin., Rnaigu Jesse Koe
t has. If. Powell, aeeretary.
First Christian Center and High
struts, J. J. Kvana, Hi in later. In tbe
ahaence of the pa.lor, lr. lonKhridse
will preach at the morning honr. ile has
apent many years in India and hai long
I, ecu a pastor in tho Baptist church. His
measatre will he worth hearing. At the
evening seriee Harold ltnll, one of the
young men of the eon-r(rat ion, now
study i n T for the luiowtry at Kuifene Bihle
tinivemity, will preach for the first time
in his home church. He if a young
man oi fine promise. The' pastor will
i .reach the Baaalaureate sermon for the
ihle school at Kiiicene. The church
school opens at 9:4.1. The orchestra and
jteneral appointments of the various !
partmenta make an interesting hour. The
young people invite other young folk,
intermediate and senior ages, to join
them at :30.
hlaml Krieuds- Itible school at !
am, i ntllou Hons, auperiuieuoeni .
school i n ow ins; in interest and nuiu
In rs. We have classes lor all aaes and
yon will find a real welcome. MorliHK
worship ami preachiiii; at II. '. K
lue.lini: at 7 aud preuchin: at M pin.
for th evening will ue
series on the "Parables
oi The Kim-doiii ' oiiii people pray
er lue.tiiiii on The-kday at 7 -HI p.m.
Mrs I.e.- will !'! special Hilile lesson
Midweek pi aver iiieeni on Thurxday
nt P'o Mirangers and visitors always
weUome. I (i iiid Ida .1., pastors.
Kvaiieelist Belt s closiaif serri.s?
Fust I mted Brethren, VrW Park
1l,i.l. s.-hool t 10 tin. John V. Tbomp
son, suieriiiteinleot Preaching at 1 I by
the pastor, snhjecl, "Truth. What Is It
Junior I'. K. will meet in the parsonage
at I I a.lil.. superilitellltl'Ilt t'eliS liohlef.
assistants Mrs. Wickiier and Ktta Hurus.
Senior I'. K. at 7 p.tu, Marfin Wells,
president, (ieiievee "Scot I, leader- there
u ill he i pecial music and readinga in
connection with the subject under coll
siileralion. I.ospel seriuuJi al H p.m.
Mid week prayer meeting on Wednesday
veiling al M o'clock, at which time m
deleKale to ret. resent the church in the
annual conference will lie elertetl. -t'hoir
practice Kriday evening at S o'clock.
Teachers' training c!us will lake exam
on the evening of the USth. f. W. Cor
by, pastor.
Kvanp-clical Church Clbemekets street,
K. . I. aimer, pastor. Siindav adiool
hour begins at 111 a in , W. A. Springer,
as leader, who asks the siipoorl of all
members to make this a standard school.
Sermon at 11 a.m., subject "A World s
Vision." Y.P.A.'iit 7 pin . I.ois LippoM,
leader. Sermon 7 :.". Tnesday even
ing there will be the annual finance
meeting. Thursday evening prayer meet
ing. We .ovite ail. Kvcry one is given
a welcome.
evening,---- uie-rkiwg in Titian Hll
on Court Street. Subject : "W hat SIMI
I lo With Jeauaf" The crisis n Pl;
ate'a life. It's lesson for today. Kverji
bmly invited. Service at 7::ti.
St Joseldi's Mute) at 7 :w. ifO
mid l;.'tn I.UFl mass ia a high mats
1.. .1. . . . ...
Sling if MiW JttK Ur, A i. Ill S BSSS
-I he ,.sU.r w Si six-alt , 1 "1, t,Vtt!
Mvslelv of the 4 sthohc I'hurch." u . .
devolioia'i." tiertetlfcHoit' sf- 1 fSi 'nnt i
Ucv. J. K. Huelt, -nasUir. .- 1 .
On moon I It nights "what he say8
to her ought to be discounted
about ill per ceut
m . ' ML . ' -
1 was always under the Impres
sion that Porter's ppirit. unshad
owed by the walls of the Ohio
penitentiary, would have been a
buoyant, fantastic incarnation. He
had a robust philosophy that with;
stood without the tarnish of cyni
cism the horrors of prison life.
Without these scaring memor
ies I think tbe debonair trrace of
I youth that was uppermost In his
heart would have been the domi
nant force triumphant over thw
ordinary melancholy of life.
"1 have accepted an invitatioo
for you, colonel," He was in-one
Tirt Congregational Liberty anil
Center streata. W. C. Kantner. minister.
1H, Monday school with clnssca tor
Sll ages under the leadership of com-
petetit teachers, W. I. Staley. snncrm-
tefidnit. 11 s.m ReT. A. J. Niilletts.
Uta superintendent of Congregational
eborrhea. will speak on matters of soec-
tl 'intereat to all Congregationsliats.
p m.. hristian endeavor .lay .Morris.
-i "set ares.
i Double Seal Rings Why?
They Save Gas. They Save Oil. They Keep Upkeep Down.
' m i t T-i - rm m. ...
aney joa-Ke urrymg a neasure uecausc Ji ney rut rep, rick-
t - . j . , iir flnrl Tcmitov" In f Via TT n rri n c
s auw vnu kll V lllllvT
Recpriirnended and. Guaranteed by All First Qass Garages
. . ., tutu ACLntLT ouvpa
7 HI 1 1 : : ' IJ ic&rrh i tr
Look for
the Name
4 Witlarir' oh a battery identi
fies it as the product of the
pioneer in starting-and lighting
It stands for the most im
portant battery development
the Willard Threaded Rubber
When you buy Willard Tltfeaded
Rubber Bstttery the only battery with
Threaded Rubber Insulation you buy
Freedom from' old time separator
troublea, because the plates of this
battery axe inultt not merely
tepavated. Seres trouble and expense.
Ask about the Willard Threaded
Rubber. Battery end bow you can
recognise it.
Anto Electricians
2.18 North Hteh St.
rhone 203
- CvntraJ Coaffrtfationa) Ronth Kin
teensli and Kerry streets, II. C. Stover.
ti mister. Morning service st 10 s.ra..
Mrs. barton K. Kdward in eharge of the
ewnrrh school hour Christian endeavor
J f Ills gentle Sparkling hfOQdS, trttder. 8 p.m.. 'Sainaoa sod the L.ion
Get Into ycur armor asinorum'.
for we fare forth to make con
test with tinsel and gauze. In
other words we mingle with the
proletariat. We fro to 'ew Mar
garet Anglin and Henry1 Miller in
that superb and realistic western
libel. "The Great DlTide." ' .
After the play the great actress.
Porter and I and one or two oth
er were to have, supper at the
Ilreslin hotel. I think Porter
teok me there that he mfgbJr-Ki
hack and enjoy my unabashed
eritieiftms to the young lady's face.
"I feel fcreatly 'disappointed in
you, Mr. Porter." Margaret Ang
lin said to Bill as we took - our
places at the table.
"In what have I failed?"
That Terrible
Mr. Jennings.
"You promised to brine your
western friend that terrible Mr.
Jennings to criticise the play."
"Well, I have introdueed him."
He waved his band down toward
Miss Angln looked me over with
the trace of a smile in her, eye.
"Pardon me." she said, "but
I caa hardly associate yon with
the lorely thing they say of von.
Did you like the play? '
I told her I didn't. 1 was un
real. No man of the west wonlrt
shake dice for a lady in distress.
The situation was unheard of and
conld only occur in the imagina
tion of a fat-headed easterner
.who had never set his feet be
yond the Hudson.
Miss Angln laughed merrily.
"Sew York is wild over it. New
York doesn't know any better."
t'orter sat back, an expansive
smile spreading a lipht in his
gray eyes "I am inclined to agree
with our friend." he offered. "Th
west is unacquainted with Man
Italian cnivairy. He said no
more, but ho kept protHing every
one pres-nt with his genial
Happy at Night,
(alooiiiy in Morning.
I never saw him in a happier
mood. The very tipxt morning nu
was in the depths of despondency.
I went over early Id the afternoon.
He was silting at his desk rigid
and silent. I started to tiptoe
out. I thought he was concen
tratod In his writing.
"Come in, Al." He bad. a pic-lure-
in hia hand., "That's Mar
garet, colonel. I want you to have
tbe picture. If anything should
happen to me. I think I'd feM hap
py if you would look after her.'
He seemed crushed and hope
less. He went over to the win
dow and looked out.
"Yon know I kind of like this
old rlismal citv of dying souls."
"What the hll has that got to
do with your kicking off?"
"Nothing, but the jig Ts Tip
Colonel, have you the price I,et'f
have a little refreshment. They'll
do up with a check some time, 1
I did not know the cause of tai.i
sudden overpowering deieclion.
but no drink could lighten Tha
light-hearted, winsome joyous-
ness of the night befor had van
isaed. The bright hues In the
(Weetrum were muddled ttito the-l
Court fltreet Chrtatlaa North Seven
teenth and Court streets. Here it is the
Lord's day again. It ia big family day
in the Bible school. The three largest
families (mother, father and children I
present is to be special recognition. Will
Ik iw jvur lawny i uc kiirrc iruiujiiy
at 9:45 a.m. A place for every man,
woman and child that comes. Next week
we. observe Old Folks' day and following
week Children'a day. .Something special
arranged for each program -Morning
warship 11 a.m. Junior following Lord's
supper. Intermediate C.K. 5::i) p.m.;
young peoples' meeting 7 p.m : song si r
Sice, and sermon 7:. HI p in. On account
of illness the sermon announced by the
pastor for lust Liird s day wag not
preached. Hear it tonight, "In It Noth
ing lo ion. Big school on Thursday
1 to 9 p.m. Wo welcome the puhlie to
worship with us. K. I.. Putnam, pastor.
First Presbyterian Chureh street, be
tween Cheineketa and Center. Mabbatb
scliool at 9:4'. a in., Joa H. Albert, snp
erini'ndeiit. Preaching by the pastor.
Ward Willis Long at 11 a.m. and 7:. 10
p.m.: "The morning subject is "Tho
llirijit f Kvangflism.' TopU- for tho
(vendue is "The Motive of Kvangelisra."
The evening service will be opiied by
a popular song service-. Intermediate 0.
K. meiiU at i::iO p.m., senior C.K. at
t; :Tti. The prayer meeting will be on
Friday evening at 7:30, instead of on
Thursday and will be led by the pastor.
chuech or ood
lnifl North Church street, .T. .T. Oil
leKpte, pastor. Hunday Krhool 10 a.m.,
hu liable classes for all grades of pupils,
with good spiritual teachers. Preach
ing service 1 1 a.m. Yonng people's
meeting at li:3n p.m. and preaching ser
vice following at 7::i0.
Finst t'nltarlan Church Chemcteta
street. Services in the evening only
at 7:30 o'clock, with preaching by the
acting pastor. Rev. Frank Kddy,. The
fcermon-topic for Sunday evening is "The
Whys of rmtarianism." A brief but
comprehensive statement of the history
and doctrinal development of T'nitarian
ism will be given. Those who feel that
they have arrived at a point in their
spiritual life when they need a broad
Statement of the essentials of universal
religion which welcomes all the truth
which philosophy and science ran give
are especially invited to attend this ser
vice. The soloist wilt be Miss Frances
Baptist William T. Mjlliken,
llible school at 9:45. II R.
lewitt. superintendent. Morning wor
ship at 11, evening worship at M. Morn
ing subject, Threefold Hslvstion."
Kvening subject. "Manet ideation bv tha
Word." Senior B Y. FX, meets st Hayes
ville this evening st 0:15. Miss Kuth
Uosa, leader. Second division B.Y.I'.U.
meets at 6:.r0, Orvilln Pierce, leader.
Topic, "My Favorite Saying of Chriat,
any Why." Intermediate B.Y.P.V. at
fi:."0. (.)n Monday evening normal class
meeting at 7:0 and H Y P I', rlaaa at
fl:l ". Only four more meetings of these
classes after . Monday night. Full atten
dance requested. ,
Kast State . snd Kigbteeutb streets
Sunday school at 9:45 am. Divine ser
vice. (German) at 10:30 a. in. Evening
service (Fnglish) at 7:30 p.m. Subject.
"There ia. a Trinity." Vititwi sn
welcome Oeorges; Koebler, pastor.-
llHEN you purchase a Brick you are
making a known investment in a
car that has proveij trustworthy for twen
ty years.
But don't take Brick's reputation, the
words ol Brick owners or our words as
to Brick's reliability as" the final argu
ment Let us takefyoii out in a 1921
Brick. You; youtf will be, the best
judge of its stillness1. an& p'ower.-'its'
comfort, beauty an easy operatioar
Your Brick is doubl guaraitVed for coni
tinuous use through Authorized BuickL
Semcev ' . '
In our used car depftirtmQtyptr will fihd'
the best bargains in automobiles ever, of
fered j iii1 Salem? ' '
- - , ;ol
Best Eastern Oil, 5' gallon' can $4.50
; TffifeS
Goodyear Servke Statioci, nevr prices.
We have better Gasoline, gravity- StftS
: Priqe 29&
3S8 North Commercial
When . Better Automobiles . Are Btdlt,
nmcn mn Buna t item
fair iin pifstiii'iliiin swii ttiu .a.iswaisaii lisli slmS'li
iin amm nmvpeii
' i " ''it-'
iniiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiii isii
njiiiijiaiiiiwiiiiiiillliy ininniii
Is The Choice in a Buyer's Market I -A
BUYER'S MARKET is the supreme test tor any merchandise.
PARISON supplant hurried purchasing and extravagance.
Quality goods at JUST PRICES come into their own.
THREE MONTHS OF 1921. .t il lSSf j
ER CAR (except Ford)
Compare a STUDEBAKER point by point with any other make
of car, and we will rest our case with you. Immediate action
will insure prompt delivery.
4sk your neighbor, who drives a Studebaker about dwT SER
VICE. It is unexcelled.
Phone us and a Demonstrator will be brought to your door.
We have a few used cars takn in exchange that we will sell you
at a reasonable price and on reasonable terms.
23S South Commercial Street .
Phone 362
r, "Y" Building
(Continued acit week) '