. 4 , THE OREGON STATESMAN. SALEM. OREGON SUNDAY MORNING MAY 22, 1921 S SOCIETY NEWS A WEE h,. P l s 1 ,.':, ,i .'frig ' III Mil I Eg c " rw . v-j w Mlas Keeks, Miss Delero and Miss Eva- Scott, the former two national JY. W. C. A.- secretaries who do iwork only among the glrlc in Indian schools, were din ner guests at Chemawa on Mon day night visiting the meeting of the Three-L club there, which is directed by Miss Gertrude Eak irt. Mis Meeks and Miss Dele ro are Tlsittag Indian schools all oyer the United States and compli mented the Instruction at Che mawa school as being the best of any they had yet observed in this country. ! Miss Eva Scott, girls' work secretary pf the Y. W. C. A., will go to Woodburn Tuesday to meet with the organization of Girl Re serves there and help in the se lecting of delegates to the sum mer camp of the Y. W. C. A. at 8iltcoos lake. I. High school Girl Reserves met at the Y. W. C. A. Wednesday night, enjoying a pot-luck sup per in the cafeteria room of the association rooms. In addition to the regular meeting plans were made for sending delegates to the summer camp at Siltcoos lake this summer. Mr. and Mrs. i nomas Reese and ' tare? attractive daughters, Gwendolyn, Roberta and Mary, arrived yesterday by motor to spend Said rday night and Sunday -as guests, at the home of Mr. and lira. Elmo 8. White. The Reeaes are on their way to San Francis- ;a'd to visit with Mr. Reese's par t :3 Men'a Shoes ; grades grades Black, $9D0f $10.00 " and '$12.00 grades grades - -Women's Low Heel Kid snd Cslf ; $8.00 grsdes 4 . : 1 - r " - -.. ( . ,.' ents. They will probably vilt here again on their way back to their home in eastern Oregon at the end of the summer. For the regular meeting of the Raphatarian dub this week, Mr. H. B. Compton was hostess at her home on South Commercial street. Columbines and various other flowers of the season were used to decorate the rooms. In the dining room Cecil Brunner roses and carnations centered the dining table and in the hail great bowls of lupine attractively ar ranged to please the eye. Mrs. Louis Compton was a special guest for the afternoon, the members of the club present being Mra. Elliot Colony, Mrs. Otto Wilson. Mrs. Guy Smith. Mrs. Roy Shields. Mrs. Albert Se wart. Mrs. Ronald Glover, Mrs. L. M. Unruh and Mrs. West. Mrs. Sewart will entertain the club June 2. Mrs. Elmo S. White spent last week-end in Portland as the guest of her aunt, Mrs. William McN'ab, returning 'home the fore part of the week. Mrs. G. E. Lestlco of Great Falls, Mont., who has been visit ing with her daughter. Mrs. J. W. Martin, left yesterday for Port land where the will spend the summer. The Nancy Hanxs club will meet at 3:15 Monday afternoon at the LJncoln school. Mrs. Wil liam E. Kirk will discuss th pro- 'All day Saturday our store eager to take advantage of LrDd Although hundreds of pairs are still full lines to chdose and secure some Brown and Black $3.50 and 4.00 Elk Work . $2.65 Boys' Brown and Black Dress Shoes; $6.00 and $7.00 &4 AC .Women's Dress Shoes. Brown and $4.95 Women's Black Lace Comfort Shoes; $6.00 and $7.00 (4 QC , grades . tp4. Women's High Grade Brown. Oxfords ; all aizea; d0 QC $12.00 grades . POwUJ Women 'a High Grade Black Oxfords; all sizes; $10.00 t7 QC grsdes - V VD Women's Low Heel Brown Oxfords; all sizes; $9.00 AT ... .... PUeal Black Oxfords ; . $5.95 WOMEN'S WITCH ELK OUTING SHOES, BROWN AND SMOKE; $13.00 GRADES ....:.. THE PRICE SHOE CO. MeMtSWt StYSk r np SviBwOit V 326 8ttla fatttUtutaUs posed laws and amendments that will come up at the coming fpc ial election. All women, wriettjer members of th club or not, are Invited. Mrs. L. (J. Daldwin, who has been ill sine last Saturday, ic improving slowly, according t friends. She lives at 920 Mill street. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Adrian or Springfield arrived yesterday to visit with Mrs. Adrian's father and sister in this city for a few days. A hard times social was held at the Bungalow Christian church by the Christian Endeavor soci ety recently, a large number of young people enjoying the infor mal affair. The rooms were dec orated in Scotch broom and a de lightful program was given by the older members of the. church. The Kork home at 407 North Twenty-first street was a center of enjoyment and enter tainment Tuesday night when the members of the Young Peoples Alliance of the Seventeenth street Evangelical church gathered there to bold their monthly busi ness meeting. The chairman of the various committees gave re ports concerning their work dur ing the past month. It was de cided that each member of the Alliance take different days to write to Mrs. F. W. Launer. who at present, on account of bad heal'h. is stsying at the home ol was packed with our big , of shoes were sold. from. nn 6f those bargains Women's Black and Brown regular $12.00 grades Men's Brown Dress Shoes; $9.00 grades Men's Brown English rubber heels; $14.00 grades .. snalay Dresa Shoes ; . $7.95 Men's Black Kangaroo leather lined, rubber heels; Q QJ $15.00 grades spO.iJD Women's Felt House Slippers, all sizes and colors; $3.00 and ( fff $3.50 grades Men's Leather sizes ; regular . $5.00- grades House Slippers; all $2.95 r-Children's High Grade ; Shoes; up to $5.00 rf9 Qf- gradea D5JD Children's high sizes; $6.00 grades grade Bfrjamfalf RMAfftasw A her daughter. Mrs. Barclay New man of Eugene. Following the completion rl business, the meeting adjourned. A literary program was then given which caused much merri ment on account of the many strange and comical parts which were acted One feature which caused much smusement was in original dialogue planned and su perintended by Miss Elsie Lippold and Miss Alta Zinn. Ice cream and cake, were served at a late Lour by the hostess. Miss Mildred Lawson of Spo kane is a guest over the week-end of friends at Willamette univer sity where she formerly was a rtudent for two years. She was a dinner guest at Beta Chi house on Wednesday night. Friends of Miss Ethel Fletcher, retiring president of the Re be k ah assembly of Oregon, are very much pleased over the honor which was conferred upon Miss Fletcher at the recent convention of the Odd Fellows and Rebekahs. at Albany. Miss Fletcher was chosen to attend the : national meeting of all Rebekah assemblies which is to be held in 'Toronto next September. ( Mrs. H. H. Olinger and Mrs. G. G. Brown were in Portland on Thursday visiting with friends and shopping. A recital given at St. Vincent training school in Portland Wed nesday night is of interest to a number of Salem people in that people i , 4:j There J? Pumps; $895 all sizes; Cfi QC tpU.UtJ Pumps ; all $3.95 $9.95 Fred L. Boynton, tenor, the prin- cipal in the recital, was for a short time a resident here. Mr. Boynton was assisted by Miss Florence Warmoth, contralto, and Miss Eva Pitman, pianist and ac companist. Each number on the program was heartily encored by the large group of persons in attendance. Mr Boynton is remembered by Salem people as having a fine, smooth and sympathetic voice. His interpretations are excellent, according to Miss Minetta Magers who is instructor for the three. Miss Warmoth has a rich voice of unusual beauty and Miss Pit man displayed brilliancy and a good technique in her selections. Following is the program of numbers: "Dawn" Leoni "Ppen the Gates" Knapp "Deep in the Heart of You".. Wells "The Victor" Burleigh Fred L. Boynton. "Si la Stanchezza M'Oppine" (II Trovatore) Verdi Mr. Boynton, Miss Warmoth. "Japanese Death Song". . .Sharp "Spring's Awakening".... Buck "Ave Maria" (Cavalleria Rus- tlcana) Mascagni Florence Warmoth "Allah, Give Me Mine" Ball "La Donna E'Mobile" Verdi "O Sole Mio" DiCapua Fred L. Boynton. "To Spring" Greig "Salute A Pesth" Kowalski Eva Pitman. Minor and Major ...... Spross "To a Hill Top" Cox "A Little Bit O'Honey". . . Bond Fred L. Boynton. An interesting article in a re cent issue of the Orange County Plain Dealer of Anaheim, Calif., tells of the success of Miss Flor ence Austin, pianist, a former Sa lem girl who is the pupil of Miss Luna Wei f man. The article says in part: "Miss Austin, though a very young girl, displayed great ability along many lines techni cal, artistic and intellectual. She apparently has great reserve force which will carry her in future years. The numbers on Miss Austin's program were: Sonata. Op 7 Beethoven Allegro, motto e con brio Largo Violin Gypsy dance. . Prlnkhaus Little Bird Grieg Butterfly Grieg Solfegeietto Bach Bourree . . Bach Drifting Frlml Elegie in C sharp minor . . Nollett Mountain ..Brain a rd Violin, Scenes de Ballet. .d'Beriot Told at Sunset .. .. Mcowell To a Water Lily McDowell Impromptu in C Sharp Minor. . Rheinhold Mrs. Arthur Reinhart who has been visiting with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. McLaughlin, and with her husband's parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Reinhart, for the past three months, will leave tomorrow for her home in Dallas, Texas. , ' Mr. and Mrs. B. Y. Lansing and family were in Portland Friday visiting with friends. i Miss Gretchen Brown went to Portland Friday to visit. Mrs. O. C. Locke and Mrs. Will waiton returned Friday night trom spending the day in Port land. . Mrs. W. M. Hamilton, Mrs. K J. Bean. Mrs. Homer Goulet. Mrs W. E. Kirk and Mrs. C. P. Bishop will represent the Salem Woman's club at the State Federation ot woman's clubs convention in Pen dleton from May 31 to June 3. Miss Ruth Ross has as houss guests at her home at 1453 Court street. Misses Margaret and Clare Stillings of Yakima, Wash. Miss Ruth Parsons is spending the week-end with friends in Springfield. former residence place of the Parsons family. Miss Margaret Goodin a Delta Delta Delta girl at University of Oregon, was at the home oT her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Good in. the latter part of the week She came down to attend the Lowell-Becke wedding on Thurs day. Counterfeit American money is said to be circulating in Poland. And It is possibly as valuable as some of the other money in that country. Monuments of many design's and a variety of materials are always on display here. Call and look them over or phone and our solicitor will visit you. CAPITAL MONUMENTAL WORKS J. C. Jones, Prop. 2210 S. Coral St. Thone 669 'j ' The Well Dressed Woman By MIMA As th hat Im the frame of the face, it takes the moet eonapteu oosly important place in every woman's oortome, and the variety of sisea. shapes and materials was never -so arresting aa thia yesr. it aeems to sae aa I try on shape after shape or go into con sultation wHh the designers re gardin this moot teadnatlnc -lection. Apart; from the eostumo hat. which carries out the color or period scheme of many of the rmrni this season, ther are some exquisite models which barmoalse with all styles of formal cos tumes. Them are all either z trem)7 Urge or am ill slj4 dose fttlng. with treiUag . streamers of feathers or fruit or flowers. Ver? fine hair braid, which la trJispvnu showing the eotffor benetth. is one of the beat liked fabrics for drees bats, and these are snail y designed with a nar row brim at the Croat and back Manufacturing Company Organized at Portland Articles of incorporation were filed yesterday by the Western Seating Sc. Manufacturing company of Portland, capitalized at $50, 000. The Incorporators are J. F. Wendllng, George A. Jacobson and Charles A samner. Other articles filed were: Warren ton lodge No. 243, I. O. O. F., Warren ton; incorporators. W. C. Wickllne. L. Harmon, Joel n. Kindred; property valuation, IS00. Electron club, Portland; incor porators. Clinton - Hurd, Roy E. Butler. Harley W. Dilley; capitali zation, $2000. O. & R. Machine company, Portland; incorporators. E. W. Riner. W. C. Kaley, D. P. Price; capitalization, $10,000. Grants Pass District May Issue Bonds The irrigation securities com mission has under consideration the certification of $75,000 In bonds of the Grants Pass irriga tion district. The proceeds from the sale of these bonds are to be used in taking care of the bills for construction .work done during the past few months. It is expected that construction work on the Savage Rapids , dam and pump bouse, which has been suspended during the high water season, will FOR GRADUATIONS AND WEDDINGS "i" i tLl1t? graduate whether boy or girl, we can suggest nothing better than a watch from Hartman Bros Salem's Hallmark Jewelers. You may choose from the finest selection of standard makes here. Special prices on many Articles of gifts that last make buying here an advantage now. . . Diamond Rings Fancy cluster rings, real onynx rings, many beautiful mountings for a nice solitare diamond. Cut Glass and Silver Sheffield Ware Many nice pieces in engraved glass and other patterns at special prices. See our windows for graduaUon and wedding gift suggestions. We ah; always pleased to mala onrrivaetiiMia " HARTMAN BROS. Eyes Examined and Glasses Fitted TSlJaaPCK. wide at tfce sMea. One extremely chic model by lacm Hamar la made of a heliotrope hade of braid, wtth many strands of ehenUle varroowdlas too crown and long strands of rtyoertoed ostrich meeting at the centre front and tattta erer the stdos. Kabovx seat me a model of black mOan straw, which Is also very soach a thing of the boor, the only trnxuniag being a bus crush bow of w nbnow. eloselv assinst the brim at the rlat hand pteot iJk Instead of and embossed Ore satin, wtth a raised snrfao In floral desfgna. Is seen on oaay of the latest models, and a bene ssetal which is BDsnetlmes need of braid to form tbe sattrs hat and In other Instances manipu lated into Intricate bows, Is a novelty of tals year. Peggy Boyt's bats are ehanae tertsed this year by exanhBtte eolortnsr la pastel shadca, batr braid, handmade aflks of hand loom i mating. One of my favorites Is pictured In Us sketch. It Is of two shades - of lavender hair braid, tilmaaed with American Beauty roses m tints of a soft summer evening twilight, rteftrsts pinks, sasAvas, grays and pwrplea. This hat I eaa wear with any afternoon frock, aa the colors are so dainty they would serve only to enhance any onstwmo with , which It might be worn. Leghorns are also hater showa. trimmed lavishly with CrwJt and flower, hat are aot esportany begin again about the middle of June. The Tokay and High Line canals are practically completed, and with the completion of the third canal, the dam, power house and the insulation of the direct connected pumps, which have been purchased and are now on the ground, the system will have suf ficient capacity to serve approxi mately 18,000 acres of land. Oregon City Will Get Fine New State Bridge Sealed bids will be received by the state highway commission at a meeting in Portland June 28 for construction of a bridge across the J ' ist Mr v. m i m 't? Jr J!TZA Seed It, LARMER TRANSFER phons tfe Silverware Ask to see the nw Hostess pattern in plate, guaranteed without time limit and many dther patterns. SALEM, OREGON Willamette river between Oretba City and West Lynn. iTtae structure will be 850 feet likfig with a central span consi ittg of a half through steel iv "J- " - o - 'uieg Bv reinforced concrete piers and aa. -plbach viaduct. V i ifThe proposed bridge will ba on of.the most scenic in the stats aad mm be the best that engineertnt Kill can make.it. The cost is ei' ItSiaiea to oe bdoui z&0,00S.. . ,'Oh, Captain," gushed the alrt: af, the canteen concert, ,xe yo lOIia oi music: ; sIpYe-es I like most any kind nf alnoise." Wta irrcra1' or opprie4 ' in fA. Bd)p 8f and dpnibU la S ptwper . Not aold it Art ,rT7 ; Vo not xperimrat with other; t2 epointment. Write or "BelW cieBlr it'g free. Addrt (.iCj MMieal IaititnU, Milwaukee WlaT Graduation Gifts ;Our stock Is brimful vof Appropriate sifts for the' Irraduate; for xample I Eversharp Pencils i 1 Eastmaq Kodaks .' ? Is Boycrof t . Ware i Ijllt COOKS . ; Desk Sets School Memory, fiooks Music Rolls, Classy Stationery . ' Waterman Fountain Pens . . -i r COMMERCIAL BOOK STORE ; v 163 N. Commercial St' Clean Coal and Cleanly Delimed We hare It for those -win Our coal la what,! re forced to call nnnsUaL u! pi the ordinary grades becftttsl me find It pays us better to ear pr It, and our customers gel more reai monetary aausracuof bjr using it It lasts longer aa "LL saves you money. i- GIFT IDEAS I Quality Jewelers and 1 Opticians Ma