i. 21 1; : ' !i. US- z I ' t W ..1 ft" H t- a- I: rl sty-"' pi;' 6 . - ; " r. - Progress of Centenary Mis sionary Movement Shown 5 . By Dr. Wade WORLD PROGRAM GIVEN Valuation of Property Of Methddist Church In creased Million A very larg e audience greeted J)r. Raymond J. Wade, at the First .YUdbodJst church. Friday night.- In his address on 'World Missions." Ir. .Wade in the cor responding secretary of the com mittee oil, conservation and ad vanco of the Methodist Kplsco'pal church. .... The progreaa of the Centenary millenary campaign "was ibowa In a vivid series of stereoptlcafl pictures, from all over the l'nit'l states, Porto Rico, India, China, and Indeed almost air over the world. The address was statistical to a considerable extent; with tb? figures' dressed op as soldiers and saints and sinners and every manner of men to to paraded in v fascinating calvacade. Tt cov ered the work of the Centenary ) fog ram Jn' every portion or the j;lol. 1 !Uiiov HtmnU l4iull ' For' Instance, it was tofd how mhep SUirtt, th gifted tntellec tnal giant who held Salem spell bound bn night this week, had I.r-ahed ' to ao aadlence of but 1 1 poptrf Jn one. of the neglected foreigw sections, of New York: bt how tb Centenary fund and :n terest had resulted la a aptondul. consecrated church that, is making tbe once benighted locality a shin ing center for belter AMericanisri and better humanity. Th record ftbows 4J 'separate1 new church en terprises financed and carried 'through- Iho" United States this year- all the way fro to repairing a 'little' chapel. bunding '.wt room or gymnasium or drinking fountain. In a dejected ghefto. up t the- mot pretentioua chnrch or college buildings dedicated o CThrlattata-fceTrtcft - , f "Th0 Centeniry . funds practi cally saved the' whole Methodist Kplxcopal chnrch tn China and In dia from disaster .Imminent on the rreat rednctlon r the American doMar," -said. Dr. Wade, who ba4 Just' conrpleted; a trfy from ocean to. ocean .and is now retarnln from ' tllft. 'Pacific; to tfie; Atlantic coast. " . ' . "Pay th Centenary to the la" cent!" Js urged upon, all pledgers, individual and collective, In vfrew of the fact that 72 per cent of the first year's pledges' hav . been paid. ValoAtlo Iacread ; During 120, . the- Metbodlst thurcli ln America had throngTi this movement, added $10,000. 000 worth to its property at a cost of $2.00,000. ThU was the 'direct result of the special ad ministrative program- The Cen tenary movement dn?d"a cer tain amount 'to 'the individual churches and these churches hart to raise the needed balance. n this way tbe productivity of tb" churches was stimulated- . . He enumerated some of tne other activities of the movement and gave figure to show th beneficial results, of the move ment in tbe Increase in church membership. Wiron!n Work. Cited. From Centenary funds $8506 was a donation to Medford. Wis. With this money' the dismantled material and furnishings of a large hotel were purchased: and nsed to build six new churches; remodel four parsonages; remod el four churches; build a gym nasium; . build four new parson ages; furnish 1 5 parsonages, and furnish 20 rooms in Rice Lake Methodist Episcopal hospital. A Methodist paper calls this "Cen tenary magic." Pessimists bad predicted when the program was Initiated that the membership wouia ian on. for the men would not subscribe to these pledges. In 1920 every state in the union showed an in creased church membership. In round figures there were 190.- 000 new members. ine move ment had been equally well justi- s . Advertioing Irresistible l H to- 'J I- i- C: i: c THE OREGON STATESMAN. SAUSM. OREGON tlied In the foreign field. Ue WimI dwelt on tU; work heUig dime in Mexico. The Mex ican government ba.s pk'ded iU supixtrt to the mihsiunar) move ment bitil a Kre:tt opportunity 1 lresenttl for releasing the po erty xtrickeii Mexican ietiis trom thuir virtual serfdom. Speaking generally on the work, he waid that more than one million people contributed to the $ His. 000. oot pU-d?el to the Cen tenary for its ftv'-year program. Together with the evangelical work done at hoiu and ahroao, a reat work of Americanization is tteing carried on aiiiotit; for-eiKn-Mpeaking people in the Tnited StateK. There are 2lTi foreiu language ntudents In training at rollegen. unlversitlen and school. In the ma In tena uce of pastors anil workers In the I'liitt-J Staln. Pinto Itioo. Hawaii ami Ala-ska during 1S20, $2.1'.."t.0M hail lieeii Mpnt. There were !U4 different building prvjecl-t kumk on in these areas Another part of the funds was devoted1 to missionary work in th great Industrial centers in rural neighborhoods. The valiie of the church a a him ia! tenter in the country diHiricts in becomiir; more and more appreciuttil. War ravaged Kuroie has re ceived aid in Kenerou measure, the total physical relief for the year ainountlup; on April 3 to 'A'i, 787. "7. Relief has hi-n Klven to the followiiiK countries: France, Italy, Austria. " Hungary. Jiigo-i-Mavia, Ksthonia. Latvia. North "Africa and Armenia. At Chateau : Thierry a general head quarters and nodal center has been established with .' social workers. Money has been do nated for rebuilding of Protealant churches, and for eBtalilishinK of homes for orphans. SPUT IB VIEWS Presbyterian Opinion Differs Relative to Stated Clerk's Office. WINONA LAKE, Ind., May 20. Division of opinion am to the ad visability of filling immediately the orrice of stated clerk of the Presbyterian church in the United States of America developed today at thfc 123rd general assembly of tbe church. The commissioners favoring an election at this assembly to fill tbe vacancy created by the death ot Dr. William Henry Roberts showed their strengtn .today, put ting through an amendment to the executive commiiwibn's report providing for-an election at the present session- Defeat of the overture which proposed that women be made eli gible for tbe offices of elder and deacon in the church wan an nounced this arteYrrdJhr,TTt liiled tb receive the required two-thirds majority. A referendum vote a 'bo defeat ed tfie 'overture for the proposed organic union of the evangelical churches. Messages from Secretary of State Hughes. Secretary of Labor Davis and Secretary of Agriculture Wallace were read today. A popular meeting, in the inter est of religious education was held tonight. EIGHT TOWN DRUNKS LIKE LEMON EXTRACT (Continued from page 1.) of goods Is to be found, th choice resting largely with the preference of tbe frequenters of the particu lar rendezvous in question. Salem is the possessor of whit might be termed 12 town drunki. that Is. well known characters whom the police courts have to deal with regularly. Of thea. eight are described as the drug or grocery store drunks, the other four having a) preference for moonshine. Jnst what is the motire of tbe government in writing to tbe var ious police departments through out the United States, for repor3 of this kind, is not known, but on the surface it would look as if it realized the imperativeness of a new ruling demanding of) the druggist and grocery man cooper ation In furthering the caure of prohibition. It Is believed the grocers end druggists ordinarily ar innocent r. th intent of persons buying tin? liquids. - LEADERS F THERE IS one enterprise on earth that a "quitter" should leave severely alone, it is advertising. To make a success of advertising one must be prepared to stick like a barnacle on a boat's bottom. He should know before he begins it that he mast spend money lots of it Somebody mast tell him that he cannot hope to reap re sults commensurate with his expenditure early in the game. Advertising does not jerk; it pulls. It begins very gently at first, bat the pull is steady. It increases day by day and year by year, until it exerts an irresistible power. John Wanamaker. BANKERS LOSE By H SCORE State House Team Over conies Onslaught in First Inning SMALL BATTING PHENOM 1 Huckestein's Home Run In First Almost Disastrous For Senators iuiv si-oki: Slate Hou. AH K II l') A K I I) it n i o it o ii ii II o .1 II 1 1 4 :: Small. :ih. . . . K nirkerbocker, Urosvi-nor. c. tiahrielMon, ll. Jackson. L'lt. Schneider, cf. t'raiK. P Mc Kinney. If t!laisy-r. rl'. . Total . . . i ov.1 ; Hankers AU U II I'D A K Harrick. lb. ...... i 1 ' Hi rscher. ss .1 2 1 I 1 Humphrey. .'.I.. . . 2 1 1 o 1 o Huckestein. 2b. . . 2 1 1 2 0 II McK limey, c. . . .! 0 n 0 0 li McKlnney, p. . . f 2 U 0 0 1 1 Kakin, rf 2- o o Suing, cf 2 0 n 1 1 0 Towiiwing, If 10 0 0 O 0 Antel. If. ......... I 0 0 ti 0 Total- . . . 21 r, .! 12 .1 2 .Summary Two-base hits Small, J'tckson; home rims, Hucketem; hit by pitcher, Humphrey; first on Iialls off i'raig, 1 ; struck out, by Craig, H; by McKinney .1. Tim, of game, lhr, l.r miii. l'iiilre. Kranklyn. Ibrw They Stand W. L. Pet 1000 1U0 1000 linn (Mill 000 Y. M. C. A. ...... State House American Legion . Valley Pack. o. . Spaulding Iog. Co Hankers 0 0 0 1 2 2 1 it 0 0 ft ban been rumored that Man ager White of the State Ilousers has let a contract to a local black smith for a set. of helmets to pro tect his outfielders from fly balN. In last nij-'ht's game they were In considerable danger of being hit whenever the sphere chanced to drop in the outer gardens. Although the Hankers were on the short end of an 8 to 5 worf they stated a surprise for the fans and upset several buckets of Twi light league dope by their game attack against the Senatori;. They rang the gong three times in the Initial frame when Huckestein's drive Jnto the left pasture got tangled up with the bleachers for a cJrcdtt 'clout' wUh" Humpliclea and Herscher on the sacks . The Hankers next two tallies came in tbe third on a bingle and a wild pitch. Senators Retaliate Tli Senators came back with spirit in their half of the first when Small connected with the second pitched ball for two sacks, going to third on a passed ball and scoring on Knickerbocker's single. Knick stole second and third and registered on Gabriel.son's hot grounder to short which Hirscher mussed up. Gabe was advanced to third on Jaekson's and Schneider's outs and scoring on a wild pitch. The State Ilousers added four runs to their string in the second through four singles and a two bagger and put across their final tally in the eighth when Small singled and advanced to the sec ond station scoring on Knicker bocker's hit over short. Craljc HoMm 'Km lKm n McKinney although touched up for 10 hits by the Senators twirled a good game for the Bankers, whiffing five and tendering no free passes. Craig for the State House clan allowed only three hits and struck out eight, hitting one batter and issuing one walk. Small for the Senators hit like Babe Ruth, garnering three clean hits out of as maay times up while Teako was a veritable pepper-box behind the bat. Darrlck held down the first sack In a creditable man ner for the Hankers. Twilight Flicker Manager Jack Hayes of the Sa lem Senators was out Ivory hunt- SATURDAY MORNING. MAY 21, 1031 . - , 1 uvnr PAPkr MADE D1STR1BUT1NGIPOINT FOR FOOP Inc at tbe State House-Bankers t Hiue while Uucky Holmes tended t.hts ami rumished ozone for the i liosl plotecloi'S , new Tttllii-'lit league rulin." ha i l--" effected which bars the wearing of. a tlove from the hell loop tiffendiiiK plawrs note. To dispel any inisiinderstaudlng u-i to lite time and place the Twi hvt.l e;i; lie ('.allies are plaV'd. Jan-, are advised tb.it all games are lIuhiI mi Willamette field on Mon- dnvs We.lner-uav and Krldavs at ! ; . in I'o.l poned it ml lie fames will he announced. leff lias offered as a prize to the leailini- luU'-r of the league, a trained picture of the leading swatter himself. The boys are all stampeding the official scorer for heir hits as a result. Th only real ball game to date was the State Hoii.e Spauldhu', nay but some good baseball' is hooked m tin- next two weeks. It's a lonp way to the gonfalon. Eugene Trains Collide, But Damage is Slight LI'CKNK. Ore.. May 20. In a collision between the ontKOlUK Southern Pacific Coos Hay passen ger train and a freight train In the Kugene yards this morning 10 I eopie" were injured but none very seriously. The collision oceurrVJ when the passenger train went through an open switch and bump ed head-on into a freight train staiidini; on the track. The injured are as follows: Messenger C. J. Griffith, cut on forehead and sprained bark; Con ductor Joseph Hai'tins;. bruised ami; Engineer Deninney. brulws; Mrs. Wharff of .laihfield. lip cut rdU-htiy; -Mrn. Christiansen. 2503 Kast Sixth avenue, Spokane, bumped-nose; Kiuest Kit.ler, 2t6 Kiiriiside, Portland. bruised knuckle. V. K. Uaugherty, news agent; Donald Milliken, North Hend; Barbara Naughton, North tte tid. minor bruises. Neither train was badly dam aged, lallroad officials c.itlmatinr the loa at $200. FROM MI CAMP Major Gjeclstecl Was in Com mand of Coast Artillery At Stevens Major Charles K. Cjedsted o, the Oregon National guard. re turned Thursday morning fr i'n Fort Stevens, at tbe mouth of the Columbia, where he had been in command of the preliminary in struction camp of the coast artil lery for their four days swssion. This camp was for the purposH ol fitting them for instruction for the annual encampment at ol'rt Steyens, June 15 to 23, wlven the whole artillery service will go in to intensive training'. Fifteen officers and 30 enlisted non-coms were in attendance at this session. They had every thing that big gun war offers except dodging shells . and gas from a hostile enemy. I tig gon practice, sub-calibre practice, sig nalling with the great search lights, night drills, lectures day and night on the great game of war, and the whole routine of ac tual and constructive war, were given them in miniature, so that they may go back to their local organizations prepared to Imparl the knowledge of an artillerist's duties. There is no branch .of this service In Salem; only Adju tant General George A. White, -Major Cj"dstftd and Captain Ken neth Hall attended from the Cap ital city. The big annual encampment will be held at Fort Stevens at the same time that the infantry camp of the Oregon guard la being car ried on at Carnp Iewis. Spring Wheat Grades May be Changed by Bill WASHINGTON. May 20. Mod' ificaticn of the grades for spring wheat, prescribed by the secretary of agriculture, la proposed in a bill offered today by Representa tive Steenerson, Republican. Min nesota. The measure provides for the restoration as nearly as pos sible of the old Minnesota stan dards, which, Mr. Steenerson said, are favored by state inspection au thorities and farmers in Minnesota anad North and South Dakota. OFFICERS LABOR STATUS I irrjrzf i : "jfc ; Ti RFPI1RTFI1 HPfllM : r KMJiiitu ira -Sm, ; a r Fi-mor. Show Over Million!' U )&$tf&Y-.A&i . . TZL Y 0, of Wo,k in 210 im .-'-.rl I WASHINGTON". May ' I'n emplo) nient in nr. .. complied by Secretary Frank Morrison of the Ameiican Federation of Labor, show that today In 21 cities there are l.M2Ti.61 persons, both union and non-union, out of em ployment, us conipar'd with 1. 3i 1 ,:;y; the hut of March A statement embodying the report. hy cities was made public touiKbt. Figures for Chicago bad not been tabulated but greater New York and vitiniiv. according to the report, has 4O0.0UO unem ployed, or the aiiie number as on the last of March. Cleveland has 1 J.-..IMIO. as-alnst 10S.SI7 tb; last of March; Huston i'l.OiMI as against ::&.ooo in March: Milwau kee ::4..'.in aj:ain::t IO,i'iO; St. Louis .10.000 against .".T.Oihi; PittsDurKh. Ko.ooO against 20. iiimi: Indianapolis. 2.1.'Min aeaiust 20, (miii ; Cincinnati 20.000 against :;.l!ooO. and Los Angeles lX.ooO imaiiist a similar number in March. Other cities included in the re port were St. Joseph. Mo., 4100 against fJIno; Salt Lake City and vicinity 3000 against 2710; Port land, Or.. 100 against lo.ooo; Ta coma, Oloo arainft 0o; Salem, 1.100 agaiiwt 2271; Albuiepjue. N. M., lono against 1000; Spo kane. 2200 against 2000 in vicin ity, and .1100 in the city; Hutte, 10,000 agaliiKt 21,000. Mayor Baker Will Tell About Shrine Convention PORTLAND. Ore. May 20. Mayor George L. Maker at the re quest of Krnefct Heuter, illustrious potentate of Islam Templo of the Myotic Shrine of San Francisco, will rlsit San Francisco early in Juno on his way east and poirrt out benefits derived by Portland following the imperial session of the Mystic Shrine belli here last June. Mayor Baker expects to leave for San Francisco June 1 on a combined business and pleasure trip which will take him to the an nual Shriners' convention in Pes Moines next month. He plans to study traffic conditions in every city he visits with the idea of .solv ing Portland's traffic problem. Grain Grower Federation Blocked by Laws of Ohio COLUMBUS, O.. Mar 20. Grain marketing plans of the united States Grain Growers, Inc.. adopted bv the market ine- rommit- Uoo of it appointed hy tho Ameri can rarm unreau federation, can not operate in Ohio. Operation tn this state was held to be in violation of the Ohio cor poration law in a letter written by Harvey C. Smith. Ohio, secretary of Rtate. to Clifford Thorne, peneral counsel for the American Farm Bureau federation. In his letter. Secretary of State Smith said "that a foreign corpor ation not for profit cannot qualify under the laws of Ohio" and fur ther that "it is objectionable for the reason that a domestic organi zation is not permitted to deal or own and buy stock of other organ izations in this state, only as an Incidental matter and not as a part or their principal purpose." Officers of the Ohio Farm Bu reau federation met here today to discuss the situation. Secretary Smith's ruling will not deprive Ohio farmers of tak ing part in this marketing move ment. C. A. Dyer of the federa tion announced tonight. "We will ko ahead and ormnlrp co-operative elevators under the direction of the federation," he said. Mooring Place Promised For Battleship Oregon PORTLAND. Ore. May 20. The city commisison his been prom ised mooring place on the water front for the battleship Orepon provided congress aprees to send tho historic craft here. The site with ground adjacent for drilling purposes may b had for rental of $1 a year from Orepon-Washington Kailroad and Navigation com. pany. the commission was inform ed today. American Tennis Team Ready for Paris Match FA IHS. Mar 20 fRv tho a I elated Press.) William T Til- l"n If. United States national champion, led three of his fellow I players who will compete in th ; world's hard court tennis chani ' W'onships through a stiff ni-,r-n sepsion this afternoon on the courts of the Racing club of France on th Hois de Boulogne. Paired with Mrs. Molla Hjur fteiW Mallory, Tilden plaved three rets against J. D. K. Jones and Arnold V. Jones. The pair de feated the Jones team, 6-1. 4-;, Edward Knighton Store Entered by Burglars Fomim" Thursday nljrht the store buMdin? nt 710 South Four teenth Mret, helonirt'nK to Kd v.ard Knbton. was biirslarized. about $." in cash was taken from a drawer, and bananas, candv. cigarettes and cigars taken. ) Upon investigation by Police Officer Porter. It v9 a Tanrnn4 rtai rb culprit had first tried to gain Fa.. 1 1 . . . uu :iiiui.uj ofaning me paa lock on the front door, when they i - h ! 1 - - - urr C; ; J& The British Government tn preparing agaJrint evrntualitles stated park Great activity took place when the oi.it ribution enmmeneed, Tu seen In one of the pictures nrtln for dm. "The oher one show the p . - . - park for tbe trar. sport of food. evidently discovered that the door was also locked on th-? inside. KuilinK in this attempt, they went around to thp nouth sida- of tlie bniidins where they succeeded ' KfttihK in through a window, rr ter. prying it open with an iron liar. That the theft was committed by boys, there c.ui bo but tittle, doubt, because of the nature ot the invasion ami ot the at tides taken. WILLIAMS (iKTS DLCISIO.Y PITTSBURGH. .May 20. Kid Williams. Philadelphia, former bantamweight champion, won. the newspaper decision in, his 10 lound bout here tonight with Patsy Scanlon, Pittsburgh. Portland Janitor Gets Damages Totaling $10,000 PORTLAND. Ore.. May 20. Ktnil Starosky. school janitor, to day was awarded $10,000 da ma pes from the Portland Railway. l.lKlit fc Power company for injuries suf fered lat winter when he at tempted to remote some hare elec tric wires that endanpored the lives of children playing about the school. Sends Cards in the Mail, Mr. Davis Goes to Jail PORTLAND, Ore., May 20. Oscar O. Davis was sentenced in federal court here today to .10 days in the county jail on the charge of sending through, the mails postcards which the govern ment alleged were odscene. Davis' attorney explained the postcards were sent from France to a printing firm with which Davis has been connected and were here advertised for sale. HEATED E Device of Southern Profes sor Keeps Bugs Out of Cloth Articles MOKOANTOWN. W. Va., May 18. "Hot" storage as opposed to "cold" storage for many things affected by insects, but not b heat, may be realized soon if the experiments of Professor L. M Pea Irs, of tho department of en tomology of the University of West Virginia prove entirely satis factory. Professor Peairs has met with a great deal of success in showing the practibility of hot storage for such articles as car pets, clothing, particularly wool ens and furs, as well as cereals, dried fruit producU and other ma terials unaffected by dry heat. Professor Peairs lias usod grain and carpet booties and other in sects of a similar nature in dem onstrating that they do not de velop at a constant temperature of 100 degrees Farenhelt. and in somo coses at 95 degrees. Even Rtich forms of insect life as could endure higher temperatures could not survive a constant tempera ture of from fi5 to 100 decrees he said. Thup, he has concluded that hot storage with a uniform and constant temperature of 100 de prees would prove 'more effective than cold storage In many cases. STOKE 7: s t FOOTPBSHTS 130 YEiSlDFOl Explorers Discover Trace Of Fleeing Hawaiian Army,-f HILO. Island of Hawaii, T. H., March 30. Footprints, 13 )ars old, of an Hawaiian army that fled from tho wrath of Pole, god dess of tho active volcano o rU nuoa, near hero aro. believed to have been discovered in tba, Kua desert, south of tho great crater, by Professor T. A. Jagger, Jr., In charge of the volcano observatory. Dr. Jagger and hin party wns exploring a region far reMotred from any of tho known, modern trails when they came upon an aery, thickly covered with the im print of naked feet, all pointlBp In the ono direction, all dep at tho loes and light at the heels. In dicating that the makers of the traekr, had been running at top ; pe1d. . ; ; Tho tracks had originally boen made In volcanic ash, which 1b strongly impregnated with stiTphUr rous: acid, and gypsum and whfch when wet by rain, settles into" a hard concrete, thus explaining tie preservation of the imprints .for a period believed to have strajchd over more than a century and. a quarter. U' Hawaiian legend and history provide the other side of the story tho connection between thej Ka.n desert track and the flight (if tho army of Keonua, Kink ot Kau, from Polo's wrath. y Keoua led an army of three di visions against King KameharneHS. wha later united all the Hawaiian island under h's army, in the year 1790. This year also recorddtl tit last explosive eruption of Kilauea volcano. Hawaiian legend records the fact that some of Keoua's 'atv riors rolled stones into Kilaufl$. crater to mark their disrespect for the goddess of tho molten lake. Whatever the reason for the outl liurst. Tele rose in her wrath, and, with a terrific explosive eruplioiiij totally wiped out the second di vision of Keoua's army. 'A The footprints found In the Kau desert are believed to be those ot men of the first division, ; who seeing the destruction of their comrades in tho rear, fled front the locality. Tho third division? coming up. saw the bodies of thes annihilated second and halted, 1 The area whpre the footprint were discovered Is part of tho new Kllauea national park, which wilt b? dedicated this year, and steps already have been taken to close the tracks and preserve them. No Cannon Landed By Japanese on Mindanao MANILA. May 1 Official de nial lias jnst been made of mnnv recent n ports that Japanese bad landed 14 blgh-poweccd gurjs at Davao. island of Mindanao. The provincial commander of ?the Philippine constabulary, after an investigation, reporting to l)rig-' adter General Hafuel Crame, chief of the Philippine constabulary, r,a Id : "With reference to the 14 large cannon repotted to have ben found in the interior of Davao, I -4 a food attribution centre fa Hrfi , sands of motor transport, drivers sx v uid type central motor DBS parks ; i. ' ', ' j have found none, except a few old oii.tift" tantaxas (Moro brass fatuion) of large caliber now be ing used as park decorations. Soma of these were" found by Spaniards in the hands of Moros in ISIS whin Darao was conquer ed. Others were brought to the place afterwards." ' : . ." - Hawaiian Sugar Output .,fi Reported Behind 'Schedule. p m mm -j t . ii v HONOLULU. TI 11; May 18.' Hawaii's output of sugar fpr 1921" is behind - echednle; according- experts In sugar circlet gadsteam- -ship men whose business it Is to transport the raw product to the mainland. On the first Of April the; Hawaiian sugar output was. 100,-. 000 tons - behind-, the' shipping schedule of the same date last, year, according to estimates- Tbe winter pineapple pack also is below tbe usual figure and tbe Bteamship companies are antici pating heavy congestion when the sugar shipments begin to pick vp and the big pineapple season gets into full swing. TO BE Legion Plans Memorial Ser vices for Soldier Dead r In France v PARIS, Mar. 26, Plans for H morial day and conuneaoratlr- exercises throughout. France, tt honor of America's deaJt wlio : in French soil, have beta eoBsia cred by the American Memorial clay committee at a toee'lng tMy at the American Leglotf lielflr . fers. V This peneral comBtltteeBBite : . under the honorary presWn Ambassador Hugh C, Wallace. V"V. . , . tually all American acttritlet Prarce lnrludirg the embasff. ' ' various consulates, GraTW Rej1 U tiation service. Amerieaa U& ' and Auxiliary, Red Cfoss. Too Men's Christian associatiflB. ToW J Women's Christian W"0N.' Knights of Columbus, Jeadsfc fare. the Amerieaa caarcM Amer'rnn Chember of CoW"i,c Am. i i. an iospitalv .v WemeB club. Franco-American fc'vfeKr and tho Ameiican publl t laTg t Pollov.inu- the program oopte -last year, the committee P1" vide for the placing ot flowers or . a wreath uion every r'rfl Fram e and will organize nPPj" priate exercises at all of the prt cipal military and civil cemeteries where American dead are b'fr Due to the ueneroas centriW Hons mad.; last year, the t oo: milioe finds that the hand for thi year's ceremoniei, aro ample to cover the Pr08P?"2i expenses of the program. Thj fore it annoui'ces that ne will he niad to tho puWKl committee for tunds for the w.,:; numies of 191. Mis. Whimper Oh. dear!j wi.li my huslMimV wasn't saca asy mark for the women. Mrs. Pstinger You've no coming. If he nadn i you never would hae caugMlJB';. L! ton Globe. ' . . 11 m IP J - ' '0 '