M h n I 1 ill J rpi -ft i ,r i It V;i 1: pi: Mr. V--' W- l t i 1 tr--? fi i i ) t h jlTHE OREGON STATESMAN. SALEM. OREGON SATURDAY MORNING. MAY 2l, 1921 Wttatm Statesman iMaed Daily Except Monday by THE ! STATESMAN PVBUSHIXU XMPANY i 2 1 8; Commercial St., Salem, Oregon (I ortland Office, 627 Board of Trade Building, phone Automat!" S27-5) MKMBKR OP THK iGonriiwn mr-uu . ssociated Preat Is exclusively entitled to the use for repub lication ot all news dispatches credited to It or not otherwise credited In. tali paper and also taa local news published herein. It. J. Hendricks . Stephen A. Stone. Ralph Oloyer Frank Jaskoskl . . . Manager . . 7T. . . . Managing Editor Cashier Manager Job Dept. DAUT STATESMAN, aerved by carrier In Salem and suburbs, 15 cents a week, 65 centa a month. DAILY STATESMAN, by mail. In adTance. $6 a year, $3 for six nof '.J10 for thre months, 60 cents a month. In Marion and Polk counties; outside of these counties. 7 a year. J3.50 for six mouths, 11.76 for three montha. 60 cents a month. When ,,B?aid,?.Tncs 50 cent yT additional. THE PACIFIC HOMESTEAD, the great western weekly farm paper. I -,ent a yer t0 anyone paying a year in advance to the Dally Statesman. SUNDAY STATESMAN. $1.60 a year; 75 cents for six months: 40 centa tor three montha; 25 cents for 2 months; 15 cents for ona month. WEEKLY STATESMAN, Issued in two six-page sections, Tuesdays aad Fridays, $1 a year (if not paid In advance. $1.25); 60 centa for six months; 25 cents for three months. TXLXPHOXES: Business Office. 23. Circulation Department. 583 Job Department, 683 Society Editor, 106 Entered at the Postofflce in Salem, Oregon, as second class matter. ?. WAKING UP OREGON TO HER POSSIBILITIES .ro ' ' The Portland Evening Telegram has undertaken in a thorough and serious manner the very important task of waking up Oregon to her possibilities as a great manufactur ing state by the harnessing of her vast water powers - , And that paper is showing that Oregon is lagging sadly behind Washington in this respect There are four outstanding reasons why Oregon will ul timately become a great manufacturing state. First-One-third of all the undeveloped water power in the United States is in the Columbia River basin; and half of it is in the three Pacific coast states, r . Second One-fifth of the standing timber in the United States is in Oregon; and the great bulk of the timber of this continent is -on the Pacific coast side in Oregon, Washing ton, Calif ornia, Alaska and the western side of Mexico. Third The climate of Oregon is in favor of manufac turing; especially that of western Oregon, where plants do not have to shut down for weeks and weeks on account of intense cold, as is the case in most of the great regions where Jhe bulk of the manufacturing is now done. And this fa vorable feature of a mild climate makes a great advantage in living conditions for operatives. Fourth Three-quarters of the world's population is just across .the Pacific ocean, in reach of our manufacturers with cheap ocean freights. , - White coal is the most important feature. Within easy reach of Salem, most of it comparatively very cheaply devel oped, 130,000 horsepower of white coal has been marked out. The factories must come to the water powers; the water powers cannot be taken to the factories, across a continent ; Wood is nearly as important ; 25 per cent of the expenses ojf manufacturing concerns is for wood. Even the steel mills must have wood, for crating- ' Favorable climatic conditions make for economy and for efficiency as well as for comfort, and cost will figure more and more in the fierce competition of the future. . And the markets will be where the population is ; for the world is becoming a cosmopolitan world, and the needs of all peoples grow with progress and enlightenment. If the Portland Evening Telegram can wake up Oregon fully to her possibilities, it will have accomplished great good. ' If the state aid and loan fund amendment passes on June 7th, there will be great activity in Salem and in Marion county, in improvements in the city and on the farms. The pitting of the credit of the state behind the 34 500 men of Oregon who rallied to the colors will bring to this state a great deal more money, in the long run, than it will cost; and it will be an act of gratitude that this commonwealth cer tainly owes to these men. It should be unanimous. U appears that Oregon's Attorney General does not . iv. i vt .toto t unv narticular halo arouna SKiM hound hasthee rights as other folks, out no more. u . is not necessarily a privileged character, .above the law. - llufry; fjet jotir broccoli seed. S i'lf yott know how to raise good Cabbage, tell the Salem slogan ed itor, with Kinr norso. uloyd George n'd Colonel George on the Job at the same time the neo Georglan period takes on new meaning. i Drj Nicholas Murray Iltitler tnakea the autobiographical dis closure that "eight h presidents of the United States have tried to get we into the government ser vice, tut aoae has ever been suc cessful." And with respect to the room at the top the doctor's own irforta have been unsuccess- i The Panama canal will in time make the Pacific the world cen ter of action and commerce. It Is just now coming into its great est season of unefulneas. Hardly organised for business when th? great World war broke out. that event threw International trade Into eon f union and minimized the : f FIJI Unt DATES 1 Mar a4 in ftttt. Willam tt . WTilnii. at Wn Walla Mir 2'. Ssadaj iirmorial Hundar . i Mar. Mwnitay Mrnuirial imr. , Jaa S, Friday Aaaaal ntr play fcr Jn4 1. Tdar U nf bWndo4 Jrrara at fair fmunHn Importance of the waterway. The post-war readjustments are bring ing the canal to the front. Almost 200.000 Italians came to our shores during 1920. What has become of the statement that if national prohibition was In ef fect there would be no arrivals from the wine-loving countries? whom this will seem a hardship. This new law will help to de crease the supply of bootleggers on this eide ot the line there will b- so many of the hooch boundi over there who will think they cannot spare or share any of their supply. Renewal of the rumor that Mr. Hryan is to make his permanent residence in Florida and to run for United States senator is at tracting wide comment. Senator Park Trammell, whose term will expire in 1923, has a record of 20 years of steady political uc cefss and would be a bard Man to btat. BIG BUS1XKSS Jl'STIHEl) People have a way of speaking of biK business as thouRh it meant scoundrelism. Hig business men are only lit tle business men tried out and ap proved: every big business man has had experience with little business be is simply a man more capable than the average. To abuse him Is not only unfair, but foolish. We might as well say the best workmen are scoun drels; that sober men should be turned out and drunkards put In their places. We demahd effic iency in everything. JUstly and naturally; but as soon as we get it in business we make ugly faces and charges against it. Still, let the efficient man re member that there Is always a tig demand for his services from everybody. We fool Americans do not mean half we say. E. W. Howe's Monthly. INVENTOR AND EX-ENVOY BACK AGAIN. HEROICS OF THE DAY'S WORK. Heroes who live next door are sometimes too close to see. In Bound Hrook, X. J., are men as brave as those who faced the whole awful category of German gases in the war in France. Harold Sounders and Michael Pascall are the chemists of a paint plant where the poisonous phosgene gas broke loose from a leaking valve. Employes of the plant fled from their homes to the higher ground. To venture back into the beavy- hanging lethal wave of the poison gaa waa virtually to commit sui cide. But that is what these two men did to save the lives of their townsfolk by stopping. the leak It was on a small scale the hor ror of Pompeii or Mont Pelee. They had flimsy gas masks, and meant only to ward off much lighter fumes. Again and again they dahed into the sea of gas surrounding the tank to grapple with the leaky valve and turn it off. At last they succeeded. Violently ill, they re ported at the company offices. Under medical treatment they will recover. The act of these two men, as a mere part of the day's work, 1m an inspiration of all who learn of It. Philadelphia Ledger. ACCELERATING EDUCATION. Al French scientist has fust taken X-ray photographs through more than 17 Inches of marble, lead, oak and plaster, at a dis tance of 250 feet. The dicta graph may yet be supplemented by the X-ray '"movie" as a me chanical spy Into secluded retreats. Stlesian row is quieting down: Germany is preparing to mak her rirst payment of 150.000,000 sold marks, and to bepin the de livery of 25.000 ready -built hoiifips to the devastated tone of i.orthern France and the whol world breathes easier. It Is correct to reTer to Mme. Curie as a French scientist, but the 1'nle are also justifned in claiming her m a credit to their race, since she was born In Po land of Polish parents and lived there until her early womanhood. I'nder the new Tlrltltth ("oltim- bWnfloa Jraa ai ait lair rmun-u i JuM 14,.Taadajr Clka ananal fla ia liquor act. now in force. er ar rrraa. .v . L eacawpoMtaia at Caap I.ia . aad Fart Joaa is, TaarHar Orton Fier aaaoelaU" n4inff In Fnrtlaad f Jna . If. Friday High school grada atlnn aTiaa. Ill- 8r"Wl f jfaad IT, rridar Aaaaai lava pirate, Sl fair crmtada Jaaa J. Maadar Hrfcoal Jalv . SI. Malardar Mariwa nMr r.iitting the sale of liquor only by the government and In sealed package, the amount which one person may buy Is limited to SO gallons of malt liquors and five gallons of liquors other than matt within a year. Doubtless there Gaadsy scaaal pica, atats faU roaud. are people in the province to Neither Mr. Edison nor II, G. Wells can be accused of merely destructive criticism in attacking the accepted methods and machin ery of education, says an editorial writer in the Springfield Republi can. Both hav reforms to sug gest. Mr. Edison pins his faith to motion pictures as a substitute for schoolbooks in the teaching of many subjects; something has been done and more has been planned In this direction, but no doubt kinetic photography has ed ucational possibiliies, from the kindergarten to the university, which are still Imper.'ectly real ized. Mr. Wells, being quite an active-minded as Mr. Edison and less pre-occupied with his own work, naturally has a more com prehensive plan to offer; his idea is to apply to education the meth ods of quantity production. Whatever the cost, let the best brains be secured to produce th best books, methods, motion pic ture exhibits, phonograph rec ords, and so on. that it is possible to make, and when these aids to education have been perfected let them be manufactured on as vast a scale as possible with all the economies which large scale pro duction permits. Education at re tail, he argues, costs too much: the way out lies through standard ized methods. It is out of the question, for example, to give each school and each class in it a first rate teacher of French. But it is quite possible to put into every school room first rate phono graphs giving a perfect model for pronounciation. and to work out a well tested standard course with the necessary material so that pupils who want to learn can ac complish much even if the teach er is not very expert. The trouble, of course, is that so few pupils do seriously want o learn; the work of the good teacher shows in two quite dis tinct ways in giving bright and willing pupils instruction ot a a." i , V t . ' t As hi-) I I f A . , v .1.,, . It j I I I V t; . ( (aiv? I everyone would want to buy but lAa'a coming to the source of tnfor niatlon that will most quickly put hiim in touch with the live buyers wQom he wants to meet. The Salem Commercial club" is especially recognized as an up-to-date disseminator of useful knowledge in its own community. Manager McCroskey offers the suggestion that there might be In formation In the club recordfor many local Inquirer who wish! to get In touch with outsider wh liave things to buy or sell. ;Read The Classified Ads, liaofky Fkm tke Bated aurptane Isrator. who war EmxMnc alrcran. and Tbonaas Ndaoa Fksv Ambaaandor to Italy, photorxpbrd they arrtrol gtanrt. tb CamoajB WaJted BtxXaa in Amorioa, from quality which no mechanical sub stitute can rival, and in arousing the slow and indolent, who are not always dull, to a lively inter est in their work. It must be said. however, occasional pedagogical miracles of this kind may be de moralizing. The average pupil easily learns to depend upon the teacher not merely for instruction but for inspiration, and there is no 'commoner excuse for past de linquency than ''Our teacher in that was no good." Too much ought not to be left to the per sonal equation, and it can at any rate be said for Mr. Wells's plan that if it asks less of the teacher it apparently also puts more re sponsibility upon the pupil. It offers a chance to learn and puts it up to the class to make use of the opportunity; in this respect it might prove salutary. That education might be ac celerated at many points by the use of improved apparatus, in cluding motion pictures, seems highly probable. Much time is wasted In reading about which might better be exhibited pictorially; this would leave all the more time for reading liter ature, and no doubt even a taste for literature would otten be fa cilitated by the use of pictures-as an auxiliary often imagination Is baffled by the lack of any ex perience or observation of real' things to give the printed words a meaning. With plenty of pic tures, which might include ani mated mape showing how the face of the world changes, the teach ing of history and geography would be greatly helped. In many subjects, indeed, much tedious de tail could be- quickly and agree ably disposed of by this method end others which can be devised, and this is a clear gain even if it proves impossible greatly to ac celerate the teaching of tough subjects like mathematics, or sub jects which like English depend upon the peneral mental growth of the pupil and should be al lowed plenty of time. TILLAMOOK ASKS SALEM'S SECRET Commercial Club Up In Northwest Corner Wants . More Live Members Tillamook Commercial club has written to the Salem, club for in formation as to how to proceed to get 'em in from ail over the coun ty as is being ro successfully done through the Marlon county Com munity federation originated and organized here. They want to get in touch with people outside of the city, and have come to Salem for expert advice. The movement Is spreading in a most gratifying manner just like the reputation for prunes or any other product. A dealer In San Francisco has written to the Commercial club askine that his name be posted in thing j the club rooms so that manufac turers and industrial plants can know where to get in touch with his specialties. It might be that he has something to sell that not BITS FOR BREAKFAST Another hitch ot spring S We'll all be happy yet. We will all be proud of the new Salem hospital. 1-alr weather will ripen the Kooseberries and spin along the spinach, and the procession to the canneries and fruit concerns will soon start. "a "a Col. House will be ;i good dip lomat, no doubt; but h will never learn the art of being diplomatic 'a "a -W A- man working on the Brooklyn Kale died the other day, alter i. continuous service on that papr oi ( i years; tne last score or more fraternal editor. Hard work does not seem to hurt newspaper people; just makes 'm tough There Is nothing tort, good for the paving f the Salem strort-s; especially those that wiliecome a part of the Paciric htphway. They will have a lot of wear "- "- A man came to The Statesman ofHce yesterday telling of flower thieves not only sfalin bia flow, era, but destroying his vines "and shrubs in the stealing act. He asked the reporter to go after them: to make it strong and hot. He said it could not bo too hot. Is there any way to head off these vandals? If they were Human they would at least not destroy the bushes and vines. Court Strut, lotking t$wrd Main Strut, Ptn Jlttm, Ortgtn. Pat4 in igi3 with jisfhtltic Concrett; in excel lent (onditien and hat had nt mainte nance cost. IV- -:TJ ' - What Makes a Good Pavement? You are vitally interested in the discussion . which is now going on regarding street improve ments in this community. The money to be ex- pended for this purpose is your money. You want to get your money's worth. Therefore, you are vitally interested in the qualifications of a good pavement A good pavement must, in tjie first place, have durability so that it will be able to withstand the impact of heavy traffic throughout a long period of time, without deterioration -l A good pavement must be reasonable in initial cost so that the burden on the taxpayers will be i kept to a minimum. A frood pavement must have . a ' negligible amount of upkeep or maintenance cost, so that public inconvenience and expense caused by re pairs will not be present V - The asphaltic concrete type of pavement base and surface combines all the char acteristics spoken ofabovci. This pavement can be used within 24 hours after it is laid Its adoption will assure satisfactory pave zzicnt in your community, STANDARD OIL COMPANY GALOh Asphalt (UJlQ)E(Q)ILQ) , Giro ' EirDw T0w , 1 . gf.w It's in the blood. Hut few of us lire not interested in tb box score. Why not have a "Ile-Kiivd-to-Uncle-Sam Week?" It would help the old codger a lot. Last Saturday was one of the biggest days in the history of this store. J Vat not holding f a special sale, either. My prices were my regular prices but the people of Salem have learned that my regular everyday prices are invariably lower than thejso-called special r' sale prices in other furniture stores. Last Saturday I was not able to wait upon the crowds of buyers as promptly as I desired, but I have engaged v h Extra Clerks For Today So come as early in the day as possible and I promise to give you prompt tervice and prices lower than you can get elsewhere. You all know the high quality of my merchandise and that my personal guarantee of per fect satisfaction stands back of every article I sell You know, or should know that you can always get ' "More For Your Money At Moore's" I t i ' 4- 177 N. Liberty StreetHome of The Victroh B't '"V" .f - I . I r-