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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (May 20, 1921)
IS- ' It .V JUDGES. CLERKS AND PLACES TO VOTE ANNOUNCED BY COURT The appointment of Judges and clerks Tor the social election to be held on Jnne 7, was made at ila May term of tho county com- miss-loners. The lint Is a lengthy cne, ; an there are ovr 7o voting T.reclncts in Marlon count,. Also the voting places were made inade knpwn. The list of judges and clerks Do you know you can roll 50 $QOd dgarettesfor lOcts from one bag of GENUINE Bull Durham TOBACCO ALICE BRAD p OTJTOF THE, CHORUS' , ". : Also STUFFED LIONS V;t lOur Comedy Latest News Events Added Attraction Chas. Morey Star in "Birth of a Nation" In Person .""Coming Sunday ' LOUISE GLAUM In "LOVE" GRASMD Where The llig Shows Play ' M Ill ' i H Today and Tomorrow!"! i-'t. I 1 Double Show EYEPEN " Not Scotch, But Furniture" SPECIALS, SATURDAY ONLY Small Rugs, $5.50 values, only $2.95 Charter Oak Ranges, $110 values, only $78.50 25-pound Silk Floss Mattresses , $11.75 30-pound Silk Floss Mattresses , $12.25 35-pound Silk Floss Mattresses. $14.50 50-pound Silk Floss Mattresses $17.50 JUST ARRIVED TCnewJluss all sizes; Suit Cases ami Hand Bas, Ranges and Heaters. Velour Parlor Suit, all leather Rockers, Oak Dining Tables and Chairs, Red Springs Mat tresses, Ivory Bed Room Suit. Sam and Cots, Davenport Dufold. Hressers, . Buffet. Breakfast Tables, Grammar Upright Piano-Walnut Case Player Piano with Bench Oak Case, Phonograph and Electric Floor Lamps. Reed Cnee fmCIl fr 1CaSt mRey yU Wi find U at Woodry's, 11113 UKEGON STATESMAN. HALKM. UKEUUIM - and the precincts in whii n they will nerve, follow:' Auiiisv.ll.- t i rw s t 1 1 1 1 1 1 -;. Sherui Swank, l I". K.i.-i tin rn . clerk. May Smith. Lulu I'l u m in" Jeimv WuMiKv S cond H't JihIK'4 A !'. S ecr Ii F jsinv soii ; clerks. ('. V Hein. Claud) Boone, V . T Pit n-. Aurora firt -ei Judges. A I). Zimi!ii-T!iian. M I) Leaio, clerks, Mrs. (irao S m 'ick.-r, Liz zie M Will. K.lith : Carpenter Second set- Judges. I.oii W l) rl. () ii. Mrrr: clerks. A M Fry. J. C Wurstt-r. I. I- Cribble. Breiti in li h Judges, -'has. H C;ebler, Alinir.i A Hoover; d.rk. ll;) Riddell Nancy Jan Whit". Kmnia A. Iik)'r. l!ii)'k-': I. is' set Judges, i () Copeland, G. W Mavuard. clerks. .1 P Aspinwall. Itol.t Vi Miiii, S. V Itainp. S '-)inl s-t .liidK'-. K:no Couh t, Cd llaf r'H; f-l-rk. Kraiik Sturnis. Wal ter Kull r, Si; Hani's. liuttevtllc -.liidtsHs. John Mur ray. Napoleon .ivi. clerks. K .1. Iliinh.,. i: A. M. Coio t r -d I IH. fhamr' lil-ln-s. W. It McKay Kdfe l'el!tt; t '-rU.?. It Colt-man. Curtis Col man, I ri Cirrin. ;'liniau: Tir.-it set Judge.-. Ceorge Mudge. A F e.irsle : ;-lerkH. Allm.i V II -iidTKoii . Mr-. It)ia I. Cuinmini?--. Mrs Many fUrdslf- Second s-t Jnd: '. K hrl Mt-ndersoii. Arthur Cum m n:-; rhTkii. V. K. Saage. " l. Darling. Harry Kef. r. Croisan Judges. J. o. Walkir, M. F. Ttw ; clerks. C l. (Juery. A. H IV-tiyjolm C. S, H'i gin?. Imnald: f rst set Judge.-".. Ceorg" VV. C:ise. John C Har man: -l'rSs. Mary Yerg n. I,ona Miller. Frd:i Moore. .Second - ,-- .ludseH Jan. P. Feller. J. Moore: clerks, Harrv I). Kvans, Char'es Feller. Krl lr. Carver. Klkhnrn Judt a. Kdwltnl S-i-cho. Silas U'-da: cl rkr. Mrs. l-o" Myers. Alt)trt Myers, Mrs. I.. -Josephsou. K ii g le wood: first set Judges. Fred Aufderheide. I.. H. Iicktl: clerks. John I,aue, Mrs W. A. o"d. Mi" Tar'ey Sexond set Judg-a. J. E. Ownhey, J. C. He--rn; clerks. Ceo. M. Whipple, Hetta Field. .Mrs. Oraa Fagg. Fairfield Jud a. F. K. D'l- I Refte. S. F. Parker: clerks. Mary 1 Imlah. Pauline M. Tuttle. Nellie Marthaler. Fa ritrounds: 'in t set judgas. F. O. Johnson. LBter E. Dudley; c erks. Cm. K McAfee. Ruth Ru Ifson, L. M. Van Cleave. Second gpt Judges, il. 11. Weeks. V. C Pearmine; clerks. B. I. Pearmin-. Frank C. Fitts, William Rickman. Fast Oervais: firsl set Judges, A. R. Si-?gniund. Rose G. Cannard; clerks. Mrs. O. J. Molsan Mru Pearl Stevens. Miss Minnie Nibler. Second set Judges, C. J. Molsan. E. E. Shields; clerks. L. A. Jones, F. T. Cutsforth. A. DeJardin. West Gervals: Trst set Judg es Auguct Nibler, Al. Rubeni: clerks. J. C. Galbraith, Mrs. S. R. Marshall. John Mills. Second set Judges Joseph Rubens ohonse Vanderh-eck; clerks. A I Wil- Ham 1-reith, John V. Manning. i- Cm. Ferschweiler. Iloret Judres. Ceo. A. Sp?n AppTy Sulpliur as Tdl When i Vour Skin Hreaks Out Any breaking out of the skin on (ace. neck, arms or bordy is over come quickest by applying Men-tho-Sulphur. The pimples seem to dry right up and ko away. de. dares a noted tikin specialist. Nothing has ever been found to take the place ot sulphur ut; a pimple remover. It is harmless and inexpensive. Just ask any drut-gist for a small Jar oT Mn-tho-Sulphur and ue tt like cold cream.- Adv. sun ras A PIMPLY SKIN MY cer. tJeorge Mcfurdy; clerks. I. V. Kane. Ruby K. Horner, Hessie A. Ware ha in Centrul Howell: first set JiKlg. s. 1 MrC.irroll. A H. W . lltiKh.s: i l-rks. Joliu I .a iiierliak ; Kitwartl 1 1 u ii i i: a ii. .Ir.-C. H. OiT -way. .-it-i-i-ud s-t- Judges. Edward A Dunigan, Sr.. Thomas l.auder bark: i l iks. () C Jet man. .loli i Two-d ll ii' '- Wertier. North I low i ll ludges. U. .I'ff)-riii. A. T. t "I in. : cl.-ik--Koli.-r' A I ;). I.ulu '. W -!'! . Km ma M FHxke. K.trt llul. bard first s t .1 .!-'-. s. Frank Fish. Mr- Anna HoJ- -cierks. Mi.-is K na Ktt. r. Mrs Mar K J. Coleman. Mi- Franc'-;; Weav-r. Second t ImUe!. Karl Palmer. Tom .lohns.i!. ilks. tU-orj e Zef-k, C:'l - JUieS. I It'll I v lio )' West Hub. an1: iirsi :-"t liiilv'--, J I. CaUeit Kila Coyl.-: i lt rks. Kdiia Hovtiiden. M inn Melvin. It Paulsen Second ' .lin!gt!. 1. C. McSbaiie. H. ' Mack; deil-s. U M. Sclioli. M ' Kroinlmg K. S. Woltr .If l. rson: Tirst .-' -luilg-J-. C W II iii?dire . J.ii. I! Foiita n cle-Vs. K.I Si.ii Ii. I.ou Miller. KU na ShuiiKik-r. S. rond s-t -lu-.j; .s .1 H K K How II: clerks. M. K lol'. W. A Kotli-fl I T loii-. l.ibt rt F I. Scot', (in. Kll.-ii : Mat leav I ii. U A ludges, J H Kmtr !.-rl;. Tho-, I N- :l.-.f;t. Call (i -on lu.lgt-. M m 1 1)- Mar Jones: clerks. Hail'V ah v Cttton. Mr A' K-IIK. ii II' ice ;o-nl'H Marion ludue. M II Roll-ins. Let Smith, c terns II rbert I Dane. Chester Russell, nan" ; Mill. M.'K'e i ;. w. i ! I'.aiiuiiiii. I ud:-e-. ;ii.l).-ns: i ;di Nibl r it pllfl l!ec' rks. K p .1. C Hi er . Mehama: first k t C. Sief munil. Joe Kr lutlgts. t It.; clerks James .1. Hlum Lizzie ilurdick Second et- Mintii Champ. ludtis. C. K Rer nger. .loa-pn I'.ecker: clerks. Kd A. Talor. Ri lev H Champ. John W. Ktzti. Mill f'ity: First set judges. K J. Richards, C. II. Work: clerks" Eva Raines. Mrs. Susie Hayes Mrs Jennie Magg. Second set Judges. Al Mitdiler. Frank Taylor: ,urv If r Rallard. I tie A- Bal lard. Harry Patton. I Monitor: Judges. Ed Seel, Jos T Rose; clerk. Albert Stone. Al hert Miller. J. L. Jack. East Mt. Anuel: First set Judges. John W. Ebner, Henr; Beming; clerks, Aloys Keher Margaret Annen. A. J. Skonetzni Second set Judges. John T Bauman. N. C. Mickel; clerks. Al Tred M. Oswald, Robert J. Welton G. D. Ebner. West Mt. Angel: First set Judges, Jacob Berchtold. Henr? Rutach; clerks, Gertrude Keber Ralph Appleby, Mary Andrew Second set Judges, P. N. Smith H. Melchlor: clerk. F. J. Schwab Joseph Ebner, Henry Saalfe.d. Pringle: Judges, L. W. Potter R. E. Anderson; clerks. T. L. Da vidson, Elixabeth Gill, Mrs. Eve lyn M. Coburn. Quinaby: Judges, J. C. McFar lane, R. M. Diem; clerks, Pau Girold, H. A. Penny. E. L. Rogers Riverview: Judges, Ben F--Nye II. K. Cauthorn; clerks, Eva Cau thorn, Clara Nye, Vance L. But ler. Rosedale: Judges, G. A. Cole Jennie Burris; clerks. James Mc Gilchrist, J. M. Gardner, W. E Way. Salem No. 1: First set Judges Mrs. Effie Fuestman. Mrs. Fior ence I'.oersma; clerks. Mrs. Clara Gagnon. Mrs. Edith Kane. Mrs Grace Chenowth. Second set Judges, Mrs. Jessie Chapel, Ia Ronda M. Pierce: clerks. Alice Forrest, Mrs. Ida Traglio, Mrs. Fannie M. Millard. Salem No 2: First set Judges. It. W. Craig. Ida M. Bun nell; cierks, Eugenia Gillingham. May X. Buchner, Laura M. Kloep ping. Second set Judges. S. S East. Lucret'o Drager; clerks. H R. Crawford. Susan C. Salmon Vivian Lewis. Salem No. 3: First set Judges J. N. Skaife. Sophia Keene; clerks. Maude L. Richardson. flattie K Cameron. Nancy E. Skaife. Second -set Judges. W. Y. Richardson. J B. Parker; clerks. Max Hill, P. II Holmes, Loren R. White. Salem No. 4: First set Judges. W. A. Liston. J. W. Gamble: rlerks. Mrs. Alice Gray, Mrs. Iau- ih Wood. Mrs. Lois McKarlane Second set Judges. W. W. Yan lis. Emma Hulsey; clerks. Mrs l.ladys M. Camhle, Mrs. May belle lurner, Mrs. Lizzie Cory. Salem No. f: First set Judges G. W. Eyre. John Ciesy: clerks, Maud Stenstroin. Mona M. White. Lawrence P. Back. Second set Judges. J B. Ashby. Alex Potter; . ierks. Karl Chapter, Mrs. Emma Shields. Clem ma '. Paranouagian, Salem No. i; First set -Judges, Will E. Purdy. Julius Nelson; clerks, Nina B. Rowland. Susie A. Litchtield .Annie M. Luthv. Sec ond set Judges. L S. Rowland, Charles E. Raves: . clerks. Joseph A. Bronson. R. W. Seats. Charles I. Lisle. Salem No. T: First set Judges, J. J. McDonald. Harold Salisbury; clerks. V. A. English. Beulah G. l'resiiall. Mable .1. Ringle. Second set Jud-es. Mrs. I'.ertha Smart. John Carpenter; clerks. Irene R. iioxie. W. Pi iett. Effie H. Hum-iit-11 Salem No S : First set - Jildg'es. J J ;illi.sp: Augie K. Frazier; . ierks 'ada C Cox. A. E. Hale. 1 1 a L. I!r-lit S-coiid set- Judges J. C tilaze. Thomas Aiheson; . Ierks. H W. Hale. E. C Craw loid. Lewis M McKinney. Sal. Jii No !' l-'ir-t --t Judges. W. I--. Kari o. Willa T H id est' ltj ; clerks. Mrs Lou A Roy. Cordelia It. Ibc-r. Ella 'fSiotha. re St-cond set Judges. I). W Fisher. I' S Dotsoii: clerks. Agnes Moon. Al bert Copley. Ida V. McDaniel. Salem No 1": T irst set Judges, J II Lautcrinan. It it t ti Brant; cleik-. Anna V. Nelson. Berth;' C Albrich. Martha S. Lr.ttzke Second set Judges. R. N. Homer. J. is C Nelson; clerks. Certrud" I M Page. Lueila 1 L'ngstiom. Mrs. Olne McCracken. Salem No 11: First set Judges. Ceo P Litchtield. Mamie M. Haydeti; clerks, Mary L. Boes hen. Iuine M. Downing, Cora M. Talkiii!:tiin. Second set Indies. R. 1-i Downing. Lelia E. Itig.toii; cierks. Ida L. Nilts. Cora K Renl. .Margaret M Waters. Salem No. 12: First set fudge'. A J. Basey. C. W. Corby; Ierks. Grace W. Hanson. Mary K. Nathman. Alice Needhain. Second -et--Judges. A. H. Moore. Peter W. Ge ser; clerks. Fay B. Rice, lara L. Albert. F. E. Need ham. Salem No. 13: First set fudges, A. B. Hudelson. Elsie Ithoten; clerks. Elizabeth E. Sher wood. Edith Matthews. Nettle Stanton. Second set Judges, C. . Roberts, Lavilla Richards: Ierks. E. A. Miller. Julia M. A'eigel. William E. Sherwood. Salem No. 14: First set fudges. Alice S. Fisher. Jennie C. v'an Trump; clerks. Mailene C. iCIgih. Melissa Persons. Hattie A. Jiven. Second set Judges S. If. V'an Trump. Geo. J. Wend'eroth; Ierks, J. N. Ganlard. Jessie A 'rince. Blanche Clark. Salem No. 15: First set ludges. Ida M. Babcock. Mrs. W. V. Emmons, clerks. Susie E. Par. nentcr: Nellie White. Mrs. Bertha VIcMah-on. Second set Judges Donald Glover. Miss Laura Heist;' Ierks. Ranska Swartz, Mabel Juckestein, Laura McAdams. Salem No. 16: First set lulges. Irene St. Helen. Althea pgue; clerks, Mary S. Moores. lara Staiger, Mollie C. Dancy second set Judges. Mary C. Hea- ey. W. H. Dancy; clerks. Lillian lunter, Julia Iverson, H. G Cour- tey . Salem No. 17: First set udges. J. F. Hughes. Ida E R.,r. ows; lare clerks. Rose W. Babcock. A. Vibbert. Marv It n9.i.' Second set Judges. O. A.' Olson! ohn Bayne; clerks. Elmer A. )aue. F. S. Gilbert. Earl Daue. Salem No. IS: First set fudges. W. F. Drager. W. J Lin oot; cierks. Elizabeth L. Bohrn tedt. Ruby N. Hoffnell. Helen 'ngrey. Second set Judges Herman Schellberg. George Shaw-' derks. Daisy M. Mclntyre, C A Vrpke, Dora B. Schellberg. East .Salem: Judges EE Vfatten George Edwards; clerks Mil ton Ma gee. A. A. Hager. E. A A ii f ranee. Salem Heights: First set fudges. B. j. MleSf w Mon ney; clerks. Nellie G. .Baldwin Laura h. Grant. S. Z. Culver -second set Judges. A. J. Rald ;in William MeGilchrist. Sr cerks. Esther Baldwin. Hazel l' iJishop. A. M. Chapman St. Paul First set-Judges. S. Mullen. J. m. Gooding; oierks s. J. McDonald, .Stephen J Merten. John F Theo B. Bren tano. Second set Judges, J L ook. 1. F. Huyserie; clerks' j' ':li"K. F. R. Coleman. Rob ert McNamee. Scullard: First set Judges, fames B. Hunt. Klsie Vincent; cierks-. c. j ( ros,)y MarWrtMc (ornnck, Edgar Crosbv. ss.n.i let W. - Judges, Albert H. Crosby F Austin; clerks. . T. Met ormick. Roy Scollard Scotts Mills: First set Judges Jessie B. Bark hurst. Maude My 's. clerks. Anna R. White. Llda I'''"her. Josie Hartnian. Sec ond set -Judges. Ceorge V My ers, w. T. HogK: clerks. Frank chiedler, B. N. White Ivan I Smith. Shaw: Judges II. A. Keene - T. Gilbert; clerks C, I put. nam. W. II. Ilowd. Dail T. Cham lerlain. Sidney: Jmlges- -Mrs. Nellie B. Simpson. Ernest Todd: clerks Edna Wintermantle. William II' .scott. George W. Palmer Oliver Faiig: jUdge8 fhelps. Frank Glover: -II. A. clerks. iara h. V olz. H C Neal. Todd, E. C. North Silverton Fire Jiidges. A. F. Hobart iii. llartley: clerks. J.oe. Ronnie Mehrends. . W. MiWtr. Secon.i J""s. o. G Larson A H. .-miin: cierks. Ed Ham ire. Carl u'in Hadley. ; South Silverton: i H. Thompson. Frank clerks. Arthur Dahl Jr . Harrv 4 Judges G. S. Bowers; Fred Krug. . KaR Silverton; First set . j " "ges U w. Scott Preston; clerks. Mrs Jr.. Mrs. I-:, a. Booth, i Second net Judges Mrs. T. E W Scott. J 1) Drake. John Hob- . "'i. -Mrs. Rud I "son; clerks I Mabel torts i Cavander. William Egan, Fred West Silverton: -irst SPt ;". w- Riches. uorRe "s. er; clerks. L. C Allen. Jo- Kei.hinu 1a " c' T "r,,wl1- .Minnie Wilson I uiiu net Judges. A. F. Black- I my. Marion Palmer clerks. Re- er Allen. Josie Stalker, Myrtle East man. Stayton: First set-Judges. Jx Lambert, , Andrew Ferry; clerks Nora Crabtree Taylor, Mary Fuson. Lucy Brown. Second set -fudges, A. L Mack. Joseph Kearns; cleiks. Claude Darby. IL E. Bennett J. H. Thomas. East Staiyton: First set Judges. Henry Smith. Frt'd ICmk; clerks. Frances Parry. Mrs Mar garet Schaefer. Emma Sloper. Second set i Judges. Virgil Mas- sey. T J. Ware: clerks. w . t. Blakely. Frank Pieser, C. A. Lu- thy. West Stayton: Judges -Stanley McLaughlin. O. W. Cobb: clerks. I R Hammer, Amanda C. Lathrop. Llda L. Walker. Sublimity: 'First ret -Judges, E. C. Denny, F. A. Zimmerman; clerks. John A. Ditter, Mrs. Dean Hunt. W. J. Hermens Second set Judges. C. P Durst. Frank A. Bell.: clerks. Wayne V. Ashby. F J. Riesteier. Clarence J. Hunt. Turner: First set Judges John Cirardin, C. W. Hunsaker; clerks. R O Witzel. F. C. Dazell. II L. Karl. Second set Judges, II R. Peetz. Howard Baker: clerks. C. A. McKay, Robert C. Hunsaker. Fred A. Moore. Victor Point: Judges H. E. King. Melvina Doerfler; clerks, Amelia Jones, Myra Fischer, prlo W. Humphreys. Waconda: Judges E. M. Pal mer. Charles M Half; clerks, Al bert J. Egan, Ray Patterson, A. R. Barton. - Woodard : Judges Ed i Treu ter. d. E. Thomas; clerks, Joseph Marty, Lyle Maude Seeband, Fred Clow. East Woodburn: First set Judges, Caleb A. Simmons, Delia P. Overton; clerks. Glenn A. Gou let. S B. Layman. Paul Mills. Second set Judges. L. M. Bitney. Francis Feller: clerks, Fred Par ker. James Livesay, l'etle Love. West Woodburn: First set Judges, Lydia S. Chapman. Mabel Settlemier; clerks., Minnie Rich ards. LaFayette Lawrence. George Beebe. Second set" Judges. E. P. Morcom, Joseph Duboise; clerks. John H. Becker, A. Beck, George Dorr. Voting places are as follows: Anmsville I. O. O. F. hall. Aurora I, O. O F. hall. Breitenbush School house, dis trict 123. Brooks Ramp's hall. Butteville The Hop Crowers' Insurance office. Champoeg Jette building'. Chemawa Woodman hall, one half mile west of Chemawa. Crolsan Query's hall at Lives ley. Donald Hocking & Desart hall. Elkhorn School house, dis trict lllu Englewood Mrs. Dexter Fields house on Asylum road. Fairfield School house in dis trict 26.. Fairgrounds Hayesville school house. East Gervals City hall, Ger vals. West Gervais John Mills' hours in Gervais. Horeb Winkley's hall in Gates. Central Howell Howell Prai rie Association hall. North Howell North Howell Grange hall. East Hubbard City hall n Hubbard. West Hubbard Room. south of Hubbard Drug company. Jefferson Masonic hall. Liberty Liberty hall. Macleay Macleay Grange hall Alarion W. O. W. hall in Mar ion. McKee Belle Passi school house. Mehama Champ's hall. Mill City Hammond Lumber company's opera house. Monitor Miller's hall. East Mt. Angel City hall. West Mt. Angel Mt. Angel ho tel. Pringle Davidson's house on Pringle road. Quinaby Oregon Electric depot- Riverview Riverview school house. Rosedale Rosedale school house. Salem No. 1. Cnited Brethren church, corner Seventeenth street and Nebraska avenue. Salem No. 2 First floor Bun galow Christian church. Court and Seventeenth streets. Salem No. 3. Cameron's Paint shop. Twenty-first street between Chemeketa and Cnter streets. Salem No. 4. Swedish taber nacle, corner Mill and Ki'teenfh streets. Salem No. r Richmond schoot. Salem No. 6 Yew park school. Salem No. "--Highland school. Salem No. S. lason Lee church, coiner Jefferson and Whi ter streets. Salem No. 9 Baptist church, corner D and Cottage streets. Salem No. 10. Garfield school COMB SAGE TEA Darkens lU aut ifulJy and Restores llN Natural Cdr ami Lustre at Once. Common garden sage, brewed into a heavy tea, with sulphur and alcohol added, will turn gray, streaked and faded hair beautiful ly dark and luxuriant. Mixing the Sage Tea and Sulphur recipe at home, though, is t roublesom-. An eas'er way to get the ready-to-use preparation, improved by the add-tu n of otner ingredients. :i large bottle at little, cost at dru, stors. known aa "Wyeth's Sase and Sulphur Compound." thus avoiding a lot of muss. While gray, faded hair is not sinful, we all des're to retain o-ir vuuthful appearance and attrac tiveness. By darkening your hair with Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur Compound, no one can t"I!. be cause it it so naturally, so evenly. You iu9t damnen i sponge or soft brush with it and draw this through your hair, tak ing one small strand at a time; by morning all gray hairs have disappeared. After another appli cation or two your hair becomes beautifully dark, glossy, soft and luxuriant, and you appear years younger. Adv. , 10 S Hi FRIDAY MORNINfJ, MAY GOING IN FOR I- V- ' . 7 . ' Vvf tlll I v vV"f J; '111 i : - ' : n -t.. a. .. , . . t, vT, ... i i'jkit.... nam - 1 , mmmm.mmmiynmwHM)mm M.1F'.'i')j"l!'W'W'-taJ,W niwimmmmmmd t-M..,.v,....,i.. .-,l,M.',.t.Mf..fam y,-.Y.Y.-; n - I - Miss Marie Pre vast, a noted bathing beauty and a partaker in nor than a score of comedies made on the California coaat, where water ports pre viil, will desert comedies to appear In drama. Miss Prevost ha of fered to send the newspapers "more dignified" .photographs of herself In return for many similar to this. Would you trade? Salem Xo. 11 County court house. Salem No. 1 2 Real Pruner fac tory, corner Trade and Winter streets. Salem No. 1.1. FJ. Sherwood's residence. 7S" Cross street. Salem Xo. 14. Kurtz's Truit dryer, North Commercial street. Salem Xo. 15 Hunt's cannery, on Division street Salem No. 16 City hall. Salem No. 17 W. C. T. IT. hall. Salem Xo. 18 Friends church, corner Washington and Commer cial streets. East Salem Rickey school house. Salem Heights Salem Heights hall. St. Paul City hall. Scollard Jim McCormick's store in West Woodburn. Scotts Mills 1. O. O. F. build ing. Shaw Sehof's hall. Sidney Crange hall. Silver Falls II. A. Phelps" house. North Silverton Basement f St. Paul's church. South Silverton Evergreen school building. WeH R A Big Lot of Merchandise which was Bought at 33 l-3c on the regular Ksl . price. Here are a few of the bargains. Men's Cood Silk Lisle Socks, 3 pairs $1.00 Light weight Union Suits 98c Half and Half Union Suits $1.38 B. V. D- 98c Sealpax $1.25 Men's Khaki Whipcord Pants $1.7.1 Men's Pants, hij;h grade $2.98 and up Men's Working Shirts 78c Hlack Sateen Shirts 98c Men's Lee Coveralls $2.75 Men's Dress Shirts $1.25 Men's Hats and Caps T0c and up Men's $2.00 Straw Hats 50c Suitcases Dig Strong Suitcases $1.18 Dlack Leather Handbags, regular $10. 00 $7.50, $ 1.50 CONSUMERS' 373-377 Court 20, 1021 . THE DRAMA East Silverton bers in Silverton West Silverton Council cham G. A. R. build- ing. Stayton Xeibert's hall. East Stayton Masonic halL West Stayton Commercial club hall. Sublimity C. O. F. hall. Turner Masonic hall. Victor Point W. O. W. hall. Waconda J. C. Savage garage. Woodard School house in dis trict No. 133. VAVWAV4VAVAfAVA 51 51 ' . What Is A Perfect Crime? i viViVivavAvafiVA ave ecei veo HOUSE Street i i-ast oo.ioiirn M. E. chumi. in Woodburn. , , West Woodburn city hall. ?i i ihi: wish T V NCOrVKR. '. C . May lg.2. CUu-le I'arr .- "'itseui. L. r; Ulii'sh oiwiiiliia landldat.e for the (liiipic trials vou an eight mil rr li -re loa,(.ht .. the Gordoa trophy nnd a gold medal. m Ull.e Was 4 t-l'too Ktatemioan '1-tNNiri4l AAm T No Two Men Are Built Alike Unless a Suit of Clothes is TAILORED TO YOUR measurements and re quirements, it certainly is not going to fit you perfectly. There wilhbe some fault with the fit IN TAILOR-MADE CLOTHES every feature of your build is taken care of, such as the low shoulder, prominent blades, long or short neek, square pr sloping shoulder and I numerous features of your particu lar build. Then compare our prices for T A I L 0 RED CLOTHES with the pric es of mere ready-mades. We will tailor you a suit of all wool materials as low as and in addi tion give you ... Extra Pants Free It will pay you to see our line of Pure Virgin Wool Materials Step in today and look them over Scotch Woolen Mills 426 State St- Salem, Or. i u Si Mr' lest Shoes Men's Working Shoes, black and brown, 13.75 Men's Dress Shoe?, tan and black $5 op bodies' AH colors, of Ladies Hose -25 ladles' Pumps, ldack only ...$25 Dig assortment Cilildrens Summer Suits big line 14 $2-00 Children's Shoes $1.15 op Grocery Department Dig line of Shopping Daskets 63c and up (Galvanized IJuckets All Copper Doiler $5-25 Aluminum Tea Ke'ttles, lifetimers $3.00 Salem, Oregon s3 it i a, i; V' ', -