f? ft ft TIIK WKATIIKH The Statesman race ires the leased wire report of the Associated Press, the greatest and moat re. liable press association a the world. Friday, occasional rain; mod erate winds mostly southwesterly. i I SEVENTY-FIRST YEAR Samson Arrives in $afem antf Discusses the Oregon Packing Methods ; With Chairman Park- APPLES AND PEARS d 1 UNDER NEW STATUTE I MS Activity of Department De clared, to t Protect Pro I ducing Classes -HIT C- - U .. .. - , lnlpDT r '" ' ' " "- FEDERAL HEAD OFSTAfJOARDS BUREAU COMES keta, Waehlngtpn, D. C," Is the I modest title of a modest man who dropped quietly into Salem on t Thursday, on bis rounds to do a work that ' means millions ofi money to growers nt aggregate! E centuries of satisfied buying to h to the hungry public of America. , Mr. Samson is head of the ; itandirdizlng branch of the de partment or agriculture tnat nas in Aa with tha lnsoectlon and ;t, standard packing of fruits anc I vegetables all over the nation, f The work is growing rapidly, al though It Is atlll new enough that it isn't 'yet universally popular. .h Demonstration proves Worth But they come to like it. The cucumber growers of Florida did not think that Uncle Sam had any 5 Business monkeying with their cone-producing - product; they f wasted to sell their green menace ;rf:aout the government touching I l U, and they wanted no atandard- ii nation. But when they found jioai government jnspevwou i brought, them 60 cents .more a J bushel because their weights and , sites and -packing methods were i assured to the consumer, they J were glad to standardize. The .?same thing has happened in many i'lloea of , fruit and vegetable pro- ndnction.. where the crowers have profited and the consumers have .;jbee pleased by knowing exactly . i what they are buying. ; Oregon Legislature Acts The last session of the Oregon FJegialatu re passed an act author izing the standardization of the iUpple and pear pack. It will be possible for everyone wishing to ship these fruits to apply to the state board, of. horticulture and have an inspector designated who will issue an official certificate letting forth both the quality and trade of the pack, which certlfi cafe is evidence to the purchaser ol the product he la buying. The coot of inspection is borne by the producer, as he is the one to gain most by the certification, though tli e. assurance that he is buying properly graded goods ia of great added value to the user as well Protect km Afforded Provision Is made by some of tne states to give an inspection at the producing end. so that the truncate with the state or nat i 'lal seal .can be received at the filing market and by the grow ers or shippers protection in any J'eint or commission controver ''' assured. A market lnsoectlon i provided in some states at the point of sale. . C. A. Park, of Salem, president i us elate board of horticulture ttt conference with Mr. Sam a Thursday, going over the mat of Oregon packing methods. Idaho Ifaa font rovers Y Ag Interesting controversy has J h Deen carried on in. Idaho, there the state has established a 'andard sire of packing box for t een prunes. It was charged t.at one of the head of the state sneutural department that es tihlighed these, shipping condl lni, was himself shipping his product In packing cases "at Were 'decidedly short weight a petition was presented to . governor demanding his re oaI. The extra-legal hearing e.t0 nbstantiate the charge. Bd tha tft . l .1 of heaith; but the "standard" of pack was reiterated in a -nner .Uat Indicated that no- should again even seem to '"aca on Jts specifications. J:-i Lee Honored in Services at Cemetery lh iTjmtfal service were held "t a'fu Le cemetery Tuesday or i?00 ,w wn,ch Bishop Mead Knt artn'- Methodist isW?.1 chur,h. delivered the jyoeatiou and Itishnr, mnntr nt "'drill ' hri(,l memorial ad rei over it.. . , , - cVsn.ii ,oue-r white Amerl onrf ir.?. ttl"n- and as the sec hsv. 1oa,8t missionary of the VeV?.k,ory.ispne of the re- ProrrV. rmT of the church's wao" f1"! -"brfe! aervice n nia memory. TRIBUTE TO DEAD JUSTICE REACHES WASHINGTON HOME FROM AMERICA'S NOTABLES Uy Order of President Governmental Business Will Halt Sat urday During Burial Hour and Flags Will Fly at Half Mast Funeral Services Will be Private WASHINGTON. May 19. Kd ward Douglas White, thief Justly of the L'nited State, lay dead at his home tonight while men high est In the nation's councils vied wiiii pach other to do him honor. By order of President Harding j the business of the rovernment will be halted on Saturday when the body is carried to Us final resting place in Oakhill cemeter;', Georgetown. National Iavh Mourned Funeral services will bo private, but wherever the American flag flies over American troops ashore or wherever it wares over an em bassy, legation or consulate, the colors will be lowered to halt mast that the world may know America mourns a great loss. In Washington government depart ments will be closed all day. Great as was his plan in lif. death brought a' realization of the even greater place Justice White held in the hearts of his country men. Yesterday he stood on the highest pinnacle of legal renown; he held an office that has not its like around theworld ; and in his person was typified the American Ideal of the supreme majesty of aw the will of the majority of the people. CJreatne Kx tolled But today there was exCollel the greatness of the man, his deep j learning, his fearless hewing to the line of right, his wise Judg ments. And Tven more than these, men tmong whom lie liaa walked in the long busy years ot his life spoke of his modesty and the simple kindliness that has made him beloved, eren as he was honored for the greatness or the power entrusted by his country men to his keeping. From the president to the hum- IS cm of TEims Whole Five Acres Covered With Temporary Homes Of Happy Travelers Salem'a free auto camp ground might have been taken for an Arab tent city last night tor the five acres of ground In the camp was well covered with tents and various kinds of traveling vehicles on wheels. ' A large number of those who arrived earlier in the wesk are till at the camp making use ot the opportunity to travif about the country In the near vicinity of Halem and feant their eyes on the beauty spots of Oregon. Among those registering at the grounds yesterday were Mr. and Mrs. G. I. Woodruff and family, who live south of Salem, on the'.r way to Spokane; Mr. and Mrs. H K. intnz. San Diego, to Yellow stone park, via Puget Sound cities and Spokane; Mr. and Mrs. A. Murray, lx Angeles, reluming from a vlIt in Portland; Mr. and Mrs. O. K. Jensen. Portland, to Ashland and Crater lake;; . Udell, Vancouver. returning from trip through California; A. Woodruff and sister. Mrs. M. I' ll raced. SUcott, Wash., to south ern California; Mr. and Mrs- A il. Catlln. Santa Hosa. to vlst with th-?ir daughter in the old home In Portland: Mr. and Mrn 11 llarbee. (Jardena. Cel., ' Blaine, Wash.; Mr. and Mrs. C. t . Carney and family. Anacorte. Wash., south to find new home; Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Stein. Dayton. O , on way home from winter In California; Mr. and Mrs. R. Sheets. Klamath Falls, to Pugct Sound. urgeIlTf7 Drugs Seized in Portland Raid Yesterday Aggre gate $32,640 PORTLAND. May 19 Within 24 hours, ending this afternoon, federal and city narcotic officers arrested five persons and seized 6 ounces of drugs, valued on a basis of prices paid by the ulti mate consumer at $32,640. William Wallace and Peter Ko vengo were taken Into custody as they stepped from a train from Seattle with ounces of drugs In a suitcase. .Wallace had only one ounce In his grip. Others arrested, who the offi cers said bad drugs in their pos session, were William J. Maher, Harry Davis and Abe Goldberg.- CHIP I NARCOTICS MADE lie folk of I he strtfts who v.U. now look In vain for the his. cheerful acquaintance of many a Kossi nv char on tree-shaded corn ers, Washington paid its tnuu;- ol grief today. The r -nate, when once he gat for -his native state f Ixulsiana to be haled forth . t" higher duties o;i me supreme bench, stepped in full course when ! word of hl death cam?. j Tribute l'ald by IMlje j An eloquent tribute from Kcna-i tor Lodge of MasHachiiKetts. ma-! jorlty leader and one of the few ! whose memories of the s?nate go back to vizualize the ample figure of the jurist in that Betting, mark ed the adjournment. The honre was not in session, but a memor ial observance of the death of Justice White also will touch its proceeding when It reconvenes. President and Mrs. Ilaniin drove to the White home. wher the body of I hi jurist lay, but did not intrude on the grief of the family. They remained outside and sent their sympathy by word of mouth through the judge' niece, who came out to talk with them. From the rtate depart ment. Secretary Hughes issued :i brief tribute drawn from his own memories of the late chief justice as he knew him within the seclud- ed circle of the court. Wire Kept Ilusy Members of the Louisiana dele gation In congress joined in a similar expression. , Attorney General Dougherty al no paid hie homage and all day thj. wires were busy with a nation wide flood of messages of sympa thy for thi family and admiration for the dead. IS MADE IHI TAX LEVIES Excess of $17,000 Beyond Legal Limitation Discov ered by Officials In some manner which has not as yet been made clear, Marion county treasury Is enriched seve ral thousand dollars through an excess tax levy for 1921. Just who Is to blame for the error in estimating the tax limitation for the county, is not known, but the fact remains that at least $17,000 will have to be returned to tax payers who have already paid in their 1!2I aestnentB. The 6 per cent limit was .exceeded by that amount. According to the records of the state tax commission. Marion county's lloilt for 1921 Is $l.04ft, 118.70. under provllonn of the Mate law. The total levy now beinj: collected Is nald to be $1. 0xl.4r.ii. "o. Over half of this amount lias already been collected by Sheriff O. D. llower. making a total of about $ 1 7.00( which will have to be refunded to tax payers. Judge Ilushey said last night, that he thought an error was made in copying tm figures, though who was responsible he was unable to say. The county court may hare made the lulu take, he said, though he did not think so The readjustment of the tax rolls and refunding the monoy will be a difficult task and Ik by no mean an enviable one. But the work will be done, it Is said, with the least possible expense to the taxpayers of the county. Baby Has Double Palate, Is Abandoned by Mother PORTLAND, Ore.. May 19. A few days ago an infant girl tagged "Agness" was left on a doorstep and the note pinned to its cloth ing said "iMok in her mouth." Examination of the baby's mouth at first revealed nothing unusual, but today officials of the Waverly Maby home, to which the infant was taken, announced that it was found Agness had a double palate. An operation Is to be per formed and officials of the home, who Fa id they bad discovered the Identity of the mother, declared they hoped to prevail upon the wo man to take the child back. Four babies have been aband oned here within the past month. WHCKK I'LWKKS AKUIVE HALIFAX. May l!. Twenty two Scottish soccor players arrived today on board the steamship C.ameronia, from Liverpool for a tour of Canada and the United States. SALEM, OREGON, FRIDAY ninnn nnnnrni DlbbD wra ODD FELLOWS GRID MASTER Movement Launched to Get National Convention To Portland in 1925, World Fair Year. EUGENE IS SELECTED FOR 1922 SESSION Rebekah Assembly Com plete Personnel of New . Set of Officers ALBANY. Ore. May 1). A movement to secure the pension of the soverign grand lodpe. the na lional organization of Odd Fellow ship, Tor Portland in IS 2.1 during the proposed world's fair, was launched at the fifith annual con vention of the Oregon grand lodge ol Odd Fellows here today. The Oregon representatives to the soverign grand lodge were in structed to take steps at the next convention at Toronto to mould sentiment for the selection of Portland as the meeting place that year. Officer Fleeted M. R. HiKgs of Prineville today was elected grand master of the Oregon grand lodge for the ensu ing year; K. E. Sharon of Port land was re-elected secretary; Dr. O. D. Doane of The Dalles, was chosen treasurer; Dr. A. H. John son of Portland, retiring grand master was elected representative to the soverign grand lodge for a term of two years. Other officers elected and appointed are: Deputy grand master. . S. F. Bowman of Pendleton; grand war den. John Aschin of Tillamook; prand marshal, M. L. Watts of Athena; grand conductor, V. T. Jackson of Roseburg; grand guar dian. R. Lee Wood of Lebanon, krand herald. Julian Byrd of Rums: grand chaplain. Henry Young of Nyssa; trustee of Odd Fellows home. 11. J. Taylor of Pendleton, re-elected. Relx IrnliH Xamc Trustee Eugene was chosen as the con vention site" for the meeting of the various bodies next year. The Rebakah assembly complet ed ItE annual election today by choosing Margaret Allingham of Portland; Nettie A mo of Ix-ba-non and Sarah McCIure of Ln Orande. truftees. Other officers in the assembly namod and In stalled todav were: Orand mar shal, Olive F. Fry, Grants Pass; erand chaplain. Estella Weed of Portland; grand conductor, Mrs Wllletts of Cottage Orove; grand inside guardian. Etta Sandaerson of Freewter; grand outside guar, uian. Josephine Trask of Corvallis The Dalies Houses Are Carried Away by Flood THE DALLES. Or, May 19. -The rapidly rising waters of the Columbia river today carried away several small houses which had been built by sojialters on the beach below th- city and caused a hasty pulling of t-nt stakes and 'moving to higher ground on the pari of others who had been camp ing in the danger zone. Owners of th- bouses had been fore warned of the impending danger, howev.T. and in all but one in stance, managed to salvage all f I heir household goods. Tin- river is still rising Three Cruisers Ordered To Hunt for Conestoga SAN DfEOO. Cal . May I ft. Jhe cruisers Salem. Charleston and liiimingham and six divisions of destroyers have bfcn ordered to sea at daybreak tomorrow to search for the Pacific fbet tuu Conestoga. which was last rerrt ed battling acarnst a gale soum ."00 miles from Honolulu on April Sth. Washington University Beats W.S.C. Players IM I.LMAN Wash . May 1 Stetzer's pitching, combined with 10 healthy clouts by the- l'niver itv cif Washington team brought v. tory to the Sundodger.4 here to ciay over Washington Statp col lege. Skadan Listed five innint'3 for the locals and was replaced thy Kuley. McMahon lined out t triples ;t nc a double for the visi tor. HARVARD TKNMS VK TOlS CAMRRIDGK. Mass.. May 19 Harvard' tennis team defeated the TnlverMty of Mtrhlnan today four matches to two. - MORNING, MAY 20, 1921 mi 0 FEELING EUROPE TOLD TIDE CMI1 COIf H IS FORMED FOB SfLVERTON PRODUCERS Articles ol incorporation were filed y.sterday by the Sii v.-rt'i I'roducer' Canning company, wnich is capitalized at MOO.Oi .0. The incorporators are Fre1 Up-r-off, J. R. Mero and M. E. Lee. The company wih Uhv its head q.'.'irt Tf and is organized in the ame manner as the Salem Crow, ers Co-operative Canning com- pau, lormed recently bv the transfer of the F. A. Kurtz com pany's plant to a new organization litauid by M. E. Lee of Portland. The purpose or the Silverton company, as stated in the articles. is to procure the highest market price for fruits, berries and other produce. Members ol the concern shall be entitled to have their fruit packed, dehydrated or other wise handled by the company at cost. From the Bellins: price the company shall receive not more than 10 per cent for the benefit ot the stockholders, and from the Defeating two of their strong-. est opponents Corvallis and 1 Grants Pass Salem high school debaters yesterday afternoon won for themselves a place in the fin als in the state high school de bate tournament being held at University of Oregon this week as a feature of junior week-end. Salem's affirmative team won unanimously from the Grants Pass negative, and the Salem neg ative won from the Corvallis af firmative by a 2 to 1 decision. Three high schools are ncuv represented in the tournament. the other three having been elim- SALEM DEBATERS 1 CD iw POLICE SYSTEM SUCCESSFUL IN RECOVERY OF STOLEN AUTOMOBILES Two stolen automobiles v.ere recovered by the Kalem police de partment yesterday, on- of whicn had been given up months ago ' beyond recovery. This was a Ford sedan stolen from Kred Ruble oi Amity on a Salem street in Sep tember, 1!J0 it was found i- Han Jose. Calif; The other was a Ford tl n from near th- lerlv building on the night or May 7, c ir iih nigli? It he-long to P. T P.oiiftleur i K:lem Mrs O O .MrLellau if route X telephone d to the poli'-e yesterday iliat while walking in the wood ne;ir her hotn-1 fur,,r in idental expense, niiic-s west of the Keizer school J Man nt(.r rrefit l 1. I .1 .li.,....(.,.el.,l l'ilt',1 nouse se n..o '" auiomoo:ie in uie nim. i n.-n All Tire Stolen The police investigated anti found Hie i:'uiiletir iiuto. minn ;sll of its tires but otherwis- nn- ,.3t..uffrl The Iilltomobile WilS bronchi to Salem and turned cvt to the owner. The recovery of Hi'- Ruble j tomobile in an .le-- the result , of a bureau which Chief of Polio ; N.offitt has c-stablished in cooper ation with oiIhh Paeilic con! and ; northwest slates by which info.-. matUui relative to stolen cars is exchanged ;ii.(I aini automoliile di-i rec tories ar - interchani; 'i 1 Kxcelleiit Itccc.rd Madi- Chief Molfilt. by ure ol the s"'-' Founder nf Freewater Is Ded from Injuries WALLA W M.I. A. Wa.-h.. May 11 John Scott KKhcy. a-ed 7".; fli..I liere tollluht of ii;ji:t i :. re. , eeivnd when he fell from a iidder ,a... Miltrtn Ore 1I !ail eiut " the townsite of Fret-water. and secured the charier for thei city of Milton. He- wa a member! ol the Oregon logislature in lx'Hij and was mayor of '.Milton fe.r twe i l'-rm. lie reli ed from wheal j Uniting seve ral years ago. j I'l l h APPOIMLIe WASHINGTON. May 1! Ap pointment of James M. il-rk of New Vc.rk. as solicitor geperal. was senntunced today by Attorney General Daugherty.. TOWARD HARVEY selling price of dried fruits .1 per fyit may be deducted for the stockholders. The manager shall receive 20 per cent of the net profits. Other articles were filed ag fol lows : Pacific Tire & Supply ccrmpany, Portland; incorporators. John C. lurch. Iicnjamin F. Hurch. Ever ett T. Burch; capitalization, laO.000. Klamath County Chamber of Commerce. Klamath Falls; incor porators. E. 15. Hall. H. N. Moe, W. II. Mason; property valuation, $2 50 0. A permit to operate In Oregon was issued to the Haiisen-Waden-Etein Desk company, a Washington concern capitalized at $50,000. A. E. Weston of Portland is attorney-in-fact lor Oregon. The Jewel Tea company, a New York corporation, filed notice of withdrawal from the state. BEAT. GUTS PASS GO TO F inated The three are Salem. Corvallis and Eugene. The Sa- iiauie win uf,aiii meet mo CorvBllla affirmative today at 2 o clock and the affirmative team from this city Will debate the Eugene negative. The champions of the tournament will be pre sented with the cup tonight. Ralph Emmons, second speak er on the negative, who did not enter the preliminaries of the de hate, took his place with the team yesterday in the semi-finals. Today he will take part in the finals. His place was filled on the first day by Donald Wor den. lim n n (.... ... f 1 1 n 1 . . 1. tern, has recovered all but on., ;t nearly a score of cars that have i Icen stolen in the past several months. Il ha installed the vi,- t torn and will ask the clly to pay j for it. but nays if the clly Is un- willing to do so he will pay for it himself out of sheer pride In th" fac ility it al fords in re c overing stolen cars. No expense at tached to thf process of recover ing cars because o' an arrange ment whereby individual owners of cats pay :: fee of $' to receive the benefits of the service, which U-ovr the expense of postage in ' sending out descriptions and oth- Th Kfafo bureau of crlmtnfil , The state 1 identification at Sacramento nc t ' tied the Silem police f.f recovery j of the car and of the arrest of a I man named Orvflle I'.arnes. A : telegram came lat yesterday say ing i to- uutoHinmie was in ciimouj ; of Sheriff L le of San Jose and that it would tie Held until ine owner appealed with proper proof of ownership Mr. RiiIiIp had made several ef. forts to find the automobile, hut had given up unlil about 10 days ago when he asked th- police to make one more effort, explaining that lie had heard of the recent success in recovering stolen carp. Chief Mot'fitt inaugurated th" new system the first of the year. Famine Relief Social Is Planned at Marion M RION. Or. May 1 !. - A la mine reli'f social will be given Saturday e-enini; May. -I. . The ' ' onimunity 's suppeseu in im ij, i-i way possible-, hut tile sc tiooi ; I, . , . .... ..... -r i is i.tui::i: ine nan. i 11 y - it; ei i mimbe-rs will b" nn the program, and i'e cream and candv will lie sold alter tli" program. very thing is to be donated in order to sa'- all to be sent away Pn fessor anel Mrs. Iloac are I'-ading the movement. Rev. and M rr. c M o-d u were cillel to McMinnvill- last wc-'-k on ae-cntint ef the illness o' their daughter-in-law. Mrs. Gil Ogden. James Rennett came up from Salem where -he is attending high school, on Saturday v returning Sunday. NAES EMJMEB -l-ii ! 145,000 IRK IN i j IS REACHED IN r I sr- W sf Wm sf sPI I HA SPEECH i rLtUbtu rlill r t. . LONDON, May 19. (By The Associated Press) The dinner of welcome by the Pil grim society to the American ambassador, George Harvey, tonight was enveloped in far deeper interest than usually attends such a reception tp a new ambassador. Not ohly was it Mr. Harvey's first pub lic appearance since his ap pointment but there was gen eral expectation that he woqld reveal something of the nfew administration's policy toward t, u rope. v The ambassador did not dis appoint his audience, for he brushed aside any lingering ii lusion that the United States would have any relations with the league of nations- He al so announced his appointmeri to represent the president fn the supreme council in the dig cussion over Silesia. Mr. Harvey's plain words! on the league were a revela-jthis tion and his plea for the clos est cooperation between thlp two great English-speaking countries was impressive. The British premier rather ",;sapnointd those who hoped for more of international plain speaking. He described the plight of Europe, enmeshed ip ancient feuds and gave warm welcome to the new coopera tion of America in world af fairs. Duke of Connaught Prelda. ; The Duke of Conr.aught pref sided and Lord Desborough read a message from the American Pilgrims. Lord Curzon, secretary for fori clgn affairs, spoke briefly and humorously referred to the league of nations bv the wish that Lord Robert Cecil, one of the chief supporters of that organization was In his shoes. There were 350 diners, among them the Duke of York and many members of the peerage and rep resentatives of the American coN ony. Ambassador Harvey, who wa making his first speech since presenting his credentials, de clared American soldiers came td K u rope In the war to save the i nited Mates and not to save Kuropean states opposed to Geri many, as sortie had contended. Tribute to Pilgrim Paid. Mr. Harvey paid tribute to the Pilgrims as the most distinctive link in the chain of blood rela tionship between the Hritish and American noples and one of the) most potent agencies of civiliza tion. "Inevitably, you to the east of us. derive your information rei i-pectlng our public opinion front the great cities on the Atlantic seaooara, no continued, pre cisely as our friends to the west take theirs from the states on the Pacific.. Inferences thus drawn may be right or wrong, but whether right or wrong their bases obviously are the subject of sectional influences. The heart of our republic lies In the great plain which stretches from the Alleghenies to the Rockies ' It was from the haTdy stock of that region, he declared, that America had drawn seven of ten of Its recent chief executives, in cluding President Harding. Harding I )t scribed. - President Harding was portray ed as "a typical, modern Ameri can, proud of his own country, but jealous of ne other man's. resolute in maintaining his own nation's richts, but not less criipiilaus in recognizing the rights of others, a fair, just, mod est man, humble, but unafraid." The outstanding attributes of President Harding.' Mr. .Harvty said, are breadth of vision, great nets f heart, fitlelity to his race no less than to his clan, and no ti ore to his family than to his ancestry, drawn from all parts of the l'nited Kingdom. He de- clared ihese wert sufficient reas ons why Mr. Harding felt that friendliness and good will should always exist between the great Lnglish-spcaking nations and why he; now pledges unfaltering co operation in achieving that as piration. i shall fall mlrcrably to the greviems disappointment of my chief.' he said, "if I do not so greatly strengthen those bonds of friendship and mutual helpfulness that hereafter our governments will not only prefer durable ea gagements to tentative compro mises as between ourselves, but Continued pa page 5,), PRICE: FIVE CENTS trustees Now Ready to Go Ahead Without Interrup tion in Construction of an Adequate Building. . ACTUAL OPERATIONS BY FIRST OF JULY Administrative Facilities and Large Number of Beds In First Unit j Henry W. Meyers, who has been conducting the campaign to raise money for construe-, tion of the new Salem hospit al, late yesterday reached the $45,000-mark which assures" beyond doubt whatever the hew structure. The trustees had agreed that as soon as amount was raised they would proceed with the con struction. Mr. Meyers termed ; the culmination of effort yes terday the realization of a aream'of years, and, notwith standing the long fight for an adequate, hospital, he declares t is a story of accompiisnmenx made Dosslble by community Cooperation that could not be thwarted. Hospital Necessary Asset. . "When July 1 cornea around," said Mr. Meyere, "plans will bare matured for construction of tne fjhst unit of this proposed mag: Biflcent structure. Much ia to be done to bring the necessary amount to complete' the building as originally planned. The $45 000 pledged makes the start a. certainty and the first unit pos sjEblc. but to accomplish the end many more pledges must of made. i( Now is the time tor all whi ate interested In the future of Salem to add their bit to the amount required and to boost for 4. better and a bigger hospital, far one of the best assets of ft city Is an up-to-date hospital, the benefits derived are vital to everyone. Individually and col lectively it is your Jon. i Xced Felt for Years. 1: "The need of a modern hospi tal has been apparent for years, and increased demand meana that the people of this community now have the opportunity to back op an assured fact." . Mr. Meyers estimates that not raore than 9100,000 will be (Continued on page e) COAST BASEBALL f V rtd PofiUnd brok n n doabla . hntdrr hrf xlr. th Al Uki( th tint iim 1 lo 1. and tha visitors tb nftotid, ft I 2. In Ihc firt rontoU Port-.'. laAd took th la in the fourth bat th Angel rtlliril in tli' riichth and tnado t -mft on thr inel and itt, orror. ! th n'ronJ came th riaitora acaia took th l-md in the fourth Inning and Winched th f-ontpt in the ftflh by miklnf ratix on a ungii-, a uouuie ana a irrow, Kirnt C.aniP- K. II. E I 4 1 a 71 riahrr; Ilofhe rttrtlHnd - I.O nzfr ilattf.rii'i. Kom and and t ). Kerond fJame R. H. B Portland 5 H 4 Ih AngWrs . 3 S ' Btt-rii Pillrtta and Baker: Xnav oVi.-h, Thomaa and 8taoace, t'mjf, . ,,: TRISCO 4. SEATTLE 3 OAKLAND, Cal.. Mar 1 Txn cisco drfrat'd Stattle 4 to 3 in a turn ronlcut hero today. Agnew. Heal ratrher who had doubled, moring on Fittgerald'a lanr kincle to risht in the laat hall of ttte ninth. Seattle bad tied tha aeor a the first half of the ninth frame. Ken- . worthy and Middleton coming in on Hnenrer'a aarrifice. Agnew alammed tko - bail over tne lett li.-lrt in tha tonrt inning, acoring Kath and Ellison. H. H. B Keattie a a a Kan Kranrbico 4 t . 3 ' Hattrrien- Schorr and Hpencer: Couck and Agnew. SACRAMENTO 13, OAKLAND 3 ; fAl RAMKNTO. Cal., May !. A rally a the aixtn inning, whan Haerararata) pushed nvrr nine rum, turned victory into defeat for the Oaka here today, tha final arore tieing Sacramento 18, Oaklind S. Up until the fatal frame the bay elub had been leading 3 to 1. MeOaffigaa waa the hitting alar of the day, getting four hit in five times at bat, Ona at hi bingle wat a home ma with, th base full. i R, H. E Oakland S 9 , 3 Sacramento IS 18 , 0 tlalterie Kremp, Winn. 8hultia sa4 Mill-: Ktttery and Elliott. Cook. ij Vernon Kail Lake Poatnad ; tain. :, 8TAKDT.NO OF THE CLUBS W. 1,. pet. San Francisco 29 14 .ST4 Hacramcnto . 2 16 ,ei t Angelea 24 19 .5S) Seattle ,. . .2J 19 .4S7 Vernon 23 19 .57 Oakland . , 19 0 .47 Salt lkr It 35 .SO fortUatk ..Jt..,...M.,.. X 31 .31