TTIE OREGON STATESMAN, SALEM, OREGON THURSDAY MORNING, MAY 19, 1921 ! -RADIO AS IT WAS AND IS -f Ma I Kn I by InO Of you"R m "nd boy" of r.fv who hav Withered to- stociation of Salem. f!T of 1 radio interest ami telegraphy, art- r - . tnr ihirt artit l in-' in:-' Tories, the pu.po.-H' of "in and activities toJRlve a better mnuht into mnst fascinatinc art, to iis XX misund-rsUMKllng and nv wronu impression- arronl. then a young student In gland, astounded the world announcing that he had dis covered how to transmit and re- 11 '" ' reive intelligible signals for short these columns, and radio telegra-, distances without the aid of any phy explained in a popular man-; connection whatever. To a world m r Ouost;ons ir immirio rla-! that kne wonly of a telegraphy tive to radio subjects will ulso be ' ''" depended lor its operation- answered in the space devoted to i "non the maintenance of absolute t!ie K ad ii association. PROPOSED FLIGHT TO VIRGIN ISLANDS UNSUCCESSFUL. a The secretary of the associa tion. Herbert E. Welch. Route 8. phone f r.K-4. will be' available for anj information or business rela tive to tut; association or radio in general. ffitttBUon of others who mi k. becomins members. might f,"v,i i. well as to attract hv becominj; 'he activities of the association i i Plt-ur radio in general n U 'li'rl Will be presented through Kadio telegraphy is contpara lively new tio so in any people that ; lev. remarks intended to reveal the supposed mysteries of this most lascnji tinK art will not be amiss. It has only been 25 years since 7? kitcmmfsemm -Wf) 51 your instruction book Itsays Old oil should be drained from the crankcase at regular intervals and replaced with fresh oil. r 1 This statement is made because engine operation causes "rood dust, carbon, fine metal particles and other impurities ' to accumulate in the crankcase oiL The gritty oil circulates through the engine, impairing its performance, and ulti mately leads to rapid depreciation and repairs. These careful instructions from the manufacturer are often disregarded; cleaning the crankcase is a job generally disliked. To meet this need Modern Crankcase Cleaning Service has been established by first-class garages and other dealers co-operating with the Standard Oil Company. These garages and dealers use Calol Flushing Oil the scientific agent that cleans out old oil, dirt, grit and other ' impurities and does not impair the lubricating efficiency of fresh oH used. The cleaned crankcase is refilled with the . : proper grade of Zerolene. Look for the garage or dealer displaying the sign shown .'below, it means " Better operation mnd longer engine STANDARD OIL COMPANY (California) ODERN CRAUKCASE CLEANING SERVICE "fir better operation n. dand longer engine life Wti CALOL FLUSHING OIL ZXKOLENE and positive wire connection this statement was a shock ana was 'accepted, naturally enouRh, with J more or less skepticism. I When we say that Marconi in ! vented radio telegraphy we are i net absolutely correct. Previous i to his time, possibly 20 odd years, other expertmentors had develop ed to a low decree and alone var ious lines systems of "wireless" telegraphy. Some used the eartt or water to carry the weak elec trical currents while others used light rays. Other systems were proposed with varying success. Hertz lA-tul Followed Marconi used the fundamental discovery of Hertz, a German phy sicist. as the basis of his early and fina'ly successful experiments. Hertz had discovered that by suit ably arranging certain electrical apparatus and by placing an ex actly similar apparatus a few feet away, that when the first or trans mitting apparatus was placed in operation a faint current would be produced in the second or re ceiving apparatus. He demonstrated the fact that this transfer of electrical energy was due to an electrical phenem enon similar to that in music, namely resonance. jl We know that when two violin strings are placed side by side and that if they are exactly similar, ie; the same diameter, the same length and both stretched to the same tension, when one is bowed or plucked and caused to sound the other will begin to vibrate also. This is caused by being In resonance and the air waves or sound waves that move away from the first string strike the second, causing it to vibrate in unison with the first. Mui-iii IVInrfple Followed Marconj knowing this principle used a large spark coil ver much like the common gas engine Igni tion coils of today but much more powerful, tin cans on poles for his aerials and a sensitive com bination of telegraph relays in connection with a coherer or a small glass tube of silver and nic kel filings for a receiver and ob tained signals over a distance oi a mile" or more. He secured fi nanciat assistance in England and in a few rears had developed his apparatus until be was able to send across the Atlantic ocean. From that day radio has pro gressed in leaps and bounds. To day all vessels traveling over 200 miles from any port or carrying over r0 persons are required by international agreement to carry a radio equipment and the neces sary operators. The aerial mail uses radio to direct Its machines, giving them weather predictions and other necessary orders. Weather Danger Flashed All shipping is Informed of weather conditions and Is given forecasts by radio. Storm warn ings. notification of any obstruc Hons to navigation are flashed out dally from a vast chain of high powered naval radio stations that line our entire coast. Ships at sea receive the latest new from high powered radio stations all over the world The triumph of the huge N. C. planes was made possible oy radio which d rected them unerringi .... . - " w. r?K .., - ' - i - . s. mink Mtmmm in 1 BOARD Appreciation of Two Mem bers Who .Died Recent ly is Shown for about two years. It is said another suit to recover about 10, 000 acres may be instituted this summer. The name of the person tt will bo the defendant is with held. The Kidneys ami tlte Skin. If he kidneys are weak or torpid, he. sit in will be pimply or blotchy, lobd's &.rsaparilla Mrengthens nd stimulates the kidneys, and 'ears the complexion. By thor ughly purifying the blood it uakes good health. Adv. RfavienmaiM innnirietl Adn Two alrpUnea piloted by marines endeavored 1 1 mike a night to the Virgin Iolanda. but had to retora Wttboot reaching their objective because' of a buboni: plagrue epidemic at San Juan, Porto Rico. The object at the Cight waa to map out am air roots to the island, and to demonatrate the feaasbUity of land type planes saaaJnz a long cmlse over both laad and sea, Tha picture was taXeu when the filers returned to Ps; Flasd afisr ths unsuptsssfl trip. through the nights and blinding fogs that beset their path. Ships approaching any port on the American coast obtain their exact position by radio, while the l I 1 Sn n K n An a f --UIU I Mill la i a l Bra uj men no u : -u i i i the radio compass stations estab- n ' th aAonlon.Ithe .bat. what they preach. That is t'hr-E?-ianity. We need the hospital pr -marily to are for the sufterlng. An argument I have often used Is htt wnen American soldiers were lished by the government for that purpose. Kemnrkahlc ase ( iteil. Only a few months ago a pas senger on a boat several nunareu miles off the Atlantic coast talked to a man on the island of Catalina which is 30 miles off the California coast, a distance of over 3000 miles. In this case the onversation from the ship was transmitted by radio to a coastal radio station connected to the transcontinental telephone line which carried the voice across the ontinent td Ios Angeles. Here the voice was transferred to the radio waves and relayed across the 30 miles of water to Catalina' Island. This conversation was heard by hundreds of amateur radio opera tors all over the Pacific coast and manv ships at sea. And still If one approaches a radio man who Is well informed he will tell you that radio is st II in its Infancy and that we may ex pect many, more applications of this most wonderful application of electricity. i tlefield would any Christian have vrnchsa'ed to prevent succor iy any person, whether Catholic. Mohammedan. Hudhist. or mem ber of any other religion? Par ticularly If that particular soldier happened to be a son, or husband, or any other relative. As I understand it, the pro posed Salem hospital would !e constructed in two units. One to cost around $12",000 at this time, and the other to cost a farther $ 100,000 in due course, presuma bly to be secured by another drive. From reliable sources I am In- cal profession of Salem, with about three exceptions, is soliuiy in favor of a Catholic hospital. And that a number of our physi-jof counties and cians would double their present subscriptions should a Catholic hospital be constructed in Salem. CHAS. V NIEMEYER Salem. Or , May 18. W EST SALEM NOTES Suit for the recover of ."20 acres of land in Klamath county from A. C. Marsters and others has been filed by the state lane board. Mars'ers lives in Hoseburg I and was formerly a member of the sato fair board. It is alleged that the land wa fraudulently acquired by "dum my" entries in ld03 and 1904. It is swamp land. The Fort Klamath Meadows company, said to have been formed to sell the lands, is made a co-defendant. The suit is said by Attorney General Van Winkle to be one of a series of suits that will be brought to recover about 200,000 acres of timber land in a number 40,000 acres of swamp lands in Klamath and Lake counties. The timber land is said to be valued at from $150 to $200 an acre. Toe suit against Marsters and others is the result of investiga tions that have been under way LOVE Starting Sunday Grand QVAVAVAVAVAWq 5000 Feet of Fun in J ! "Seven Years Bad j Luck" At THE OREGON NOW a trAVAVAyAvATO CJ WRITES' HIS TIIAVKS FHO.1I WASHINGTON Only men and women who have suffered from kidney trouble can realize how grateful one feels for relie' from suffering. Nathan Harned, 621 N. St.. N. W.. Wash ington, D. C, writes: '"I was troubled with my kidneys for years, but got no relief until ;1 took Foley Kidney Pills. Now 1 think I am well and I thank you very much." They act quickly; tonlC in effect. Sold everywhere Adv. formed that there is every proba-, bility that if Salem would contrib-j nte $100,000 the Catholic church would provide thfl remainder, and also take care or the mainten ance. There would also be pro vision for free treatment of the poor. Also an efficiency of hos pital management second to non. The archbishop of this diocest; would welcome an o'fer from the people of Salem. This I know rom a conversation witn mm. 'Incidentally I am a Protestant. but Interested In the weliare oi Saiem.) I might mention that the m?di- WJ2ST SALEM. Or.. May IS. Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Woods enter tained a large group of Sunday school members at their new home Thursday night. Thirty-six per sons were present. Games were played and refreshments served.' Rev. Dr. Huddelson has an Il lustrated lecture on the work or the missionaries at the" West Sa- ilem church Friday night. He EDITORIALS OF THE PEOPLE lid walk al iSile - IT -. . JL wf JL i spent 15 years in the Philippines. irs. E. Johnson and Mrs. Doo ley Johnson and two small sons of Salem, Mrs. J. J. Miller, Miss Dorothy Miller and Mrs. J. T. Hunt motored to Independence Kr'day to spend the day with the Becken family. The West Salem school will clos? May 23. The Stanton family and Mrs. A. Philips, visited Mrs. Stanton a brother and family at Livesley Sunday. Read The Classified Ads. RANFVi J1J 4 Days, May 27, 28, 29, 30 Only Two Shows Daily , Matinee 2:30 Evening 8:15 Theatre Behold tie Man SUBLIME 8T0ZY OT THE LtTS CT CHRIST STUPENDOUS AWE INSPIRING SUPEBB MUSICAL SETTWOS V BOTE POSITIVELY OBXT TJMB TM SALEM THIS PICTUKE WILL NEVER BE 8H0WH XS AST OTHEK SALEM THEATER ADULTS, AFTERS OOK AMD BVESTIBO - CHILDREN. S TO 16 TEARS OF AOL i ji. " Abovs Fried Inclnda War Tit CklUrtS Vadr Vot Aamlttod Go" And See the Barsrains iCV, a Daniel The treasure is worth it. There's no sub- i- . . ififif4-. rmAi nunlifv And that mild. ' fegrant Camel blend. . The fellow who smokes Camels, wants i Camels. That's because Camels have a Umoothnessf a fragrance and a mildness you can't get in another cigarette, f pon't let anyone teli you that any other i cigarette at any price is so good as Camels. ! Let your own taste be the judge. Try t Camels for yourself. A few smooth, refreshing t Puffe and you'd walk a mile for a Camel, too. K. J. HKYNOl D3 TImcc Ca. VyiaatosSa!, N. C ('(inrrrnlnu the Hospital Editor Statesman: ' I?efore the final plans are made in regard to the construction of the new Salem hospital would it not be infinitely better for every one concerned to consider the ad visability of Inviting the coopera tion of the Catholics? The Salem hospital has neve; paid in the past, or if it has it is the only private hospital in the world that has succeeded! The larrer private hosp.tals of New York and other eastern cities Imion and other British citlet. have met with the same trouble Desplt" the fact that all of them are annually assisted with enor mous private donations, endow ments and so on. Some of thetn have even contemplated clos'n? entirely for lack of fnndr. It such institutions should fail why not Droflt bv their experience and endeavor to arrange for a h spi tal that is self-supportinK. The organization of the Calho lie hospitals throughout the ctvl lized world is snch as to be abso lutely self-supporting after initla cost of construction. On of the greatest handicaps of private hospitals is that of ob taining probationers and trained nurses to work for the salaries that are o'fered The Salem hos pital nurses wero long very mueh overworked, with the consequent n-'gict of patients. i ne iem hospital board, akin to other hos pital boards, could not obtain suf ficient help. If n robaf loners and nurpes could not be procured for the previous small Salem hospital, how can we expect to do better for the larger institution? i Another decidedly imporfant Tactor. When the previous ' drive- for funds for the hospital fell down, som-ori" wrote -through ih local newspapers as to wheth er the poor of Salem would ob tain tre- accommodation. Th reply was to the efect that th noiilil hr Went as lnw would be commensurate with succes-ti:l operation of the hospi tal. This. I maintain, was a" evasion of the question. Hu tie fact remains th"re was to bo no fre accommodation. Sir We have in Salem quite a number of families wh"are m;u h o to r to afford to pay Tor hos pital treatment when sadly need ed. And our own townspeople very oft-n mffer aHhotich we tan BsiB dit;mt C n" and a hqn dred and nic others. This is a matter which snouii be remedied at once. And a pos itive statement irm the Salem hospital board shou'd be ma'le that th- poor of Salem will be rard for free of charge. Much has been s-id a t "' Christian motives of establishing a hospital here We need one most certainly. Now is an opporlunity offers for those in charg; to practice See the thousands of tempting price reductions plainly marked to show at a glance the worthwhile savings. We will jot down a few items as we pass from the main floor to the balcony and on to the second and third floors selecting an EVEN FIFTY AT RAN DOM $4 Bread and Cake cabinets $ 2.25 1 60c O'Cedar Polish: .49 $2.75 russet fibre suit case 2.10 $17.50 heavy metal trunk 13.50 $17 5 Maleable Range 135.00 $2Mahogany Sewing Trays $10 Mah. Sewing Cabinet $2.75 hanging flow'r basket .SO large Breakfast Table $1.50 Split Clothes Baskets 18x36 Congolcum Mats $17.50 Reed Baby Bugzy $19.00 Reed Go-Cart $9 enamel medicine cabinet $iif0 white enamel Mirror $23.00 Baby (Juggy $22.50 Baby Buggy $19.75 Dining Table.. $13.85 $97.50 tap'ry bed davenport 58.95 Pearl Top Lamp Chimneys .10 30c Bottle O'Cedar Polish .19 $1.25 O'Cedar Mops .95 $12.50 Wicker Bird Cages Six Gold Band Plates 75c and $1.00 Curtain Rods 7.50 1.20 .25 $2.00 Photo Frames 1.00 All Swing and Easel Frames V2 Price $2.25 Glass Bathr'm Shelves 1.15 65c Nickel Towel Rods $5 Mah'y Smoking Stands .35 2.75 Folding Go-Cart 75c Nickel Soap Dishes $h.50 Electric Irons n S3 cut glass Water Pitchers $1 Asbestos Sad Iron Black iron dip pans all sires .50 4J5 2.00 2.75 .25 $3.25 leather shopping bags$ 200 $2.50 Carpet Sweeper 1.75 $3 16x20 Oral Frames 1.00 80c 7 ft. Window Shades. .55 $1.50 Matting Simple Case 1.10 65c Printed iScrims .. .19 Heavy Tap'y Pillow Covers 1.00 $5 Bread anil Cake cabinets 2.75 $31.50 Wicker Arm Chairs 27;50 $12 Wicker ftand $20 Walnut 7.50 Music Cabinet 14.75 $18.50 Wickjcr Stand 13.75 $12.50 Sanitary touch $15.50 Felt Jiiallrrss 8.65 10.50 $10 6x9 Grass Porch Rug OalD -4 i $6.00 6x9 Grass Rugs 4.75 $3.50 Matting Suit Case. 1.25 $10.00 G.S.HAMILT ON 34.0 COURT STREET SAliiM, OREGON j i .. i ( i - ti 1 'J. r-ri I 4: V't l ; Li , f - I - ? . - V ! - " i " - i i f - 'i i . r- - ''.' - ' : I if- : ' ! ;. , . f ' 4 ... t ) t