The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, May 18, 1921, Page 4, Image 4

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I son. Sidney KUIot. A. Koff. David
Kyre. LppUy k Oilufer. N. r.
Elliot. Fred Kills.
Iianiel J. Fry, Firher & (Jarn-
lobst, Hay L. . Farmer. John H.
Karrar. Kitt.s Marktt. Ir. M. (".
FiiKWy, T. K. Ford. Falls City
Lumber company.
(ilt-a.-nn Clove companv. Gile
Mercantile comnanv. CintrUh
Motor and Tire company. Carl 1).
Cabrielton. U. I). Ciibert. K. Cil
lingham, William (lahlsdorf. P
M. Grejjoiy. J. A. tioltra. C.raber
Mrothers. liomcr ftoutev. IV K.
A, M. Hanson, ilawkin? & Rob
erts, C. S. Hamilton. William
Hamilton, Hartman Mros.. J. H
Hileman. Aumist Hiirkestein, .1.
F. Hutcheson. Frank .laskoskv.
iJapanse Hand Laundry, I. W.
I Jorjrensen.
T. B. Kay. Estelle Kaylor. S.
P. Kimball. J. R. Kennedy. Kinits
Food Products company, P. H.
Keaney. F. A. Kurtz.
Louis Lachmund. Ladd & Hash,
T. A. Ltvesley. Mrs. O. C. Locke.
Mm. Buffe Morrison H V
' Meyers. Dr. II. Morris. D. H.
Mother. Lane Morlev. Miller Mer
cantile company. W. II. Morse.
i John McNarv. IT r Murvtn
is m me nanas or me saiem now- t j
Construction of New Build -'
i ing to Begin at an
Early Date
OVER t $40,000 RAISED
1 - ....
first Unit to Have Estimated
Sixty Beds Contrib- '
,L, s utors Are Named
. t, :
The Salem hospital' is now as
cured. Over $40,000 in pledges
as the result of a recenu campaign
pltal associauon toward tlie erec- I
Hon of an up-to-date modern hos
pital, and when the $45,000 mark
Is reached it is the intention to
begin construction of the build
ing. I .The board of directors at
a meeting Monday instructed the
building; committee to develop
plans frorn specifications now on
band! and report at an early date.
The 'building committee Is com
posed Of William McGilchrlst, T.
B. Kay, Charles K. Spaulding. H.
W. Meyers and Dr. It. E. Lee
Etelner. H. W, Meyers, who has
teen la charge of the campaign,
has; been member of the trus
tees for the past fouc years, rep
resenting the doctors.
It is .the plan to.erect a build
ing valued at $125,000. The first
unit: will contain an estimated
; 60 beds, and will include an op
erating room and heating plant.
In amounts ranging from $5 to
$1500, over 17 & people have al
ready contributed. The list of
contributors follow;
Adolph Brothers, Anderson &
Tlrewn, Archerd Implement com
pany. Dr. L. G. Altman, J. A.
Brbwnson, D. C. Burton, Busick
ft Sods, W. H. Durkbardt Jr.,
,Max O.-Buren, Brewer Drug com
pany, 'Dr. Frank Brown, O. O.
Brown, W. F. Brletske, C. P.
Bishop, Georgt O. Bingham, Wil
, liam S Brown, Clifford Brown. Bow
fptlcal company, O. D. Bower, U.
. .Boyer, Otto Brandt. R. , P.
Boise, II. E. Bolinger, Claude
BelleV-Dr. Dale Beechler, John
Eayne, Bake-Rlte Bakery, R- D
Barton, Arthur-3-Benson, A. C.
Barber. Dr. W. H. Byrd.
Central. Pharmacy, . Dr. H. J.
Clements, Russell CatUn, Capital
Journal. John H. Carson. Flora
Case. Capital City Laundry. Cher
ry; City Bakery, E P. Cochran.
Mrs. M. M. Ctislck. Commercial
. Book; Store. Curtis B. Cross. Hen
ry Cornoyer, Cherry City Milling
Mrs. W. H. Dancy. W. C. Dyer,
F.TCfc, , Deckebacb, ,D. G. Drager.
Degga 4 Burreli; Dr Chester
Downs, Mrs. N.- Dolman, F. N.
Durbln. T. W. Davis. -
0. M. Endlcott. Fred A. Erik-
larlon Auto company, , William
Oregon theater. Dr. Olson. J. C.
Perry, Charles A. Park, A. J.
Paris, Patton Brothers. Dr. J. Ray
Pembertion. Peerless Bakery, Peo
ples Cash store, Rollin K. Pate,
Mrs. George J. Pearce. G. E.
V'rline. H. Pohle. lr. UenJ." Pound.
O. K. Price. Pomeroy and Keene,
G. . QuacltenbiiKh. Red Cross
Pharmacy. CO. Rice. Rigdon and
Son. Kostein and Greed baum. Dr.
C. H. Robertson, John J. Roberts,
Roth fjrocery. Rodgers Paper
Salem Tile and Mercantile com
pany, Salem Laundry. Salem Wa
ter, Light and Power company.
Salem Hardware company. Salem
Bakery company. Kmile A. Schaef
fer, , Frederick Schmidt. A. J.
Schel, John H. Scott, Smith and
Shield. Shipley and companv.
Dr. B. L. Steeves. Charles K.
Spaulding company. Lena B
Snederor. Dr. Iee Stefner. States
man Publishing company, Herbert
L. Stiff. Steuslorf Brothers. Gid
eon Stolz. Stolz and company.
Dr. F. H. Thompson. The Spa.
Dr. F. L. Utter, Union Abstract
company; Van Patton and Son. W.
If. Welch. West Fur companv.
Weller Brothers. C. B. Webb. Ben
P. West, George E. Waters. Geo.
C. Welt. Paul B. Wallace. W. C.
Winslow, Juiia K. Webster, E. B.
Wood. Dr. B. H. White. Wool
worth company. White and Son.
More Than Twenty. Physic
ians Attend Society's
) k iff
.v.::: - m
the Most
n.Stuart teton'i
i - -r i
i Drama or
Voman ac(afnst
Four Big
? m n
iv?:; 4 y ? i
1 --jr.-s
asvwr slt. w. a..
Tresldeot Hardin; playing with bis new dog or. the White
Bonje '.'rouods. Mr. Harding's personal physician, Dr. B. -v.
ye:f of Marion, OMn, la a spectator. The dog ce plren to
Mr. Harding by one of bis admirers. lie Is an airedale.
Ins on the bill cut .'000 from
... n I Vi u I viva t gA iV It 4 S
committee. The bill as passed
i..- t,..nt!i would Drovlde lor aj; i
average strength of 1.0. Tbe i
piesrnt HlrIlKth is l'3l.O0.
Secretary Weeks had a-ked Ihf
comniitt' to provide for an arrnv
ol at least 17". and for an :;;-
ptopriation eijual to that provlii'-i
Poindexter Suddenly Joins
Idaho Senator in Dis
armament Request
uropriation eiial to that provui' i , i nf
., ti.;-bill passed by ti..-last en- Cashier In Ireasuici's Ul-
Kress but vetoed by President U .H Trnncforc tn Qtnto
Thai bill carll-0 iiuu i iuhoiiij iw ujuiu
outside of increases in pay ana
and subsistence in the bouse lull
the principal increased vetoed by
tbe senate committee was an au
dit ion of in the sum
available for vocational training
making the total to be recom
mended to the senate for that pur
pose $1 ..'.00,000.
Fire Office
Harding's Attitude on Naval
Bill is Awaited With In
creased Interest
being given the officers and
enough of the capable non-coms
to insure good individual instruc
tion, la assurance that nothing is
being neglected to make it a great
step in preparedness that really
At Boston
Martin, Jones and
OeschKer and O'Neill.
R. II. E.
4 13 1
8 9 2
Ten officers and men from each
of the Oregon National - goard
nits In this vicinity Sllverton.
Dallas. Independence and Salem
will go next week to the special
officers' school at Clackamas. The
school is for f,our days intensive
training. May 23 to 26 inclusive.
Is preparatory to the big an
nual encampment later and aimed
to give tbe officers and non
com a close Insight into the needs
or the army as exemplified in
camp life.
Salem "will send Captain Lerov
Hewlett, First Lieutenant Allen
Carsen. Second Lieutenant
PanI Hendricks, and seven non
commissioned officers not yet
named . They willbj e selected by
the commanding officer here as in
II the companies. .
From Sllverton will ko Captain
Archie H. Thomas. First Lieuten
ant Arthur I Dahl. Second Lieu
tenant Carl R. Mason, and seven
enlisted men.
Independence will be represent
ed by Captain Emerson E. Groves.
First Lieutenant Ira D. M x. and
seven ohtrs yet to be named.
Dallas 'will send Captain E. B.
Hamilton, First Lieutenant Ray
mond Scott, Second Lieutenant
Joseph Helgerson, and seven from
the ranks.
It is planned to make the en-
campment one of the best mili
tary gatherings ever held in the
northwest. The arduous training
At New York . . . R. H. E.
Cincinnati 3 9 0
New York 4 10 3
Xapler and Wingo; Barnes and
At Brooklyn R. H. E.
St. Louis 7 18 3
Brooklyn ! 12 1
Haines, North. Goodwin and
Dilhoefer; Crimes and Krueger.
Spanish Models in ,Local
Stores Price of Arms
To Stay up Awhile
At Philadelphia- R. it. E.
Pittsburgh 6 lo 1
Philadelphia 4 12 5
Glazner and Schmidt. Skiff;
Hubbel; Keenan and Peters.
At Detroit R. H. 15.
Washington 2 lo o
Detroit 1 7 o
Mogridge and Gharrlty; Leon
ard. Oldham and Ainsmith.
I Last Day
. ,?-.
rn8 rl Him i ii i U i
At St. Louis R. II. V..
Boston 2 S 0
St. Louis 4 10 3
Pennock. Meyers and Ruel; Da
vis and Severeid.
At Chicago R. H. K.
Philadelphia 4 11 I
Chicago 10 13 I
Harris, K"ffe. Hasty. Perry nn'l
Perkins; McWeeny and Schalk.
At Cleveland It. H. I -
New York . . . 2 ! 1
Cleveland 4
Fereuson. Collins and S-hang:
Ihle and O'Neill
Miss Virginia Father, 1 need a
new rid ni; habit.
Father Can't afford it.
Miss Virginia But, father,
what am I going to do without a
riJinj; habit?
Father Get the walking habit.
Boston Transcript.
' It may be news to some proud
Americans to know that Spain, the
moribund and unprosressive, is
now selling in thi.s country half
a dozen kinds of automatic pis
tols, some pf them beingof a
quality tuat promises to make
them popular.
I A line of these imported arms.
j comprising both the 25-calibre
I vest pocket model and the heavier
3 2-calibre that almost needs a
! belt and holster, may now be
found in one ot the local sporting
j poods stores. One woukl be rea
sonably certain that the arms were
not of American manufacture,
.even without seeing the brand;
j for tbe models are noticeably dif
ferent from the conventional Am
erican pattern.
A special low-price run on one
regular model of. small calibre
rifle, by one of the local stores,
has led to a good many ambitions
sportsmen to hope that the g"n
business would experience a hori
zontal decline in all lines, so that
they could buy some of the fine
new arms that have been put on
the market since the war. This
i hope is not yet in process of real-
ization. as this one reduction
marks the total probable cut in
j tb whole market. Guns and am
j munition are almost certain to
I hold up through the year, practi
cally unchanged, and the man who
wants a new gun this year had
j better pick it now and be sure of
it. for there'll lie no reduction at
le;ist until the present hunting li
censes are outlawed.
afor Borah of Idaho and those
associated with him in the senate
on questions of naval policy vir
tually won their fight today for
incorporation in the $."i00,000,000
naval appropriation bill of the
Horah amendment requesting the
president to call a naval disarm
ament conference of the Tnited
States. Great Britain and Jipan.
Senator Poindexter, Republi
can. Washington, in charge of the
bill, and other administration
leaders, suddenly came to the sup
port of the amendment, and lead
ers generally joined in predictions
of its adoption. ,
. Harding Meets Leaders.
Although Senator Poindexter
and other Republican leaders said
they had not heard further from
President Harding, there were
reports that he bad been in com
munication with Republican lead
ers. Both in senate debate and in
a statement to the press. Senator
Poindexter announced his inten
tion to vote for the Borah amend
ment and also to withhold a par
liamentary point of order against
it. which would have required a
two-thirds vote for its adoption.
Senator Lodge, the Republican
leader, said he would vote for
the amendment and that he ex
pected general Republican sup
port for it.
I'rofCrrwM F.xpodited, Today.
The change occasioned consid
erable surprise. After a confer
ence with the president, Senator
Poindexter announced recently
that the president preferred not
jo have the Borah amendment
No progress was made today
or the bill. Senators King, Dem
ocrat. Utah, and laFollette. Re
publican, Wisconsin, again spoke
In criticism of the appropriation
program, but tomorrow it was ex
pected that the senate would get
down to disposition of many
The man who is too fat or too
lean to run always seems to have
the most trouble with his hat
blowing otf.
A lie has neither legs nor wings
and unles? vou lend it yours it
will be forced to stay right there
and be buried where it is bom.
Oscar Crossland says the dif
ference in a biplane and a mono
plane is that when the smashup
comes you lilt the earth quickest
in a monoplane.
By being poor enough. to keep
bu-y you forget that it's hot
enough to broil brass and crack
the sky in two.
A well known Hot Springs busl-
. i -.1
r.ess man who nas a mouei - -'." - - - z
wife and a 1921 model auio is J I n.ted rftales National bank at
spending a lot of time admiring I New berg. He. is an overseas vet,
t h. 1925 models. 1 ran. having served in i ranee and
A Hot Springs man who mar
ried for a big roll of money ten
ears ago told tbe pastor of the
Thomas Cat the other day that
he earned it.
The music of joy's whistle beats
all the brass bands in the coun
Isn't it funny that a piano never
sounds as well as it did when the
man who sold it to you was play
ing it? Arkansaw Thomas Cat.
The resignation of Lester B.
Davis as cashier in the office of
State Treasurer O P. HQff was
announced yesterday. Davis re
.igns to take a position m the
office of State Fire Marshal A.
C I'arber as special investigat.or
of incendiary fires with H. II.
Pomeroy, already of that depart
ment, 'i
C. K. Knickerbocker is promp
ted fror.. a u lit or to cashier arid
C. W. Thompson of Portland U
appointed as teller. He wJ(l have
cbfcige f the bond Investments
of the department. I;
Mr. Davis has beer, wRh thfe
state treasury department; since
Mr. Hoff became state treasurer
in January, 1919. He has fiad ex
perience in several state jiepart?
ments, including the insurance de
partment which includes the fire
marshal's department, Davis lat
a veteran of th Spanish wijr.
Knickerbocker, before cominjg
to the state treasurer's office in
1919, was paying teller of the
Portland and Is now Qiiarterm!' ?
ter of the camp. i i
i i
j. ..-
Four Salem Players III,
Monmouth Game Thursday
Salem hif.h school and Mon
inoulh hUrh school will play to-!,
morrow afternoon fin Hie Willam..
elte baseball diamond. This U
tbe ninth game ot the Heasoa
which Salem has played In. k.- 'f
ing won all but one of those so'
far played. Absence of four rej.
ular men on account of illness "
will considerably weaken tb
team. The lour men who arem V
are Adolph. Moon. Bailey aDj
White. White wa? dismissed fronj'
tlie hospital yesterday after a
operation for appendicitis about'
a week
senate military affairs committee
kwoted unanimously today to report
the army bUl carrying $33o,uO.
000 and providing for an army of
a minimum strength of lo.nuw
men. The full committee In pass-
Read Tne Classified Ads-
i "We were mace for each other
weren't we. dear??"
I "I don't know, George. What
is your salary??"
j "Thirty per week."
I "No. wo were not made for each
i other." I.ouisville Courier-.lour-
SCLM. fwm-tnl HAfco.AiC y v.
According to officials of th American Museum-of Natural History,
jsoa and th' shimmy are us old as the I ocas, and they lived tnouaanda of
yean at. The UlustraMun i part of a Peruvian orchestra. That the In
diana of prth'storic Peru knew Jarr is pparc-nt from the decorations rep
rfcL.Ung daictrs and musicuiui found on ancient pottery.
roiiVv i tn motor car driver
who has bumped into hla horse)
-Ah. yer hlanky coward : forty
arainst one! Sidney Bulletin.
England with the casualty ord
nance department.
Mr. Thompson, the new addition
to the treasurer's staff, also la
a veteran of the World war and
of the Spanish war, having served
in Cuba and was in the battles of
San Juan hill, FJ Caney and San
tiago. During the World War he
was at Camp Lee, Petersburg, Va.,
where he was employed ltf con
struction work, and later went to
Washington, D, C. where he was
assigned to electrical construction
work in the ordnance department.
He Is affiliated with Scout Young
camp. Spanish war veterans of
The artist's lady friend was be.
ing show n around tlie studio. "0a,
perfect!" she exclaimed, looklnr
at a picture. "Those ostriches art.
simply superb. You should never
paint anything but birds."
The artist never winced ander'
the blow.
"These are not ostriches," in'
said. "They are angels." Dallu.
News. .;
Impurs Blood, Humors, Rii;,f ,
a uooa Medicine, -' ..,
Spring ailments are due te taw
pure. thin, devitalized blood.. A.
Among them are plmplea, belli
other eruptions, catarrh, rheums,
tism, loss of appetite, that und '
feeling, nervousness and "all nm
down" conditions. " j
Hood's Sarsaparilla combines th S
roots. ) barks, herts. berries and '
other medloinals that have beta li
found In many years of lntenistnt i:
observation to be most effectiva to
tbe treatment of these ailment, . 1
Successful physicians prescribe '
tbe same ingredients for disease f 1
the blood, stomach, liver and kid f
neys. and in cases where alterailrt
and tonic effects are needed. i!
Hood 'a Sarsaparilla la the tprln V
medicine that purifies, enriches and .
revitalizes your blood. Increasing
power of resistance to disease. 1
For a laxative take Hood's PiUaw
Presenting an Entire New Show
"TJV5XI ' Also 1
Amateur Night Tonight and Tomorrow
Mid Week
Seasonable Needs
Watch Our Windows Every Day For Savings
VOILES 59c yard
A large assortment of
voiles is shown in our
Dry Goods windows of
values to 85 at the spe
cial price of
Per Yard
Such a large assort
ment is rarely seen
here. Fortunately, we
have just received this
shipment and can
make a special price.
In our Ladies' Apparel
, $5.98
These are values from
$8.50 and up, the assort
ment of styles, shades
and sizes are complete in
every detail.
In our Ladies' Apparel
A wonderful lot of orig
inal models, very attract
ively trimmed to suit
your every taste. See
them on display.
Watch Tomorrow's Papers for Big One-Half Off Sample Sale
PEOPLFS Shop Where m Crowds Do Thc
& Km Btiying