The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, May 17, 1921, Page 5, Image 5

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1 A woman's handbag was found
la the atli-y Uiw.-en Capitol anl
tinnier strain Saiuidav night ly
t, I Fraiier, i:'.:M North Sumim-r
.treet The hand hug was taken to
the police
Ha) ion for identifica
tion Invito War Mother
iThe American Legion extends
i invitation to nil members of
Sslem chapter No. 1 American
War Mothers, to attend open
house Tuesday evening. May 1 7 at
th armory Adv
p.- -
TWO li to
Chester Foster and Lute Hart
lett were arrested t-'unduy in the
Williams pool hall. charged with
being Invan intoxicated condition.
They were brought before Judtte
Earl Race, found guilty and each
- rltea :0 days In thte city Jail. Ar
68U were made by Police twicers
White and HaydeB.
f-; -:'.-
"if yoa desire one made you will
Lv- no, mistake In consulting
ilrTo. teaman classified dlrec-
Will rroltitirVd
The will of Mary K. Vedder. de
ceased was admitted yesterday to
probate. The estate is valued at
;.', consisting or real estate.
Ilenton Vedder was appointed by
the court as executor of the es
tate, and ('. A. llarr. V. H. AUe-
man and A. II. Klliott as apinais-1
"Partner! of The
t Johnny Hines
Torchy's Night
Amateur Night
liilgh theater. Wednesday and
Thursday. Adv.
the part of Ftenson to sell a kodak
which was alleged to have been
taken from an automobile belong
ing to V. II. Howen of Silvei ton.
Legal Blanks
liet them at The Statesman of
f'ce. Catalog on application.
reported to the police department
Saturday, as having, been taken
fioin an automobile parked in
trout ot the Dreamland rink.
Finn! .crount Fileil
An order approving rne rThal ac
count of the estate of George Wal
las Chapln. deceased was filed e.
terday by the county court. There
was filed also a final order of an
account of the estate of Mallnda
Snyder, deceased.
A. It. Sietniuind of Cervais was
j ' "luess vis. tor in the city yes-!
mntni l un.iai tielil tcrday.
Urbt funeral services were held I .urn. Ednn M. Harper of .in
Monday atternoon. over the re-1 Francisco is in Salefn.
mains of the late George W. Wine. I Lee Wells of Jefferson, a road
land of Salem, the services he
held from the Itigdon chapel, consulting with the county courtQ
-iumi: was mrnisneu uy ine .Misses ; yesterday.
hsther Mcl'racken and Maryj' M . C George of Gates was in
Sua ll Id in E . unil lh mWIou iv'ia Iw.CnUm tr.i
--- .-. ...... ii.ur M .11)111 ill.
John K. Hosmer. an attorney of
When i n need of a dressmaker
consult our classified directory.
Patterson in Jail
James Patterson was brought
before Judge G. K. I'nruh yester
day charged with carrying con
cealed weapons. He was found
guilty and fined $23. He is serv
ing his time in the county jail.
the Kev. Blaine E. KirkDatrick
Afterwards, the Grand Army took
charge for its regular ritual bur
ial service. Two sons of the de
ceased were present. Howard
Wineland of Lincoln. Neb., and
Fred M. Wineland vt Belleville.
Kan. Interment was in the Odd
Fellows cemetery.
Can You Pick
Out a Good Ad?
Country Store
ISO worth of merchandise given
away free at the Iiligh theater to
night. Adv.
Hartholomew Is President
I.yle Hartholomew, former stu
dent at Willamette university
and now a senior ut University of
Oregon, w ill hold the oTf ce ot ex
ecutive of the student bodV of the
state university next year, having
been elected at a meeting of the
students last Thursday. The pres
ident for this year is also a former
Salem high school student. Carl
ton Savage, whose home is at Wa
conda, but who attended school in
Silverton, was in the cty yester
day. j. J. Adams, an attorney of Sil
verton. was among the visitors in
the city yesterday from that sec
tion. H. Overton of Woodburn. was In
Salem yesterday on business be
fore the county court.
Jacob Seifer of Mt. Antrol wa?
in Salem yesterday.
Walter Johnson of Woodburn
called at the court house yester
day. Kobert McGUchrlst of Ocean
Park. California, who been the
guest of his cousin, Kobert Mc
Gilchrist of Turner for the past
week, left yesterday for Toronto,
Sentenced to Jail
W. C. Wright was sentenced to
serve 36 days in the city jail, as a
result of having been found guilty
of being intoxicated. The arrest
was made by Officer White Satur
day night.
Kodak Developing, Ktc
Commercial Book Store, 163 N.
Commercial. Adv.
Automobile Damaged
An automobile belonging to
Walter Johnson, while parked Sat
urday near the alley on Court
street, waa atruck by a truck driv
en by Arthur Enrmett. The top cm
the rear of automobile was torn
and the brace bent.
Will lluil.l Grade Crossing
i ue puuiie service commission
has received from the Baker coun
ty court an application for author-
ty to construct a grade crossing
at the intersection of the Iockart
market road with the Sumpter
Valley railroad.
Oar glasses f ii your eyes. Our
bills your purse
j Jeweler and Optician
Fiona 12SS Salem, Oregon
' m m a 1 . .1
l laaNiiiru rtu
Will bring you a barer.
. . REX
. . .vr" . m
AcreRHorlen Stolen
A matormeter and radiator cap
were reported as having been tak
en Sunday from an automobile be
longing to D. II. Mosher while It
was parked near tne ' Methodist
church. Mr. Mosher offers a re
ward of $10 for the apprehension
of the guilty party.
To State and Front street. Reo.
hlaX 0. RUT til Port. Velle, car service. Salem
AsMTiated Oil HeiMi-t
The Associated Oil company has
tiled with the secretary ot state a
report showing that during the
month of April the company sold
in Oregon 683.123 gallons of gas
oline and 126,544 gallons of dis
tillate, on which a tax of $745:5. !.'.
was paid under the laws of l!tl9
and $8096.67 under the laws of
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Comar.
Shenandoah, Va . were both Ill
He writes: "Rheumatism and
bladder trouble was our trouble.
My wife had rheumatism In her
arms so she could not use them.
She has had no trouble since tak
ing Foley Kidney Pills. I don't
have to get up at night so much
since taking Foley Kidney Pills.
nor have I a weak back." Back
ache, sore, swollen or stiff mus
cles or Joints, tired languid feel
ing vield quickly to Foley kid
ney Pills. Sold everywhere
Plant Day at Highland
The Salem Floral society will
plant flowers and shrubs at the
Highland school this afternoon at
3 o'clock. Gladioli bulbs and all
perennials will be gratefully re
ceived from any one having tbem
to donate. T. F. Gillingham will
have charge. Phone your offfers.
and a car will be sent.
Kkwan Reported
M. W. Ekwan. 292 Summer
street, was reported to the police
yesterday as having passed a
street car which was loading and
unloading passengers at State and
Commercial streets. Mr. Kkwan
is employed by the Valley Motor
; company.
D5CY -PASTE r , 179 N. Com. St j
tetter Goods For
Kaaoni perfect Llqnld .Paint.
. Seasonable prices
Capita! Itoiture ft Hsrdwars Co.
2Sft N, Omimeidal Fbone M
rtU Cleaned ....fl-0
)olta Preaaed. . M . -W
tita Qtancrr & Dyerf
Uli & Coml St Phone 1868
Test Hoard Iluy '
The eighth grade examining
board is busy this week marking
examination papers. The board is
meeting In the office of the county
superintendent of schools.
Auto Radiator nepaxnn
Modern equipment, prompt ex
pert service. Nelson Bros., 366
359 Cbemeketa SL AdTj
l.'oat Stolen
A sealskin coat trimmed In grey
fur and a black broadcloth coat
belonging to Gladys Osborn. were
If you think you know a
good Classified ad, here's
your chance to win one of
the three cash awards the
Statesman will give each
week for the one who picks
out the five "lest written
ads" on the Statesman c!as
fcitied page. Ma 18. 1!. 2".
The best selection, 1st award
The second best selection,
2nd reward $1.50.
The third best selection, 3rd
reward $1.00.
The first awards will be
announced in Tuesday's is
sue of each week, the first
announcement Tuesday May
17th. Contestants must see
that their selections reach
the Statesman office, before
Monday morning of each
week in order to be consid
ered. The Statesman wants your
selections of the best Clas
sified ad. Please clip the
five ads that you consider
are the best on the above
dales and mail to the Clas
sified Ad. Manager, Oregon
Statesman. Salem Ore
ljnt Week's Awards
A number of very clever
selections of ads were re
ceived last week, and the
.'udges have decided upon
the following as the winners:
Cirst award Mrs. F. W.
Allen. 625 North Winter St.
Second award Bessie M.
Hii'i.'. Gervais, Ore.
Third award Mrs. Nettie
Liraham, general delivery,
Salem, Oregon."
The selection winning first
award Is published in full
below: the others will be
pnbiished in future issues of
The Statesman. Watch for
No. 1
ron ru.NT -mxiM nrt
in ntiHlt-rr Jmi-iiii' nml i
-1 !' !-si K i vi' Hume
i'Urr lalt-siiiun.
n KF.N'T H IiN!s!Ii:i) KOmt;
Whv T th ink No. 1 is a Letter -1b
( K N'T I. KM V sif.-.t .-,.1 than No 2:
Mr ilk In. i V 1 do- arlinlr pooplf. wtio vfcT
aii-1 n.l'lr-i. I.k.! h.-iwi- ,i rii-oiraMt- roui l r-nt. If
1 v l.ikini lor a room I rqitll try
out- tiri. a- it i upparpni fftn IP"
I'llONF. 'Iiiit t)i room is all r.tlit. No., 2 l
wrtnt- u -z ti I l-liia it rt-iilcr, but lo liOt
t-ui so ) it r i 1 liiiir. r
f i
the throne two, peasant women
came to her and offered her the
crowns and other articles which
have now been stolen from the
Royal armory.
No. 1
VII lr:!H'-i'-s l.llitfht. diploma gra'.Tf-l
.lolin K. Sit.-. Kr(tor. 1 J '. 7 (win.
No. 2
WK.STKKV ( (N.r K AI'i'KY F Ml S
i of iip ao, Frank h OmipIu!1 rji
rt'st-ni.ti w iMploniits l.raiiit-.!. .l
It-How s I'.!1.
N'F.W 11 V. !'. iM I; F N i A I " W. Fl.-!
f r-iniHlt-rn iitiproVf-iiK-ni . piiv-'l
stri on iar lin Will r'A .11 i-o,i
St-f itwiur Slllldav. May I " l " o
It iii. Fairronotl Koail Sct Hall St.
No. 2
Ful! SWF 1 KS1 U I'.I.F. FIFlt"iM
liousi- with itaraifp. iiutl'rn -i-pi
la..tii'tit . -U to pjvtol vlr'-t aitti
iar Inn mi vt-n i -n t Imnlion. 1'ri'f
: t tiit Willi It-rnm. l-'iir aopoinliiiHi,!
plion omii-r, 41 1. or t-VHiuliK '"'1 M-
No 1,
1 1 s
ii!itl.-r Mnsl.-at. is hffct ail
'. oili olioin- iiiiiiiltfr hikI J
i I lirallt-lifs Uiigta" htM-U
I t it,.
i hi ii. r
ll-ci Ii
thils al-
i if til-- two-', rnfi-n lit.ust s for f tit
o 1 is 1 1,, I, . si a. I f..r I Ii ik Tso i
tin- x-.i' I lo. al ion i L'ivtf.11. HOtiit'lhilit nuku a ulinlf lot of lifT.'to,;
a l.u'i.f iis.-lf uiis Ii. viv tliitratiti
loil inaiiv lut-u-r h certain Uication
u is otin iiti.. thriiw ii away to shew
ilixn In. uses ,n ilit wrong Io.atiijti
We once knew a young woman
school teacher who had to waix
three mifrs every morning to her
school. She now has a grand
daughter who cannot go two
blocks without using an automo
bile Exchange.
g There is a vivid dem-
onst ration of how a
couple can be married 5
5? in the worst way. K?
"Seven Years Bad
Lack" S
No. 1
H M.K - Fl K-I Cl.VSS 1', in IN
mill wo-o.l. rasi?ialilt. S.--i..!
pri'-p on car lot s-asoiifl mill wood
,s. us. iffor. Ihmiiijc onr wtiii-r unp
Fr-.l F Welis, ;'ii-, mi Cliiinli
I'Iioik- I Mi.
No. a u .
vooi Fii.-.s k ir.o.'.M
in tliis fin- .-lass i.-. ml. un.l
.1 is 1 1 1 1 1 appar.-nt Itn.t ail
.. I T r;.. t n or.- i-iisi oiii-r lliau
Ifi'-ifor.. ...I o 1 will inor1
lor l!s-h. .--ii Willi line orrt
n. 1 w-tl)
I No 1 2
I hmi
No. 1
ranifHH anil 4oikfttove4, tooU, mn'n
Hints and iho-. I.ilxrly Kxchaogc,
211 N. Comtuerr'ial. PIioda 841.
No. 2
WK ll l Y AN1 Sri. I. SK'IN1) HANK
ools of all pip fittings. Iiar
iioss. i-4illarK. i-illar patlK. tooU, and
liams. Kreil S.liiiiilliT, 'J'.s ('iil.-r
si rt-.-l .
iiiiiiih ri la I mn-i'l. liiamoiids. wiIi-Iihh, .
iiiusKul iriHtruiut-iitn, Kun, clothing,
k!n.K. fir. 1'otli iifw Hiid uaU guoUa
Lontflit, hold or t'XrhanKt'd.
Of thf No 1 iR rouipVip, a dl
tor's of tins kiln), ilionld givf thrtr
pit. .to mimlaifi.. If w Imv. anything W I
visli In disoost of it ih a aitmilr inlit-
t.-r to rail ihfin up, llitrt-fori' tliy:houlil
i.lwuvs l.olll loration (to :t.HrJ
and tolf plion' l for h-Mt).
Mrs F W Allen. ;-J." N. Winter, fft.,
Halem, ore.
Public Service Commission
Will Not Accede to Re
quest of Washington
T IprUf PUatln Orr Trom
V 1 Ortfoi BmndUi
I1L1X it O.HOI
Benson Arraigned
Walter , Benson waa arraigned
yesterday before Judge O. E. Un-
ruh of the justice oun, on a
charge of larceny. He entered a
plea of not guilty, ana ma mi
was set for Wednesday. Being un
able to furnish ball he is being
held in the county jaji. uensou
was first brought before the mu
nicipal court when Judge Race
transferred the case o the Justice
court. The charge was preferred
on Saturday following an erron on
Cleaners Repaired
Motor rewinding, conu.aci.iHB, tne united states ah years aKs,
electric Fixtures, etc.
337 Court: St. rrione
SIEGERT At the residence, 728
North Sixteenth street. Sunday
morning, May 16, Gottlieb-sSteg-ert,
asre 81 years, husband of
Matilda Siepert. father or Mrs
Emma Scbuse of Norman, Okla...
Mrs. Martha Berwald of Mil
bank .S. D., Mrs. Clara Mueller
of Big Stone, S. D.. Mrs. Anna
Johnson ot ISalem and Adolph
Siegert of Nassau. Minn.
The funeral services will be held
Friday. May 20. at 2 o'clock,
from St. John's Evangelical Lu
theran church. Sixteenth and A
streets. Rev. Grops officiating.
Funeral in charge of uigdon ft
Son, morticians.
RUGE Mrs. Mary Ruge died.
Monday afternoon in West Salem,
at the advanced age of 85 years,
two months and 19 days. She was
a native of Germany, coming to
The Oregor. public service com
mission will not increas? its grain
inspection lees to conTorm to the
r-es charged by thfl grain inspec
tion division of the afeTlcultural
department of the state of Wash
ington. This is to it he disadvantage ot
Washinrton relative to whether
Krain shipments go by way '
Portland or Puget Sound, and i"
the reverse of conditions a year
or two ago when it was necessary
for the Oregon commission to call
uon the emergency board to sup
ply funds so it would be unneces
sary to increase the fees. Now the
fees are su'ficiently high, but not
as high as in Washington, where
the legislature of that state lwu
failed to make sufficient appropriation.
lake a band and go ;n tremendous
style. The Lebanon people Lave
signified a desire to see them in
all their white uniformed glory,
and they are Just as anxious to
please as the iebanoners are to
have - iheui. The matter is not yet
fully arranged, but they aim to
di ill twice a week to get ready.
A trip to Kosebiirg. July 4, is in
contemplation, hut il is being held
until the Fourth of July program
for Salem is definitely known. If
.i big celebration is held here, they
expect to stay at home; otherwise,
they may go to Roseburg.
The Portland Itose show is one
other event in whih the local or
ganization may participate. It has
come to be common stuff for S.
lem to carry off the prizes and
abduct the Judges and sponsors
of the Portland show. It's about
as easy as shooting bif.r fish In
a little tub, say the blase (Jher-
r:ans. and there isn't a single kick
Ir this getting of first prizes when
It gets to be a vulgar habit, like
Rr-ittinir out a cherry stone after
you've swallowed the pulp. Still.
habits are hard to cure, even in
a Cherrian. and it is asserted by
local members that they may have
to do it again just because every
body expects 'em to.
freight rale m pulp wood Is de
manded. The Haw ley company
wishfH to join th-i Crown-Willamette
company In the case. 1 v;
Five Baseball Battles are on
Willamette Calendar In
Next Two Weeks
The Willamette Bearcats have
live baseball gaiius In sight for
African Natives Are
Dumbfounded at Wireless
I)XIX)N. April 10 Natives of
the Swazl tribe who inhabit the
mountainous wilds of Africa were
dumbfounded recently at wlreletf
telephone experiments, according
to a Marconi official. '
The natives refused to be! leva
it was possible to communicate
vocally over long distances and
were given an opportunity to KiH
Get a bottle of .
Relieves Coughs, Colds,
etc. in no time
Tyler's Drug
157 S. Commercial St
ij s Service
"4 BSL-iiWaST"
and to West Salem one year before
her death. Mrs. Fuge is survived
by two sons, Charles S.. and Albert
W. Ruge. of West Salem: and
three grandchildren. Mrs. Fred
Gibson of Salem, and Lillian and
Mabel Ruge who resides at the
family home In West Salem. Serv
ices will be held from the Webb &
Clough chapel. May 18. at 2 p. m.
with the Rev. Alexander Haw
thorne officiating. Interment will
be at Eugene. Oregn
However, Cherrians Are To
Drill Preparatory for
-. Furniture Btore
Tat Horn ot the Vlctxola
fo ft more for your money at
i Moorei
-i Can a n. mej wood oo.
f ! lor all kinds ot
v j " dry wool
frroapt AallYery Phone 1 2 0
We pay 2c above the
market price for eggs
and products
Webb & Clough
Funeral Directors
Leading Morticians
If von are a rhetrlan and hav
en't a sDecial dlspensai ion to piny
hookey, you'd better be there for
drill tonight and other mums,
twice a week. It's at the armory
at 7 o'clock, and every Cherrian
who funks Is liable to have hi
uniform taken away from him a"d,
have to wear overalls or nothing
at all.
The Cherrians are con tern plat
ing a trip t Lebanon, to attend
the fair, June 3 or 4. i ney mi
this week and next, with a pos- i ten in on wireJess conversation.
Mbility of a s;xth clash as yet I On hearing the voice, the tribes
I'n.'innoniicpil I men
Chnnawa will invade the home
grounds Wednesday afternoon at
3 o'clock, hoping to repeat the
tield and Irack success of a few
Albany Wins from Salem
By Score of 5 to 0
Uy a score or 6 to 0, the Sa
lem Senators lost to the Albany
team at Albany Sunday. This is
the second game of the season
between the two teams, the first,
the previous Sunday, having been
won by Salem by a score of 10
to 2.
Salem's batting was not up to
o?r. while the Albany players
had no trouble with Lund's de
livery, and he was replaced by
Keene, Salem man who Is a
student at O, A. C, did good work
for Albany, slamming out a
homer in the first inning. Me
played well throughout ttie gam
Ducky" Holmes played a
fame in It-ft field for the Sena
tors, making two brilliant catch
en iii the fifth inning.
days ago. Willamette says there's
no such thing in the calendar,
and the llearcats are going into
the game with their old line-up,
probably without a single change
in the face of the invasion.
On May 24 the team will leave
for a three day's battle with the
Whitman team at Walla Walla.
Whitmae has put out some fast
teams in every branch of college
activities, but the Bearcats have
shown that they can be beaten
and they're going to do it again,
if the local plans are carried out.
On the way home the Bear
cats will stop off at Portland
lc ig enough to lift the hair of
the Multnomah "jail tossers.
Fancy new scalp-holders have
been designed on which to string
the hirsute adornments of the two
sets of victims whom the Bear
cats are to meet. Coach Mathews
promises not to eat-their foes; at
least, not to pick the bones too
clean and rob the crows. The
team is in fine fettle, and ready
for a unanimous string of victories.
among whom were a num
her of petty chiefs, hurried away
and held an "Indaba ". Present
a deputation returned . and
asked If there was to be a white-
man's war. "If there is," he atd,
we want to be on the white tnan'g
side." ' . 'Sr.
Read" The Classified Ads,
Hawley Paper Company
To Intervene in Case
The Hawley Pulp & Paper
Companv has filed a petition wit li
the public service commipsion to
to be allowed to intervene in tne
;tction of the Crown-Willamette
Paper company apainst the South
ern Pacific company, th Spokane
Portland & Seattle and the Ore
ton Trunk, in which a lower
Do yon tate
If not. why not?
No tier baths or treatment!
Prodnc the permanent re-
UV to the person unerroc
from dlsacreeabie cold or all-
menu ot the flesh or body lute
Turkish Batha will.
Opea 1 a. m. nntll 9 p. nu
40 uvd Oentlamen attena
J ants
-j, Call at
We buy and sell every-4-
215 Center St. Phone B98
The Mutual Life
oi N. Y.
Up-to-date policies.
Lower net cost.
District Msrr.
271 State St. Phone 99
Special Merchants
Lunch 35c
novna 11 a. m. to s p. m.
The people of
this city know
that we are Just.
The fairness with
which we conduct
our business Is
often talked
about. We serve
politely and in a
modern way.
. .tr t Komklnr Cafe.
every Tuesday, i ""T hl.
urday nights.
ba i til l I LJ-13
r.- l-
George Melford's
Big Production
by the Maker of
"Ikhold My Wife"
TTwilliam Vaughn
With an All Star Cast
Including Milton Sills
and Ann Forrest
Where The Big Shows
- .
Golden Votive Crowns
Are Stolen From Spain
MADRID, 'May 10". The reeent
theft from the Royal armory e
the two golden TOtine crowns Of
the Visirothic King Swintila de?
prived Spain of one of her great
est treasures, since only in the
Cluny museum of Paris do $lm
Historians suppose that the two
crowns originally were part of the
treasure of the old cathedral of
Toledo before the present build
ing was constructed. It Is be
lieved they were removed from
the church when the Arab inva
slon occurred and buried in a Sep-;
ulchre in the hamlet of Guarrasaty
in the vicinity of Toledo, where
they were discovered after six cen
Later, when Isabel II was on
Supplies ;,v
We have just added this ,
line of world . renowned
kodaks and supplies to
Lour. stock. ;....,. .
Bring Your Filmi :::
- ; ii
All developing and print
ing work absolutely
guaranteed. .
163 N. Com'l St., Salem'
Phone 64
Ford Salesman. Prosperous
community, good territory,
guaranteed salary and com
mission. See Mr. Davis at
Marion Hotel, this evening,
between 7 and 9 o'clock.
;i . r ii
Seed Corn
Have a choice selection
of both Oregon grown ;
and Eastern Seed Corn.
Getting late for grain on
some land, better plant
Hay ;
Have some choice alfalfa
hay. You will find our
prices as low as good hay
can be sold for.
Alsike Clover
It will pay those that
have some wet land that
they plant alsike clover.
It improves the land amV
is a good paying crop to
raise. We still have a
limited amount of good
seed. Prices are lower.
D. A. White &
Phone 160 255 State St.
In h pif'ii,it !rm lft lo right ar-: Minn Ann find tklr-i. .vlrs.
':-i1h at-i Mikh Man? Ciiilihy. part of th family lsft by Ui Ute Jck
OufUhy, mn of the Ttotd packer, who killed timaeif with a aholgua. On
ri d.iuKhler comprises the family. - -
Established 1868
, , General Banking Business
f'"'. OffkeHours frorH 10 a. m. to 3 p. m.
- Ii
nesa dlabes. .
162 &J&Commerclal St.
- n