The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, May 17, 1921, Page 1, Image 1

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    ft &
T'lwulay shuwern; moderate
I westerly wind-.
The Statesman receives the leased
wire report of the Associated
Press, the greatest and most re.
liable press association in the
J LrlEi
JL 'mm
porivict RflaheQ Daring Escape from Rawlens Penitentiary and Then Commits Suicide
Supporters of Proposal For
Disarmament Conference
Prevent Headway on Ap
propriation Measure.
Idaho Senator Declares that
Western Reclamation
Would be Sacrificed
15(10,000,000 naval appropriation
111 was unable today to make
leadway against opposition from
advocates. of the Uorah proposal
for a disarmament conference and
redaction in appropriations.
Addresses by Senaior romer
ene, Democrat, Ohio, and La Poi
nts. Republ'can. Wisconsin, pre
vented amendments from being
reached and when adjournment
vu taken the latter was. not fin
ished. ' It? waa erpected, however,
amendments would be retched
late tomorrow.
; Both" senator declared great
expenditures were unnecessary
and inexpedient. Senator Pom
trens supported the Borah amend
ment and advocated one of nis
wa to aatborlsa the president to
"impend the capital ship con
strncttoa for all months.
' Senator 7 LaFollette declared
' capital ships would become obso
lete In five years, adding that
' with development of aircraft, su
marines and seacoast defenses the
t'nitfd States would be Impregna
te from attack;
Senator-Pomerene said rejec
tlort of the- Borah amendment
would "practically close the door
f lope of the world for disarma
ment." if Demands for disarmament M
" aally caused Senator Poicdexte-.
Republican, in charge of the bill,
to state no Information had been
'submitted to show extravagance
In the proposed naval purchases,
i Senator Pomerene replied that
when "officers with gold lace
whlepered 'Yap' members of the
naval committee had hysteria and
toted tor large appropriations.'"
t Borah Bavs West Suffers
Senator Borah Interjected that
. military, expenditures were holl
ar np projects like soldier reliet.
western reclamation and other de
velopments. . f Senator LaFollette said "great
'financial Interests" desired a pow-
enii navy to protect their Inter
He Introduced an amend
ment providing that none of the
American war craft should be
ated to "coerce or compel collec
tion" of any private claim, grant
or concession.
. -MILWAUKEE, Wis., May 16.
Richie Mitchell. Milwaukee light-
weif&t and Johnny Mendelshon
."mat noxed 10 rounds to
NEW YORK, May 16. Confident of victory, Georges
Cppentier, challenger of Jack Dempsey, heavyweight cham
pion," arrived today to begin training.
The Frenchman, who disembarked at noon from the
Trench steamer La Savoie, did not go directly to his training
at Manhasset, L. I., as Jie had planned, but spent the
' Will Train Dally
plans to go to his camp to
morrow, beginning training Wed
nesday and keep at It virtually
I f'" "tatta at Jersey City.
Carpentler had lunch with
"i t.. i xex) Rickard. pro
moter of the bout, immediately
f"fp landing. They discussed de
uus concerning the fight.
The, Frenchman's confidence of
, 5 was apparent when he in
wred of Rickard If a suitable
American challenger would be
Eminent American Author Greeted by Many Admirers Who!
Demand .Masterpiece as Climax of DeU.jhtful Evening !
Second Appearance to be at Willamette Chapel Todav
'"Vfhen a man sees that which
Is everlasting In the things of life,
when he is able to put that into
his painting, his poetry or music,
then the result is art." said Ed
win Markham, poet laureate of
Oregon and president of tho Am
erican Association of Poets, hist
night in his address to a large
audience of Salem people uwler
the auspices of the Salem Arts
league. President Carl Gregg
Doney of Willamette university
Mr Markham radiates cheer
fulness and happiness by ha very
speech and appearance. He Is a
man of medium height, rather
heavy build, with flowing pure
white hair and the kindly, smil
ing eye of a man who. though he
is nearing the 70th milestone of
years, is still a youth at heart.
And Mr. Markham has the bril
liance and vitality of youth about
Horn in Oregon 69 years ago
Ilecanse of Illness Ralph Em
mons, cecond speaker of the Sal
em high school negative debate
team, will not be able to accom
pany the teams to Kngeno today
to enter the annual high school
debate tonrnament which is a fea
ture of Junior week-end festivities
at, University of cOregoH. Hl.i
place will be taken br DonaVI
Worden, a regular substitute for
the team.
Although Mr. Emmons Is un
able fo enter the preliminaries tit
may be able to take tils place tor
the finals if he is improved in
lime and if Salem Is able to hold
a place among the winning teams
until that time.
Flrxt IV-lwle Tomorrow
Accompanied by their coach,
the four men. Robert Littler and
Donald Worden. negative, ana
Ralphr Halley and Ward South-
Trial of Police Chief
Is Concluded at Butte
DCTTE, Mnt.. May 16 The tri
al of Chief of Police Jere J. Mur
phy, charged with negligence and
Inefficiency, ended this afternoon.
The case was taken under ad
visemnt by the police commission.
The decision probably will be an
nounced tomorrow.
Chief Murphy was the first wit
ness called today. He denied all
charges contained in the com
plaint. A list showing a total of
1,239 arrest by the police for vio
lation of moral laws from Janu
ary 20, 1920 to May 13, 1921, was
Introduced in evidence.
available within six months after
the Jersey City battle it he won.
Rickard assured Carpentier that
several American heavyweights
were being developed who would
be suitable opponents. Carpentier
declared If he won he would be
glad to return to America to de
fend the title.
Condition Good.
The Frenchman, at his usual
fighting weight of 175 pounds,
said he Is In excellent condition.
(Continued on paz 2).
Kdwln Markham remained in th s j
state for only about five years,
inovinu with his mother to Califor- j
ma wnere as a ooy and young
man he rode the ranee on his
mother's cattle ranch. Many of
his poems, some of which he read
last night, show his great love for
the wild, free life of the range.
At the root of all art there is
but one aim. according to this
much loved poet of the west, who
opened his address with a general
talk on poetry and all of the arts
before proceeding to a discussion
of his own work, and that is the
revelation of the unsuspected
beauties of the world, the wonders
and mysteries of life not seen by
the ordinary perron.
There is poetry, art. in every- j
thing in the universe, says Mr. J
Markham. and when the sensitive (
organism of the artist is touched (
(Continued on page 2.)
worth, affirmative, will go to Eu
gene today.
The Salem teams are scheduled
to debate on Wednesday at X P
in.. Thursday at 2 p. m.. and Fri
day at 2 p. in.
Twelve Team Kntcr
Winners of the tournament are
selected by a process of elimina
tion. From the 12 teams enter
ing the tournament six will be
le t at the end of the first debate.
In that debate thre- more 4eams
will be eliminated and the finals
will be u triangle debate Friday
S3iem debaters have the undiri
nuted title in th'r section, the
negative team having won debates
trom Albany and Oregon City. by
3 to 0 scores and the affirmative
team having won from Albany 3
to 0 and lost to Lebanon 2 to 1.
PORTLAND, May 16 Six lum
ber companies were fined $500
apiece today by the board of di
rectors of the Loyal Legion of
loggers and Lumbermen, In ses
sion here. The fine was levied
following charges that the com
panies reduced wages below the
legion minimum of $3.60 a day.
All of the companies Involved
In the ruling have resigned from
the organization since charges
were brought against them, but
inasmuch as each employer put
up a bond for $500 on becoming
a member of the legion to abide
by the rules, the fines levied to
!ay will accordingly be recovered
from the bonds of the employers
cgainst whom they were levied.
The companies subjected to fine .
were: The Coos Bay Lumber com
pany of Coos Hay; the C. K.
Spaulding Lumber company of
Salem; the Willamette Valley
Lumber company of Dallas; the
Natron Mills and Lumber com
pany of Natron. Wash.; the
Wheeler-Reese Lumber company
of Harding. Wash., and the Schae
fer Brothers Logging company of
Satsop, Wash.
Enright Under Charge of
Murder in First Degree
VALE, Ore.. May 16. Edward
Enright waived examination be
fore Justice of the Peace Rogers
today and was bound oter to
await the action of the grand
Jury on a charge of murder in
the first degree. Enright is
charged with having stabbed John
Joyce. Malheur county sheepman,
at Juntura last Monday night.
Joyce's death resulted early on
ijkit. . 11 Kite k nms.
TOFRS. France. May 16.
Lieut. Col. C. C. Pierce, V. S. A.,
retired, head of the American war
memorials commission, died of
pneumonia brought on by influ
enza today. He had been in a
atate of collapse throngh grief
over the death of his wife.
Major Eugene Moshberger
Is Appointed Lieutenant
Colonel by Order of Ad
jutant General White
Captain West Promoted to
Major and Other Changes
Are Announced
.Major Eugene Moshberger of
Woo.lburn was appointed a lieu
tenant colonel on tbe-Oregoii Na
tional -;uard and assigned to com
mand of the Fifth Oregon infan
try in an rnler issued yesterday bv
George A. White, adjutant gener
al of Oregon.
At the same time Captain Fred
M. West of Portland was promot
ed to the grade of major. Other
orders cifected a change in the
veneral Kuff and named three
new tceond lieutenants promoted
Iron! the ranks.
Vrf. ran of"Foui War.
Lieutenant Colonel Moshberger.
Ihe new commanding officer of
the Fifth infantry, is a veteran
citizen soidlt r and served from
Oregon in four wars. He was the
nenior major of the regiment ajM
will commend during the absence
of Colonel Creed C. Hammond,
who Is on duty with the army gen
eral staff at Washington. D. C.
Major West has commanded one
of the companies of the regiment
for many years and was the sen
ior company commander. He
served on the Mexican border and
commanded Oregon men overseas
during the World war.
(iMa n (Iny Promoted.
The new member of the general
staff is Captain James S. (Jay Jr..
Oregon field artillery, who com
manded old Battery A in France!
The three newly appointed second
lieutenants are Clyde G. Young of
Ashland. John H. Price of New
port and George M. Dannels of
Portland. All three are veteran
Coplan's Pot Vacated
Lieutenant Colonel Moshberger
replaces Lieutenant Colonel An
drew T. Wollpert of Salem who
was transferred to the un assigned
list at his own request because or
the demands of his private busi
ness. Major West fills the va
cancy caused by Colonel Mosh
berger's promotion. Captain (lay
replaces Major.iVllliam Coplan on
the general staff.
Oregonian's Attorney Raps
Litigant With Pamphlet
During Argument
PORTLAND, May 16. Dan J.
Malarkey and Lee Roy K. Keeley
came to blows in Circuit Judge
Kavanatigh's court this afternoon
in the course of an argument in
connection with Keeley's .motion
for a new trial in his libel suit
against the Oregonian.
The dispute between the at
torneys became more and more
heated until finally Malarkey. ac
cording to court attaches, struck
Keeley across the cheek with a
folded pamphlet.
Keeley made no attempt to re
turn the blow.
Ko' icy was arguing in favor
of a motion askinc that a second
judtre sit with Judge tlatens when
his application for a new trial
conns on for argument. Malar
key opposed it.
Judge Kavanaugh overruled the
Fire Destroys Village
With I a Af Clfin finfl
i.iui woo y.
IIAIN'IFR. Ore. Mav 16. Fire!
practically destroyed the little
town of Stella. Wash., opposite
hero today. Sixty persons were
rendered homeless and property
valued at $100,000 was destroyed.
Including a lumber yard,
warehouse and store.
Ilerl.crt Socolofsky, s;ar all
round litlilete ol the Salem lr-:!i
school, was accorded thf big lies!
honor that ran be bestowed upon
a stutient of the school when, :it
a special meeting yesterday nior".
ing he was elected to the presi
dency of the student body ror
next year. Although the sessi-jn
was called for nominations only,
Siicoiofsky's noiuiiiat.on, and al:;o
that of some other officers, was
unanimous, which is tantamount
to election.
Socolofsky is a memlicr of the
football, basketball and track
teams and is prominent in various
other school activities.
Some (enerul Favorite
Much interest in the nomina
tions was displayed by the stud
ents and although it was believod
'hat this would cause keen com
petition for the various offices,
certain students seemed to be the
general favorites of the student
No less than six student body
offices were filled by students
who received unan'mouc vct?s.
The office of sergeant-at-arms
brought out the greatest compe
tition, no less than four candi
dates being nominated for this of
fice. filrl Is Vice President
Lucile Moor? was elected unan
imously to the office of vice pres
ident, which is past years ha3 berf
filed by a boy.
Harold Socolofsky was elected
without opposition to probaoly
the next m;s; important office a--ter
the presidency, (hut of utht 't
Ic manager, which glve3 him the
management of all athletic activ
ities. The nominations for other ol
fiee were as follows: For secre
tary, Macyle Hunter, Ruth (Jrif
flth and MarH Rostein: for editor
of Clarion. Myrtle Martin and j
Ralph Emmons: manager of the
Clarion. Arthur Montgomery.!
unanimously elected; yell leader,
Edwin Armstroiifc and Anbre
Trawicl:: girls' son leader. Fran
ces Ward, unanimously nrto.1: '
and Kergeant-at-rsrmr llowa'd
Post., Ellis White. Ralph White
and Max Jones.
Change in State Fair Board;
Personnel Announced by j
Governor Olcott
.1. 1). Farrell of Portland yes
terday resigned as a mm'-er of
the (tate fair board anl (iovernor
Olcott at once announced that he
has appointed II. C. Browne al.w
of Portland, to succeed Mr. Far
rell. The reason given. by -Mr.' Farrell
for l-'avins the board is that ho
and his family are soon to leave
for Europe on an extended visit.
Mr. Brown", who is appointed '
succeed Mr. Farrell. is manager
of the Western Breeder's Journal
and for many y-ars it is said, has
taken deen interest in the devel
opment of livestock in the Paciti"
RAWLINS, Wyo., May 16. AI Biscardo, .,5, serving a term
of 15 years for automobile theft in tho Wyoming penitentiary
here, shot and killed himself
after making one of the most
the Wyoming prison.
j After forcing Warden "rank O. ,
i Haskell to unlock the door of his
.cell while, withdrawn revolver, he
j forced the prisjon physician. Dr.
i Raymond Baker and R. C Magor.
who had come
to attend Riscardo.
'believing he was ill. to line up
against the wall, he entered into
an agreement with the warden to
i hold the two men as hostages un
til he made his escape.
loctor's Car Taken.
Leaving the prison with
hotel, ithreo men covered, Riscardo.
''took possesslou of the physician's
? -
- - - -
, f , -"a- i ?i
. ? -r ; i : -f
' '
0 -1 .
I;' ' 0;r v ,.'4
l - ,',,' l X '
Coione: George iiarvey, the new United States Ambas
sador to the Court of St. James's, photographed on board
tho Aquitania. when he sailed to take up his new duties
Convicted Toughs Ask
Court for New Trials
The state; district court of appeal.;
heard arguments today on the ap-
plications for new trials for Kd-
mond (Spud Murphy, pugilist,
and Allaiti MacDonald, who are
serving penitentiary sentences im
posed upon their conviction of
charges c-)f attackini; voiinc wo-
men here.
No a t ion
was taken.
days to
i counsel lining granted l."
file additional !rief.s.
on a prairie near Rawlins todav !
daring escapes on record from
automobile, ordering him to drivo
the machine, with Masor on the
front s-eat with hi in.
The convict sat in the rear, tho
revolver pointed at the two men.
The warden was given instruc
tions not to follow until they had
ptoceeded three blocks under pen
alty of death of the hostages.
Matfor Ix-aps From Machine
The chase was taken up by the
warden and Deputy Warden
Keefe after the first automobile.
(Con tinned on page 2)
The J'afific highway r.outh of
Salem, Ito.v, the end of the county
pavement at a pint T! 500 feet
south oC the city limits, to; the
point where the Ankeny hiU road
j turKS ,lltH j,-fferson wa, has
j hf.on c0n0i for the summer tO give
rnht ol way for paving operations
by the state highway department.
Concrete pavement is to be laid
on this stretch of Jefferson way.
This operation makes it neces
sary for trafric to go over Ankeny
"ii.ll, and the road is reported by
the state highway dppartmeut as
in good condition to Jefferson, Al
bany and Corvallis. t
Monroe Rond to Clow
A.'xt week the department will
close the Corvallis-Monroe road
because of paving operations, and
the substitute routing will: be
south from Albany to Harrmburg.
From Corvallis South a distance of
eight miles on the Monroe mad a
concrete project is to begin .at an
estimated cost of ? 22;.". .'2 Kt
ler t: i'.arllett are the contractor.
The date lor completion iiiDeJUffcer
31. I'i2l. The remainder of . this
road through Monroe and on to
Junction City will be paved' this
ear with black, asphaltic cojiCrete
pavement ;,n! the work is now un
der wav. Yhis will make :con-
'inio-is .-n-'Ul. of pavement from
co: ;iin.- to Goshen, tivei.-jntlea
south o, Kiigene. Also the:efttire
I'ai-iiic nighway from Goshfth to
Ijiaia. in Douglas county, is'aCder
ent racft
Traffic Held I p.
Traffic ,s now held up by pav
inu touili ol Walker, which is
lour miles north of Cottage Xirove,
except for certain times of day.
Traffic i allowed to go throllgh at
K o'clock a. m., from 12 noon to
I p. m., at 3 p. in. and after 5
-p. in. It is said by the department
that there are no other hold-ups
of traffic at present on the Pacific
highway. Black pavement is being
laid between Roseburg and 1)11
lard. but detours have been pro
vided. . '
Vandervort and Wenderoth,
Unable to Agree, Removed
From Street Committee
Of Council. !
McClelland and
Abuse of Sidewalk Privilege
Causes Drastic Amend
ment to Ordinance r V
H. H. Vandervort and George
Wenderoth were ousted from the "
street committee of the city xoun
cil last night at the xoancll meet- .
Ing by Mayor George E. HalTor-.
sen, as a result of several exhl
bitlons of unharmonlous action
displayed by the two before the
council. ' . , (- ;
The dusting came as a surprise
apparently, though a lack of co
operation on the part of the com.
mittee has been in evidence. It
has not been uncommon for rec
ommendations to be made by one
or more of the committee and
not from the committee, as a
Differences Recur.
A recurrence' of difference!
last night seemed r. to .nave. ex
hausted the patience of the mayor.
In a prompt and decisive manner
he announced the two would be
relieved Immediately from fur
ther duty in that capacity, and he
named J. B. Giesy aa chairman to
fill Alderman Vanderrort'a place
and -Alderman McClelland to take
the ?lace of Mr. Wenderoth. Al
derman Jefferson, the third mem
ber of the committee was retained.
Mayor Halrorsen appointed Al
derman Vandervort as chairman '
of the public buildings committee,
relieving Mr. Oelsy from the du
ties or that office and appointing
Mr. Wenderoth to serve In place
of Mr. McClelland as a member .of
the committee on public parks.
Sidewalk Cleared '
Chief among the ordinances
passing third reading last night.'
was one amending section 14 of.
ordinance No. 203, preceatlnp the
display of wares and tmerchan-
dise on the sidewalks. The sec
tion as amended states that "any
person, firm or corporation who
shall place or expose for sale any.
vegetables, furniture, boxes,.
fowls, goods, wares or merchan
dise of any description or1 other
obstruction, on or over any por
tion of the sidewalk in front or
and adjacent to the building
owned or occupied by such per
son, firm or corporation shall up
on conviction before the recorder
be rined not to exceed $25. Here
tofore merchants have been al
lowed 12 Inches of space on the
Following the adjournment last
night, a special meetlnf was im
mediately called for consideration
of the reading of an ordinance
granting a franchise and right-of-way
to the Oregon Electric Rail
way company for the buTlding of a
spur track on Front street, con
tinuing its track south for a dis
tance of 185 feet. Tire .bill
passed an it is thought the track:
will be built and ready for use by
June 10. ;
Paving Unsatisfactory.
It appears to be the consensus
of opinion among the councilmen
that the present system of paving'
is unsatisfactory, and that the
city pavements were inferior to
those built by the state highway'
commission. The matter came up
last night after a general discus-
sion, upon motion by Alderman
F. L. Utter, the ordinance com-'
mittee was Instructed to submit
(Continued on page 2)
Portland at l.o Angrles.
Oakland at Haframento.
Heat tie at Han Franriaco.'
Vernon at Halt Lake, ,
Snaday't Result
Vprnon 4 . I'ortlantt 3-8.
Salt Lake Kan Kranciar 1-6.
Lou Angvlea 10 1. HarraitMmt 2-4,
Seattle S 8, Oakland 3-9.
W. L.
.61 5
San Franciaro
Sacramento ...
I.o Angelea ....
Oakland .
Salt l.ak ....
24 f 15
23 17
22 1?
21 19
IS 19
11 24
S 30