- 4 f - - . W. THE OREGON STATESMAN. SALEM, OREGON CHURCHES PLAYWRIGHT AND PRIMA DONNA WIFE. EPISCOPAL Bt. Paul's Chnrrh Chi-mrketa and , Cfcerch etrrrte. Srrirf for Whitsunday, v vkirh is on ' th five great feetiTals the Christian year 7:30 .m., low erlebrstioo or the holy romni union; B:4 a a., efcarrb srhool; 11 a.m., high eele brat i a anil wnnn, '"The Birthday of the Caorra. and a children a sermon: :0 P eremnir prayer and address. 'Th lVBt'0tal MVssine;. r.rerjbody arelratDe. C'baa. li. I'owetl, rertor. METHODI8T Leslie Methodist is-opal - Sonth Ceameirial and Mjer street. Horara JS. Aldrieh, pastor. 9.43 in. Sunday trhnot, E. A. Rhoten. superintendent. WVII arrnnned classes for agea and vradea Frimar'y department, under the ' Kperriaion of Mix Helen Inert?. II an publie worship with sermon by lie. Oaear Hu.ldleaton. 1I Ir. Hnd- dlentoa baa iwently returned from the phillipia. iaiand aud ia an intense!? inWreating apeaker. Sneeial musie will (M-lade-aa anthem. "Ye Who Toil in Roe-mc,' Vilaon. by the choir, and an pffetory doet. "My Kqm is Christ." PertT, by Mil. Sadie Trait and Mr. floyd H. -Mrlntyre. 3 p m. Miaa Mar raerite Gntaebow will meet the Junior fovorth.- I"W 6:30 pm., cabinet aret?n( a h" Epworth league. Kreder rk l. "AWriehr ' president. 7:0 p.m, ehaptera" 1 a4 of the Epworth kagne. Tk paator will meet chapter 2. Chapter 1 will observe the anniversary Jay of ' lb Epworth, league. Reception of new jeabera. psa., Mr. J. Fred UcOrew will preaeat The Right of Way." by Gilbert Parker, riper ial music: anthem by the choir, "The !.ord Reignth," Meredith and "Christ at the Door," Kx eell: aolo, "lel " Me All the V.'ajr," Bricp. by M is 8die Pratt. " first Methodist Rev. Blame E. Kirkpatriek, minister, corner Church and HUM atreeta. 9:15, old tine cla.a meet nf: 9:43, Sunday arhool, Alpheua Gil lette, aaperintendent : II am, sermon by Bishop Edwin li. Haghea of the ' postoa area; it p.m.. service at Old I'eo iIm borne. 12th and Perry; 7 p.m.. jaaier, intermediate and senior Epworth lesgaea; MisS Florence !aviea v. ill he leader of the seniors: H p.m., sermon by pa hop Charles W. Hurn of the Helena area; Thursday. 7:3o p.m.. chorch night, from 1:34 to 8;J an address, followed b the devotional period. . - QOSFSX. M2SSI0X ; 115 Booth Commercial street, opstairs, ervina ftonday. 3 p.m. aad T:30. W prsy for th sirs; all are welcome. .o wllertma. j. ?Th ScaadiaaviaJi church Fifteenth aa MiU street.. This ia a great day la th Scandinavian religions life. Let an asske i it a great day in oar church far Bales. Attend the service at 11 tat . U. land will preach. Sunday irbool t 11 o'clock. Rev. C. 1). Ha Ml, nperinteadent. jaaoft Loo Memorise Winter and Jef ferson streets, Tbomaa Acheson, ptor. pno to the faithful effort of oor eharch fficera and the apiritual too of all oar services, I every department in ' the or (aaisatioa ia growing steadily. We most cordially invito the public to worship with at at tht following services on Sunday, Mar 15th. A prayer meeting for workers nd others who ran cone will convene at t:li'a.m. Kunday acbool at :45 is. with Mr. Chaa. Hagrman aa yup rriatriident. Our school ia well organ ised. W have elaaaea for all age and ktrsngera always welcome. Two services will be held al 11 a.m. The Krv. C I). Day will bring a timely message ta the members of too adult chorch. The pastor add hia ataff at workers will meet tha'yeaag people of the community for the formal organisation of the junior eharch. Tbia meeting will be aeld in the primary department room in the March basement. We are especially 1 in lerested in young peopla between the aro af 8 and 16. The Junior choir will V4 the -singing. There will be a for mal reception of young people to the jaaier eborch. Parents who. are inter ested la 1 tbe religious welfare of their thilAren are invited to cooperate with . i. Epworth league meets at 7 P.m besa aeeting are all af interest and tpirit. flan to ba present. At p.m. Vt. HndiSeston, returned missionary from the Plultnpiae Islands, will bring the tesaage of the evening. Thia will be treat aervlsa. Plan to be there. . ' -ee, J 1 t- - -J, - :.( V "1 "Ai rjr ',,VJ I lit ! M'IE sJZ) J 7 ' ill ; I ; rzri j ; v J 'H- -X5V' i fit H P : $ ! prcr r4 1; j 1 I i ! i - 1 1 if' ; j . ' MiM'" " ,',,!" " "ai"IIWI" W VI-1 I anWamnnnnfamn T IS en BE TBI Salem High School Players Defeat Visitors By 14 To 2 Score pitcher struck out ulne men. Four substitutes were run in during th-5 game, Thompson lot Dunnetie on second and Baeley, Patterson and N. Jones In the outfield. Four teen hits and as many runs wera made. I Athiil Irvine umpired the' game. The line-up follows: 1-Jpff and ARhliy, p; aCughill c; F. Reinhart. lb; Patterson ami UunnettP, 2b; Brown, ss; Arin "tronK. 3b; Mormon. If; T. Pur-i 'n. cf; R. Reinhart. rf; Salem inat.e 1 5 hits and oryaJlls 7. ' .F. BURROWS STILL AFLOAT Libby, McNeill Schooner Re ports Danger Signal on Alaskan Trip Salem won the second of the tvo-Minf ser8 with Corvallifi high school yesterday played at j Oxiord park by a score of 14 to i 2. T!ic first game, at Corvall! on Friday, was also won by Sa lem high. Hatteriea for Salem yesterday wer" Ashby and Catighiil. Each i Youngs I see a folding drum for orchestra musicians has been Invented that is extended to full size by hinged ribs between the heads. , Bodwell That sounds good to me. Youngs What? Bodwell A drum you can shut i up. Yonkers Statesman. SAN FRANCISCO. May 11. The motor schooner V. F. Bur rows, which left Seattle April 23 for Bristol bay, Alaska, reported herseir in distress in an "S. O. S." wireless message at 11 o'clock this morning, and two hours later reported herself "still afloat and not in danger," according to radio advices received by the navy radio here tonight from the St. Paul Inland station in Alaska. The United States coast guard cutter I'ual&a was notified by tbe St. Paul Island station to proceed to the Burrows' assistance, ac cording to the message received here. The position of the Bur rows was not given in the mes sage, which 8a id : "At 11 a. m.. San Francisco time, the steamer W, F. Burrows reported herself in distress aud appealed for immediate assist ance. Notified the coast guard cutter Unalga via Dutch Harbor radio station to proceed to her assistance. At 12:45 p. m. the Burrows reported herself afloat and not In danger." ' " The schooner sails between Se attle and 'Alaska ports and car ties a crew of approximately 15 men, according to the records of the marine exchange of the cham ber of commerce- here. - Have you ever noticed that It is seldom a tragedy Involves young woman who la at noma ev ery night at 10 o'clock? QVAVAVAVAYAVA7 P S "Pipe the Scarecrow S g Buddies 1 2 A line from v t fe "The Idol of Tbe i g North Vfe S With g DOROTHY DAYTON Q $ tVfAVAVAVAAY C3 : venter street aetaodist Kpiseopal Center and Sortk Thirteenth streets. Geo. : M. Boeder, minuter. Sabbath school 10 a, H.V H. Uralspp, anperintendent. . Uermsa sad English elaaaea. 1'reaeh ' . :.. ;i"g bjr ev. i. W. Becklev; subject, . .' rPentaeoit." C. Jan net will conduct Jp0rtn lea go a devotional meeting W T s'eferk, after whieh the pastor will ipveeea. 'Prarer meeting Thursday even ;. tog. A cordial Invitation. I C0S0IEOATI0NAL 'jLIbeH sad Center atreets W. C. Ksntaer, a is later. 10 a.m. Hunday orhool with classes for all under competent eeraert,' W. I. fitaley, aaperintendent. 11 is, The Man Who VYaa Too Bnay." ft Z. Christian endeavor, Miaa Kather . assoa, leader. p.m, "Jesna fbriat "; Eleetrieal Age." Thia will be a three-reel motion picture, . ' . .Th Benefactor." It ia an interesting Juttorv and ilhutratinn af thai lifa Krk U Uiaeo, the celebrated inventor. Ev errbedi brill want to sea this picture. Central Congregational Church South inateeath sad Ferry atreets, II. C. isister. A merged service at The chorch - school hour in flisrge at Mrs. Barton Edwsrds. A mis (aaary story by Hellen Hande. a aerraon ft the vaator and several mnsical nam fees wUI ba Heard in the service. Chris iu endeavor at 7:1$ p.m. Evening P.a. Evening sermon au4 ct, Main Lines and 1.' ' 4atbea, -i Ut, Thy Kingdom." Maris ? ,lJ et, "Art Tbon Wearv." C. r. neett, will be sang by Jlr. Kverett .! Mr. Htaver. Thurolay even lt servlrs at 7:30. J t an-. . CHEMT1AH nr fhriatian Center and High fira, m j. t.Tana. paator. The or uL T r"rch school, under the lrt 1 Mas Msrtbs Swart, will ejj eaneert at the evening honr in V the sermon. . The program ar- a) aplendidly balanced and will PT the full boor of the service, be sta clock, Mwa Kvelyn Je toJlJrt ,!: Basler and Miss Trials ""T1"- U' Pplent tho program s-'lh speeial aumlMrrs The Bible school r .'v'sarfli aseeta at :4.-i under tbe rTl Ir. r.pley. All ages will iJ '"I elaaaea ia the various de f;"1; The paator's morning sermon -TiW,W the f..ne" a Guy EoZton, photojrsphed with Mra. Bo: ton (Marguerite: Namara) Fetsr Bolton on board tne Adriatic just before they left for Europe atr. Bvlton yi go'jig t Loadoa t0 produce ."Polly with & Past" anJ write another ptay. Mro. Namara wt accempany him to London, where she win give tnrew tocg rentals: then go to Part, and thence to Monte Carlo U K a guea; o? Ms Man- Oarden and learn the title role of "Louise " rszy w.u accompany her mother. consideration of the challenge trie world ia making of the church and what the church expects of the world. The young people meet at 8:30 o'rlo-k. The Salem Heights Mundsy school meets at thr.-f o'clock nndcr the direction of the Broth erhood of the church. Conrt Street Christian Seventeenth and Court streets. Looks like it wan going to be a fine day today. The finent way in the world to make it- the finc-M day ia to go to the Bible school. He prompt and the first one there. Stay for that big I'rmon by the paxtor, " hru, tian I'nitv Coming." An - up-to date theme. The Spirit of Christ is risinij above the pride of denomination or sect Come hesr about it. Junior following IW aupper. We will have a bap tismal service at tbe First church, tur ner Center and High streets. T'xat after the morn in j service. The . pnso has an appointment at too , Chemawa Indian Hehool 2:80 p.m.- The intermwli:e C. E. at OiZO p.m.: young people'o coriity meets ? p.m. Intercut tag t4ie icr dis eassioa thia week. The' ooek-ty v plan ning a ' bard tine social nvt PriiUy night. Cone, bat- if yoel .na re auyth.u? on not in keeping with hard times too will bo fined. Kong service and sermon .8 p m. "1 it Nothing to You." lion't forget the Thursday training- class Come yoa will come again. -You bave.a rordial welcome to all tete servic. Come,, let bs go np to' the Hons? of Go-t today. - - - X.TJTHSSAX Kvangelical Lutheran East State a.ifl Eighteenth streets, Sunday schoo1 it 9:4" a.m. Preaching service (German) at 10:30 a.m. Evening aervice 'Kng:iih) at 7:3" p.m. Subject: '"The I'enteros tal Charch." Everybody is cordially Invited to these eerriees. Geo. Koebler. pastor. 11:4". to " p m. All are cordially in vit'il to our MTvifi's aud ta our reading room. TJNITAE1AN . Corner of Cottage and Chimekct.VSt rservicr art' held at lhl hurcli evert Sunday evi-nuig at 7:iu o'clock. The siTinr.ii of the acting paator. Kr. I'rank t'nr Eddy on Sunday evening, will lie nn "New Ma; tor the Soul." Soloikt. V.i Iran' rd. The I'ni tariati i-hurcli- s!aiidi for s reliegioUK in terpretation which i rationally philos ophic and oen-o:ioded to oil the truths demonstrated . l.y science A cordial in vitatioii i eittaded to alt who an- iu clined toward religious liberalism. Christian and Missionary Alliance Nci meetinr will he held on Wed neaday aftoruoon. ilsy 18. ini-tead of on Thursday at ti.1'2 So"th Commercial St. Mr. Kee will conduct HiMe atudy as usual beginning at a:l" o'clock. A very cor dial imitation ih extended to all. xmiom HALL Kvanvelist Bell will speak to"ieht in Union ' Ifall, Conrt street, near Iltgh, at 7:30. Mm sutijuct will ie : 'The 1 nira Angel's Message." It is the warning from tiwl. asiainst the worship of tbe beaM of Revelation, and his image and ronnected with it is the greatest judg ment ever pronounce.? against m?n. To be forewarned is to lie forearmed. Trof I. C. Coloonl of rnrtland will l,e with u again. Come and enjoy his service of sens. mrENDs Highland Friend Bible nhnl at 10 a.m.. Clifton Ross, superin'..-nde it. Our school ia growing :n interest and n-r.i!er. ClaaMs for all ages uuders-the care of competent teachers. .Vorniu worn hi ; and preaching ?t II. 41. t me'trnj n 7 and preaching it 3 p.m. Subject of evening message. 'The Paraol oi the Sower, ' the second in a series on the parables of the Kingdom. This is a very important subject aa these parablea are dispensation! and teach something of what i to take place in the world during the church period. Special songs by the male nartette. Mid-week prayer meeting oil Thursday at p.m. I. C. and Ida J. I.ce. paMora. UNITED BSETHEEN First I nited Brethren Yew Tark : Bible school at 1 am. Classes for all It'ii; competent teachers. The school will rloae at I'll"., al which time a program will be given in honor of the lathers and mothers, consisting of nni:. recitations and a speech by Mm. Ilora Corby. Said program has lieen prin-i paMy arranged by the jtmi'ir Christ'an endeavor society. Senior C. K. will meet at 7 p.m.. preachmic at n Subject. "Paul'a Nephew.'' Mid-week prayer meeting on Wednesday evening at 7::!u pis Choir prartice on Friday evening. C. W. Corby, pastor. CHURCH OF GOD - irtlfi North Church street. .1. J. Gil lesie. ;astor. ' Sunday school 1" a.m. Mr "or Van I .ydigraf. superintendent. Good fjiritual teachers for all the clas ses and the Sunday hehool is increasing in nnmlicr and 'interest. Treaching ser- v.cc a :n. Subject: ' The Arts of the Apostle. Youiii iirj'ilc' meeting at 6:30 p.m. Preaching service following at 7:Ai. Regular Wednesday evening t'ray r m'rtms at 7 : J." j.iii. Come to the mn-iTo and gt the blesinza of the Lord upon your soul. FIRST BAPTIST William T. Millikeu. pastor. Men and women hold separate prs er services at :'.U a in. I'.ihl" school a 9:4". II . Hewitt, superintendent. Morning war shin at 11." Sermon: "Iloes the Bible Teach that There Will i,c Crieml ltesurr" ?:oi. ' ' ' Evening worship at I p.m. Sermon, "Sanctificalion l.y the i.kwkI." All Hi jiarf mcr.t of the 15. V I'C. meet lit fi "o Senior leader Pansy Millikeu: topic, "Soul Winning, the end of eudcavur." S-. ond iivisio. Myrtle .lense. leader: topi'. "'jHlow f Enjoy O'le s k " Ili:eri-lediate division leader. Aim I'uriMi f topic. iHp I Church.'' in Moiiit.iv ien.n the nor uial class meets nt 7 I'. V I' I". train mg class a: e I .. l a ii h'M for just l. ininiitc-s V i-Mor n elciiiicd at all services. PRESBYTERIAN First Presbyterian On Church street between Chemekcta and Center: Sabbath acbool at 0:.' am. ,1ns. 1L Albert, sup erintendent. A rordial invitation ia ex tended to all members of the church an l congregation to join the ltjble school Preaching by the pastor. Ward Willis ltng it 11 a.m. aad 7:30 pJn. Topi' for the morning, "The II; namic ot Evangelism." Subject for the., evening, 'The liacipline of t'risea." CHRISTIAN SCIENCE First Chorch 410 Chemeketa street. At I la.m.. Bible lesson, subject. "Mor tala and Immortals." Sunday school at :t) am. Wednesday evening, testi tnonia! meeting at H o'clock. Reading room, 2B Maaonic Temple, open ev;r dsv trefit bolidivs sod Sundays from r Dr. M. P. Mendelsohn " ; Formerly of Salem. Has 1 Regained Health and Opened Offices In EUGENE I desire to inform my many good friends in Salem that I have again taken up my practice of correcting errors of refraction and that I have comfortable quarters in the Odd Fellows Temple in Eugene. Shall be glad to see you any time you are in Eugene regardless of whether your call is for pleasure or for business. DR. M. P. MENDELSOHN s 211-212 Odd Fellows Temple V V : " EUGENE, OREGONijS. Ktrcnirth comes from well di-se.-ted and thoroughly assimilated food. Hood's Sarsaparilfa tones the" digestive organs and thus builds up the strength. If you are pettine "run down." bcin taking Hood's at once. It Rives nerve, menial and digestive strength. Adv. Ipnare Jan Paderewski is busy compoine.x for the pianoforte at his Kan Luis 01i.cpo ranch. He finds it much easier than com- poslnp th factions in his dear old Poland. TO BE MARRIED. Jf " 1 Hi- . .-. tfiih'l 4 v - fcr-.t ' 1 I i 1 ,-:i .rl-v s IT. .- '. .:i . 4 : i f S.-rflt - " V 1 t. M. -V' : '""" - V .0 i. 1 t 'J sKvi " a s Miss Kdna Ma Alexander of Kingston, Jamaica, will be wedded on May 11 to Adalbert Gewje) Volck, a son of Mm a. Da Gama. wife of Domickj da Gama, one time Brazilian Ambassador to the Court of St. Jamea'a and 'also to the United States. The bride to be la 17 years old. . . - . . . .. . ... ... . ' . V re' "!! Qld Tags on Hundreds of Articles Prove That run LnJ f i a iissfiii ii ii ci mi i iv 11 i Zi UAJU U Ui U t i Is by Far the Biggest Thing that Ever Happened . in Salem ; We Knew that there Were Hundreds Only Waiting to Buy And Why Not? IXI(ui it miruuu Mi V a u u uu u Everything Is Just Right THE TIME, THE MERCHANDISE AND THE PRICES We Expected a Crowd, but Not So Many They (UJ IFIF dP i h':""' uLbj if 500 PHONOGRAPH RECORDS HALF PRICE 1 75c and $1.00 CURTAIN RODS 25C EACH $11.00 SOLID OAK ROCKER $7.50 $6.00 YUM YUM SPRINGS $2.95 $7.00 Drop Leaf BREAKFAST TABLES $3.50 $uo PRINTED LINOLEUM All Draperies Reduced An immense stock of Cre tonnes, Velours, Silk and Sunfast draperies for 25 Per cent Off See Them One Lot Fancy Voiles aud Scrims Regular Values Up to 65c Choice 19 k 42 Piece (Gold Band) DINNER SETS While They Last $11.75 $17.50 Solid Oak LIBRARY TABLE A Snap at $11.75 79c HQ. YAKD $15.00 KITCHEN TREASURE $9.85 $22.00 OVERSTUFFED ROCKER $14.25 $5.75 GAS PLATE $3,95 Standard PHOTO FRAMES HALF PRICE, Sale Will Continue for 2 Weeks We must ask our friends and patrons to be patient in regard to deliveries. We are simply swamped the very first day hut promise every effort will be put forth to insure promptness- $125 O'CEDARMOPS 95c $1.00 BROOMS, GOOD WEIGHT i" 65c ift PICTURE RIAMES ' f $1.00 . : Set oi Six . 'i WHITE CUPS tad . . SAUCERS. 79c il $15.00 GRASS RUGS ll'uj Assortment of Colors Size 9x12 $11.25 $140.00 PATHE PHONOGRAPH Plays AU Records Priced Special For $100 nnn nn InJfeiUVL 340 Court Street, Salem 71 UM l $2.00- WHITE ENAMEL 3 &IIRR0RS ;! $1.00 is . - f 25c battle 0'CEDAR P0USH 19c : $uo . DOUBLE BOILERS 1 95c- - -. , ........ P Pearl Top LAMP CHIMNEYS 10c i - $4!p0 Springer IRONING BOARD, P $2.50 J V $2 JO FIBRE SUIT CASES' $1.65 5u