E HELD CERTAIN Madame Marie Curie Brings Message of Hope To Afflicted Here HONORED BY AMERICA President to Present Radium Jo Be Used in Research Of Disease NEW YORK, May 11. A mes sage of hope, and fortitude for those afflicted with cancer was brought tb America today by Madame Marie Curie, diBceverer of radium and the world's fore most woman scientist. She arrived on the Olybpic wit a her two daughters to receive from President Harding In behalf of the women of the United States one gramme of radium to be used in cancer research. Radium Is Remedy. - Asked If radium was actually a cure, she replied: "Yes, it Is. That is. If it is ap plied properly." The scientist, who has received the Nobel .prise and Is the first woman toroccupy a chair as pro 1 MAGNIFICIENT Pony Prizes and Cash ' FOR BOYS and GIRLS . . . m . First: "BUCtCDIAMOND" U Harness! and Boggy . Second: t'OMERHlA" I Harness and Baggy fon a Pony Now for the (Good Old Snmmer Time ' v First.1 Prize.; Grandee, Harness and Buggy, to be awarded to the pony contestant who ; secures the most votes. Second Prize. Cinderella. Harness and Buggy, to be awarded to the Donv contestant who secures the second highest number of votes. Third prize. Madame Trixy, harness and cart, to be awarded to the pony contestant who secures the most votes. Fourth Prize. Sparkle, Saddle and Bridle, to be awarded to the pony contestant who secures the fourth highest number of votes. Estimating Prize. Fifty dollars $50) in gold to the person who estimates the cor rect number or the nearest to correct numbe r of kernels of wheat in the quart jar as de scribed. V i Cash jA wards. Ten per cent cash comm ission on all subscription money collected will be paid to all active contestants who do not w in a grand prize. The following a story written by a child who won a pony in a former pony contest. THE BTOBY OP 80XXY" I am a little boy ten years old. four feet and eleven Inches tall. I weigh 17 pounds and have light hair and blue eyes. But what I want to tell you about is my pony. Sonny," which the publishing company -gave me. "Sonny" is the finest pony In these parts and ha and bis outfit are better than five hundred dollars to me. I went to the depot to meet my pony the day ha came. 1 could bear him whinnying but I could not see him. Then I went to the other tide of tha car and 1 saw htm In a Uttle crate on the express wagon ready to go to the express office. I took him out of the crate and the people laughed at me and told me be was a little "sheep lamb, he was so woolly looking in his winter coat Papa told me to fire him some water but be couldn't reach the foun tain that big horses used- I told them that was all right and I told them If they were such a little pony as that they couldn't reach the fountain either. . And . then I brought him-bom and my uncle told me be iraa a' dear little play thing. The ..next time I went to 5 town be looked so well they all wanted to buy blm. , I told them no money would buy him. lie is Pony Contest Editor, Statesman Publishing Co., . Salem, Oregon. Please register my name as a contestant in The Pony Contest and credit with 5000 votes. I have read the rules of the contest and agree to same. Contestant's Name. Address. m . , -vina DianK properly return , man. J THE ORECOfT STATESMAN. SALEM, OREGON fessor at the Sorbonne. was greet ed by representatives of th Matie Curie radium fund end leading Fcientlfic organizations. Hearing 1 Modest. In contrast to the motlish at tire and debonair bearing of hpr tall daughters. Madame Curie seemed a neutral figure. The almost awtien whiteness of skin, ashen hair. touched with gray, and gray eyes that showed Occasional ' gleams of blue; her simple bUck tailored suit and lit tle taffeta hat. combined to make her apparently the "passionless spirit of pure science." Votwn Ait Thanked. . "I am happy to bring my daughters to nee your great coun try and they share my gratitude to American women for their In terest in science and my work." she said. "I desire to thank them through the press." t'ntil Madame Curie sails for Europe June 25. her visit will be raarkef (by daily activity. On May 20 President Harding will ptesent the gramme of radium. Oklahoma Judge Dies In Mysterious Manner TULSA. Okla.. May Jl. Judge i John Devourx, an aged attorney and former member of the Okla homa supreme court, died tonight from a wound on the head and illness which his physicians be lieve was caused by a drug. He never regained consciousness af ter being found with a gash over his right eye at a local hotel Mon day night in company with two women who are held. One had I been serving him as a nurse for I the last two weeks. . sw m m ; A pretty prancing pony. The greatest of chums for a boy. A real sweetheart for a girlie. To, win one, oh! think of the joy. PRIZES THAT WILL BE AWARDED the smallest and cutest pony around here. He gained 4 5 pounds the first four months after I got him. One day I drove "Sonny" to a picnic and my brother went with me and when we got there a lot of people came around and ad mired him. We unhitched him and tied him up and then some boys and girls crawled through In under him and the boys gave him some water and picked grass for the pony. Some of the boys and girls said to me that they had more picnic with the pony than with anything else. Then a big black cloud came up and the peo ple got excited and thought they had better start home. Papa told me I had better start soon too or I would get my buggy muddy, but "Sonny" kept up with the other teams all the way back to the farm. "Sonny" goes as fast as he can when we go after the cows nights We are such good little friends and he never runs away or kicks me. He is always around the house or barn. "Sonny" is always around when meal time comes. Sometimes when 1 am riding him be turns around short and I fall off and "Sonny" stands and looks at me and laughs because it is a NOMINATION BLANK .4- M filled out brings you further information and supplies by REICHSTAG IS EMPTY PUCE Wirth Spends Day Riveting New Cabinet Into Coor dinate Ministry SITUATION IS UNSTABLE Liberal Press Not Over-en-j thusiastic Over New German Cabinet j BERLIN. May 11. (By the Associated Press K The reichstaj; presented a deserted appearance today, most of the members ap parently not having recovered from - yesterday's session. The coalition parties met informally while Chancellor Wirth was rivet ing his new cabinet into a co-ordinate ministry. The po.t of foreign minister, which Dr. Wirth assumed tempor arily, still is seeking a likely can didate. The majority Socialists are reported to favor a man from one of the bourgeois parties, or a nonpartisan diplomatic official in the belief that a Socialist min ister would likely prove prejudic ial to the new cabinet. 'A Socialist foreign minister Third: 'EVANGELINE" , Harness and Baggy Cash Prizes to all Active Candidates who do not win a pony Contest Closes Saturday, .. June 25 . . good Joke. "Sonny" and I run races horseback with the other boys. Almost every time he and I beat. As I don't always like to use my nice buggy I made a little roll er cart and 1 can have lots of fun with it. First I took an old vin egar barrel and nailed some cleats on both ends, then to these I fast ened a block with a bolt which takes the place of an axle. The shafts and seat fit over this bolt and are held in place by a nut. I also had to fasten the seat to the shafts so that it would not fall over backwards. Then I made some places on the shafts to put my feet on Just like real Jockeys have on their racing gigs- When it was all finished I had a fine roller cart as you could wish for Quite often I Invite my little boy and girl friends from the farms near my home to come and play with "Sonny" and me. and we have the best times. We all take turns riding on the cart and my little friends enjoy it as much as 1 do. 1 am never going to sell "Son ny" and he is so good that he makes me feel happy all the time. Watch for the pony news tomor row. Nominations are free send in your nomination today. me would be looked upon as a bol shevist in the I'nlted States,- one partv leader declared. Gossip today was devoted to speculation as to whether the caliinf-l wnirn i-iiimhmuu -parliamentary minority could car ry out a constructive program in view of las jtrecarious backing. The siron:eit doubts are express d anions the democrats, who pre dict -that the Wirth ministry will soon undergo reconstruction now that its primary function as a signing cabinet" has been dis posed of. The new cabinet is only able to re v on 2K out of 469 votes, as suming that the Democrats vote solidly with the ministry, in which they are represented in a provis ional manner only. Chancellor Wirth therefore will be obliged to depend ujon the "benevolent neu tiality" or support of either the People's patty or the Independent Socialists in a critical stajie, or he may weather a parliamentary storm if given the 21 votes of the Bavarian People's party. Pre Luke-Warm. Although the liberal press gen erally is sympathetic in its re ception of the new cabinet, it is not over-enthusiastic. The Bourse Gazette says that "it is evident that the Wirth gov ernment cannot aspire to be more than a signing cabinet." The independent Socialist or gan. Freiheit. believes that the crisis has only been temporarily overcome. Newspapers of the nationalists and industrialists received the new cabinet and its action in ac cepting the allies' ultimatum with expressions of scorn and con tempt. 'The German people. Insofar as it has yet been able to think and feel, will not have anything in common with the government," says the Pan-German Deutsche Zeitung. "For us this document Is but a scrap of paper." Conservatives Landed Count Frederich von Westarp. conservative member of the reich stag. writing in the Kreus Zei tung. declares that the conserva tives did their duty in opposing acceptance. The Tages Zeitung charges that the "so-called German parlia ment" played France's game and that the makeup of the new cabi net accommodates the French wishes. The clerical organ. Germanla, believes the acceptance marks the beginning of an era of interna tional tranquility and that it will also promote internal consolida tion in Germany. The Vossische Zeitung demands that he new ministry shall not reveal itself as merely "a. signing cabinet." but shall proceed tQ carry out Its program. is BY Worst in History for Organ ized Labor, Declares A ' Warren S, Stone ' CLEVELAND. O,, May 11. Organized labor is facing the worst crisis in its history. Warren S. Stone, grand chief of the Brotherhood of Locomotive Engi neers, declared tday in his reiort submitted at the opening of the organization's triennial conven tion Twenty thousand members almost one-fourth of the total are without Jobs, he said. Mr. Stone reviewed the brother hood's wage movements for the past three years, and declare 1 that had not Woodrow Wilson been stricken on his western trip, "conditions would have been dif ferent." He said the former president had promised that upon his return he would place "the power of the government behind the movement to curb the Increas ing cost of living and profiteer ing." Mr. Stone urged that the un authorized strike of last summer, when between 2,000 and 2,400 members were suspended, be re ferred to a special committee for investigation. W. F. McCaleb, manager of the Brotherhood's Cooperative nation al bank, reported that deposits increased from $650,000 on Nov ember 1 last to $7,000,000 today. Establishment of similar banks in other cities was recommended. Extension of financial aid to the state of North Dakota was dU cussed. i San Francisco, Portland And Seattle Men Confer PORTLAND. Or" May 11 With the view of determining on a uniform charter party." repre sentative of steamship lines oper ating out of Seattle, San Francisco and Portland conferred here today with representatives of the ship Ping board offices on the Pacific coast The operators and charter ers of steamers worked on a def inite "charter party" that will be satisfactory to the shipping board. The conference will be continued tomorrow. Jake Schaefer Wins in Opening Billiard Play SAN FR.tNCISCO. May 11. Jake Schaefer of San Francisco won both blocks in opening play today of a 4.000 point match of 18 2 billiards from Edouard Hore mans. Belgian billiard champion. In 5'4 Innings tonight Schaefer won. 400 to 279. The score stands 800 to 328. Horemans made a high run of 180 tonight while his afternoon high run was 25 Schaefer's high run tonight was 124 and in the afternoon play 163. Use Statesman uasalftod Ads CRISIS SEEN n rr unirj HOIl HflRVEY 10 Credentials Are Presented; Ambassador to Make Appearance Today LONDON. May 11 (Py the As sociated Prfss. Colonel Harvey, he new American ambassador, presented his credentials today to Karl Curzon. foreign minister. He will be received by King George tomorrow and will make his first public appearance at a dinner by the Pilgrims society May 19. Meanwhile, he announced that Le will refrain from granting in terviews. The Pall Mall Gazette says that the new ambassador announced himself by his words of greeting "which could not be exceeded in cordiality or couched in terms more agreeable to the people." Colonel Harvey, it said. Is com mended personally to Englishmen by his lecord as a staunch uphold er of the allied cause in the hour of strain and anxiety. President Harding, it adds, ha? intimated a friendly disposition toward this country with a frank ness for which it would be diffi cult to find a precedent. In his words. President Harding's am bassador constitutes a further forecast that this good will is not empty nor academic, the newspa per declared. The United States, in the opin ion of the Gazette, has found a president who realizes that an at titude of aloofness does not con sort with the material and moral facts of the world. Owners of Vacant Lots Urged to Keep Them Clean Owners of vacant lots in Salem are urged to see to it that the lots and curbs are cleaned up and kept clean during the summer. It is requested by Street Commis sioner Low, that there be hearty co-operation in the -work of keep ing the city free from weeds and rubish. Dur'ng the recent cleanup campaign 75 loads of garbage were hanled away by the city, yet there still remains work to be done on the vacant property to complete the cleanup. Gofdendale Aviator is ' Injured at Sand Point . ; SAND POINT. Idaho, May 11 John Van Alste of Goldendale, Wash., J as seriously injured to diy w hen his biplane, equipped with" pontoons, plunged 50 feet Into Lake Pend Oreille aboct a mJle rora the city dock. His right 'arm was crushed and he re- GOES WORK "JcejjJ a, severe blow on the head. ;t ne.was piacea on me operating (able tonight but had not re gained consciousness. The phy sician in attendance declared that Vari Alste has only a slight ctfance ot recovery. The plane .was al- lWnfat' .iilkmArffail an1 fa haiUv 1am. ragea. Van Alste was a first lieuten ant in the aviation corps during the war. Pacific Coast Conference Meet is Sure to Be Held EUGENE, Ore.. May 11. The Pacific -coast conference track meet will be held in this city May 21, whether or not University of California and Stanford send teams to compete, according to announcement today by athletic authorities at the University of Oregon. The winner of the meet will be given the coast title, it is announced, and any team not pres ent will have no claim to it. This decision is based upon a previous referendum of all the northwest colleges In the conference. The institutions that are sure to enter teams are University of Oregon. Oregon Agricultural .college. Uni versity of Washington and Wash ington State college. The new track on Hayward field is now in fine condition. Plan of President is Fought By Education Depart ment Adherents WASHINGTON. May 11. In dications that the proposal to create a department of public welfare will not have smooth sail ing through congress were fur nished today at initial hearings by senate and house education committees on the Kenyon bill, which embodies the principles of such a department as endorsed by President Harding and as worked out at his direction by Brigadier General Sawyer, his physician. General Sawyer was subjected to extensive questioning by com mittee members, who wanted to know if the consolidation of the education, social and humanitar ian bureaus would not add to the number of employes and to gov ernmental expenditures. The wit ness contended that the number of employes and the expense would be reduced and promised figures to substantiate his asser tion. The most pronounced opposi tion came from supporters of the proposal to establish a depart ment of education. Representative Towner. Repub lican, Iowa, author of the depart ment of education bill, argued that the educational forces would not be satisfied with a division of education in a department of WELFARE BUREAU HAS OPPOSITION e " THURSDAY MORNING. MAY 12. 1921 ... fiawvor cators had endorsed the proposed bureau and those that wouia noi fall in line evldentlx did not have the best interests of education at heart. Millionaire Mining Man Passes at Monteroy, CaL MONTEREY. Cal.. May 11. James A. "Murray, wealthy mining man, died here today after a long illness. He was born In Canada and was over KO years old. He is survived by a widow and Btepson. He had extensive mine holdings in butte. Mont., and owned much real estate in Portland and Se attle. Friends of Mr. Murray estimat ed his fortune at many millions of dollars. For the past 15 years he has been a resident of Monterey, com ing here from Butte. For many years he was identified with banking in the Pacific northwest and was at one time president of the American Savings, & Trust company of Seattle. He also head ed banking institutions in Butte and Salt Lake City. League of Nations Stock Sold at $1 0 Per Share CHICAGO. May 11. Stock in the league of nations at $10 a share is the latest bargain to te offered the Chicago investing pub lic. Federal Investigators today began searching for the men who have victimized numerous persons by selling the stock and collect ing 25 per cent of the 3alc price in advance. The league was represented as the world's greatest organization and prospective purchasers were told dividends would be large De cause of the great value of the league to humanity.. Seattle Woman Acquitted In Less Than One Minute SEATTLE. Wash., May 11. Madge Anna eBawyer, whose sec ond trial on a charge of killing her husband. Howard I. Sawyer last year, was concluded in super ior court here late today, was ac quitted by the Jury of seven wo men and five men, in a verdict ie turned after less than one min ute. The case was given to Che jury at 4:50 p. m. and the verdict was read at 5 p. m. The jury was out long enough to take one vote, it was said. Mrs. Sawyer was found guilty of second degree murder after her first trial last June but was granted a new trial. ip Washington State Wins From Oregon University EUGENE, Or.. May 11. Wash ington State college took a 4 to 3 victory from the University ot Oregon nine in a game here this afternoon. Knutdsen poled home for Oregon In the first and Sand berg for the Cougars in the fifth. Score: R H. L. Washington State 3 Oregon 3 5 5 Friel and Sandberg; Berg and Leslie. Railway Unionist Met By Hostile Demonstration NEW YORK, May 11. J. H. Thomas, general secretary of the National Union of Railwaymen of Great Britain, encountered a hos tile demonstration on his arrival today on the Olympic. Men and women, who styled themselves as representatives of the Irish-American Labor league, assembled at the pier bearing ban ners criticising Thomas for his action in the settlement of the threatened strike of the triple al liance in England last month when he urged the miners to ac cept a resumption of negotiations with Premier Lloyd George. Police reserves were called as a precaution but they were not needed. Mr. Thomas and his daughter left the pier unobserved In a taxicab. "They are entitled to their opin ion." Thomas said. He said he came to the United States to rest and intimated he might attend the annual convention of the Ameri can Federation of Labor. Commander of Allies Has Reduced Staff DUESSGLDORF, May 11. General Degoutte, commander of the allied armies on the Rhine, with a greatly reduced staff, will arrive from .Mayence tomorrow. The arrangement, made days ago, will be adhered to Irrespective of the latest developments, which, according to members of the gen eral's staff, make the occupation of the Ruhr district extremely un likely. Japanese Baseball Team Overwhelms Northwestern CHICAGO. May 11. The Wa seda university. Japan, baseba'1 team won the second game of its American tour, defeating North western 17 to 1, today. While the invaders were making 14 hits, the Americans were held to two safeties. Kubota. Waseda's short stop, had two triples three sin les and a base on balls in six times up. Score R. H. E. Waseda 17 14 3 Northwestern l 2 6 Taniguchl, Arlta and Kugi; Palmer, Lawson, L. Nelson and Curtis. Forest Land Exchange Policy is Announced R03EBURG, Or., May 11 For-, est Supervisor W. F. Ratnsdel of the Umpqua reserve has been no-1 tlfied of an agreement between the state of Oregon, through the state land board and the federal rnvemmeni luroiiKu iwc turn over to the forest service all of its remaining bcuooI lands, lu tuted within the forest poundaf ies and receive In return jan equal acreage and value in consolidated tracts. The tracts probably will lie used as state demonstration for est areas under direction of t In school of forestry of Oregon Agf; licultural college, it was said, -j MONTANA BEATS IpAHO MOSCOW. Idaho. May 11. - The University of Montana won an; easy victory, from the University of Idaho nine here today 13 to t. DOUBT KXI'HKSSKI) PARIS, May 11. Newspapers professed today to see in GeN many's acceptance of the allied reparation demands proof that Germany complies only to the ar gument of force. They expressed doubts as to her fulfillment of her undertaking. Harding Initiated Into 1 Another Masonic Order WASHINGTON. May 11. Pres ident Harding was initiated into another Masonic order today. 4j special committee from GalliopolJs Grotto No. 15 of Washington adv ministering the initiation ritual of the Mystic Order of Veiled Pro phets i nthe executive office. ZflYSZKO TOO CLEf KR. COLUMBUS, Ohio. May 11. Stanislaus Zbyszko, world's cham pion heavyweight wrestler, defeat ed George Kotsonaros. local heavy? weight, in straight falls tonight. The champion secured both falls STRIKERS FLNED MOBILE, Ala., May 11, The Alabama enti-boycotting and blacklisting law was invoked to day In the marine worker' strike. Three strikers were fined, J 50 and costs. ,! KAUFF DENIES CHARGE. NEW YORK, May U. Benny Kauff, suspended outfielder of the' New York Giants, testifying to day in his own defense, denied the charges of automobile theft on which he Is being tried here. fe WILLIAMS BEATS O'GATTY NEW YORK, May 11. Kid Williams of Baltimore! forme bantamweight champion, 3 defeat ed Packey O'Gatty of .New- York in the ninth round of a 12-round match tonight when the referee stopped the. contest to lave the local boy from, further punish, ment. O'Gatty was knocked down ten times. Each weighed 120 3-4 pounds. " Coutjr Xors Opposed Ankeny grange at Its regular meeting, last Saturday passed a resolution opposing the mploy- ment of a county nurse. ; Admiral Field and Fleet To Attend Rose Festival PORTLAND, Or , May it. The armored cruiser Frederick; under command of Rear Admiral H. A. Field, and a divia.on of destroy ers w'1 be in Portland for the rose festival celebration, Record ing to a navy radio. . Plang for the enlertalnrient of the of i leers and crewi of the ves sels that will attend the festival will be arranged as soon as der inite word is received as to the number of destroyers thai Will be sent here. COLIRTES'T' And Heir to the Ottoman Throne Laments That Is About all He Has CONSTANTINOPLE, May 11. The contrast between the nanners of the Turk and the people of the western nations who mingle on the streets of this ancient capital is striking. Courtesy to a stran ger is a quality still preserved trom the ruins of the Ottoman em pire. "Courtesy is about all we have left and we still try to hold ' on to that," said Abdul Medjld Effendi, heir presumptive to thy throne, who is himself a model of j quiet kindness and distinguished man ners. The official and wealthy Turk retains still a certain grand man ner which would have belpnged to another age in western Europe or the United States, lie carries himself with dignity, though not with modesty. Deep is the contrast between him and the soldiers and civilians of some of the allied nations brought here by the allied occu pation of Constantinople or beetl ing trade or adventure. These tramp up an! down the streets, sometimes fohcr, some times drunk,' depending on the time of night, elbowing, fighting, swearing, brawling, as it suits their humor. Stamboul. the Turki'Jh quarter, becomes a sedate plaro a; ngnt faU; while Pera, the European quarter drops in daylight garb of trooping thrones and reckless drivers and becomes a city of im mense capacity lor evil. Gam bling dens, cafes and danc halls open and sailors and flcet3 come ashore and declj.ee they won-t go home until morning. Wales Is a little but a great country. It was the birthplace ot David Lloyd -George, of the father of Secretary Hughes and of Sec retary James Davis of the depart ment of commerce. TURK HIS 4. EDISON OFFERS MORE HIES Applicants for Places In. Plant Are Puzzled When .-. They Face Test EAST ORANGE. N. J . May 11. Applicants for positions la the plant of Thomas A- Edison here, some of whom had "crammed" on a list of several store ques tions given wide publicity as part or a test conaucteu by the in ventor, met with a new. set of IOC questions today. When they came fortified to give the definition of copra, bound West Virginia and tell who Cleo patra was and bow she died, they were disappointed to see new goes tions substituted. , Some of the new question! were: "What number of vibrations per second do red rays of Light give? Violet? What country owns Mad agascar? Bound Idaho? Nama two locks in the Panama Canal? In what country do orang outangt live? Name the highest quality of bunkering coal used for steam- : ships and what district it comes from? What country has the greatest percentages of gypsies? What is sago? What is ramie? Who was Saladin? What is T. N. T.? Who was Fabre? There are five transcontinental lines; name them in order by starting' at the southermost one. Whera is the pituitary gland? Where is the thyroid gland? What is tha difference teiween linen and cot ' ton? Name the ingredienta of smokeless powder."' Swimming Champion and- Bnqe vismng roraana PORTLAND, Or.. May llj-i, ; Norman Ross, holder of world's swimming records and champion- ships, accompanied by ! his bride of a week, arrived in Portland to-': . day for a week's visit; with his, parents, Mr. and Mrs. C, E. Ross. The young couple wer? married at Palo Alto last week and have been spending their honeymoon at Del Monte, Calif. V I ft M - Ross, who, holds a responsible position with a Chicago wholesalo j plumbing supply house,! ha no ' swimming -plans for the futhr. ' he said. He will wait Until he teV tarns to Chicago and See whxit kind of a team the Illinois AtlfV letil club has. Hit principal )n terest now is business,' although' v he intends to compete when pos sible. Ross and tbi bride expect tl start on their return to Chleagl the latter part of next week. tn? eons 111 '' ' visit unpin nun iinnuiuu - : ' r Western Executives Plead For More Help in Re- rlamatinrr Work DENVER, Colo., May 11. Five ': governors of western states left , ' Denver tonight for Washington to enlist the support, Qf President . ment reclamation nrotects and in . rormuiaung agreements tor ue.; Luiuizauon oi me waters si its. ..itll...i a . . . . - . ern streams. j ( - The delegation consisted ot Governors Davis of Idaho; Camp bell, Arizona: Boyle, Nevada: Ma--try, Utah, and Hart, Waabiogtoa. Governor Hart, president of th Western States Reclamation ass- . elation, and Governor Campbell, ' president of the league of the ' fcouthwest. head the committee, which represents both organiza tions. According to information received here today the governor, will be Joined in Chicago by Gov-' ; emor Josenh M. Dlxon of 'Mon tana. ", : The committee was lnitrnded n t n. . ... . : L.IJ l. aa ; war." - i day and today to ask federal oP port. i 4 '.. The governors today endorsed - the Smith-McNary bill, which car- nes an appropriation oi: . ' 000.000 for the construction of reclamation projects. ' y ' f President and Wife C y Guests at Reception . WASHINGTON, May 11. Pres ident and Mrs. Harding wera guests of the Lat n-Amerlcan dlPv lomatlc corps at a reception to; hlght at the Pan-American union. Y ice-president and Mrs. CoolldfoVV fnembers of the cabinet and tha -diplomatic corps were present, as -were General Pershing, Major General March and naval officers., A Preparation, of COMPOUND COPAIBA and CUBEB AT YOUR DRUCCtST rrrWAMCOKLY Shave Himself? See "The Utile Clown" "Holy Smoke"