a, r e 1 it u -i- L 4 7 i. in Id : as f- ed on M THE 0rjj Qrtflon gtettsruro Bat W o- taetrtlo" u , Ho nm ix insertion )- contract, per i .. f rani Iftft-C I 1 &-! M ruirwL er m..-ltfl (or any advrtia.l 5 KORWICH UNION .-- ivsnUNCK SOCIETY iito-i Roland A Burjchrdt !SSget - 37t State St. Tmoney to loan - Oa Real Estate T. K. FORD (Over Ladd A Bash Bant) FARM LOANS u&WKINS & ROBERTS 1 204-207 Oregon Building OUR OFFERINGS ,om including soma of the W " ... On r Hat of !?rS W la complete. ..a Slree-An BldC. Pbno 1C44 WE fgB- V NEW TODAY - - nnrtn RtTYS JVJ, trsrt, acre, bearing pninea 2 1l ao traci, . family orchard; ma H. "JSZm . barn. Will tuke f T.ad Wt as P" payment. Priee it iiin - f 1 0OO down. Paianea terms. S,W. HOrSES ' u.. mm located an south r 2 W I Fairirount kill. Prira a-tml dowB. If yon are look..n(t . trade or aell, see WW. BRABESHORST A CO. w' J75 State street rmi SALE OR TRADE GOOD ALTO; I ke(, ! oreaa . -"- Ht TTv k GREEN LEATHER PURSE i. Milter's store between 4 and WmmmAll altemOOB. BUI.auiw . , , . mm U, . , u ftr, n k alltrea, r.eura ' - effira BIX OOX HOUSE CITY WATER, . . - - - Ut fin,, Ineetiou ! IStk .: I20 Berk A i SOS'"". .'...' ,, A B. Ul I. " n n ana ROW I2.5M ON g BendrtCftts, w v. " "r0ST-8- 2 rOR 2S CIOAR IS A .; tnam win mv a-e r Fauna 2081 W, BOX OF "OREOONUS" 10 CIGARS Will eellgut your w a-- . : a. iniviii r! riTY PROP EST Y. 'Let m hslp too build. Low rat of i&rolt. Lallar A LaHnr. 406-407 I Oregan Bldg. Dra.r.dE i I. d. . hftO.ka M Hendricks. 202 L.I i - , ! I. Bask Bldg. rnUWBERRY PLANTS ALSO AS- i saracas, llittatinny oiacnuerrj, . J CmiftUl hlackean. locan- ' ! L overbearing raapborrios. Af tit. Vfard K. Riehardaon, 3393 ! rieal street. Phono 494. - ' , r.. u v TlllDnPllR OF OLAH- fii'J k-.fourr's store. Phon 1664W (ar reward. - ft)S l!lW0OD.JiriMH,HOUK et list itroet. rrice v.--' kmrn, 309 Ofgon Bldg. ... TRAD -RnACTIFCL 5 ACRE TRACT with tine buHdinga, aat: will Irad , i for hoar slew. Beck A HendrKka, I 3Q V. S. Bisk Bklg. vkun ma air F! AT BARGAIN PRICE. Address or call 1855 Creaa t. Er-! aest BrsitMa. i - OAK BUFFET FOR SALE, CHEAP. 1&S BcJIjvm. THE ORE. FIRE RELIEF AS8 N GIVES yen Urea year tnanrane tor ine arie af two annual premiums. N ssassBMtiu. Safety, service and tat kfsrtiaa and low coat. Get a policy. Btsadlry A Foley. Agts, Bnah Bank blag. , Pheaa 347. FOB IALE OR TRADE 200 ACRE IM praved rsack; terma; v ill take modern . Vona m Salem to 92.0OO; must ksve setae cash. Prie $ 6.0O0. Chaa. W. Riea, Myrtle Creek. Oregon. rot ut f-asri oiuir . IMIOR.4 flat Hack, Ked, dressrr. snrings and awtrsaa. . bjj 3. Cottage rt. tilivai imvii no -tiv sanerBTT lAvntiB I ft .ft ft. ft ft ft .' ft. - I sei Be Beip you bbiio. iftOW rate ei "wrssa, luaiiar iaiiar. wwwi Orege Bldg. LOOK 'EM OVER I" n IS mile front Salens. with i adders Is no buildings: 3 acree ber- ras, tsaiily orrhard. good oak grove, ars la hay, running water to . ftxaunn, team, cow ana aome cnica- at. 4,000; half raah. - tes with 4 room cottage, running ter, good family orrhard, ground all 4ef ralt.vatiea. If sold aooa $1.50. faraltnr goes in deal; good .tsnas. S teres of araah and timber land, near ac(y; for sale, ar Will trade for . tssd seas b Halem. hat of farms all equipped and ttecsse. rsadf to move on at reason- trices. ARTHUR E. PETERSEN ! ' 329 Oregon Bldg. I WORTH WHILE ' Bisaera house near car and U00 , i-$ t y. dowa. "u',i a naring: aix room :. -". aerea enerriee, i acre SftTn!'wri: windmill and tank. cf ao:.K aah. iu bungalow, ha fire - 'r ) half baaement, near Capitol - . .. "wn escept I n r ii " . - 1rm with stock and machlnenr. :- yrirr ;t MILLS & COPLEY r 1H State street EMPLOYMENT FEMALE Wh2ILD rr T0CN0 "SOMAN BOOK , a7.h" Uit knowledge stenography ee. '""mf. Mas hav uperl . YvV"- deatrable poattioa. 1TT t,t?mfwo-ma " ' ' lflt.1 YOUN0 MAN riZ " rxperience selling lift h sLu . or advertising. Must he aakft.i his entire time and have tift." 'ar advancemeat. Mual preo,,vrgs to present business " SKmsJ 10 merchanta aad profea-WTjii-TTJ- wer in vonr own band S irtLMft. .'" educational anal- - rZrt ?r'.n,, soiiitr. i J-J l "----- office. ,,1 . , WftWftWftWftWJWtWBWWWWWftWftWftW L'i aQSftTKT.T.AWfnTTB Aal'fiL-L TO preoo..,,; '"r. asscripiiont. a i iw11"'4- State. mas B PERSONAL lIw M?1" MATRIMONIAL OREGON STATESMAN. SALEM, OREGON FOR SALE CAMAKT BIB.D. rUK HALE CAXAJI BIRDS. Night in for. Mrs. E. A. Bennett. Phono 121. J. IrtV) Cheinehcta IF TOU WANT TO GET THE BEST far, paper, eeud 15e to The Pacific Hom-atead, Salenv Oregon, for a three montha trial ubarrtptioa. Mention tlila ad. POUtTRl FAVEKOIXE8 AKE BUSIItftSS BIRDS. Price, on application, gages T. Preocott, Salem. Ore. THE NORTHWEST POULTRY JOUR I. 1 a vlgge. IN Del IB n at. Tba lia maralina for live poultry men. 75 year; $1.00 in Tba Northwest Poultry Journal, Balam, vreiun. mention mia no. BABY CHIX ON SALE EVERY DAY tois wees, rtrverai vanetiea. rieaurea nrifmrn C V VaAnh.i- CIS Ml. I. Ht Oppoaito Coon ty court houae. nSANCIAI. , LOANS, LOANS. LOAKS WE CAN furaiah money to build you a na aooae ar to nx ap taa oia ana n necessary Laflar A Laflar. 4o0 7 vregon mag. MARION POLK COUNTY FARM LOAN association - nas money to loan at six percent. W. I. Hmith, aeeretary-treaa-nrr. 303 Salem Bank of Commerce. HAVE SOME GOOD FARM MOST- (Sge to sen. HAWKINS B ROBERTS aot itrftom gwt, Hal, BOUSES ALADDIN READY CUT HOUSES, barns at Factory prirea. 40 to 70 nee eent redaction. ManaT toaaad for buildlnf purposes. Chaa. Sttltlu 409 L1VB STOCK PIGS AND 8HOATS FOR SALE. PHONE 622. FOR SALE FINE REGISTERED O.I C. sow and shoats; rneap li tasen in " days. Itenry tunc. inoepenueui-. on MISCXUJUTEOPS PRIMEDA BALM. FORMERLY BALM ol tig. rnona ms n. FI LLER BRl'SHES. FOR DEMONSTRA tion. pboaa urine yuojj. TRY THE NICKEL LUNCH AT 261 Court. Anytntng ae. 8END BILL OF LUMBER FOR H0U8E. barn, anaa or tence yon '" high grade, sound lumber. James M. Moore, Koata 1. Box 61. Staytoa. Ore. (rriVtiiVIt rYrilAVGE. XKI NORTH Commercial street, viamonaa, watcoen. mnaienl Instruments, guns, ruimiui, hoes. ate. Both new aad used goods bought, told or axehaBgad. WIRE HOP. LOGANBERRY, CHICKEN rire. ble la DOCK, in vonrt avroe. OFFICES AND STORES A BIO LOT of new books lor aaia at aau price. HtalBboRka. wiVTm irvrnY OKI TO TRY Nasons painta aad sums soio at taa 285 K. Commercial St. Phon 941 aTVaaoaatana HIMWhral aK ar HrBllHrW wo. SONGSTER r . asninnr ivn rvnif If trv ITY HINGING An especially good selection of the song music complete. No matter how many aoagbooka yon have yon shoe Id have tnia one, containing in " Prirea: Single ropiea. 35; l rente ft. i... r m mamr! Ill 50 tha hundred, postpaid. Second edition. printea einre Bepicmiwr. '(inviuiv, Tril'HEUK MONTHLY 215 8. Commercial St. Salem, Oregon woos FOB WOOD PHONE 1565M. DRY FIB AND OAK WOOD FOB SALE. Phone 77F3. WOOD FOB SALE NICE DRY SEC end fir. FTtoa 62Z. . FIRST CLASS 1S-1NCTT OLD GROWTH fir. $lQ.OO per corn, rnon isoi WOOD SAWrNG AXD -vTUOD FOR SALE at reasonable price, planer orwwora 31F11. CALL THE SALEM FOEL YARDS TOB year wood aad coal ; euiee iaa irsss Street. Phono 639. I FOR SALE WOOD, DRY 2ND GROWTH and 16 inch old nr. iteooeeo pricea on 2nd growth fir when it can be delivered front car. Phon 1756 or 1501R. FOB SALE FIRST CLASS If-la. In- aid mill wood, reaaoaaoia. opeciai Prie on car lot aeaaoned mill wood. See before buying your winter sup ply. Fred E. Welle. 305 So. Church Phone 1542. FOR RENT ROOMS FOR HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS PHONE 62F2. r TO RENT FURNISHED ROOM ; PHONE &S5W. Gentlemen preierreo, FOR RENT FURNISHED SLEEPING rooms, close In: gentlemen preferred 447 X. Liberty Street. FOR RENT A LARGE FRONT ROOM with hot water neat, iBmumeo, Alexandria. 1030 Cbemekt atreet Phon 13 WO FOR BENT ROOM FOR GENTLEMAN ' , i k.. ..J .aatrallv locat- in gstruriai siwssi- r bj ed. Pleas giv am and address E. care statesman BOOSE F. L. WOOD, 331 STATE 8T, BEAL tot, rental a. GOOD FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING room; old couple preferred. Good 6 room boos, to rent. , , Tb ,0"',fh McLarea Co.. Room 31. 180 North Commercial I jlrrtMem3tM,IB, LOST AND FOUND LOST IftOST AIRDALE DOO WILL PAY reward for inforaaation. Phone 17HHW4. WANTED .hnSCTXLAJrEOTJ a WANTF.D$lSOO AT I two yeara. umwe-". rVecBrity., rr Stateaman, rrn linUSElIOLD GOODS. ::?.r.Jda.b:" Liwtr 341 V. CommercUl. Pboa Bi. IrOF, WELL BOOTED LOGANBERRY gZuila for fall delivery. Ward h.. Rirh aostann, raone w. BUSINESS CARDS Auto Directory . BATTERY AND EXJCTRICAI. I U8L BATTERTSEBVIC BTATION-- TTRES eOTD ACCXSSOaUEB 1 in teoRTH HIGH SMITH w i".' -tr Flak. Bliverton v -,, - tirW. F.rarythlag tot ; HnopiTAL FOR IN.rmtED ACTO tirlt Birtt hir.- C wiercial Tiro bV Read The Classified Ads. BUSINESS CARDS Auto Directory TISS AJfD ACCESSORIES HOFFMAN OKF.KBFRQ TIRE REPAIR bop: vulcanising. retreading. 811 N. Couitvemal. Phoae 804. UNIVERSAL TIRK FILLER SERVICE station. Saves yon lira trouble. s'.'O Houtb Ceuiiuercial. TRUCKS FOR SALE OR TRADE FOR TOPRINU car. 1 ton (illi: truck. 1824 Broad hii USED CARS FORI) SKDA.V FOR SALE OR TKADF. Muffuian Motor Sales Co., State autl Front. A FEW GOOD BARtJAIXS F.lxin ...fioon Overlaiul ".I" 5) ('hevrolet l.V Maxwell 17.-i Chalmers "Si" 2.1 Ford 300 Chandler 12i And then aome. OLF.SOX AUTO EXCHANGE !U North Coiuerrial. l'hon 660- OARAGES AWD REPAIR TRACY'S bTORAGK GARAGE 644 w arry itreev. LIBBV3 AUTO REPAIR SHOP 230 Muta uuen;, rHBI WA. AUTO REPAIR 8H0P L. MILLER. 345 f . , 1 1 m rr venter. rnone ovv. FERRY STREET GARAGE MILLER Urea, acreeaorwa, general repairing. 530 Ferry. cutiTit muurnrm. niUAor r.rv eral repairing and overhauling. 420 n. i ommerriai rtt., naiem. itxr vt.riTBiriiv- v v tv wt Tnnr ble ahooting. 238 North High. Phone 2U.I. piDiTii flimni ni'ir-tf htptib. . i T i .. . n ., fi .ft. oaaer, iiuaaon repairing. iia aouia STANDARD AUTO REPAIR SHOP across rrom Argo, ni-tsKaia a treat mono j ou. SALEM AUTO RADIATOR 8U0P 198 soBtB. iztn. rnone is. qdvpiii t i t r'lr u niun DTPHUIV Servico garage, bus a. UiDervy. rnone J C. BAIR, RADIATORS. FENDERS. nooiea repairoo, rim. TAIR GROUNDS GARAGE TIKES. AC ceaaortea, used cars, ttur won guar anieed. 2641 Portlaad Rwad. Phon SOS AUTO TOPS ACTO TOPS W. C. WKI0HT. 171 sou in nign. AUTO TOPS. UPHOL8TERINO, AUTO painting. Hull s Too snoo. ' i mug BEAUTY PARLORS 0RE0ONI0N BEAUTY SHOP MARCEL wsviBg. BairdreaaiBg, 13 oontn worn mercisi raoaa i ' - BARBERS COZY NOOK BABBEB SHOP 1366 Stat. CORTECTIONXRT REMINGTON CONFECTIONERY. HOME made eanOMa. eoaiecnona, uira, asinea. ait CHJJIXSB PHTSIOIAJI DR. U M. HUM CUBES ANY KNOWN disease 151 8. High St.. rnone zna DBXaaMaKTWO DRESSMAKING 1299 South High. t DRESSMAKING LADIES' TAILORING 13.15 Madison Avenue. I DRESSMAKING. TATLORJXO 2720 Cherry. Phon . 1678-M. DRESSMAKING AND PLAIN 8EWIN0. 745 Bellevu. moo lozu-w. JOSEPHINE FAXON DRESSMAKING 1414 suasion atrees. LOTTIE T0WN8END DRESSMAK1X0. 340 P sir t. TAYLOR AND FLYNS DRESSMAK ing. 237 OragB Bldg. RUTH Me ADAMS DRESSMAKER, 756 South ltu. rnone HATTIE WILLIAMS DRESSMAKING. 348 North Cottage. Phn 1553W. ELETHA PRCETT DRESSMAKING 683 North Commercial. Phono 1931W HAVE YOUR SPRING DRESSMAKING don at 758 aorta commercial. ELITE GOWN SHOP M0DIST. DE signing. Phono 112S. 41 Oregon Building. LADIES' TAILORING, DRESSMAKING. Room 18. 365 Vs North Comnrarcial Phon 1091. ' CARRIE FISHER DBES8 MAKING designing. Spencer ooraata to order. 3 MeCormnea Bldg. MRS. VARTY. DESlONEk AND MAKER LftBdiea nulla ana wowns. mack Bldg. DRESS GOODS FULL LINE SPRING, gUMMEB DRESI goods. Mrs. Kaca. mono . BAT SHOPS ... Dunn u r w awn WOMEN'F bat r aerated and oioeaeo se vw atreet. HEMSTITCHdO -.. wt orr Itrsf STITCHING. sAiftbftW " 7 . : : .o .k.lB.ilLchine. nlestlBKL ouuoue. ' Court. Phon s- ftaiaaw-awawawMe-gaBBB DRUG STORES BREWER DRUO CO. 405 COURT Phono 184. GREENHOUSES PORCH BOXES BEDflINO PIANTP for aale. emitn a rial. ALL KINDS OF FLOWERS FOR PLANT ing out. hanging unsaeta ana satiable prirea, at Arthur Plants Green house. 129S S. 13th A Wilbur SK LAUITDRIES SALEM LAUNDRY WM-AHT. 1 B Liberty Street. rnone . Y.T largest beat. latapiunoa ... CAPITAL CITY STEAM LAUNDRY Quaittr wers, prw.K - Renedwav Pe.ie 165 rLOoinro PLUMBINO. BEPA1RINCT AND TOIL work, racae ian-i. owri - street. A. L. Oodfrey. PAIWT CONTRACTORS . cftft, a -mmm a T-ftClTT. OT.XERA 1 OA in . : i .ft.. 4A contractors ; pamw. --;.'- " Sooth Linertv. rnone -" AC BRET H CLARK. StCCEStSOB 1'mO (Ilenn L. Aa.m. "lll- ZTt ing. kaiBi-minina. -- -; T-en reeacnsble. Phone 136J, re. 435 South Winter. SEE PORTER FOR PAIXTS, WALL Bpwr and Picture Framing. Good Work 455 Court St. Phooe 4M FlftXTATB HOgKTAXJ jJeBaaftVaWftWftWftWftWftWaBWfti PAIXT. WAIXPAPER WAXTEOCOXriXEVEXT CASES AT peatebeXnital. I hav host af Jlt inent. Pboa 1SJ- WERIODIOAXftS MIS OOODHUE TAKES fUBSCBrP tiona for all xnarailn, t51 Be. 17ta 1 itreeL Pboa T41M. BUSINESS CARDS KUSIOAX. ALLIE CHANDLER North CottafS. PIANO. 25 BEATRICE 8H ELTON PIANO 8T0DI0 S45 Jaariua. Pboa 12St. Ml. 1. 1 AN HARTSHORN PIANO, 4 North Church. Phun 178. JESSICA WILLE PIANO, 170 SOUTH 15th. Phone 1561W. T. 8. ROBERTS PIANO, ORGAN. J7U bouid I4tn. rnone vu. DAN F. 1-ANGENBERG. VOCAL Darby Bldf. Pboue LENA WATERS PIANO. 1473 MILL Pboo 11M4M. MOLLIE STYLES VOICE, PIANO. . Center. rnon zuioit. DOROTHY PEARCE PIANO. 267 North Winter, fnona Hai. FRANKLIN LAL'NER PIANO. 68 North 17th. 1'hpna isia. JULIA MILLS WEIGEU PIANO, 1560 tSouta VburcB. ruoua imi. LUC1LE BARTON VOICE. PIANO, 147 North Commercial, rnone " LUCILE ROSS PI A SO. ORG-AN. 48 North Liberty. Phone iibiw. MATT1E GILBERT STRING IN8TBU- menu, 1572 State. Phone 11x6 - WESTERN CONSERVATORY OF MCS- ic of Chicago, Frank B.. tnurenin, rw reseautive. Diplouiaa granted. Odd fellow a bldg. M SALEM CONSERVATORY OF MUSIC Ail branchee taugat, aip" ""' John R. Sitea, director, 1237 Court. Phon 626. TUNERS WENDELL HELM TUNTNG, REPAIR ing. Phone 4a. - - EDWARD WELP EXPERIENCED &iano tuner. Leav racra r in a laaw ator. R. W. BALLANTYNE. TUNER, PJ-AY er b specialty. fboB as. vu rington Piano House. PIAJJ08 PIANOS, PLAYER PIANOS; NEW. Bstwl. j. w. laiiman. ft-" miEDDTvnmv Plivn HOUSE. HAN tvli r.nni .ftftj, v.. - ..... . die Buah-Lane ceieuratea pianos. 415 Court, rnone ao. I.OOF REPAIRING Diuimi ns-ftinlvnt.vri CLEANED. RE1 paired, painted or tarreo. mono 4F3. RXPAXRTNG AYS SHARPENING CUTLERY 0RINDIN0, LAWN MOWtHS .safety raiors, etc. diwbii neiau 8hop. $47 Court etreel. BEN WHEELER EVERYTHING BE paired. General snsrpeniug, umsn aweop. 1485 N. 17th sU. Pboa 1418W SHOE REPAIRING WILLIAM'S SHOE 8HOP- -19. SOUTH High. STENOGRAPHER PUBLIC 8TENOGRAPT9KR 40 MAS oaks Bldg. Phon 178. SECOND HAJTD GOODS WE BUY AND SELL 8ECOND. HAND gooda of all kinds, pip liumga, nar- 1 ..It.ft. TmA a IBll chain. Fre4 SHiindkyr. 258 Center mIammwmxmMrcmmaa ST0YES STOVE EXP AIRING STOVE REPAIRING. REBUILT. COILS, connections. W ill call ana eieen, pw teh at hous. 271 North Commercial Phone 734. u-ftva-a DtrntTTi ist, WP.PAIREIV- a A . turi,nfft rtenot Natioaal feaee. sue 36 to 38 Uta. high. Palate .11 mmA . ;.kftva mhi U,eiiht v and bos hook. Salem Fence and Stove Worke. " court atroet. r-oue SCAVENGERS SALEM SCAVENGER -GARBAGE, REF aso of all klnda removed. Cesspools cleaned. Phoae 167. TAILORS i FRANK PALM MERCHANT TAILOR. 294 North Commercial TAXI DIRECTORY LAKHAM TAXI COMPANY PHONE 640. -euw ncriiiiV Tit I.TRlVHrrR CO.. I llftl Vfttftiftftw. - " " " " Liberty a, rrry. raoae n. vtj alab, 16-inch wood for aal. MWWSWftWW.WiaaftWSwBBWSWSSSBSSSaBaW TRAW SPER HAT.anro CHAS CHANDLER 0EKERAL TRANS far; offica, at and, CUrk's Tlx Hon. Phon 74. MERCHANTS' COOPERATIVE VARCEI. delivery, messenger service, baggage, . r j. - , Til trunks, any pan city, ou -c-nts. bouth Hign. Phone 230. CAPITAL CITY TRANSFER CO. 336 State St, phone uiatriBating. forwarding and atorag our specialty. Get our ratea. WATER SALEM WATER, LIGHT A POWER CO. Office, S01 Houtb (JOB I at. Pr cent diacoont oa domestic flat rate paid ib advance. No deduct to b for h- aeno or any eaua anieaa wswr m shot off your premieee. WHERE TO EAT WHITE CLOUD TEA HOUSE CHINA diahe, noodle. Ire dancing. Open 9 am 1 at night. 110 Vt N. Com' I PROFESSIONAL CHIROPRACTORS I DR. O. U SCOTT. P. S. C. CHIBOPRAC- tor, 809-13 U. B cans oiag rmt 87: Kes. SZ8K, CHIROPODISTS FOOT CORRECTIONAL SPECIALIST Appliaacoa from maiviauai ivpiww Satiafactmn guarantood. Chaa K. Tatro. Maaonie Bldg. Phone 443. OSTEOPATHIC PHTSICIAMS ORS. WHITE AND MARSHALL. 06 U. S. National Baak niog. rftn iv i ururrn OSTEOPATHIC Physiciaa and aurgeon; anywi lUlt! Phone Off if, 919; Re. 61A .nnftl I i rvrH OflTEOPATHlO VP. m 1 1 .ft - - .. . - - - - Phyakiaa aad nutjeou, 4j w Bldg; Fhoaeo: oT'';,,", j ornciAjrs GLASSES FITTED BY DR. I- R. BUR- 325 Stat street, oppoaite Ldd and j . . . k. Hn.w ifnikcmi ft.ftf in Lftftftfti ' . Bnah Bans. LODGE DIRECTORY . . ... .-ft-ft-r oD.vtan trm vrTrR I VI camp 5. Armory. Firat. Third Mead ay a. REAL ESTATE 8 ROOM PLASTEREr HOUSE; BATK toilet, eemeot oaaement, - snd waft: 8 4 acr of Und planted 14 bearing frail: 1 -to P;!!!!1.: 8 block to car "T.l balance percoBt. H. 8. Bell. 441 Stat atreet. ' FOR SALE 50 ACRES GOOD BOCK road: tw mile from RR. tatKa; 23 . : n,mmA tk.l.Bee in timber gad acres iftupi ft. --------- . pasture: well feared: 4 acre of hear Tn, pmnaa: 6 .ere. 1 nJ house and bara being built. Prc $8,000: will accept good city prV'"J or email tract to about $S.OOO. $2,000 caah- balance easy terms. SQUARE DEAL CO 202 C. 8. Bank 470 REAL ESTATE ARE YOD CONTKMPUATING BCILD ing in the near future? If so 1 vial yon to sea the pretty building lot 1 hav for sal at 60i on N. 14th St. only two blocks from street rar line, iust across Mill street bridge sewer, water and electric lighta now placed. AIm have four lots facing A street st 3.'.i. Csll on N. Sehg. at 5t' N 14th. FOR KALE DESIRABLE FIVE ROOM house with garage; modern except baseaien,t ; rWe ta paved street and ear line. Convenient location. Price right with terms. For appointment phone owner 4X4, or evenings 031 M. WOOLVS BARGAINS Three room house, 8.000 3 room house three Iota. So50; essy terms. 12 room house, close in $4,500. 320 acre farm, well located, 6 per acre. acre close in. welt improved, $:t.7S0; tskr hoMse to half value. Five room bungalow, S 1.81X1. 2:12 rsre fsriu to trade for income property. F. L, WOOD , ft nilir ni Best Buys and Exchanges Have for s4e a $-3140 first mortgage on tiJ'J acres in Lincoln county, Colo. Have bought a ranch here, to meet my pay menu the eon I will discount the above nuivtvftir . . . ., aill jlft.ft.ftft. IA en, mmtt 50 acres prunes, loganx, strawberries, 8 rmm bouse, drier, warehouse, garage, reck road, close in : will take Salem residence up to ,00. Prira $11,500. lf.0 acies all in wheat, 13 goes; will lake Salem resideure op tor $3,000. Price m ana 1 5 acres, fine new 6 room bungalow, new turn, nen nouse, an tne very oast o: aoil and all in grain and looking fine, on rock road, 1 miles from Salem, for a short time $"500. This is a Jft.llft knftnftft 80 acres in Crook county and 80 seres lo l iliaujook county; will exchange for ranch 5 to 10 miles from Salem, suit able for dairying, will assume or psy 7-ruom modern bungalow, fine lot, lota of fruit $4,700. 6-rouni and large sleeping porch, abso lutely niooern, a mouern ivpc uuiuc east front, paved street, at 085 N. Sum njbi B7 TA 9 rooms slisolutely modern, hardwood iioors, close in, line comer ioi. ((, one of the nicest homes (n Salem. $15.- 1100, easy terms. This place must be ,ji . . soia at one. A rooms strictly modern bungslow, garsg B4. I Ull. Want a $500 loan at 8 percent. S0C0L0FSKY 341- State Street. SPECIAL HOUSE OFFER 8 Rooms, on Imnroved street, with gsr sac. rine lot. r.sst isring. mus ur sold at once. $2750 will take it. ARTHUR E, PETERSEN 229 Oregon Bldg. A BARGAIN At 60 cents on the dollar. A 5-aere tract and good 5 room ouagaiow anu !, ftv t mr nnl mile feftim csr line. aome fruit. The buildings alone are worts the money. m.i-u. FLEMING 341 State street R-U- LOOKING TO BUY 1 Act of Fine Garden Ground with good -. - HOBS, oarn, iru nouse ana coh-sco house, in city. 12Z(K only $750 cnsK. ft : V. V. A . tfyu.m Ont I ft fi-ft. An hard-Burface road, 1 mile out. $1350 tl0 eatsh 30 Acre 1 mil out, in fruit. Small .... mA .ft,.ft Bit Olio S OOO cash 60 Acres in Polk Oounty on main read, with all atock and impiementa. uooa improvements, gram an in. ni.uw. mmmm.m ftl.ft in All In cnltlvStftOn Logaos, raspberries, gooseberries, grapes . . . i a 1 1 I ft ana family orcnaru. nouse iuu vmiu $3500 $i,ooo rasa. ARTHUR E, PETERSEN : 229 Oregon Bldg. GOOD BUYS Oftftft.il TT.ftaftftft, .nil 10 Tvkte fine esrden lnd .l,tnj, wun sjwi uown, osiso'-v easy. Thomasou A Rowley, 33 State Htreet. Good 7-rontn House 2"00, will take lot aa first payment. $10-acre tract at S20O0, will take lease first psyment, . -ftvft. ; I r mm titt .oath Halem. a bs r- fain at 850 with $100 down, balance like rent. Wa hav a buyer for a good modern home, roost b in East Salem, .i.. . f.nm atiftn huii to trade for small farm. List your property with THOMASON & ROWLEY . 331 Vt State Street. Good Buys and Exchanges 10 acres located south of Salem. Coap buildings, met ainuu. terms. 10 acres bssridg prunes will tsk house and lot np to $2,000 as pan pay 15 acre bottom ' land, all cultivated. good buildings. Stock anu niacnwery will ronalder house sod lot as part pay -ft.., t,-i.-. a ooo. 20 acres of fine dark prairi-, aoil. cloas ia, rrice oo.uuir i." uown. - .ftftA. , 10 acres, 5 acree bearing prune. 3 acres set to loganx, family fruit, 5 room bun galow, barn, well: will consider house and lot up to $,w at part payu.cn. 21 stc tract, 18 acres of pmt es, 3 acres i . n. . mm n 111 k. naa m ir-r 1 1 1 1 111 11 l .. v", ft."..-..., ---- , - baru, dryer, good roaa ; win nrn,ii. for stock rsnch or city property. Prira in m'mm. V.f Tine anil. 3 acres Strswhcr H 7 mill e'os Kslancr oats and vetch hay. rncc 12,600, terms. m 4 acres, good in room nwue, -. l-i acres bearing logans, good road; will trade for amaller acreage up t . , ftftftft t: aa n An 20O sere fsrm, cultivated. baUnce good timber and pasture, spring -- w.t.c -fti.ftw4 rond Price 8100 per acre 160 acres in Liaeoln county to exchangi for city property in saiem, ranmuii t: a t Ann . acre tract, 4 acres besring logaaa. acre strawberries . win iae cut pir .- . sitrui Price 3.fO0. ft- r ft j K - , , 320-acre farm, 97 acres eultivsted. bal ance timber and pasture, imeen sand cords of standing fir. Price $65 Acre trsct. close to cirline, south of Sa lem. PTice SOW, ft! UOWB, osieuftft- l-r ifti-ft- , 142-srr grsin and dsiry farm, good house and barn: win exensnge mm southern California property. Price $1 -OOO. HOUSES Stn'ctlv modern 7 room bungalow. Price O.rtOO. , , 5 room hoae. located at 733 Chemeketa street. Price $2,500, ' cssn. 6 room cottsre hsth. toilet, lights paved . .. TPricftl tl OOO. strf-ei, ririmr, . - ' - '-' ... (i room bouse located in east Salem: win trade for Corvallia properly. rnee. Ood i-room plastered cottage lo",", 1660 S Cotnercial street, hsth. toilet. , i i, i-.i.. asio. If yoa are looking to buy. trade or sell. see W, H, Grabenhorst & Co. 275 Stste Street. L, A, HAYFORD Real Estate and Fire Insurance 305 Slate atreet n rooas n,"ftr. . . ... - trie light: rrsg., good vsrietv fruits and shate: 4 lots and all only $4,700. Terma. 7 room house on caved street: toilet hsth. electric light, gsrsge. fruit: . bltvk to street car. Price $4..o. - , . -i . i. . u ft., nm atreel 7 room . . -ft u..K corner lot. noose p.astere. ,... ft-. .1 ... mm ft-ft mm Ul eiecir.c nim - - are offeriog thia today for only $2,650 tmt 37 acree. 11 tailca from Salem anil close to ralrroad elation. 20 aerea cleared, aad In eroo: a" fit to cultivate: aome timber: place fence, tamuy nrcnr. . . B mm-mwm Vt.llft. Til .t rtt TOing trees. " ."T "w 1 barn. 2xS0. new: ehick-n ho.se mm.A nun water. rnce Terma. Read lite Classified Ads- Wednesday" morning, REAL ESTATE FIVE ACRES OP GOOD tOCASBER ries, all trained on wire, will have good crop this tear. Two room bout, well located Hose tl Salesa. $2.s00. The Putnam-Mrlaren to. Room 21. lu North Commercial afreet. FOR SALE TWO CORNER LOTS OS ixorway and Summer street, ouiuu, Priee $850. Call I11F5. n;-:w five room bungaixiw, plas leted, modern impnivement, paven street, on car line. Will sell at cost. See owner Sunday, May 15th, 2 to .1 p. in. Fairground Road A Hall St. FOR $,.000 I KNOW OF NO BETTER huv in the Willamcue sney imn tl.i's loo acre faim. near Siayton. Good buildings, good rosds. clnne to railroad, schools and ihurrhe. A. C. Bohrn stedt, 407 Masonic Temple, Salem, tire REM. ESTATE TRADERS YOU CAN find a number ot good propositions either ss trsdes. or buys in easy pay ments of land or bungalows. W. Nlemeyer. Masonic Temple, Bslem. APPLE ORCHARD FOR SALE 21 acree of 2100 Stark treea, eleven yeara old. including tractor, aprayer and diska One mile from Dsllsa. r. Box 276, Dallaa. GOLDEN RULE REAL ESTATE 1 have a beautiful baagalow for aala. GERTftUDE J. M. PAGE 493 N. Cotuge 46 ACRES. GOOD 80IU 40. ACRES UN .1 1 .11 ImnmrnA With VQTfQ Wire on mscadamixed read, well and apringa on plaee Price $3,680; good terma. Anyone looking for a good location j n m,ll Ait well ta sea Kd . Iose, 370 Slate atreet, or phone 64r 14. FINE DAIRY FOR SALE win 1 R.h-n tPfinnir tS bot- f j V-.VSB3-I s SB a-e- v " - - . . . torn land, all In hay, balance in una pasture and timber. Good spring and stream on place, n gooa miia cw-, 1 mn This is a in nine bargain, rinse to station and school. $8,000, j rasu, osianre n percent. ARTHUR E. PETERSEN 229 Oregon Bldg. . iftTftr. pni't.TRT RANCH WELL IM proved at 908OO. csr tin rar. A-.u i soil, good bungalow, garage ami v- houses, rlemlng, asi oiaie ai. NICE FIVE ROOM COTTAGE WITH large lot in south Halera. rrice ..a-w. See Joseph Barber Real Estate Agen cy. Room 200 Gray Bldg. Phone .90. CASH GROCERY Store for aale by owner, good location on paved atreet; atoca ano lunnv invoice; good plastered store building. with pieaaani living rowus, run.,-. .... near school. Just the plaee for family to live and make good money in the r racer? . ice cream and confectionery business. Price for all about $2,600. Terms. $1,000 more or leas flows will handle. See owner at ub u n. Bank HI-'., or call at atore. 2095 North 5th street. S. R. rLAnbUN 408 U. 8. Bsnk Bldg. LIST YOUR CITY AND COUNTRY rpertv with H. JC. rearson in tne it ti d i, ntAm ; will will receive u, 0. VBu4v : a peris! attention through inspection a . n v wtne fttiftfied ens lift, ftil 1 01 iwi'.ft . , tomera in Salem and surrounding trr- tt. rtAnbUIN Real Estate Offices, 408 U. 8. Bank Bldg. PUBLIC NOTICES XOTICK OP THE TMPROVE-. rRX'T OP THE ALU.I 1 .BLOCK 70, OP THE 011101- Wlli 1'IAT I1K THN.U11 ur HALEM. OltEOOX.. BETWEEX CKXTEB STREET A.M) MAK- ION STREET. - ' v Vntir-. l iireb riren that the Coinmon' Council of tn City of Salem deems It expedient ana hprtehv declares Its purpose and intention to Improve the alley in Block 76 Of tne original piat oi the City of Salem, Oregon, from the north line of Center street to the south line of Marion street at the expense ot the abutting and adjacent property by bringing Id ration of the alley in block 76 of the original plat or the city ,.r vtaiom. Oreeon. to the estab lished grade and paving said por tion of the alley in diock oi the original plat of the City of Salem, Oregon, with a six-inch Portland cement gravel concrete pavement in accordance with the plans and specifications tnereior which were adopted by the Com mon council on the lstn day oi anrii 1921 sow on file in the office of the city recorder and which, for greater certainty ana enn von l nre and a more detailed description thereof, are hereby re ferred to and made a part nereor. The Common Council hereby declares Its purpose and intention tn make the above described im- nrnvement bv and through the Street Improvement Department of the City ot Salem. Oregon. By order of the Common coun cil: EARL, KALE. Citv Recorder. Date of first publication of this notice is May 5, lszi. NOTICE N'otlrA in herebv civen that 1 kiva imnnunded the following: de scribed dogs In compliance with Ordinance number 1404. to wn. etna hrnwn nnil white .Dotted bird Anm mnio weirht SO oounds. One black and white Shepherd, with collar male, we ght 40 pottnaa- nn v Allow and wnite terrier, ic- male. weight 10 pounas. une black, bench-legged. iong-naireu male, weight 25 pounds. One whit hnb-tallea Dun terriei. wilh brindle head and ears ana hv tail hrlndle dots over boay woioVit 'so nounds. The abov de scribed dogs will be killed if not redeemed by owners, on or Deiore May 14th. 1921, as provided In said ordinance. . W. S. I.UVY. Street Commissioner. . of for ".NOTICE OP THE . IMPROVE MENT OP MXCtll.ftX HTitPftr-i BET W E E X. COMMERCIAL STREET AX! HIGH STREET. Notice is hereby given that the Common Council of I he City of Salem deems' it expedient and hereby declares its purpose anu intention to improve Lincoln Street frcrn the east 1'ne of Urni mercial Street to the west line of High atreet at the expense of the abutt ng nd adjacent property by bringing said portion of Lin coln street to the established ..11 r - ell may "iC 1921" grade, conatructlnt: cement - con crete curbs and paving said por tion of Lincoln street with a sit Inch Portland cement gravel con crete pavi-ment thirty (30). feet wide in accordance with the plaus and specifications therefor wbicn were adopted by the Common Council on the 18th day or Apru. 1921. now on file in the Office oi the City Recorder and which; Tor greater certainty and convenience and a more detailed description thereof, are hereby referred to and made a part hereof. P The Common Council hereby de clares its purpose and Intent on to make the above described , im nrnvement bv and through i .the Street Improvement Department o' the City of Salem. By order of the Common cpun- EARL RACE. City Recorder. Date of first publication of thin notice i8 May 5. 1921." XOTICK OP THPj IMI'ROVK- MKT OK "l" HTItKhrr IIP. TWK K N V O M MKKCIA L HTRKKT ANIt niOXT STRKKT 'ntir in hereby giren that tbc Common Council of the City Salem deems It expedient and hereby declares its purpose ano intention to improte "D" Street nm ttift WOt line of CommercUl street to the east line of Front Street at the expense or the apui.- tinr and adjacent property dj brining said portion of "DM Street in the etabllshei Kraae. cu structinp cement concrete curbs rlnr anid OOTtlon of D" street -with a sfx,-inch Portland ce ment gravel concrete pavemeni n accordance wun me p aun - rtftitinn therefor wnicn ftftvaea odnntpil nv tne wuiuiu" Council on the 18th day of April. rile in the Offica or the City Recorded and which, for greater certainty ana conTenitc m, mcftc. rietalled description auu ft , thereo'. are hereby referred ?. to and made a part oereoi. The Common Council bereny a l.ftftaa it. mirru-iae and inten- tion to make the above described Improvement by and through th Street Improvement Department of the City of Salem. 1 -aw eerier of the Common ftOftThlanvfl viPT. RACE CltY Recorder Date of first publication of thU notice is May i. i2. XOTICK OP ASSB&WFOT WB THE COST OP tNSTRVCT. tip SALEM, ORKOO.. T.A nhaeloa Jnrv: v,ft.. h.rohv not fled that the City of Salem. Oregon, has by iintlninM No 1678 leviea an na- -ft....ft,ftne nnnn vntir Drooerty here- BOHUIVU "F" - ... it,afg.F ftfiAwrihftd and in tne lUatVI -m- - - amount hereinafter set ionn, the cOUt of constructing a cemei AAwn'.k on the east side of Commercial street. In front Of and abutting upon tne louowius fttouyclHcri nrnnertv. to-wltt vftvft. r Lots No. a ana o. in diuc iw. a r ftce H . ones' addit on to tt'c City of Sa!.in. Oregon, ownv.5 v. rhria Jrrv and Oliver Jory. ft' - Im The cost oi construci'Dg cement concrete sidewalk Is , iUUUWB, I WIS. Onntrsrt nrlrat nald bv the City to contractor $144.59 iitesrfiisv for bids ... 3.00 Fnirinstorlnr. snnervision and InatMciton ...... 7.23 Tnl.l ' ". . SI 54 .12 , Said aitteBam.e,nt was entered, in Volume I of the Minor LleH Docket ot the City of Salem, Orft gon on the JJth day. of April. 1921. as a charge and lien against said above described property aad ia now due and payable to the City treasurer. i vt.r nrder of the Common Conn; c:i, this notice is served upon you by publication thereof for tert days in tae uauy Biaiesman, nowannner or . general circulation nnhi aheiL in the Citv of SalettU Oregon. Date of first publication hereof ia .May 6, mi. , EARL RACE. Recorder of toe City of Salem; Oregon. NOTICE TO COXTIV.CTOB.S. Sealed nronosals. addressed to th Oroeon State Board ot Con trol, Salem, Oregon, and eh-' dorsed "Proposals for Building 'A and Huildine B' Industrial Build- in tr" at Oret-on SUte School ior the Deaf. Salem, Oregon, win De roreivori hv the Oreeon mate Board of Control at its office in the Canitol bnlldlng. Salem. Ore ran until 2 D. m. May Z4. Jl-Zl, and not thereafter, ana at mis time, and place will be publicly opened and reaa. All nroDosals must be upon t-.lank form to be obtained from Charles B. Martin, architect, at his office. 428-2 Railway tux chanee building, Portland. Ore xon. and from R. B. Goodin. sec- rttarv of the Board, saiem. ort- rnti' must rive the nrices nro- posed, both in writing and fig ures; and must be signed by tne hldder. with his address. Plans and specifications may be ob tained at the office of R. B Roodin. secretary, Oregon State Board of Control. Salem. Oregon. and from the office of the afore- aaid architect. Contractors will be reauired to deposit check for. $15.00, payable to the Oregon state uoara oi Control for each set of plans as a guarantee that ald plana and enAclflrations received by them win ho returned to the office in rood condition, on or before the date agreed upon. Upon return of said drawings the money will he refunded. Each bid Is to be presented un- I ft 1 1 .aft.! V. n 1 1 Ka aer benieu ruin, suu buoi w accompanied by a certified check made payable to the Oregon State Board of Control, Salem. Oregon, for an amount equal to at least five per cent of the amount of sa'd bid, and no bid shall be considered unless certified check ia enclosed therewith. Snch cer tified chck shall be delivered upou the condition that if said bid ho accented the nartv blddinr. will properly and promptly enter Into and execute contract and bond In scporriance with the award. Should the successful bidder to wham tha contract Is' awarded fall to execute the same within ten daya (not Including Sunday) from the date.pf. notification of tuch award, such certified check 1 shall be forfeited to the Oregon . a w ... i . State Board or control, anu same shall be the property of the stile All other certified Chfclis wit be returned to the unsaeceftW fill bidders, who submitted same. jA. Rood and sufficient bond with a atl?factory surety will be re united for the faithful perform Aiice of the contract. In sum equal to;30'c of the contract price. The right is reserved to reject . any or all proposals, or to accept the proposal deemed best for the state. Ilated at Salem. Oregon, May 6 1921. ! R B. GOODlN Secretary, Oregon Slate Board of Control. 1! WHOLE MILK AND PRODUCE WANTED j Marion Creamery & Product Saiem, Oregon Phone 2488 I li SALEM MARKETS I BUTIirO PRICB Egg ag raurvfjr Figgs. 14 to lc. linns, heavy 30c. Hens, medium, 22e. ttmi, light, 17-18e. - Old roosters. lOc. - i. - Pork, sfattoa ad hf -Top hogs. $9.25. Ureoaed Hogs, 14 Iv30 Lamba, 3. 4r. 131 Milk Lambs. 5 to Sc. Beef steers, e he te. Cowa. 5 aud Be. Bulls. 4 4 He. tpjf veal, on foot. 8 to 8. Hay Cfarver bar. $11 to $30. Ost and Vetch hay, $30 U $33. Cheet -hay, $30 to $31. Orala Wheat 0e to $1. 0u, 40e. b.- MU1 rda, Wholoaaie fill run, $83 tone. Wholeasie to Dealers Creamery butter, 32 83e. Btttterfat, 25c. Fran Oraagea, $3.1.0 to $5.60. Bananas. 1 le, ; Lemons, $3.50 to 4.00y Oraua fruit. Oml. Iris -Oj 1 . 5 i Florida $8.50. Tewetanaa , California cabbage, 4c. Onloaa. Oregea, 31.US Oslsns r.ftftliforaiftft Bl 7g Tutaip $8.00 ack. . . Carrot, $1.23 aak. flmi pfipera, 80c, Lettuce, $4 per erat. a , retatoea, i ret - . RftEMel rift. .fftftftftftt aa IS tMMhal Rsdhthaa. 40e dota bnnrheg. Coaib hoaey. ease. 8. 25. Aaparagtia, uar., J ; trre, e. Rluiherl, fie i Parsley, 50 do sea baaekos. tfeow, . I ar aea nwneaa. Tomatoes. $5.00 crate, Honor extract',. TO 10. Strawberries, $.50. Croamerv Butter, 29, 30c. r:gga, zoe. Fleur. hard wheat, $3.85. Flow, soft wheat, $1.75. sugar, vi. i a. . - , 50tH Anniversary of Wedding Celebrated SriftVKnTOM, Ore:. Mav It U ( Special to The Statesman )-- FVInrirln holnod rotohrato tha s-ril den wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. B. Sundvold at a lunch- . eon at the Trinity church parlors - r nuay. ine a ning room was oec oratad in gold and white. The col or scheme was .carried , oat at- the weaaing r&oie oy means oi wnaa llln. e-nld and white nlhi-o earrla and . huge, gold and white wed aur eate. ae tauer naving neen madby,1illft-Utift.Henja . Covers at the -wsddlng tbl were (aid .tot )th, arid M'ra. B. Sundfold, Mr. and .Mrs. Gilbert Uudeirdahlm' Mr. jr4 'Mr, George Henr ksen. ', Mm . ton9 Henrik. sen and Miss Dora Henriksen. The occasion' was- alad Mr Johnson's and tleVft1 Mr. ttenrlksen'i birth- . toy, &? ' ' '. - H. -- . About 100 other eneata wens serves, luncneon; Legfcn Will Show r . Ir . Official War Films . i Rli.VEBTI.'j . Or i Maw in ll- ""wow wweor. m w o e 'Srietlal to The Statesman) The r .oml Kat RgvaVAa 9Sat A rtt ftSVtwIask r a vv tcc v vn a,a gsiaS ivkh "kIob of Silverton are sponsoring he "official war films"; taken by he United States army slgual orps., which were shown at th emi theater ""last nleht. The ilctnre was secured by the stato epartment of American legion or Oregon. . liOXEV FOR 11ELIEP. SItVERTOX. Or.. Ma lft..ft.U i Snoial to The) Rtnto.manlft -The. ood tsale held by the freshmen lass of the Silverton Mgh school was a decided success.- The proceeds-of the sale went to the fnnd ror starving Armenian and Chln- se children. ! CHICHESTER S PILLS I I I aicMy 11 Relieves fftfteftOa flailra MtwrVMwaol fftx npmuon intzy aci aarsiw-- liter ovwtrovln Utc delicate racnbranf mnd lcaw tl4i BsVMcatlxi la a worse 4ec4Utl4Mn CARTERS Constipation trowblcdi rrttH aCaMEr ttpatl4BBV SlckUcartV acatc, la tflgcmtloBe awitftSwra. : ITTUi nil VuR cite DIsxlaaae Bllioaaaicaa, N4TT4manes. or loss ot Arp Titc-CoKf bsfftf-ftt4rf m boW V CAttTER'S LITTLE UVEK iriLLS take 4oa alter cacla neat fend one at bedtime. A . tew daya treatmeiit irlll pmt anormai coatuuoa. . j . SVIVWO, vuio.