IglT Y MEWS ROT Huffman and Dorothy Whtteman . both of Salem, were sited la marriage at the Evan ".Ilc4l parsonage on Seventeenth gSei last night by Iter. O. F. Laiaer, pastor of the church. rtey -will make their home near gjlem on Mr. Huffman's ranch. Form Meti Tonight Th regular monthly forum meeting of the Salem Commercial eJsb scheduled lor tonight. To tfOtiire at Kimball Dr. Bert E. Smith will speak In assembly of Kimball School of Theology thi afternoon at 3 , i'dock. .1. V. McAdoo of the Cen tral Labor Council of Salem will gpeak tomorrow at the same hour ipoa the subject "The Church and tie Labor Problem." The public It cordially invited to attend both feet area. jwwe Tonight Dallaa McElroy'a orchestra. Adr. r- - v Here From Eee C. P.'Dewatix of the firm of Dereraax Tripp. Eugene, and A. R. Gray, proprietor of Cray's Cash and Carry Store, also of Eu gene, were in the city yesterday transacting business. llcdroy'e Orchestra Dallas, tonight. dancevAdTg 7 r.ihrai Birthday Din The birthday of Charles Rice, bo lives at Pratum. was cele brated Sunday with a dinner at IU Rice home to which all of the family liring in this vicinity gathered. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Charles Rice. Mr. It The Electrle Sign -SHOES" Kev &o Repairing- Shop Onr (lasses fit yonr eyes. Our bus your purse ; ITARTMAJt BROS. , Jewelers and Opticians 1 Phone 125$ Salem. Oregon EEXDRY PASTE - ElaxO.Buren CRY PASTE 173 N. Com. St. f I V ' )V"7m W Wa- Better Goods For JUSTlCEIVED Kuou Perfect Liquid PalnU ; r Eaasonable prke Capital Paraltare'A Hardware Co. Istts Ceaaed M.......f LSO V-1U led..,M.T.'.M...-80e fsa Qesners & Dyers (111 a Coal 8L Phone 1111 TREES SW Si..l. Matlaa fWMmr TUX SALEM KURSERT CO. . - OS Onsa BandlBf HUM it Ollf OI 17SS f Sales " 1 Serrice VALLEY MOTOR CO, T7. W. MOORE - FBmltar Store ' Tat Home of the Vlctrola 'a It more for. yonr money at - ' moore T700D WOOD V a tt. Tracy Ifood Co. ,Z V for all kinds of. ' ' " dry wood ,rroaW aTtnr Phoat 120 I ELECTRIC 6IACHINE & I OiGIKEERTNC CO. "orThor Washing Machine and work and Supplies I I r Shirley Mason I THe IpUgnicr" I ;v Comedy - I V Scenic , I I ; Magazine THE OREGON STATESMAN. IN BRIEF and Mra. Gljn Rice. Mr. and Mrs. Kugene Eikerlin Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Arthtur Swarta. Mrs. Roy Rice. da nrio Paw tvt j -i , M ,wniu, vuir- lie. Delbert and Tommle Rice and uai in oigi. VWU Fniia Los Angles .Mrs. aiay c. Bliss of Los An. geles was & guest at the home of Dean and Mra r.r,m ti im.. ' . AIUCU over Sunday and Monday. She has bwuq uu, to foruana. Mill -bod Five, loads 16-inch wood, $20. prompt delivery. Order now and fft afe e&1 nf fh ttmma. pn.1i " " - W . ... V- I M 0 U SpauWing Logging Co. Adr. On IVuHlnffw In Eagene ueorges Paulas, owner of the Rex Shining parlors in this city. penx tn week-end in Eugene looting after his parlors there, also known as the Rex Shining Parlors. He recently ram in Sa lem and entered business here. Hot Dor! Adr. "Toby" i Coming Vnle IlirycJ ClaJnMd Adrian Loom is. 150 South Thirteenth street called at the po lice station yesterday and claimed the Yale bicycle which was found Monday night by Police Officer Porter at the postoffice. Eawtman Kodaks and Supplier Commercial Book Store, 163 X Commercial. Adv. Cat IMntarbes Chicken Last night sleepers in the Baker apartments were disturbed by a racket In th-a hen house In the rear. Police Officer Victor went to investigate and located a big cat In a tree" in the chicken yard. Evidently pussy had Intruded and the cackling protests had driven her to seek refuge In a tree. Mr. Victor declares, that a roster crowed as victor In the battle as he entered the chicken house. Leg! Blanks" - Get them at The Statesman of fice. Catalog' on -application. Adv. Divorce Granted A dec re" of divorce was grant ed yesterday by Judge G. G. Bing ham of thtr circuit court to the plaintiff in the ease of Carrie Gilbert vs. Martin Gilbrt. Anto Radiator Repairing Modern equipment, prompt ex pert service.. Nelson Bros., S&S- 169 Chemeketa St. Adr. Bicycle la Lot Adrian Esch. 152 North Cot tage street, reported to the police department the loss of a bicycle AUCTIONEER G. SATTERLEE 404 Ferry St Salem. Oregon We pay 2c aboxe the market price for eggs and products PEOPLE'S CASH STORE Do yoa take TURKISH BATHS If not. why not? No other baths or treatments can produce the permanent re lief to the person suffering from disagreeable eold or ail ments of the flesh or body like tha Turkish Baths wilL Open t a. m. until 9 p. m. OREGON BATH HOUSE Lady and Gentlemen attend ants Investigate The Mutual Life of N. Y. Up-to-date policies. Lower net cost. J. F. HUTCHASON. District Mgr. 271 State St Phone 99 Special Merchants1 Lunch 35c HOURS 11 A. M. TO 8 P. 31. n.nrinr nmtairs at Nomklnc Cafe Tnesdar. Thursday and Sat- urday nights. American and Chi nese dishes. lttft N. Commercial St. FOR ANY BARGAINS ; Call at CAPITAL BARGAIN HOUSE We buy and sell every thing 215 Center St, Phone 308 'SALEMiOKffflfttt rry .t which he said was Uken from where he had left it barked on Chemeketa street near the Y. M. C. A. building. A CUasifled Ad Will bring you a buyer. Property Title Quieted A decree was issued yesterday in the circuit court quieting title to certain property In St. A'excie belonging to Marianna Vandeleur. Two Case IHamisNrn Two cases were dismissed yes terday ij the circuit court upon motion of the defendants in both cases. They were the case of Ellen G. Lambert aaalnst Henrv Glover et ml. and that of George oiover vs. Henry Glover. The Aladdin Itrady Cut IIoue Co. ui rortiand is having a special sale of the first 25 houses sold during Homebullders' week in Portland, starting May 9. at one fourth (25 per cent) off regular prices. I have been authorized to sell in th s territory the first ten nouses sold this week at one fourth off regular prices. Art quick if you want to save several hundred dollars on your home. Big saving In construction at reg ular prices. Cha. F. Smith. 409 Oregon bldg.. factory representa tive. Adv. Son l lioi A Hon was born to Mr. nd Mrs E. H. Conklin. who livf fenr mils south of Salem, yesterday morn ing. He has been named How ard Ray Conklin. Get Bonn Information George Claxton o Shaw was in the city yesterday securing infor mation in regard to the American legion bonus bill cimpatgn. Mr. Claxton is manage- of the cam paign in his district and was se curing tn'orraatjon from Capital Post No. 9. Will Go To Hntm !! Bryan Conley. a junior In the law school at Willamette univer sity, will leave within a few days to live on bis homestead in south ern Oregon. Three flirt h Recorded Three births lust recorded are those of a daughter, Mabel Grace born to Mr. and Mrs. K. Page Stevenson May 5; a son. George Elvln Van Santen, born to Mr. ind Mrs. George Van Santen, May 5; Edwin Gottl eb Zahler. to Mr. and Mrs. John Zahler. May ft. The Zahlers reside at Silverton and the other two families live on Sa lem rural routes. ' Visita in Eugene Mrs. Bryan Goodenough of Wa conda was a visitor in the city the fore part of the week on her way home from spending the week end in Eugene as the guest of her brother. Carlton Savage, president of the student bodv at the Univer sity of Oregon. While there she attended the ceremonies attend ant upon the dedication of the new woman's building Just com pleted. Beautiful Lilac An unusually beautiful lilac tree stands in full bloom In the cottage yard of Mrs. M. E. Brookt- of Salem. Mrs. Brooks has nor been able to carry on her flower mission work this year, as she has been ill all winter: but she wish es to thank good friends for help to her in this work. Closing out sale starting Friday Highland Grocery Webb & Clough Co. Funeral Directors RIGDON & SON Leading Morticians whzs a. aaxEX, oaxaosT sua st SZJOH HOTtL A nnt. Away Frra Ham Btrtrtly Mdr Sl.OO pr dy 100 rooms of Solid Comfort Oaly Botol ia Buti atu LSatrkt The LANG Best Range in America For wood only and the only steel range ma'de with a 26 inch oven. patent draft construction al lows no eold air to enter range while baking. The fuel burns from the top and consumes nearly all the ashes. Cuts your fuel hill in bair. Burns saw dust, bark, green wood and la a perfect bsker. , .Send for Catalogue PEOPLE'S FURNITURE STORE 271 N. Commercial Street SALEM. OREGON GGasoline Is Stolen - Profc John R. Sites of 1237 Court street, reported to the po-. lice yesterday that someone had entered his garage and siphoned the gasoline from the tank of his automobile. Entrance was gained by prying open one of the windows. Bicycle Is Found A bicycle was left In the yard at the home of William Moir. 694 Church street. The wheel was tak?n to the police station where It awaits identification. PERSONALS Mrs. O. L. Curtis has moved into hef new home at Meyers and Commercial streets which she re cently purchased. E. C. Cross is reported as being quits ill at his home at 11S5 Chemeketa street. Miss Clara Warner, proprietor of- the Xeedlecraft store, is re ported as being very ill at the Deaconess hocpital. Frank Davidson of St. Paul was ia Salem todav on road business. Judge W. M. Bushey and W. J. Culver went to Wood burn yes terday looking after road mat ters. William Einbler of Mehama is isitine; in the city with Judge W. M. Bushey. W, J. Trudcen of Liberty was a visitor in Salem yesterday from that section of the county. Charles Hartman of Scotts Mills was a business caller Tuesday in Falem. Jack Richles of Silverton was in Salem yesterday. Mrs. J. C. Savage of Waconda was a business visitor in the city yesterday. HOTEL ARRIVALS BLIGII J. H. Ctilp. Albany: E. G. Osborn. Jacob Miller, E. Tlt fany. C. E. Dienny. B. PiJJotnl. I. Castill and wife. 8. L. Albaugh, Clara B. Ferguson. A. W. Smith. F. Elmann and A. A. I:SO,ue. Portland. H. L. Blais. Engetre; H. P. Keok. Albany; C. E. Powell. Valsetz; Mrs. W. E. Powell. Falls City: Mrs. I). Haldwin. Tono, Wash.; J. V. Steiner, Jefferson; Mr and Mrs. W. C. Weele, Oak land; F. S. Talbott, Valsetz; Alice M. Ma berry, Dallas; C Zimmer man. Mt. Angel; Clara E. Feller, Donald,- J. T. Merritt. Salem; Oave Patterson. Parcel!. Okla.. K. F. Porter. Roseburg; C. I. Small, Grants Pass. Roy W. Uhl, Gold son. ARGO Anna Wlndher, Arthur Morgan, Cincinnati, Cloid Miller, Dallas; Emma Smith. MARION E. J. Dunklee. M. Llpman. B. L. Schiff, E. R. Schiff, C. B. Masterson. E. S. Winetront, L. H. Felix. W. R. Ellis. San Fran cisco; Oscar Sykes. Los Angeles; Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Morris. W. E. Robertson. Clara Miller, J. A. O'Neill. Mr. and Mra. A. Wise, Mr. and Mrs. Harvay Barnes, M. Plant. S. C. Northrup. W. II. Am bler, M. C. Hatton. W. D. Parian A. Winn. T. E. Allen and wife. N F. Sutton. L. E. Liljequvist, I. S. Watson. E. N. Strong, A. E. Hef ner, C. A. Speer and wife. S. L. May, Mrs. A. Johnson, J. N. Dom- nissee, F. J. Hoffman. D. G. Han ehell. Scott Kent, G. A. Leysen, J. E. Drummond. Abe Ruben, N. o. Oliver. Ben Elletson and wife R. H. Clark. H. E. Randall. V. F Slater. Ben Mitchell. Portland: C. E. Nelson, Boston: Fred Wilson. The Dalles; Oscar Huddleston. Manila. P. I.; E. O. Wells, Spo kane; John Crass and wife. Den ver. Colo.; B. II. Rhodes and wife. inniaaa. Colo.: Dora Read. For est orove: Charlotte Walker, nuisDoro, . L.. Campbell. T.lla mook. J. E. Bonmen. Tacoma: J. F. Steiner, Jefferson. H. J. Tubbe. l.. J. launders. Cleveland: R Moore. Medford. Leslie Contain. Salem: U. P. Savage, Tacoma; Mrs. R. E. Morris and daughter. Coburg; R. V. Wililam. New i ora. Polk County Growers Will Hear Reports Members of the Oregon Glow ers' Co-operative association liv ing in Polk county and who were unable t.- attend the annual mat ing held in Saiem April 2, will be given an opportunity to bear the same reports at a special meeting fo be held at Dallas. This meeting is announced to be held on the afternoon of May 13. at the Polk county court hoa?e. beginning at 1 o'clock. C. I. Lewis, Mniittant general man ager of the association, will read a condensed report .f what has been done the past y?ar. W. i. Staley. secretary sr.d treasurer, will tfve practically th fcame report read at the annual meeting, telling In detail of the finances of th association. The meeti-.p will be tne of IV. niost important eve- held for DANCE McEIroy's Orchestra Tonight DALLAS Children's Free Matinee Bligh Theatre Saturday 11 a. m. THE Il.MO.I I, 31 MMP ARRESTED IN CALIFORNIA Former Salem Man is Taken In Raid of Resort Occu pied by I.W.W. SAN FRANCISCO. May 10. W. 11. Costley. declared to be an organiser of the "One Big Union" in the North Pacific state, and Floyd Ramp, alleged I. W. W. leader, were arrested by the police here Sunday when what wag re ported to be an I. W. W. meeting was broken up. The two men were charged with having) violated the criminal syn licalism law and are to be held for federal investigation. Costley was addressing the meeting an calling for contributions "to start a revolution when the meeting was broken up. police asserted. Floyd Ramp of Roseburg. 'ong a prominent member of the social ist party of Oregon, was arrested In rout hern Oregon in the fall of 117 for utterances against the draJt law. His case was one of theJrst tried in Oregon for vio-( la'ionkof the espionage act. Heas tried in the federal; court iuW Portland, according to Harnett irVOoldste'.n. formerly as- s'stant I'nnTU States attorney, and was sentenced to serve a term of two years on McNeil's Is land, as nearly as Mr. Goldstein could recall. Ramp was sntencd in the year 1917 and served his foil term. Kamp acted as his own lawyer when his case was brought on trial in 'ederal court. Costley is not known to Mr. Goldstein, and it U thought that he has never appeared In federal court here, at least during the war period. Ramp formerly lived in Salem where be is well known, members of the association living in the Dallas district. In addition to reports thers will be a gencial discussion of i.lans for the com ing season. Many Transfers Recorded In Salem Real Estate A number of real estate trans fers were recorded yesterday In the office of the county recorder. Though some of thte transfers were signed some time ago, they did not become effective until placed upon the records. William Edward Pulse has sold to A. B. Gardner, lots 11. 12. 13 and 14 In the, subdivision of block 19 of the Ewald Fruit farms, the consideration be ng $3500. Memorie Law and E. M. Law sold to Ezra C. Hart about 30 acres of land for the sum of $2500. Viola T. Wilken has sold to Er nest Latourell a small tract in the Ewald fruit farm for $1000. i Paul Valerius transferred prop erty valued at $400 to J. A. Bew- ley. Hepry Hocket transferred to Altle E. Hocket lot 1 2 of the Snn- nyslde fruit farm, consisting of 10 acres. This was a gift. Frank B. Sonthwlck sold to C. N. Laughrige block 1 in the Knights addition to Salem for the sum of $5000. An agreement was recorded be. tween J. O. Beardsley and wife and Louis Lachmund. C. O. Con stable. John A. Carson. Julius Pincns and C. L. McNary for the transfer of 156 acres of land northeast of Salem for the sum of $20,000. The agreement was dated November 16. 1912. A contract of sale was made by Mrs. Lou A. Roy to Jennie T Chapman for property on Church street, the valuation of which was $1600. The instrument was dated March 14, 1914. Iowa Association Hold Interesting Meeting i ne lowa association held an interesting monthly meeting last night at the borne of Mr. and Mrs I. L. Mc Adams on D street. During tne business session one of the most important matters which waa presenter lor d.acussion was that pertaining to the annual meeting and picnic to be held at the state fair grounds on June 17. A committee consisting of Mrs. John Rayne. Mrs. I. L. McAdams. Mrs. H. E. Pemberton. .Mrs. Slaughter. W. T. Rigdon, W. J. Hagedorn and Rev. G. S. Roeder were appointed to make the neces sary arrangements for the event. A program was rendered by members after which refresh ments were served. The next mating of the associ ation will be held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Bavne 414 Bellerue street on the first Tues day in June. All former Iowa resl- : dents are welcome at these gath- j erings. National Park Opening Delayed Until July First MEDFORD. Or, May 10. !n the opinion of Alex Sparrow, ?n nerintendent of Crater Lake Na t onal park. It will be July. 1 the day set for the official opening if the season, before the first auto mobiles can reach the Crater lake rim. This is because at the first of this month there were 1-2 fe 1 o' mow at the rim. whieh i afiont two el more than last year at the same time. The snow depth at Anna Spring ramp, five miles lower down, was eight and one half feet on May 1. Iast yeir the first automobiles wre all'- to reach the lake rim on June 26. It is not in good form for a bachelor to hold, a baby for an un known woman She is likely tn forget .to come back and then the ituatlon is cmbafrarsing. WEDNESDAY MORNING, , MAY , 1 1 1921, Can You Pick Out a Good Ad? If you think you know a good Classified ad. here's your chance to win one of the three cash awards the Statesman will give each week for the ene who picks out the five "best written ads" on the Statesman clas sified page, May 12, 13 and 14. The best selection, 1st award $2.50. The second best selection, 2nd reward $1.50. The third best selection, 3rd reward $1.00. The first awards will be announced in Tuesday's is sue of each week, the first announcement Tuesday May 17th. Contestants must see that their selections reach the Statesman office before Monday morning of each week in order to be consid ered. The Statesman wants your selections of the best Clas sified ad. Please clip the five ads that you consider are the best on the above dates and mail to the Clas sified Ad. Manager. Ongon Statesman, Salem, Ore. -r A number o.- very interesting "storks" were received last week and the Judges have decided to give f rst reward to M. Cooper, 242 South Nineteenth street. The story is publ shed in- full below; the others will be published in future issues of The Statesman. Watch for them. It I were in business I would use classified advertising because I consider it one of the most ef fect ve and least expensive ways of putting bargains before the public. I am sure nearly every body reads the classified ads and by using them I would not have to pay for the large amount of space needed to make display ad vertising prominent. Of course, if my business were large enough to afford It, I would also use display advertising: but in no case would I neglect to use classified advertising regularly. If I were in the grocery bus!- ness. I would use at least 10 lines of classified advertising everr day. In this way I would be able to place my bargains for the day before the busy housewife to her benefit as well as my own. I would give a brief descript'on with the number of pounds or the number of articles and the pr ce in tnis way the housewife would not need to guess in regard to the articles or the price. I would write my grocery ads about as follows: BEST GROCERY BUYS TODAY 12V. lbs. of sugar. $1.00 20 lbs. of Navy white beans 1.00 3 cans of tomatoes 25 4 cans of corn 25 2 cans of peas 20 1 broom 40 DOE'S CASH GROCERY Phone 124 88 Fair Street In in some other mercantile business I would use the classified advertising in the same way. I wewld try to keep some leader be Tore the public all the time, which would cause the people to watch 'or my bargains in the classified eoJums. M. COOPER. 242 South 19th St.. Salem. Ore. Witness Teta Committee That Attempt is Made to Whitewash Officials WASHINGTON, May 10 The charge that Colonel John E. Hunt, former commandant at the discip linary barracks at Governor's Is land, was "whitewashed" by court martial resulting from his alleged failure to take proper pre cautions to prevent the escape ot Grover Hergdoll, was made today 1 efore the house . Investigating committee. Called to tell what precautions he had taken to sa'ofciiard BerK rtoll while on a gold bunting et pedition to Maryland. Colonel Hunt had been on the stand near ly five hours when he was tal-en in hand by Represen'ative John son. Democrat. Kentucky, for a erilling cross examination. Watch This Sign for Good AMUSEMENT Salem's Best and Biggest SHOW M GRILLED IN BERGDOLL CASE 1 Sonora C Grand LlD Opera ! Q Sbgers 3 no Harry uJ Ca"y Mr.' Johlwon "quoted frtm'ifcef court martial record statements by the prosecutlng'offlcerldlrejet ed at the good standing of the ac cused. ! i "Ir that a vigorous prosecuting speech?" Mr. Johnson asked, 01 Hunt replied it was a plea der Js conviction as he saw it. j '1 Extracts from the judgd advo cate's address quoted bjf Mr. Johnson st forth that the; prose cution did not think or Intimate. Colonel Hunt wanted Bergdolljio escape or was in a conspiracy, atd that it vat realized Hunt wo "the sorriest of all," tht the prisoner got away. Sympathy was exiresed hr thS prosecutor for the colonel, new retired, and it was mentioned ttt$t he had made "a ma:niricet rec ord as an officer." but tbt this was not the question at isstie and that there had been a technical violation of military regnlatioU.i 'n a . way to bring discredit upn th? army. J Appeals Made for Near East and China Relief Miss Marie Corner, a a:ujent at Willamette university, spoke at the Highland Parent-Teacher as sociation meeting last night, mat ing an apiwaf for the Nar Easi i.nd China famine relief move ment. Tonight, another WMam. tte student. Miss Marjorle-Cablf will makp the appeal to the Bu8i ness and Professional Wpmen'ji 51 Mary Miles Minter wan bitten by" the monkey which U sU;ioMl to tte the inseparable compan ion and -t of the heroine of her latent picture, "The Little Clown." For three days she nursed a badly swollen hand and stifled her feum of serious de velopment. 1 0 I 3 0 mVAvAVVAVAO- COLDS ARE UNNECESSARY The man who goes to his work continually snuffling and spitting is not pnly causing friends and business associates unnecessary annoyance but he is taking chances of contracting a; permanent lung or throat ! disease j A few doses of Schafers Cold Tablets will cure 2ScS6c$l .00 j Schaefer'sfDrug Store Sole agents tor Garden Court Preparations : 135 N. Commercial SL & Phone 197 There was an old person of Dover Who rushed through a field of blue clover But some very large bees Stung his nose and his knees So he very soon went back to Dover. Wednesday Special Children's Play Suits. ;1 Men's Shirts Brooms X CONSUMERS9 TRADING HOUSE Remember jihe Place i 373-377 Court Street I I Salem, Oregon 1 . 1 1 r 1 .. m Dainty collars and cuff setftTpf tinted organdy will do wonders to a dresjs; touches of frilly lace and embroidery will form, the most attractive part of some frock ! And o reasonable are the prices that you can easily afford to hve several charming sets for spring wear; : Shipley's Pay As You Go Plan Is one of the mo? t popular slogans in Salem It has prove! its worth to the people club al their regular mwUnr.' W. P. Walter, executive seer:. tary ot tne campaign, aua rraaa, j . . . a W7 H m A Hutchason will' go to LJhertr to-; night to give a moving; picture..,, and short program In the Com munity halt. 'I SPECIAL v. ; , For Wednesday and Thursday we will t sell U-TAH-NA Sugar Peas, 2 cans for 25c Also Special Peas, 2 for - - :.45c We still have a few cases of Silverdale Apricots at 5 cans for $1.00 Strawberries 20c per box. All kinds of fresh vege tables CARL & BOWERSOX 383 Court Phone 409 j. : 65c $1.19 ..-.40c Dainty, Frilly Neckwear! To Add a New Air To Frocks! m IiWt. Phone 4IS