The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, May 11, 1921, Page 3, Image 3

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known as a poet, might, at
J- jeast In one instance, claim
lleo to be hailee aa a prophet,
r.n vears ago he wrote a poem.
entitled "Russia, Arise." a poem
which strangely forecast the pres
ent revolution. In these drama
tic lines he calls upon the czar's,
empire to rise to the great hours
of destiny, and he announced the
approaching day when
'Freedom shall topple kings.
And shake to dust their treas
; onings."
The poem at the time made a
tensation in St. Petersburg. A
translation of It was sent to Rus
sia by a New York Russian and
read at a public meeting, and this
caused the reader of the lines to
be Jailed for a year and a half.
This noera. "Russia. Arise," and
The Man With the , Hoe" also
well known among the Russian
populace are raid by the revo
lutionists to bare been .a potent
. i..tiAn nf thA preat nresent-
IUBpM " w-
til movement for freedom in
jir, Markham will give a lec
ture In Saiem Monday evening,
Uar IS, In the auditorium of the
galem high school. Tickets,
which tell at $1; 60 cents for stu
dents! are now on sale at. the two
local bookstores, the Capital drug
store, the Gilbert studio and. the
Fstem Electrie company's store.
Mrs. S. McElnea entertained as
her guests over-the week-end Mr,
and Mrs. H. C. llarr of Eugene
gnd Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Ie Well
of "Portland. The Harrs left for
t . mIaii,ii In Tr,rt1ani1 Sun.
dar night, returning again to Sa-
. . I V . .t f 1 1 mammIm
lent laSCHlKUM auu viM niuuu
; with Mrs. McElnea several days
I Mrv and Mrs. J.t A. Mills re
turned home Monday night from
vn enjoyable week-end trip which
took them over the Columbia
River highway to Hood River,
where they were the guests of
their e.on and daughter-in-law.
Mr. and Mrs. Waldo Mills. They
were among those going over the
Hood River blossom route, and
like other Salemltes taking tha
same Journey, returned home
most enthusiastic over the beauty
of the drive. A quite wonderful
sunset was noted over the Colum
bia Sunday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Mills stopped off
in Portland on their way home
to be the guests of another son
and daughter-in-law. Mr. and
Mrs. Harry Q. Mills.
Mrs. W. D. Clarke will be at
home to members of the Wed
nesday Bridge club today at her
residence, 835 Union street.
A group of local members of
the Order of the Eastern Star ac
companied Mrs. Ida Umbacb,
worthy grand matron of Oregon,
of Lakevlew. to Dallas Monday
igut, motoring over. Mrs. I'm-
mach was making an official visit
to the Dallas chapter, and the
others want as visitors.
In the two cars were Mr. and
Mrs. V. K. Kuhn. Mrs. Ida L.
NUes, Mrs. Ralph Glover. Mrs.
Umbach. Mrs. P. K. Sharer. Mrs.
A. Bernard!. Mrs... P. Hoff,
Miss Hasel Bishop and Miss Min
nie Moeller.
Mrs. Umbach. who has been the
house gue.t of Mrs. Oertrude J.
M. Page, left for Portland yester
At the open forum meeting in
the Commercial club rooms to
night vocal numbers will be con
trtbuted by Mrs. John J. Roberts
and Albert Gille, and Mrs. Ronald
Glover will be heard in readings.
,." lryth twnng Term v
At the Balem School of Expression
under jairecuoo ox
' Lcla Rosamond Walton
Graduate of Curry School, Boston
; H7 North Commercial Street
i ; . 592 Telephones 14 84 J .
Figure 8
t 1900 Cataract
125 N. Liberty St
solo - and -ensemble numbers and
they will be accompanied at ' the
piano by MrsL Earl Andreson.
Mrs. Rahn wilt also be heard in
Mrs. E. 15. Porrlne has been en
tertaining, as her house guest.
Mrs. Emma Hodges of Roxebura;
and Mrs. Rose Davis of Jefferson.
Both depart eed yesterday, Mri.
Hodges to stop off in Jefferson
and again in Cottage Grove before
going on to her home.
The Interior fiecorating Bectio;i
of the Salem Arts league will
meet at the Monroe Gilbert stud
io this evening at 8 o'clock.
Members of the Salem Sym
phony orchestra will meet for a
rehearsal this evening, in prepa
ration for the benefit concert for
the Near East fund. The exact
date of the concert, which is to
be given under the auspices of the
Y. W, C. A. and Y. M. C. A. ol
Willamette university, has not
yet been announced.
The orchestra has been engaged
by the Monmouth Normal school
to give a concert In Monmouth
during the middle of June and on
the 16th of that month Is sched
uled to appear In concert in Sll
verton. under the direction of the
I. O. O. F. lodge.
A charming program in observ-
ance of Mother's day and. In honor
of all the mothers of students ot
the Sacred Heart academy was
j -When,
f Willi j
ivT need
.cream mill
left i limy.. yA
Following so closely on Moth
em day, the charmingly-appoint
ed dinner which Mr. and Mrs. A.
E. Ijtf'ar gave for the former's
mother Monday night, fittingly
commemorated that date, and also
marked the birthday anniversary
of the honoree. In the nature of
a surprise, it was .doubly-enjoy
able. A quite wonderful detail
ct the dinner was the large birth
day cake in red and white, and
which had for Us chief ornamen
tation raised letters which spelled
"Mother." Red candles glowed
in tall sticks on either side, and
tulips in the same color were ntll
Ized for floral decoration
Covers were laid for Mr. and
Mrs. G. W. Laflar. Mr. and Mrs
Frank Garland, Westers Hough
ton. Bert Jeffrey and. Mr. and
Mrs. A. E. Laflar.
The .Woman's alliance of the
Unitarian church will meet with
Mrs. Richard Cartwright. 75
Ferry street, Friday afternoon at
2:30 o clock.. .
Mrs. Royal A. Nadon of Har
risburg is spending the week in
Salem as 'the guest of her par
ents,' Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Ecker-
small son Douglas, returned home
Monday night from a week-end
motor trip to Seaside. Gearbart
and Del Hay beaches. Durifig
ahHr absence they were brief
K nest a of Mr. and Mr. (.!. Bates,
former college friends of Mrs.
Chambers, who own a quite won
derful ranch, "Ocean Home." The
liiotorists found the trip over the
lower Columbia highway exceed
ingly beautiful at this time o!
the year.
WiU Make You Iugli
' ?lrnat 10 r Heme
31- .
1 1 -.s-
What it ncme without a uaraen r
(Articles in this series are furnished by the National Garden
Adele Garrison's New Phase Of
Rita Brown stretched her
shapely arms a'jove her hejd and
yawned frankly.
"Oh. someUodv suv something
given on the lawn In front of the or I shall scream!" she aid pet-
Academy Monday afternoon, the
front entrance serving as a stage
for those who presented the
numbers. Seats were placed 'n
ulantly. "Do you realize that
we've been sitting here absolute
ly rilent for 10 whole minutta?
1 think there was unconscious
a semi-circle for the guests of the resentment in every glance turned
day, who made up a large aud-l pon htr j know that for my-
ience. I self ht-r exaeteratf d statement
All the stories and tributes to disturbed the contemplation of a
Mother" were original and wero rarc pj(ture. that framed by the
of much literary excellence. The aoreened veranda at the rear of
final number included three beau- the Durkee home.
tlful trfbntes to Mother, by Ieur.i.
Ruth. Tersa Albrlch and Frances
Wcissenber, the latter who 13
from Spokane, having the honor
to be awarded the first prize fr
her district which Included east
ern Washington. Montana ana
Idaho, In the National Army com
position contest last fall.
i n programs . were minwn
details, belnr made, printed anu
decorated by the pupils, with dif
ferent decorative ideas wein
worked out by each grade.
Other numbers on 4.he program
were as follows;
Songs My Mother Sings." nun
nni aWth zrades.
Mothe&'a Day." an essay dj
Agnes Scbulte.
"Mltie-Moiaer oi auue,
solo by Scberine Lloyd.
"The Prodigal." a story by
Mary Lebold.
Folk dances by first and sec
ond grade.
There nre many gnarld old ap
ple trees In the grounds surround
ing the i houses purchased by
Dicky and Alfred Durken. and the
spring, unusually mild, had
brrnijfht extremely early and
abundant blossoming. The ex
quisite beaty of their driftins
pink and white petals against the
tender first green of the other
trees, the, vista of greensward be
tween them stretching down to
the sparkling waters-of the little
lake at tbe foot of the gardens,
made a vision which I for one
grasped jealously, knowing that
at best It could laet but a few
days, and that then another long
year would elapse before the
wonder and the glory of app'e-
blossom time came back again
It wae a picture which could
not help but stir the pulses of the
artist, and. I had seen rapt enjoy
ment in Dicky's eyes as he stretch-
uuruie.seumu.u-, 1)urk(e.8 comfortable veranda
r Fiar bv the third and chairs and pulled at his after-dln-Our
Flag, by tne tnira an Alfred Durkee, also
Michael O'Hara'a Dream,
Btnrv hv Pauline Patterson.
Harp solos, by Isabelle Matth
ews and Mary Jean Porter.
Folk dances, high school stud
ents, frocked in white and rain
bow colors.
-Little White Mother," vocal
solo, by Bernlce Fellers.
"A Song of Love and Triumph,
by seventh and eighth grade and
high school students.
"Love and Flowers." and Al
pine Violets." by string quariei.
ThA Wallace Road card club as
sembled for an evealng of Uve
smoking, registered the same con
templative enjoyment, while my
father's tired, strained face re
laxed for a little from the mental
burden which I knew he was car
rying as he gave himself up to the
beauty spread out before him
Dicky Protests.
Edith and Leila Fairfax, my
mother-in-law, volatile little Mrs
Durkee not one of the vgroup
gathered on the Durkee veranda
after a most delectable dinner
had evinced the slightest impulse
to speak after the first involun
tary exclamations at the beauty
of the view. Rita Brown's petti-
Hills Bi?s.
l RedCamt
hundred at tho residence of Mrs.
v h Knnkel Saturday night. Mrs. rr was lllro a rlldC
The first step in the recently L. A, Grote serving as w1'' hand deflecting the bow of a maa-
Instltuted brotherhood movement hostess. eevrai o", ter violinist to a discordant noto
.a VMVa will hit ftiA trllk to I f mm tne. lTlDOlS ireuMiu,i" rV, mw .. Alfred DiirKeQ.
Woodburn tonight, when a pro- farm beautified the roon, WBfj however, answered her challenge
gram of music and entertainment live iaoie wcic - i at once, aitnougn maoienny.
numbers will be put on by Salem players, mgn score- ----
py Mrs. James --
bers residing in the northern part B f Franklin
of the county, in the Woodburn Moses Adams Md.W. T .Fra nann
armory, with the Boy Scoots, high Those present ff Mr
school students and the general ' rt Mrs. Frank
Mapes. Mr. and Mrs. Moses Adams.
Mr. and Mrs. ba rran,
i xr n Vnvcl Mr. and Mrs.
V F. Franklin. Mrs. James Im-
lah. Miss Neiue rayior. ;.r.
Mrs F. H. Kunkel and Mr. ana
Mrs. L. A. Grote.
Th. Woman's Foreign Mission
ary society of the First Methodist
church will hold a meeting this
afternoon at the residence oi
V. Carrier. lUt -ourt
l j ...
ther rose from his seat, but boTa
took their ciears from their
mouths, spoke almost slmultan
"Say not so, Rita." Dicky
drawled. "There are sl women
in thlc rrowd. "Ten minutes' si
lence! Nay! Nay!"
Alfred's reply held a different
"Don't you like our pet view
Rita?" he asked, and I wondered
as I heard his voice, saw the ex
press! on on his face, if his moth
er had been right for the first
time in her ridiculous guesses, and
if Alfred Durkee really cared for
the girl Just now turning her
lovelr bored face to his.
"Oh of course. It's a Deauuiui
f umbo ami (iambo Koup
It isn't necessary to spend
one copper cent tor carfare
to the south to get the far
famed gumbo. It is as eas
ily grown In a northern gar
den and as easily cooked in
a northern kitchen as it is in
the south, and a colored
cook is by no means neces
sary. Gumbo soups are of
great variety, but the stand
ards are chicken and crab
meat gumbo, and the latter
usually haB the chicken stock
as a biBia. Anybody who
has tasted real gumbo soup
is ready for more.
Ure two quarts of toma
toes, one quart of gumbos
cut in rings, and add three
quarts of water. Let them
come to a boil. Cut up a
chicken, fry brown, add to
the okra and tomatoes with
several small onions' cut in
to thin sliceR, a green pep
per minced, and a little corn
and lima beans if handy.
Iet simmer slowly for sever
al hours, and there's your
gumbo. It i. also made
with beef stock.
complicated name of Dimorphoth
eca, which have been Introduce!
only a few years add tones of
Musician in ConventiorTalk
Pleads for Return Of
Old Songs I
rowing tho Northern Gumbo
It may be destructive, of tra
dit'.on to ray it, but the gumbo
will grow quite as well in a north
ern garden as in the south, and
any housewife may have the fa-
raouK southern gumbo merely tor
he making of it. The gumbo or
okra, as It Is a 'no known, is a
omparatlve stranger, merely be
cause of tho tradition that it Is es
sentially a southern product. True
it is a tropical plant and Its season
Is longer In the south, but so is
that if the pepper and other na
tives of the tropics.
The gumbo is a near relative of
he cotton plant and the holly
hock, and has blossoms resem
bling cotton. It should be start
ed either In the house or outdoors
after danger of frost, and planted
about three feet apart. 1 A few
plants will give the material for
the soups.
The half-matured seed pods are
the portion of the vegetable used.
They have a delicate and peculiar
flavor and a mucilaginous qual
ity when cooked which is charac
teristic ot the seed pods of other
members of the mallow family.
The seed pods form very rapidly
when the plant starts Into flower,
and they must be kept picked and
used when only half grown and
tender, for the plant will cease to
bear if seeds are permitted to ripen.
California Popples.
burnt orange to tbe annual gar
den that are very attractive. A
series of hybrids has developed a
new series of shades ranging from
white to deep orange and salmon.
This plant makes fine bushes stud
ded with bloom all summer, and
Us delicate daisies are fine sub
jects for bouquets.
"Torchyfj Night
Sunday r
nn n f I ho War's
Best Comedies , g
- :I
Unbalanced Human Mind
Unhinged More by Med
ern Cabaret
A Glimpse of California,
The Californfa popples, Escholt
zias, furnish one of the brightest
materials for beds of glowing yei
low among the annuals. This is
the state flower of California.
where it grows wild in great
masses, making golden Bheets of
color. It will grow readily almost
any where and will even survive
mild winters when protected. It
will grow In almost any soil pro
viding it has plenty of sun.
Its grey green foliage is orna
mental and makes a fine foil for
the hundreds of golden cups it
produces. While the type of the
flower is yellow or orange there
are cream and rose-colored vari
eties equally handsome and at
tractive. This native of the golden west
has been taken in hand by plant
breeders and many beautiful new
varieties have been introduced.
It should be sown where it is to
bloom as, like most of the poppy
family, it objects to being trans
planted. The seed is coarser than
that of most of the poppies and its
even distribution is not so difficult.
The South African or Trans
vaal daisies, which rejoice in the
A fry From Gates.
Editor Statesman:
I ask a little space in the col
umns of your paper stating the
condition of our roads in road dls
trlct No. 35 in the southeast part
of Marion county, around Gates
Oregon. Tbe writer lives between
Gates and Niagara and travels this
road almost every day. Some of
our road is almost impassable. We
have tried a number of times the
last, month to. get our patrolman,
Conrad Miller, to fix the worst
places se we could get out for our
mall. He tells us- to pile these
"stink wagons," as be calls i.hem,
onto a brush pile aand burn them;
then he will make us a road.
Now I will say this road district
has a first class road drag, and if
we could get him to use it our
roads would be improved
greatly. He has used the drag
only one, day and a half all winter
2nd spring. Up in this mountain
couontry we have plenty of ma
terial to build roads with," such as
Bhell rock and gravel; if we could
only get it onto our roads, I have
lived up In this country 20 years
past, and parts of our road never
have had any work done on them
since they were first built. 25 or
30 years ago. We have only about
11 miles of road In this district
and have carried a special road
tax for the last ten years except
this year; have had in the neigh
borhood of $20,000 in the last ten
years still our roads are in a
bad condition.
We would be glad to have the
honorable county court investi
gate this matter, or notify the pa
trolman to fix our road in the
worst places. We feel we are not
getting a fair deal; am sorry we
don't live on a paved road. Now if
the members of our county court
think this is not true, we kindly
invite them to come up and take
a look at this road.
Gates, Ore., May 7, 1921.
CHICAGO, May 10. J&tim the
evil spirit of muric. accord, to
Dr. Frank E. Morton. chAifman
of the music industries crilwmU
tee. in speaking at the opening ot
tbe music trades conventlogSnere
yesterday. a
"Jazz," said Dr- MortoOi$ ex
presses hysteria and incitui!idl9-
ness. revelry, dissipation, destruc
tion, discord and chaos. I'll ac
cords with the devastating? vol
canic spirit that has burstfforth
over the world in the last ; six !
years. fj
SavaR-e Were Swayed9,
Rhythm and musical libra-
tion swayed the half savagf voo-
dooists like a powerful intoxicant.
It shows the extreme to Which
musical vibrations can control hu
man nerves when 1 m proper m em
ployed. This is bad muslcfj but
the difference between the icaU-tatlon-crazed
fanatics and ttW pa
triot or soldier stirred to! liable
action by music is a dliferetljce in
the music itself. Jazz is fom
ponnded after the same foroiuU
as the Voodoo chants. Typifyln
tbe unbalanced state of human
ity's mind. It tends to unblnjie It
more and more. Human jherf4
tissues 'respond to this perverted
organization of sound Jufc: as
readily as those of. the Voodoo
zealots, and Just as readily wilt
they respond to music off the
higher, ennobling order. The.
tnfe prescribe!
world needs good -music as jhevcr
before. r
riimU fa fUtitm
"Seldom do yon hear 'Home
Sweet Home' sung now. Formerr
iv it dronned in unon us In. con
cert encores and quiet, social! an
family gatherings. And every
rendition of it reacted on th&cer
ebral ticsues of those whojfans
ami tn a lesser extent on those
who listened. With 'Home $eet
Home', silenced, home itself tends
to disappear. With home wai
lowed up in the cabaret, the great
ulahlliclnr eenter or socieir is
lost. . ' M
Make music virile. Put ; red
blood into it. Associate it swita
t van. tinted men who do things.
Keen away from the jaza abomr
inations. Restore tne oraeru
harmonized organization of ladua-
trlal and social Ufa witp sooa
music. Bring back 'Home SJreet
A brief program will be given in effect!.t sne retorted carelessly.
connection wltb tne regular uu nanhiag a brilliant, provocative
ness session. smile at him. "The coloring "
"Rita!" Dicky sat upright and
.c. n v Mill went to Cottage -honk a nrotestinx finger at her.
n,wvierdav to enioy a months T warn tou. I'll stand for a
J - - , 1. . . I . ...... . ...
visit at tbe home ot ner aai". gooa many ir.ings irom you.
w Ttmrri I I won't liatr-n to any iareon ahout
g. eiiecia ana cuiunug, u:m "
Representing tho Woman's Mis- other patter you have at your
i. anMetv of the local United tongue's end. This is my day of
rlnnarv society of the local
Evangelical churcn at tne cona
tion of the Oregon branch of the
church held in Portland today,
Thursday and Friday of this
lt are Mrs. O. N. 'inom pu
rest, and I don't want any bub
gestion or me trade running
around loose. If you can't stand
It nnv lonEer without conversa
tlon I'll turn on the spigot, and
selections of me
The peculiar
penetrating, per
sistent flavor of
rare, high, grade
coffee is in every
package and can
not escape, as it is
mcked in vacuum
mi., a c unmPT. sirs. I lurninu uu
presiaem, ... - ; ,,. tt l.rands Rut if you love
- wm . a aiiitiua -
iiay. "1 .. mo rrte not of 'effects' when
tbe tnree taiier H .o th rh.ncA to look at
-i ney iuvjw i j - i - -
anyiniuK imc iuio.
But Alfred Responds.
official delegates
toTortland last nignt.
An Important speager at
convention will be Mrs. aru
m a - Hit t onii rv ii r . .
rll field secretary, who will He indicated the drifting blos
sTnTlhe'r'elnarnder oVthe month soms. the lake vista with a care-
in Oregon-spemK.nB . - h , alK.,8
nlaces of tne conierentc, au - - - lrr.
Krcome to Salem May 29 to de- that he w.. . aunoyed I at the Jrl J
liver the memorial aaaress ai iuj , ,un u ,
l.ol I'nlted Evangelical cnuu reieire.
local tnitea .But T dont ,ove you .. the giri
. Tu. w n c heT3 renlied with a mocking look ai
"y,iv meetlne Moii- me. "It's never sate to love .
a reRuiai u.-.-w - i .
. ha home oi raarriea man-
aay imwB.i c "... w,rh 1 if. oni- Alfred that
-when his
" rv 1 k mvi v.niii n I 1 I MI uuuu. a w n
. -"Vion being featured love, and I know he's coming over
X In iftracUvely appointed lun- here to talk to me so you can
by an attractively vv fascinating conversi-
cheon. ,i . .nnnair Anrt I'll not for
give you in a hurry euner iu.
The Woman's Foreign mission
arvsocietyof the First Methodist your patter and Jargon stuff."
ary society oi iu r . , tfa wa ovrpr
Xlir if you say so. Rita." Alfred Dut-
lookorthx trademarkon the can .
Parrier 1065 Court Sireei.
afternoon at 2:30.
Mrs. Frances Campbell came up
from Portland last night to at
tend the recital given by Frank
E Churchill in the First Chris
tian church, in which her daagh
tcr. Miss Genevieve Campbell,
was presented.
Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Steusloff,
accompanied by their daughter
Mrs. G. F. Chambers and her
" " - . J V .
kee raid, as he rose ana maue m
irsr the zirl's side. :
It was all the veriest playful
nonsense, but again something in
AifrH nnrfree'a face and voice
made me wonder what were nl
real feelings toward Rita Brown
(To be continued)
Read The Classified Ads.
Make This Your Record Week in the Contest Regular
Vote Schedule Declines Approximately 10 After Next
Saturday Night t
Of course, the dollar is going
farther than it did, but don't
hurry it too much.
At the end of this week there will be a decline of ap
proximately 10 per cent in the regular vote schedule in the
pony competition.
It will take votes to win the magnificent pony prizes.
Therefore the idea is to do the best work while you can se
cure the utmost in votes for your efforts.
Difference In Vote Schedules
This week a six months renewal subscription will bring
500 more votes than it will bring next week. There wil
be 2000 more votes for a year's renewal on the daily this
week than next week and so on.
The additional votes you would obtain on your subscrip
tions by securing them this week may be the deciding fac
tor at the close of the competition and may be the means o
winning for. you the prize of your choice.
New Competitors Should Enroll
If you are planning on entering the competition, do so
now. There is nothing to be gained by waiting. The regular
vote schedule declines from time to time and you will find
it a wise plan to secure every available subscription this
week, before the big decline takes place next Saturday; if you
wish to get the utmost in votes for your efforts.
There is still plenty of room for more active workers.
Several new competitors have jumped into leading positions
You may be able to do the same if you get busy at once. Re
member that nobody fias the ponies cinched yet Not luck,
not chance, but ambition and energy alone will win these fa
mous prize ponies and magnificent driving outfits.
will write an eye
ass prescription - tor .
your vision difficulties that
will again onng peace anu
comfort to your sight ; We
will charge you a reasonable
price that varies because of
s different degrees ; of lenses;
and different t y p s o f
n -jiijim
in ft
Overhead Crossings Ar
Ordered by Commission
Upon application of the : State
highway commission the public
service commission yesterday! is-
ued an order. granting the S0ro-
miseion authority to construct
overhead crossings over track$ of
the Oregon-Washington Railroad
& Navigation company., at Mtcn
am. Glover Hilgard, Perry, KHot
Lake, Telocaset and North Ppw
der, in Umatilla and Union coun
ties. The crossings are on -O'd
Oregon trail. 1
Trn a ft T C . lolfl hftTVH1 TAfUKfl
Al condition, rood rub her; UJtr jr$r
ia trae. rnon isiim,
1921 Ford touring, like new: sjun
2000 mi let: lots of xtr, good Srtib-
h-r. SRO. Hkon 141M gl
"The Enchanted Cany ont
. By .WiUsie,. Price $2JK)
"Hidden Creek" by Burt,
i Price -..2.00
."Find a Wornan'fi'by
'Jacob's Ladder by Op
penheim ..r..$Z00
"Flood Tide" by Bas
; sett: iJILOO,
'"The Brimming Cup" by,
t Canfield.-- ?2.00
163 .N. Corn! $t, 8alea,
Phone 61
Classified Adsi: In-Th .
Statesman-; Bring- Results
4alem Representatlvft
Glark-KendinU & Co., Inc.
0 BE of additional Iconvenience and help to our
host of customers $h and around Balem. we have .
secured the serviced of Mr. William McGilchrist. :
Jr. as the resident agen of the investment house of 1
Clark, Kendall & Co.. In!
Headquarters for Government, Municipal and Cor- ;
poration securities will tfia maintained at Suite 309-10 1 -U.
8. Bank Bldg., corner ot State and Commercial streets, t
Mr. McGilchrist is well-known throughout the Valley i
as a successful business man of high Integrity, and ;
it is with confidence in'fcls ability to advise clients :
both present and prospefetrve regarding their Invest-
ment problems, that we piftce him in supervision of our j '
Salem business. j
' ! j
Our policy of handling; only carefully selected In-
vestment securities which we can conscientiously recom- j
mendywas established ten jtears ago when this firm was f
organized, and has been s consistently maintained. ;
Specialists in BoMls-that-Bulld-Oregon
Clark-Kendlll & Co., Inc. !
Government, Munipal and Corporation " .
300-10 U. S. Dk. Bldf.
Salem, Ore.
5th and Stark
Portland, Ore.