"V s ;eiJ m -' I cuMOT APTiiTimnni Bate Pt Wore auartioa t A rTwh ' inrtiona) He V " .k xlO 2 rhe'" contract, per BM . lSt ??!' eotract, per molSa ytohnax for any advancement e Tr xonwicii UNION L. fVftUKANCK SOCIETY KoUod nuntluirdt LT;. it 871 Htate St. MONEY TO LOAN On Real Estate T. K. FOKD (Over Udd B"h B- FARM LOANS maWKINS & ROBERTS 204-207 Oregon Building OUR OFFERINGS kAmi Including eome of the L '-t la the CUT- Our list of LoM Ortfoa Bldg. Phono 1614 NEW TODAY rn. BEVT SIX ' ROOM Bl'XOAI.OW: tET,1.V.d: modern. 1135 South newij - Itith str-o. r-. KrST FIVB KK)M Bl'SGAlAJW. TO in sMh lftth street. $26 Vm. Phone 23. .r c.ll .1 . " . kiu atu office. OB BALE-WOOD. PRY 2ND GROWTH "fA lk eld fir. Reduced price e.J mvtb fir wk It can be SA'uZ cr. Ph... 175 or TmEOOXfS- 10 CIGAR 1 A GOOD ckeerfal compmon. kjttJAM'B SHOE SHOP 193 SOUTH HM(B, ; 0HT-4OI-D EVERHHARP PENCII t.ulala 1 G- Commercial atreet hetweaa State Sunday after El rd, Phon J"' 1J. kite FIVE ROOM COTTAGE WITH Urt let nx "! ; '7' il? Barber R'l Relate Aim- ry, KC w fORD SSDAX FOR RAUK OB TRADR- Free. ' i0H H0V8EKEEPlXa ROOMS PHONE KFI. CaSTED TOCXO WOMAN BOOK keeper Wna lair " "-"a- ----- aa lyprrltiaf. Mnat kn? oaperi aeo. Permaaent. deairahla poaitioa. Aadreat XTZ. earn Miateamaa. " 1 4 MAUSOB AM LOW COST IX- Mfinev aava aaaao - t oi l(Mlnaillo tba leading inaur IM oampaay In Oretoa. ST year, afaereie. Oet a policy witb thaw, uadley A Foloy, Afeato. Boah Wg. fboM 47. t i r LOST AIRDALE DOf WILU PAY rewari tot information. Pbone nw4. WAXTIB USOO AT 6 PERCENT FOR to ream. Good aacurtty. adoresa owrlty," eara Btataaman. ' AOtXTt WASTED TWO HOtaE TO kaaat canvaaaara for work l Balom aaa nearby town a. Liberal ymmt turn. Hm Mr. frait, Room 23. P" nal Haul. t Irnax rt'BttlBHED ROOM: PHOXE t'k V w- rantionw praferrad. TltS ALLAt)IS READY CUT HOL'SC eompaay of Portlan aro baring a peekal oala-o tbo fhret S naa old 4orlllUooM.bdra Woo in FortUnd. aurtlnf May 0 at no-fonrtk (2$- Mrorat' off recnlar prtcea). I bavo boon aataorisad to aall In tbia territory tbo lira ten bonaao aoMi taio : ak mi ona-fanrth aff rarular nrleca. tfaick if yaa want to aaro aateral kaadwd dollara yomr koso. big aaiaf in com tract too at regoUr price. Caaa. F. Bmitb, 409 Oregon Bldg.. lat tery raproaanMUrn. Wt XOVLD MAKE A BPSsTIAL PRICE on a fia and aia room bungalow rloae tagttker on paved atroet. Coma and a m kafora yoa bay. Krojer, Orifwi Batldiag. FORTES' S 10c PA f AT EL AS WILL AF ' (aid yon enjaymeal at your work. FbMM J0J1W. THREE BOOMS HEAT, LIGHT AND ater, for real; 147 Xorth Cofamer tial atreet. . Utt, TCICB CITY AND COUNTRY yeenerty witk H. R. Pearaon ia tbe I. S. Bank Bldg, it will will receive taarial attention tbrougk. inanection ad adTartwing; many aatiafied cu ' at Salem and aurrounding ter ritory. I So R. PEARSON aaal trtata Offieea. 408 V. H. Bank Bldg. FOR IALE FOBD SEDAN' 1920 MODEL Ma of titraa, timiw tire; Jooka Ilka new: take Ford tourlna- or road- imt or PbM r or good 7 paatencer ear in trade. 1I41M. FOB SALE 'SI FORD TOI.'RIXO. Rl'M UOO, atuu, original tire.; lota of ntraa; laoka like new. 5W ; taka Ji raudater to trada. Pbona 74. 1ABT CHIX Ot'R SEASOV CLOSES aaa.! Beda, Roeka and White lg raa on aala today. Call 55 Bute itrart CASH GROCERY 6 Mil hy owner, food location M IITM ttMal alak mm.A tf:.o.u .0 "7e: good ptaatored atoro building. Fleaaant living rooma. comer lot - JJ .' Jaat the place for family .'" aad make good money in th P"'. ko areani and confectionary V- mPrl 'or all about 2.o0. i!JTf- P1'000 down ank Stb itroat. IS, R, PEARSON ; 0 C: 8. Bank Bldg. ; I ; NOTK7K NoUcs ! hereby glren that 1 '"Pnnded the following de- "wt uoes in compliance wttn waintnet anmber 1404. to-wlt: brows and white apotted bird :?'. ' weight 50 oounds. One And whlt Shepherd, with irjtoJ. weight 40 ponnds. fmmw and white terrier, re hinVir!V'bt 10 POnd. One ta.i. ' DCB""Kred, long-haired S5: W 16 pounds' One f;iHed bull terrier. hi .T,r,14i Bd and ears and ..leJ; '.-?rtadl body. KrihS V pond Th boV, rMeenied by owners, on or before iJ??-4.1. Hil. as ororlded In I'nia oramasce. W. S. I)V. 8treet Commissioner. EMPLOYMENT aCICEXUlBBOUS I'ffiiL"" ' WOMEN TO i ao larm mm. k . v . : . . tkTp!l.'f? J? rth Addeeoa nrnToio K",U4- Btatewan Bldg. Read; The Classified Ads. ed 1 CMSI "I. TIIE OREGON STATCSMAN, EMPLOYMENT MISCKlJUTBOUS FOK SALE I4x8 KILO; AH GOOD a new. U. W. Tburmen. Gervai. lire., Kt. a. MALI WANTKI ENKKOETIC TOCXO MAS who ban bad experience oiling lit insurance, slocks or advertising. Muat be able to devote bia entire time and lr ambitious for advancement. Muat have the courage to present business propoaitioo to merrbante and prof-a ivnal Diea. Anaatrr in your own baud ritiuf alaliuK age, edurainal qual If K-anona. rxprrienra aa auliritur ele Addrria I No. 81. Htateauian office. PERSONAL liET MABRIED BE8T MATKIMOMAl. paper pabhabed. Free for atamp t 'orreapondent. Toledo. Ohio. FOR SALE CAXAXT XUtSS FOB 8AUC CaITASi BIRDS. Nifhf inform. Mra E. A. Beaaoti. Pboaa FAKif parrs If TOU WANT TO GET THE BEST tana papar. aand I he to Tbo Pacific HotBOalaad. Balom. Orefoa, for a tbroo moBtha trial aubacripuoa. Mealiaa tUia ad. P0VX.TBT FAVEBOIXES ABB BU8IMKSS BIRDS. rricoa oa application. Eugaaa . T. Proacott. Salam. Or.- THE NORTHWEST POCLTRT JOUR aaL Tbo biggeat and beat ta tbo "eat. Tba Jito Bagaxina for lia poultry men. 75e yaar: 11.00 ia Halatu. Wend 5 centa for aamplo today. Tho Nertbwaot Poultry Journal. Salam. Oregon. Mentioa tbia ad. BABY CHIX ON SALE EVERY DAT tbia weak. Several varietieo. Reduced Sricee. C. N. Noedbam. 558 Statu t Opgoaito County court home. nBAJfCIAL LOANS, LOANS. LOANS WE CAN furniab money to build you a now beuao or to fix np tbo old one if norooaary. Laflar A Laflar. 408 7 Oregon Bldg. MARION POLK COUNTY FARM LOAN aaaociatioa baa money to loan at aix portent. W. D. Smith, aacrotary-troaa-arcr, SOS Baleta Bank of Commerce. we have some good farm mort- gagoa to eell. HAWKIXS ROBERTS 208 Oregon Bldg.. Salom. HOUSES ALADDIN READY CUT HOUSES, bnraa at Factory pricea. 40 to 70 nor coat redaction. Monoy looaed for building pnrpoaoa. Caaa. Smith, 400 UYE STOCK PIGS AND 8HOAT8 FOR SALE. PHONE 622. FOR SALE FINE REGISTERED O.I.C. aow and akoata; cheap if taken in 10 daya. Henry Yung, Independence, Oregon. - mscxxuurzous PRIMEDA BALM. FORMERLY BALM of Flga. Phono 160S-W. FULLER BRUSHES. FX)K DKMON'STRA tion, phone Orimea 2082J. TRY THE NICKEL LUNCH .AT 261 Coort. Anything 6e. BEND BILL OF LUMBER FOR HOUSE, barn, abed or fence yon wiab to build; high grade, aound lumber. Jamea M. Moor a, BonU 1, Bos 81. Stay ton. Ore. FOR SALE CHEAP GOOD HEN HOUSE woven wire fence; galvaniaed coope; 8 laying bona. Phono 144Z. os Booth Church. , STANDARD EXCHANGE. 843 NORTH Commoreial atreet. Dkamonda, watches, muaical laatrnmaata, gnna. clothing, hoca, Both now and axed gaoda booght sold er txebaagrd. WIRE HOP. IXK3AKBEHRT, CHICKEN wiro. Buiabwek, 878 Court itroct. OFFICES AND STORES A BIO LOT of now book for aalo at ball prion. Btoiabocka. WANTED EVERY ONE TO TBY Vaaona paiata aad ataina aold at tba Capital Hardware a . rnrnitnro Co. 285 S. Commercial St. Fbona 947 THE WESTERN SONGSTER SCHOOL AND COMMUNITY 8IN0IN0 An eapeciallr good aelretioa of tho aonga - yon have been wanting witk worda aad maaie complete. No matter now many aoagbooka yon have yon a baa Id have tbia one, containing tba Oregon oonga. Pricea : Singlo eopiea, 25c; ldVi ronu each in lota of a dosea or more; 812.80 tbo band red, pootpaid. Second edition printed aince September. UHMiUS TEAUItU U.rMI.I 21 S S. Commercial Ht Kalcm, Oregon WOOD FOR WOOD PHONE 1563M. DRY FIR AND OAK WOOD FOR 8ALE. Pbono 77F2. - WOOD FOB SALE NICE DRY 8EC ond fir. Phono 022. FIRST CLASS 18-INCTT OLD GROWTH fir. (10.00 per cord. Phono 1487. WOOD SAWING AND WOOD FOR SALE at reaaoaablo pricea. F taker Brothers 21F11. CALL THE SALEM FUEL. TARD8 FOR yoor wood aad cool; office 768 Trade tract. Phon 829. FOR SALE FIRST CLASS 16 in. In aide mill wood, reaaoaablo. Special Price on car lota aeaaoned mill wood. Sea na before buying yoar winter sup ply. Fred E. Wella, 305 So. Church I'bone 142 FOR RENT APARTMENTS APARTMENTS FOR RENT 809 NORTH Commercial. BOOMS FOR RENT Fl'RXISHED ROOMS. 730 X. Winter St. ONE SEPARATE HOUSEKEEPING Kootn in rear. li month. iSS Marina atreet. Pbone 1524. FOB RENT FURNISHED SLEEPING rooma, rloae in: gentlemen preferred. 447 N. Liberty Street. FOR RENT A LARGE FRONT ROOM with hot water beat, furniahed. at the Alexandria. 1030 Chemekta atroet Pkono 12s0. FOR RENT ROOM FOR GENTLEMAN in modern home aad eentrally locat ed. Pleaaa give name and addreoe E, rare Stateaman , BOUSES f. L. WOOD. 831 STATE ST, REAL oatato. rontala. OOOD FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING rooms: old couple preferred. Good 6 room bouaa to rent. Tbo Pntuam McLarrn Co.. Room 21. 180 North Commercial atreet WANTED MISCEXXAJrEOTJS WAXT LEASE JUNE 1st SMALL TUB ntahed bomo in good neighborhood with accomodation near for car. 13. care Stateaman. WANTED USED HOUSEHOLD GOODS, range and eookxtovea, tool, men a uita and .hoe. . Liberty Erbaag. 241 N. Commoreial. Pbono 841. tusjiGE. Well rooted loganberry ttttaate wanted. Cannot aao enckora Mar Joint planta: alao loganberry trana- oAanli for fall delivery, wara . awieoD, Phon 484. SALEM. OIIEGON BUSINESS CARDS Auto Directory BATTEST AMD ELECT SICAL C8L BATTERY SERVICE STATION Expert battery and electrical work tarria Br . Phuua tB03. 418 Court TIKES AMD ACCESSOKIES SMITH-WAT KISS, 147 NORTH HIGH Hak, Silverton Cord Hood extra pli tirea. Everytbing or auto. A HOSPITAL FOR INJURED AUTO tirea Right b-re. ATI Houth Com Uiercial Tira Shop. HOFFMAN A OKERBFRG TIRE REPAIR abop; vulcanizing, retreading. 811 N Commercial. Pbone 804. UNIVERSAL TIRE FILLER SERVICE atation. Savea you tiro trouble. 420 Mouth Cemmercial. TRUCKS FOR SALE 'OR TRADE FOR TOURING car, 1 ton GMC truck. 1824 Broad way. nriBssaEBasaaxesMaQ USED CAS8 AUTO ECONOMY IP YOU WAXT cheap pa and tire upkeep, ukr ail vantage of bargain, on late Maxwell Touring Car at Marion Uarae of ratraa, only $.'0. A FEW GOOD BARGAINS Elgin "Su" ..fintio Overland "5" 500 Chevrolet ;n Maxwell 175 Chalmcr 'Six" "rd 300 Cbaudler 12SH And then eotne. OI.KSON AUTO EXCHANGE -ll-LLSom' ''. Phone 6rfl. OAKAQES AND SEP AIX TRACY'S STORAGE GARAGE 844 Ferry atreet. LIBBY'3 AUTO REPAIR SHOP 220 -wuta Liberty, fbona 001. AUTO REPAIR SHOP L, MILLER, 34S tester. mono BVU. FERRY STREET GARAGE MILLER .."v rro,Me. general repairing. 530 Ferry. SOUTH COMMERCIAL GARAGE GEN eral repairing and overhauling. 420 S. Commercial St.. Salem. AUTO ELECTRICIAN ; EXPERT TROU ble ahooting. 238 North High. Phone 203. CAPITAL GARAGE BUICK. STUDE baker. Hudaoa repairing. 173 Mouth Liberty. Pkoao 88. STANDARD AUTO REPAIR SHOP acroa from Argo, Cbrm.keta atroot Pboaa 1260. SALEM AUTO RADIATOR SHOP 198 ooma ista. mono 2a. SPECIAL PBICES FOKD REPAIRING "jrriea garaga, 80S M. Liberty. Fbona 1277J. J C BAIR, RADIATORS,' FENDERS. Bodiea repaired. 444 Ferry. FAIR GROUNDS GARAGE TIKES, AC ceaaoriea. need car. Our work guar anteed. 2641 Portland Road. Pbon SOS AUTO TOPS AUTO TOPS W. C. WRIGHT. 171 Booth High. AUTO TOPS. UPHOLSTERING. AUTO painting. Hall Top Shoo. "Y" Bldg. BEAUTT PAKXOXS 0REGONI0N BEAUTY SHOP MABCEL waviag, baitdroaalng, 185 South Com mercial Pkoao 477. BARBERS COZY NOOK BARBER SHOP Btato. aawaaBBBBBnmmBBBBBaamaaaBBMnwmaBBBBi CONTXCTIOirEET 1986 REMINGTON CONFECTIONERY. HOME mad aandios. coafectioaa, cigars, xoag atine. 1271 StatA. CHTJTESB PHT8ICZAJI DR. U M. HUM CURES ANY KNOWN dtaeaaa. 153 g. High St.. Phon 288. PMSSMJumro DRES8MAKINO 12B9 South High. DRESSMAKING LADIES' TAILORING 1335 Madioon Avenua. DRESSMAKING, TAILORING Cherry. Pbop 1678 M. S720 DREB8MAKING AND PLAIN SEWING. 745 Bellevae. Pbon 1620-W. J08EPHrKE FAXON DRESSMAKING 1414 Miaaion atroet. LOTTIE TOWNSEXD DRESSMAKING, 240 D street. TAYLOR AND FLTNN DKESSMAK tag. 227 Oregon Bldg. RUTH McA DA MS DRESSMAKER, 756 Sooth 12th. Phon 1824 M. HAITI E WILLIAMS DRE88MAKING. 248 North Cotug. Pbon 1552 W. ELETHA PRUETT DRE88MAKING. 682. North CommoreUL Phono 1031 W HAVE YOUR SPRING DRESSMAKING dona at 758 North Commercial. ELITE GOWN SHOP MODI8T. DE aigning. Phono 1123, 414 Oregoo Building. LADIES' TAIIX)RING, DRESSMAKING Room 18. 265 North Commoreial Phono 1091. CARRIE FISH EB DRESSMAKING, designing. Spencer corsets to order. I MeComack Bldg. MRS. VARTT. DESIGNED AND MAKER Ladioo' Suiu and Gown. 7 McCor mack Bldg. DBZSS GOODS FULL LINE SPRING, SUMMER DRESS good. Mrs. Each. Phon 1471. HAT SHOPS HAT 8HOP MEN'S AND WOMEN'S hata renovated and blocked 495 Court atreet. HEMSTTTCHOrO SALEM ELITE HEMSTITCHING, chainat itch lag. pleating, button. 429 Court. Pbono 956. DRUG STORES BREWER DRUG CO. Phone 184. 405 COURT; OEXENHOU8X8 PORCH BOXES BEDCI NO PLANTS for aalo. Smith' 301 North Commer cial. ALL KINDS OF FLOWERS FOR PLANT ing out. hanging baaketa and box, rea eonabl price, at Arthur Planta Green Hon e. liOH S. 13i h A Wilbur St. T-AUWDSIXS SALEM LAUNDRY COM.-ANY. 188 8 Liberty atreet. Pbon 85. Oldoat large! beat. Eatabliahod 1889. CAPITAL CITY STEAM LAUNDRY Quality work, prompt aervice, 1264 Rmtitwif one PLUMBIMO PLUMBING. REPAIRING AND COIL work. Pken 1517J. Shop, 127 Uaioa etreet A U Godfrey fAINT CONTRACTOKS DAVI8 A STRArTTBACOH GENERAL contractor; painta. oil. wallnapor. 220 Sooth Liberty. Phono 901. AUBREY H. CLARK. BCCCESSOK IO Olrno L. Adama. Painting, paperhang ing, ka'.aomining. Work goaranteed. Terma reaaonable. Pbone 1306J ; rea, 425 Sonth Winter. Read IJie Classified Ads, . - ., BUSINESS CARDS MUSICAL ALLIE CHANDLER PIANO. 2S1 North Cottage. BEATRICE 811 ELTON PIANO STUDIO 445 Marion. Pbon 1200. LILLIAN HARTSHORN PIANO. 894 North Cbur.-.V Pboue 178. JESSICA WILI.E -PIANO. 170 SOUTH l'-Ih. Pbone l'.tlW. T. S. ROBERTS PIANO. ORGAN. 270 South 14lh. Phono 770. DAN V. I.ANUENHEKG. VOCAL Derby Bldg. Pboue 2070. LENA WATERS PIANO. 1472 MILL Phon 1184M. MOLL1E STYLES VOICE. PIANO. 85 Center. PboDe 2M6H. DOROTHY PEARCE PIANO. . 267 North Winter. Pbono 846J FRANKLIN LAUNKK PIANO, 208 North 17th. Phono 1415. JLI.IA MILLS WE1GEU PIANO. 1560 South Church. Pbone 13VIR. LUCILE BARTON VOICE, PIANO. 147 North Commercial. Pboaa 602, 1588. LL'CILE ROSS PIANO. OKU AN. 498 North Liberty. Pboae 1187W. MATTIE GILBERT STRING 1NSTBU meats, 1572 Htal. Pbon 1156 R. WESTERN CONSERVATORY OF Ml' 8 ie of Chicago, Frank E. Churchill, rep reaentativa. Diplomaa granted. Odd fellow bldg. SALEM CONSERVATORY OP MUSIC All braacbea taught, diploma a granted. John K. Site, director, 1237 Court. Phono 626. TTJVEB8 WENDELL HELM TUNTKO, REPAIR ing. Phono 402. EDWARD WELP EXPERIENCED tUno tuner. Leavo prder ' Will' uaic tor. R. W. BALLANTYNE. TUNER, PLAY era a apecialty. Phone 352. Cher rington Piano Hon. PIANOS PIANOS, PLAYER PIANOS; NEW. ad. J. W. Tallman. 121 So Cein'l. CHERBINGTOX PIANO HOUSE, HAN die Bush-Lane celebrated piano. 415 Court. Pbono 352. PAINT, WALLPAPER SEE PORTER FOR PAINTS. WALL a per aad Picture Framing. Good work men. 456 Court St- Phon 466. PRIVATE HOSPITALS WANTED CONFINEMENT CASES AT private boapital. 1 have beat of equip ment. Phon 1059J. PERIODICALS MISS GOODHUE TAKES 8U38CR1P tioo for all magaxinea. 261 bo. 17th street. Phono l4tMjM, nmiinoV BOOT BEPAIKINO ROOFS RESIIIN'GLED, CLEANED. RE paired, painted or tarred. Pbone Kayea mminaBwmaaBaaaeBawwaBBBBaawmwaa KXPAIXINO AND SHAXFEBTJfO. CUTLERY GRINDING, LAWN MOWERS .aafety rasora, etc Btowart'a Repair Shop, 847 Court street. BEN WHEELER EVERYTHING RE paired. General barpaiag, ebimaey twee p. 1466 N. 17th U Phon 1416W STENOOBAPHZKS PUBLIC STENOGRAPTTEB 408 MAS onw Bldg. Pboaa 176. SECOND HAND GOODS WE BUY AND SELL SECOND HAND gnoda of all kinds, pipe fittings, har naaa, collar, collar pad, teeial aad chaw. Fred Bcxtindlor, 266 Center atreet. STOVES STOVE BXFAlaINO STOVE REPAIRING. REBUILT. COILS, conaoetiona. Will aall and clean, pol iah at bouaa. 271 North Commercial. Pbon 784. STOVES REBUILT im REPAIRED 40 yaars experience; Depot National fence, atses 26 to 28 in, high. Paint oil and varniahee, eten loganberry and hop hooka. Salem Fence and Store Work. 250 Conrt street. Phone 124. SCAVENGERS SALEM SCAVENGER GARBAGE, REF nae of all kind remorcd, Cass poo Is elaased. Phon 167. TA1XOXS FRANK PALM MERCHANT TAILOR, 294 North Commercial. TAXI DIRECTORY LAN HAM TAXI COMPANY PHONE 640 THE OREGON TAXI TRANSFER CO, Liberty A Ferry. Phon 77. pry lab. 16-inch weed for sal. TBAVSPEB HAULXMO CHA8 CHANDLER OCNERAL TRAN8 fer; office, ataad, Clark's Tire II aaa, Pbone 74. MERCHANTS' COOPERATIVE PARCEL delivery, meaaenger service, baggage, trunks, any part city, 50 cents. 19 Month High. Phone 230. CAPITAL CITY TRANSFER CO. 226 Bute Su, phon 033. Distributing, forwsrding and storage our specialty. Get our rate. WATER 3ALEM WATER, LIGHT POWEB CO. Office. SOI Booth Oom'l St. Tew per cent diacoont on domestic flat ratee paid ia advance. No deductions for ab- enr or any cause u a leas water i hat off your premise. WHERB TO EAT WflTE CLOUD TEA HOUSE CHINA diabea, noodle, free dancing. Open 9 a.m. 1 at night. 110 Si. Com'L PROFESSIONAL CHIXOPRACTOXS DR. O. U SCOTT. P. 8. C, CHIBOPRAO lor. 809 12 V. 8 Bank Bldg Phon. 87; Be. 838R. CHIBOPODISTS FOOT CORRECTIONAL SPECIALIST Appliaaceo from individual impraaeioa Satiaiaction gnaraatood. Caaa. E. Tatro. Masonic Bldg. Pbone 441. OSTEOPATHIC PHTIICLAKi DRS. WHITE AND MARSHALL. 806 U. 8. National Bank Bldg. DR. W. L. MERCER. OSTEOPATHIC Physician aad aurgeon; Kirkcvill graduate, 404-408 U. 8. National Bank Bldg. Phone Office, 919: Re. 614. DR. JOHN L. LYNCH. OSTEOPATHIC Payairiaa and Sutgeon. 408-404 Oregon Bldg; Pbone ; Office. 1194: Re. SF5 , OPTICIANS GLASSES FITTED BY DR. L. R. BUB dett at tbe Bow Optical Company. 825 State atreet, opposite Ladd aad Buab Hank. LODGE DIRECTORY UNITED SPANISH WAR VETERANS, rimy 8. Armory. First. Third Mendaya. REAL ESTATE A GOOD POULTRY RANCH WELL IX provrd at 630(1. Near th rar. A No 1 soil, good bungslow, garage and C. booses. Hewing, 341 Stale St. REAL ESTATE 6 BOOM PLASTEKEm HOUSE; BATE toilet, cement basement, fouadatloi and walk; 8 4 acre of land planted 14 beariag fruit; l block to paved atreet; 8 block to ear. $3,250. $1,000 task balance 6 percent. H. 8. Belle, 44t State street. FOR SALE ."0 ACRES. GOOD RoCk road; two mile, from RK. atation; 25 area improved, balance in timber aad panture; well fenced; 4 aerre of bear ing prune; 0 aire 1 and 2 year old: bouse and barn being built. Price Sa.iniO; will accept good city property er amall tract to about $8,00(1. $2,uu'i cash : balance easy terma SQUARE DEAL CO : 202 U. 8. Bank Phone 470 A HE YOU CONTEMPl. A rTNO BuTlD ing in the nar future I If to 1 want u to tee the pretty building lota I have for sale at $Mi on N". 14th St. only two block from atreet car line juat aroaa Mill atreet bridgt aewrr. water and electric lighta now placed. AIo hate four lota facing A afreet at S350. Call en .N. Selig, at 505 N. 1 4tb. FOR HALE DESIRABLE FIVE ROOM houac with garaice; modern except baaruieut ; rlMe t paved atreet and rar liue. Convenient location Price right with terms. For appointment phone owner 404. or evening 3l M. WOOLVS BARGAINS Three room houae, $8,000 3 room house three Iota. 650; caay terma. 12 room houae. rloae in S4,500. 320 acre farm, well located, 86(1 per acre. 0 acrea rtnee in, well improved, 83,750; take honae to half value. Five room bungalow. $ I. Roil. 232 care farm to trade for income property. 341 State St F, L. WOOD Best Buys and Exchanges Have for xale a 83140 first mortgage on .'0 acrea in Lincoln county, Colo. Hav bonght a ranch here, ta meet my pay mruls t hereon I will dim-oont the above mortgage so it will draw 10 percent. 20 sere prunes, logana, atrawberriea. 6 room houae. drier, warebouiia, garage, rork road, rkiae In: will take Salem retideure up to $6,(KK). Price $11,500. 160 acre all in wheat, 13 goea; will lake Salem residence up to $3,000. Price $4,000. 13 acrea, fine new 6 room bungalow, new hartf, hen house, all the very beat of soil and all in grain and looking fine, on rock road. 1 t mile from Halem, for short time $7500. This is a dandy home. 80 acre in Crook conntv and 80 sere in Tillamook county; will exchange for ranck u to 10 mile from Salem, suit able for dairying, will aesume or pay difference. Price on my land $5,000. " room modern bungaluw, fin lot, let of fruit. $4,700. fi room and large sleeping porch, abso lutely modern, a modern type home, east front, paved street, at 965 X. Sum mer atreet. $7,750. 0 rooma absolutely modern, hardwood floors, rloae in, fin corner lot, garage, one of th nicest home in Salem. $15. 00O. easy term. This place must be old at one. 6 rooma strictly modern bnngalow, garsge. $4,750. Want a $500 loan at 8 percent. S0C0L0FSKY 341 Stat Street. SPECIAL HOUSE OFFER 8 Room, on Improved street, with gar age. Fine lot. East facing. Must be old st once. $2750 will tak It. ARTHUR E. PETERSEN 229 Oregon Bldg. ' A BARGAIN At 60 cent on tbe dollar, A 5-acre tract and good 5-reom baogatow and barn, water, only a mil from car line, some fruit. The building alone are worth th money. 62.250. FLEMING 341 Bute atreet FOR SALE 6 ROOM MODERN BUN gslow in East Sales, between t'ort and State streets; furnace and built in features. Price $5,000. Mrs. Win nie Pettyjohn. 2T State atreet. Pheae 615. With W. H. Orabenborat A to. R-U- LOOKING TO BUY 1 Acre of Fine Garden Ground with good houae, barn, frail honae and chicken house, In city. $2350, only $730 cash. 1 act witn New 4-Hoom oottsge on kard-earfae road, 1 mile out. $1250 8450 cash. 30 Acre I 'i mile out, in fruit. Small bouse and barn. $11.000 $5,000 cash. 60 Acre in Polk County on main read. with all stock nd implement. Good improvements, grain all ia. $11,000. 5 Acres cloce in. All is cultivation. Ixirsns, raspberries, gooseberries, grspes and family orchard. House and barn. astoo 81. 000 cash. ARTHUR E, PETERSEN 229 Oregon Bldg. GOOD BUYS 3 Small Houses and 10 Lots, fin garden land $3,000, with 8500 down, balance easy. Tbomason A Rowley, S3 14 State Street. Good 7 -room House $2500, will take a lot as first payment. $10-acrc tract at S'iOOO, will take lease first? payment. 6 rooma, large lot, aouih Salem. bar fain at 850 with $10O down, balance ike rent. W have a buyer for a good modern home, must be in East Salem, also a fine $3500 home to trad for a small farm. List your property with THOMASON & ROWLEY S316 State Street. Good Buys and Exchanges 10 acre located south of Salem. Cbaap buildings. Price $1800, terma. 10 acres bearing prunes; will tak house snd lot up to $2,000 as part pay ment. Pric $5,000. 15 acre bottom land, all cultivated, good buildings, stock and machinery; will consider houae and lot aa part pay ment. Price $6,000. 20 acre of fine dark prairi", soil, close in. Price $6,000 $1.0Uo down, bl anre. terms. 10 seres, 5 acre bearing prunes. 2 acres act to logins, fsmily fruit, 5-room bun galow, bsrn, well; will consider house and lot up to $3,000 as part psyment. Pric $5,500. 21 er tract, 18 acres of prutes, 3 acres logans, 5 room house, hsa electric lights, barn, dryer, good road ; will exensoge for stock ranch or city property. Pries $12,000. 10 acres of fine soil, 3 acres strawber ries, balance oata aad vetch hay. Price $2. ;). terms. 13', acres, good 10 room home. barn. 1 seres bearing logans, good road : will trade for smaller acreage np to $4,000. Price $6,000. 200 cr farm, , cultivated, balance goot timber and pasture, spring and creel water, rood road. Prire $100 per acre 160 acre la Lincoln county to exchangi for rity property ia Salem, buildings Price $6,000. 5 sere tract. 4 seres hearing logans. . acre st ra wherries ; will take city prop erty up to $2 500. Price $8,500. 320 sere farm. 97 acres rultivsted, bal ance timber and pasture, fifteen thou aand cords atanding fir. Prire $05 per err. Acre tract, close to csrline, south of Sa lem. Prire $!, $200 down, bstsnce terms. 142-srre grsin and dairy farm, good house and barn: will exchange for southern California property. Price $15- 000. HOUSES Stricilv modern 7 room bungalow. Price C.300. 5 room honse, located st 732 Chemeket street. Price $2,500, 4 rsh. 6 room rottsre, Hsth, toilet, light pared street, csrline. barri. Pric 82.0O0. 0 room bonse lorsted in east Salem: will trade for Corvsllls property. Price, $3,000. Good 5-room plastered cottage located st 1!60 S. Comercial atreet. huth. toilet, lights, large lot. Price $2950. If ton are looking to bay. trade or sell, see W. H. Grabenhorst & Co. 273 Slate Street TUESDAY MORNING; MAY REAL ESTATE L, A. HAYFORD Real Estate and Fire Insursnce B(i5 State street 8 room house, plastered, toilet, bath, elec tric light; garagi good variety of fruita and shade: 4 lota aad all for only 84. TOO. Terma. 7 room house on paved atreet ; toilet, j nam. electric ligbt, garage, fruit: 1 block to street car. Price $4.50O. 7 room houae close in on Mission street: corner lot. house plastered: toilet, bath, electric light snj gas. garage. We are offering thra today for only $2,0.'0. Terma 37 acrea. II miles from Salem and close to railroad atation. 20 acrea cleared, and in crop: all fit to cultivate: some timber: place fenced, family orchard, young trees: Groom house, plastered: barn, 2Hv:!li, new; chicken house, well and running water. Price 5,ihjo Terms. FIVE ACRES OP GOOD l.OUANBFR rle. all trained on wire, will hav good crop thia year. Two room bouae, well located close it Salem. $2,HOO. The Putnam-Melren Co. Room 21, 180 North Commercial street. FOR SALE TWO CORNER LOTS OX Norway and Summer streets, 60x120. Pric $860, Cell U1F6. NEW FIVE ROOM BUNGALOW, PLAS teted, modern improvements, paved street, on rar line. Will sell at coat. See owner Sunday. My 15th. 2 to 3 p. m Fairground Road A Hall St. FOR $5,000 I KNOW OP NO BETTER buy In th Willamette Vtlley than tbia 100 acre farm, near Stay ton. Good buildings, good roads, close to railroad, -hools and churrhea. A. ('. Bohrn atedt, 407 Masonic Temple, Salem, Ore NEW MODERN BUNGALOW, CLOSE in, 1 u 1 u,i. n u nrrlisiiv. UOIT e.iiri; 6 room modern bungalow, rtoae to achool bbu rar line. i-nte d,uuu. 3 room bouae good, large lot, Sonth Slem, $100, $200 rash, bslsnce like rent. Farm and fruit ranches for city prop- eefv Large list! Joseph Large listings in rity property. daroer Keal tstate Agency 200 Ora Bldg. Pbon 790 REAL ESTATE TRADERS YOU CAN find a number of good propositions itber trad re, or bays in easy pay ments of land or bungalows. Cbss. W. Niemeyer, Mssonie Temple, Salem. APPLE ORCHARD FOR SALE 21 acrea of 2100 Stark tree, eleven yeara old, including tractor, aprayer and disks One mile from Dallas. P. O. Box 976, Delia. GOLDEN RULE REAL ESTATE I have a beautiful bnagalow far eat GERTRUDE J, M, PAGE 493 N. Oat'ag WORTH WHILE Fire Insurance. Our $350 bene. Our 2 lot in Richmond Addition at $650. Our 63 acre farm, equipped, for $5000; half down. Our 50 acres, 1 mil to electric line for $8,000. A five-room bungslow, 1 Mock to ear line, i.30. Stop your rent by bavin this. MILLS k COPLEY 83 m Bute atreet 46 ACRES. GOOD 80TL. 40 ACRES UN der plow; nil fenced with woven wire, en macadamised road, well and springs on place. Price SS.6A0; good terma. Anyone looking for a good location to build p will do well to see Ed. Loo, 370 ft Stat street, er phone 64F14. 6 BOOM MODERX BUNGALOW. FUR nsee, flrepJsee, Dutch kitchen, in ex reliant condition. Price 64.200. 7 room plastered heaae, bath, electric iignta, wan nrrangaa. i-ot ji; bearing fruit, gnrage, paved street. Pric $8,150. 6 room modern Bnngaiew, near High achool : furnace, fireplace, all built-in convenience, esst front; grg. Pric $6,800 MRS. WINNIE PETTTJOH X 275 State St. - , Phone 613 With W.- H. Orahenherst k Co. FINE DAIRY FOR SALE 70 Acre in Benton County. 35 acres bot tom land, all in hay, balance in fine past r and timber. Good spring and stream en pier. 8 good milk eows, 1 team and machinery go. This I a gen uine bargain, rlos to- Ststioa aad school. $1,000, yfc cash, balance 5 yra, 6 per cent. ARTHUR E. PETERSEN 229 Oregon Bldg. PUBLIC NOTICES WOOD BIDS INVITED. Tbe undersigned will receive sealed bids up to S o'clock p. m., Monday, May 16, 1921, for the rnrrhine of ISO Cords Of large body fir wood or large second growth fir wood, to be cut from i' timher. Ta he delivered at the City Hall not later than Sep tember l&tn, 1KZ1. Right reserved by the city to reject any or all bids in tbe in terest of tbe city. EARL RACE. City Recorder. NOTICE TO CXNTILCTORS. Notice is hereby given that tbe undersigned will receive bids un til 5 o'clock p. m.. May lth. 1921, for the .construction of s cement concrete sidewalk to be laid on the south side of Miller street, between South Commercial and South Liberty streets, In f'ent of and abutting upon Lot 1. Block 9. of George H. Jones' Addition to the City c' Salein, Oregon. Plans and ftpeclfkatlcn may be had at the office of th Cley Re corder. EARL RACE. City Recorder. NOTICE OF THE IMPROVE.. WENT OF THE ALLEY IX IlLOCK 76, OK THE ORIGI NAL PLAT OF THE CITY OF HALEM. OHEGOX, BETWEEN' CENTER STREET AND MAR ION STREET. Notice is hereby given that the Common Council of the City of Salem deems it expedient and hereby declares its purpose and intention to improve the alley in Block 76 of the original plat of the City of Salem, Oregon, from the north line of Center street to the south line of Marlon street it tbe expense of the abutting and adlacent property by bringing said portion of the alley in block 76 of the original plat of the City of Salem, Oregon, to the estab lished grade and paving said por tion or the alley In block 76 of the original plat of the City of Salem, Oregon, with a six-Inch Portland cement gravel concrete i5 vS-w IT 10, 1921 invement in accordance with the plans and specifications therefor which were adopted by the Com mon council on the 18th day of April, 1921. now on file In the oil Ice of the city recorder and whk-h, fur greater certainty And convenience and a more detailed description thereof, are hereby re ferred to and made a part hereof. The Common Council hereby declares Its purpose and intention to make the above described Im provement by and through the Etreet Improvement Department of the City of Salem, Oregon. Hy order of the Common Coun cil: EARL RACE. City Recorder. Date of first publication of this notice in May 5, 1921. NOTICE OF THE IMPROVE MENT OF LINCOLN 'STREET H E T W K E N CXlMMEHCIAI. STREET AND HIGH STREET. Notice is hereby given that the Common Council of Ihe City oi Salem deems it expedient and hereby declares Its purpose and Intention to Improve Lincoln Street from the east l.ne of Com mercial Street to the west line ox High street at tbe expense of the abutt ng and adjacent property by bringing said portion or Lin coln street to the established grade, constructing cement con crete curbs and paving said por tion of Lincoln street with a six Inch Portland cement gravel con crete pavement thirty (30) feet wide in accordance with the plans and specifications therefor which were adopted by the Common Council on the 18th day of April. 1921, now on file In the Office bi the City Recorder and which. Tor greater certainty and convenience and a more detailed description thereof, are hereby referred to and made a part hereof. The Common Council hereby de clares its purpose and intention to make tbe above described im provement by and through tbe Street Improvement Department of the City of Salem, By order of the Common Coun cil: 1 EARL RACE, City Recorder. Date of first publication of this notice is May 6. 1921." NOTICE OF THFi IMPROVE MENT. OF "D" STREET BE TWKKN COMMERCIAL STREET AND .FRONT STREET ffoV.ce Is hereby given that tbj Common Council of tbe City, of Salem deems it expedient and hereby declares Its purpose and Intention to Improve "D" Street from tbe west line of Commercial btreet to tbe east line of Front Street at the expense of the aout tlng and adjacent property by bringing said portion of "D" Street to the established grade, con structlng- cement concrete curbs and paving said portion of "Df street with a six-Inch Portland ce ment gravel concrete pavement tjt accordance with tbe p'ans and specifications therefor which were adopted by the Common; Council on the 18th day of April. 1921. now on file in the Office of tbe City Recorded and which, for greater certainty and convenience and a more detailed description thereo', are hereby referred to and made a part hereof. The Common Council hereby declares Its purpose and inten tion to make the 'above described improvement by and through th? Street Improvement Department of the City of Salem. By order Of the Common Council: ' EARL RACE. City Recorder f)ate of first, publication of thli Ice i May 5, 1921." NOTICE OF ASSESSMENT FOR THE COST .OF, CONSTRUCT IM1 SIDEWALK !N THE CITY . OF SALEM, OREGON. To Cbarlea Jory: . You are hereby , not fled that tbe City of Salem. Oregon, has by Ordinance No. 1178 levied an as sessment upon yonr property here inafter described and in the amount hereinafter set forth.-for the cost of constructing a cement concrete a dewalk on tbe east side of Commercial street, in front of and abutting upon the following described property, to-wlt: . IOts No. 5 and 9. in block No. 4, George H. v ones' addit.or. to the City of Sal' in, Oregon. ownu4 by Charles Jcry and Oliver Jory. The cost of constructing said cement concrete sidewalk is as follows, to-wit: Contract price paid by the City to contractor 1144. r, 9 Advertising for bids ... ' 3.00 Engineering, supervision and inspection 7.23 Total $154.82 Said assessment was entered in Volume 1 of the Minor Lien Docket of the City of Salem, Ore gon on the 29th day of April. 1921, as a charge and lien against said above described property and is now due and payable to the City Treasurer. By order of the Common Coun cil, this notice is served upon you ny puoiication thereof for ten days in tbe Daily Statesman, a newspaper or general circulation publ shed in the Citv of Salem. Oregon. Date of first publication nereoi is May s, 1921. EARL RACE, Recorder of the City of Salem. Oregon. REMAINDER OF g22.-5rOOO.0O ROAD BO.MrS MARION COUN TY, OREGON. Sealed proposals will be re ceived by the County Court of Marion County, Oregon, at the Court House in Salem, in saia County, until May 23rd, 1921 at the hour of twelre o'clock Noon of said day. for the purcbsse ot the unsold and reme'ning portion of $225.000 00 Permanent Road Bonds of Marion County, hereto fore authorized to be sold on Jan uary 10th, 1921, the same being part of an issue of $8(0,000.00 authorized at an election held June 3. 1919. The bonds now of fered for sale shall be dated Jan uary 10. 1921; 924,760 00 there of shall mature July ISth, 1927 and $55,000.00 shall mature July 15, 1928 and shall be in denomin ations of $50.00 or multiples thereof np to the sum of $1000. 00 to suit the purchaser and shall bear Interest at the rate of five and one-half per cent, per annum payable aem!-annuairy. All bidders are required to In close with their bid a cerl fled check payable to tbe order uf Marion County, Oregon ' and drawn upon an incorporated bann er trust company to the amount or two per cent of the par value of the bonds bid for, and the check of the ticceBful bidtW will be applied by the county lu part payment of the purctiane price or to secure the county apainst loss resulting from the failure of the bidder to comply with the terms of the bid subm t ed. No bid will be received for a price less than par and accrued Interest and the bonds will be sold lo the highest bidder. The pro posals should be addressed to V. Vt. Hoyer. County Clerk, Salem, '.Marion County, Otegon and marked "Proposals for Road i'onds." The successful bidders Will be furnished with the opinio.i of Messrs. Storey, Tborndlke, Pal iner and Dodge of Boston, Masse thusetts, that the bonds are a valid obligation of Marion Coun ty. Oregon. Hy order of the County Court. V. O. BOYER. Clerk. WHOLL MILK And produce wanted Marion Creamery & Produce Co. Salem, Oregon Phone 2488 II SALEM MAR KITS I BUTIHO raucs Egg ana reunry Ffgs, 14 to lttr. -Hens, hesvy 20c. Hena, medium. 22fl, Hens, light, 17-18c. Vlu rovetei. i Iih, . '' Perk. Bfnuoa and hwwd Top bog. $9.25. I Hogs, 14 H. 1920 t.amba 3 4e ' 1921 Milk lrab. S to Sc. Beef steers, to 7c. Cow. 6 snd c: U..II. A A J 9g veal, on foot, te Se. ' : . Hay Clov- hay, $17 to $30. 0.1 and Vetch hay, $J0 te $3t. Cbeet bay. $20 to 8-1. Grain Whe 90e to $1. Data. 40c. Mill Peed. Wboleeal llill run, $33 tons. ' Wholes: m Ssalc-t Creamery Utter. 2 23c Butterfat. U5c. - rmn Orang, $8.50 to $3.50. Bananas, lie. iieiaoo. - $3.50 to $4.00. r.oridT$8'r5o!' CmL N Vegetables California cabbage, 4c. Onions, oiegoa, ti st Onion. California. $L. Tsraip $3.09 aark. Carrots, a 1.88 eaefc. . Gra pepper. Sue. Lettuce $4 per. erata. , PpUtoes, $1 ewv Sweet potato. 88.78 baakel Radishes, 40c doten bunches. Comb honey, raa. 88.25. Aspsrsgusr Csl., 1; Or, 9c. Bfeabare, 5c. Parsley, So tWsen bnnrke. Beet. 75 desea bancha. Tamatoe. $5 00 crate. Hnv. extracted, to Ih. Stj-sw berries, $3.50. SjeteB Creamery Batter, 29, 80e. !, 20. f lur. hard whest. $2.25. Japanese sail Team Will I Be Month in Honolulu a HONOLULU, T. H.. April The baseball team of Waseda n versRy. Japan, which recently ar rived, here, will apend month in the. Islands before proceeding to the mainland May 4. The Was das Win ptay all the leading team, in Honolulu and also will per form st Hllo, island of Hawaii. 4 - r s Western Canadian Teams. - Closing Season Here K TRAKClRPrt Anell a ' mre cinns or the Western Can ada baseball league, representing Edmonton, Reglna and MooseJaw are ctos ng their training camp in California and Oregon and; will leave soon to open the Can adian pennant chase next month. The Edmonton club la at Crockett, Cal tbe MooseJaw team at Pen dleton,! Or., and the Regina squad at Salem. Or. . - 3 : ; , PARIS. April? 19. The rail way carriage In which the Ger man representatives signed the arm is tit e Is with Marshal Foch's consent to be given a place of honor in the terrace of the In valided beside the trophies ot the Crlrnean war. It was originally intended to presently the historic relic to, the Louvre.? Museum, but It haa been decided that in view of its mili tary significance, it should be exhibited at the Invalides. ! CHR.STIANIA. April 19. Three hundred and fifty Norweg ian ship, totalling 850,870 tons, .re laid up In home and foreign harbors: according to the Norwe gian Shipping association. BMxlhr ! raasv ati wianewaaiuort lU 111 iri v. ife-Laf H atrehBjrm lettet rw- SKTityje sftTif thnns, iead . 1 ae few trial, fasten t A . ' t --I' I ' 1 : i vt. r 4 i - i ' . ! ' 1- -.'-.. U---::1-1