The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, May 10, 1921, Page 4, Image 4

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' Issued Daily. Except Monday by
215 S.( Commercial St., Salem, Oregon
(Portland Office, 27 Board of Trade Building. Phone Automatic
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for repub
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R. J, Hendricks Manager
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DAILY STATESMAN, served by carrier in Salem and suburbs, 15
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DAILY STATESMAN, by mall, in advance, IS a year, $3 for six
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TELEPHONES: Business Office, 23.
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Entered at the Pottoffice In Salem, Oregon, as second class matter.
Looks as if we would have another Congressional inves
: ligation of the various government agencies for the relief of
' service men. But why so much costly and time-wasting in
vestigation? Why not admit that most of the work has been
- rotten and inefficient and consolidate these agencies upon a
. program of instant action for betterment ? It is all very well
to review the past to disclose what mistakes were made, but
it is better to go ahead with a promise to make no more blun
' ders and prove it. Legislative investigators will be fighting
the war over again for the next five years. There is serious
: question whether? the advantage derived will make up for the
waste to say nothing of the scandal and bitterness that
. : arises from any official inquiry. Nowadays a Congressman
, thinks he is making his mark and gaining political fame if he
T can Start an investigation of some kind. If a politician can
v think up something that hasn't been investigated he shows
greatness and class. Ten years from now some statesman
will achieve distinction and get his name in the paper by
starting an inquiry to prove that Sinn Feiners were hired
to train German cooties to bite American soldiers. Also
somebody will be trying to prove that Susan B. Anthony
started, the war with a prohibition amendment. They will
want to have the Anti-Saloon League searched and investi
gated. 'The investigation business is becoming the favorite
sport in American political life and it doesn't seem to get
anywhere, at that Los Angeles Times.
A lot of soft American; tears Have been shed lately over
the condition of some of the burial places of our soldiers in
France '"-. T-
r ' ; And over the bones of the unidentified dead piled up at
Hoboken, New Jersey.
That is all too bact
But the neglect of wounded and handicapped and dis
eased solqersJaJbl country, who bore the brunt of battle
in France, is worse; a thousand times worse.
There is now about to be published to the world a list of
the slackers of the United States branding with the mark of
lhame a number of men in each state
, But there are many slackers of peace ; and a lot of them
rxe serving in the two houses of Congress. And some of
, )hem are in Oregon.
C : Twd million men marched away and crossed the ocean
to offer their lives in the cause of world democracy and world
decency and world peace: In every mouth, then, were words
of gratitude and encouragement for the hosts of marching
and fighting men; and pledges on all sides to "keep the home
fires turning and stand behind them in full measure of de
votion for their loss of time, their chance of loss of limb and
life and health and opportunities deferred or lost.
; j We should be an honest people.
. j We should redeem our pledges; as a nation, as states of
a great nation; as individuals.
1 ' We cannot redeem the crimes of past neglect ; of pitiable
blundering; of slacker procrastination; but every red blooded
man and woman in this nation, in this state, in Marion coun
ty: and in Salem, ought to highly resolve that there shall be
no' more methods of slackers
with the men who offered their lives that we might remain a
free nation in a free world ; even to the lowliest of them ;
even to the least deserving of
' i The United States Senate is disgustingly slow in getting
the emergency tariff bill passed ; disgustingly patient with
the yawpers in that body who are burning up time as though
t . .
cents for 2 months; 15 cents for
tolerated any where, in dealing
Effective immediately Sound tires and Tubes will
be sold according to a new reduced price schedule.
Prices including war tax
30x3 $14.78
30x3 , 517.53
31x4 $24.59
Other sizes in proportion
All tire users are guaranteed satisfaction If they
use SOUND Tires because Sound Tires are
- Trade and High Streets
the whole nation's business can afford to stop till they feet
through spilling their hot air If this thing goes on as it
looks now, it will be the end of next year before the tnajn
tariff bill is passed. "
Germany is making the wryest face in all history. But
she will swallow the pill, because she has to; and then she
will feel better.
Will the tri-color wave over
Berlin? A few hours will deter
mine. More people would be sorry for
Germany if they were sorry for
The spring automobile season
is on and some sweethearts insist
that they say it with a sedan.
Games of baseball between
congressmen will be among th
summer sports at Washington.
Let Judge Kenesaw Mountain
Landis do the umpiring.
The great Salem fruit district
cannot be fully self-sufficient
without a sugar factory. Tell the
slogan ecfitor what you know
about the sugar beet, and do it
A bill has been introduced in
the house for the repeal of the
Volstead act. It is our unbiased
opinion that when this is accom
plished the Associated Pre3 will
report a big snowstorm And fine
sleigh riding incident thereto in
the infarnal regions wherever
they may bappo-t to he. Uuless
all figuring is wrong the present
congress is the dryest in ail his
tory. Los An-.o-es Tines.
They do some things mighty
well in Minnesota. The supreme
court of that state has affirmeJ
the conviction of Arthur C. Town
ley, the Nonpartisan party propa
gandist fouid guilty of Tiolating
the Minnesota law against ob
structing en.isttnents. Under the
Judgment Tawnley will hare to
spend 90 days In the Jackson
rouaty Jail and pay $100 fine.
This Is likely to Interfere with
the "organisation" plans of
Somebody asked one of the sol
diers of the American army on
the Rhine what they meant by
referring to their organization as
the "A. F. in O." He replied:
"Officially it means the Ameri
can Force in Germany, but
doughboys call it 'Allen's Family
in Germany.' " The reply is indt
catlre of the relations between
General Allen, the American com
mander, and bis troops. accord
ing to a cablegram to the Associ
ated Press.
A park of 2 $00 acre on Ocraa
Island., one of the beauty spots
In the Puget sound basin, has
been presented to the state of
Washington by Robert Moran. Se
attle shipbuilder. The gift has
been accepted by the new state
parks committee and it will be
the first unit in a system of state
parks and highway camping pla
ces contemplated in an act of the
last legislature. The Orcas Is
land park completely surrounds a
mountain lake more than a mile
long. Adjacent to the new park
is Mount Constitution, 2100 feet
high and the highest eleration in
Puget sound proper. This moun
tain Is readily ascended and from
its summit Is obtained a remark
able Tiew of western Washington
and British Columbia. Clifford
L. Babcock, state treasurer and
chairman of the parks committee,
asserts that the Orcas island park
is one of the largest state parks
in the nation, being exceeded, so
far as his records show, only by
Custer state park in South Dako
ta, which contains 90,000 acres.
This is of interest to Oregon
as well as Washington. This
whole Pacific northwest re
gion will benefit in every attrac
tion in any part of it to the great
tourist trade, which is growing
fast and will respond to every
added facility and outstanding
attraction. i
"Salem. Industrial conditions
are quiet, but the feeling exists
that business is improving and
that it will gather momentum
with the coming fruit and grain
activities. Industries are endeav
oring to stimulate trade by means
of publicity. Construction of new
public buildings, county road
work, and the forthcoming fruit
season are expected to abserb
many workers at present idle.
Lack or orders has resulted in
the curtailment of operations in
the woeten mills, a cotton glove
factory, and the lumber Indus
try. Housing conditions are fair
ly satslfactory. A moderate num
ber of dwellings are being erect
ed or repaired. A sawmill is re
ported as having resumed oper
ations mainly to afford employ
ment to a limited number of
The above is the paragraph re
ferring to Salem in the current
review of conditions in Oregon
sent out by the Associated Press.
This is conservative.
"Many workers at present idle"
will surely be absorbed by the
road and building work, and es
pecially the "forthcoming fntit
season." Especially the latter.
The outlook is that it will Uke
all the men and women, and all
the boys and girls, who are will
ing to work.
Although Germany has not ex
perienced prohibition, the people
are displaying an inordinate and
uncanny longing tor communica
tion with departed spirits. There
are lines In waiting before the
doors of the mediums and clair
voyants of Berlin. Even the as
trologers and palm readers have
been trying to garner messages
from' beyond the' Styx. The eag
erness to hold communication
with the dead seems to be more
manifest now than : dnrlng the
war. Even the oulja board is
still worked overtime. Possibly
the Prussians are hoping to get
word from Bismarck or some
other of their eminent dead that
will help them to raise the money
demanded for reparation. The
Germans have done more than
their share to increase the popu
lation of the spirit world and it
is reasonable that they should
now have communication there
Napoleon has been dead one
hundred years, but there are a
lot of people who think they look
like him.
Drouth was soon broken.
e S
But some gardens got in during
tne sunshine, any way.
The lumping Into the broccoli
tame of Salem district farmers
Has been a wonderful demonstra
Hon; and it Is still going on. Not
too late , up to the end of the
month to plant seed.
The Oreron Orawcn' Hfutnar.
t've association has furnished seed
ror growers as follows: Indepen
ience district. 11 S acres; Amity
36: Newberg. 26; Rickreall, 35;
Sheridan. 42; Chemawa. 20. To
tal in the Willametta viIIpv Sao
There will be at least 200 acres
more planted In th Salem dis
trict. This puts the Salem district
tar in the lead in the broccoli in
flustry In Oregon; and in the
whole United States, in broccoli
OI quality. With all thinra rnln
well, there will be 10 to is oar.
a day to ship out of this district In
reoruary and March of next year;
May 10. Tnmda GradnaUnr rorital.
Willamette t limH; School of Muair.
v ftiir avail.
May 13, Frida? Entertainment for
. i T tnfit. Highland achoot, 8
May 13. Friday Conatr Sunday a-toJ
bnaiaeaa ipeetiac at tha Salem Public
lifcrarr at 8 clock .
Mar 15. So-day 8eron4 Meet of the
Salem Keae Corrallis golf toarnararnt,
at Illahee Club linka.
ki M" ,1 StRa?kea aae.
oiy in A man v.
V . v IT T.. J n '.. .. .
V j recital
f ST?, MCjvew and Martha rerruNm.
at Waller IUI1 Willamette nniWZtf.
Mar 18. Wednesday Welcome prn
rare for neveomera at Commercial rluH.
ar arv W a ei M aa M n
. - -. - naaooau. Willaa-
etJ - Waitmaa. at Walla Walla.
V meaoay Aaetloa ,,u of
Wooded W at atate fair rrotind.
af kali 111. TkHtallaa f- T : .
f :
and something around S200.000
cash to come back, at a time when
farmers have little else in the way
of cash crops to sell. If 1922
proves a good broccoli year, as
good as last year, the Salem dis
trict will soon thereafter give the
east all the broccoli it will take.
The only question is as to
whether Germany will take the
terms standing up or lying down.
If Germany will quit playing
the bay act. she will have greater
respect from the rest of the
world, to say nothing or enhanced
self respect.
Only men and women who have
suffered from kidney trouble can
realize how grateful one feels for
relie from suffering. Nathan
Harned, 621 N. St., N. W., Wash
ington, D. C, writes: "I was
troubled with my kidneys for
years, but got no relief until 1
took Foley Kidney Pills. Now I
think I am well and I thank you
very much." They act quickly;
tonic in effect. Sold everywhere.
Nine Eastern Oregon Con
cerns Withdraw From
Compensation Statute
Nine eastern Oregon lumber
mills have served notice on the
stale industrial accident commis
sion Of their withdrawal from op
eration under the workmen's com
pensation act, and presumably
their decision is final, although
t is said there is a possibility
they might decide to remain
should the commission find it
possible to reduce their basic
Under the law, concerns wish
ing to withdraw are required to
serve notice by May 1, and this
he eastern Oregon mills have
done. Rates are revised, if
changes are to be made, on July
1. The commission now has un
der advisement possible changes
In the rates of the mills con
cerned. The mills are the Stod
dard Lumber company of La
Grande, the W. H. Eccles Lum
ber company of Baker, the Baker
White Pine Lumber company of
Baker, the Oregon Lumber com
pany of Baker, the Grand Ronde
Lumber company of Perry, . the
George Palmer Lumber company
of La Grande, the Shevlin-Hlxoh
company of Bend. and the Brooks-
Soanlon company of Bend.
Assist Nat ore. There are times
when you should assist nature.
It is now undertaking to cleanse
ronr system If yon will take
Hood's Sarsaparllla the undertak
ing will be succerfful. This great
medicine purifies and builds op
as nothing else does Adv.
The Salem . musical season for
1921 will get away to an early
opening this week with the ap
pearance of the Sonora Grand
Opera Singers at the Bllgh thea
ter for an engagement of three
days, commencing today. The
many music lovers of this city
will be pleased to learn that this
organization is composed of the
principal singers of the Sonora
Grand Opera company which was
heard last year with much evi
dent great enjoyment by those
privileged to hear then." The So
nora company, after a two-years'
tour of the principal cities of the
United States and Canada closed
its season on Christmas day last,
in Shreveport. La., and, during
the time that they are making
preparations to go on tour again,
the principal stars of the corn
pair are singing again in some
of the cities where they played,
as a sort of between seasons tour.
In addition to the principals who
are Sperla Castel, Beatrice Plz
ronia. Ricardo Clarke and Edu
ardo Lajarasu. Ignacio Del Can
tlllo will appear as accompanist,
and Louisa Armac, contralto, as
support. The repertoire of these
Eye Strain in time has a
marked effect on facial
expression. Many an hon
est man with stigmatism
has a shifty look that an
amateur character expert .
would lay much stress on.
Weak eyes may be due to
50 causes other than a
weak character. Our. ama
teur character 'experts
would do better to advise
consulting a good opto
metrist. Give your eyes a chance to
better, express your real
character. There is only
one way to insure good
vision and that is to take
care of it.
Eyesight Specialists
204-211 Salem Bank of
Commerce Building
Oregon 'a Largest. Moat Mod
ern, IWt Equipped Ex
clusive Optical Ea.
artists consists of the most popu
lar arias of grand opera, and also
songs that will appeal to the pop
ular taste, and the program will
be changed each day. There will
be full two hour motion pictures
also, with super features, so that
the program for this engagement
will be unusually fine ones, and a
real treat is promised to those
fortunate enough to attend.
May Day Exercises to Be
Held on Monmouth Cam
pus Next Saturday
May day exercises will be held
on the campus of the Oregon Nor
mal school at 9:30 a.m. Saturday,
May 14. The public is invited.
The following program will be
Part 1 Class procession to
Queen's court.
May Queen's procession.
Reception of Queen Ruth.
Attendants' dance.
Part 2 Junior class day pag
eant. "Old English May day." bringing
home the may, rustic dancers,
shepherdesses, milkmaids, Morris
dancers, single stick fencers, etc.
Part 3 May day contests and
sports, may pole ' winding, orig
inal drills, folk dancing, tennis,
volley ball, relay races.
Part 4 Awarding of the tro
phy. Part 5 Basebal; O. N. S. vs.
Albany college.
There will be a noon intermis
sion of an hour for luncheon. The
Concentrated Heat Penetrates In
stantly and Brings Quick
est Relief Known.
Rheumatism, lnmbarn. npiirttla
backache, stiff neck, sore muscles,
strains, aching Joints. When you
are suiiering so you can bardly
get around, just try "Red Pepper
Rub," and you will have the
quickest relief known.
' Nothing has such concentrated,
penetrating heat as red peppers.
Instant relief. Just as soon as
you apply Red Pepper, you feel
the tingling heat. In three min
utes it warms the aore spot
through and through ' Frees
the blood circulation, breaks up
the congestion and pain Is gone.
Rowles Red Pepper Rub, made
from red peppers, costs little at
any drug store. Get ajar at once.
Almost instant relief awaits you.
Use it for colds in chest. No mat
ter what you have used for pain
or congestion, don't fall to try
Red Pepper Rub. Adv.
Mr. and Mrs. N. C. Kafoury who are now in New York buying ex
tensive stocks for our new store which will be ready about June 1st,
have just sent to us a large shipment of voile and organdy. They?
were purchased on the new low market price which has just been,
established in the East and this low price will effect the price here.
Voile, in all colors, just the thing for summer
wear, will sell from ,35c to 95c per yard
Organdy the popular wear for the coming summer season will range
in price from 45c to $1.50 per yard
women of the Baptist church will
serve a substantial luncheon at
the Community house, i Facilities
will be provided on the campus
for those who wish to bring bas
ket lunches. Coffee, sandwiches,
ice cream and candies will be sold
on the campus by the students;
A Montana state bacteriologist
has discovered that supposed
"hair" in a murder mastery was
only hemp. If it had been found
in the butter it is presumed - it
would have been halrj
icGtxwd Camm
of the Gtunndo
Haraia an nnparallalad pactacla '
a sight navar to b forgotten one of
nature's most stupendous wondara,
Tha Grand Canyon Is jabout 250
mil as long with a width jit tha top
varying from 5 to 12 mDWAt soma
placas it descends io a depth of a mile
below the plateau surface. Its best ef
fect, as revealed by .extreme depth and
brilliancy of coloring, is from a point
opposite the Kaibab Plateao about
65 miles northwest of Flagstaff, Ari
zona. i
Motor roada lead to the Grand Can
yon through Ashfork, Williams and
Flagstaff, Arizona f- and all the way
yoo can get "Redi Crown. the aU
refinery gasoline, j k-
You'll be glad if you make your
Grand Canyon trip a "Red Crown"
trip. j ') -
Look for the "Red Crown" sign on
service stations and garages.
.i ...
kw-.jr. ! TrrrfTT 7mirnTTTrFi
. m m, - m a,
Jest AM vet
om ji
... . j
There's a
5l Lot of Clean ' 1
Humor in
"The Spenders"
7 ha jfALjjiisAinrri
QJ?e Gasoline
a i iiniir Mm an i it mat i it
r M
; it
an-tatlo meetlnr i Portland
Hl;;Vh.!d,td,,--A"''1 '"
J ItfIA 17 WwkAm.m A- I . t
416 State Street
Stat, fair ,Td..