The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, May 08, 1921, Page 9, Image 9

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y MtMpjgji
UT of all the musical event ,
of the year, there have been ;
four vocalists Mme. Mat- i
senaaer, who occupied a place j
distinctly her own; a ginger so big !
ithat we dared not criticize, even
though prone as human nature is
d find Home fault with every pro.
ifessional. With her was Charles
Carter. thBt promising young
basso who delighted us with both
gh. beauty of bis voice and the
(Itcerlty of his personality. Cecil
paining preceded them, winning
place in our heart, for be carr.e
0 Qf at an old acquaintance
b'Jht, (Ud to be with us as "?
tm gld to have him here.
Last bat by no means least in
U group of vocalists was Mnic.
rtn Pavloska. who appeared as
Soloist with the Apollo club Wed
nesday night. Youthful, vivac
ious, and possessing a voice cf
great charm, and beauty, Mnv.
Favkuka completely captivated
her audience. Her voice was the
glad that reminds one of musical
Instruments, full, melodious, with
the high tones clear and true,
ghs displayed exceptional dramat
ic anility, which was emphaslx?d
by a amber of heavy! selections.
Tklea ker program contained.
Farther distinguishing her sing
fat was the interpretive quality,
lime Pavloska having that rare
gift of not only feeling her songs
bit being able to transmit the
tiaotiott and sentiment of a com
position to her audience.
' it Mmav Pavloaka's stay in Salem
wa sifficient length to 8ve
her-time- to accept several social
cosrtesies. Sh arrived Tuesday
iriifct. and upon learning that the
Cberrians were giving a dance
that evening, and being extended
as invitation, expressed a desire
to participate. Through, her atar
she animatedly entered into r
ery affair given for her pleasure,
j Wednesday noon Mrs. John J.
Roberts entertained with a de
llghtfnlly informal luncheon for
Mm. Pavloska. additional guests
being Mrs, W. Everett AnaeraoK,
bead tti Ui Salem Musical bur
eat. Mrs. William H. Burghardt.
.a Mrs. (tertrnde Cameron of SU-
verton. Lavendar sweet pens ,n
a ltTendax basket centered the ta
sk with the place cards In thU
. color, and,, the. Individual corsage
bovinest featuring lavendar sweet
mas sad tiny pink rose buds.
Mrs. William Burghardt ga
sJ small, informal tea for the
tksrm'nc young ainper Wednes
day afternoon, and in the evening
Mr. Frederick D. Thielsen enter
tained with a supper party at her
boms, la rairmount Park follow
ing the concert.
Covers were laid around a ta
ble, watered. wlto a, bowl of for-iet-me-nots
and . thousand beauty
.roses, pink tapers diffusing a soft
gfoW. Dancing rounded out tne
ITbow bidden to meet the art
ist ut this delightfully inrormai
way were: Mr. and Mrs. William
Vti Burfhirdt, Mr. and Mrs John
Jj Roberta, Mr. and Mrs. Pierce
VT. Van Dorea. Major and Mrs.
Frank a Andrea, Captain Haird.
J L. Van Doren and Edgar
Coarsen, ot Portland, who accotn
1 panted Mm. Pavloska at the con
corf here.
- jMme. Parloska left for Holly
rood Trlday where she will spend
several months, previous to fin
. tog. her .eastern engagements.
.J. - ' ft. .
-- Tb nvaar- friends of Mr. and
lira, E7 C. Cross will be sorry to
bear that Mr, Cross Is very 111 at
bis home. , y . .
'" 'I ; ' - ".
ttrf. : William Burghardt Is
spending the week-end In Eugene
as the guest of Miss Mabel Wlthy
eombe. Miss Withy com be has
been recentr elected head of the
new. Woman's building upon th
University of Oregon campus.
Mri Burghardt accompanied Mr.
and Mrs. E. E. Brodle of Oregon
City to the collega city.
' r ? - - "
A ery charming goest In the
city Is Mrs. George L. Woods of
Portland who Is visiting at the
aeme of her sister, Mrs. Nancy
DoUnaa. Mrs. Woods has many
friends and acquaintances wfto
are hippy to welcome her.
yr.liWooda was formerljr govern-
Clcan-up Sale on all Stamped Goods.
Half Price
29 Court Street
Make Your Vacation The
Perfect One
'See America First
b- glorious never-to-be-forgotten eight day per
sonally conducted, all expense tour through Gla
cier National Park, Mont.
America's Scenic Wonderland
Tours of Comfort. Pleasure and Education
Leave Portland on Oriental Limited, Standnard
Pullman, June 15 July 1 July lr August
1 August 15 and September 1. For itinerary,
rates, etc., address
Multnomah Hotel, Portland, Oregon
. c S.
Gunnen a Ttorro
QUEEN MARY II and her attendants. Miss Charlotte
a Croisan and Miss Sybil McClure, leading figures in
the May day festivities at Willamette University Friday.
or of Oregon, later holding that
high office in the state of Utah.
Mrs. Owen LaCourse and small
daughter, Catherine Estelle, have
returned to Salem after a week's
visit with Mr. and Mrs. F. S. By
non. They were also guests for
two days at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. N. B. LaCourse of Forest
Salem folk who are Interested
in new of college circles will be
glad to know that Miss Mar
Iiayne, daughter of John Kaync.
has been elected woman's athlet
ic editor of the 1922 Beaver an
nual. Fred Kelly of Portland, bro
ther of C . Settleraler. has been
elected editor of men's athletics
upon the same paper.
Doth youncr people are popular
students at O. A. C.
Mk and Sirrs. 'Frank Ward ar
spending the week-end In Port
land. They plan to return to Sa
lem this evening.
With wedding anniversaries tli
order of the season the Juno
bride, standing just behind the I
scenes awaiting her cue to mak j
her bow to the publle. stands in
a fair way of being completely Ig-j
nored until the exact moment.of
her appearance
Thursday Mr. and Mrs. Dan j ,
y. celebrated the 35th annlver-i
ry of their wedding. One of the I
prettiest features of the affair
was the employment in the decor
ative scheme of white lilacs and
narcissi, the same fragrant blos
soms used to make festive the oc
casion of their plighting of troth
During the hours of open house
many friends called to extend to
See our
Phone 958
t I r -
. r
the well known couple
heartfelt congratulations and event of the early week.-vas the
good-wishes. Those who received informal dancing party given by
with Mr. and Mrs. Fry were Mr. ! the Cherrians on Tuesday eve
and Mrs. Dan J. Fry, Jr.. and j ning. WThite and green formed an
daughter, Mary Lee, Mr. and Mrs. j effective decorative motif, cedar
Raymond Walsh and daughter, i boughs and branches of dogwood
and Miss Priscilla Fry. j being used to transform the arm-
. j ory into a woodland bower. Gor-
The Informal activities ot eous white blossoms combined
the social circles opened au-!with greenery were banked
spiclously this week with the ; arud the entire outer portion ot
neighborhood dinner at the resi
dence of Mrs. H. B. Thielsen. Th-3
proximity of May day was re
flected in the beautiful May bas
ket which centered the table, the
variety of spring flowers in pastel
shades adding a delicate bit ol outer portion the lights were sort
color to the prettily appointed ta-, lr shaded while the large overhead
ble. Covers were laid for eight, lights were gaily decorated with
Following the six o'clock din-1 white and black Japanese lan
ner, caids were the order of the i terns.
evening. Guests of the evening j Mi" Ava Miller, a charming be
were Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Bishop, j butante. presided at the punch
Mr. and Mrs. Russel Catlin. Mrs. i bowl. A large number of Cher.
Alice H Dodd. Miss Nell Thielsen j rlans and their guests enjoyed the
and Julius Thielsen. .delightful evening.
Mrs. Roy.Momegys. of Seattle.' MiMi Elizabeth Brown of Port
Is the house guest of her sister. ! nd 9 "e week-end guest of Miss
Mrs. Will Thielsen. During her j Emm Godfrey
Ul iCt bujvuiu lame c asov
ei with Miss Edna Simonton. ot
Salem and Mrs Ivan Putnam ol
j"- and Mr" un nam.
. .,.kio
A very unique and e nJojable
ratnenne waa tne raa-iasnumuu
nuiltlng bee to which Mrs bd
inv.ted a group of mtima s
,Js. on 7fbr? BrJlt r
3 ,
an all-dav affatr. the srxxial feat-!
ure of the entertainment beins j during the week. Mrs R S. Bry
the piecing ot a friendship quiit of Eugene. On h riday Mrs.
each gnest being requestexl to em-! "arris accompanied Mrs. Bryson
broider her Initials upon a block, j Eugene to attend the exercises
A delicious dinner was served ! centering about the dedication of
at noon, the long table being at : the Woman's building,
tractively decorated with a combi-1
nation of lilacs and marigolds, i Mrs R C .Hunter and Miss
Guests especially honored upon ; Jean De Vitt have returned to
this' occasion were Mrs. S. u. j Salem after a several days visit in
Atiams. 78 years of age and Miss ! Portland.
Nellie Taylor who has just cele- j
brated her 77th birthday. Addl- Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Iineridge
tional guestg were Mrs. Andrew: of Portland are week-end guests
Vercler. Mrs. J. R. Chapman. Mrs. at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. K.
E. Schindler. Mrs. T. J. Gardner, i lxw.
Mrs. F. H. Runcorn, Mrs. J. v !
Norwood, Mr?. Charles Smith, , Mrs. A. A. Colvert. who has
Mrs. A. Levan. Mrs. W, H. Pelk- i;een sojourning in California for
er, Mrs. V. M. Calder. Mrs. G. W. i two months during the illness of
Pearmine. Mrs. A. D. Olsen. Mrs , her sister. Mrs. . Kdward Wissler
B W Harritt. Mrs. E H. McCaf-1 of Marysville, Cal., ha returned
fery Mrs. J. C. McFarland of home
Quinaby. Mrs. Nellie Harris of la- ,
dependence, Mrs. J. C. Ferguson . MrK Le Roy ljedy and her at.
of Newport. Mrs. Minnie r rogley. , trac, jve daughter. Miss Lois
of Seaside, Miss Ruth Levan andi LwJv are pannlng t0 ,eave on
Miss "Nora Olsen. o 1 Tuesday for San Francisco for a
Appropriate and fitting ln -; month's visit with friends about
ery way was the friendship toast Ed DargtQ &
which was presented at the "sc ; brother of Mr, Leedv and wHl
of the afternoon ,,.. known iu Salem, will arrive Mon-
We just snase nauus i
With many tnat rome h.r".
V nod the head in greeting
To many that pss by
But welcome through the gateway
Our few old friends and true.
Then hearts lap up and straight-
W3 V
There's open house for you.
Old friends.
There s open house for you.
Mrs. S. A. Korer has returned
tr. her home after a wk's visit
with her mother, Mrs. H A. lcl
cher of Portland.'
' Mrs. C. H. Robertson is among
1 Salem folk who are enjoying the
i week-end festivities upon the
: campus at the fniversity of Ore
! Son. - -
I Mrs S. Freerkson and Mis
Henrietta Von Ilunen of Albany
! were recent guestr at the homo
of Mr. and Mrs George Elgin.
! Exercises marking the gradua
tion of students in the music de
partment or Willamette university
twill be among the interesting fea
ture of this week's program and
will take place at Waller hall Cn
!: , " - r' " .V of pretty,,., who has been named Loi-.feld: Miss bby Ledward. ffcu- Portland. Sigma Tau Louis La-
mus mrtC?JEt ! whu'h" 1!" ?!, bard' j Kvangeline. Rev. Mr. Long will-.ene; Miss Cl, Haack. Portlid; St. HcloIlS: Miller Doughton.
w il recelfe cerUficas ol ?radu Sir Georre r i a' 'V' arriv- in Sale,n on lo ,ak :'P Ciaia S"'iIh- Kenowlck. i Pi . Innon: Rodney Johnson. Tort-
. ati '"A ILZ art sts wfl " 'be mmfrTT Zo, "Vin t'i8 V1 " tn ot 1,13 ! . oB Hev. C. p. Rorey. Tacoma;
Mi Lucie Ross and Virtrfl An- H Lv!a mV ! cuni T rn'hu.uerran cnurcn. worm, urcgon tiiy; tioDDin Jieca, warren way. rortiana Stanley
ndcon ieU Sown v v Portland. Alpha Pal 111- 1 KVU. Portland: Paul Wilde,
musical circles. Following is the ta Wetacott Mrs Clarence , s . . S Ann Osborn who expects Mail H. Knachede. Forest Groe; : Vaarouver; Willard Hall. Vancou-
propram to be presented: Hamilton Miss Buie HanTiUon of tU f7 "To - mkhe! h!IR' I Stttem- Knappfon, ! verj Harold Lundburg. Grants
a. Prpi,i nA v., in ,in I'nr.i, l '. . " OI lr Oakland. Cal.. was the insplra-i Kappa Gamma Rho Law-: Pass.
f Bach i. (b) Capriccio. op. 76.
No. 2 (Rrahms). Nellie P Stone.
Arioso, from La Mort de Jeanne
d'Arc (Bembergi. Marguerite
Polonaise, in A b ( Chopin , Nellie
P. Stone.
Reading. "Black Sam" (Orinall.
Virgil Anderson.
a Si Oiseau J Etais" ( Hen
elt; (bi Valse Triste (Sibel
ius : fc) March of the Dwarfs
(GreiKi. Nellie P. Stone.
(a The Silver Ring iChaiuin
ada t ; (b) The Morning Wind
( D ran -combe I . Marifuerite Cook.
Caprice Efcpatrnote ( Moslf owski I ,
Nell e P. Stone
Capriccioso Brilliant (Mendels
sohn.) First piano Nellie P. Stone.
Second piano Luclle Ross
On Wednesday afternoon Mrs
Harry Howe opened her home to
members of the aid society of the
Englewood United Brethren
church. Spring flowers were used
abundantly In the decoration of
the rooms. AbouJ 20 member
were present to participate in the
afternoon of sewing and social in
terests. Refreshments were serv
ed at a later hour.
Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Drager have
returned from a several days visit
to Portland. During their so
journ they were puests at the
Multnomah hotel.
Mrs. Harry H. Hill and her
daughter. Rosemary Hill, of Al
bany, were guests during the mid
week at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Harry Wenderoth.
Mr. and Mrs. S. C. Barton of
Roseburg were Salem guests dur
ing the week. -They made the trip
by automobile and after a brief
visit in Portland they will return
to their home.
Mrs. C. N. Needham has re
turned to her home-after spending
a few days with relatives and
friends in Portland.
A very delightful and enjoyable
the hall and a large dogwood tree
in full bloom graced the center of
the dancing room.
The musicians' platform was
screened by potted palms and ef
i tctlve bits of greenery. About the
TAai ,
. ,M- n- O. Schucklng is enter-
taining over the week-end Miss
Wieder and Mj Eva
Wentworth. both of Portland.
---- ... . ... ' '
the day with friends in Portland.
Jtfstice and Mrs. Lawrence T.
It. : 1. a . m ,
"arr-8 "ave nao. as tneir guest
to accompany them upon their
Honoring the birthday of her
husband. Mrs. Frank Ward was
hostess at a delightful surprise
party at their home on Thursday
evening. Gay marigolds, com
bined with dainty greenry. were
used in the decoration of th?
rooms. Five hundred furnished
the diversion of th evening,
Clyde Johnson and Clair Inman
being successful in receiving card
honors. A delicious supper was
' served at a lato hour. Those who
enjoyed this party were Mr. and
Mrs. Roma Hunter. Mr. and Mrs.
riaire Inman. Mr. and Mrs.
Charles Knowland. Mr. and Mrs.
Clyde Johnson. William Dachellor
and Miss Hazel Vert.
Mrs. Ada Strong has bee-j th"
inspiration for much of the lat-of-the-week
entertaining, several
small but Interesting affairs being
given in commemoration of her
birthday anniversary- Mrs. Jos
eph Baumgartner was an initial
hostess, entertaining on Wednes
day with a one o'clock luncheon.
Thursday afternoon Mrs Thiel -
sen contributed a small tea for
ne pjeasure of her mother, the
Kuests numbering, as in the first
instance, a group of close friends
f the honoree. They were Mrs.
T A. Livesley, Mrs. William H.
Burghardt. Mrs. William H. Boot.
Mrs. Lenta Westacott. Mrs. Jos
eph Baumgartner, Mrs. George F.
Rodgers. Mrs. William H. Lvtle.
Mrs. W. Melvin Plimpton. Mrs. !
W. H. Plimpton of Portland, Miss
Margaret Rodgers and Miss Elsie I
Hamilton, also of Portland j
Mrs. "Boot was a hostess in i
honor of Mrs. Strong Friday after-!
noon, guests bidden for tea being!
the same as those on the previous'
Miss Elsie Hamilton of Port- ' nry cl,ftord Spaulding of New
land is being entertained as the ! ;M?rK who have wlcomel into
house guest of Mrs William ii ! their home a son, who has been
William Biown has. returned to
Salem for the summer after spend
ing th? winter months at Redland,
Mrs. E. T. Busselle, accompan
cd by her sons Earl and Elbert,
ere Portland guests over the
A-eek-end. They were registered
at the Benson hotel during their
i isit.
Miss Pearle Carson, popular
Portland girl, was among out-of-town
guests who were present at
the Cherrian dance last Tuesday.
Messages of congratulation and
fccilitation are being, showered
ipon Rev. and Mrs. Ward Willis
Long on the arrival of a daugh-
The Store Where
of such extraordinary character are available dar
ing our Rainbow Sale, that they deserve special
Dresses at $14.50
and $19.50.
These sell everywhere from $35 to $45
Serge, Tricotine and Broadcloth Suits these are
marked down from $85, into two lots
$14.50 $19.50
Fare Refunded
We gladly refund your
fare should you purchase
merchandise from us.
Get next to this free of
fer. Come to this Big
Store youll be glad you
' f a ,,retty 1,,ncheon PartV
'!r'"udvr b 'Mf?' A K' F.e' -
lr at her attractive country
hom" cn Wednesday Covers were
arranged (or the following guests:
Mrs. B. Little, Mrs. Florence
("hamber?, Mrs. George Baker,
Mrs. Estelie Berry, Mrs. May Wil
son, Mrs. Scholtey. Mrs. William
I'ittick. Mrs Julia Word. Mra.
Mattie Neglespoch. Mrs. Krail of
r ortland. Mrs. G. F. Booth. Mrs. I
T. G. Blich. of Salem; Mrs. Wal-j
u-r Johnson. Mrs. Charles Kent !
of Woodburn. Mrs. E H. Dunbar,
Mrs. B. S. Irwin. Mrs. Frances'
Mercer of Donald. !
Message of rellcitatlon are be-
ing showered upon Mr. and Mrs. J
named Henry Clifford Spaulding,
Mrs. C. P. Bishop will go to
Corvallis this morning, where she
will supervise an exhibit of the
Pendleton Woolen Mills, at a
Made in Oregon exhibit, which is
to be held throughout the week.
She will return home tomorrow.
Many out or town guests were
entertained over junior week-end
at the various sororities and fra
ternities of JSVillamette university,
having com to Salem to partici
pate In the May day festivities.
Following is a list of guests who
were entertained at the various
Beta Chl-r-Miss Wrennie Chap
man, Dallas; Miss Thelma Sun
derland, Portland. Delta Phi
Miss Irene Wood worth. Marsh-
at the
You Can Shop With Safety and Where tou'll Always
Find the Big Crowds
Brings Thousands to Our Store
rence Snyder. Portland: Mr. Cain-
' iron. O. A. C: Alton Collins.
Hemstitching fand Dressmaking
We now have our new pleater atid are prepared to han
die your knife plaiting n short notice. Width from
il 1.
u- inch to 15 inch. M it
Over Miller's Store
200 Pairs of PurelSilk Hosiery
1 ji
White and Blue only. $1.00; former price $20. One
to a customer. J i I
$6.00 Georgette Waists
A. E. Lyons
Nu Bone; CorsetflPaxlora
Phone 958
Millinery Clearance Sale!
Trimmed and
Again demonstrating the viMue-giving supremacy of
this store. We can say with truthfulness that these
hats are very exclusive and original. We advise you
to buy early as they are going fast.
Extra Specials
Ladies' White Canvas Shoe$, Ox
fords, Pumps in military and; high
heels -- i1.9S
Fine Kid Oxfords, latest styles
with one or two straps, black or
brown, high or low heels ..,$3.98
Men's Fine Kid Shoes in wide and
narrow lasts, black and brown $4.98
vr i
Children's Shoes 98c and $1.98
Children's Patent Leather
Children's Black Shoes-
(Continued on page 4.)
Phone 117
a '
429, Court St.
Sport Hats
Maty Jane 98c
; H
I f i
. 1 ,3t
Men Brown English Dress
Shbes $3.98
Men's- Outing Elks $2.98
Men'als Peters Winner Work
Shots, Special at .....$2.75
Visit Salem's
Big Store Dur
ing the Big
Rainbow Sale
ji Days