SUNDAY MORNING. MAY 8, 1921 2 THE OREGON STATESMAN. SALEM. OREGON By MOLLY DRUNK Mot of all the other Ix-mi-tlful thing in If f - Coiik by tw anil three by aim'ns nd hundreds! I'lenty of rose. ni ounwiN rain bows; brother ami hitcr, aunt and cousins, but only on mother in aH the wide world. Kale Ifciugias ig. Kin. When Mrs. Wfiggln wrot th s i beautiful tribu te she tinronseiou. l7 perhaps, expresed the senti ments of every mother's daughter or son in the whole univers'. It has been reprinted hundreds o time, and today when mother day is celebrated throughout up land, will be recalled oftner thin auy other tribute that has ever been paid "Mothei" Ever: day Is o! evirse "mother's day bot only within recent years has she bn noticed with one special day with special ceremonies all In her honor. Of courHe. to each of Us .there is only "one mother. ' who is essentially the hest an.i sweetest "in ail the wide world;' till, today when we ay homage to "that only one," the sinicM white carnation, which wc win wear in her honor, will he a s , a fragrant, lent tribute to mother hood of all time, from the slumberous-eyed "mothers in Israel.' down to the present day. All these lovely women who hare HTed and loved, have per haps as great an influence upon US, however, as our own cotit -in-porary mothers, for it Is controll ing to think that back of us lor age and age this company ot lev Ins women atand, the incense of wuit' j love lends ragrance to the daily tasks that might otherwise become most monotonous ina"'t. The exquisite memory of thse women will linger for all years to come, and because, they cannot come back to us it falls the fut. of those living in the present uay to fill their vacant place "anu hold alott the lamp of love ana trust." and "bear it high life's round of petty cares above, and glorify, the place wbre once they atood." ' Mrs. Fargo's Tribute The following tribute to fo- ther is from the pen of Mrs. XV. V. Kargo, who, w rit ins; undr the) name of Ituth 'Fargo, in a rimtHnutor to aome ft the foremoMt miMfa- r.nes of the dy. Thi little frrm like all of Mrs. Fargo's ' writing Is characterized by rare delicacy and charm of expression: "Do you remember th? time you fell down the railroad bank and tore your pinafore and cried (how, you cried!) and Mother Came running looking so fright ened and fluttery, and found you, all dirt and dishevelled and teary and picked yon up and wiped your tears' with her best 'brddered I 'Rereniei; ana carriea you in focked you to sleep sing pg the troontng-est, cuddling-est, kissing fst kind or a sons? The cookie In the oven burned crisp and th lire went out. You were fiv-a liien. "Do you remember the time when you had the measles and the mumps so mixed they seemed both at once, and you had to stay In bed and take strangling nox ious doses, and missed the May day festival and the ball game" And mother sent- away the nurse and sat by you (Mother wanted to stay home anyway! and taught you the most wonderful game that you remember yet. and you forgot that you couldn't go ' Tou were 10 then. "Do you remember when the teachers air "had It In" for yot:, and you flunked straight, and your hend ached (your her-: hadn't learned to ache ther-'., and you htd a falling out witn your best chum, and a stone j bruise on your heel, and the sor est hang-nail that ever was. ant had to wear a garb yon didn't like because father couldn't a'-j fprd the one you 'did like ? And j mother came In af tr you'd gon' j to bed, and tucked you In a j though you were two, and - - ; You were 15 then. ! j "Do you remember the day yu i graduated? The really and tru'y , most wonderful day in the world" r'hen wealth, and honor and fame . Waited Jut outside the gal'-'.' And a sweet-raced 1'ttle woman! fit at one s'.de In the crowd and watched you. shfnlng-eyed. qu'ei . hPP proud? You almost '01 -got to kiss her; you were so an xious about wealth, and honor, and fame.' You were Ah. how, old were you then? The year", that snuntercd so slowly at 1"' had aluady begun to pranc ' skip. And then and then ! '"' 1: Try the Bpnng Term At the Salem School of Expression Under direction or Lulu Rosamond Walton graduate of Curry School, Iioston 147 North Commercial street 592 Telephones 1484 J R. HARR 1S67 KOBTH TWXXJTn I'knna 1 ',.'!. M Teacher of Piano Traascrlptton, Harmony and Composition I s apoclslty. rjrt. Seon4. Third and Fonrth 'fr4, pr ! - II 00 Firth l4 Hilh frd. Pr l.oo.. 1 50 Advaaeod Bladrata. per lfon 2 50 Figure 8 1900 Cataract Washer , W. GAHLSD0RF 125 N. Liberty St. ACCOMPANIST AND DIRECTOR FOR APOLLO CLUB v.. remember--? iiy-aiici-by, t'i years, the runaway years, with 1 " n t eih. began lnimni; and bruising and plunging alon. )t k injr yaii with them, unwilling, r belUous. tugging at the m-mis V'u were liuy, too busy t notice. think about anybody mm h. '' must needs saw at the h't.s of i headstrong team. Vet. st ni' h"'v mother seemed always com pan ionAiy near. Kven when you foi got to write. I'ntil on day on" aw ul .unbearable, unthinkaf'l day! And you thou Mi t of tnc things you were going to do-'o'j mother tomorrow when you' i 'ship came in'.' And your hrirt crumpled. and your thra' swelled, and your eye lidi scoi ch 'd because of it; and th hours night when you could not ached with a never-bel'oie-knov r aching (your heart had at la learntd to ache); and the Min.e seemed all rone from the suti Mother had journeyed beyond. Ko the first time in all your lite su: had lelt you alone. AIX3NK! ! "Perhaps yeu never could hav s lived thronch i all never oulf have gone risht on- just as usual ; had nu her whispering spirit cotnp back tt- comfort hr rhi'd - : as is the dear way of mothers 'There are many in need of the , gifts you 04'fer,' he seemed t say. ever 'so so'tly. 'Child, th;'. which you would do for in' d unto them'. ' j Edwin Markham's Boyhood; Kdwin Markham, who will de liver a U-ittire in the h-ich school May I i the pot I whom Wil liam Mean llowells. speaking of our. living poets, rails "the first, of the Attiei ieans,' Kdwin Markham has had a pic turesque career. lie has been cowboy, plowboy. -ihool -ma n . edi tor, poet, critic; and lie is now one of th best known figures on the American platform In his boyhood in California, re spent years in herdinu his moth- i 's sheep on the Snistin hills, in th" heart of the Coast ransre. lie had only three months schooling in the year and he had to walk (or ride on his donkey t five ni'hM to tet that nibble at knowledge. ; His only tooks were l.y ton's j poem1-. Inie' Iliad. Scott's Talcs 1 ef : Cra nd lat her. and Uill'n's Knglih grammar, diiL- out irum tin eld cipbeat u w hera and the- h bottom of iiil t h bad la in w ith lu t and fer yea rs ovei d cobweti V Ill'lll'VPr I lie sallied forth in th IIMIL' h' - r 1 .- mornitie iioi a with his sheep, he a!w.!V cf these precious M his arm IV-- slip ei O'l lde:- ! i on U lie was son li t a ' .on i d on a 1' l li link, w ' a nd Idea loir h mo'nei.i bis hi ieii ill lb' pa .1 I-' r eq lie ' 1 ! h'' his readins lo ii-ht toi l fie h i ii e i h e n i li'd ; n i: rd . a ' d t h - ne i ad woe'd be teir. '" '"I t'i o!u 'lie lo. k 'I Iio.. find no -lieep in hum r fin' k ha ! faded ;iwa into seme re !i lue us canyon Tin n there would I a t hum n of t he b n ': f t 1 1 1 b d In art nt:d h v. oil I be ii ; . a tid off t i tin tn w a nd er-i - A H"v i-;.is -lipped by. and th" sheep were exchapfed loj- cnttl' : and liors so oune Mnrkham '.aiiMid into a add'c on the bac: of a western broncho, and he wa suddenly a full fh I- -d inwlur. or aoMeio Vim- with Ian, it tied t his pomniel. wi'h broad mum, ti''" and jini'lin? spur-. th box rode forth as the guardian of his mother's can e ruiiti- It was in Kdwiii Markham -arv year ihat a m.;n named Wtlltam If. Kill cam to te,,b for threp montbs jn the J . t ' ,'hnol near the Stiisun lnll Thls tcaclo r took a di ef, inter -i i't yonn's: Markham. told him of 'he great poti. recjfed r.r-.a ts' t'oetn. "The Past." and T.nnv .son's "T"a r-i. Idle Tears." in- Ispirjn? tlie louiantic oy with t ; - v ft 1 :. , i' ' : love for poetry, u love that neer ('.i'Ml As one nchanted. IIm 1 ( v liteiM (I to Ihe in- lod ions and heantiful words; and at the Hose o that ii-crnori !!. t tih ;it s Ikmi'. lie. aot pfTiiiis.-ion from his moth er to i-( out lo seek work in or iT, r to arn money to buy 1 1 i -lned-for vo!iiin of the pot ts. lie found a m-i'h' or w ho t-av-' hir.i 2" p( r". ' f h-at land to plow ;it $1 an ;-cre. Ariel never danced with Rrejttr joy than did the spirit of voiin;.- Markham a tic plowed that l'0-acrr- fh-ld. Th dr.ys went by on golden fet; for jll the tini'' tl: boy'a lnad wa ;i l:ive of hf.ppy expectations. Kverv acimdiscj furrow carriil., Uim a little near r to the paradise of his di'alns tin- paradi.-e of book's And so when the boy's inth-r )eanre hour- from her journey to jSan Francisco to lav in the car'-; ; 'rovisns, she brought hint the hooks he United for Hryant'i I poems. T nn son -- piw nm. and :i Webster's unabridged dictionary. : Th s" (with other volumes found .in the old cupboard I helped to open th" world of ' humanity and h'-for to t!, bo s e pa nil i n im ;t ina t ion. They hep.. to ipiick- - ' . ..(..'.. . - , - -4 : ; .. . : ..i V' ' t . v. j ' , Via g i. ' ' - - vV" , en in in. umid these social andjbav : h ll'Mlie Idc.l.i thai he pleads for ill a!! tin eloquent pa--It-; has ; i en t . , ti,,. ...opl. May Day Festivitie Th I ' i ii :ui id I .-If, , ltl . till! Ih i a hi !' : U ! 1 1 1 1 ) I ! t e' II' r ..Ifa i ' ia ni' l t er: I he !i:o.. ' I - ' II e of 1 1 1 1 I) , ' rest mi;' an of tie .Mlnii. been spon-n; itl'-t it lit ion tiol! of b j . I Ma i y Nol o ) v. iih (lirxuiiv 1 1 - I ha I h i e.i la 1 1 ' ' the I'll' till I .' il l ! 1 tii" tonea I d il i ti f -en. Mis po ition d .I.i no-- ( 'i a w for ' be I? j '. im S I , .j, of ceremonies, the lowing a!l ieblle w President ' ' 1 1 i i i i iiv.i I pi la - ion pressu e. I., , 1 uuarlet. chaiiiii.e filleen." Mlldied alu'nnus of a- ina-l"r ron. item fo!- ot b mile bv I ion v . The Was in o. t i in - ' '. t!e V. SI t V ' il Hail th" I;.,!., its follow r. i" e. i dim; tii Charlotte Cioi- "d jit two i--.ii 1 1 ; i" ti VOI e ' :", i tl , iih c :.ow n hei. r. in a i uid d--. Mi- Ml-:- Si'i! M :iint frock:- I'iuie. who of on li iil - ; ora! a i i rl i Ion t I r ;i'i! C ii : i. n Mar;. '-' ' w n . t'.bfrt lltl'J-ef - n ior ' lined bv 1 1. I I! . hit" im- b'i all I 1 1 r spi . V i s Ml- 1. 1 I ! !o;,,, lv e fi I Hi ' pa-' t Cla rl:. ! !..,,,! I;. Ti v ' .1 I , t.i , M in 1 1 k C m 1 I ).-!:, a in I a Thi"! b- 1 1. I ') 1 I1 1 U 'I .'I -ii l" I. ;it:-! la It t: V .i Ti-s W i,. a k f : t ! I..:'. - lint i t!i th,.- a ' ! !e a 'fa r, : !'!. t-N M"-Ii Ud t to, I iwr ou lit i I'm i I', r , ble Mi- M i n r . i'.i: i i; u tii I : t a I.; I I ! f re l-'ak. s t .iii.l ft i ' r, th Gi .i ,1 ) Knew the Pnets Family- i ,i r h -l:.,i- I'S ,f hi t :i 1.' po 't. be, I 1 e. ej V I'M. . esid.. : '' i i' ' I " f r ' . I I h. ll el . i all, a i j i . 1 1 l! e I'.dA, ('bi!( ni'h'i Ina' b ad.-r "A til in t M. V Votln i ti t ii - r .L-ard to d i b M f h. i t i h ' I ol ! Whir ,,th I'- t nt.iie , !1 Mi! ota tot in t. ;i--i - 1 1 1 follow -t' T tlOIII rd Or . I i i - o, - w ie-i SOCIETY NEWS I , . Iy.-, s s i i - ll l ' ' - ' i . - ft-. fc'-r j T, I J 'tm wnmm WIW rto nutrrm mi M-wamimm M ISS RUTH BED- served successfully as pi ano accompanist for the Apollo Club, and Rev. II. ('. Aldrich. who has filled Ihe position of di rtclor since the depart ure of John A. Todd. The Apollo club com pleted its fourth season this week with the con cert Wednesday night, featuring Mme. Irene Pavlcska, charming young mezzo-soprano. Kdwin M; rklunn would K-ctttre iiT? in th" Wilhiniet'." valley and FiiKvest -d tliat I writu you in " travd to the Salem date and pro tram. Said h was not tnre that tl.i ltutc would he publie. He u:u a pione-r. horn near Silvet ton November, 1.".:',. and all mv !'. viell ae(it;iitU"d with Mr. M;' i k liam fallier. Samuel Mark h.itn. and seral halt brothers; his brother Coliimhia Mark 1 .-hoiih! like U hear the l.iMU pot W !l pn.-ted In the hlt-tory o tlie donation land claims of the Markhams. sifiated on the Abi eua reek. five miles due east of ,lei ton ;. lisve bf;ajUii many. htinting and fishinc trips with I'nc'e SamiM I Markham w hen he f was near mi ;ml I is to 20 years !d; h-dpd to care foi both lh' ..on and 'nre Sannnd in their last illness For my u t- of kindness the old , si nt )eiiirn prest-nted nit- with a I Webster's unabridued dictionary. j;'t d am vim v proud that my act i i n.s merited snh a rilt Irom th" ' id' st p'-r.-on that I had ever kruiii up to that date. think 17 1. Think in mv childhood mav it'll a'l the dltletent mem- rs of the Markham family, but Markham with -M-vi'ial ,'hil iO'HI to California about t t en ! - 7 too atly for my re-ollec-i on Vo i wi l note from my brief !' h W iiv I should be quite a I'll inlet -ted in Mr Markham's :,it to ins native state, from a t'.iiit .f view, aside from his l-rilliaiil I lerary reconl Am i til', irate' i to the poets for 'he i' any beautiful express-ion th liae h.ft' us and th 'sliiu i'1" lishl- th' have set up alonu' he icithway of life lo lighten our i'ldeiis t 111 o.ii;lio'it Ihe journey. me hear soon if the lecture in Salem ot, ti,,. jck, jnt wj) .' p'tldie; wtiat's f i . . subject, and how niiu li th" admission, quite a w f eopic from here would-, have -"t'i' hot be b'turei jn Albany. :"vl some ma ie S.i h-M. pi o. idi d it t '.I!'". e to come to ;i public lec- Sale of Tickets Th S.ab m 1 1 - iue has I: tli'kels f, th -i rilt'e to be 1 ' hv Id win Markliam. and : fin" phifc.l thm on sab- at Pat-! 'oi-.'s book -In'", tlie Commetcial i -' . tie ' ap til dintr s'ore. thej Men roe (;,;'!,. .! - u.! 10 and the' Sa- I t com .a uy's store. tit - -- ;il $ I , and I .". u I en I -. j w-. 1 1 I . eU en i ii I of the h,h Ff-hool 'I i ! o t: - for ad' r student:- at Tii- le.ture " auditorium mda'. cenn. t a I .. and pO'd's will o w n 1 ' 1 , : ; . I ; VOI k An itifi bo- the t;i!!ieit 1 'ill With I (I" rina 1 i im i -p t i , "t'ire in ti; idio will Mm fol :r ie Drive Dnte Changed I n o; d'-r not to " o! Mi - M i con j i j, t it h li e t H! . of the tll' fall for "i Woman'. ,-!ub t t it ird-n t'i lib I i V 'h. r'lin t,nroi ,v 1 IO I,OI.- i-' r N il f ef home, in a I women, ha il w i k . t li da t - M.t.' L'l. This W il - fll 'de ester- ,o to I -at il r.! eei, nt I . to ' ii i - a ti ;, i d of h" t r, J"h'i J Roberts, d - eliera I vecii t is e. tiiii'l amou"t w is al ' r i ti t i om m iin it v f'H rh'' hoini' ;ihd it ca! t i ; 1 Other 'ti ha - if, i la r I l- to hotl e I '. II 1 1 ate t : t , oil ,' d. d I'm: I.i" i r 1 1 i n - I I'U . 'll Hi L W .. d .-'. I furni- ' to IL'll'lill ' ;i !:-r; I ' h ' d t"l i; i a i i : nd th- ar p. e b Th OF THE WEEK " . Si ! jLtii. stance should loosen purse sttiiiLis as well. Ior aiuiouK" home is located in Portland, a laree percent of the hahi"s cared for it re from other parts of the state. Kvery year when the drive is maN" f,,r maintenance of the home gen'-rous heatted Salem folk, who have not linked their warm-heartedness with the calen dar, "nor let it he a spasm of the Christt.iastide. have civen iiietly of their means. Th', present drive. however, is planned to make L'eneral the call for help, with everone offered the oppor lunit to live something "unto i th- 1 -:i -t of I hese " in women, who have open ed their hearts to the call of the, I ttle iihandoned hahies. and who are to nive of their time and en ergies in maklnc th" drive a big Kin-cess in the Capital City are: Mrs Hen W Olrott. Mrs. Thomas C. i-'mitti. Jr., Mis John A. Car son, Mrs. Chester Cox. Mrs. Wal ter Spaulding, Mrs. V. K. Ander son. Mrs. Marry Hawkins. Mrs Lloyd Farmer. Mrs. T. A. Rob erts. Mrs. A. .1. Rahn Mrs. Claire Vibbeit. Mrs David V. Pmi at:d Mrs William M. Hamil ton, ia oresentinp the Sal-uii Wo man's luh. Origin of May Day In "ye oldn" days it was the custom for all ranks of people 'o y.o a-Mayintr. 'Itoiirne tells im that in his time in the north ol Knglahd both girls and boys were wont to r.if a little after nntl night on the morning of that day and en to some neighboring wood, accompanied wl'h music and hiowinj; of horns. where they broke down branches from the tree adorning I hem with nose gays and crowns of flowers. They let ii rued heme about the time of :-u:iri.ef making their doors and windows, triumph in the flowery ypo I. A very singular Knglish custom was observed in London as late as 17!1. and that was of th; women going into the fields on May morn ing to bathe (heir faces with th dew, believing it would make them beauti'ul. "Some derive May from Mair..' says an olden writer, "the mother of Mercury, to w hom they offered sacrif.ces on the first day gf it; and this seems to explain the cus tom which prevails on this day ip Cambridge, of children naving a figure dressed in a grotesque mar iner, called a May lidye before which is fcet a table, on which are wines, etc. They also beg money, which is considered as an offering to the Maulkin; for their plea is 'pray renumber the poor May Lidy'." The origin of May Day festt Tals is not known, but better Judges have decided they were in stituted in the Roman Kloralla or from the Celtic La Beltine, and some say they are handed down from our Gothic ancesters. After the long winters, the northern na tions had a custom of welcoming the returning sphtidor of Hie r'ln with dancing, and mutually to feast each other. In honor ot the ushering in this nappier sea son the (Joths and Southern Swedes also, we are told, had a mock battle between summer and winter. The month of May is siipersti tious!,v considered an unlucky time for marriages, the idea bein; transmitted to us by our Popish ancestors, borrowed by them rroiu the ancients. Scotland has peculiar customs all her own, as has also lrelann and Germany, the latter suppos ing the date to be a meeting Mm of the witches, who can do th in no harm providing they have a certain tliorne upon their door post. The May Pole dance, the pret tiest detail of May May festivities has also an interesting htsto-y. Th were formerly erected wi ll ireat veneration and ceiemony. brought by 2i or in yoke of oxen, each having a rioreKay of flowers tied on the tips of its horns, draw ing the long May pole covered with flowers and herbs, and some times painted with manv colors', with all the townspeople follow ing in a devout attitude. ;fter It was set up. however, the pen pi" fell ti) banqueting and general merry-making for "The May pol is up, now give me the cup. I'll drink to the garlands around it. A puritanical writer was ais pleased with this custom, describ ing it thnslv: "It was as the an cient heathen did, at the dedica tion of their iihds. whereof thi.-; isi perfect pattern, or rather tl.e thing itself." Miss Metschan as Queen Salm will take an especial In terest iic the Rose festival in Portland this year, owing to the 'act that Mit:. Dorothy Metschan. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Phi MciHchaa, Jr.. has been chosen rose iiii eti. Mis.4. Metschan's par ents formerly resided in Salem, where the. family is widely known, as indeed it i., throughout the state. Miss Met: t han is a niece of Mrs I-"rank Meredith and Mrs. Ii. V. Griffith. The announcement of her ep-r. t'c.'ii was made known Kiiday in Poitl-ind. by Mrs. Chailes K Ruiivoti. i lia rtnan of the U"eu cot!imitle. Miss Mi'hsi ban is at present attending Mills colli so 'n California. Sh" was notiiied o! her selection by telegraph, and wired back her acceptance. It was announced that M'- Metschan had been chosen ie cause she was young an 1 chartr. mg and at th" same time repre sented a protuitieiit Oregon (am iiy. Members of the board e press,, i thejf hiilslac tion at th sele t ion Mis Rmivon slated that it wa d" iil". (, p -ie, t i-ulit att' ttoiifits (r th- iueen but ihat the.-e had :mt vi t ),.-,. n picked ,sh,. also sad that ht commute,. b;,( ,j. ctded upon Laurelliurst park as the most suitable 'place for th' coronation. Miss Metschan will arrive in ' " r""T " ' . .'S, - mrClW.. ' f ""CT" 1 afterwards various details rela tive to arrangements will !? worked out with her. Mrs. Adams to Be Here The Salem Arts league made a verv good discovery, and one that the whole city will proHt by, when they brought Mrs. Carrie M. Adams to Salem as a speaker re cently, for in the well-known com poser was found a community song leader of the finest type. Sa'e'rt is to take advantage of the discovery, and has secured Sirs. Adams to direct the s'nging when Ihe Salem Commercial club gives its Kecond community re ception on Mav IK. and which this time will take the nature or at old-t me song fest Wr'ting to a Salem friend fol lowing her appcaranc here. Mrs Adams said: "If ever any one savs that Salem folk are unre spoiitdve. I shall tell them that I know better. I enjoyed every minute of my stay in Salem ana the selection of the soloists was certainly the very best of an. They are all three singers." About Gardens At the meeting of the Salem Floral and Improvement Society in the auditorium of Ihe Salem Commercial club Friday night, a most interesting discussion of various Salem gardens and their notable details was taken up. with a novel plan ot "open gardens" suggested by Dr. H. J. Clements, one of the Capital city's most ard ent advocates of a "more beauti ful Salem." Among the gardens commend ed were those of the following: Mrs. A. N. Hush, which displays some very fine azaleas; Col il. Hnfcr. an unusual collection of iris; Miss Isabelle Clark, old fashioned garden; Homer Smith, most interesting back yard plant ing; D. J. Fry, Sr., rock wall with barberry; Louis Lachmund, tulip bed. Dr. Clements, not being able to be present at the meeting, sent the following letter to members: Members of the Floral Society: "I take this opportunity to make a suggestion which. If fol lowed, seems to me would both stimulate our interest and be mutually instructive to the many flower lovers of our community. "Our annual feast of flowers is here, and the various gardens of Salem each have their treas ures. Would it not be well for some committee of the society to locate some of the choicer things, list them on Saturdays In our newspapers, and arrange to have a series of "open gardens," say from three to five, on each Sun day afternoon, so that we may become mutually better acquaint ed and exchange ideas on floral matters. "It is not necessary that a gar den be large or have an extensive assortment; if it has but a ningle specimen of something especially choice in its line, it would be worth visiting. The specimens of Iris Susianna, by chance exhibited in a local sJiow window, have at Hliy Not Pay As You Go ? i tracted widespread Interest. This iris, by the way, which was list cd by a nursery of Knrope underwits present name in the first cata logue of irises of which we hive any knowledge, jf-jhlished bier 4 00 years ago, is now practically' unobtainable from any dealer. Are there not other gardens ex hibiting this and equally rii re other treasures? If so, canfwe not learn where they are andir range to visit them? "It might be well to have special days on which cerfjun flowers would be featured: thus, an iris day, a peony day, a rose day, a gladiolus day and so forth, could profitably be arranged for our instruction and edification The coming Sunday could welfebe a tulip day, and there are mjsny exquisite olumps of these popular flowers now blooming in many of the gardens of Salem. Somtf; of Ihe nicest ones in out of the -if ay places. Where are they? 3 "From present indications (be writer will have a representative display of iris in bloom for :.h rest of the season, and hereby! in vites the members of the Safem Floral society and others inter ested in flowers to visit these gardens from three to fiveffon the Sundays, May 15th, 22nd itnd 29th. Old and New May Days- "In thepe days people carijio' stop amid the sweep of twentieth century events to devote thj&n r.elves to special rites on thi spring day; there seems to be-no time for it; and so as many othr things of greater importance, u3 quaint old May day customs :i"2 last dying out." ii Think of present day writers telPng us such things! That? la. however, just what they hive done. Evidently they never-.jfe-sided in Oregon, for yesterdajr in numerous cities of this ctate Iwve been revived customs that ire glorified by their antiquity fead enhanced in interest by a deitai! here and there eloquent of twen tieth century originality. WJ-n ritual and ceremony as charmii g as that of the ancient Roman .ob servances In honor of the GoddfEs Flora, or the historical celebra tion in Mediaeval Florence, In dents of Willamette university Friday made us live againlln an enchanted land. That "there is nothing new tin der the sun," has become an 'es tablished fact, and whilo Friday we watchel the modern fest'fn! of May day we were remindedof similar events which have been drawn upon to make the complete whole of this week's merrymak ing. In the original ceremonies devoted to May day were Ele ments of the ancient sun worship, while the May-pole and its attend ant displays were rellcc of the ture worship of the East. -;S"o these were added dlvers ons popu lar at various times. The clirijit 1c conditions undoubtedly jfeid much to do with the celebrations, greater enthusiasm being devel oped In England than was fotthd In more southern countries. .H It was customary at one tint's Sports Skirts $7.48 to $19.7$ I '-ft; . Lustrous Silk Skirts $9.75 to $24.75 Wool Knit Sweaters $4.98 to $12.48 I In Tuxedo $tylel $4.98 to $17.50 1 Fibre Silk Sweat Sr $12.48 Pure Silk Sweaters $19.75 to $24.75 Women'H Wear and Arliclcs for I to have a Lord of May as well as : Queen of May, the language do r.cri.biug their ceremonies showier ; that period to have been long ago; ' i ne rung oi .way, uobin Hood, wasto have a baldrick of bl4 tnran'nlo silver embroidered. Tha May Queen, Maid Marion, wag to ) be habited in watc h t-colored t!s- sue, and her two maids were to - have white courtpies. w th a gir dle of silver ban!gin; they were to have tobards, or snort jackets, with girdles of cloth of s'lver." At even ng when the "jonflre were ablaze, the Queen of May, who had presided durinj? the day, withdrew with h-r companions, the King of May being left to cot. iliict the revels of the night. "It is said," sayr- Helen Phil brook Patten, "that in his young' er days King Henry VIII delighted " to rise with the sun on May morn ing and with a company from his court ride into the woods. a-May. i ing. An old writer of the tlm ells us in very old Knglish, and with reckless disregard for orthog raphy of one of King Henrys May Hays: 'The king and quene accompanyed with many lofdes ladies roade to the high ground 0 ! hoters hil to take the oPttt ayre, and as they passed by the t way they espied a copany of til . yohien clothed allin grene whode Si bowes & arrowes, to the number; of ii. c "Then one of them, which called himself Robyn Hood, can to the kyng. desyring him to H' his men phoote the kyng wi! cotent.- Then he whistled & ail th ii. c archesr shot and losed at " once & then he whistled agayne ft they likewise r-hot agayne, their -arrows whistled by croft of Ina , head, so that the noyes i wai straunge and great, and much, pleased the kynge, and quen and all the company. All these arch ers were of the kynges garde and ; had thus appareled themaelves to, make solace to the kyng. Then Robin Hood desyred the kyng and: quene come Into the green wood : & to Be how the outlawes live. - " 'The king demaunded of y p quene her ladyes, it they durst , adventure to go into the wood ' with so many outlaws. Then the quene sayde. that If it pleaaed him. she -was content; then ths " horns blewe tyl they came to the -, wood under shoters fill, and there . was an arbor made of boowes. with . a hal and a great chamber and an Inner chamber, very well made, and covered with flowera and jwete herbes. whlche the kynge ' muche praysed. " 'Then said Robyn Hood, Sir Outlaws brekefasteg very son, anl. therefore you must be content With such far aa we use. Then the knge and quene sat down. Were served with veuyaon ana wyne by Robyn Hood and nU - men to their great contentaclon'. 1 Mlfses Ia Verne and Conitane : Cantner went to Seattle Jridiy. where they will remain until Tuesday as the guests of Ufcir sister. Mrs. Blanche Thomas and their brother. Clifford W. JCant-, ner. ' . (Continued on page 3) is s $9.75 to 'sc eej.t ,,1 , "IS ,',f e ' ' -ii':," 1 1 ' I- r and j.J i 1.1 he has ,rt- i Quality Merchandise Popular Trices i nil s: thi Portland May I and imme'diaUly :,-- ,h w