The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, May 08, 1921, Page 3, Image 3

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iatrrn l'icin IU'h;ill
T",. All' th'is.i who re
. i'jjs titlf to play with Am-r-$1
Lgion To! No. l
baseball imm, rc;rt at
lareetiaau r-m a.i-r i p. in.
londay evening.- Adv.
White ami Marsnjtfl
Osteopathic phys-K;jn, U, S. Bk
fisiU Briber Here
SMis, Lit'ti: Abrauiji. a milliner
Jtoseburg. arrived In nthe city
4t evening fur a few- days' visit
tfitft her brother, Col. Carl-'
Ajbram They will motor to Port
land today for a tu days' stay
wit trienda.
fitted at Tyler's Drug store by
in gxpert la the business. (Adr.)
It 8ar Trail"
I la motion pictures at the "irst
npqgressional church this cven
iir. -following the addre- Yo'i
iliwant to see these picture.
production. "THE
; Sennett Comedy
f 24.15 C
7:459:15 p.m.
; Wurlitzer Concert
' 2:45 and 7 :30 p jn.
AlTie EJfictrlc.SIgn ''SHOES'
IjiNew Shoe Repairing Shop
i ..
Oar lasses fh your eyes. Our
. bills your purse
Jewelers and Optician
Pka&e 1:5$ ? f Saletn. Oregon
v Pi4STE
DRY PASTE 179 N. ConuSt
Better Goals Tor Les
Kixpnj Perfect Litraid Paints
Seasonable prices
Gspfeal Firaitare ft Hardware Co.
2S . Commerdal- PhoM M?
Kedi&ra Tide John Syrup. .C5c
ll-Ofli Brooms. 69c
It lit. Dairy Salt... 75c
IS., llrt Laaadry -Sotp...-. .41.00
I eao MUk. ...... . tl.00
-Hi :
tetf Pressed.. ..-v
Cleaners & Dy
Ulf t Goal &L Phone HIS
fprtag PUmtia Ordar Tram
MM 6rf BaiMtaf
. tn Serricc
your crocer for
? i I " 8Se dozen
Cckit St. Phone 9i
. 1
PmJta.-e Store
Borne of the Vlctrola
Bore for your money at
C3 A H. Tracy Wood Co.
: (for all kinds of
" I dry wood
aPtiellTery Phone 110
rfrPl' Mtlat MaxMaea tad
jaeetrlfi Worlt and Sapplle -
. ?f?0OD
THE OREGON STATESMAN. Ib-fit-fit KiM.-t-tainiuent
Highland school, .May 15 H
o'clock p. m. Program furnUhed
by Joy Turner. --Ail v.
Vik LSroa. received ' notice ys
!' rda morning of a $25o reduc
::on on all models of Oakland irs
Koiup into rfect Monday, April
The new Oakland have Just re--etly
come out with several ne
improTements. among which an
new improved pis:ons, new oiling
system, better finish, better car
buration, and it is no more than
ever a Sensible Sis.
I'rUtl Chicken IHnner,
And French pastry that we
make. The Gray Belle. Adv.
Kaufman Kolaki anl Supplies
Commercial Hook Store. 163 X
Commercial Adv.
Condits CmO Kast
Mr. and Mrs. A. O Condit will
leave the first of the week to at
tend the neneral trembly of th-i
t'resbyerian church at Wiaouu
Iake, Indiana. The assembly will
start May IT and continue for 1')
days. The c'ondiu will not return
to Salem until about the seventh
of June. Among other represen
tatives from Oregon will be Rev.
I. A. McKenzie. Dallas. William
Moll Case. Kugone. Kit on Sha.
formerly of Salem, but now of
(iray IUJU French
l'asiry for your devrt today.
Made at thu Gray 11 lie. Adv.
ApartuM-at.i for lU-nl
Ftirnl.shed two or three-rooms.
$20 to 2, including phone,
light, water. Phone 7 45. Adv.
(irs S? ( iff ii-i
Anions; tu circu., attendints
.Saturday were r,6 girls from the
state industrial Bchool. The ?irls
vere chaperoned by Mm. Clara
PaJlTson. snperintendent of the
rchool. and iive other teachers
and attendant. Groups-also at
tended the circus from some of
the other state institutions.
"Mollirr lay"
At the First Congregation a 1
rhurch. The pastor will Speak on
"The Mother, the Son and the
Cros" this morning. Adv.
Oregon KdK
Yonr gowns, original desj-n. to
measure, must be properly titled
for comfort. Satisfaction folly
?uarateed. Phone 1125.
404 Ferry St.. Salem. Oregoa
Phones 11T7 1111
We pay 2c abore the
market price lor eggs
and products
Do you take
If not, why notf
No other baths or treatments
can produce the permanent re
lief to the person suffering
from disagreeable cold or ali
ments of the flesh or body like
the Turkish Bath will.
Open 8 a. m. until 3 p. m.
Lady and Gentlemen attend
ants Investigate
The Mutual Life
Urj-to-date policies.
Lower net cost.
District Mgr.
271 State St. Phone 99
Special Merchants'
Lunch 35c
nouns it a. m. to sp. m.
Danclne upstairs at Nomking Cafe,
every Tuesday, Thursday and Sat
urday night3. American and Chi
nese dishes.
162 N. CommertUl St. -
Call at
We bay and sell every
thing. 215 Center St. Phone 393
.lulouiobilr-h .llit
ieterduy afternon at the iti-tc.'re-Uin
of I.iU-rty and Court
hi reel automobiles driven by V
It Masey of Siayton ami t I.
Martin of 4 12 Norte t;iKhteentU
reei rolliaU. Hoth
..tint..!.. I . .
..uii uv me acciuent
Ui-ar In-. u-rt F li
('Imago, at U-sIie M. K. rhurrh
:'m'ht. s p ru. Subject. ' Kt-p-'t-l
With Dad." Adv
ixgal nianks
Get them at The Statesman of
f ce. Catalog on application
ir u omixiiiy Su4-tl
An action wa instituted yt-ster-
'y the ci.-cutt court against
iue u. vi. liarnes bhow company
by D. Samuel. The complaint al -
Ieses that damage wa done to the
property at the northwest enmr
of Ferry and Commercial streets
y me company s agents in putt
iu uv posters of the show If
claims it will be necessary to re-
kiul me rjuiiuinga the pla3?-r
was damaged by the use of tack
A judged of J150 U asked for
"lUt Vou Kver Think of Me?"
Fx trot -Ak to hear thi rec
ord. II. L .nff Furn. Co. Adv.
it"nl IVarnen C1rcu
Out-of-town people who attend
ed the circus yesterday wer Mr
ind Mrs. M Ottawa and Mrs. Hel
ler. Silverton. .Mr. urtii Mrs GeorKe
lilack and family. Mrs C. John--on
and family. .Mr. and Mrs S.
II. Mennett and family. Mon
iB.ouh Mr. and Mrs O Fry. Fflk
ouniy. Mr. and Mrs. A. Coiioly
and family, Dallas.
For I lent
Five rtHu coUag'O on North
Sixteenth street. $2". a mow id.
Phone .;. today or 2-'l on Monday.-
fowans Like Oregon
Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Lawrence
and family, who left Burlington,
Iowa last October for a tour of
rhe western and Pacific states,
like Oregon very much better
than California, where they spent
the winter They are thinking.
fterimislv t f Irvat inv libra f
!ikA rh v-iiict, v,iu. ,MY
cularlv well Vhev ui Jnin
l hey will remain
for some time
country hoping to find a place to
A CTiickcn Ranrli
A first class chiken ranch for
sale. See Ben. F. West. 462
State St. Upstairs.
"A Secret Worth Knowing"
Will be ir. Kantner's subject
this evening. This morning he
will Fpt-ak on "The Mother, the
Fon and the Cross." Adr.
stop Mi
A Hn Ay ft y From Ham
Strirtly MoJrn 1.00 per dsy
100 rooms of Solid Comfort
Only Hotl tn Busiaeaa District
Webb & Clough
Funeral Directors
Leading Morticians
One thought
guides us in our
conduct. It is
tha t all of our
knowledge, all of
o u r discretion
and all of our
rourtesy must be
employed on ev
ery occasion.
Plant House
Plants For
Tomatoes, 3 varieties
Zinnia all colors Asters
Marigold French and
African Geranium all
colors Petunia Pink and
purple Salvia Salpi
glossis Scabiosa Ver
bena all colors Phlox
annual Marguerite Japs
Porch boxes, Jap kegs
' and hanging baskets
, Kile Army It ha rvr
An honorable discharge from
; the l aiied Stale army was filed
i yesterday in the office of the
county lerk by NHson K Cro-1
jhaw Mr. Crushaw tserved as a.
, corporal in Co I of the ISth in-!
He enlisted July 13. 1S2;
and receive! his disc harp April '
1921. Herler flnry Hoyser. ;
who served in the Inited States
navy during the recent war, also j
filed an honorable discharge yes-1
terday Mr. Hoyser enlisted May'
lo. 1917 and was discharged Oct-'
ober 8, 1919. j
M n'i Club
Of the Firs,t Con ionii '
church Monday evening. Dr L. F. ,
(Iriffith will make th address .
1 h-re will be jood music awl a
eeneral gotxl time Djnrer s-rved i
the Kndeavorers of the cnurch
:.',) p. rn. Adv.
I'm-king Ieal CI
Th transfer of the F A. Kurtz
packing plant to the Producers
Canning & Canning company
recorded yesterday in the office
of the county recorder. The ;
transaction involves approximate-1
ly $4 5,000. 1
MMher's IHiy
Is May x. Why not buy her a
Roller? His song is always sweets
-oft and charming. She'll love
him. A deposit will bald one.
Satisfaction guaranteed. K. II.
Flake, .",9't S. 17th. Adv.
Ilisclurge is Fllel
An honorable disrharee from
Be united States army was fili
, yesterday by Virgil R Kimple.
The discharge was granted Juiv
i 12. 1919. Mr. Kwaple served in
' the army for one year.
Virk llros.
Announce a drop in price of
$2-'o on Oakland cars, all models
See their ad in this issu -.---Adv.
Licentei are IMieI
Marriage licenses were issued
yesterday in the officer of I'. G.
Boyer, county clerk, to Frieda
Rittman and John O. Haggerty
of Salem; Bessie M. Knoor. and
George D. Keys of Woodburn; El-
la G- Harmon and Ellsworth lear-
iaK ot Salem; Lila Mathews of
.-vaiem ana
of Portland.
For Sal
Good lot on paved street In
North Salem. Phone 271. Adv.
Partner Seeks Judgment
Edward B. Hegeman filed a
complaint in the circuit court yes
terday against Harry M. Cannon.
The two men have been doing
business tinder the firm name of
H. M. Cannon & company. The
complaint asks that the co-part-nerstilp
be dissolved and requests
the court to grant a judgment
against the defendant for the pay
ment of certain notes
Ant Radiator lXepaxrtng
Modern equipment, prompt ex
pert service. Nelson Bros., 355
359 Checeketa SU Adr.
We Have a Brand
New Oldsmobile Truck that has
never been run. See us for Imme
diate sale at right price. Vick
Brothers. Adv.
Coupe Damage Car
An automobile belonging to X.
W. Phillips of route 3 was some
what damaged yesterday ia a col
lision with a Ford coupe, which.
according to the records, is owned
by R. L. Houck of Independence.Uhority and looking for a location
Mr. Phillips reported to the
police department that he was
driving east on Court street and ;
in turning north on Liberty was!
struck by the coupe traveling west,
on Court street. The coupe was j
driven by a woman. j
St. Andreasherg Rollers
"The canary with a college edu
cation.'' New shipment. Har
them today. E. Flake, 59' S
17th. Adv.
Collision Cue Damage j
An automobile collision occured
at the Intersection of Commercial
and Ferry streets yesterday after
noon. The cars were driven by
Charles Hebel, 1738 Fairmount
avenne and an unidentified man
The front fenders were bent and'
the axle damaged on the Hebel ;
car. It was not know whether
or not the other car was dam-'
aged. i
! During the remainder of the
Sunday Sc!mxI Organize ! sprint and summer season th
The Salem Heights Sunday j gtate employes In the state in
has recently organized and will j dustrial accident department will
give a musical program consist- -knock off" at 1 o'clock on Sat
ing of orchestra and vocal nam- urjay afternoons. This arrange
bers at 3 o'clock today in observ-; meQt h(tztQ Saturday,
ance of Mother's day. The pro-, .
gram will be at community nau
and everyone in the community
la invited.
A Classified Ad
Will bring you a buyer.
Dr. Grifftih Speak
Special music and an address
by Dr. L. F. Griffith will feature
the meeting tomorrow night of
the men's club of the First Con
gregational church. Supper will
be served at 6 o'clock. All men
of the church and congregation
are invited.
Kimball: walnut finish.
Stiff Furn. Co. Adv.
H. L.
Vick Brothers
Have for Immediate sale a new i
! Oldsmobile one-ton track at ro?t j
! price - Call at Hizh and Trade j
i streets and look it over. Adv.
J Another Whopper
j J T. Hart from over Monmouth
way displayed at th office of The
Statesman yesterday an egg that
measured eight Inches around the
i long wayv and f iz and a half in
! ches aroiipd the chest. It was
j layed by ft Plymouth Rock hen
! helonrinz "to H. W. Hannum of
Sionmoijth. route 1- That must
be an educated h"n. It must be
because she lives so cloee to the
state normal school, where the
high brown are turned out to
ttach the Oregon young idea how
tc shoot. P. S. Whopper in the
headline is literal, not in its al
legorical or Pickwickian sense.
Can You Pick
Out a Good Ad?
If you think you know a
good classified ad, h ere
your chance to win one of
the three cash awards the
Statesman will give each
week for the one who picks
out the five "best written
ads" on the Statesman clas
sified page. May 12. 1:5 and
The best selection. 1st award
The second best selection,
2nd reward $1.5u
The .third best selection. 3rd
reward $1.0o.
The first awards will be
announced in Tuesday's is
sue of each week, the first
announcement Tuesday May
lth. Contestant must see
'hat their selections reach
the Statema office before
Monday morning of each
week in order to be consid
ered. The Statesman wants your
selections of the best Clas
sified ad. Please clip the
five ads that you consider
are the best on the above
dates and mail to the Clas
sified Ad. Manager, Oregon
Statesman. Salem. Ore.
Salem Couple .Married
John O. Haggerty and Miss
Frieda Rittman, both of Sal-m.
"-re marriea last night at 5:jo
o clock at the parsonage of tue ;
First Congr.-gatonal church. Ttiey "' 1S4-J- when the Oregon country
w ill maKe their home here in Sa-' secured to the Cnited States
lem. ! attracted more than lOOo pioneers
. 'and interested visitors to the an-
Tonrists I'.Hum to Saleni nual Champoeg picnic yesterday.
A. Hall and II. W. Collet t. trav-j I-irge numbers of Portland peo
pling photographers from Seattle, pie came to the historic rvnt hv
have leturned t0 the auto camp
grounds for a few days before re
suming their trip by automobile
to routhern California. The men
were here a few days ago but
liarlholomew Nominated
Lyle Bartholomew, son of Mr.
and Mrs. W. P. Bartholomew of
this city, was nominated for the
; off ice of president of the assoclat
'id student body at the Lniverstty
of Oregon for next year at the
regular meeting of the students
Thursday. Bartholomew is a
graduate of Salem high school and
attended Willamette university.
At Oregon-he Is prominent in dra
matics and a member of Mask and
Buskin, an organization of stud
ents interested in dramatfes. He
is a member of the student coun
cil, president of the architectural
club and of the sculptors' clnb and
a member of Bachelordon frater
nity. Go to Woodburn
Mr. and Mrs. T. E. McCroskey
were among the Salem people go
ing to Woodburn yesterday to at
tend the opening of the Bank of
V'oodbnrn which has just moved
to new ijuartors
Secretary Is 111
W. P. Walter, executive secre
tary of the Near East and China
Famine relief campaign in this
city, has been ill for the past two
days. He waa able to return to
the campaign office yesterday to
look after work for a time.
May i:UMih Grocery
Lloyd Solomon and F. O. Burns,
of the Skaggs' Cnited stores, are
in Salem consulting with legal au-
for the establishment or a grocery
store. Skaggs Tnited Stores now
oompose a chain of 18' store in
Idaho and it is possible that the
chain -will be extended to Oregon.
Werner 111
Miss Clara E. Warner of tne
Needlecraft shop was attacked by
a cerebral hemorrhage Friday
while seated in a refreshment par
lor on State street and Is In the
Salem hospital. Mrs. Warner's
arms and vocal organs are said to
be temporarily paralyzed
Birth Report
Baby arrivals reported at the
Deaconess hospital are: To Mr.
and Mrs. H. M. Dowd of Salem, a
girl; to Mr. and Mrs. Page Steven
son, a danghter who has been
named Mabel Grace; to Mr. and
Mrs. George Zan Santen, a son.
i Office flo Farty
i .
! W. H. Downing, of Shaw, was
among the visitors in the city yes
terday from that section.
I Albert Frank of Stayton was a
business caller in Salem yesterday.
Breakers Ahead
If young people, particularly
young women, could only tee
ahead and realize the things
that they may have to over
come, there would be little
difficulty in inducing them to
take a thorough business
Proper, business training is
an anchor to windward that
no yonng person should be
without. It makes little- dif
ference what line you intend to
follow, such a training will
always he an aid to you. and
some time it may mean the
difference between success and
Let us tell you how we can
help you. Write or call for
Capital Business College
Mr and Mrs. William Jones of
iia L ay were in Salem yesterday.
Georfce Marrts of Turner was in '
the e.ty eterday.
Charles Staiger. who runs th
sawmill at Sublimity, was in Sa
lem yesterday on business.
Phillip Fisher of u tory Point
w as anions the business ' callers
! yesterday in Slern
were in Salem yesterday.
F. C. Downine o' SuhJl mill- - a a
I a business visitor in the city yes
F. A. Elliott. State forester waa
in Portland yesterday.
M. G. Greenley of Honolulu was
in Salem a few hours yesterday on
his way to CorvaHU tn it
- - ' --
friend Mr. Greenley has been a,
teacher in Honolulu for abont '
e.ght years, but thinks of locating i
:n the States. His home state is
South Dakota.
Annual Champoeg Celebra
tion is Held in New Mem
orial Building
The t wenty-second annual eel-
Oration of Foundners day and an -
nivenarv nt tha mofin .
ooat and many, who wished to
make the trip, were unable to at
tend because of the crowded con
dition of the boat. Other promi
nent pioneer, members of the
Oregon Pioneer association and
the Oregon Historical society, and
d esc end nan ts of the early pioneers
from all parts of the state were
amoag those present.
Resolutions written and pro
posed by J. A. Smith, son of Sid
ney Smith, one of those who took
part in the meeting of 1843, com
mending George H. Himea. T. T.
Geer, P. It DTArey. and Mrs.
Edyth Tozier WeatheTred- for
their interest tn pioneer matters
were passed. The resolutions fur
ther, declared that the pictures of
the above-named persons be
placed in the memorial building.
Judee H. D'Arcy, who has
worked to secure the erection of
the memorial building and who
was largely Instrumental in the
securing of 12 acres of ground In
addition to that already possessed
by the state of Oregon, was the
presiding officer. He addressed
the crowd on commemoration of
the men who met at Champoeg
on Majj 2, 1843, by whom the de
cision (was made over the owner
ship of the Oregon territory.
The men who contributed to the
purchase of this additional tract
of Jand are: A Bush, Joseph
Buchtel. P. H. D'Arcy. James
Falling. M. O. George. George A.
Harding. John Minto. F. X.X Mat
thieu, W. H. Polk, Richard Wil
liams, E. B. Williams, and F. D.
The following pioneers deliv
ered short speeches extolling the
virtues and character of the early
pioneers :
Senator I. L. Patterson, Polk
county; ex-Governor Geer. Port
land: Edyth Tozier Weatherred.
Portland; Rev. Dr. Cline. Port
land; J. U. ISmitb, Newberg; C.
B. Moores. Portland; Dr. Owens
Adair, Astoria; George H. Himes,
Portland; Frank Branch ' Riley,
An original poem, a tribute to
the pioneers was written and read
by Rev. Dr. A. A. Waters, of Port-
of all Cnion Mn ia th at I'nion
Hail Tcmilty rrenittg. My i'J. at '.:..
for th purpose of Hid;nK hfhr a
RiiQu Afrn; abovlti K p.r.-i m ttM
U-1 fid, and to transact any other hus-:n.-
that i o4 importance to t L.ibr
Tofitif-nt in Salem.
Ui :.t .ffo-f pA.ttton ia ail mtur
MAT 10, 7:30.
Green Bough,
By Thurston $2.00
Enchanted Canyon,
By Willsie 2.00
Sister Sue,
By Porter 2.00
Cominir of the King.
By Babcock 2.00
Mav Flower.
By Ibanez 2.00
163 X.
ComI St.,
Phone (4
MnPC tumi mnn ;
muiiL nmii iuuu
j land.
the Invocation and Mrs. J. M
Knipht spoke on b'-iulf of the go-
uers and the Daughteis or ltht
War or 1H1L'. "The old oaken
Kiuke'" wiis -Mini, I,., i.
Uoodmre sciioo!. Portland.
Julia Spoom-i is teacher. j
The veteran iuurtet of Port
land sanK everai MnA w f h i
tre Kreat'y enjoyed. The r-;
gainst for the occasion -.ts fji-s
othy Helen Hice of Portlafed.
A Vole nf fhnnVi u-a nvforHlibrl
, i..,. - ik.i,. v-....k.
1 -' - J ' v . .-i ur-1 iiru . 1 1 ir I i;
for his patriotism in bringing to
the meotins.' his beautiful I'nitj&d
States flag. '.
Cllf,rt-; r.J
superintendent Ford
May go to Portland
DALLA3, Or.. Hay 7. Spectal
to The Statesman Walter I.
Ford, superintendent of the Dl-
I las city schools, ha teen elected
by the Portland school directors
to a position in the schools of (
that city and may leave with h,i.- ,
family this fall to take up school !
work there. Mr. Ford-? baa rtt j
yet decided w hat he w ill do, Mt t
the chances are that, owing to '
better chance lor advancement .In j
the city, he will accept the oXfer.;
Mr. Ford has been at the head
of the Dallas schools for the last
10 or 12 years, and has brought
them ap to where they are con
sidered among the best schools el
the state and his removal to Port-
ipupil3 and residents of the city.-
Longshoreman Killed
On Dock at Astoria
ASTORIA, Ore., May 7. Fred
erick Wegener, a longshoreman,
who wax assisting in loading the
'Base! ball
sale3i Senators ;
If you value your hialth, do not delay in secur
ing a bottle of Schaefer's ;Lung Balsam as soon as you
start coughing. I .
25c 56 c $1.00
.- " ' . ...
SchaeferV Drug Store
Sole agents for Garden Court Preparations
135 N. Commercial St. ' Phone 197
A Real Saving OH
Your Spring
4v - '
Quick turnover, large volume, short profits these axe
our selling policies
We Pass the Savings On To You
and Gife You
ii jjl,
With Every Suit
This means double wear and with! our low prices you'
reduce the cost of dres.inpr trf a minimum. YOU GET
REAL TAILORING and your suit jmade to your indi
vidual measure with an Iron Clad Guarantee of WEAR.
rtT I iiTvnr'ir v--tit- :i 1 '
rn aim vv uirvtArtiir
$30, $35, $40, $45, $50, $55
4 i
Order that new suit this weefc and jnake a real saving.
426 State Street -
i steam schooner .Fiava!' at 'tee
I Hammond Mill dock,' was .killed.
! almost Instantly When a sling load
! of lumber swinging acro - the
,!"Ck of (he vessel struck him on
(the ht-ad and broke his neck.
" M
WE win ' write an
glass prescription for ;
your vision difficulties that
will again' bring peace and
comfort to your sight. ,We '
w ill charge you a reasonable
price that varies because of
different degrees of lenses,
and different types of,
mountings. -
Ordered Now
t j
Satem, Oregon