The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, May 08, 1921, Page 2, Image 2

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Ml)t ODriflgit Statesman
lRui Dally Esrept Monday
210 S. Commercial St , Salfin. Oregon
(Portland Office, 627 Hoard o' Trade Uiul.liiip. I'hunt Automatic
Th. Associated Press la exclusively entitled 10 the use for repub
lication ol all news dispatches credited to it or not credited
la ibis paper and also the local news published herein
to one is not the suffering that these bring to the hotly; medi-
cine or other agencies may cure that; death of the body may
j hrinr relief. Hut the weakening of the mind, the blighting effect
I uion tlie soul, the shrivelling of the heart, the searing of the
j spirit these are the things that come from the carnal mind,
the sin f til life that we should dread.
j And how are we to get away from the carnal, the worldlly,
to sense life of mere existence and come in development where
i;iv realH live, u here m
cihisj mils that e liae u
above the brutal.
Managing Kditor
It. J. Hendricks
Stephen A. Stone
Palftk Mlnana
.ijru wtvvci i
Frank Jaakoskl Manager Job Dept.
1MILY 8TATKSMAN. nerved by currier iu Salem and suburbs, IS
cents a week, 65 cents a month.
DAILY STATESMAN, by mail. In advance. $C a year, $3 for nix
months, for threw months, Co cents a mouth, in Marion
and Polk count ie::; outside of these counties, $7 a year, $3 t,0
(or ais months. $175 for three mouths. 60 cents a month. When
not paid in advance, HO cents a year additional.
THE PACIFIC HOMESTKAD. the great western weekly farm paper,
will be aent a year to anyone paying a year in advance to the
Dally Statesman.
SUNDAY STATESMAN, fl r,0 a year; ?G cents for six months; 40
cents for three months; 25 cents for 2 months; 15 rents for
one month.
WEEKLY STATESMAN, Issued In two six-page sections. Tuesdays
and Fridays. II a year (if not paid In advance. 11.25); 60
cents for six months; 25 cents for three months.
alleled attractions at Glacier Na
tional park is the firm of Warner
& Clarke, with headquarters - in
Portland. Their's is a real .service
offered to those contemplating
summer vacations, and the firm's
personally conducted tours offer
no more alluring charms any
where than to the Justly far-famed
(llacier .National park.
Business Office, 23.
Circulation Department. 583
Job Department, 583
Society Editor, 106,
soul? There is but iie way. We must tret
the carnal, the selfish, the worldly first, in thought and desire,
and finally in actual life and conduct. As malaria comes from
the quagmires and marshes and fens where the air is laden with
decaying matter ami filth, so intellectual, moral and spiritual
malaria comes from living in our thoughts and desires in the
lowest art of our natures. When the miasma has entered our
system we are fully aware of it, because the quake and fever i
give ample evidence of its presence. So sin and carnality, when
we come" to understand their symptoms, bring quite as unmis
takable and unpleasant results to the mind and soul as malaria
to the hody. As the natural way to get rid of malarial poison
ing in to get upon the mountain tops where their pure atmos
pheres will destroy the poison germs of the marshes, so the
way to escape intellectual and moral diseases is to climb up
to and live upon the heights.
"We rise by the things that are under our feet,
By what we have gathered of good and gain,
By the pride deposed and the passions slain,
Ami the vanquished ills that we hourly meet."
Abundant Health is assured
when then is pood blood in tin'
veins. Hood's Sarsaparilla is the
medicine to make good blood.
Pee in taking It now. Jt is just
what the system needs? at this
time and will do you preat good.
Sharpens the appetitle, steadies
the nerves.
(Continued from page 1.)
lion. Oliver W. Stewart, of Chiraro.
formerly a mmbr of the llllnoia lrgi
lalur. will ek iu Pirnl Clirinlian
iiur'li on MoikIsj, May 9th, 8 ji. in. al
Sjlm. iiihI r ill uuspifs of the Klyit'lC
SUn1nou V limitation of inJiAiiafiolis, )
ileum, anj in 1 1 iitsj iui frith !M'al
i.-.tttt-ri interf iiit in ttM-r ritUeij.liip
Mr St-H':irt sj' rvirt nvrsas 3" '
(Ifjrf workt-r Mr will Kprak on the
.Hi.jft-t ' ur I'aHt in the Viorl'l Crisis
Ins aillr-s is the result of aJi oligur
ia m t ti ;utly industrial a nil soriul eon
tin ion iu Krai'- ami Knjflanil. ami was
!iine'l hv Ins rontai'l Willi on r army
in Kranre. if I). Ins privilege In visit
lOniijiriie where is ateil the Ainfri-
' il ' e Hi !!-', rout Jllil'iK the Krive.S f
j'-'.KOti l,0. win, .1 1 ill in thn f i if li I i n tc
t'l' Arg-om.f. His inensare art eleetrio
me ami will i.ol lail t Mir llm roui
iiiuiiily Mr Stewart rone without eiene
l the local riniuii:ti-e. anil there in ik
ailiiiissioii I'liJtrgeii for the lecture.
Entered at the Postoffice In Salem, Oregon, as second class matter.
(Copyrighted by the San Jose Mercury)
There is altogether too much ignorance and loose and illog
ical thinking in this day concerning what are harmless and
what are sinful pleasures,' Yet it is not difficult to draw the
line between the pleasures that are harmless and those that
are sinful. No pleasure can he harmless that results in the
lowering of our ideals or standards, that weaken our power of
resistance, that deadens or kills anything good in us, that makes
HI lets pure, less true, less righteous, less spiritual. If we wish
to make the most of our lives we will not partake of enjoyments
that do any of these things. Harmless pleasures are elevating,
making us stronger or better at least they leave our better
natures unsullied, unpolluted.
It is also well to remember that the sins that destroy do
not always express themselves in outward conduct. The most
soul-destroying, cankering, searing, deadening of sins may never
get beyond the thought, the contemplation of him who yields
to it, A great man has said, "Guard well, O heir of eternity,
the portal of sin, the thought. ' Every sin has its inception in
the mind. It begins by creeping into our secret thoughts,
by stimulating our evil desires. Every sin has run riot in our
minds and come to more or less dominate our thoughts long
before it expresses itself in conduct. The Bible contains no
truer words than these: "As a man thinketh in his heart, so
is he." The things that shape one's life and character are'tbe
thing! that fill his thoughts, that absorb his secret, inner life '
' "' . .
We are not mere animals. We are spirits, souls, created
toreternity. We live not by meat and bread and drink. These
things only minister to and build up our unconscious life Out
of these come only the tissues that make up our bodies, that
weave the outer garments in which our spirits are clothed. We
really live in the thoughts we think, the impulses of our hearts
the ideals and energies that dominate us, in the things that
absorb and fill our conscious, real life. As these thoughts
these impulses, these ideals are high, pure, true, unselfish and
holy," or carnal, base and sinful, so will our lives be. so shall
we be. '
ttuch the same elements built up the body, the unconscious
life, of the primitive man as make up the physical body of the
most educated and elevated man of today. The bones, muscles
--all the organs and tissues of the body of the one were very
like those of the other. But how different the conscious life'
The one was what he was because he had done nothing but
minister to and feed the animal in him. The other is what he
because he has ministered to, fed and strengthened those
elements in him that have elevated him above the animal,
that have developed his sentient life, his soul, his spirit The
primitive man had no pleasures according to the standard
of the highest developed man of today ; and he had, of course
no comprehension of the things that fill the thoughts and
bring the highest pleasures to Ins modern descendant the
things that make life to him so well worth living. The primitive
ian really did not live; he only existed. He was hardly more
alive than the plant, the tree, the beast.
, How much more alive than this primitive man is Ihe man
of .today, who spends his whole thought, time and energy in
gratifying his physical, carnal, animal appetite, propensities
and desires j who gives no tim. and puts forth no effort in the
attempt to build up in himself something that shall make him
unbent, intelligent, spiritual ; that shall enable him to begin
really to live instead of just eating, drinking and being only an
animal just existing 1 7
"To be carnally minded is death, but to be spiritually minded
1 Wa art! wa4.a " ..... . v . -.
FvvC, Mjra oaim ram. i tie great Anostle doe not
mean that to be carnally minded will necessarily bring death',
disso ution of the physical body. By death he means the torpor
the stagnation, the death of the sentient, the soul, the real life'
So too, he means that to be spiritually miuded brings us more
f t rrW "ro--y lnt0 th conscious, the real life, the spiri
tual life which alone can yield us happiness and peace.
nrBt uung tnat a caraal mind or sinful life can bring
tl if sSSS?SV-ryg; il f
li I
1' I
Fair and fine.
Mother's day.
A I d. P.arne.s has become one
of the big men in the n il
world, lie has been playing to u
Kreat business, nd has not th;s
season had any rain.
A small boy in a Salem home
was np early yesterday mornin.
and dressed In about a minute,
against the half hour .t usually
takes. He dragged his mother to
the cirrus grounds and- walked
her about 40 miles, seeing all the
things that were to be seen. ArT
olher small boy overheard by thn
mother, talking to his companion,
about ft years old. The first toy
was reading a sign, saying the
orice of admission for adults was
11. with Hie for war tax and for
'children 50c, with 5c for war ta.
Say. J m, when will this war be
over?" moaned the 9-year-old.
Tom Walker, out in th- Walker
neighborhood near Mlddlegrove
school house on the Silverton
paved road, has a hen that is
.not tiering three kittens. She has
stolen the kittens from their re
line mother and insists upon tak
ing them under her wings; ana
she tights off the old cat when
nhe attempts to assert her right
ful claim to her own offspring. y
'here another hen anywhere with
the idea in her noodle that she is
the mother of kittens?
Talking about poultry, there is
new evidence coming up all th s
time of a growing interest in he
poultry industry on a commer
cial scale in the Salem district.
The Statesman will attempt to
keep track of this movement from
Sunday to Sunday, with a view
to being helpful in the movement,
which will mean a great deal for
this district.
All the members of the Salem
Broccoli association should get
their seed at once of L. J. Leh
man, secretary, 2$7 South church
street. It is very Important that
every seed that can be had, of the
Valentine variety, should be plant
ed all that is on hand and that
can be bought any where.
(By Suiia Hubbard Martin.)
Derp in thr ht-arts of thoie who l:ir
Hnrdi-in of Kirrow, and pain and rare
Th-re blusaom a Mowr of nrnwr) rjr
P La n led there by oar nioibrrs.
No DiaMrr whMlir e'r yinm or obi.
ln-OiT r'r poiir or ri-h in goM
Thar luvr aa a rinant ds u unfold
Nobody'a love, l,iii nxjtliprV
Who has for n eaili Ih iiiii' dV-p rare.
Who finds tu our hearts Oieite virttieH
That others drrm in.l ar- lurnl.rinc
IberrNu on sees llietn, but mother
Who hinds up the hurt and the broken
Many lime, pierred ,y tht rneinv'i
Uart t
Who -' u ronraf In do our part !
Nobody does, but mother.
ilollien of ours, let u, loe you well
- WIiom vririkles and utiowv hair d.ilh
The halllea ,f ,fe you'tr fmirhi so Well
bravett ol nouls our mother.
For rrrtain and aura there will romr a
VlTien her Bible most gently be put
r -rs af
.And uo..irr will jo on a journey to May.
She must answer the tall ntuil
And when with the slowly ebbing tide
The beautiful a-ates of pearl awing wide
And we are railed to the other side.
Who waits for us there but mother
With arms uttretchet
her fare
1'p there with mother
Dlnf e
Redrenied by !tn lor, and boundless
and a amilf
we'll take our
hint still, for mother.
vREGON pioneers built on thrift. The
individual who follows their foot
Steps is the ideal citizen.
The leading men of any community
those looked up to and respected are
always known at the local banks.
Are YOU setting the example of thrift
by an Account at the United States Na
tional Bank?
O mother of mine. I hope you know
The hiart of your child who kv ynu
And if by my arts, I have caused von
Forgive me and Urns me, my u...lher
When l id cave u first our mother
Vor. ne t to the (In.' that set in free
n t'ts' rurtf.d rn. a! I '.I, ....
t"m-s the l,ve I'm clarified vou and ni
W ben liod (.ae us firs,! our mother!
"Thus fleeo in IK. Ar v. i.
, e wi i.iee no o.'nr
ISuraens of sorrow n.l i...n . ., .1 ....
I There bb.Ks.inis a flower of mentor rr i
I'lante.l there by our morhers i
PAHIS. Mav 7 rttv iha auu..
c'ated Press.) Captain Deblois. 1
of the French army, controller of I
the Ober-OloKan d'str ct if l nnr
Silesia, who was made prisoner by ,
I 50 Germans while nn - ..r ;
section, has been returned to p- ;
per Silesia, and released, accord- i
ing to advices tonight. !
ted States KhUiriil
m'SSEKDORP, May 7 By the
Associated Press. I -, Kretirh mili.
j tary plans for the occuDat on of
additional (lerman territory are
virtually complete and. with the
arrival of General Degoutte from
Mayence. .Monday, the troops will
be ready to march at a moment's
notice on receipt ol word from
the government.
Opportunity Offered to See
Wonderland That Lured
American Au'hor
Glacier National park has come
into its own as America's scenic
wonderland, because this newest
of the national playgrounds is the
most ruggedly picturesque of all
in America, containing JfiOo sq.
miles, with 85 towering peaks,
ranging irTm 7,00i to lo.GOo feet,
harboring over 60 IHing glaciers
;nid nestling 2Lo shimmering
Uiacier park has entranced and
enthralled all those fortunate
enough to have visited there, and
the word of mouth from these
tourists has created a elgacy of
good-will when, is bringing tlie
results it has long merited.
Of the Glacier park beauty-land,
Mary Roberts Rinehart says the
following: "The call of the moun
tains is the real call. Throw off
the impediments of civilization,
go out .nto the west and ride the
mountain trails. Throw out your
chest and breathe. Look across
the green valleys to the majestic
peaks to where wild sheep stand
Impassive on the edge of space.
Then the great mountain will get
you, you will go back. The call
is the real call. I have traveled
a great part of Europe. The Alps
have never held this lure for me
Perhaps it is because these moun
tains are my own, in my own
country. Cities have called r
have heard them, but there is no
vo ce In all the world so insistent
t me as the wordless call of these
mountains. I shall go back. Those
who go once always hope to go
back. The lure nf lha cro... t
spaces Is in their blood."
The opportunities tr, go and
the accommodations offered Gla
cier park have never been so great
as now. Co-operating with the
park ;n efforts to allow more m
encan citizens to see the unpar-
. l- 8 !n,l!""(-Annual confer
u T .1 S'""l" Hother'a ly
Mav , Monday Lerture bv Oliver
. hurri.' "' n,i' Meo " '" -'hr,Mi.n
wil'" ,0- ,T'"'y Oraduatiuc r-riul
Mv 1.1. Friday ,!,. y Sunday arhool
May I ,. Sunday Meeond meet of the
MvM": a'.Uv 19 "''Htah ...en,
.r M"rV T;'re w' In ,1 M a'rtha ' K
t Waller Hu u" , M,r,,1 -rKu.on.
ram for ulwZmJrl ..'7 W r,ron" P-OC-M
o oi r' mner-ial rlub
ay 2 27 and lir n
Hi." Uo,nd",r-A"B"'1 KUy by
yellow around th
weight 2 pounds.
Apr. I 1. One black and yellow,
male., weight 2u pounds. Killed.
April 1 H . ' Out long-haired,
black, with two white front fe-t,
male, weight .0(1 pounds. Killed.
April 19 One Seotctf Collie,
vellow with white around nose
and ears, male, weight 60 pounds.
Kedeemed, $2.
April lfi. One black, long
haired male, weight 30 pounds.
April 20. One Spitz with plain
collar and riiiK. male, weight 25
April 20. One white. male,
with yellow face and ears, weight
l.'i pounds. Redeemed, $2.
April 20. One black, long-haired
dog. with white on all four feet,
tancy collar with aluminum name
plate, male, we ght 10 pounds.
Given away.
April 20. One bull pup, brown
and white face and bodv fit I In r
! with brass trimmin fH . f m it Ita
weight 15 pounds. Redeemed, $2.
April 21. One half-blooded bull
dog with fancy collar, and small
padlock. With while feet and nose,
male, weight 40 pounds. Redeem
ed $2.
April 22. One black and brown,
long-haired male, weight 20 lbs.
Redeemed, $2.
April 2.5. One brown and white
spotted bird dog. male, weight 50
pounds. Sold, $2.
April 25. One bull dog. brindle
male, weight 30 pounds. Redeem
ed, $2.
April 26. One black, smooth
haired pup. female, weight 10 lbs.
April 27. One white and sal
mon spotted bird dog, male,
weight 50 pounds. Redeemed. J2
April 28. One white and black
dog, male, weight 25 pounds. Re
deemed. 2.
Apr.l 29. One bull dog. black
ana onnaie blend, with collar
mounted in brass, with name. F
A. Bynon, 765 South Commerc ai
Street, on it. male, weight 50 lbs
Redeemed. $4.
April 29. One Yellow and
white long-haired female, weight
20 pounds. 6
April 29. One Cool in nml C!h on
weight 4 5 pounds.
1 S.iulli Cumuli r ijl Street,
t (i stairs servires Sunday. - p. in. and
7 'so. W pray lur Ihe heahiiK "f "ie
All are weleoine - No i ollei'tioos
LOS ANGKLKrt. f al.. May 7!-
Production of an alleged (Jeriiiaii
inade film In a downtown theater
was stopped by the management
tonight after a crowd, including
about a score of sailors, had! at
tempted to force an entrance to
the building, protesting agafnut
the performance. The sa.lois were
stopped by a squad of police and
a naval provost guard.
ITmj Statesman naire4 AAn. '
In a speiial service Sunday morning at
St. John a K miirelM-nl Lutheran fhurrh,
SiMli and Streets, llie atei-hisui fix"
of 19-1 will be examined, and eoiif irined
Servires beitiu at Hi a. tu. Csjine, wor
ship with u. If. M. (ro. 1'aator.
(Continued from page 1.)
Rev. Thomas Acheson; "Mother
and Son and the Cross," First
Congregational church, Dr. V.
C. Kantner; "A Throne for the
King's Mother." Central Congre
gational. II. C. Stover; ''Moth
ers. '," I'nited Brthren, "Woman
and Tomorrow." Unitarian, Rev.
Frank Fay Eddy: "Mothers of
Men.". First Baptist, Rev. W. T.
rafflMa .J
Why pay more when you can get high
class dentistry at a price that is within
reason "
Plates fl-WMl
Crowns (anterior) gold or
porcelain $Uo
Crowns (posterior) . . .t.lM
Gold Fillings, up from $.M)
Porcelain Fillings $2.50
Bridge work, gold or porce
lain. .... .$.M, to $7.00
Silver Filling, up from $1.00
Cement Fillings $1.00
Removing Nerve $2.50
Cleaning Teeth $1.00
Extractions Painless. . $1.00
Phone 1500 SALEM, OREGON
204-5 Gray Building Over Hartman Brot.
Corner State and Liberty Streets Jewelry Store
herd, male.
-Ex-Service men will-teM
you that it was a common
thing among the men who
uia not get normal rating
on vision, for these men
to say:
"I never
knew there was
wrong with my
If you have never had
your vision examined, the
time to do so is right now.
I'o not wait until
distress brings you to an
204-211 Salem Bank of
Commerce Building
Oregon's WgeM, Mot Mod
ern. Iljit K4uiprx-d Kx
elusive Optical K.
At The
With Its Thrilli and
r li --XL.
Mr. H. C. McDonald
At 2:45 and t:30 p. m.
"Wedding Bells
Out of Tune"
Schedule Today
24:15 p. m.
and 9:15 p. m.
All This Week
Price Slioe Co.
Bigget Crowds Ever Handled in a Sale.
Be here early Monday morning and get
some of the Bargains.
Men's Iirown and Black Elk Work
Shoes; $3.50 and $4.00
Boys Brown and Black Dress Shoes;
$0.00 and $7.00 $4 QC
grades .
Women's Dress Shoes, Brown and
Black, $9.00, $10.00 Qr
and $12.00 grades ; Vii)
Women's Black Lace Comfort Shoes
$C00 and $7.00 Am up
grades p4iv))
Women's High Grade Brown Oxfords;
all sizes; An Af
$12.00 grades O.UO
Women's High (irade Black Oxfords
all sizes; $10.00 j q-'
grades P I t7D
-Women's Black and Brown Pumps;
regular $12.00 rfo nr
-Men's Brown Dress Shoes; all sizes:
$9.00 A M
grades ......
Men's Brown English Dress Shoes;
rubber heels ; 07 GC
$14.00 grades J ")
Men's Black Kangaroo leather lined,
rubber heels; An qj-
$15.00 grades J5.1J
Women's Felt House Slippers, all siws
and colors-;: $3.00 and QC
$'.50 grades 1A7D
Men's Leather House Slippers; all
sizes; regular qj
$5.00 grades $Z.VJ
Women's Low Heel Brown Oxford. m -i i , ',.
all sizes; $9.00 2 1 1 8 GraJe es;
up to
Women's Low Heel Black Oxfords
Kid and Calf; an q-'
$8.00 grades V)D
-Uuldrens high grade Pumps; all
; $6.00 n-
t?rades JpJ.JD
3Z6 8lalsa-rlnaiDlirAaaiA V