The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, May 08, 1921, Page 14, Image 14

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t nrrrp nTrnnw crrATr'Qi.f am cumr . nurnnw
t iiu wttuiiuii kJ utJiuoii i uiiuiiiui vtjl-. vr-i ------ mm , T""n.
(Continued from lat wnki
If I'ortcr CMUght the; Voire 01
the Cit as no other h;-?; it lie
reached tho veins ludin;; t li t
heart. It Is because h an n
vt'ttrate prospector, iort.vpr hull
ing hlk pick into the anpluut. Ho
struck it rich, In th streeta ami
restaurants oil Manhattaa. Run
ning through the hardfaetd gran
ite of Its materialism, he came
opon the deep shaft of ro:nari
and poetry.
Shot throush every humdrum
strata, the mellow sold of humoi
and pathos, r! nted h-fore hi.
NewYorfc wast his ( Hut
hla lucky strike "a-as muscled by
Itelentlec I'urpoie, not Chance.
No story writer ever worked 'more
persistently than O. Henry. He
wao the Insatiable Explorer.
The average man adopts a pro-
fcettlon of a trade.
be I gfad to turn hi attention to
1-11 already separated, as in the
-.tory Sue told him. Sometimes
iIhti' was but a xpuikle. In fact,
it wa.H heldom that he took thine;.
ii.: ho tound them.
I Ha pravel went through many
a'vtfh htfr-re It can: out O. H.-n-ly's
unalloytd .'od. What v.ouhl
hae been but so much crushed
rock for another, pleamed with
nunet durt fof hirn. So it was
ulth -The Halberdier of the
"I'll Introduce you to Pilsner."
he said to me one night, when we
r-farted out on our rounds. "You'll
like it better than your coffee
strong enough to float your bandit
We went to a German restaur
ant on Croadway. We took a lit
tle table near the foot of the ;
stairs. In one of his stories; O, . !
Henry says that "the proudest I
In hla klnure ronsummaiion or a .ew ior?r
ambition Is to shake hands wain,
other hobbles. With O. Hi-nry. h h
work made up the sum total of
bis life. The two were insepar-1
He could no more Lelp noticing
and observing and mentally stock-;
Ins up than a negative could avoid ;
recording an imacn when the
Jlght strikes it. He had a mind!
that innately select and recount 1
the story
l'nalloyrl Gold
Found In Gravrl.
Sometimes he came upon the
1 a spaghetti chef or to receive a
j nod from a Broadway head wait
! er." That mark of deference was
' often his. i
Story Written
lu Twelve Hours.
When I got to his room the bl
tal,i." when? h did his wilting
was littered with sheets of pap-r.
All over the floor were neraps
written in long hand.
'When I pt the returns on 1
this I'll divvy up with ou " I'or-
ter picked up a thick wad of j
Why?" i
'"It was yo;i that rravo nv th - j
thought." I
"You mean the ciarelte fiend j
in tljo ariiior?"
"Yes; I've jut finished the i
He read it 'o rr.e. Jut the !
merest ulint had come to him
from that stfl p'ated armor. The ! ate
iiaioTUier niinreir would never
have recognized the gem Poiter's
M-niun had polished for him. The
story just a it stands today was
written by Porter some time be
tween midnight and noon.
And yet h looked as fresh and
rt-ted as though he had slept ten
"Ik you always grab off an in
rpi ration like that and dash it off
without anv trouble?"
Porter opened a drawer in the
. - . . . mp nmli vtilf
Tiirnr nim nr nnnir iirni iiiiiii iiiiiii uiv
I HI-HI- -AN Hh HI III' r HI-HI- Vul In f t I hi
The Success of a Well Known Douglas County Man
With Poultry on a Commercial Scale Can be Repeat
ed in the Salem District; Including Nearness to Markets.
as many advantages to the poul
tryman as does Douglas county,
and more, from th faet thai soil
and climatic conditions are slml
i. . .,, tht Auirirt i- much near-
1 I O 1 , U 11 1 1 1 1 1 uirtiii - . .. .
er the Portland market, and otner
I large markets, affording tne aa
I vantage of cheaper freight and
j express rates for all poultry pro
j ducts, as well as suca feedstuffs
! as the poultryman tfoes not raise
himself. V!th all the Advantages
fonnd here In the way or cheap
foothill, stump, or gravelly land.
all well adapted t9 poultry rais
Ing, plenty of building material
right at band for ufceded improve
ments, good roitdsfljiind a nearby
city niarkft. mont jny man with
a little capital and some W
edge of the uoultrr ... s 1
able to duDlt.r
hero la the Willamette tt!lC;tt
The Pilsner was gooi, dui ine dwk. "Look at those." He point
thing of chief Interest to me wasjpj to a crammed-down heap of
a ridiculous figure standing at the( papers covered w ith his long 'free
landing of the stairs tricked out hand,
as an ancient Halberdier. I could
not take vnf glance from him. Hexroab! in Maklne
'int. nut
uy a
Perhaps you're too busy for
battery details. All you want
to know is that the battery
you buy will give terrice.
What's the answer? Buy a
Winard Threaded Rubber Bat
tcry. The plates in it are insulated
not merely separated.
' Threaded Rubber Insulation
doesn't warp, crack, check,
puncture or carbonue. It out
lasts the battery plates.
Get a line on the actual sav
ing WOlard Threaded Rubber In.
tulation makes possible. Drive
around. "
Auto Electriciurs
238 North High St.
Phone 203
had tbe shiftiest eyes and tho
weakest hands. The contrast to
his mighty coat of steel was laugh
able. It's a tood Ktory
Kays Bill Porter.
"Ixok at that weak-kneed sap
head. Bill. Picture him as an an
clent man-at-arms!" His fingers
were yellow with nicotine to the
Porter looked at him, sat bark,
finished his beer In silence. It's a
rood story-" That was all be said.
We went home early and both of
us were sober. Wbenerer this hap
pened we used to sit In Bill's room
and talk until 1 or 2 o'clock. This
night It was different.
"Are you sleepy tonight, col
onel?" he said. "I think I shall
Whenever his mind was beset
with an idea be lapsed into this
extremely formal manner of
speaking. It was bitterly Irritat
ing to me. I would leave In a
kind of nuff determined not to
bother him again. But I knew
that he was not conscious of his
coldness. He was remote because
bis thought bad built a barrier
about him. He could think of
nothing but the story In his mind.
I bad an appointment with him
for noon time. I decided not to
keep it unless he remembered.
At about 10 minutes after 12 he
called me np.
"You're late. I'm waiting," he
said. ' t
... .'i .'
"7 V"!';rli'tU
Have those Tours,
Picnics and Camping
Trips this Summer
Beein to know the full enjoy
ment of the great outdoors this ytsr.
Hav those evening rid, wk-nd
toors, Sunday picnics and camping trip
that joa hav long planned to bav.
Enjoy them to the fullest, at the lowest
transportation cost
Tbe Harley-Davicboii Way
Tbe world's champion Hariey-Dav id
son Motorcycl, with or without sidecar,
will take 70a everywhere on land, very
comfortably, economically and depend
ably. Come in and see all the new
models during
Learn more about this wonderfat
motorcycle and the most enjoyable
port. The big motorcycle week is on I
Come now!
Answer the Calt of Spring
"Do if with a Motorcycle"
"The Cycle Man"
147 South Commercial Street
One Story "Go."
"Sometimes I can't make the
story go and I lay It away for a
happier moment. There is a lot
of unfinished business in there
that will hae to be transacted
some day. I 'lon't dash off stor
I'm always thinking about
them, and I seldom start to write
until the thin Is finished In my
mind. It doesn't take Jong to set
it down."
I have watched Mm sit wih
pencil poised sometime for hours,
waiting for the story to tell It-1
self to his brain.
O. Henry was a careful artist.
He was a slave to the dictionary.
He would pour over it. seeming
to take an infinite relish in the
discovery of a new twist to a
word. .
One day be was sitting at the
table with h!a back to me. He had
been writing with Incredible rap
idity, as though the words Just
ran themselves automatically
from bis pen. Suddenly be stop
ped. For half an hour he sat
silent, and then he turned round,
rather surprised to find me still
"Thirsty. Colonel? Let's get a
"Bill," my curiosity was. up,
"does your mind feel ' a blank
when you sit there like that?"
The question seemed to amuse
"No but I have to reason out
the meaning of words."
"Bill Porter Truest
Man I've Known
There was no ostentation in
Porter, either in his writing or in
his observations. I never eaw
him make notes in public, except
once 10 a while be would jot a
word down on the corner of his
He didn't want other people
to know what he was thinking
about. He didn't need to take
notes, for he was not a procras
tinator. He transmuted his
thoughts into stories while the
warm beat threbbed in them.
Careless and irresponsible as
he seemed almost aimless at
times I think there was in Bill
Porter a purposiveness that was
grim and so determined that he
would allow no external influence
to interfere with his plan of life.
I have sometimes felt that this
passionate will to be himself at
all times made him so aloof and
reclusive. He sought companion
ship freely with strangers, for Le
could dispense with their com
pany at will. He wanted to Hve
untrammeled. And he did. He
was Incorrigibly stubborn minded.
Of all the men I have ever known
Bill Porter ran truest to the nat
ural grain.
(Continued next week).
J II. C'larlc. Winchester, Or..
poultryman, has Just completed
a new laying house to accommo-
800 chickens. which ad
dition gives him one of tie larg-
:-t an'l modern poultry
frrnis in southern Oregon. Mr.
Clark has made many substantial
Improvements on the farm which,
he recently bought and now han
what is perhaps the best equipped
plant In Douglas county. The
building was started several
weeks ago and is of the very lat
est type and contains many new
features which will greatly assist
in handling and caring for poul
try In addition to providing suit
able nests. Dust banks are lo
cated under the front part of the
structure, which is 80 by 82 feet
in sire, makinr a vry valuable
?-idition to equipment already on
the place.
Mr. (.'lark was one of the first
residents cf the Hoseburg district
to go into the poultry business
on a commercial basis. He start
ed with a 10 acre tract in Eden
towr, where he was able to carry
iibout 1000 chickens. He devel
oped this place to a very high
point and was finding it very
1 ne liampugiitcr was
dead; the kindly old
man's injuries had hur
ried him to the great
hcyond. See the beau
tiful 4story that has
I won written around
him and a little girl,
with Shirley Mason, in
her greatest photoplay,
"The Lamoliehter."
Perfection Asbestos Protected
(Oni)S 10,000 miles: Fabrics 6,000 to 8.000 miles
Introductory Sale
Alwut :J0 percent of all tires sold in Portland the last
few months have been Perfection there's a reason.
Sale Price
32x3 V regular $25.20 16.75
Wx-I'o, rib skid; re?. $20.00 $14.50
:Hx4 regular 28.00 .1 18.50
:i2x4 regular :..65 21.00
34x4 regular ;6.10 23.00
All of above are 6,000 niile tires war tax included
sizes listed below are P. tread 8,000 miles.
Sale Price
30x3U regular $24.00 $21.00
:i2x.M refrular 'J0.25 21.45
:t:ix4 regular 42.40 36.20
34x4 regular 43.40 38.00
311 Commercial St. "Y" Block With Hoffman
New ilookx
"England After the War," com
ments upon the phases of recon
struction n Kngland written with
an optimistic faith in England
future, by Frank Dllnot. -
"The History o' the A. E. F.'
by Captain Shipley Thomas
"A Short Hstory of the Italian
People, from tbe barbarian Invas
ions to the attainment of unity,'
by Janet Penrose Trevelyan."
"The Tn'ted S'' In Our Own
Times, 18&-lS20,"by Paul L
"Americans by Adoption," br'ef
biographies of nine great citjzen.
bornin foreign lanus. by Joseph
"Is Violence the Way Out or
Our Industrial Disputes?" a dis
cussion and proposed solution
through arbitration 5 courts and
the .encouragement of labor coop
erative enterprises, advanced by
John Haynes Holmes.
High Speed In Typewriting.'
being a series of advanced lessons
for the development of expertness
in the operation of the standard
keyboard typewriter, by A. M.
"Vocal Mastery," a collection
of interview with famous sfng'ers
concerning their art. by Harriette
"Self-Help In Piano ' Study."
practical lessons in piano' tech
nic and plain talks with piano
teachers and students, by Har
riette Brower.
"The Life atfd Letters of Paul,
the Anostle." bv Lyman Abbott.
"Oliver WJendeli Holmes: the
Autocrat and His Fellow Board
ers." an appreciation of tbe poet
by S. M. Crothers, together with
a few of Holmes' poems.
"The Rim of the Desert," by
Ada Woodruff Anderson.
"Lister's Great Adventure," ty
Harold Bindloss.
"The Best of a Bad Job," by
Norman Duncan.
"The Woman Haters." by Jos
eph C. Lincoln.
Children's Books
"Boy's Motley," the story of
the rise of the Dutch republic re
told for boys from Motley's book,
by Helen Ward Banks.
"Bird Gossip," by Harriett Wil
bur "Pets and How to Keep Them,"
by Frank Finn. Among the pets
Included are birds, fish, tortoises,
chameleons, frogs, lizards, newts
monkeys, and many less common
beasts, as well as domestic ani
mals. .
"The Apple Tree Sprite," a
story telling much about how the
apple tree and fruit grow and
weaving In many old stories abou:
apples, told by Margaret Warner
"Flower Lore and Legend," by
Katherine M. Beals.
"The Little People of Japan."
story or Japanese child lite, by
Lenore E. Mulets.
"The Story Readers First Year"
by May Langdon White.
"The Story Readers Primer,"
by May Langdon White.
"First Reader," by 4-'lorence
Stories to Act." by F. C.
"The Holton-Curry First Read
er," by M. A. Holton.
"The Holton-Curry Primer," by
M A. Holton.
"Storyland In Play," by Ada
M. Skinner.
"Story Hour Plays." by F.
"The Kendall First Reader."
"Nixey Bnnny in Holiday
Land." by Joseph C. Sindelar.
profitable when ne sold it at a
very attractive figure to F. E.
Chase, who still operates it at
n substantial profit on his invest
ment. Mr. Ciark th?n bought the 2 4
acre tract be now occupies at Win
chester and has given his entire
time and attention to Its develop
ment. He will install all the
latest and most improved devices
and will have his place thorough
ly equipped for the handling of
poultry. He has given much study
to the industry and has succeeded
in conducting the business in a
thoroughly efficient and profit
able manner.
His present location gtves him
a large amount of available land
on which he can raise all tbe feed
necessary to keep the fowls In
perfect condition, and In addition
has room for his own home gar
den. His place adjoins the rail
road and the Winchester station
so that his shipping facilities are
Mr. Clark started In with a
small Investment and faith In
Douglas county as a suitable place
for poultry raising, and has dem
onstrated the correctness of his
belief as well as provided him
self with a well paying business.
His success has led many others
to engage In the industry nntil
at the present time the county
is rapidly becoming a poultry cen
Salem and Marion county offer
retread built up in
modern repair de
partment ffives practically
the same mileage as a new
tire. We carefully exam
ine each tire before advis
ing a repair, o that our
customers do not lose
money by having work
done to tires that are un
fit to repair. We now car
ry a complete line PER
FECTION tires in all sizes
.at reduced prices. Let u
show you what a saving
can Iw made by giving us
n call.
Hoffman. & Okerberg
Tire Repair Snop
Y.M.A. Bldg.
Cords and Fabrics
20 per cent Reduction
We also carry a large assortment of other
STANDARD MAKES at reduced Prices
30x3 Non Skid $13.95
6000 Mile Guarantee
See us before you buy
Commercial and Court Streets
Opposite Court House Phone j
Tires Tires Tires -
Hood, Fisk; and Silvertown Cords Automotive ficp.
plies Expert Repairing Welding
We Neyer Sleep
100 Cars Late Models
: If ' '
Highest prices paid also cars taken on ' ,
', consignment '
ilfb charges made for storage
Drive car to our showrooms
Corner West Park and Couch Streets'
Phone Bdwy 46-15 Open Evenings and Sundays
- i 8
May 9 to 14
Get a new bbnnet for
your autoj Special
Prices will; be made.
on tops for ifaxwells, Dorts, Chevrblets; Small Orar
lands, and all cars of this size. 'Regular $35 top!
be put on fir $30. Tipped with cases, mole linint
rubber coated top material, first class worbnacsli
guaranteed. Kfi.
Order your top now All Top Prices Reduced :
; j I
"Y" BuUdirigll
271 Chemeket Street
lYimming and Upholstering
Fire Department
Holds "Open House
GREAT FALLS. Mont.. April
16. The fire department of Great
Falls held "open honse" recently
to the school children of the city
and in addition be being given the
privilege of sliding down the
poles in the station they were giv
en instructions in the use of the
Demonstrations with the trucks
anil ladders and exhibitions in life
sating were other features. Up
wards of 30 children are estimat
ed to have- attended and Fire
Chief A. 3. Trodick plans to hare
I the children visit the department
I - 'past once annnally in the fa-
rture. r-fttr
- Is ' '
If you are considering Disc Wheels, we iiivite you to exam
ine this Oregon made product.
Goodyear and United
1 i
Complete Line of Accessories
Expert Repairing
Studebaker and Frank!
White Trucks
Open Day and Night
in Ca
235 South Commercial Street
Phone 362
Read. Tlie Classified Ads.