The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, May 08, 1921, Page 12, Image 12

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8t. raol'a.- Uouut Bad Chorrh
atrcrta. Servleea for tns Sunfay after
Ascrasion Daf 7:80 a.i, holy com
munion; 0:4& aja, chorrh school; 11
a.m., morning pravvr, confirmation and
r.rrmon by the Blahap of Or r iron, Kl.
Ho. Wltr Taylor Bamaar. I. Na
cvminir srrvlc Errybody welrome.
bii. H. PpwtU, .rector,
Flint Methodist State and Chorrh 8ta.
Kev. B. K. Kirkpatrie. minuter :13.
rlma mating; 0:45, Huaday achool. Al
phcua Gillette, superintendent ; 11 a.m..
r.t imon. "The Iran Oata." by Rev Bert
K. Kmith, DO, of (hirsro. National sup
rrmtrndrnt of the adsit department of
riind.y srhoola; 3 p.m. service at Old
I'eople's Home: 7 p m., junior and senior
Kpworth l--n-s. No meeting of the in
termediates, they will visit nttoer IrirDn.
The senior leader ia Miss Myrtle Mason
p n , tmol bv Hiabnp I. other H.
WiUon. DO. L.L.I. of the New York
are Ihuradar, 7:.'H lo :30 p m..
rhurrh night, Mn. M. It. I'arounagian
will hara coarse of the . study pemd.
1 :30 to A, followed by the devotional
pi-riod. led by Key. Hrrtxog.
Jason Lea Memorial North Winter
and Jefferson streets Thmu Arutvu,
paator. Mother' a day will be observed
' with appropriate sermons both mormnar
and evening, and with other features of
interest that are designed to make the
day moat helpful to everybody. Meeting
for prayr, 9:15 a.m. Active workers In
the day's prorram especially urged to
ba present, feonday school will convene
at 0:43 with Mr. Charlea Hagemaa is
charge. Cleaner for evervHodv ann a
Zr Your Youngster Left Behind?
WHEN the others . ride off, .happy,
healthy and gay is yours the wist
ful one, denied that glorious possession a
When you give your children bicycles.
you give tnem more than happiness.- You
give them health a love of nature the
great outdoors--a chance to do things worth
while. Let us show you our new models.
387 Cbur! Street r
Their RTiarsnteed price makes them as val
uable a possession as ready money.
Prospective buyers of motor trucks need
have no fear for, a " falling market" in
reference to MACK trucks.
The average increase in the price of MACK
trucks has been only 15 per cent in eight
years. This is a longer period than most
trucks have been in existence... Think of.
that and-ponder
MACK truck prices are as substantial as
the trucks, and everybody knows there is
no truck that compares to the MACK in
ruggedness of construction.
Can you name any truck besides the MACK
that has a heat-treated, case-hardened crank
shaft and camshaft?
Hack International Motor
Truck Corporation
A. T. STELNER, Representative
1. X I -.-. e!4cJ
ro'rdia! welcome to straogrrs aad via it or.
Public worship 11 am, aabject "The
Friend of Mat Hers:" The junior church
will meet with the adnlt church for tbui
service. The junior church choir will
also assist in the special maaie of the
morning. Other features of special in
terest will aiao be in evidence. Epworta
league service 7 p.m. Young people
are always welrome. Come early. Even
ing worship H p.m Knbjert, "God in
the Modern Home." This ia a timely
subject. Ia there a remedy for shattered
homes I
Scandinavian Methodist Fifteenth find
Mill streets Morning service at II. He v.
1). C. Massed wilt preach. Sunday school
at 12. The Ladies' aid will meet at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. I'eterson, 205 South
2'Jnd street Wednesday afternoon the
11th at 3 o'clock.
Leslie Methodist South Commercial I
and Myers street. 0 :4 s.m . Rundav
achool. R. A. Rhoten, avperintendenl . I
II am., pablie worship with s.rmon bv
the pastor. j-Thia is 'Mothers lav ,
Bring yourf Bother and wear a white
flower. The tperial musw will be n .
hsnnony with the spirit of the da.v. ;
3 p.m. Miss (rattachow maeta the junior
learue 7 p ra. a splendid meeting of :
the Lpworth lesgue is arrangeti ln
Miss Marie Corner and Kdwm Norene
in charge A p an . Kev Itert K. Smith.
DD., of Chicago, auperintendent of the
adult department of the board of Hundav
schools, of the Methodist church, will
be the speaker, taking aa his subject
"Keeping Step With Oad " Special
music will be provided by the rhior and
in addition students from the state achool
for the blind will sing
First Christian Center and High
tree la. J. J. Kvans. pastor Mother's
day wilt he observed bv this congre
gation both at the Bible school and
ehtireh services The yonng people will
see that flower representing mothers dead
and living are presented to those who
attend. The music of the day will be
filled with the sentiment of the day.
"Glorious Mother" will be the sermon
topic by the pastor At the evening
hoar he will speak on "The Soul's Or."
The j on nit people meet at H:3'. both
intermediate and senior ages. Several
will be baptized at the close of the
evening church service. The beautiful
new haptiitry will be used for the firot
time since its completion. The Brother-
I hood of the church ha organized a Sun
! day school at Salem Heights community
house. The school opens for continuous
work each Sunday at ! 'clock
Court Street Christian North Seven
teenth and Court streets lid you ay
this w n Moilti-r da.v. VVhy, sure
You want In be in the Kiblc school
promptly at !.4" am to-lay. He sure
,nft ,n) .,,, OI. ,h(. ls d,.a1
,.vir, ,,v ,m.- and honor mother
A M:,;,l program w.ll be rendered of
rrlj1m, and I,,.,,,,,, on Moth
,., w xrr t,ne a big rro.l
,,, lof ,,w II1S ,,. ,,.,, , r Th,
Slr,.r(on brethren have invited m to
,on, ov,r ihere this ultemnin Hrinit
vur ik.t .t.nner kim! iro ov.-r afi-r
,r, Intermediate ( K (, p m . Y
P s C K 7 t. in. Sonir service ,n.l s.-micn
H pm Sermon, " Is it Nothing to Yon
Come hear it. Tuesday ! m.. l.oyal
Si)fe and lauj;hters busiuett uieetini; and
Kieial Thur.dav. si-Iuhi! Treacher's
ri-n 7 p m 1'rayer meeting with tiie
and iesdT 7 f) rn. Teacher trsinitir class
7:3" pn : Hil.le study p. in praetiei.1
workers' elan anfl pulilic speaking 8:HO;
Ir.terest i irroa ing in thi. school Let
every in-mber of the church that ran
be sure snd tske sdvaotage of this school.
We invite anv of our friends and neigh
bor to attend You will profit bv it
The public is always welcome to worship
with u.v K L 1'utnaiu. pastor.
Fir! 'oncregationsl Liberty and Cen
ter .treet . W. t' Kanlner. minister. D
a tn . Sunday school with classes for all
under roinpetrnt leadership, W. I StaJey.
iirrlntendem 11 am. Mother's dsv
Mother and Son and the " "
p.m. Christian endeavor miportant meet
ing: leader. Mm Kdns Ji-nmson : H p.uj..
"'.Home Secret Worth Knowing." Meet
ing of the men's elnb of the First t'on
fregstionsl church Mondar evening. Ir
V. tinffith will make the add reus
linner at fi :ti p m. tiood music and a
general good time
Central Congregational South Xin'
teen to and Kerry streets. It. C Siorer
minister Mother's Jsr wiH be observed
with appropriate services morning and
evening Church achool at 10 am in
charge of Mrs Burton E. Kdwa'rds
J'oem. "Mt Mother," to be read bv Rus-
So,- " '-'t'1 Mother
of Mine. I be sung bjr Elbert Lachelle
Morning aermon snbjeef. "A Throne for
Mother."' Christian endeavor
at 7:15 pm Evening servire at 8 p m
Anthem. ' Happy Song land," V. A
Heaven, bv the ehoir. Mr. Everett
(raven will sing "Mother Ma.hree"
Sermon on "The Mother of Jesa "
Thursday evening aervica at 7.30 p.m.'
First t nited Brethren Yew Park.
Bible achool at 10 .m John F. Thomp
son superintendent. Classes for all ares
ad competent teachers Mother's day
program will be delivered one week later
on account of quarterly communion aer
vieea. Prof I, tt R.u . i n . .
department of Eiigliah. will preach the
. v nvr aermon. communion follow
ing tha aermon. The Junior C E. will
hold a ahort session during the 11
rloek preaching hour. Senior C E will
IS?"Ci? i ' ,&m- MrTin Wlil preaid
ent. Wanda Wickner. secretary Cos pel
aermon at R o'clock. Teachers train
ing class will meet at the parsnnaee on
Tuesday evening for review. Mid-week
rr'n on Wednesday evening at
i:.l. thoir practice on Friday evening
the parsonage. C. V. Corby, pas
I nited Brethren Seventeenth and Na
'!, . ?,undr whool 10 o'clock a.m..
C. V. Wella. aupermtendent ; 11 o'clock
a special aermon for "Mother'a" by the
paator 6:80 intermediate society, Cora
waigel, saperintendent.
Highland Friends Bible aetiool at 10
m - Clifton Ross, saperintendent, classes
toa all agea under the car of competent
teachers. Morning worship and preach
tnf at 11. Thiali Mother', day and
we will have special music and a message
appropriate for the occasion. All moth-
j the conunnnity ore specially in
ited. C. E Meeting at 7 anal preaching
8 p.m. The male quartette will sing
m the evening. Toung people's prayer
nee ting on Taesday at T:30 p m. Mid
wwek prayer meeting on Tharsdav at 8
"im" .A ror,,1l eleom ia extended to
alt. I. O. and Ida J. Lee, pastors.
First Church 440 Chemeketa street.
At 1 a.m.. Bible lesson, subject. "Adam
and Fallen Man." Sunday school at
1:45 a.m. Wednesday evening. Testim
onial meeting at 8 o'clock. Reading room.
209 Mason le Temple, open every day
eaeept holidays and Kan-days from 11:45
Electrolytic Charger
Charges Battery From
Ford Magneto
Kasily attached snd guarantees
to: Keep atorage battery charged:
make motor ran better; help mag
neto; make better hestdlighta.
Hundred in use. r"riee fio. Ke4
money order If yon have no
battery, we furnish complete out
fit for S34.M5, including battery,
complete wiring euipment, switches,
globes and sttschments and Wii
ard charger.
171 8. Commercial St, Salem
Distributor for Marion County
If your ear is equipped
TEM -we are sure you will
imd this the Station for
really skilled,-prompt, effic
ient service.
K your car has any other
system you will find equally
good service here also.
R. D. Barton
171 S. Com'l St. Phone 1107
Salem Oregon
French Experts Invent Air
Automobile to Rise From
Deck of Ship
Experiments now Being Con
ducted by Army Commis
sion at Barcelona
I PARIS, May 6. The French
I aviation world, governmental and
private, is deeply absorbed at the
I present time in the rapid devel
opment of the recently invented
helicopter, the airplane which is
designed to rise straight up from
the ground. The French govern
ment, after a careful investiga
tion by a commission of experts.
has officially accepted the ma-J
chine and has set aside a sub
stantial sum of money, for th
to 5 p.m. All are cordiallv Invited to
our services and to our readme room.
T.vangelical Lutheran East State and
Eighteenth streets. Sunday school, at
:4.) a.m.: preaching service, German, at
9:4." am.; evening service f English I at
1:30 pm. Visitors re welcome. Geo.
Koi-hlcr. paator. '
Cottage and Chemeketa streets Ser
vices every Sunday evening at 7:30 p.m.
Sermon by the acting pastor. Rev. Frank
Eddy, on "Woman and Tomorrow." This
will be a special Mother's day sermp.
dealing with, tbe place of women in the
new world now taking shape. A cordial
invitation ia extended to the pnblie es
pecially to those inclined toward liberal
religious thought.
Kerr ices arheduled by the Ministerial
association for the state institutions are
aa follows Girl'a industrial school. : Rev.
H. 8. Mumey. at 3 p.m.; Tuberculosis
hospital, Kev. C. W. Corby, at 3:15 p.m.;
Cottage farm. . Rev. Thos. Aeheeon, at
2:30 p.m. Chas. H. Powell, secretary.
First Baptist William T. Milliken.
DD.. pastor. Early morning prayer
meetings for man and women at 9:30.
Bible school, at 0:45. H. E. Hewitt,
superintendent. Morning worship at
The Morning's service ia a Mother'a day
service, and will be under the direction,
of the young ladies of the Berean class.
Solos will be rendered by Mrs. Dale
Taylor and Raymond M or wood, and a
recitation by Stanley King. Sermon
topic. "Mothers of Men." In the even
ing the pastor will apeak npon "Sanctt
ficatinn by the SpirtU" the second in
s aeries of talks upon sanetifieatrot.
Evening service laata jnat one- boor, clos
ing st 9 o'clock. Miss Lucille McCleaa
leada the senior B.Y P.t Miss Andrei
White, the second -division, snd Miss
Bertha Bullock, the . intermediate. GmJ
Monday eveninr the pastor a classes tn
the new normal manna! and tbe B.Y.P.UJ
manual will be Held, lae former from
7:30 to A; 15, he4tU:r tram. :15 j'
9.00. Both classes have Urge enrol
ment, and are open to anyone who wishes'
to enroll. " f-
Sunday achool at 9:43 a.m . Jos. H.
Albert, superintendent. . At It o clock
there will be special services conducted
by the new pastor, Rev. Ward Willis
Lond, consisting of baptism of children,
public reception of new members, ordin'
st ion and installation of elders, snd com'
man ion. All persona desiring to nnJte
with the church either on profession or
by letter may appear before the session
at 10:30 s.m. at the chorrh. A vesper
service will be held st 5 o'clock at which
Mother'a day exercises will be held with
appropriate special music and a abort
aermon by the pastor on the aabject. "An
Unusual Mother." Young People's So
ciety at 1 30. AH are cordially invited to
attend these a er vices and are: made wel
come. A special Mother's day progrim
will be given in the Sundsy school. At!
invited, especielly mothers. Rev. Long
will speak and appropriate tolog and
recitations will be rendered.
"The Judgment of Oo-J i on it ia
ronrt week in Heaven." E-angelist Bell
will apeak on this subject tonigh-. The
"Appointed Day" which Jod haa aet
p for the judgment to begin is clearly
shown in Ihe Bible and he "tea- e'
Revelations 14. rlliar tho attention (
the world to the greausat crista in e n.ijt
History will be the theme of the Eren
Ff,!f'e. ""nonww evening. 7: SO, Union
Mall. Court street, near iligb,
184 North Church struct, 1. 3. Gil
leapte. pastor. Sunday school 10 m
preaching service. 11 pjsi. Young people's
meeting 6:30 and preaching set vice fol
'?.win 7:30 Pm- Trover meeting
Wednesday evening 7:30 p m. We ex
tend a cordial invitation to the public
iv roui ana join tn tne worship of God
EVAWrtCT.TrtAT. Aeecifrivekr
Ajnusl conference in session at the
ciuaaar eenoei win open at 10 a m. Sev
eral persons are appointed to addreaa the
' appropriate subjects. At lO
as. cis nop n. f. Bpreng will deliver
tbe Conference sermon ),.
will address the assembly in the interest
I f ' P Toons; people a
meeting; at this meeting addressee in
the tatersms Af lb. wmm. 1 - - .
. , . , - " zwmj iravBW VUI DO
de vered. and at 8 p.m. the bishop will
k" tum eioaing sermon lor thta
ii "afra music win be rendered
... .ummas. u. r. limning, Hr.. pss
Memorials for the adornment
of the resting place of your
loved one a very large as
sortment here for your in
spection. Phone and our solicitor will
Capital Monumental
J. C. Jones, Prop.
immediate Improvement of tbe
The Marciulu R. Pateras Pe
cara of Argentina is credited by
some airplane experts with hav
ing actually proved Its practica
bility, but several Frenchmen,
among whom ia M. L. Fllippl,
harve since constructed helicop
ters with as much success as Pes
cara. Experimental work now ls
going on near Paris at an army
aviation field, through which the
government hopes to perfect the
new airplane. As yet the heli
copter Is in the same stage of
development as were tbe first
flyinr? machines constructed by
the Wright brothers-
Suiurisod at America.
At the Aero club of France,
where tbe helicopter is the chief
topic of conversation, experts pre
dict that within two years the
new airplane will be a practical
Considerable surprise was ex
pressed by these same experts
that th6 United States govern
ment had apparently not taken
up the new machine Inasmuch as
it may materially affect sea war
fare. The helicopter, described sim
ply without attempt at technical
ities, is a machine constructed of
a series of horizontal planes re
volving in opposite directions. On
the Percara machine a base sim
ilar to that of a low slung auto
mobile is used. On this is built
two series of horizontal planes,
each series composed of 10
planes. The usual airplane mo
tor starts the planes and' the ef
fect is to make the machine rise
straight up from the ground.
Dag Unnecessary.
In the experimental work, a
email gas bag has been used for
safety purposes, but the work is
bo far along that these bags are
being abandoned.
It is hoped that the perfected
machine, which is expected with
in two years, will be able to rise
from the deck of a battleship in
Pescara ls conducting experi
We have a large stock of used cars all in first-class
, mechanical condition. Such makes as
vWe can arranee easy terms on our usaH cars. Tf wrin-
I . pay you well to look through our stock.
Oldsmobile Sales Co.
185 S. Commercial Street SALEM, OREGON
I fi;
,,'W -r
ments at Barcelona, Spain where
sppot several weeks In observa Hjs career has been roman
tbe French army commission has
tic..' Employed in experimental
lab-oratories of tbe Italian gov
ernment before the war, Pescara
came to Paris soon after the be
ginning of the war and continued
his work under army supervision.
He , was credited with hundreds
of inventions, among them a dir
igib le which flew over the enemy
lin?t and dropped bombs at stated
Iielieved to be Spy.
Suddenly at the height of Pescara.-'
s success, the French police
arrcssted him as a spy and he was
kept- In prison for several months.
The French ministry of war pro
test'3l his innocence and obtained
his release on condition that he
be depprted. He left for Spain
and soon after the armistice be
gan Us helicopter experiments.
America's Dead Aviators
Honored by French Nation
MAT 3. A Jlaque of delftwaro
commemorative of the American
aviators who were killed In the
war fas members of the famous
Lafay ette Ecadrllle will be placed
in the Invalides.
Th.8 plaque ls inscribed "In
Memjorlum", and contains the
namfls of the dead aviators. It
0 t7AVd VAVAVAVi. t
when it come out of our Paint De
partment. Now is the time to clean up and
brighten up.
Our painters are Ford Experts, and
with a most modern paint room a
factory finish is given each car.
Every job is cleaned to the foun
dation and then given four coats.''
Note the reasonable prices:
Open Types. . . $25
Coupes.. pS.
Sedans. .. . . . . $45
Valley M
was executed at the governments!
porcelain rsanufactury at Sevr(fr.
and .- has been accepted by Presi
dent Millerand for the lnvjdldcs
with several hundred war relics,
historical pictures and works
art haying an historic Interest,
tbe gifts of individuals.. v
warfe-mMimuBM,. wu'wwii'mTmHi.wiiiwi-w m nimn - ,
n ; . 1 '
t 1 I M I '.ft i
f 1
jf SK us for a ride in the new Buick,
Let as demonstrate is perwer; how
simple it is to ha&dle; how, handy and:
comfortable. "
learn how easily fon can drain radiator .
and crank-tase and reach the batteries. '
Greater roominess and beautiful new
lines will appeal
Buick utility is made constant by Author
ize4 Snick Seryicel
I Si i
- fj
Since January 1 ferular equipment on
all models includes Cord Tires
We hare aj nxxmbir at very attractive;
. priced
Goodyear Tire
38S Hop,
i .J
otto j!
! I
Wken Betth Automobiles Are halt,
mil' - -- j-
' CAR j
in our completely equipped uphol
stering department, which also takes
care of all top work.
jj . a
we can recharge
and repair qur
in our up-to-the-minute battery de
partment. In short5 S
that may be required. W have the,
most modern and completely equipped
Ford shop in the west. Ottr inspect
ors and, repairmen are . experts, . re
pairs are accurately made aitd quickly
nanuieu antt.ournrices
tva. .1 T
,.- ,j ? .
Back in ( Indiana - th 'SChotHrirh '
have been ;f Orb WdeodaBce !
er midnight. In CsJlfornu:
nteht; Is nothing more than tas
"shank, of; the evening tha Igjj-r
is yet to conje Lo Angela
Times. .
to your comfort and
Service Station
i i
are reason-
i :
31 I
2210 S. Com. St. Thone 689
j- r'
f I