8 Bli fir V Us THE OREGON STATESMAN. SALEM. OREGON SATTIRPAY'mORNING; MAY 7, 1921 in pries IRE HISED Editor of American Fruit Grower.Helping 'Fight for Lower Freight Rates one time almost had tit nomln:' i. on tor v.ce president on the H- i publican ticket al the national j con von l ion in fhicago last gum- , mer. H- bad strong support from southern I -1 i.' a t - hut could II"' p'ege .-ni 'ipli delegate ic r- ur the ctidoi semcni ol New V ork an I mi'' oi ( other i-.i.-t iii -'aland at a i oiiWreiici- withdrew ;u name t -- i t n: in the II o hi 1 1 a t n ii ' foolidge. WDRKERS NAMED FOR RECEPTION lib- ! tin! UUOMIIAI. I Ht Ki t; VVIKT Al F.I : ( ! :i ir.tn From Orunnin s Pirkcd hy Oommer- Clul) Committee No medicine Iia a better repu tation than Fob-v's lluhcy and Tu i for 'jiiirkly leliv.ng coughs, col'ls and roup. It bos -iss the phh-gi.i arid tnn ii-. clears the passage-. -,t-. in ).. r-i II I !". !-topS t .. k I i ' throat. .I'.lui '. II' kkin', I itllrKer.- I'lace l'as-.tic. N. .1 . Willi-- ' I was :-ull--ring from a i arm case of broio h:al trou'd" which iii'' consideralii.- ixety. Foley's Honey and Ttar '! -serves all lli' credit for my being W.H ll." Sul.l t 1 IK'I Adv. l'.stland prur.rs, tart sweet gon s famous orchards and in- entally Salem Oregon, receive.) ; advertising in the Mav issue the American Fruit Uruwi Jiu I shed iu Chicago. . "or It la in this issue ' th s 1 mi gailne In th Flitted States, th. it appears a two column ent il j 1h (rating one of the large Mist- lai d posters placed In the subwav r New York City. From this il lu itration. more than a million re tiers will he introduced t istland" the brand tinder which th i Oregon Growers Cooperative asfociatlon packs its prunes. !The illustration is used in con- hlon with an article on "Au tisine A Factor in the Fru:' Infustry". by C. I. Lewis, assi.' rn general manager of the asso ciation. Kamuel Adams, owner and pn' liKjier of the American Mint Orpwer was a visitor at the o'flc- I the .association a tew mon.n- niir:,rlk. . ... ,, .nosed and expressed hia great f" I Ieschutes tunnel on the Colum- at ine wonue.nu .run '- . ,i;hw..,. .:,Illt lltles of the w.liameu w- , ., that point and in er. The location is a p lint around ' which How the ; liumnw nv i e ('III'. - l.ist n g:it i ha irmnn 1 1.. ( '.mi nc ve Through his magazine. laklng a fight for fruit giow- Jn western Oregon to secure per freigTit rates. was Samuel Adams who ?i Highway Work Halted on Dangerous River Cliff I a ue o' c :'. i - i m '. Tin v arisen t ndaiit;e- iri- ill" live.; ol workmen ..in! po---ibl.- piop-iiy of the O'ci-on-W -limtoii Ita I road & N.ivif-'at'iin co .n j a n y 1 1 ' state highway d P ' H'''-' e-!r-day .discontinued c nsl ni: tioii seven an 1 lie! ween iVrfi'llUtes riv- A in .oiiin -einen of a partial I'-t of (l..i;M!i'ii irom pioinmeiit o -i' in i i in il, -.( ti ,i.--ist in the second reception tiwn ' . i i Me -1 i a ; i 1 1! ti to Mi i-1 - i -i S.i ! -in v- a s in a t. l. I I i'-!i i i:. Moi -ris. c ! I ; i i i ;n mi ' ! e,. : rom ni' 1 1- ;i i i H !' M r- John A 'a r- :i w i! ren i ti,,- S-ile,n War Mother Mrs. Winnie Pettyjohn, th" teaM .'ea., r- as-oi uition. Mrs W. ."'i Hamilton, the Sah-m W onie-i s I'n 1 1! l 'i v Kov.land, the I'.im iness ami riofessio!i;il Women's I.Mt'i" and I'v It F. Found, th" American I.'-n'im. Kepre-en tali v. s Horn the cherriatis and Kotanans )iave not yet heen announced. Ttie Kimmiinity s'iik will be I h feature o' the at fair and it is ex pected that this will serve better than an v other means to breaK ,p.wn anv formality. An excellent speaker and a tong leader knowu all OVer HO Ve-( ll..ve oe II - cured to s. rve as entertainei . The Commercial club members ;.pI Mieir -.sives will act as a re ception committee. Jf i I railroad lyinK on a tench. cliff about !uu leet Thrills arid Plenty of Good Humor In "The Spenderi" At The OREGON Tomorrow 51 with tin around a high The construction wmk-'n at temliled to 'shoot" I'.lTiiiel throu'h the point, but !ecjiise ! the seuruv formation Hi - me a It crumbled and Mb-1. miKing the wcrk extremely hazardous. Work wMl not be resumed un til an agreement cu'n he reach-id as to pro -ee ure. This lo ibiless will either be a "burnlnfi off of the entire point or an ar-ange. meiit with the railroad to sh;tt s tracks in such a way as to i"t the highway by. V ttiiniin CUmlflxl Ad. NOTICE to our patrons We have been advised by the big Jobbers that sugar is going to take another big slump. We caution our patrons not to buy too heavy at present J . HARDING ACCEPTS COUNCIL invitation: (Continued from page 1) 1 ered late today to Sir Auckland t.eildes. the I'.ritish ambassador, who ve terday handed to Secre tary Hughes the invitation of th-. council which was signed by Fre inier Uoyd-;e rge of Creat Hri ; tain, as its president. In the highest administration ; circles it was emphasized that the j action taken today did not mean j the participation of the Fnitel States In any project of "a world j government or world league." It a said that it was inevitab.e i k.. 1'iiitPil States have an lum advisory part in the settlement of : the vast economic and other pro-j blems growing out of the woric u.!ir Thiw settlements. It wast settlement of the more Important questions tesiilting from the war and to it has been referred the American protest to the league of n.it ions- again,-! the award to Japan of a mandate for the island ut v a; The -upreine council also i.e. ted lo t..ke Up the whole i.et of m.iudat. s w hich was re opened by Mr. Hushes' recent t,.tes to the euwmmcnts of Cie.it l.rifain. France. Haly and .l.-iaa. in which be dealt speciti lally with l he mandate for the I'.o fu islanu. Hatv-y on Way. Mr. ll.uvev is en route to Kne l;Mid and n is ar-sumed that he will t.eejn his duties as the presi-i!"iitr-- i e n re-en t a I i ve on the coun cil at the next meeting. It is pointed out that by making the new .:in!..isador his own repre- -etitaiiv'e. 'the pie-idelit did Hot have to a-k the approval of con gress as wou'd li.ive been neces--arv hail it been desired to ap point an offici.-l representative of Hi" government li:iini-!nt! .on officers have in dii;it"d that one of the first sub-i"t- of 't Li'iifial character to be taken up by Mr. Harvey will be the (iestion of a world confer to e tor disarmament. While the president has a -ked that no acticrh on this iiiestion be initiated in on tress in the present state of conditions in Kurope. pome of those (lose to the White House expect that so soon as the ent emergency ha ouncil th whole disarmament cttestion. AVullaie to Ik Itolb-vetl. l-o, Hie present A moassador Wallace will be the American ob server on the conlerence of am-ba-iadois. He acted in this ca acity of Mi- W'ilsi ti iiilm lustra tion until decision was roac.ied rl y in th" ye;, r t w ithdraw him mi! also Mr. Hovden as the uhof fic:al representative with the rep arations commission. This action was taken, it was explained; in order to avoid any possible embar ra: -t,ment to the new aii CENSORSHIP IS MOT BEST PUN Dr. Wilbur F. Crafts, Nation al Reformer, Agrees With Picture Men HE VISITS PRODUCERS Hampton Issues Statement Commending Action by Preacher LOS ANOKLrrS. May (',. Rev Dr. Wilbur F. Crafts, head ol the International Fteform bureau of Washington. I). C . has been in Los 'Angeles for several days conf 'rrirm with motion picture producers. visiting .studios and preaching from pulpits and club rostrums on the subject of pic tures. For several years Dr. Crafts has been the principal in- ... i.-.. ti..i j.f llm iKiiL-uM.Diil to -e n oon as the pres- t ' . . .. . passed the mi- ! f"r ,,;u,lon P'c tures. i.unng t ie pretne council will be asKed by , Fnited States to take up the ! "'" l" .""lulr r" i wliu u. i liiK a lori. nniidir through magazines and newspa pers against Dr. Crafts' censor- , ship and federal commission I plans. Mr. Hampton ha? been insistent that censorship is un-American i and inefficient and that the po ! lice power is the only weapon that lean be used to improve picture conditions. On arriving in Los ! Angeles Dr. Crafts announced fthat his visit was to enable, him ' to study conditions at first hand mliistra-' ," ('on,er w,tn Mr. Hampton. power but if this was ever trtea i and It could be shown that It was not with the intention of public fetvlce. il would prove a boom erang. Publicity Necessary. I believe that It Is extremely important to circularize iu every possible way the women's clubs and ministers' meeting and oth ers with copies of the judicial in t rpretation of obscenely and with information as lo what has been done in various places in applying these laws. "While this seems to be a frag mentary method in that In sotno (.laces the police power is almost negative and the courts am not favorable to high moral ld"als, there is an advantage in that pic tures travel the whole country i and the bad picture that can get I through the corrupt towns may liud hard sledding in a hundred j lovvns of another typ", and after it has been once condemned it ; is likely to be shut out by the mayor or in some other way. The j town that would not have taken , the initiative in shutting it out would be a-hamed to take what has been barrel! from stone other town. "Fifth, as to t.e Sunday sues tion. the talk about blue laws should be eliminated, because it has been based on misapprehen sion, there having been no real hlio laws in the past and no na tional Sunday laws whatever, blue or otherwise, proposed in congress in recent years. "There are two classes of peo ple now opposed to movies on Sunday one the class that would have no objection to them if they were in accord with the new ex clusion standard: the other class believing that Sunday should be free from aM labor and business save work of mercy and- necest-it not Interfering so far as civil laW 14 concerned, with uncommercial IZKl activities. Wilbur V. Crafts." ZBYSZKO WINS FROM 1 STRANGLER LEWIS (Continued from page 1 ) ; toe and crotch and Lewis wil gled out of it. i They were tossing each othef ftt.si.lA I liu 1 -1 n . . nrknii t . . I . . ii...... inn i iiih wuru lirwin ROt ft- hf ad scissors, holding it for more than half a rnlnute. Lewis then tried a Hying head lock and missed. His arm llpp4 ; over bys.ko's prespiring neck and head and the force of hli' plunge cartied him to the floor. He fell on n-s :urk to the mat!, Zbysko then pounced on him threw the weight of his body on Lewis cheM locked his arm atou ud his neck and forced his shoulders to the mat, winning the 1..II and tlie championship. Bicyclej Picnic Saturday, May 11, 1921 Meet at 9 a. m. 147 South Commercial Street Bicycle Races, Sports, Baseball An Everything. i. A Big Time for All ! Special Feature BICYCLE 4IE RACE Something New Jt will -be different this time Register flow with ' "THE CYCLE MAN" HARRY W .SCOTT 147 South Commercial Street Phone 68: s ticti. Myron T Derrick, tire new ly appointed ambassador to j France, will relieve Mr. Wallace n 'he near uture. Mr. lloyuen sat with the repa rat'ons commission for mauy ! months, and 'also was the unoffi cial A'merican representative at the recent allied financial conle. ence at llrttssels. He was held at Paris bv the last administration so that he would be on the ground in the event the present adminis tration der:red to authorize him to resume his duties. Hot ah 1 Silent Republican "lrrecoticiiaDH " senators, including Senator Borah of Idpho. declined to make public comment, but intimated that they weie not prepared to offer objec tions to the Resident's uecisioti. They indicated that there was n samtOn of the government be hind the president's personal rep resentatives and no powers no stowed upon them. They also ex pressed the belief that there was no departure from the president s announced policy against involv- nu the t nited Mates iu foreign explained, must necessarily anc the Fnited States as well as th" rest o t he world. IW-Tnnrrats I Unapprove Announcement that the invita ion had been accepted came late in the day after the senate had adjourned. Republican senators Kenerallv. however. expressed their approval while Democratic senator!- gave voice to disapprov al and disappointment. Kepubli cans took the view that the pres ident's repiesentatives would per form principally the function of -bta nini information. Democrat ic senators said they were disap pointed because the president had ,l..,ifled li. have the novern- . . . . ,1,,. i .iin i lie i mien .smi ment officially participate n , ent,Iielin., alliances. deliberations of the inre uuui". i Administration officers made it j plain that Mr. Harvey would sit with the premiers of Great Brit CARPENTIER IS irn. France and Italy and the rep-, ODrnAorn m cull resentatives of Belgium and Jap- FRtrARcD TO SAIL i an on me supreme j (Continued from page.l) personal representative Of the . c . i t-..:n.i CHliK 'in.-l i presiueni oi ine ur ii. not of the American government, j While he will participate in the 1 deliberations ol the council, he ; will le without authority to bind -the Fnited States to any action tii ken. . Mandates Hi (Question. ; ! Mr. Harvey will be in a po sition to keep the president fully irtormed' on all subjects with i which the council has to deal. I turn this body has devolved the sey. would go. Carpentier said: Comment In Favorable. ThtoiiKh Walter J. Reynolds, secretary of th Motion Picture Producers' association. Dr. Crafts met leading producers, among thei.i Jesse L. Lasky and A. Lehr of Goldwyns. In sermons and addresses. Dr. Crafts spoke most favorably of the producers and their efforts to improve picture conditions. After conference with Mr. Hampton. Dr. Crafts issued a statement in which he declared censorship only a little better than nothing." and said that much of the objection to Sunday movies would die away as soon as pictures measure up to the new standards of the national as sociation of the motion picture industry. Dr. Crafts declared himself in favor of the police pow ?r plan advocated by Mr. Hamp ton. N'oh Kra Apparent. Producers and picture people believe that this action by Dr. Crafts means the beginning of a new era. Now that tire chief advocate of censorship has de clat?d himself in favor of new methods, it Is believed that his action will be followed by the adoption of a similar policy by reformers throughout the coun try. Dr. CraTts' statement in full is as follows: April 25, 1,921. New Arrivals ilk and Voile Dresses "Don't ask me to make any pre-j "Young Men's Christian Associa tion. I,os Angeles, Cal. "My plan for the reform of mo tion pictures is in brief: "First. to co-operate to the largest possible degree with mo tion picture producers, believing that a majority of them have con cluded for many reasons that the 13 standards agreed upon by the national association of the mo tion picture industry, are sincere ly adapted and will be very large ly applied to future pictures. The problem that we must mu tually solve, is how these stan dards can be imposed upon all producers. Censorship Is Makeshift. "Second. I favor censorship only as a little belter than noth ing until some olher more ef- Ifcietit dictions.' "You know my method 'is to find the weak rpot of my Oppon ent as soon as possible," he con tinued. "In any case, I am going into the ring with the firm will to she '- I am the better man; so also will Dempsey, no doubt. I hop.; to win, but if the reverse should happen I'll recognize Dempsey as the better man. "I have neglected nothing that misht he)j) me win, and my work to get in the best shape is unfin ished. For that reason I am tak ing with me my trainer, Journee." Th French champion is leav ing with the bei t wishes and con fident hopes of his countrymen. There is rather a notable absence of cocksureiiess. but there is a (jinet hoi ef thyf Carpntier's clev - . .. I leo.li I itK.I lw..l . . W i . . . erness. speeo and good toot wars v ..... uwn ,u improving ine will tiling him home the winner. 1 motion pictures can bo put in His intimate friends Ih'nk h- ha.- operation. sieam enouiih in lo aims to win "Third, it has been my an derisively fiom the American . imunrml plan to hold back the pictorial Review i ratterns In a Variety of Styles Every express brings us something new. Mr. and Mrs. N. C. Kafoury are now in New York making selections and having them sent out by every ex press. It will le to your interest to come in often and look them over. They are late models just be ing brought out on Fifth avenue. The styles vary from the slim Chemise Frocks to the Bouffant Span ish Silhouette. Materials are Voiles and Silks. Prices Are Exceptionally Low THOMSON'S GLOVE-FITTING CORSETS New Stock We now have the exclusive sale for these wonderful Corsets in this vicinity. The name "Thomson" on your Corset insures you absolute satisfaction. Try a THOMSON the next time. PRICED AT $2 UP TO $8.50 Temporary Iocation. 116 State SL Send us Your Mail Orders ' hampion. KUUIUIA.M WINS. T - At "w York Fordham. Fniversity of Virginia, U Starting Sunday MeiOlMn in O tyie Easy Road Ct fyorumoun! (J'uiure 1 1 GRAND here The Big Shows Play I proposed federal commission which is not censorship, but reg- i.iations similar to that of rail roads -until I can have secured i by aigument and by the experi ence with other methods of ac complishing the desired results, "the co-operation of a gioup at least of the motion picture pro : dm ers. ; "I -published this pan after the New York meeting, not a something (hat was to be intro idi.ced in congress, whether or no, but as stated in nfv letter, (as anyone who will read my ietter ! will see) as a matter to be snb i n.itted to producers. reformers jand tne public to think about, with reference to the develop ment of something effeMU-a ir. this direction. Police Must lie I'wh!. "Fourth, for the present I be Wee the strategic thing is to pie-s the use of the police power to the utmost, first getting th ; law-s against obscene pictures in force which can be done in any town-- taking those which have the lest judges and the strong jest public sentiment. Then (here ; is a very largo possibility for j police regulations through the j discriminatory powers of mayors all of whom have power to con i 'rol shows as an essential part 'of the executive office, as has been demonstrated in mv experi ence all over the country in scores of ca-es. shows have stopped before thev betn after they had started the midst of the week' i engagement by direct executive a'-t of the mayor, and never have I known of a single instance Mien the ,ISe 0f the police power has even been threatened, where t tllA Ulltlin-ti: -..1 '""iiu-!i nave oeen prose cuted for using the police power Dcen horl I v and in '5 Slale f ! TO BE I 'S.i' continue!) fjs '$ hoes So steady has been the stream of eager shoppers during our big S. O. S. Shoe Sale, making it impossible for us to serve all we would wish, we have decided to continue the sale. You who could not1 get waited on dur ing this week of the sale will have further opportunity to take advantage of the vast savings. Don't delay as we cannot prdihise just how long the sale can be continuned. Il "k - New Reductions Make Even Bigger Bargains Than Ever foiif Today and Next Week ' S: Big 'cJfy. it Means Economy ROTH'S t a cr ni t j t i omt riace 10 iraae ;;A If you want the Best Get it at Roth'i VEGETABLES FRUITS We aim to have everything the large city markets afford, if the price is with in reason Fresh Pineapples, pound.. 15c 3 to 4 pounds each Strawberries, box 25c The best this season Florida Grape, Fruit, medium size....l5c Large size, 2 for 35c California Grape Fruit, 4 for ...25c Oranges, small, sweet, dozen 20c and 25c Oranges, larger sizes, dozen 30c and 65c Lemons, large, juicy, dozen 25c Bananas, pound isc Yellow Newton Apples, box ".".".$3.25 Red Winesap Apples, box $2.25 CAKES and PASTRY The popularity of our cakes is sure proof of their goodness. Have you tried the Mocha Gake we are now making? Try one Mocha Cake 504. Mocha Cake, half-size """Z'.".'.Z0c Angel and Sunshine Cake 60c Cocoanut 50c ut Tt z:::::::zi50c Chocolate 50c Jelly Roll "IZ"'ZZ"Z50c Cup Cakes, per dozen "....30c Doughnuts, per dozen 25c Maple Squares, per dozen 25c Raisiri and Oatmeal Cookies 20c Ginger and Sugar Cookies 15c The best from thlocal gardens and the best, shipped infresh vegetables we cin buy Riverby Asparagils, bunch 25c Woodburn Asparagus, bunch J20c Spinach. 2 pounds, 25c Green Peas, 2 porids ..35c New Potatoes, 2 -founds for .25c Radishes, Green Oh ions. Head and Leaf Lettuce, Tomat&es, Cucumbers, Ar tichokes, Greeit Peppers, Turnips, Carrots, Beetsll Rutabagas, Aspara gus, not buncheld, 2 pounds 25c DELICATESSEN With the coming d Spring and Summer with its many aolo trips, picnics and lawn parties, you -frill want to get some of the prepared eftts frdm this depart ment, 'v; Perfection and ClUb House Salads Potatoe and Shrinap Salads Boiled Ham, Jellied Tongue, Corned Beef, Kippered liSalmon, Mayonnaise Dressing, Brick and Limburger Cheese Tillamook and 'Mew York Cheddar Red Rock Cottage Cheese Maclaren's (wiss American MacLai fjji's Nippy MacLaren's Sandwich Cheese Bluehill Pimenfb. Chili., Cream, Camambert, Netlchatel, Breakfast New price on Tillamook Cheese t$ 30c Pound I v Be sure to get Tillamook "The name is on the rind." Phones 1885-6-7 ROTH GROCERY CO. Charge for Delivery ay . mis way. ur course it would be possible to make use of this i s j i