The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, April 24, 1921, Page 9, Image 9

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Remarkable Trip Made by
xStudebaker from Los
Angels to Phoenix
With font records already to it
credit thlg year a Btudebaker light
lix bonf as fifth recently, when
It plowed iU yrtf from Los An
geles to Phoenix. Ariz., in 13
hoorg and 18 minutes orer roads
that wer often nothing mors
thaa deeplr rutted sand trails.
Detail! of thia remarkable per
formance, in "which th Stude
baker lowered Ihe best prerloas
tlm oter this roote hy two honrs
and 23 minutes, have Just been
recelted ia Salem."
Up to the time the Lltlit Six
made Its ran, the fastest automo
bile time for the 422 miles from
Los Angeles to Phoenix was 1
hours 44 mlnntes. ' The tim or
dinarily made by tourists between
the two cities Is two days. -The
railroad time is 14 hoars 20 min
utes or one. hbar and four mln-
V . 1'A 11.. TTm"rr.of
Hies MU(1 fcw -
by the Ufht Six- .
All Kecords Broken
The Light Six sd oa the ter
rific test Oer the desert was the
same car that recently broke all!
records between Pan Francisco
n!7n 8 Motorcycles Bicycles Accessories . - f j 8.-
f (u i, r - - - - - - -, . ' "- ------ l&xjfn't
m. . mmA A In 1 4Mmm--( -
rirni nrnnnn i tyagj tfv to igsssaas-a -r-
III IlkUUIIU I.. . ...... I VV SJiYA 6i; L7 I Il,!l7i r.-t r -
n air-iu rriT nmi Jat onai nark vm unt n, i" i Si.s v . . i , y . - i
M riLIRI II R I i.t th ihr ..4.i ..." i, 1 ' V ;,-, I - ' X X iTAtw.,.. ; hi
, n im rr fro h;;w7hir '''i -
j Car not hitting food, missing lor in need of a complete
;overhaulinsr? We can please you on any subject or
;on any make of car. AH kinds of work a specialty
v and rates are the cheapest and all work guaranteed.
. We also maintain our expert tractor man. Any make
:r ; of tractor, any place, any where
Phone 222
even in service and ji
so economical in cost. . j
n - I
i 184 S. Commercial St.,' SALEM !
i; j j ! ':y: Phone 423
, i, tTV I I I P i - - - Vs'Vnxiri Cart .? i
j j PI ft MJ t
' """"
and Los Angles, and which was
the rirs automobile to reach Vi
setnit National park over any one
of the three Fnotvooverd roads
from the coast this year.
The Los Angeles-Phoenix d.aii
was started from the main pos
otfiee at Los Angela at 4 o'cIock
(coast time) In the morninj? oi
March 23. and the drivers rb-ekf.l
In at the Phoenix postotrioe at
6:1C p. m. (mountain (imot, th-
same day. The car carried Unit
ed States mail under authority
from the postmaster general at
Washington, the run being mad')
to demonstrate the practicability
of transporting fast mail between
the two cities by auomobile. Hart
L. Weaver and Billy Kern, driver
and W. Cook and E. White, me
cahniclang. composed the crew,
but the only job required or trie
mechanicians was the changing of
tires several times on th hot
sands of the desert. The intense
heat, bad roads, and the hig.l
peed at which the car trave'ed
caused nnusual wear on the tire?.
Dim Trail Is Road
After leaving Los Angeles, the
first 100 miles included some
highway but the greater part of
the more than 400 miles was ovr
the worst kind of desert road that
in some places became Just a
faint outline of a trail. Where it
was hard. the road was peepiy
sutted and in the soft placesw?3
covered with loose and dangerous
sand. i : ; '
The route taken was via Po
mono, Colton. Beaumont. Mecca.
Blythe, Ehrenberg, Vicksburg and
Buckeye. Over the majority oi
326 N. Commercial St.
fj -'
It is hard to imagine n
business needing ds'iivc ry
at all which could rot
profitably use a car so
the ro-id. the ordinary driver, not
bent on making records, will not
try for a ppeed of more than 1 '
tinier an hour on account of the
rut-s and chuckholes. According
to experienced drivern, there J--5
not another jir5ce of road in th.;
country that teKta the construction
and siamina of an automobile, p
does the Phoenix-Los Angeies road
takfn by the studebaker Light ;
Dad Now. Agrees That
Cycling is Great Game
Time was when motorcycling'
ss ,a healthful and safe port was
frowned upon by parents at large !
and the young man as a result;
had a hard time trying to gratify j
his desfre for a motorcycl?. In;
occasional instances the boy's !
hopes are Ftill blattcd by paren-S
tal objection, but as a general
thins, the. traditional idea; that
the motorcycle is unsafe and dirty
and greasy, is giving way to fav
orable opinion. A letter volun
tarily pent to a motorcycle nian
nfaetnrer recently by a bank cash
ier in a progressive city in Illi
nois, clearly exemplifies the gen
eral tendency of thought. He
?aid among other things: "I
think a motorcycle is a fine thin,?
for a youns? man. ' My son en
joy?d a trip to California last
summer and after arriving on the
coast, toured about the country
there with his fidecar outfit a
great deal After returning home
I noticed that my boy was much
broader In his consideration of
everything and more self-reliant.
Th experience was a wreat big
education to him."
"Bill" Adams, veteran automo
bile salesman who is well known
in automobile circles of Marion
county has entered tho employ of
the Marion Automobile company.
He will have charge of the used
car sales department.
eyes oil m
Hookey Dangerous Since
Seattle Motorized Atten
dance Officers
AI: any kid in Seattle who has
a tendency to play hookey ouc3
In a while and he will tell you
that he always keeps a sharp
lookout for l)oilje iJrothers tour
ing cars and roadsters.
Reason this la the type of car
cers cf the SaVnir oT Lardl
who scour the city constantly for
symptom of- juven;U delinquent
More tnan once one of thes-?
cars has pulled alongside the curb
or siided up to the swim nun'
hole to the great dismay of Lb
youngsuer who has remained ou'
of school to attend his grandmoth
er's funeral. Out popped the tr:
unt officer and before Johnny
could move he was under cross
examination. Now the Seattle school board
has made it a little easier for
Johnny by giving him a reason
able chance to "duck." The
board has ordered that cars used
by attendance officers be plain
ly lettered in conformity v.ith the
style of lettering on all other cars
owned by the school district.
When this action was proposed it
brought fortff a sharp and insist
ent protest by one of the school
officials. The objection was re
ported by a Seattle paper as fol
lows: "Mr. Fleming said in h: com
munication of protest that
Dodge IJrothers cars are used x
elusively by th? department, any
Dodge I'.rothers car is instant lv
the object of suspicion on the part
of the juvenile population of a,
community. To make them mor
conspicuous by lettering would be
merely adding to the troubles oT
r.n overburdened and nnappreeia
tlve public pervant. Cut the pro
test was overruled."
The Seattle police department
also uses lt Dodge IJrothers tour-
ir.K cars. The various depar -
qients of the ci'y and comity to-
get her operate :,:
Little wonder th'' sm.ill boy re-
. i . I. . rA...M:..H ! . i, . .... . .
.11 U . Ill'- laiMi.N i I. J . i 11 n i - -
gram with snspi-ion.
Nebraska Riders Plan
Back to Nature Tour
A mammoth motorcycle tour to
tbe scenic lands of Colorado i
planned ty riders of Omaha :r. I
all of eat-rn fTraska. snd vi
cinity. Entries ar bein siLn-M'
ii; by TourmaMer .1 D. Unrrai:
almost daily, even ?l-.ourh th
tariim: date is et for lur.e i"J
from Omaha. The present plarv
cail for a run to Dodge City. Kan .
'rom Om-iha. wh-r. th-- m-r"b i--of
the tourist party will vltn'vi
the bi anntial motoreje'e race o i
the prairie rnre course, July
The itinerary from there includ"
Canyon City. Denver. LNteg lark.
an.i return to omvha. The tour
w'H be systrr.ia'ically enduct d
in every waj', all lodeiriir. RftraE''
and other accommodrtTiont beir.g
arranged in odvarrc by the pro
motors. Noisy Motorcycle Held
Entirely Unnecessary
Th" noi.;y uotccyrie ? offn- j
n'lv taboo. There never wp-s a"v j
legitimate n?ed for ; ridir j
travel with his machine, especi
ally within the limits of any city
or town, with his muffler open,
thereby causing the motor to envi
a stream of roaring explosions
into the atmosphere. It has ben
prov n tim" ard aain that there
13 no appreciable los3 of power
Jl '-' 1 1 " 1 ' k . t V .
tinder all normal conditions if the
exhaust of the motor tc muffled
in other words, if the muffler Is
kept closed.
, The resit;- jut announced of
a series of tents made :y a pronii-
nnt motorcycle manufacturer
j stiJl further, substantiates this
. contention. Comparative tests of
i motor efHefency of motors with
j muffled and unhindered exbaiiFts
j were "made, under ail conditions
of load and speed. The engineers
who supervised the tests issued
the statement that under all nor
mal conditions, there is no ma
terial loss in motor efficiency.
Motorcycles are designed aud
built to run smoothly and quietly.
Wherever the "noisy" motorcycle
appears. It may be assumed that
. .
. one
the 0eratorrrt at fault. He
has a false conception of the uw!
of the open fluffier, or else it is
piain indifference that causes hiirt
to indulge in this motoring evil.
Capistrano Hill Climb
Is Thrill to Thousands!
Capistrano, the premier motor
cycle hill-climb contest of th
yar on the motorcycle sport pro
cram, was aain successfnlly held
this month. As usual, the event
provided the most Interesting and
absorbing kind of sport for over
20,0y spectators who came from
all over the southwest. The con
test, which i held over an Incline
that is nearly perpendicular and
V... L i L:i
iuu can uuy tu auiuiuuuiic
your sausidtuuu in uic use oi
. . . .
who sens u to you to oeip
Thar taliP mnrp ffian a salp
ii 1 1 in n n if
n i s i s More
inspect those extensive parts of our establishment that exist to
function only after the sale is made. :
Salem Automobile Ceil
Republic and United States
AntomBbiles, Society, Special Features ariai
I ? General News
it: - -.- .. ;
:ii( ff'-t lonar, drew the entries
of over a p"ore of thV best iiill-
ih experts in the; country.
Dudley Perkins, n Han Franrtlco
'port -man. won the featuie event
for tli1 .second consecutive tl&e.
I lie beat his former record by 9
seconds and not only ;ciuiTr d
the fpeni.'uiriy impossible pnide,
but traveled up end oyer it a a
speed of over .12 miles); an h'Hir.
Capistrano lies about 'Jsalf iy
b't.w'-en los Anr;eleH and San pi
etro on the coast road, and is so
named because -it Is sitijatcd near
the old Spanish mission of H&n
Juan Capistrano. j ti
Boys Easily Master! All i
Motorcycle Intricacies
;. f
It is probably sne trt say that
the ambition is harbored in the
breast of every older, red-bloodad
American boy to own al motorcy
cle. -lt Is probably aHo a fati
that many pf the rising gener
tion consider the motorcycle m
complicated piece of mechanisnii
The contrary is trne. To thji
j ' j
i1 qan
1 L tJii'i.-ll.
diiywiicit;, even on tue siucwauif
t u J J. . il
il ucpcuu up ou uic auuny
you realize your expectations.
rlpnarfmpnf. Wp invito
tires. Full lice of accessories
t Scripps-o
Tormer bicycle.'rider esliecially-
and where the young fellow wlr ;
has not owned and treasured H
bike the handling of a motorcy-
cle soon becomes simple. The -sidecar
outfit makes it easy for ;
anyone, of course.- whether tho ,
fcnack of two wheeled equilibrium
has been acquired or not. Some--beginners
will naturally become '
adept in the manipulation of their ,
mounts before others because
they are of a mechanical turn of
mind by nature. Tho arrange- .
ment of the controls and steering
and handling of the. entire ma
chine is so simple, however, that
eny normal young man should eas
ily acquire the ability to handle
them skillfully. -
There are a number of the pres
ent generation who could not for
their lives make a willow whistle.
Remember them? :
and RIra Paris 'for Vail Cars
Free. Expert Advice
150 South High Street
t L
vnti In
A. I. E0FF
s s