bUNDAY MORNING. APHIL 2t, lifcil THE OREGON. STATESMAN. SALEM. OREGON 1 i .1 it We are Salem Agents for "Goody Middy Blouses" and Expansion Dresses '6 (Old White Corner) Salem's (Jreatrst Women's Appirel Store New Spring Suits at Special Prices Without exception we are showing the largest and most compre hensive stock of young ladles' and women's suits in Salem. You may choose here from a great variety of smart models at any price you wish to pay and you can rest assured of the utmost in value. Women's New Suits $42.50 Suit of Trii'oliiM', IJiiieiim n Tweed material. Tailrei umkIcU it in I tin ww HfMrt effect. Also novelty styles trimnieil uifli lniii, liiiny Ktitciiiiig, limiil, IiiiHoiik, el Kxeeliiii;:lly snuni stills with finest of luiloiiiiij. (ioimI run ire of size. New Spring Suits $37 JO Our showm.' ut llii price iiieluden tin- wmkoii'h sni.itteHt mo.lek. iniiuy nIiowii exeluxively in Salem at t h is Mote, navy Herj?en, I rieotine, velours, nil vertone ami faney mixtures, some Ut plaited ami novelty lelt effeet. 1 - iti n 1 with braid atul buttons, specially priced. New Spring Suits $29 JO Every new nnd worthy design from tin- foremost American mat situ unit maker. Smaut style for street and dress occasions. Wvelly anil lain t n i lorn I model. 1'revailiiiK iiiateri;iU ate series, iraliar dinex, broadcloth, wool, veloura, trieotinc, etc. All color ami sizes. Women's Jersey Suits $18.75 Splendid , lot of Misses' atul Women's ( Jal.jinliiie ami .Jersey Suits; v various colors ami ulJ size. Women's New Spring Coats Minse' yotmr Indies' atul women'! Coats, in all tin preferred .fabric and colorings for spring wear art here in a selection so ample as to Warrant ux in staling tiuit every t .! ean be easily satisfied ami at rwIi a wiile range of prices. as to meet the require litentH of every expenditure. I rl $4S$0 to $50.00 Coats Now $37 JO . Kvery coat in this lot is of superior quality the fabrics are now and desirable,' the styles are uneoinmonly Kmart, the workmanship f the-belt.-,, These garments eome to us at an advantageous priee and we have marked them to srll at a substantial saving to our TZ. '$40 .00 Coats Now Offered at $3230 . "WomenVand.misses' new Spring Coats and Capes in a great variety of styles. Of Polo cloth, Bolivia, Plain Velour, Tricotine, Gabardine and other materials. Novelty sport styles, tailored and dressy models: Short and medium lengths. Very latest spring colors. .. Large assortment of styles to select from. ! : : : p2J0 Coats Now $24.75 j Great many attractive styles from whieh to choose very newest spring models, some made with narrow belts, all the new shades including taupe, plum, brown, green, navy and Pekin blue. Sizes f 6 Xo U , $25.00 Coats now $16 JO j MfssesV-and women V Velour (gapes and Coats, in a variety of styles; and-colors; some in beltetPi&odels. Away below regular APRIL SALE OF DRESSES Hundreds of different styles and every dress fresh, cool and new, .including porch dresses, street dresses, afternoon dresses, port dresses and summer evening dresses. Fine voile, organdie, georgette, Taffeta and Messaline silk, are the materials-. Three special groups, arranged for your selection at money-saving prices. Group 1 Dresses $12.75 Charming new messaline, taffeta silk, gabardine and serge dresses, coat effect, girdle and braid trimmed styles. Group 2 $18.75 Smart dresses in georgette, messaline, tricotine, serge, gabardine "and taffeta silk ; trimmed as simply or elaborately as you could desire. Group 3 $24.75 This season's smartest styles in messaline, taffeta, silk, Tge, trico tine, trieolett and derey dresses. Some in combination of materials, in a complete assortment of sizes'. . $35.00 Dresses Now $24.75 ? ' prices. ! - fV V'WtA ',11 Si M: - ElegantNewSpringMillinery $3.75 to $25.00 Many are the styles in women's headgear approved ly Dame Fashion. Prominent iu our spring display are soft shiny liseres, tailored Milans, henip, horsehair braids and shiny straws. In 6nr assortment there are clever copies of the world's renowned artists, coupled with New York adaptions; -every taste, every inney auu any pnrse can re cT 7C C7C fill 'suited here, at $0.tO tP&D.UU Dainty New Waists and Blouses Great Values in New 1 Look where you wilt you cannot find a larger or bet ter assortment of beautiful waist. In Georgette erep alone wo show any number of handxome models, both In fancy and tailored effoct. Make it a point to aee these new models. Spocialljr priced at $.5.75 up to $17.30 ' New Georgette Waists $435 An exceptionally beautiful lot of Trieolette and Georgette waists made to sell at a nrich higher price. Some are daintily embroid ered and f nUhed with silk bind ing, hare them in all sizes. Dress Skirts That the Separate Skirt will be more popular this spring than ever is evi dent because of the prevailing short Coat models and because of the at tractiveness of the styles and materials siiown. $930 to $1030 Wool Skirts $7.75 Attractive new styles trimmed with but tons, novelty plaids and tucks. New Dress Skirts $9.75 Stylish line of Separate Skirta. in the new wool plaids made with fancy pock ets and belts. Gingham Aorons t m .. One hundred doiea Women's Gingham and Percale aprons, various colors and. all tlte. special : $1.15 New Voile Waists Great big. lot of new and pretty voile waists some trimmed with iaca,, various designs, special :$1S8 Jersey Jackets Extra good quality ve lour jackets in jcreens, blues, rels. and yellow, regular values up to 117.50. special $12.75 Serge Bloomers Navy Blue Serge bloomers, various six es, regular values 12 50 and 3.00. spe- Clil $1.98 Fred Turner Is Winner of Indoor Bicycle Riding Event Staged in Harry Scott's Place of Business l-'red TuriHT. a-id It; earn w.n Ilu iinlu.. r.ii c held al llarrv Sroits !.- -! shop, a .spet-i i ! I riiilt-s p. i !inil! d'i)i,4 u ia i! il. Hi- ii vr-l IK 7-lo inile hi lti minute Tin-re wore ut least l.'.n ( t)iitesi;iitts in this ra't willed Willi tuie nl' I lie Iiu:. t :it-l:a.lli!i- III' liie (lit) the si Tee he UK crowded, danl'.y allowiiig ie-ili-Kirlaiis room to pass. AHerr Walker. u,ne 12 j'ea : wan lmter in the UK I 'i'li. i . I ho e II IS win yount'er InjyV K-lo in ilex i 't scr' I wo i n uiio v. re w'i yea i m aiiil aii- W ere 1 J yea ' . r.K 'S tleVcl 1 il liiilllltes. es, one fur iler tlie a;;i ot her I or I dost or under. In -lhe ol!"f Ici lare, J.ovs Harris, auu I yarx. wifi si coi'd place, travelitm I 7-1 o miN-M in 10 111 I ii il u-s. ilowiird Wateiit, .i.'.'e It yearn, took third jdice travel Iti- l.i: H-lit iiiiIch in in miiiiit' This race waii an iiticottiriioM event, heliiK ntai-vd Itinide a pli"' ot l;ii -i tie-. . K'.ic!i boy wiiii al lowed 'to tide 1 l mill lit eft, tin w heel le-liiK on a x t . 1 1 I ho that II -would ma nlaiii tin- game poHltiu'i an in lidiiiK. The d 11, i lice Wan tiiMHUijred hy j- ryeoni"ter. The Ioh l, ati ridSntC at s .'Ui y Mtei -day tnoi'litiK aoU rode till J p. m. l irtit pi ie for tii older ho', ' ra-e wan a liaiiilfoiiie iwrney sweater, the recott I ir r.c u pal' i.f ru ller peilalx and the tliord pri.e :m a pulr or ruhber Krif. Fltst prize lor the younger boys rac wu a rad'olile vmiclt, tij' t.eeoml pr.e a blcyeU bom nnl the ihlrd prize a bicycle l x k. There was a kIH who rode In th race, Julia Klvln. ae K yea it. who traveled a dixUince of 2 l- milcK in five tiiinut-s. Th" ounKext boy rid'r was S yearn or g in iiEii ase anil covered four miles. Kadi rider received a iiem il us a reward winner or not. A l"ke event wts held all over the I'nited Stateu and is called the I la vis day cele bration in honor of the lilb an niversary of the .Davis SewlP.tf Machine company. Thor. will be a bicycle picnic held Mav 7 There will be free eats and the famous pie race. Also; all liindrt of races and other Hport.v Oilier who entered ill tile rt C and inadc ood iiilleufe were: Name Al?e Miles Vernon I'erry 1 1 Harold I laverson U5 1 l 1 v it Kinley 1 ' .Inhn Uil 'y 13 ' 4 ; Ituli'Tt llalvotseii Hi 15 2 lielhert llearhart ' 1 ;5 0 I'lysHis Sanders J 12. a Kdwin KlooHCti Mi ''J Selmer lairsoii 13 12.7 U'vIiih Lynn H H. Carl Heaty 12 10.7 fliirenie frUl . H 1" ' Klwin I'iiKe I- " Kelilieth Loter I" JIIO Call Newton 1 ,t- Healy . . I I lohit ileorif" 12 orvllle Croxby I 'I Ari.e Newberry I '' James KarKo 12 Hal hebm,.,i 12 '.' I Howard Hol-erM ". f.l KlIM'Iie l'avee 11 W.fl ileorice Youiik 12 .11 111 HlD Il - W Henry Klof-en 12 5.2 l.yle Heaver 12 Charles While, 1 .'. H,l Klvin I'm tt II X 2 ; ltoss Cravya .12 Kelm Wain 'I X-'I I Aubrey Crawford ... . .14 ! Carl Hirdwell . . . H X.a i Henjatnln Heale 13 S.'J coftntyi committee w:to with Dr. F'rank K. Drown and Haul W'al-'-.TjT. reor-K-til ls city on the ex ecutive committee. H WORK New County Y.M.C.A, Mam Has Long Record Of j Active Training ! H. K. Ghormley who succeeds W. V. Walter as secretary of the Marion county Y. M. C. A. has ar rived on the field. Mr. Ghormley assumes his tu w duties after three and one-half year's service as city buys' work secretary of the Spokane Y. M. C. A. During his college days Ghorm ley was active in debating, student Y. M. C. A. work, and in all forms of athletics. After supplementing his regular college course with a special sumer session at Illinois university in the xchool of athletic coaching he returned to his Alma Mater. Monmouth college. Mon mouth. III., where for three years he served as coach and - . athletic director. After four years of school teaching in Kansas, Ghormley en tered, the association work as membership secretary of the Y. M. C. A. at Sioux City. Ia. His ex perience after one year in this po sition commended him to the boys' work field in the same association. After two years in that position he accepted a call to the field of the Spokane boys' division. Marion county Is exceedingly fortunate in being able to secure a man of Mr. Ghormley's experi ence to follow up and carry for ward the splendid work Mr. Wal ter has started during the past IS months" was the comment of L. J. Chapin. chairman of the Marion onirrAitv. f "71 antes N. Robertson was born in -Pittsburg, Ha.. May 14, 1X5 Hip early life was spent !n Indi ana. In 1 K7 4 he can.e west and in 1H78 settled on the farm south of Salem where he lived foir 40 years. In 1K1 he was mUrried to Maria F. Mothorn. who survives him. Flad he lived until April 20 they would-have r?A:-6ed the 4 0th milestone of their married life. For many years he has been in poor "health. His was a self-sacrificing nature and where many others would have been a care, he was always helpful and clv?er- rui. In early life he embraced Chris tianity and his life has been an exemplary one. as his many friends hear witness. For many yearsr he was a member of the Methodist church. On leaving the farm to live in the city he identi fled himself with the Central Con gregational church. He is survived by his widow, and a daughter Grace, at horn?; and Mrs. Shaffer of Turner. An ooly son, Clarence, passed away four years ago. A sister, Mrs W. M. Simpson, and three broth ers also survive. He has been a member of the A. O. V. V. for about 30 years, and a member of the Odd Fellows for many years. Exacting of Deposits By Utilities Unlawful A patron of the St. Helena Humber company, vhich is a pub lie utility supplying electrical en- orgy, lost a building bv fire re cently and one of the utility's me ters was burned. The manager of SOCIETY BELLE ARRIVES FROM EUROPE. II Miflfl Catherine Flnrhnch trell known nA "1 .. toeletj drc!e of Chicago, Is photopmphed Upon he? la i New Tork city from England, where iheVpem conalder able time, alias Harbacb travelled quite exteosfrelT dnrinn her ttay In the old world, bnt expressed happineta whpn mil declared that ibe waa glad to U back in er own na country, . auTe the utility wrote the public ser vice coin in iasion asking it, to pay for the loss of the meter, the company could keep the deposit that had been paid by the custo mer when the meter was instilled. My writing this letter the mana ger inadvertently Informed Hi commission that he has been vb latin the law and an order ot the commission which prohibits the exacting of deposits. I'onimlsr.iinier Fred . r.uchtel. in reply, not only informs the manager that he can not l'eep the deposit, but that he must J"M ttirn to all other customers wlwit ever deposits may be held by th company. The only exception is that ut il- Itles may require of a customer or prospective customer tt reason able deposit, not in excess of a estimated i0-day bill, to guaran tee pay ror energy consumed.. Eva Now Nedd by NearlyjEvary On to Purify tha Blood atid iBuild Up Strength. Few come to these trying: ; spring iIajj without- wearlnesiK. dehUlty. that "tired feeling," cau.ird In 1 irge purt by impure, dr-vlullaedsbiood. Chang of' season often- "takes all the strenxlh out of ie." fts many people say. The tonle ami blooj! purifier needed i.i llood'a Rar.sa.par Ilia. It " me tjtooa and l enia me menial, muscular and T f vous syatemn. In a word. a. -druRKiat. "tlood'a Sarsanarllll r our most dependable reitoratly.. Only the best tonic and pur!f1 ing.inifredlents ued.ro&t kltl7 Imrka and Wri-lea. auch a tahvf' l iana often prescribe. A record ii 46 years aueeessful use. w ,, 5 you good. Try it thin sprmg. " A mild laxative, llood'a pj-j Hlood's; Sarsaparilla IS THE IDEAL SPRINQ MEDICINE. I ,t,,i. mmW j )M'i"l " ;i iiiint.fc-....'w..-if .i.r-.i..iiiij ' -s h '-'- - ' '- ' i , i'J' I ?!-' ' 't'-V"SVr:: :"5 :-&-W vfytVfiJ" rZW: Spring breezes are blowing bargains your way in the yard goods department : : Voiles, 40 inch -beautiful new figured Voiles on light, medium and dark grounds used ho much for Hummer dreHet and niocks.49c, 69c and 75c yd. .6 inch Silk Poplin now ...u.J, $1.00 yafd 40 inch Silk (leorgette Crepe now ...I...U $1.98 yard 40 inch Silk Crepe de Chine now L $1.98 yard 3G inch Mensaline now $1.98 yard 30 inch Taffetas, all colors, now .........$1.98 yard 30 inch Lingerie Satin, white and flesh $1.75 yard 40 inch Lingerie Satin, white and flesh - $18 yard V .itf: : ' ' Our Prices Always The Lowest v gale & ; eo; Commercial and Court Streets Our Entire G'tocti of .Furniture ma f uraisMra 1 J gs ome Now Priced on the Basis of New Lowered Manufacturing Costs T NCOMPAR ABLE VALUES a price standard aljulted-according to the new, x low levels assortments freshened and enlarged by new Spring Merchandise truly, home furnishing this Spring is a wonderful pjrivilege for those who have the advantages of Hamilton's magnificent stocks from which to select. New designs refreshing innovations in styles and finishes are appearing on bur floors daily And our patrons are finding to their delight that, though the QUAL ITY Is as admirable as ever, the PRICES are remarkably modest! . Living-room furniture of distinguished beauty is grouped or. our floors In a prof us ion of beautiful pieces and suites. The smart, new Italian styles; the great inviting oei--8tuffed pieces and the ever-popular mahogany and- cane period designs are ; shown in great variety of types and finishes. You will be captivated by their Irre sistible charm. Their prices are surprisingly moderate. - t Some fascinating new suites for the bedroom have arrived recently, comprising ap-i pealing effects in enameled furniture in modified perid styles, as well as many charming suites in mahogany and walnut. s Sumptuous new dining-room suites in various period'styles have lately put in their appearance, as well as smaller and more modest su it e.i of refinement and aristocratic appearance. SWEEPER-VAC ELECTRIC Carpet Sweeper with y Motor-Driven Brush Are fast being recognized as one of the best Sweeper that can be bought. Equipped with twenty-four feet or cord, 1-5 horsepower motor. The speed of the mo tor is 9000 revolutions per minute, brush revolves 1350 revolutions per minute has a lever that cuts out the5 motor-driven brush if you do not desire to use same.i l-et us demonstrate this Sweeper. TERMS: $10 down. $5.00 a month. Bxtra Specikll In Sundour Draperies, in blue, rose, gold, green, mulberry and brown; in figured ma terial. Values to $2.25, $2.50, now, per yard c $125 and $1 SO j - "i ILTON AM House Furnisher, 340 Court Street Sales Representatives Sherman Clay & Company Pianos 4 tt ft