The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, April 24, 1921, Page 5, Image 5

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yrfh UaJiy
French panttry at the Spa.
KoiiiMlsry I -In Akrl
I A. Johnnon filed a complaint
yesterday agalimt W. K. Smith In
'whicn be the court to estab
lish a boundary line between their
respective properties which are
joining- The land Is located In
taction 27, township 7 range one
Hear Alfred Kostnal
4 Hrp oloint. with the Phllhan
; tnonle orchestra Sunday, May 1.
t 9- m- Pop"1' prices. Adv.
Drs. White and MajrabaO
. .iVl. ft O T7V
Faneralft Interfered With
For the second time In a few
day reports hare been registered
t the police station of persons
driving through funeral proces
sions. Yesterday C B. Webb made
i report of a car bearing a deal
er license No. 5 Washington, at-
tempting to pass mrouga a ian
eral procession. The automobile
collided with his car and tire fen
der was considerably bent. It is
understood that there is a state
law prohibiting such an act and
I an n f f on m.m
, IDl"t " " v
" 1
JEaxtman Kodaks and Suppliew -Commercial
Book Store, J 63 X.
f Commercial. AdT.
V Wallace Reid
: 2 Reel Comedy
Made in thr Kitchen"
' Upstairs - s
t Nomltlnf CafoVietery Tuesday,
rhuriday and Satnrday sights.
American and Chines dishes. '
v, lit M Commercial , St.
jslti Cleaned . . . . .$ 1JW
Vilti Pressed. ............ -50c
Safca Cleaners & Dyers
1211 8. Com! St. " Phono ISIS
:;; I , Fox News
V' I r .'Scenic
I r SprUi Plaattaf OrUt Tram
f 4JS Ortra BalMlaf -
labs a tj
Ask your grocer tor
, ' r ' - . SSe doxen, . , ,
' JJ Court St. Phoaa fl
TTLs Vaccsa Cops taye ar
I rhredat
It Pays to trade at Tb
' C. Burtos Dnrdall
11T Nortt Commercial 2 4T
"i ' Faraitor Store
Tke Home of the Victrola
gat more for your money at
Man, Tracy Wood Co.
' i lor all kinds of
" I ' t ","- dry wood
Phone (20
ror TOor Washing Machines aad
'ovmc mora ana suppuw
Cottrt St. Phone 4SI
What Hm Yon?
e bay. sell and exchange
ftew.and second-hand furni
ture, stoves, ranges. ; rugs,
100 la, etc We will bay you
001. W. P. WRIGHT '
b.7i N. Com! St., Salem, Or.
your sales with us
People's Furniture
j'lSl 10T phone Til
Turner Man Arretted
Dick Wagoner of Turner was ar
rested yesterday on a charge of be
ing Intoxicated and taken to the
police station. Chief of Police
Moffltt and Police Oflicer Hayden
made the arreat which was said to
hare taken place on the street.
Freh Pally
French pasttry at the Spa.
Small Fire Yewterdaj .
A fire occurred yesterday at
North Twelfth street which called
for the action of the fire depart
ment. The fire which apparently
caught in the roof, burning a hole
about two feet square, was caused
from a chimney burning out. A
wood lift in the home of Mrs. Day
ton, at Center and Capitol streets,
caught fire from some unknown
cause this week. Considerable
damage was done by smoke but
the fire department arrived In
time to gave serious loss by fire.
Philharmonic Orrhostra
Of Los Angeles In ' concert at
the armory, Sunday, May 1, 3 p.m.
Fitted at Tyler's Drag store by
an expert In, the business. -(Adv.)
New District Quashed
There will not be a new school
district created out of school dis
tricts Stayton. West Stayton,
Anmsville and Sublimity, accord
ing to a recent ruling of the coun
ty court following a hearing in
which petitions were presented for
the creation of a school district
out of the more remote parts of
districts named. The patrons in
the districts have decided to see
that their school children are con
veyed to the schools within their
own districts.
Fresh Pally
French pasttry at the Spa.
Card of Thanks
We wish to thank our friends
for their many acts of kindness
and sympathy during the recent
bereavement of our loving hus
band and father also for the
beautiful floral offerings. Mrs.
J. Robertson,- Grace Robertson.
Mrs. J. II. Shafer. Adv.
We Have Secured
One of the finest French pastry
cooks in the east to make our pas
try which wo . will serve daily,
starting today The Gray Belle
Adf. -
WEEV n. sAurx. ouooi
t a--BUOK
A Hon) Away Trvm Hon
Strict. 7 Uedern SI.OO pr 4y
100 room of Solid Comfort
Ob7 Htl ia BasisoM Distrir
Medium Taele Jonn Syrup. .63c
$1.00 Brooms.... ..09e
60 lbs. Dairy Salt 73c
2 & bars Xundry Soap. ,.1.00
g cans Milk: ... . ....... . .f l.oo
Nasons Perfect Liquid Paints
Reasonable prkea
Canital Furnitore A .Hard ware Co.
285 N. Commercial Pboae 947
404 Ferry St. Salem. Oregoa
Phones 11771211.
TaJklBg Machine aad Records
Player Flaaos ana nayer nous
Do you tat
If not why nott
No other baths or treatments
eaa produce the permanent re
lief to the person suffering
from disagreeable eold or all
menu of the flesh or body like
the Turkish Baths will.
Open (in. until t p. m.
Lady and Gentlemen attend
ants We pay 2c aboye the
market price for eggs
and products
The Mutual Life
, '-
Up-to-date, policies.
Lower net cost.
District Mgr.
271 State St. Phone 99
' i Better Good For Lose
i i
Market for OatM
If you have oats to sell, see
Rarlcus & Son, 8S7 S. Coniuit-rclal
street. Phone 75. Adv.
French lartry
Made and served da ly, at the
Gray Belle. Adv.
Hiecial Demonxtrntli
On Monday. April 25, Miss
Scott will demonstrate the Sim
plex Electric Iron at our store.
!emonstration from 2 to 0 p. m
Salem Electric Co. Adv.
Kittcuits and Coffee Vrre
At II. L. Stiff's Universal range
demonstration, Apl. 25 to 30, in
clusive. Adv.
Our Tailoring lJi)ine
Is conducted along the moat
np-to-date lines, and we are al
ways in a position to i,!ve our
customers the benefit of the most
approved methods. Mosher, the
tailor. Adv.
ato Radiator ru-pairing
Modern equipment, prompt ex
pert service. Nelson Bros., Z5&
359 Chemeketa St. Adv.
Final Accounts Fileil
Papers filed in the county court
yesterday included an order ap
proving the final account of the
estate of Mary Thomas, deceased
and an order approving the final
tccount of the estate of C. W.
TbomaH, deceased, both estates
oe!n administered by G. E.
Thomas. A final account of the
estate ot Nicholas BIwer, deceased
aas filed with the court and the
date of May 28 set as a time for
the hearing of objections.
The Simplex Iron
Will be demonstrated at our
store Monday from 2 to 5 p. m.
Salem Electric Co. Adv.
The Gray Belle
For French pastry. Fresh daily.
We remain steadfast in our
purpose to conduct our business
n an efficient, commendable
manner. Our reliability is un
luestioned. Our business conduct
has been cucn that it has won for
us the public approval.
A Classified Ad
Will bring you a buyer.
Two Couplet Icensed
Marriage licenses were Issued
yesterday in the office of the
county clerk to Marion Taylor of
Macleay and Milton F. Kephart of
Nappa, Cal. and to Mable Gibbert
of Woodburn and George A. Dick
enson of Burns.
First Time m Salem
French uastry Fresh daily:
made at the Gray Belle. Adv.
Furnaces and Ranges
The famous "Universal' furn
aces and ranges will be demon
strated at II. L. Stiff's furniture
store. Apl. 25 to 30. inclusive.
Light refreshments served free.
Everybody invited. Adv.
Will the two Chevrolet gen
tlemen please 'return the Eng
lish bulldog puppy "Trouble"
to 1541 State street at once.
The dog is owned by a three-year-old
boy who misses bis
and does a general office practice.
Office Tyler's Drug Store
1S7 South Commercial Street
Max 0. Baren
DRY PASTE 1 3 -N. Jom. t.
Call at
We buy and sell every
thing 215 Center St. Phone 398
Bad Luck
John Jonea is "chronically"
out of work- Some times he
lays his bad lurk to walking
under a ladder, sometimes to
.meeting a black cat, some
time to his first glimpse ot
the new moon.
We think we knov the
source of his bad luck. A lit
tle' bard work at the right
time is often the difference be
tween success and failure.
We can train yon so that
you need have no fear of lad
ders, black cats, or new moons.
Write or tall for informa
tion. Capital Business College
1 WarvnefflRk
Mis Koott
Will demonstrate the Simplex
Iron at our store Monday evening
from 2 to 5. Salem Klectric Co.
Cake and Coffee
Will be served free at the fac
tory demonstration uf Universal
ranges to be held at II. L. Stiff's
furniture store, Apl. 2i to 30,
inclusive. Adv.
Will Iemontrate Ironer
Mrs. Eva Scott, the factory ex
pert, will demonstrate the Simplex
Ironer from two to four Mpnday
afternoon at the store of the Sa
Itm Klectric Co.. State and High
St. Bring your ironing problems
and let her solve them for you.
Ijegal Blanks
Get them at The Statesman of
f.ce. Catalog on application.
"I'AMHion Play"
In beautiful colored pictures at
the First Congregational church
this evening. Adv.
(J. Ed Rom, Public
Accountant. Plionti 20!)8R.
lo Oothe Make the Man?
We hope not. but at. the same
time we must admit that the well
dressed man , iat the respected
man. In both business and soci
ety. Mosher. the tailor. Adv.
Took Hrst Prl
Percy H. Henderson of Cascade
Locks won first priz in the speak
ing contest for All the grade
schools of Hood River county in
the auditorium at Hood River
Thursday evening, the 21st inst.
He is the son of Florence M.
Wright, who married James Hen
derson In 1905. Miss Wright was
librarian at Masonic library, in
North Salem for some years. She
lived with her father, James
Wright, in North Salem for sev
eral years prior to her marriage,
lames Henderson is now postmas
ter at Cascade Locks, Oregon.
Percy Is 13 years old. Mrs. Hen
derson died several years ago.
Xew May Record Arrived
Kdison disk and cylinder rec
ords for May arrivd. Geo. C. Will,
mnfic dealer. :Adv.
"The PasKion Play"
At Oberammergau in pictures
at the First Congregational church
this evening. The people of the
village are discussing the revival
of the play in the near future.
All the Latent Fabrics
Will be found in our assort
ment. Mosher, the tailor to men
and women. Adv
County Road Signs Come
The county road signs pur
chased by the Marlon County Fed
eration of Community clubs have
been received and yesterday wer6
turned over to the county court
for erection. The s'gns are or
steel, with the letters brazed on,
Manager T. E. McCroskey of the
Commercial clab yesterday we&f
over a county road map and indi
cated the points where the sign
will be erected. ...
Where Do You Uve"- -
And "Finding the Pearl of
Greatest Price", will be Dr. Kan
ner's sermon topics today. Adv.
Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Graber Arfl
the parents of a baby daughter,
who arrived yesterday at the Dea
coness hospital. She has been
named Jeanette Lois
The Regular Monthly Meeting
Of the Marion County Logan
berry Growers will be held , at
Grange hall on Court street' at
2:30 p. m.. Saturday, April 30.
AH loganberry growers are invit
ed. A. M. Chaoman. chairman.
Artisans Dance, Armory-
Friday eve.. Apl. 29. Adm., in
cluding tax, $1.10 per couple;
Administrator Removed
An order granting to Thomas
Isaac James the right to adminis
ter the estate of Charles Edward
James, deceased, has been re
voked by the county court. A pe
tition filed by Myrtle Adams,
mother of the deceased, for the
appointment of administratrix, of
the estate, is the cause of objec
tions filed yesterday by T. I.
Thomas through his attorney.
Various reasons were cited as to
the cause of objection and Thomas
has been given until Monday to
prepare them for the court.
WURM At her home in West
Salem, at 7:30 o'clock Satur
day night, Martha Wurm, aged
58 years. She has been a res-
ident of Salem about 10 years,
coming here from Tennessee.
Announcement of the funeral,
which will be held from Webb
ft Clough chapel, will be made
The funeral of James B Shanks
who died Thursday night at his
home in this city, will be 'held on
Monday at 2 o'clock from .the
Webb ft Clough chapel. Inters
ment will be in City View ceme
tery. Rev. W. T. Millikin will
be in charge.
Webb & Clough
Co. I
Funeral Directors I
Leading Morticians ; ;
Mrs, Bates Heads Big De
partment in Salem Meth
odist Sunday School
Mrs. Minnie Marry Hates is su
perintendent of the junior depart
ment of the First Methodist Epis
copal Sunday school in Salem.
There are 11, teachers and about
100 pupils. On Thursday evening
next the Juniors will have part in
the program in connection with
the usual Thursday evening meet
ing. Mrs. Rates will have classes at
the Epwortb League institutes at
Ashland, July 18 to 24 and at
Jefferson, July 26 to 31 and will
(I tsr ii as junior league methods.
ReV, nialne K. Klrkpatrirk is the
new president and Dr. E. S. Ham
mond will discuss "Methodism."
(Continued from page 1)
the several posts for the necessary
. Appeals were made in behalf of
the disabled veterans in the dif
ferent towns of the state who are
not being properly taken care of
and a committee was ordered to
take th s matter up. There are
about 200 disabled veterans in
Corvallis, and the commander of
the Corvallis post was directed to
name a special committee to look
out for their rights.
The only real contest of the
session waa over the posit on of
state commander. Portland is the
parent post and had been instru
mental in Organizing the outside
posts, so that position was con
ceded to Portland for the first
time, and a warm fight developed
between Judge Richard Deich ot
Portland and James McCarren of
Portland, formerly an auditor for
the state industrial accident com
mission. The Portland delegates
pllt and it was necessary for the
outside delegates to settle the
matter. McCarren has been one of
the most active members of the
Veterans of Foreign wars since its
organization, and was the second
commander of Over-the-Top post
3? Portland. McCarren was large
ly responsible for the organization
of the Salem post, and assisted in
its installation.
Vls'torw Banquetted.
The hall of representatives at
the state capitol was placed at the
disposal of the veterans by Secre
tary of State Kozer. who had both
the hall and the rotunda decorat
ed in the national colors for the
occasion. He was given a vote of
thanks for his courtesy.
At the noon hour the visitors
were entertained at luncheon in
the banquet room of the Hotel
Marion, the members of Marion
post acting as hosts. Col. Carle
Abrams acted as toastmaster and
called upon Col. John L. May of
Portland, Bolton Hamble' of Sa
lem. Dr. J. C. Booth of Lebanon.
James Walsh of Portland. Com
manders Hagerman of Salem, the
commanders of all of the outside
po3ts represented, and the two
cand dates for department com
mander. Judge Deich and James
Strength comes from well di
gested and thoroughly assimilated
food. Hood's Sarsaparilla tones
the digestive organs and thns
builds up the strength. If you are
getting "run down." begin taking
Hood's at once. It gives nerve,
mental and digestive strength.
Adv. f
W. P. Emery of the Waldo
hills was at the court hons yes
terday on legal business.
V. M. LaDue, a fruit prower ot
Hollowood. was conferring with
S. If. Van Trump, county fruit in
spector on Saturday.
Fred Kline of the Scotts Mills
Mt. Angel section was attending
to road business yesterday at the
county court.
W. A. White of Vader. Wash.,
is a guest at the home of h!s niec
Mrs. J. T. Hunt.
Lloyd Pinkerton of Douglea
county, an extensive wool growr
was in Salem on business Satur
day. Mr. and Mrs. Marion S. Hunt
of Sublimity were fn Salem yester
dav on business.
P. N. Smith and A. Wolf of Mt
Angel were transacting business
at the court house yesterday.
Knute Anderson, a farmer liv
ing west of Liberty, waa a visitor
in the city yesterday.
Judge George G. Blng'iam wes
in Albany Friday and Saturday
attending to some court cases
Mrs. Etta Bradford, matron of
h Y. W. C. A... has gone to Port
land to spend a few days vacation
later planning to go to Eugene to
visit with her son. Don Bradford,
a student at Univers ty of Oregon.
She will be gone from her work
for abont two weeks.
Letter Written to Oregc
Delegation Urging Anti
Japanese Measure
Governor Olcott yesterday sent
a letter to members of the Oregon
delegation in congress expressing
the hop? that congress will take
action for a rigid exclusion of Ja
The governor writes:
"This office is in receipt of a
communication from the Hon.
W.lliam D. Stephens, governor of
California, in which he urges that
I write to each of our state dele
gation in Washington asking their
co-operation with the California
delegation In an effort to secure
absolute exclusion of Japanese
mmigration under condit'ons
which will save any rAl humilia
tion to Japan and will make for
peace now and permanent friend
ship hereafter between this coun
try and Japan.
"1 feel vrry strongly upon this
Japanese question and made as
urgent an appeal as I knew how
to the recent legislature for pro
per legislat'on dealing with the
subject. While such leg station
was not enacted I do sincerely
hope that the federal government
will take a strong position in thin
matter and insist noon rigid ex
clusion which. T bflieve. must
eventually be the satisfactory so
lution of th s great problem."
(Continued Trom page 1)
Turning to Raymond Clark,
foreman on a construction Job in
the vicinity, of the explosion,
Smith asked if that description
ntted the man that Clark had
wen shortly after the blast.
Clark, who also went to Scranton
today to see if he could recognize
Ligi. but who failed to do so, ad
mitted that the general descrip
tion fitted the man who, a few
moments after the explosion, had
rushed up to him and shouted:
"My God, my horse has been
Smith said the other man stand
by the wagon was taller and get
'er dressed. This man, whom he
'dentlfied as Ligi, was wrangling,
he said, with th smaller man ap
parently trying to induce him to
'eave the neighborhood. "The
shorter man," Smith added, "ap
parently did not want to go. I
thought they were going to fight
ind I stayed around a moment,
but there was no fight and I went
on, turning up Nassau street.
Three Mon Fled.
"Just after I passed the corner
-f Nassau and Cedar streets, I
beard the explosion. I turned to
o back to.AVall street, bnt was
stopped by the rush of people
fleeing up Nassau street. Run
ning by me In the crowd I saw
three men going westward in Ce
1ar street toward Broadway and
one of them was the man I had
seen wrangling with, the wagon
driver. Neither of the two men
with him, however, was the driv
er. "One of Ligi's companions was
in Italian about five feet, eight
inches, fairly well .built. The
Mher also appeared to be an
Italian and was about five feet
ix. He had a stubby black mous
tache. The man who had been
with the driver was urging these
two men along.
"I noticed that the voice was
the same as that of the man I
ha'dj heard, wrangling with the
wagon driver and when I looked
ft was the same man."
Confronting Ligi this afternoon
Smith again made a test of the
prisoner's voice. When Ligi de
nied he had ever seen Smith, the
insurance man declared the voice
apparently was the same he had
heard, both before the explosion
and a few minutes after. Ligi
is being hld in $10,000 bail here
for appearance before a federal,
court in Harrisburg May 2. on a
charge of evading the draft.
Suicide Causen Interest.
NEW YORK. April 23 Two
sharp - developments marked to
day the search for the prepetrat
ors of the Wall street? bemb ex
plosion last September.
In Scranton, Pa.. Tilio Ligi
loves a lady who loves
a hobby and when he pur
sues her troubles pursue
him. Yet he overcomes
everything in his inimi
table way and 'the nuf
proves to be a real red-
blooded maa-
was positively identified -as ajman
seen talking to tbe "driver of the
death - wagbn shortly before'; the
tragedy, by Thomas J. Smith, of
Brooklyn employed in the legal
department of an insurance com
lanv in Manhattan.
The other Incident thaf caiised
unusual police activity wast the
suicide of Adolph La Sar. ."7 years
old. in his furnished room in
Prooklyn. In an incoherent diary
mentioning half a dozen nsnies of
men in Xew York and Chicago,
was written : .-
"They furnished the wagon
load of T. N. T. with which I
blew up Wall street."
Close examination of the man's
effects and inquiry into his hab
its while in the IJrooklyn bduss,
convinced the police tonightthat
the suicide was mentally dej'ang
fil, and none of the evidence as
sociated him with the crime;
Thre- wills, leavlnp his Cloth
ing and a few personal effects to
persons who could not be looted,
were among the papers, lit an
other note to his landlady he
said he was "leaving for a bftter
world." ' i
Wagon Hit By Aufn
A. F. Bailey. 1800 Commrcal wh le driving a teamwith
a load of lumber yesterday otit of
the Spalding lumber yard in
turning north on Front street,
was struck by an automobile
driven by James Miles of route 1,
Mr. Miles was traveling west on
State street and in turning north
on Front street, in order to evade
a collision with another car drove
too elose to the load of lumber
i.ura ty no serious damage Mwas
done. il
Established 18G8
General Ranking Business
n 6! . .
; 15
Office Hours frjeim 10 a. m. to 3 p. m.
. Ill
This Is Gold" Weather
'April showers brin& May flowers," they also bring
colds and coughs. Thesljcolds and coughs should not
be neglected. At the first sneeze take SCHAEFER'5
COLD TABLETS arid if ! you have let the cold reach
tne coughing stage take;
Schaef ef sj Drug Store
Sole agents for Garden Court Preparations
Commercial Stiff
are the cause for most our progress. -,'
Elias Howe's dissatisfaction produced the sewing ma
chine. jj
Wright's dissatisfaction with the ways and means of
. travel gave us the-flying machine. -;.r;
Perhaps you too are dissatisfied with your glasses or
. . eyesight. . - :
A progressive step forward would be to have your eyes
examined by our specialist.
Our glasses will SATISFY you. in efficiency and ap
pearances. pi
Jewelers land Opticians
Monday, April 25, 1921
554 Ferry Street, Salem, Or., 1 p. fn.
ii - . -"7 ;
15 Head of good young Horses, well broke to wbtk.
Weight from 1,100 to 1,500 pounds. Matched teams
and single horses A
These horses are all ready: for hard work and will be
sold to highest bidder
Terms Six months time will be given on bankable
notes with approved security, at 8 per cent interest.
; Horses have 'been bred
Cleaning, Pressing; Repairing
First Class Work Guaranteed
Merchant Tailor
Suits Made to Order
294 North Commercial Street,
We have shown
that we are aklll-i
ful and diplomat
ically efficient.
We carry out the
plans ot our cli
ents in a . way
that brings com
fort to them. We
faithfully per
form every pro
fessional obliga
tion. , 1 ; 1,1
-I' un Statesman Classified Ads
l A
Clean Coal and
Cleanly DeliVered
We hare It for tboso " Vb
need it. Our coal Is what wt
are forced to rail unusual, out
- .tie or.iiairy grades becausi
' : nays us better to car
ry it. and our customers get
more real monetary satisfaction
by using it. It lasts longer'and
Buves you money.
'. i A
Lung Balsam. -
Phone 197
:. -i.
. , . Auctioneer
404 Ferry Street, Salem, Ore.
on owners ranch in Oregon
m faithfully per-
form every pro- jl
fessional obllga- j
tlon. U
-A fa