The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, April 24, 1921, Page 15, Image 15

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at Fsal'l fhcmrketa and fhtirrh
, Mtt sirvirrs for the fourth Sunday
flar Eutr:,(' am., holy roinmun
fa!- t:S5 a.m.,, rburrh school and m
fZmtimm Inatrurtion : 11 tn.. innrniiig
" rr and arnnnn. No awming ai-rvirw.
Ew7bcd wrkome. Cli.rlf, 11. Iwi!.
rselor. ; ,
:j-adinar" r'tfttntli and Mill
U. Hrrrire at 11 orlivk, whrn
tLtr i-iod " pr' '. Hunday s.hool
iT 18 Rv. I 11wmI. torint-ndnt.
All iiaBdinaviain are rordialy invited
te attend.
iarae' :3 P m- nKr and Intermr
ilaiiLMf: 7:3,1 P-m- rmon "Th
Twe BeaeV' Taeaday (-vming the las
awttias f " 'rork rlul thia sprine
HsfcoP Hhrrd will l.e the apeasrr
Taarsdar, P ra- -hur. h uum st-r
' VK- .
jsses) Memorial Winter n.l Jf
inwam strrrta, Thomas Ach-on, setor
u-a are fled o announrf to the pnljlir
tj"t e Saaday. : April 24th. thia rhnr. li
ari'l wry. full prorram of ri'lixiou
a-erabia far th day. rlnsinnin at :4S
Hi tb asorainft- we shall have onr Nua-
' day acae! beur. Our arhool progren
it and pp lay with young ail old
alike. Can and join ua in our furirard
,l-p rampaian. I I a.m.. I'iMir .t
hia. 'Th Purpose of Prnteroat i the
subject of the sermon. At 3 p.m. Miss
rae Tylrr will meet the Junior l.-rtue.
the direction of Prof. Clarke both morn
meet with th league fo Important
mH Adult league membem will meet
at 6 '30 p.m. Young people arr ro'iii.illy
laTited. At 7:30 pm. puhlie wt.-xhip-
aHooTof nen. wodmsb. children.
jTkll N- hair w W
Se. ei -fter Uldn. Get . box
KoTALICOt Mf busy dmff
kIlcaCBC-4g. S. X. Ww York
... .
ick Brothers'
7 Used Car
Buick Roadster
Maxwell Touring.
Maxwell Touring
Oakland Touring
Oakland Touring. $1100
Ford Tpuring. .$350
Ford Delivery .$200
. - All the above priced for immediate sale
V Our tube repairing is done by steam vul
canizing the life is kept in the rubber,
v. we make the tube a sound whole. For
satisfaction complete, send your work
. here.
1 The Home of Kay Ualteries
291 N. Commercial St. Phone 787
laiil.jert. ',Xature-a Cat Sralenl. There
will be aperial muaie by tbe vh'Mr under
I the n i rw-t vi n ..f Y. . 1 1 . t
. ivi. rf i.iorn-
in' and ereamg A aermonette lor
oung Deople will l.e f,.i..
j trrvire. The i.ubln- 'i a Wita
wi'irome to our aervirea. We invit. all
no ran to worahip with ua in Hun .lav
fo'f'', Pravrr and bil.le inet-tin
on Wednesday evening at 7:'H. Noiiie!
May lt the erenmg rkr will bo
rhanged bik till 8 o'rloek.
I.ealie Methodiat South imn-r. lal
and Meyer Htreeta. Hour Aldriih
paator. 9:45 a.m.. ' Sun l.iv a. ho l. K
A. Kholen. aiiperiutendenl : II am pub
lic wrliii, with aeruwii ! paator.
"In What lid JesiiMi (ilorii" The
rhoir will aiiiK Praire Ye The Lord. ' '
Halm. The oilertory aolo. -'Bevond the
V"Wi?' vi ?,nd,'r',on- 'ill aung by
r It. Mrlntirr. Junior I.eitKue :i p m
Kpworih League 6:30 p.m. Kvening
grayer and THion br the paMnr at
.:3i p.m. The rhoir will aing "Savior
Breath an Kvemng Bleaaing. - Krati
with aolo by Kenneth Rogers.
firt t'hriatian Center and High
r. et. J. J. Krana. paator. The rhur h
haa been open daring the dar and
evening of the paat week on ar.ount of
the varied activities of the many de
partments of the congregation. The con
tinued growth of the church U noted
by the worker, aeceaainna to the mem
bership being made each week. A new
bapliatry beautiful and modern in , sign
haa been installed and will be ted for
the first time thia evening. The pastor
will speak on "Tbe Iestrnctiven-sa of
the .np-l. " at the evenina servo e
Special mnsie at all the services. Th
Bible school opens at 9:4.". This ia
an important factor in the civic and re
ligioua life of the communitv, applying
as it doea the Bible standards to dailv
living Old and young will find the
hour moat profitable A welcome for
all. The young people, intermediate and
senior agea, meet at 6:30.
Court Street Christian North Seven
teenth and Court streets Come, this
i the lord a day. Begin it right hv
being prompt at Bible School at :4i
a ra. lo you remember how many there
were present last time. Rome school,
was it notf That ia fine. Jet ua continue
to loost until we have o make more
room. K. II. Flake ia right on th job
and so are we. Come and see. Coma
with your basket-dinner prepared to go
to Hilverton after the morning servic
A big crowd is going. If weather ia
favorable Brother Newton will take hia
truck, so there will be room for ail who
bav no other way to go. Broth. r Rot
will preach in the afternoon. Our Junior
ia growing. They meet right after com
mnniou aervice each week. The paator
I. as message for all thia morning. If
you beard the sermon laat tin-, we know
von will want to bear tbia one. J??ra.n
Ko ? "Building In Christ " tn t ern-e-
dia-c C.E. :30 p.m.: Senior C.K. 6 .
p.m. Kine topica and good live disc ih
nuns Song service and srmon 7 .in
p.m. ' Who ia Yonr Attorney." Yoi
want to hear tnia srru . n ii.. ..Uv
pin.. Bible school monthly roof-rence.
All those intereated in school are uriced
to be present. Our Thursdav night
school ia attracting much atlrntion
fine attrndauce' last time. The program
(hia week ii aa follows: preacher s class
7 p.m.. also at thia time prayer meeting
with topic and leader: ?::. pin. tea-n-i
training class with K. Morton, teacher.
This class is just starting ami vou want
to get in on it. "The Teacher." by
Weigle. is the text: M pm. idol., .too
by lastor: 8:30 p.m.. practical workers'
lass and drill in public speaking Choir
practice Friday 7:30 p.m. Come and
you will alwaa find a welcome with us.
K L. Putnam, pastor.
Central Congregational Somh Nine
leenth and Kerry streets, . f. Stover,
minister The rhurch school meets at
H am. Mrs B. K. Kdwards. super in
ti-ndent. A hero tale Irora the frontier
by Miss Althea Dorks; a piano solo by
Maxine (.lover, and an adores bv the
pastor at II am. Christian endeavor
at 6:45 p.m. Evenig service at 7:30
p.m. Sermon on "Hitch Your Wagon
to a Star." Anthem, "O Could I
Speak. ' Ira li Wilaon; trio. "My Jesus,
I Love Thee," arranged by Thomas
Koschat. Miss Atthea Imrks. Miss Mar
low Miller aud Mr. Klbert Ichellc
First Congregational I.iliertv and
t enter streets. V. C. Kantner. minister
1" a.m.. Sunday school with classes for
all under competent teachers, W f.
Staley. auperintendent : 11 am, "Where
00 ou Livef": 6:30 p ni. Christian
endeavor, interesting meeting; leader
treorge White; 7:30 p.m., "Finding the
1 earl of (ireatest Price.- ' After this
address "The Passion Play" in a series
of beautiful colored pictures will be
shown. A cordial invitation to all.
Highland Frienda Bible School at lo
a.m.. Clifton Koss, auperintendent We
have a good school with classes for all
agea and grades. Morning worship and
preaching at 11. Y'oung people's C. E
meetmg at 7 and preaching at o pin.
Ti h"Te Ple'i, m"' quartet who
will aing at the evening service, a selec
tion entitled "Secret Prayer." bv Town
er. Young people's prayer marling on
Tneaday at 7:3o p.m. Mrs l-ee will
give aperial Bible lesson. Mid week
prayer meeting on Thursday at H p.m.
if you are interested in the salvation
of others, eome and assist us in our
efforts : if you have a apir.tual need,
come and let ua help you. A cordial
welcome to all I. G. and Ida J. Lee
Evangelical Lutheran Kast Slate and
Eighteenth streets; Sunday school at
8:45 a.m.; divine aervice at 10:30 am.
A class of catechumens will be confirmed
Evening at 7:30 p.m. Visitors are wel
come. Geo. Koehler, paator.
First t nited Brethren Yew, Park
Bible achool at 10 a.m., John F. Thomp
aon, supenirtendent. C'laasea for all ages
and competent teachers. We believe it
ia better to study the Bible on Sunday,
at least for one hour, than go fiabing,
evenr for speckled trout. Tbe preacher
will talk about "God and the Church"
at 11 a m. The Junior C.E. will hold
their meeting at the same hour in the
parlor of the parsonage. Celia Bums.
Etta Gobler and Mrs. Wirkixer, super
intendents. The senior C.E. will meet at
7 p.m., Marvin Wells, preaident. Gospel
sermon at t p.m. Mid week prayer meet
ing on Wednesday evening at 7:30
o'clock. C. W. Corby, pastor.
State Hospital 9 am. Rev. F. W.
I.auner; Feeble Minded Institute. ( a.m.,
Enaign Jesse Roe; Ieaf School. 2:15 p.m..
Rev. R. L. Putnam: Girls Trainint
Hchoiol. 2:30 p in.. Rev. A. Iughridge;
Tuberculosis Hospital. 3:15 p.m.. Kev.
J. J. Evans.
First Baptist William T. Milliken.
D.D.. paator. Men'a and won en' prrei
neeting at 9:30. H. E. Hewitt, superin
tendent. Morning worship at 1 1 : sermon
"The Great Captivity"; evening wrrnhip
t 7:30; sermon "Remorse." Senior
B.Y.P.f. at 6:30. leader Miss Mildred
Trindle; topic, "The American lluptiat
Foreign Missionary . Society": serend
division topic "The Growth of the Bilile"
leader, Helene Gregg : intermeiil ite div
is ion. Kenneth Hewitt, leader; tf.pic.
"l.ot Without Christ." On Monday
evening at 7:30 rlass in new normal
manual and at H IS rlass in It Y P.I'
manual, both taught by the pastor. Vis
tors welcome at all services.
First Cburch 410 Chnuektti street
At 11 a.m.. Bible lesson, subi-ct. "Pro
hation After Ieath." Suixl.r. school ai
9:45 a.m. Wednesday evening, testimon
ia! meeting at x o'clock. Itepilir- room,
209 Masonic Temple, jpen every day
xrept holidays and Sundays from 1 1.1"'
to 5 p m. All are rordi.illv ,nvit I to
our service and to our reading room.
Mrs. May Cumminsky Bliss n i'ikt in
Sunday, April 24tb. 10:. 10 am., n the
Fargo Methodist Church. If you live
near either church hear thia exi-eltnt
address. J. Stanford Mour?, minister.
"Antichrist Ilia mark; hia number
and his name The beast of Revelation
identified." We are told to "count the
number of the beast." Evangelist Bell
will couut the number and show i: is
"The number of his name" and that "it
is the number of a man" the Anti
Christ of Prophecy. Come and hear and
see the number 6f6 counted. It t
counted in the name of the beast of
revelations, 13. Tonight at 7:3o m the
I'nioo Hall. Court Street, near High.
13l North Church street. J. J Gil
lespie. pastor. Sunday school 10 am
Good spiritual teachers for all grades
of arholara. Come and bring your child
ren to Sunday school. Preaching service
at 11 a.m. Y'oung people's meeting at
H:30 p.m. and preaching following at
7:311. Regular Wednesday evening
prayer meeting 7:30. Come and rujoy
the aervjees with its.
1", South Commercial street, upstair
Services 2 p m. and 7:3. Everybody!
is welcome, bring the sick. No collec
Preaching services at 1 1 o'clock and at
:,U p tn. bv Rev L. Myron BooKer of
Corvallis Sunday school at 9: 45 a.m.
Joseph II. Albert, superintendent. Y.
PS.C.K. at :30 p.m. Praver meeting
Thursday evening at 7:30. All are earn
estly invited to attend these meetings.
"So you wish to leave to eet
married Mary? I hope you. hire
given ihe matter serious consider
ation." "IOh. have, s r." was the earn
est reply. "I have been to two for
tune tellers and a clairvoyant, and
looked in the sign book, and
dreamed on a lock of his hair, and
have been to one of those asterrol-
OKers. and to a meejum. and they
all tell me to go ahead, sir. I aln t
one to marry reckless like, sir."
100 fine residence lots all In
a body in a platted addition
to Salem, only $37.50 each
This is a snap that won't last
341 State St. Salem, Oregon
One Hundred Dollars Highest
Price For Human Being
In Morocco
MKLILUI. Morrocco, April 2!.
Slavery and trading in slaves
st'U flcur sh in the ii;iconiiiero1
districts of both the Krencn ana
Spanish zones o Morocco. Tlierv
have been stories that s me of
the slaves are wh'te people biif
these reports arc not borne out .'j
Threats by the turbti'eni Moor.--of
the Kill coast to sell m o iiv
ery a Spanish sailor boy, Francis
co Sallud, unless his faiher with
whom he had been wrecked and
captured paid a ransom of 4'uw
pesetas, Wd the Arabia led Press
correspondent to make an inquiry
nto the (turst on of the cxImiMiev
of enslaved while peop.e in noritij
orn Amta.
The result of his inquiries
shows that of recent yezrs In
stances of white people bing b ld
into slavery have been very rare,
but there are slave markets for
the sale and purchase o' colored
people in the districts to which
French or Spanish rule have not
The traffic varies accord ng to
the eiTncm c situation of the
tribesmen who, when I hey are in
funds, do not hesitate to give high
prices for slaves to be used as
servants. Slaves so purchased
become personal property of the
family into which Ihey are bought
and are disposed of by testament
when the proprietor dies.
However, it is customary for
the purchaser to make formal
igreement before a competent le
gal authority to grant his slave
hia liberty on hia master's death,
when the heirs hava to 51 ve up
all claim and at the sime time to
allow the liberated slave to live
on and cultivate any portion ot
his dead master's land which may
have been lett to him as one o
the family.
A slave owner may give h
slave a wife from among his oth
er slaves bought in the name way
and the children of these mar
riages become slaves or the same
owner unless he has signed tte
agreernt already mentioned in
connection with their parents.
The prices paid for slaves vary
considerably. Generally the aite is
the chief consideration but. girl
slaves, beauty calls for the high
est prices. Seven hundred and
fifty pesetas (about $100 at the
present rate of exchange) is
about the maximum figure ever
paid and this is only in the case
o' a, very young and handsome
girl. Should the human mer
chandise have passed the age
of 35 or 40. the price paid is
round about 4 00 pesetas, never
All purchases are made condi
tionally on the slaveB proving sat
isfactory. A close examination is
made of the slave's mouth to see
whether lie or she possesses a
complete s'?t of teeth. Proofs
are required that the slave is
neither weak-s'ghted nor deaf and
dumb, while limbs are tested and
muscles tried and every part of
the botiy nubjected to minute in
spection in order to discover phy
sical defects.
For women slaves three days'
trial of their domestic aptitudes
is demanded before the purchase
is completed.
Such are the conditions of the
slave trade in Morocco at the
present day, and this Is the tate
from which Francisco Sallud es
aped, probably by the payment o'
part of the ransom demanded, al
though exact information as to
the transaction is unavailable
Travelers Are Obliged to Pay
Sums of Money
To Swindlers
COXSTAXTINrrvLE. April 12.
Swindling travelers in connection
with passport vioes has become
one of the favorite means of live
lihood of minor officials in th
Orient and Balkan countries.
Mrs. J. H. K. Polly, wife of an
American business man living in
The foor ranroaa BratBrbica tra
eootewt rnraJ war rtSaetioasf wy
rotas before tbe Raalrera Labor
Board and "abewtnt tbrrv aj
orUce te the action." aeeoraltsxc
W. 8. Carter, of OevetaaA, Caausx
sfho sa preavMeat of tbe Di eOiufcaiil
'" Jr
f LoaomotiTa rtremeo aa
J' j!
I (e-wi ii
V a. ' A ht,
ft- .
I I V'- - .;..t.(.?fj - 1 1
j iil -Jkw J j
' plain Eniannel J. Oppcnheimer tbe oldest veteran of
American wars. lie just celebrated his 100th birthday, and
as a firesent a pold medal was piven him bj tbe Arponne
Ptmt of the American Tepion Id New York citj. CaptafD Op
penlieimer took part in the Mexican war and is a shoemaker.
With him in the picture is bis granddaughter.
London, was recently a victim of
this fraud while traveling on the
Orient exprcFs. running from here
'.o Paris. When the train was
lassing from Bulgaria into Ser
bia, at 2 o'clock in the morning,
an official in uniform represent
ing himself as a t.rb inspector,
demanded to see her passports,
informed ber that the vise ob
tained at the Serb legation in
Constantinople was invalid and
ordered her to leave the tra'n
After protestations, he consented
to accept 135 to let her continue
her journey. She had already
paid $30 for vises of her pass
" Uefore leaving Constantinople
many travelers are obliged to give
large sums to get vises which
biter .may be declared invalid in
i his manner.
Since rerugees from Russia are
not wanted in other countries,
where they may become public
charges, few passports are grant
ed them otlcially. but they are
furnished with proper papers for
vume ranging from $20 to $100.
As these refugees are poor, they
are often obliged to spend all but
Iheir traveling expenses for vises.
Another lorm or swindle re-
f ...... . rtAnAfil I.1 1 1 r n r.f i n 1nu"a
TllltS 1IWIII hvlltl m uuiuyian " "
... . !
against taking large sums oi su
rer, gold or paper money of a
given country into another.
To prevent such traffic, gov
ernments place officials at fron
tiers who demand of each travel
er the sum cf foreign cash on his
person. If he declares anything
above the equivalent of $70, or
some such modest sum, it is taken
and a receipt given which he may
cash in money of the country on
leaving it. Sometimes the inspec
tor merely pockets the money, or
will take a bribe to let the travel
er pioceed with all his cash.
Americans of experience havr
adopted the plan of carrying only
checks or drafts and thus avoid
this annoyance.
" Thc'oldst form oi travel swin
dle takes the form of trains stop
ping, due to lac of coal. Then
the train crew Hays cards until
ihe passengers t:il. up a collec
tion with which M buy coal. Tri
swindle ha been tmprpvtd u;".
An official takes up tickets. .iwl
then n second offirvl. whi !
nomcep he first one s.h a fraud,
makes the passengers pay a sec
ond time. This is confined to
1 cal trains.
iiotxn Ftin KEHIJX
The Germans, according to of
ficers from overseas, were more
afraid of the American colored
iroops than any others. When it
Wa have just added this
line of world renowned
kodaks and supplies to
our stock.
Bring Your Films
to Us
All developing and print
ing work absolutely
163 N. Com-l St.. Salem
I'hone 64
came to close fighting, the darkey
was there with both feet, a bay
onet and a razor. As one officer
just returned, expressed it:
"The black boys in the trench
es and camps were mighty frank
in saying that they wished they
were a long way from France, and
Electrolytic Charger
Charges Battery From
Ford Magneto
Kasilr attached and ruarant4
to: Keep storage li.-ittery ohargfd;
make motor run Wttrr; help mxg
ncto: mtkr better headlights.
Hundreds in use. Price 10 Send
n'onpy order. If you have no
Kittery. we fnmiah romplete out
fit for fS4.RV ineludinf battery,
complete wiring euipment, switehes, and attachments and Wiz
ard clmrcer.
171 S. Commercial St.. Salem
listrilutor for Marion t'ounty
A story written by a child
Dead Mr. Pony Editor. A long
time ago I receired a letter from
yon asking me for a snapshot of
myself and my pony Midget. I In
tended to send you one before this,
liut. as 1 don't like riding horse
back, I have been waiting for the
buggy that my father and two
other men were making for me.
and they did not get it finished
until a few days ago, as they had
A " - t
Send in your nomination and be one of the children to secure for your very own a mag
nificent little Shetland pony, to keep and en joy as long as ybii like. Over. 100 ponies and
outfits have already been won by boys and girls. Nominations are free Mail yours in
today. Watch for another pony story tomorrow. ; .
Pony Contest Editor,
Statesman Publishing Co.,
Salem, Oregon.
Please, register my name as a contestant in The
with 6000 votes. I have read the rules of the contest
Contestant's Name
This blank properly
return man.
Construction Begun Before
War Will Be Fin
ished Now
GENEVA, Mar. 26 The
ond Simplon tunnel under
Yips between Switzerland
taly will be completed ' by
the and
nd of July, engineers say
oad traffic will be diverted
hrough it immediately and ',re
lalrs made in the first tunnel,
opened 20 years ago. Both will
be used some time in 1922. :
The first tunnel, 12 i miJes
long, cost 2.940,000 pounds. The
new bore will cost only about
one-third that amount. Construc
tion was begun before the war but
work mas abandoned because the
workmen were nearly all mobil
ized. Half-way through subter
ranean boiling springs were un
covered and many workmen were
Wiled. 11
nothing in the world made thm
so frightened as to do guard duty.
If a German, wrapped in a white
sheet, had stolen up on them, the
sambos would have stampeded.;
"But in actual fighting, they
were invincible, and their spirit
was epltomired by a darkey in .a
New York contingent. Tse from
N'Yawk,' he stated, 'and dese Gil
mans done gwine find us tough
customers. Why, boas, de part pb
N'Yawk I come from am so tough
the canary birds sings bass.' "
You Have
to Expect' More
than ordinary pasting poUver frofti an Exide
Battery. 7 ; ' f'
' It was the first automobile battery, as it
was in central station and other fields, long
before automobiles were inVente'd. ?
The Exide fdr your car is the result of
experience gained in every field by the oldest
and largest makers of storage batteries in the
world. tr:-, ..vf. ,';:-:;;:.
R. D.
171 C rmmAt1 CI
ai a sj. vviiiiuciiiai ui.
"Wizard" Charges a Battery From Your Ford Magneto
Cinderella,, Harness and Btrjgy
who won a Shetland pony in a former pony contest
j some trouble getting the iron for
l mo irame.
I am enclosing a snapshot taken
of myself, my younger brother and
Midget by a boy in our town who
has a camera, and I think you will
agree with me that a buggy like
this is worth while waiting for.
I am also sending you a snap
of, my brother and myself, with
Midget hitched to a dray wagon
wh ch my father made for us,
I certainly enjoy having Midget
and would not be without hint for
anything, and am anxiously wait
ing for him to get a little older, so
Next Distribution of Ponies
filled out brings you further
You Get There
Quickly 'for Week-Znd
Don't waste Saturday afterrioons
waiting for trains that get you
to the camping grounds at dark.
Go to the out-of-the-way potaTand
arrive there while the afternoon ia still
young. Pile your luggage Into a
sidecar outfit. No carrying of luggage
to and from depots and your home.
Start your journey t your doorstep,
cut hours from the traveling time and
add them to fishing and the other sports
of week-end campmf.
Are you missing those "joy-epota" m
your life those week-end trip? Why
not start them now with Harley
Davidson? Came in and talk H over
and inspect the new machines. No
. "The Cycle Man
147 South Commercial Street
: - ' . ' ''V "' ".
la Right
' '
Phone 1101
that I will be able to drire him
y If you should know of any place
where I could get a little mare
pony to match Midget in s'se. I
wish you would let my father
know as be would like to get one
for my brother John. .The color
Would not matter as Ions as the
slz Is right. . !
i,i Hoping this Is not too late' for
tbe pictures, and thanking yonr
paper for the opportunity they
gave me to win my pony, I. ara
your truly, -
Jdne 25th
: 'A
Pony Contest and credit me
afcftj agree to same. - I . s
' W ' '.'v. '' .''ii- '
i ',Ai - . ' vr .
information, ahd. supplies byi
! V