THE OREGON STATESf AN. SAtEM. OREGON (t,.ii 7 ii 7 n --- -" vuuuun - - L'viia v uiiuNiuii 'A Dull in inn CLA.BMXTZZB AXXTT.VtlT3ttn Rat tmt Word per tartlo i U Sfl ThrM ineeniou rw. Mk ( insertion)... -dOo Bit B9th' eootraet, per ao... li ssonthe' eoatreet. V aliaiaaaat foe u; l4ftlMBl 2S f NORWICH UNION FIRK INSURANCE SOCIETY TblelMm Koland A Bunthrdt Resident Agent 871 Hutte Hu MONEY TO LOAN Oo Real Estate T. K. FORD (Over ladd A Bush Bank) farm loans hawkins"1Troberts 204-207 Oregon Building OUR OFFERINGS jrf home Including m of the iflnest in me city. karms and acreage ta complete, fi LAFLAR LAFLAR .401-7 Oregon Bldg. Phno 1644 NEW TODAY iSKXD BILL OK LUMBER FOK HOUSE, i brn. ahed or fence you wiah to butM; aifb aradc. ouni lumber. J kmc at. Moor. Route I. B 81. Htaytou, Ore XXwH KKNT ONE ROOM CJTTAOK r ?lith hot water heat and lavatory; with hot mil eoio waier. Aleiandria, phoae 1280, 1030 Chenie eta Ht. YIHNO MAM WASTn BOARD IS 0R SALE 1 RABBITS FOR $9 AND I llarley Davidson motorcycle, rtieap. 1440 S. Front. FOR SALE 138 HEAD OF 8HROP- aaira tneep vim vwi vis, mu at 98 per bead. Daniel Dunn, Jef ferson. yOK SALE 1918 FORD TOI RIXO: lota of extraa; good rubber; new paint, i Phooa 794. TOR SALE MODERN a-ROOM HOUSE 1 Toa South Fifteenth street ; garage, ' ;lot 60x1 SO. Prieo $4,500. OeJ ! terms. Kroegfr, 209 OregoB Bldf. t-6R SALE OOOD 6ROOM BUNGA I low on paved street. A good buy at t4 200. Tern-s. la north Salem, r'a'f'r, 209 Oregon Bldg. WASTED BY FRIDAY COAL OR feeroseaa burning brooder. SOU to &HI rapacity. State price and condition, i Address, "Me," Stateamaa office. THERE IS A REASON FOR IX8URINO wita taa uregoa r ir iwim ah m. It offers yea first of all sound pro tection, secondly personal service of 1U local ageau and noma effioea, and lastly b low cost policy. See Ktaad ley k Foley, Agta.. Roesa 2. Bush Bank Bldg. Phone 847. WANTED, 8000 LOGANBERRY PLANTS i Phone 502 J Wednesday morning, S i k'tlock. , OB SALE ONE NUMBER ONE fresh young Jersey cow; gentle, wen Vallt. with heifer ealf. $80 $7S Without ealf. Jefferson, Rt. 2, George Aesrhenbrenner. FOB RENT TO A WOMAN OR QUIET 4. miA Mn S'teat flAAe l""i " , l J ------ Partly modern, private residence. $10 per moath. Phone 1915J. , . TO TRADE ACRES JUST OUTSIDE ettv lira Ma. lor awaiao. a I1- lilll. atreet f- rm t ROOMS. 4 LA RGB LOTS, GOOD BUY ("at $2,100. with $100 dowa, baUace t fike rent. - We want seme cheap bosses on easy terms. $3. 4 hiii ta toaa at 7 percent. Thomaaoa, i $SlVl State street. SEW 4 ROOM 1IOUSEL PAVED 8TREET i $2,200; part cash. Thomaaon, 331 Vj State atreei. JTFj YOU'LL RENT ; YOUR SMALL , bouse er apartment to responsible j adults, call Miller. 900. WANTED A SALESMAN FOR AUTO j accessories. Must have a ear and i some moaey. Aa opportanitr to build a permsaent businesa. 555 Stateamaa. OREGON US CIGAR IS MAKING I friends fast. It's safe to buy the ibex. ' WANTED A YOUNG MAN APPREX i tire, mast be apt and willing to work. With no bad habits; to learn tp work and apbolatering. : Hull Top Shop, I t.M.C.A. Bldg. hi WORTH WHILE lajscre t mile front town, all in , i rsJUvstioa ; 1 acte ia 9-year-old i prunes, 4 -room bouse, bare aad well, P Price $3,250. Good terme. 4$ acre fiaa land, all in cultivation. Kear railway sution. $100 per acre. Term. - 4 room house, close In ; price $1.8.V : f3oo down, belaare $ 1 ( per month. Seat fine Iota, well located; very cheap. Hi MILLS -& COPLEY I2t AtsU St. Pbone 175 ' lEVEX ROOM H0USK 0XE BLOCK from street ear and pavement for 149 seres, ' three miles from good town. $175 per acre LOOSE & PATTON $70 tt State St. . EMPLOYMENT FEMALE "A3TTED HBL FOR DINING ROOM , land tray work. Willamette Senator Mam. 674 Ferry atreett. WayrED bright, intelligent nweman' of good appearance to call oa . the borne of Salem. The work ia pleasant, interesting and very ad van . iageeae for a person Who ia ambitious aad anxious to make their spare time profitable. Apply in first Instance to nww, statesman. WANTED . MAN WITH FAMILY TO 1 ork an Jtdp ranch. House and wood -faraiabed. C. C. Rassell. Phone SF3. KI8CZLLANE0U8 WANTED NEWSPAPER SUBSCKIP Jjoi solicitor, excellent opportunity for eosi'ietie maa of good appearance. tP?ir between 2 and 4 p.m. Circu- J -'08 Manager, Oregon Statesman. WANTED MEN AND WOMEN TO '- bi farm paper aubacriptioaa. A good , jreooaitioa to tbo right people. Address wa Pacific Homestead. Stateamaa Bldg Katew,. Qee : FOR-SALE CANARY BIRDS e08'" SALE CANARY BIRDS. Nieht nra Wn a- a -n ... MO. IftSO Chemeket. Chemeketa. POULTRY VJ5?U't8 AR1! BUSruBJiS BIRD r 'JtTs gBT T- ti ilifi Eoos: "OR HATCHING FROM IT..- ?r,nI '' of O. A. C. hens Slit Z Taarred male from fine Ph, $1.25 per setting. Phone 718. f S! S SALE EVERY DAY Irli Teral varietiea. Hednced , t OppoaiU County court house. SALE POULTRY THE NORTHWEST POULTRY JOUR mml. Tnl b'Fl la th. wrtt. The live asagaiio for live poultry a, ,n. 75e .,; gioo U ?f v; 6 "u ,wr sample today lb Northwret Poultry JouraaL HalauV Ore (ton. atealioo thia ad. riKAJIClAL TO l-OAS fJlMMl OX KRAI. FSTATF aeciirit'r, Ivan U. Martin. LOANS. I.OAa I.OAN6 WE CAN urn in b monejr to build you a now houaa or to fix Bp tho old if noiraaarr l-aflar A Laflar. 40 7 Orroo Bldf. MAR10X -POLK COl'XTY FARM LOAN aeciation ha monpi to loan at aix prcnt. W O. Smith, arrrotary-trraa urr. 3U.I Salem Bank of Couioirrr WE HAVE BOMB OOOD FARM MOKT fafa to mU. HAWKINS A ROBERTS 80S Orioa Bldt.. 8lm. TAX fAPEB IF TOU WANT TO GET THB BEST farm paper, aand lie to Tho Pacific Homvatoad. Baiom Orrgoo, for a thrv Bioalha trial aubacriptioa. Maattoa tbia ad. ROUSES AI.ADDI.V READY CUT HOUSES. baraa at factory pricca. 40 to 70 par cent reduction. Mo nay loanod for boildiag parpoaes. Chaa. Smith, 400 rrrron ota LIVE STOCK FOR SALE REGISTER CHESTER Whita sow and 12 pi (a for I loo. Jim MeOilrhrtat. Phone 13F21. kTISCEXXAKEOUa BABT JUMPERS. 83 MAX O. BUREN. 179 No. Cominerrial. PRIM EDA BALM. FORMERLY BALM of Figs. Phone leut-W. TRY THE NICKEL LUNCH AT 261 Court. Anything Sr. WALLBOARD SEVERAL KINDS Lower prices. Max O. Borea. WIRE HOP. LOGANBERRY, CHICKEN wire. Steinbock. 373 Court street. 9x12 COXOOLEUM RUGS $10 AND UP. Max O. Buren, 179 N. Com'l street. LEATHER BRIEF CASES $5 00 AND Bp. Mas O. Borea, 179 N. Com'l. FOR SALE KITCHEN RANGE, DIN ing table, 6 rhaira. teat 14x18 and some fruit jar. At 2095 Trade Ht. OFFICES AND STORES A BIG LOT of new book! for sale at half price. Steinbocka. BEAUTIFUL WALL TINT.S. MANY new colore. 10c pound and up. Max O. Buren, 179 No. Commercial St. GOOD TRUNKS $12.40 AND UP. MAX. O. Buren. 179 N. Com'l. WAXTED EVERY ONE TO TRY Nssons paints and stain sold at the Capital Hardware A Furniture Co. 285 N. Commercial St. Phone 947 STANDARD EXCHANGE, 342 NORTH Commercial street. Diamonds, watches, musical instruments, guns, clothing, shoes, etc. Both new and need goods bought, sold or exehaaged. NEVERSPREAD 'MATTRESSES" Flneat possible. Examine them here. Mas O. Buren, 179 X. Com'l. CAPTIVITY OF TIIE OATMAX GIRLS Thia true story of western immigra tion haa beea carefully reviaed, making a handsome little book. It tells in S'aphie term of tho massacre of the atmaa family, of the escape of Loren so, and the Captivity of Mary and Olive. Mary died of starvation and Olive waa purchaaed from the Indiana five years later. The price is 20 cents postpaid. Address Oregon Teacher Monthly, Salem, Oragoa. WOOD DRY FIR AND OAK WOOD FOR SALE. Phone 77F3. FOR SALE OLD FIR, CARLOAD LOT8 delivered. Brewster station. T. i. M al loy, Lobaaon, Ore. WOOD SAWING AKD eroOD FOR SALE at reasonable prices. Fisber Brothers 21F11. CALL THE SALEM FUEL TARDS FOB year wood aad coal; office 763 Trade street, Paoae 629. FOR SALE FIRST CLASS 1C in. rn aide mill wood, reasonable. Special price on ear lots. Itt-in.- dry second growth fir. See us before buying yoor winter supply. Fred E. Wells, 303 80. Chorea. Phone 1542. FOR RENT AFASTMXSTS FOR RENT THREE ROOM FURNISH ed apartment. Ivaa G. Martin. Mill and llign. APARTMENT AND FURNISHINGS Furnished apartment; entire elegant farniabings of large four room apart ment for aale. Posaesaioa of apart neat only if faraiahiags are sold. Ad dress. J 29. care Statesman. BOOMS . FOR REST A LARGE FRONT ROOM at the Alexandria. 103O Chemeketa street. Phone 1280. FOR REXT FURNISHED ROOMS FOR businesa men : one block north of court bouse oa church atreet. Phone 358J. . HAVE EXTRA LARGE NEWLY FUR niahod sleeping rooms by week. 1118 Oak street. BOOK AND BOARD ROOM AND BOARD IN A HOME references required. Phone 14Z. HOUSES F. L. WOOD. 831 STATE ST, REAL estate, rentals. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS WAXTED SMALL HOUSE OR APART Bint. Phone 900. Meilleur. WANT TO BUY A MILKING COAT AT reasonable price. Phone S17J. OLD MATTRESSES MADE OVER Capital City ueoamg ia. raoae iv. 80MEONE TO HATCH DUCK EGGS ON aharea. Pbone 161 4 W. 1030 Chem eketa atreet. BUSINESS CARDS Auto Directory DEALERS FOR SALE NEW LEXINOTON SIX, 1920 model, driven only 8.500 miles Price, $1,700. Will give term. Phone 11F24 or writ J. A. Frentres. Salem. Ore.. Rt. 4. TO EXCHANGE FOR FORD SEDAN. lata model Maxwell ; looks snd ran like new, lots of extra. Sea Owner. Statesmaa office " BATTERY AND ELECTRICAL USL BATTERY SERVICE STATION Expert battery and electrical work. Farria Broa.. Phone 1803. 418 Conrt. TIKES AND ACCESSORIES SMITH-WATKINS, 147 NORTH HIGH Flak, SilveTton Cord, Hood extra ply tire. Everything for auto. TONWEAC CARPET MAX O. BUREN. 179 H. Com t. A HOSPITAL FOR INJURED AUTO tire. Right bere. 422 Booth Com mercial Tiro Shop. FOR BUSINESS CARDS Auto Directory TIKES AND ACCESSORIES FOR BROWM A5D GREEN LINOLEUM a your rBBDiog boarda eooio to Mai O Bura. I7 -S (oni g ttrort. SaJou. HOFFMAN A OKKKBFRG TIRE REPAIR ahop; ul.niiin rrtrrariina-. 311 N t'ommarrial. Phone 8i4. AITO KOHF.S RF.DI'CF.n TO C1XHE out; rval value ; good at wk Max O Burnt. 179 S. Coin 'I. UNIVERSAL TIRK FILLER SERVICE station Haria jou lira trouble. 420 South (Vmtnerrtal j m rXTMWXXLMM GARAGES AKD REPAIR 420 SOUTH COMMERCIAL GARAGE. Aoken A Wood. Pbnna r"8. TRACY S KTORAOE GARAGE 644 Ferry tret. I.IBBV 3 AUTO REPAIR SHOP 220 "South Liberty, Phono Pol. AUTO REPAIR SHOP L.. MILLER, 245 Center. Phone 890. FFKKY STREET OARAGE MILLER tirea. a-r-eoriea, general repairiutf, OJO Ferry. STAXUARD AUTO REPAIR SHOP arroaa from Argo, Chemoketa Street Phone 1260. SALEM AUTO RADIATOR 8HOP 1W8 South 12th. Phone 28. SPECIAL PRICES FORD REPAIRING Service garage, 803 N. Liberty. Phone 1277J. J C. BA1R, RADIATORS, FENDERS. Bodiea repaired. 444 Ferry. FAIR GROUNDS GARAGE TIKES, AC crsaoriea. uaed cars. Our work guar anteed. 204 1 Portland Koad. Pbun 309 AUTO TOPS AUTO TOPS -South High. W. C. WRIGHT, 171 ACTO TOPS. UPHOLSTERING. AUTO painting. Hall's Top Shop. "Y" Bldg. TRUCKS G M.C. 1-TON; REPUBLIC 2 TON ; overhauled and good tire. Get a price oa these. See Sterner. Mack Truck representative, 258 State street. Phone n 793. USED CABS AUBURN COKXER Ktop at 197 South Com'l for good buy a 1920 Skelton. we guarantee thia ear 81 ,2oO 1920 Lexington, run 3'00 mile 1.7UO Bui.k "Light Six" ft'o Ktudebaker 275 Ford Roadster 17.1 Ford Touring 415 .AUBURN SALES CO "The Dealera With a Conscience" USED CAR SNAPS 1920 Chevrolet touring $ 500 Ford Sedan, wire wheels At con dition 475 Buirk "Six" Touring 750 1919 7 passenger Chsndler 1.250 Overlsnd 90, Al condition; good rubber 500 Good buy in a 2-ton truck Many other good buy OLF.SOX AUTO EXCHANGE 349 North Commercial Phone fif6 BEAUTY PAKXORa OREGONION BEAUTY 8HOP MARCEL waring, hairdrasslag, 185 South Com mereial Phon 477. BUILDING MATERIAL WALLFELT BETTER THAN CIXJTH and much cheaper. Max O. Borea. 179 N. Com'l. BARBERS COZY NOOK BARBER SHOP 1S66 State. CONFECTIONERY REMINGTON CONFECTIONERY. HOME made candies, confection, cigar, mag aiines. 1372 Stale, CHTJTE8B PHYSICIAN DR. L, M. HUM CURES ANY KNOWN 4taeae lit S. High St.. Phone 283 sweBBaafiBCSSsSSSawfBw DRXS8MAJEIHO DRESSMAKING. TAILORING 2720 Cherry. Phone 1678 M. DRESSMAKING AND PLAIN SEWING. 745 Belleme. Phoae 1620-W. JOSEPHINE FAXON DRESSMAKING 1414 Mission street. LOTTIE TOWNBEND DRESSMAKING. 340 D street. TAYLOR AXp TLYNN DRE88MAK ing. 227 Oregea Bldg. RUTH MeADAMS DRESSMAKER. 758 South 12th. Pbone 1824 M. HAITI E WILLIAMS DRESSMAKING. 248 North Cottage. Phone 1552W. ELETHA PRUETT DRE8SMAKING. 683 North Commercial. Phone 1931 W. HAVE YOUR SPRING DRESSMAKING dooe at 758 North Commercial. LADIES' TAILORING, DRESSMAKING. Room 18, 265 North Commercial. Pboae 1091. CARRIE FISHER DRESSMAKING, designing. Spencer corset to order. 2 McCormack Bldg. MRS. VARTY, DESIGNER AND MAKER Lad ice' Suit and Gown. 7 MeCor mack Bldg. DRESS OOODS FULL LINE SPRING. SUMsJER DRESS s Mrs. r.acn. mono nn. HEMSTITCH1NO SALEM ELITE HEMSTITCHING, ehainetitching, pleating, bottona. 429 Court. Pbone 958. DRUG STORES BREWER DRUG CO. Phone 184. 405 COURT; HAT SH0FS HAT SHOP MEN'S AND WOMEN'S bate renovated and blocked 495 Court atreet. GREENHOUSES FOR SALE VEGETABLE AND FLOW er garden planta, cut flowers. Jory Greenhouse, 1952 Court. TOMATO PLANTS ARTHUR PLANT'S greenhouse, 12H9 South 13th street and Wilburn. LAUNDRIES SALEM LAUNDRY COMPANY. 136 8. Liberty etreet. Phone 25. Oldest largest best. Estsblished 1889. CAPITAL CITY STEAM LAUNDRY Quality work, prompt aervioe, 1264 Bmadwav Phono 165 NURSERY STOCK MUNGERS AND CUMBERLAND BLACK cap plant. Kilpatinny blackberry plants, any amount. l.ow prices in nuantitiea. Ward K. Richardaon. 2.195 Front St. Phone 4M. ITALIAN PRU.E at REDUCED prices, all grades; grafted walnuts, also other nursery stock. Please call and aee our atock. Pruitland nnrsery has sales yard corner High aad Ferry treat, Salem. Phon 1140M. ASPARAGUS. BLACKBERRY. CURRANT gnoaeberry. logan, black rap. rhubarb, red raspberry plant, and other nursery stock.. Any usntity. Citv delivery. Prices reasonable. Ward K. Richard eon. 2395 Front. Phone 494 CHOICE STRAWBERRT PLANTS strong, vigorous, well rooted. Any amount. Gold DoMar. Ettersbnrg No. 80. E. No. 121. Mageon. Marsh sll. New Oregon. Progressive Everbearing, Tre bla. Wilaon. State inspected. Quan tity price interest ing. City delivery or postpaid. Ward K. Riehardaoa, 3395 Front St. Phono 494. BUSINESS CARDS MUSICAL ALLIE CHANDLER PIANO. 251 North Cottage. BEATRICE 8H ELTON PI 4. NO STUDIO 345 Marion. Phone 1299. LILLIAN HaRTSHOKX PIANO. 894 North Chun-.V Pboue 178. JfSSICA WII.LE PIANO. 170 SOITH l.'.th Phone 11MHW. T. S. KoBKKTS PIANO. OKU AN. 27 Houtb 14lh. Ption 770 DA X F. LANGF.N BERG. VOCAL Derby Bldg. Pbou 2079. lkna waters piano. 1472 mill l'bone 1IB4M MOLL1E STYLES VOICE. PIANO. S6V Center. 1'bone 201SK. lMKOTHY PEAKCK PIANO. 5!8 ' North Winter. Pboue 345J. FRANKLIN I.AUXKK PIANO. 28r North 17th. Phone 1415. JULIA MILLS WE1GEL. PIANO, l.'.ou South Church. Phone 1391 K. LUCILE BARTON VOICE. PIANO. 147 North Commercial. Phone 592, 1588. LUCILE ROSS PIANO, ORGAN. 498 North Liberty. Phone llft'W. M ATI' I E GILBERT STRING 1N3TRU lueuta. 172 Stale. Pboue 1158 R, WESTERN CONSERVATORY OF MU8 ic of Chicago. Frank E. Cburcbill, rep resentative. Dtplomaa granted. Odd fellow bldg. SALEM CONSERVATORY OF MUSIC All brancbes taught, diploma a granted. John K. Sites, director, 1237 Court Phone 826. . - - 1 1 1 TUNERS WENDELL HELM TU!TNG. REPAIR ing. Phone 402. EDWARD WEI.P EXPERIENCED &ino tuner. Leave ordvra Will's uaic slora R. W. BALL A NTY N E, TUNER, PLAY ers s sprcislty. Pboue i'.t'l. Cher riogtun Piano House. PIANOS PIANOS, PLAYER PIANOS; NEW. used. J. W. Tallman. 121 So. Com'l. CHKRRI XGTOX PIANO HOUSE, HAX dles Bush-Lane celebrated piano. 41S Court. Ph,ii :i52. rx.uatBnra PLUMBING, REPAIRING AND COIL work. Phcne I517J. Shop. 147 Ualoo street. A. K Godfrey. PRIVATE HOSPITALS WAXTED CONFINEMENT CASES AT private boapital. I have best of equip ment. Pboue 1959J. PAINTING ft FAPERHAJfaiNO FOR TINTING AND PAPER HANGING Call Max O. Buren, phone 131, 179 N. Commert ial. PAINT CONTRACTORS DAVIS STRAvjtTBACQTI GENERAL contractors; paiata, oil, wallpaper. 220 South Liberty. Phone 901. PAINT, WALLPAPER WALL PASTE IT STICKS EVEXY thing. Max 0. Buren. 179 N. Com . WALL PAPER AND CEILING PAPER 20e aad up, double roll Max O. Buren 179 No. Commercial St. IVORY PAINT FOR INTERIOR WOOD work. Correct np to dst (hade, Mai t 0. Buren, 179 N. Com'l. SEE PORTER FOR FAINTS. WALL aper and Picture Framing. Good work men. 455 Court St. Phoae 485. PERIODICALS MISS GOODHUE TAKES 8 U3 SCRIP tions for all magaiinea. 251 So. 17th street Phone 741 M. RXPAIKIVa AJTD BHARFBHTVO CUTLERY GRINDING, LAWN MOWERS .safety rasors. etc. Stewart' Repair Shop. 847 Court atreet. BEN WHEELER EVERYTHING BE paired. General sharpening, chimney sweep. 1485 N. 17th at.. Phone 1418W STENOGRAPHER PUBLIC STENOGRAPTTER 408 MAS onic Bldg. Phone 178. SECOND HAND GOODS WE BUY AND SELL SECOND HAND good of all kinds, pipe fitting, bar ae, collars, collar pads, tool, aad chain. rred Scbindler, 258 Center street. STOVES STOVE REPAISXNO "SPARK" MOST REMARKABLE moderate priced enamel range oa the market. Has O. Buren. 179 N. Com L STOVE REPAIRING, REBUILT. COILS, connection. Will call and clean, pol ish at house. 271 North Commercial. Pbone 734. 8TOVE8 REBUILT AND REPAIRED 40 year experience; Depot National fence, sites 26 to 28 ina. high. Paint oil and varniahes, etc, loganberry aad bop book. Salem Peace aad Stove Works. 2 SO Court street. Phone 124. a SCAVENGERS 8ALEM SCAVENGER GARBAGE. REP use of all kiada removed. Cesspools cleaned. Pboae 167. TAXI DIRECTORY LANHAM TAXI COMPANY PHONE 640. NOTICE THE OREGON TAXI AND Transfer Co. bss moved tbeir office to Club Stables, 195 8. Liberty. Wejd for sale. TRANSFER HAULING FOR LIGHT EXPRESS AND BAGGAGE tranafer. call 617W. CHAS CHANDLER GENERAL TRAN8 fer; office, stead, Clark 'a Tir House, Pboue 74. MERCHANTS COOPERATIVE DELIV ery, messenger service, baggage, par cel delivery, trunks to or from depot 50cta. 179 South High. Phono 230. FRANK M. XEWTOX GENERAL transfer, locsl, long distance hauling. Office, Hand. Shafer Harness store, Phon 411 741-R. CAPITAL CITY TRANSFER CO 226 Stste St., phone 9.13. Distributing, forwarding and atorage our speriaUy. (Jet our rstes. WHERE TO EAT WHITE CLOUD TEA HOUSE CHINA dishes, noodles, free dancing. Open 9 a m 1 at night. 110 S N Com'l. WATER SALEM WATER. LIGHT POWER CO Office, 301 South Com'l St. Ten per rent diarount on domestic flat ratea paid in advance. No deduction for ah aenre or any rauae unless water ia abut off your premiers. PROFESSIONAL CHIROPRACTORS DR. O. L. SCOTT, P. 8. C. CHIROPRAC tor, 809-12 V. S Bank Bldg Phone 87 ; Res. 828R. ' 11 ii 1 1 1 laaa CHIROPODISTS FOOT CORRECTIONAL SPECIALIST Appliance from individual imnreeaiene Satisfaction guaranteed. Cha E. Tatro. Masonic Bldg. Phone 442. OPTICIANS GLASSES FITTED BY DR. L. R. BUR dette at the Row Optical Company, 325 State street, opposite Ladd aad Bush Bank. PROFESSIONAL maammaa'' -ii 1 1 a 1 r wrwnwaaaw OSTEOPATBaO PHTSICLUfS DRS. WHITE AND MARSHALL, 806 8- .National Bank Bldg. DRoW,-.U ERCER. OSTEOPATHIC Physicisa sod surgeon: KirksvilU fi5 u,,r..404 405 l' 8 National Bank Bld Phone, Office. 919; Re. 614 D.JOH!l - LYNCH. OSTEOPATHIC L7J,,",1. "l B'MI'-on, 403 404 Oregon Bldg; Pboae : Office. 1394; Kee. 68F5. LODGE DIRECTORY UNITED SPANISH WAR VETERANS eanip . Armory. First. Third Mondays REAL ESTATE FARMS If yon are in the market for one w have them from $05 to $250 per acre Improved orch.rda and email tracte rloae m at attractive prices. Soote good buys in timber. A Urge lit or home, from $1,800 up to t7'.00t,r"'"T" PU'" ,TOak M0 LAFLAR & LAFLAR Acts. Kalere, Ore. 406 7 Oregon BMg GOOD BUYS ' 1 acre tract, close to the rarline. good 5 room cottage, a sire bearing Rigaas Price 82iioo 5 sere, all cultivated: gond bungalow. 2 acre bearing logana. '1 , rre prunes. tuck rood Pri.-e $000. 10 seres ut fine hearing prune. 8 snd 10 jeer old: good road, 4 milea south Price $5000. terms. Well improved 10 acres with fins new bungalow. loganberries, pruna,trsw. berries, family on-hard, some timber, rloae in, gMd road. Price $6800, terms. 2 a- re tract. 1 acre cultivated. 3 room bouMt, barn, family orchard, good road Price 8400O, half csah 38 acre tiact, 9 room house, barn. 27 aires of (tearing prune. 5 acre ol o- ganberriea act laal year, good road. Kosedsle section. Price $13,300 I0." a. re located 00 the Garden road Juat 1 14 milea from car line, neatly all rutlivstrd, bouae aud barn. This would le a fine farm to subdivide in smaller tracts. Price $24,500. HOUSES Fine 7 room modern Court street, large Price tbioo. terms. 7 room house and this frvil, good street, Irire $.050. terms. 6-room cottage, bath, lot. close to carliae, $4OO0, terms. home located on lot, fine location. e fine lots, bearing riot to farltnc. toilet, lights. Urge south Salem. Pru W. H. Grabenhorst . Co. 275 State Street Phone 515 L. A. HAYFORD REAL ESTATE AND FIRE INSURANCE 305 STATE ST. 20 seres 7Vi south of Salem on paved and rock road, all incultviation; 2 V a-rea to logans, 5 to strawberries ; apring water. Aa there are no build ings this can be had at the low price of $4.2oO. Term. 6Vt acre close to Salem, east, on good toad, family orchard aad logana, all its pieman la on place ; 8 room house, pestered : cellar, barn, well and pump. Price $5,000. Terms. 20 acre 6 miles south of Salem, 10 acre fir timber, 10 in cultivation all feared aad cross fenced, 8 acre baby logana; bouae, barn, chicken house, spring and running water, at a very low 1 price of $4,250. Term. 3 room house and lot 56x118 with eleo trie light, 1 block to street car, 01 graveled street. Price $7O0. Terms 5 room bungalow style, plastered, ful basement, toilet, bath, electric light city water, garsge. lot. 68x150; haB block to car. Price $2,800. Cash. $600. - L A, HAYFORD Member of Marion County Realty Board 305 STATE ST. WE HAVE SOME OF THE MOST DE airable lota in Salem at price ranging from $350 to $1,250. with good terme. We can build you a borne and sell it oa payment. W have atveral first ci buaioeti location for !. Laflar A Laflar, Agta, 406-7 Oregon Bldg- Salem, Ore. FOB SALE BY OWNER GOOD LOTS, a la bouae and lots; sil kinds fruit and berries; full cement basement; barn and chicken honae; atreet paved. A good buy. Write, "128," care Statesman. ANOTHER SNAP A good 6 room bouse; pared street, cor ner lot. close in. A bargain at $2,250. Eery term THE FLEMING REALTY CO. 341 Stste St. GOOD BUYS One acre tract, rloae to cerline. rood 5 room cottage, half acre bearing logaas. Price 82.6O0. Five sere all cultivated, good bangalov, 2 acre bearing logan, 2'j acre prunes,: rock road. Price $5,000. 10 acres of fin bearing prune. 8 and 10 years old; good road. 4 miles south. Price $5,O0. Terms. Well improved- 10 acres with fine new bungalow, loganberries, prunes, straw be r nee. family orchard, some timber: close in; good road. Price $0,800. Terme. 20 acre tract, 16 acre cultivated. 3 room bouse, bsrn, fsmily orchard, good road. Price $4,0O; half rash. 38 acre tract, nine room bouae, barn; 27 acres of bearing prunes, 5 acres of loganberries set laat year; good road; Koaedale section. Price $13,300. 105 acre located on Garden road, just 14 miles from car line, nearly all cultivated, bouse and barn. Tbia won Id be a ' fine farm to eob-divide in entailer tract Price $24,500. HOUSES Fine 7 room modern home located on Court street, large lot. fine location. Price $.5oO. Term. 7 room bouae aad three fine lots, bearing fruit, good street, close to car line. Price $2,650. Terms 6 room cottage, bath toilet, lights, large lot. 'close to carline: aoutb Salem. Price $4,000. Terma. W, H. Grabenhorst & Co. 275 State St. FOR SALE Store building built for hotel; 15 rooms, also alo aale room and wsrehouse room attached : half acre ground: vslue $2,500. Stock of groceries with fix tures, value about $2,ooo, in a good town, south, doing a good business. Owner haa te go away. Thia ia a chance to secure a good buaineas in s good community. Seversl fine building lot close in, priced from $650 np t $7,500. Nine acres in good town, south, fine deen blsck oiU tiled: abundance of gond fruit and berries and good buildings. Will take in ritv property ia Salem up to 83.000. Balanre mortgage bark. Price $4,500. Two 10 sere tracts, beat of soil, some fruit. Hopewell: small buildings: on good road. Only $2,100 and $2,600. Trade for rity property. Owner un able to cultivate them. Good 3 room cottage, garage, lot 50x120, south, in good district and close to school. Price $8l0. $.1oo rath, bal ance monthly. Splendid modern 6 room bungalow, base ment, furnace, lot 41x82. Verv close in and in splendid lorstion. $4,500; csah snd term. Monday only. Help wanted to plow and rultivate 15 acre cloe to Solem. PUTNAM-McLAREN CO. Room 21. 180 X. Com'l. St. "Phone 430 YOUNG PEAR ORCHARD , 9 arrea and family orchard: main rock riad. $.100 sn acre. Easy terms. See owner or Fleming, agent. 341 State. - I 'IFTY ACRES ALL UNDER CULTIVA tion. good five room houae: 18 in prune. 8 acres in loeanheeeJe. ha' sac in crop convenient to Salem and eloae to pavement SQUARE DEAL CO- 1 Phone 470 202 U. S. Bank Bldg REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE GEO. THOMASON Basses, farms, suiall tracts, loan and rentals 3311, State St. Phoae 289 GOLDEN RULE REAL ESTATE I have a beautiful bungalow fer sal GERTRUDE J. M. PAGE 492 N. Cottage LOTS AND MORE LOTS IN SOITH Salem: fine location; several choice lota on South High atreet, the beat rrsidenee district in Harem. See us si once snd have your choice in a few of these choice lota at right pri. and eaay terma. See JOSEPH BARBER at once 200 Gray Bldg. Phone 790. WOOD'S BARGAINS Good three room house, $800, easy terms. Five room bungalow, $1,500, terma. Four lota Kaat Salem, $15 each. Two large lota North Salem, close to car line, $750. Good dairy farm, 800 per S'-re. Five acre ilo.e ni on main road, priced right. F. L. WOOD 341 Stat St. FOR SALE 225-ACRE FARM, INCLUD ing stock, crop and inplementa. For particulars write L. Beebtel, owner, Sslem, Oregon, Route 7. Bargains & Investments Six room house and 8 lota near rarline, north Salem; anap. 1,850. hay tern.. 11 acre 4 !j miles from Sslem. 6 seres in gooseberries, applea and cherries ; ti room bungsiow sud barn ; a.i.juo, terms. Six room modern bouse, south Salem; nice location; 2 fine lota, lots of iruit; near rarline; anap. 82.200; terms. Dandy good 2 too truck to exchange for city property or rreg. Money to loan good exrhangea. PERRINE & MARSI ERS 211 12 Gray Bldg. 6 ROOM PLASTERS HOUSE; BATH toilet, corneal basement, foundatavl sod walk; 3-4 arr of land planted u bearing fruit; 1 block to paved atreet; 3 bloeka to car. $3,250. $1,000 cosh, balance 6 percent. H. 8. Belle, 41 Stat street. ANOTHER " A good 10 acre with fruit, a good bars a double garage and a small bouse One mile from the bridge at $4,200 Terms. THE FLEMING REALTY CO. A GOOD INVESTMENT 100 FIXE residence lots, all in a body in a platted addition to Salem. Only $37.50 each. Tbis is a anap that woa't last long. Soolofsky, 841 State 8t, Salem, Ore. A REAL SNAP A fine east front lot a block from State street, $100 under market value. Cash or terms. See owner or THE FLEMING REALTY CO. 341 State St. MRS. SNYDER WISHES TO INFORM her frienda and patron that mu has returned from her trip south and ia ready for business. Phone your listings if yon wish your place 1 to Pboae 2024J. FOK HALE TWO CORNER LOTS ON Norwsy snd Summer street. 60x120. Price $850. Call 111F5. GOOD IMPROVED 100 ACRE FARM near Stayton. 30 acre under culti vation, 70 acre Saatiam river bottom land. Good neighborhood, good school, good road. Price 86 000 A. C. BOHRNSTEDT 407 Mesonie Temple Salem. Ore, 7 room plastered house, modern except heat: full baaement, two toilets, great bargain. $2,250; $500 dowa, reat like rent. 8 room modern plastered house, except beat: two lota; close to school and car line; a apecial bargain at $3,600. Good terma. 10 room modern, except heat; 5 block to state house, on block to car; 3 large lots: great opportunity for roomer. Price only $3,800. 3 room modern bungalow, 2 lota, close to rar line, south Salem. Prii $3,000. 8 room modern bona oa paved afreets, close to car line, $2,900. 5 acres bslf in fruit, eloso to Salem, only $1,700; eaay terms. 3 room house, good lot. in South Sslem. Price $800, $200 cash, rest like rent. 10 seres 4 miles from Salem, mostly in fruit, small buildings. Price $8,300; will eirhenge for Salem resident. If yon want a rest bargain in Salem residence, come in and see os. w have H Two fine comer lota, east front, cement walks, on good atreet close to school, for only $-?00. JOSEPH BARBER 200 Gray Bldg. Phon 70 FOR SALE 10 ACRES, CLOSE IN; half ia logans, some prunes, essy terms. Might consider Salem property up to $2,000, or email acreage rloae in as part payment. 21 arrrs, 10 bearing prunes. 3 besrinc logans, 2 full besring strawberries ; all in splendid condition; honae, barn, al! necessary outbuildinga ; well fenced ; all buildings psinted. An exceptional vslue. $11,000. Will tak Salem residence up to $0,000. C5 arrea 3 milea from Amity, fair honae, barn, well fenced: will exchange for a larger place. Price $6.50O. 260 acres. 150 cultivated. 10 acre bear ing prunes, 120 pasture; 13 room modern bouae, fine big barn, drier, full set outbuildings. Will take smaller ranch in exchange. Price $100 per acre. 28 acre. 25 cultivated, 3 timber, 7 acre irune. 1 logans: 5 room bouse, good ism, chicken and brooder houae, ad r oming town: a anap that won't last. b.OOO; half raah, balance 6 percent 20 acres, all cultivated ; family orrhard. 17 acre in crop with 4 in clover; bun gsiow, bsrn, stork and equipment, best of soil, 3 Mi miles from Salem; half from church and school. $9,000; half csah, balance 6 percent 20 seres 8 prunes. 2 logans. 2 strsw berrirs. 1 potstoes, 8-j crop; 6 room bouse, good bsrn; best locstioa. atock and equipment goes. $13,0o0; hslf rash, balanre 6 percent. 36 acres, 12 cultivated. 100 cord of . 4 foot wood: 6 room bungalow: new bsrn: well fenred. rloae in. 811.000. 56 arrea: new 8 room bungalow: barn, family orchard : 1 '-j arrea strswberries. On paved road 1 mile from city. $10,000; half rash. 50 srres. sll rultivsted. new improve ment. bet of toil : csn be irrigated : on paved rosd. $6,300: hslf cash. Have a large lot of timber tracts to exchange for acreage near Salem or Salem reaidencea Have a large listing of houaea from $1,250 to $10,000. Have 100 lots for ssle at $3,750 for the too. Have some very rhoire lots rlose in at fn(IO each S0C0L0FSKY 341 State St. A GOOD INVESTMENT 100 fine residence lots all tn a bodv in a nlatted addition to Salem only $37.50 each This is a snap that won't last long- S0C0L0FSKY 341 State St. Salem, Oregon WHOLE MILK:; ; AND PRODUCE WANTE0 Marion Creamery & Product Co. : -f s; Salem, Oregon Phone 2484 SALEM MARKETS 1 BUYINO PRICE : i Eggs aad Poultry i Fggs. 18-19c. 2 Hens, heavy 24p. ; Hens, medium, 22c S Helia, light, 20c. f Old rooalora. 8 lue. Pork, Mutton and sj Top hogs. $10 50. ' 1920 lambs. 3 to 5c. 1921 milk lambs,' 6 to 7c. 1921 Milk lambe. 7c. J lreaed Hog. 1 4 V. Beef ateera. 5 to 6Vi. Cowa, 4c to 6 , Bulla, 4c to 5e. Top veal, oa foot, 6 to 8c. , Hay Clover bar, $17 tv $20. Oat aad Vetch hey, $2u to $23. Cfaeet bay. $20 lo $21. Grata Wheat 90 to 100. Oals. 4ic. Mill Feeds, Wholesale Mill run $35 toa. ' Wholesale to Dealer Creamery Butter. 44 lo 45e. ' Buttertat, 38c. Trait Orange. $3.50 to $3.50. Banana. llc. . Lemons, $3.50 to $4.50. . Grape fruit. Cel. $4; Art. $6 60; Florid $8 SO. Vegetable California eabbage, 8 S. , Onions, Oregon. 81 25 Onions, California. $1.7$. Turnip $3 GO ssck. Carrot. $1.25 sack. Oreea peipera, 8 Or. t Cauliflowers, $1.60 dosaa. Lettuce, $3.50 per crate. Potatoes, $1 rwt. Sweet potatoes. $3.75 bnshel. . Radishes, 45e do, bunrnea. Comb honey, case, $8.25.' Celery, 81.75 dosea bunrbea. Aspsragus, 12 15c. Rhubarb, Sc. Parsley, 50e do tea be ache. Beet. 76e dotea bnecba. Tomatoes $4.75 erst. MY HEflRl f 0 Adele Garrlaon New Pbaae Of REVELATIONS OF A WIFE CHAPTER 41 WHY IS MADGE'S FATHER CELEBRATING A "SPECIAL. DAY?" "Are you going to be very busy tomorrow, daughter?" j My father looked up from his morning grapa fruit at rue a bit wistfully. With a remorseful twinge I realized that in j the whirl of my many duties at school and at home I had given very lit tle attention to my father since Dicky's return to civilian llfe or, indeed, before. ; It was the Friday morning fol lowing Dicky's appearance at the Bayview h!gh school, and be had been so preoccupied with his work in the city that I had had Very little opportunity for conversation with him. I knew that orders were coming to bim rapidly, and that his Illustrations for the serial Alfred Durkee bad given htm were not yet finished, but I liad hoped secretly, that the next day, Saturday, on which I was free from school duties, might bring me one of the old, delightful,! lit tle trips with my husband which used to be red letter days Inlmy life. It was not alone the desire 'or a day with Dicky that actuated mv wish. I would have welcomed almost anything which would take my thoughts away from the haunting fear that had obsessed me ever since our evening at my principal's home. I had no fresh reason for uneasiness, for there was nothing in Mr. Stockbridge'g manner to Indicate that be even remembered any unusual occur rence, and Alice Holcombe and I bad, with a wordless understand ing, carefully avoided the subject of Milly Stockbridge's mania. ; i Dicky Is Busy. j But I couldn't help my own forebodings, though I held tbetn in stem leasb, fearful lest bieky should observe my alarm. Fortu nately, the whole ugly undercur rent of the evening had escaped bis notice, and I knew that he had carried away with him only fav orable impressions of the affair, not the least pleasing of which I suspected, was the memory lot Bess Dean in her flame-colored gown. I couldn't resist sending a fur tive, appealing look in Dicky's di rection, even as I answered my father's question. "Why. I have nothing on at all of my own affairs, father," I re turned. "I don't know what Dicky has planned." "Dickv has planned nothing.' my husband retorted promptly "What's more, he wMl plan noth ing for some sweet time to come. I'm a working man. my dear.' trv ing to make up for lost time. So if Dad wants you to do anythin? go ahead with my blessing. ' can't even Invite you to meet me for dinner, for I've got an en gagement I can't pet out of." "With an art editor. I suppose." The words snapped out almost without my own volition. Tbo next moment I would have given much to have recalled them. But the memory of the time when Dicky had made an excuse of "en gagements with art editors" to cover other engagements to which he knew I would object was still with me, had beene-stirred by the old hate'ul phrase. A Rare Treat. "YeR. with an art editor. Wor den. of Tarpen's." Dicky replied be'Mcerently. "What of it?" The tone, the words, were brusque rude, but I didn't re port them. Indeed. I felt thst 1 had In some measure deserved thevn 1 tried to make amends. "Absolutely nothing. I laugh eel, trvlne to turn the Incident off lightly. "And I can do whatever Mr BID rather wishes with a clear con science." I looked at my father question Ingly. He smiled at roe indul gently. "Why. I am feeling so much better ih;U i iboutjtu 1 sbould like to escort you on an outing. I haven't had the honor in a UnS time, almost never, in fact." There wan a quaver in his voice that reminded me of his lons fcearcli for me. the daughter, who had been lost to him :or so many )eur. He had spoken truly. We had had very few outings togeth er, yet to accompany bim any where was a rare treat. "The Quesier" of Broadway was a con noisseur of delights, en ep.ture of food. Any affair of which be wa host was sine to be perfectly appointed, to be full or rare 2esit. "Mow wonierfiil, a her!" I et claimeJ sincerely. "1 shall love to go. What time do you want to start?" "I'd like to make a day of It I you don't mind," he said, bis tntn face flushing like a boy's. "1 thought we might go in for lunch eon at " he named one of ttb must exclusive restaurants in the city, "go to a matinee of that play you spoke of the other day--In fact I have the tickets dino wherever you choose, and then it you are tired, come home. If not, Choose whatever you would like to do. It's rather a special day with me; in 'act I'm celebrating." : He didn't explain further. J saw Dicky cast a quick glance at bim. recognized in my mother-lu-law's gaze a shrewd conjecture aa to bis meaning. For myself. I didn't dare to hope what might be meant by, bit words, and the elaborate costly day he had planned, a day such as I knew the present state of his finances did not warrant. (To be continued; PRAISES TTTSM TO HIS FRIENDS I Backache Is a symptom of weak or disordered kidneys. Stiff and painful Joints, rheumatic aches, tore muscle, puffineaa under the yes are others. These symptoms Indicate that the kidneys ; aad bladder need help to do the work Of filtering and casting out from the system poisons and waste pro ducts that cause trouble. Ben Richardson, Wingrove, W. Va-, writes: "I will praise Foley Kid hey Pills because they have help ed me." Sold everywhere. -adv.) IRE OBSH "Crepe Ring" Is Applied To ": Less Brilliant Inner ; Circle CAMBRIDGE. Mass. Feb. The inner ring; of the planet- Sat an, known to astronomers as the , crepe ring" on account of 'the tact thit it is much less brilliant than the otherg. has a thickaesi I of; 2000 milea, while the - othet rings are very touch thinner.; Re cording to ovservatlons made bj Professor William H. Pickering ol Harvard at the Harvard Astro nomical sution at ManderUle. Ja- i. malca The thickness of the rings ' of Saturn is a matter which-has lone attracted the interest Of as tronomers. This planet is aur rounded by what appears through a;; small telescope to be a single flat ring of exceeding thinness. ! Through a larger telescope this is seen to be in reality three concen tric rings. jJEvery 18 years or so the earth passes through the plane of these rings, wnicn are then in a position edgewise to the earth. So thin are they that for a while they disap pear and cannot be seen until the earth moves ont of their plane. This phenomenon occurred on No vember 7 and will occur again on : February 22 and August of this ! year, after which there will be no opportunity of observing It aga.n for It years. .Professor Pickering reports i that be observed the rings just before and after the November transit, and found the inner ring toibe thicker than the others, es timating It to be 2000 miles thick. He also reports that in the outer edge of the second ring the me teors seem to be more concentrat ed ithan elsewhere. Astronomers believe these rings to be composed of innumerable mll meteors revolving in dense swarms about the middle portions of he planet. Professor Pickering hopes to make further observations during the February transit. He is also en ft Bed In studying the canals on the planet Mars, and Is searching for. the still undiscovered planet which is believed to revolve around the sun far outside the or b.t: of Neptune, the outermost plane t yet discovered In the solar system. PUBLIC NOTICES BIDS WANTED Sealed bids will be received by the County Court of Marion Coun ty, Or., up to 1 o'clock p.m. on April 25. 1921 for hauling 4000 cubic yards of crushed rock from the Mt. Angel' Crushing Plant. Specifications and bidding forms are. on file in the County Clerk's office at Salem. Or. The right to reject any or all bids is re served. U. G. BOYER, u County Clerk. ""T BIDS WAXTED Sealed bids will be received by the ' County Court of Marion County. Oregon, up to 1 o'clock p.m. on May c. 1921, for haul ing,! 0.000 cubic yards of gravel from the County Bunkers near St. t Paul onto the roads la that vicinity. Specifications and bid ding: forms are on tile in the County Clerk's office at Salem. Oregon. The right to accept or re ject any or all bids Is reserved! -Ii U. O. BOYER, f ; . County Clerk, Tl IS