The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, April 19, 1921, Page 4, Image 4

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on Statesman
nn? JLjUtiP11 EPt Monday by
(Pnrt,.. Commercial St., Salem. Oregon
(Portland Office, 704 Spalding Building. Phone Main 1116)
licatlon JVnH U exclusively entitled to the use for repub-
1 f thE !r .D",dl,PttCe Credlted to 11 or not otherwiae credited
10 this paper and also the local news published herein.
R. J. -Hendricks.
Stephen A. 8tone.
Ralph Olorer . ... .
Frank Jaakoskl . .
. . Managing Editor
Manager Job Dept.
would be intolerable enough. But, since lie has raised the
issue, let us see what his service to his country consisted of.
Brother-in-law West was lawyer and lobbyist at Wash
ington for the Spruce division and the timber interests. It
it no secret that he amassed a fortune through his war ef
forts. , .
If the men who served in the army are cowards, certain
ly the last man who should raise the cry is the manwho was
feathering his nest as a spruce lobbyist while 50,000 Ameri
can boys were paying the supreme sacrifice overseas.
Panama has not formally de
clined to accept the Hughes
award relating to the Costa Rica
boundary situation. She is think
ing about it. Panama will accept
DAILY STATESMAN, served by carrier in Salem and suburbs, 15
' Centl week. 65 cents mnnth
DAILY STATESMAN, by mail, in advance, $6 a year. $3 for six!11 Tisht, but her pride must be
- : tor three months. 60 cents a month, in llarion
ana Polk counties; outside of these counties. $7 a year, 13.50
for six months, Jl. 75 for three months, 60 cents a month. When
.to Pld in advance. 50 cents a year additional.
THE PACIFIC HOMESTEAD, the great western weekly farm paper.
T.. be ,ent year 10 anyone paying a year in advance to the
Daily Statesman.
.SUNDAY STATESMAN $1.50 a year; 75 cents for six months; 40
cents for three months; 25 cents for 2 months; 15 cents for
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WEEKLY STATESMAN, Issued in two six-page sections. Tuesdays
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I cents for six months; 25 cents for three months.
Business Office. 23.
Circulation Department, 583
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Society Editor, 106
Entered at the Postoffice in Salem. Oregon, as second class matter.
catered to.
The canal toll exemption issue
looms before the special pesnlon
of congress. That might be tak
en up after the tariff and other
more important things are dis
posed of.
What ex-President Wilson
thinks of the book of his former
secretary of state has so far been
onfined to a large volume of
blank pages. Possibly Woodrow
is too full for utterance.
; It isn't surprising at all that Oswald West, former Gov
ernor of Oregon, should rally bitterly and furiously to the
defense of his brother-in-law, political protege, former cam
paign manager and present representative, Ben W. Olcott,
acting Governor of Oregon.
! That is only natural.
''.1 Os owes a great deal to Ben and Ben owes a great deal
to Os.
I And besides Os expects to owe a great deal more to Ben
before the last vestige of that erstwhile Wesf-Chamberlam
Olcott hybrid Democratic nonpartisan political machine is
broken up.
I As it will be, the first time the people of Oregon, who
have had his accidency. Ben Olcott foisted upon them by rea
Son of the lamentable death of James Withycombe a few
months after the people had repudiated, by so overwhelming
a vote. Olcott 8 attempt to earn the Governorship by election
f - .. . a T 11 . . . 1 Itf A
j UUt we are just a little amazea inai rrotner-in-iaw vesi
should adopt the vicious course of attempting to cast asper
sion UDon the war record of one of The Statesman s stair.
We see no particular reason why Brother-in-law West
should have gotten so exercised over a simple editorial in The
Statesman reflecting what is believed to be the curiosity of
thousands of citizens as to why Brother-in-law Ben did not
use his talents for flying to a little better purpose.
S We merely suggested that our dove chasing, pigeon rac
ing, happenstance Governor would have been a valuable asset
on the Western Front during the world war.
f We have always believed that he could have been of more
service to his country, being a young and active man, had he
ing snugly at home and running for Governor against Ore-
gons magnificent old war governor, james wunycomoe.
v With his energies properly directed, he might have
helped do to the German army what he and Brother-in-law
Os failed to do ton James Withycombe and the Republican
party in Oregon during the war.
-. -Just why these gentle and useful reminders should have
sent Oswald into a paraoxysm of rage, which he vented
through the columns of one of those Democratic newspapers
which alone sympathizes with the West-OIcott combination,
-we cannot for the world understand. !
j He makes a particular point of the fact that Colonel
Abrams fought part of the war in England, charging that the
service there was by choice.
j If this cowardly slander merely reflected on Colonel
Abrams, whose service in four wars makes it unnecessary for
anyone to defend his patriotism or ability, the matter could
be dismissed without reply. Colonel Abrams' discharge from
the Spanish war and Philippine campaign shows a record of
having participated in 43 battles and engagements.
I But the slander involves 800 other Oregonians living in
every part of Oregon, whowhen their regiment, the glorious
old Third Oregon, was broken up, were sent to England for
-1 It Involves in its slanderous boundaries such men as Ma
jor Eugene Moshberger of Woodburn, who left a wife and five
babies at the first call, and who also served in England under
Colonel Abrams. It involves such men as Major Clarence
Hotchkiss of Portland, of Captain Grover Todd and Phil
Livesley of Woodburn, and 800 other Oregon men who served
in England with Colonel Abrams.
i j And what is still worse
. It involves Colonel John L. May, Chaplain W. S. Gilbert,
Major Loren A. Bowman, Walter L. Spaulding, Dr. Pound,
commander of our American Legion post at Salem, and is a
- challenge to the valor and a gratituous insult to the honor
.- of every officer and man of the army, who through no reason
of hia own; did not get to the front in France, or did not leave
the United States during the war, and there are some 3,000,
000 of .them 25,000 of them in Oregon.
- If the wanton slander which Brother-in-law West has ut
teredV came from some beribboned hero of many battles, it
Salem will have to hurry if she
expects to keep ahead in the as
paragus industry. There are
jthers Eugene, for instance.
That is the Salem slogan subject
tor Thursday.
The new Chinese minister who
has just presented 'his credentials
at Washington worries along un
ier the burden of the name of
Sao-Ko Alfred Sze. But an orien
tal under any other name would
smell as sweet, Sze? Exchange.
The Spanish cabinet and the
press of that country are at odds
The official body ceciines to iei
the presshare the news through
ts own reporters. There must
je a Woodrow Wilson at the head
t the Spanish cabinet.
lias there been a post-war let
up of mental as well as moral
muscularity among American
youth? The latter is indicated by
the crime wave of the past few
months, many of the offenders
being mere lads. The former it
suggested by the reports on
Junking at various colleges. Ai
Ohio State 500 students, or 10
per cent of the total enrollment,
failed to pass the first semester
examinations, and face the alter
native of dropping out or doing
work over again, in which thei.
parents' investment was perhatu
200,000. A private letter from
Yale states that 90 lads were
dropped from the freshmen class
the other day because of failure
to get satisfactory scholastic av
erages. The university of Mich
igan has dropped' 130 students j
There are scattering reports of
similar tenor from elsewhere.
Cincinnati Times Star.
T is the substantial citizen, the big
business man, who alwavs main
tains a banking connection. He knows
it constitutes a business and social asset
too big to neglect.
If you would be classed among the lead
ing men of this community, a step in
that direction is an account at the Unit
ed States National Bank. We have seen
many depositors become men of impor
tance in mis community.
I j
The death or Al G. Field, the
negro minstrel, at his home in
Columbus, O., removed a unique
character from the field of am
usement. In the first place, hi;
came was not Field at all, but
Hatfield. In the second, min
strel performers are supposed to
sing and dance or at least be ac
complished in one line. Field
couia ao nettner. He was as
funny as an undertaker and his
monologue (the only thing he
contributed to the show) was al
ways written by someone else.
The writer of this ought to know,
because he had the joo for a num
ber of seasons. Field was a min
strel from a purely commercia'
standpoint and he got rich at it.
Year after year he traveled over
the same country, filling dates in
the Same towns. Originally he
had charge of a band of Indians
with the Sells Bros, circus. Los
Angeles Times.
The activities oi the govern
ment are manifold. The public
service not only demands states
men and postmasters, but men
who can measure clouds and
count sheep and goats. It wants
experts who can prepare specifi
cations for great bridges and it
wants men who can pick pansies.
Just now the government is suf
fering for the services of a couple
of studious gents who are famil
iar with the life and habits of
the tumble bug and can train
him for a more useful career.
April 19. Toridir Hih!and Puri-nt
Tr-hr iKition mrt at HizhlaDd
April tl. rndiy !il DbU be
tween Willamette and Whitman.
April 2. Thursday Marion County
Childrea'a bureau elinie at Commercial
Ma 4.. WHnendar Apollo rlob in
-eert with Virginia Ra. aoprano, at
May S to 8 inrlnaire Annual confer
ence of ETanrelteat Automation
Mar 7. KatuHay Celebration of
Foandeni' day at Chamr-oe.
May 7. Saturday. Marion Const
tra-k meet and baaeball tonrnament.
Majr 2. 37 and 2 Baaoball. Willam
ette . Whitman, at Walla Wall
Jnne lt Thnraday Ore con Pioneer
aaaortation meeting in Portland
Jnne 17. Kridar Annual Iowa pirnic.
8tte fair rrotinda.
0-t4r 1. Batnrday f tentative)
Football. Willametta e. O. A. C. at Cor
Nooabor 54, Thnraday ftetr,tWe)
TbankarWint day. football, WillaaotU
vs. JUItaoAMk, at SaUaa.
They also want a nianwho is ab
solutely fearless in the presence
or a cockroach and would not
shrink if required to lead one of
the monsters right up to a labor
atory index. The government is
a very paternal institution. It
looks after our present and pro
tective need, whether we are
working or sleeping. If we want
to know about anything afl we
have to do is to write to Mr.
Harding or some of his gentle
manly assistants.
Business, of course, is bad In
Germany today, as Mr. Schwab
says. It couldn't well be other
wise. Hut the German plants are
btill standing and the labor army
is waiting to operate them at full
speed. Recently a mammoth ex
pansion of the Leipzig fair was
announced. The largest expo
sition building in the world has
been planned for. This can only
mean that the promoters expect
the fair to be more than ever a
clearing-house for trade with
central and eastern Europe.
New York Tribune.
The arrest of a young woman
stenographer in Brooklyn for tak
ing $18,000 of her employer's
money, in operations extending
over two years, calls attention to
how rarely the crime of misappro
priation is charged against wo
men employes. As a rule, all em
ploying women testify that hon
esty In handling funds is one of
their typical characteristics. This
may be explained either as supe
rior morality or laek of the same
temptations as men, but it, is on
record, whatever the cause, as a
matter of fact. Baltimore American.
One vessel which docked at To-1
kio the other day is said to have
had no less than 25 Christian mis
sionaries from the churches of
California. The Japanese are
said to have a sense of humor.
It will come in play if they have.
They can read our acti-Japanese
laws and. the speeches of some
of our politicians at Sacramento
and then go down and hear the
missionaries from California ex
pound the doctrine of brotherly
!ove. Los Angeles Times.
ity of all schools and see to it
that younger pupils are not im
periled. The safety patrols are
also available for emergency ser
vice at other stations and are
qualified to handle the movement
of traffic at the busiest crossings
should occasion require. Inci
dentally, the young people are
taught to know the law and regu
lations and respect them. Like
wise, the city is getting a certain
form of police service at little
cost. Almost every youth has at
some time indicated a desire to
be 'a policeman. If this passion
can be capitalized for the good
of the state it would seem like
fine business.
tain point, bnt a country that has
so nobly playvd the part of 8ir
Galahad ehoud not to quickly
revert to the 'character of Shy
lock. Los Angeles Times.
Sometimes the activities of the
blind are marvelous. Most praise
worthy is the work of a sight
less scientist in Illinois. He has
invented new type of airship
which he calls the aeralane,
which has responded successfully
to the trials made.
It differs fnora other machines
in that the planes are circular,
-ix in number ajid are at the top
of the invention. They work
something after the manner of
a turbine. This enables the air
craft to arise like a bird and to
hover in the same manner. Nd
axtensive runway, is necessary to
make a start and the matter of
alighting is made simpler and
easier. If all works well many
of the hazards of the firing game
would be removed, as these are
usually concerned with fpe land
ing of the machine or its "hop
ping off."
Blindness usually results in a
high development of the other
-enses which may be used to
Treat advantage. A blind person
is far from being helpless. Some
tt the tragedies of the war are
finding themselves and - proving
themselves of real yalue to industry.
The elemental labors of the
That course without the metes of
time and space
Beyond the last speck of dreari
est star-dust
May come at last to you, be one
with you
Forever and forever. When we
To shattering atoms with the
hands of gods
We may discover worlds within
strange worlds
Wherein you stand, the primal
Not other than the mighty soul
of man!
John Russell McCarthy.
In Philadelphia the services of
school children have been utilised
'n looking after street traffic.
The larger pupils are drilled un
ler the direction of the police
force and have been formed into
what is called the safety patrol
-rervice. These juvenile officers
take care of traffic in the vicln-
So far as some of those in au
thority at Washington are con
cerned, the United States would
be In the position of running a
League of Nations and shaping
its politlcies Without itself assum
ing any of the obligations of
membership. This isolated en
tanglement would be all right if
it could be maintained in perpetu
ity, but it is far from strengthen
ing to a League and there are
many smaller nations whose fu
ture peace and progress are con
ditioned upon the maintenance of
a league of some kind. National
selfirhness is excusable to a cer-
April showers
Blossom day was a success;; as
to the crowds attending and as
to what there was to see.
Now if it couln) be made cer
tain that there will be a good mar
ket for all the fruit the blossoms
advertise as coming, things in the
Salem district would take on a
look of great prosperity.
The emergency tariff bill is to
be pushed through the senate and
on to the president next week.
The main tari'f bill ought to be
ready by this time.
The wage scale of carpenters in
Sslem has been reduced from
$7 50 to $7.20 a day of eight
hours. Not a great succession:
but every little bit will help in
getting more of the needed homes
There is still room for seme
more broccoli growers In the Sa
lem district. There will not be
too many, as long as the seed
holds out. The more growers the
better market, and the higher the
price for all. For ouality stuff.
baiem is g-oing to have more
tourist travel than ever this year.
And there will be more for them
to see: and more inducements for
Ahem to stay.
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Ladj Patricia Baxnsaj, wbd before her marriage to Conv
mander Ramsay, of the British nary, was toe moon sought
Juliet of many Borneo. She is shown with her little son. As .
a daughter of the Duke of Connatight, then Qorernor Cet
era) of Canada, she was thejsponsor of the famous Princea
Pat Regiment of the Canadiaa armj, i 'r n f'
At the industrial school they
teacU the punils not only the les
sons of the day but require them
to keep the schoolrooms and par
aphernalia in or.lor as a means ot
a?iuiring neatnfrs. J
Imagine the indignation of the
teicher. then, when she discov
ered thsd on a certain
rooming the huge geography
glebe had not been dusted.
"It's astonishing," she cried.
"Whv, the dust is an inch thick!"
"Well, it ought to be," said one
of the pupils in an audible whis
per, "she's got her finger on the
Sahara Desert
"Just Between You and Me" 1
says the Good Judge i
Here's genuine chewing
satisfaction for you. hook- A
ed up with real economy.
A small chew of this class
of tobacco lasts much long
er trjan a big chew of the
ordinary kind that's be
cause the full, rich, real
tobacco taste lasts so long.
Any man j who uses the
Keal Tobacco Chew will
tell you th4t.
: Put ufi in two styles ,
W-B CUT is a long fine-cut tobacco
r. ... ... RIGHT GUT is a short-cut tobacco
Lenses are the vital
parts of your glasses.
On them alone you de
pend for utility.
The importance of
grinding lenses to meet
Your Individual re
quirements is rated so
high by us that we
have a Complete Me
canical Department. for
this work.
For this same reason
we are also able to du
plicate any broken lens
the same day.
Step in and we will be
glad to show you this
interesting process of
lens grinding.
P. S. For invalids or for
people unable to leave their
homes we will make ar
rangements for someone to
call at their homes if they
will call us by telephone.
Phone 239.
Eyesight Specialists
204-211 Salem Bank of
Commerce Building
Oregon's tat-fcei, Mot Mod
ern, lVst Kqalpped K
clUMive Optical Establishment.
1 c
Starts Thursday,
April 21; 10 a.m.
We are prepared for the enormous Crowds -Plenty
ot extra salespeople and the bargains
you will never forget.
Sale Starts Thursday, 10 a. m.
Be on hand early
466 State Street