The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, April 19, 1921, Page 2, Image 2

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Comment is Made on Low
Cost of Operation in Two
Salem Offices
Cousins Likely to Be Em
ployed to Represent
Several Counties
After a careful audit of the
book kept by the city recorder
and city treasurer, U. Ed -Koss
submitted to the city council last
bight a report in which he states,
thut the- books were tound to be
correct in both cases. The auditor
adds that for-a city the size of Sa
lem it appears the expense of op
erating these two oif.ien is ex
ceedingly low, arid the administra
tion capably handled.
- A total of the estimated income
available for 1921 in quick asm-is
and income which may be used in
operation in $257,988. The 1921
budget is-'$167.463 leaving a bal
ance of $90,525, according to the
summary of the auditors report
made to the council.
Ktreet iiravellnx I" p.
' A lengthy discussion took place
at the meeting last night regard
ing proper methods of graveling
the cfty streets, several of the
councllrnen taking except on to
th present methods as being very
. unsaOs factory. Representatives
from districts in the city where
traveling and grading is being
done spoke before the council re
questing perm las on to use differ
ent means for building np the
streets from that Street Commis
sioner Lowe I using at the pres
ent time- An investigation will be
Passionate Pilgrim
': And
"r Clyde Cook
"The Huntfman"
r! rDorisKkmon
1 Harvest Moon
Where The Big Shows Play
Don't take purgative lor Cob
tlpaUon t&ey act barshly
they overstrain tlie delicate
membrane and leave the
tfowcla tn worse coadJUon
y-v tnaa bclorcall
. Y j. .yon r
nrltn Omm
acbe. In
dloestlon, SoorS torn
aeh. Dizziness Biliousness,
Nervousness, or loss of Appe
Ute-Dft'r hmm1tmiCmi m botlf
iTILLS take one alter each
meal and one at bedtime. A
Jew days treatment will put
Stomach, Liver and Bowlm In
normal condition.
UaUm OSnllltn Snail frfcf
IV If ?!
; i t A
i A 1 ! h l I
. li1 V t I
t . . i ; I .a
"Habe Kutb, the greatest home run hitter II baseball,
says that be is going to better bis previous record of fift?
four borne runs Ibis season. Roth Marted off conspicuously
the first time that he aptenred in Nevt Vork city when be
lifted the ball for a circuit drive in the first innina
tiade by the street comimttee to of Portland and of the .telephone
iscertain whether or not the city company in Portland and
;an afford to put nto practice the on a date.
mggestions which were made for ,
An ord. nance prohibiting mT- n , , .
:hanu from exhibitinK their wares (Continued from page 1.)
1, 1 .1 ..... 1 1. , .1 i i ""
m i MutsMdika passeu me et - j lOI,l(, xhe company says it
md reading; last night and was!mlIst havt. th paJ.nient on time."
then referred to the ordinance
committee. It has been sad that
nerchants have taken advantage
f the privilege and used more of
'.he sidewalk .than the old ordn-1
a nee governing this would allow :
md for that! reason many deemed j
it best to prohibit entirely wares!
being displayed on the sidewalks. I
Phone Kate iH-bateil. j
W K Tui-lnr nf rirvs1 nn
reared before the council and !
sked Its co-operation .n orgoniz- i
'ng with other counties for the i
jurposeof gathering data to bring
efore the public service commis-
don a feastbJe protest asainst the
rise in the telephone rates. He
,M nwlmr tin th. iot iiispnriJ
and in a different zone and that ! into hPr laD where hr ees fe"
t docs not have the rural routes , Rn the ,a,af:t Statesman, from
it Is thought advisable to organize wh,fh h4 ha1 hn reading one
iuts de of Portland In order that ' nt tne interesting stories She
he rural rates may receive atten-i SDran to ner f1 an exclaimed:
tion. It Is the intention of the or-; " know what I am jroing to do.
ganization to employ an experi-! 1 m KoinK straight to The States
3Dced representative to gather In- j man office and put a classified
formation in order that the matter ; ad in tnat paper." and away she
may be intelligently brought be-; v ent. leaving her husband star-
I0re tke commission. K. M. Cousin
rho was present at the meeting
't is expected, will be employed
Then the organization 13 com
pleted. After 20 dttvs notice cert ficates
will he issued for liens against de-
I mpient city taxes and sold, ac-;
corfling to action taken by the1
-ouncll. Owing to the great need ,
of funds In ; the treasury this
course was thought to be advis
HQ PIVOTAI nWF'r Sal'" 1 n'st piefer to live in.
AO IIIUIHL .Vam r...t,r, 1... ... . .u...
(Continued from page 1.)
"No such statement ever has
been made by the telephone com
pany," retorted Shaw.
"I beg your pardon, it was
made, and made as a public
statement." interposed Mr. tlrant
This Mr. $haw warmly denied, i
Tomlinson took issue with Shaw
by declaring that the manner of
disposing of ; all the revenues of
the company is not shown on the
Kdward .Mi Cousins was present
as a representative of Polk. Ben
ton. Linn and Lane counties. H
had no petition prepared, but
aid one might lie presented.
Attorney Lawrence McNary of
Portland represented the Oregon
Hotel Men'l association. John
Gavin of The Dalles represented
that city and some rural telephone
lines centering there that have
joinea - in me aemanrt for a re-1
en ted by
Corvallis was .repressed a attitude cn Yat,
T. A. London. Salem
by City attoirney Kay L. Smith
and Wood burn by K. P. Morcmn
Among others present were H. I.
Pillsbury. vice president and gen-
eral attorney for the telephone j
comoanv. and Homer c. ,.n. I
- ., , :
?i.J!2"Jan?' " attorney for the,
telephone company
Morcum Challenged
A brush oceured between Morcum-
of Wood burn and Commis
sioner Huchttl when the former
referred to the apparently useless,
officials about the company's
offices prior; to the increase in
rates and said they disappeared
after the increase was obtained.
"Your remarks are entirely un
warranted." (Interrupted Hucht-I
"The commission has studied lh-
ly and know the size of the com
panys payroll"
"Of course, you may not l:k
like my remarks." answered Mor
cum. "It's not a question of liking."
answered Itiichtel. ' it is a ques
tion of fact This i a time wh-n
every card should be m, he table
Wae (JueMion Kaitiil
Bncbtt-i end TiTn!ms..n ex
changed word on the He qu.s
tlon. InterrujptitiK Tomlinson in
his speech. HiKht.l asked:
"Do you think the
operators and phone
should be reduced?"
wages of
"That is a question thut has to
be looked into." answered Tom
linson. "That may be the rej-ult
of this readjustment that has rot
i to be made. We have ot to
a uasis wnereny the u'iiiiv
can operate and give s'rvi:- to
the people.
If the commission decides to i
. allow a rehearing it will meet 1
with representatives of the city,
They sat Filnt for a few mo
ments Then I ncv uaid "Whv
couh,n-t We seU 0iir gardVn Bpot
to somebody to build on. You
know it would be plenty lar?e
enough and we would still have
a nice lawn. I believe we could
get enough for it to finish pay
ing for our home."
"I have thought about that.
to- and we" a -T"1
"I-any. but t hey ,a,d real es-
,at- w" "V st'"ng wf" at ?TT
Tnt and ,,hat would no doubt
be KT'ertu weks and Possibly
n,ont,hs More they could make a
nne signed ana looneo aown
ing aft-3r her..
Well now. Mr. Jones and his
Lood old wife had decided to re
tire from their farm after so
many years of toil there, and
th'nkine that Salem would be an
Ideal place in which to spend the
remaining years of thir lives,
were looking for a ilace to build
a comfortable home.
While Mr. Jones was lookinz
'-ver the classified ad columns of
. The Statesman, as most farmers
j iO. he read Kiicy's ad. "Well. I
i ay. mother. hr's a lot adver-
Used for sale in just the jsection
1 1 1 1 a .
struck our fancy so the day we
were drivfng around tewn trying
to find a location?"
'Oh! you don't pay? What
luck." shf exclaimed.
"Well. now. Silas, don t you a moment's time in the mor-
"tnsi until you have gone over
j '''Te and purchase dliat place."
A,,1 be didn't
So ioth families were made
happy bv it little ad in The Ore- I
con Stat "Milan. !
- -Kiva Landwimr. i
Scotts Mills, Or
(Cont naed from page
seem-d to think Japan would
Pdopt a pasMive attitude I
Japan, it ,s pointed out n.lnn. I
I in her last note. The i.nnerial !
"-overn ment said in order for the
Tnited states to maintain its no
si,,,,,, ,bu, ,he mandate "wa Sot '
awarded "to Japan bv th- stinreme :
,,ncil. it would ha e I Z j
, ... . . .. . 1 ,lave ,0 '),ov" i
inai reservat'ons were
made by Preside,,, Wilson but
Hso that his views were accepted
by the council.
FRflM RrniMA 1
(Continued from page 1)
flied to Speas. "Lefty" Millerl
struck out. Stepp died to Zinke. j
Firth i nn bit;
Fterina - frtx! Aris-k .. u i I
a home run, makinir Reein,"s i
only score Hlancbard Klnplrt un.l !
luJe secopd. Zinke. Ross and Ro
mero struck out.
Salem- Holmes out Ross to
Blanchard. Bishop flied to An
dieus Haves flied to Speas.
Sixth Inning.
Keginu Andrews safe on Proc
tor's error in let tin: a fast one go
by Andrews stole second. Speis
flied to Holmes, f.nyder fanned.
Hurke flied t Stepp.
Salem Kdwards safe on An-
drews' error in overthrowing first
-and takes second. Proctor sin
gled, advancing Kdwards to third
Lin 1 walked. Mike Miller sacri-
f ; .. . i - ,-.
s.onnu rewards, advancing
I roctor to third and Lind to sec-
ond. "Lefty"' Miller swung for a !
home run. scoring Proctor and
Lind. Stepp was out Romero to Holmes walked
Bishop was safe on Andrews' er-
ror and Holmes took second,
Hayes was safe on Andrews" er-
ror and Molme scored. Kdwards
as sate on Hurke"s error and
Kishop scored, while Hayes took
bird. 1'iocior flied to Andrews.
Sfvenlli Inning
1 l.'-in.i Krederb k struck out.
lilaii. Iiar.l singled, .tnke was out
wlit-n he struck at tb ball and
was bit lUalicliartl leached tliild
ion a paKse ball. Hoss fanned.
Salem Lind filed toKurnero.
Mike and Lefty" Miller fanned.
Kiglitli Inning.
j Ht-Kiiia Uiinero flied to Mike
Miller Andiews whiffed. Speas
I was sale nn an excusable error by
Mike Mill- r when lie let a sizzler
i go by. Snyder singled, advancing
I S peas to second. Snydef was out
j Mike Miller to I'ror ior when
jHuike readied firsl on fielder's
Salem -Siepp out Hurke to
Hlanchaid. Holmes whiffed.
Bishop out Hom lo Blanchurd.
Ninth Inning.
Heina Ki ederirks. Blanchard
and Zinke all fanned.
lto Score.
Itegina AB K H I'd A K
Komero lb 4 o u L' 2
Uidre ws ss 4 " 1 2 - 3
Spejs cf 4 o (I (I
Snyder c 4 2 t
Burke :,b 4 0 o n 1 2
Fredericks If 4 1 1 0 0 1
Blanchard lb 4 3 H 0 1
JCinke ir 40100
Ross p 3 0 0 0 2 0
35 1 7 24 9 7
Sab m All K H PO A K
Step:, cf .1 0 0 10 0
Holmes If 4lll0
Bishop 3 b " 2 0 O 1 o
Hayes rf '. olio 0
Kdwards c 3 1 1 1 7 0
Proctor 2b 4 1110 1
hind tb 3 1 3 1 0
M. Miller ss 3 0 0 3 2 1
l.effy .Miller p 4 1 1 0 0 0
35 7 5 27 4 2
Home runs Fredericks and
"Lefty" Miller. Two base hits
Hayes. Snder. Karned runs
Itegina 1. Salem 2. Left on bas
es Kegina . Salem 8. Stolen
bases Bishop (2). Edwards. Lind.
Andrews. Blanchard. Bases on
balls Off Ross 4. Wild pitch
Boss 1. Passed balls By Kd
wards 2. Struck out By Boss
10. by Miller 16.
I'm pi re--1 i u m phries.
Woman Denies Disorderly
Conduct Which is Charged
Against Her
W. W. Smith and Bruno Boedi
t heimer appeared before Judge
r. K. I'nruh of the justice court
esierday and pleaded guilty to
the charge of having in their poa--3sion
intoxicating liquors. Both
men wer? among those arrested
Saturday night in a raid made by
federal officers and the Salem
police, on pool halls. Kate Hart,
also placed under arrest Satur
day night, charged with disorder
ly conduct, pleaded not guilty, as
did Jessie Streeter. on a charge
of having liquor in his possession.
Clyde May. arrested Sunday
for violating the prohibition laws,
was released after putting up a
$250 bail. A Schindler furnished
n hail of 1 2 " for a like offense.
Other persons placed under ar
rest during the raid have not as
yet entered their pleas.
0 . r r-
oenate Majority Get Extra
Berth on Each of 10
Major Committees
Republican majority in the
se,ate to',av Put trough its pro-
?ram. ?f organizing committees
"LV"?K KTD "rn? . an ex!ra
i. " t" " M lM ,en majr
i v a i.rtv vm 4i tn o- fhe
nJ!l 1 V u ' , .u , ' ,
? '"iVerVv"
,1 , J . jn,rovers
r I)eraorra,S' cl,arKe,d
an unfair proportion of comm-t-
tee representation was being
"Kratilied' by the majority.
"Crit icisms are purely profe
slonal," Senator Mrandegee, Re
publican, Connecticut, said. "The
Republicans are responsible lor
legislation and must have control
f fie committees. That's not
tyranny: that's representative
j government the rule of the iiu
I iority. The steam roller is about
to start."
Senator Reed. Democrat. Mis
souri, look sharp extent ion to th'
"'steam roller" suggestion.
Remains of Mastodon
Found at Arlington
AJtl.INC.TON. Or.. April IS.
"'"liefTHefiia ins of a mastadon were
discovered yesterday in Hutcher-
"knife canyon, about four miles
i nuth'ast of Arlinpt'm. Or., by
j William Marshall, a sheep herd
t er in the mploy of Smythe Pros.
MsirshU not'eed the point of
one of the tusks sticking up sev
eral inches above the sandy soil
in the saeebr'ish. Fred Daniel
Fou a canin tender, brought one
of the tusks to Arlington today.
which measured x-ctly nine feet
.op, fhe baP. which is 12 Inches
i s, .v, .. j i .
II la lilt Ll I iu LilTT I II II ,1 till H
'if'""' neeipien.
Danielson said that the skele
nii o the pre-historic mammal Is
complete as far as could be de
termined from a preliminary excavation.
Pi 1
Vice President Delivers Mes
sage to Women at 30th
French and British Ambas
sadors Are on the
(reelings from President Hard
in; were given the Daughters of
the American Revolution at their
30th continental congress to
night, by Vice President Coolidge,
who said he had come at the di
rection of the president to ' bring
his greetings and his assurances
of interest in the patriotic work
of the soci-ty. " Other speakers
were Sir Auckland (leddes, the
British ambassador, and Jules J.
Jusserand. French ambassador.
Sir Auckland made a plea for
Anglo-American and allied unity.
"'The subtle poison to separate
these nations is the most dan
gerous propaganda afoot,' he
said. '"The only way to defeat it
is to give up talking about who
did the most to win the war. The
allies cannot afford separation
now any more than they could
during the war."
'Leadership toward world
peace lies in the hands of Am
erica." he said.
"Kvery nation would welcome
the seizure of that leadership by
America now."
The French ambassador ex
pressed the gratitude of France
to .the society for its care of
French war orphans. "We need
children more than gold or re
parations," he said, "and you
aved young France tor us." He
presented two Sevres vases and
a copy of Houdon's bust of Wash
ington as gifts of his government
to the society.
Changed Traffic Rules
Suggested in Portland
PORTLAND. Ore.. April 18.
Suggested traffic changes includ
ing one way traffic on several
down town streets, limitation of
parking in the congested area and
possible revocation of all for hire
stands will be placed before the
city council Wednesday, Mayor
Baker announced today. Com
missioner Mann expects to in
troduce an ordinance regulating
stages operating out of the city
and will ask the council to auth
orize a central terminal station
for use of all for hire cars now
located on stands in the down
town district.
Part in Break Between U. S,
And Colombia Is
bate on the Colombian treaty en
tered its final phase with Sen
atorstPoIndexter. Washington and
Townsend, Michigan, republicans,
speaking in opposition, and Sen
ators New, republican, Indiana;
and Williams, democrat, Missis
sippi, favoring ratifications.
Denying that the American gov
ernment instigated the revolution
which resulted in the separation
of Panama from Colombia in
1903, or that American troops
prevented Colombian troops from
landing at Colon, Senator Poin-
dexter characterized the treaty as!
a "proposal to pay Colombia
$25,000,000 without consideration
I to the United States."
Senator Townsend contended
that in event of repeal of the act
levying tolls on American tonnage
passing through the Panama
Canal similar freedom from tolls
under the treaty would have to
be accorded to Colombia.
Arguments of those opposing
ratification were described by
Senator 'New as large "looking
backward." He urged the sen
ate in its vote, set for Wednesday
to take the future into considera
tion. Senator Williams urged ratifi
cation as a matter of Justice to
Colombia, attacked the course of
the American government under
President Roosevelt with respect
to that country as "high handed"
and asserted "there was no prece
dent for recognition by the United
States in 1!03 of about 21 Pan
amanians, two or three negroes, a
few mules and a Chinaman."
Senator Poindexter announced
he could not follow Senator Lodge
and other administration leaders'
in supporting ratification now
after having been opposed to the
pact in 1917 for, he said, "it is
a mathematical certainty that if
they were right ten years ago we
are wrong now."
Discussion will continue to
morrow. Committed Suicide by
Use of Percussion Cap
SEATTLE, April IS. Nels
Peterson, retired rancher who
was found dead in a local hotel
yesterday and was believed to
have been murdered, committed
suicide by the use of a percus
sion cap, police detectives an
nounced today after investigation.
A piece of fuse was found in the
blanket which waa wrapped
around the man's head and bits
of copper and traces of dynamite
were found in bis mouth, police
St. LOUS, April 1
Score K. 1 1.
Chieago - 'r' "
St. Louis '' "
Kerr and Schalk; Shocker and
Severeld .
CHICAGO. April 1 S.
Score H II. K.
Pittsburgh ' f
Chicago 7 1" -
inn. Clazner, Carlson and
Schmidt; Tyler and O'Farrell.
CINCINNATI. April 10 -rtcore:
St. Louis " 1 !
Cincinnati ' " 0 I
Mav, Pertlca. Walker. Kircher
and ("lemons; Luoue and Har
K rave.
Labor Scale of $2.60
Effective at Chehalis
CH EH A LIS. Wash., April 18.
A new wage scale became effec
tive today at the local sawmills
with the basic wage tixed at $2.60
a day for common labor. All em
ployes from heads of the concern
to office men and laborers, are
affected by the reductions in
Operators of the plants said that
with the recent further declines in
the prices of lumber they w.ll
either have to cut labor and all
other costs to the bone or cease to
run their mills. Serious question
is raised as to whether, even with
the $2.60 base, the plants can con
tinue to run and break even, ow
ing to the great supply of lumber
for which no market is now avail
able and which must be p.led in
I the yards.
ASHLAND. Wis.. April 18.
E. A. Shores. 76, said to have
been one of the best known lum
bermen in the country, died to
day. He had resided in Seattle
and Tacoma several years.
Fashionable Apparel at Lower Prices- -Nothing Like
This Presentation Has Been Known in Salem Before
For Quality and Style at Such Extremely Low Prices
Think of It at
How's This For Value?
98c to $1.98
This pretty apron
dress is not limited to
morning use., but is
the most comfortable
for indoor wear for the
whole day. Of light
colored percale, all siz
es for women and
APRIL 19, 1921
Ellli MEN
Chief Justice of Supicmo
Court Stops on Way
To Geneva
VANCOUVER. B. ".. April IS.
China is menaced by three
"enemies." article 21 of the league
of nations covenant, the Anulo
Japanese alliance and athe Lan-sing-lsh
I exchange of notes. Dr.
Wang, chief Justice of the su
preme court of China who is en
route to Geneva where he will en
gage in conferences on revision of
the league covenant, dec lared here
"China's first enemy." said Dr.
Wan, "is article 21 which lays
down the untenable doctrine of
so-called regional understand nus.
and which is not only a direct
challenge to Chinas integrity be.
cause of its interpretation, but
which is destructive of the league
itself, since it permits all member
powers to form pr.vate groups to
exploit in their own interests the
territories and waters of the
neighboring member powers.
China is determined to have this
article amended."
The Anglo-Japanese alliance
was characterized by Dr. Wang as
the "second enemy" and he said
he hoped to show during h s stay
in Canada that renewal of that al
liance "in any form whatsoever"
would tend to lead o a war "in
which China must necessarily par
ticipate on the side of the United
States, thus rendering nugatory
all British declarations retarding
England, be ng absolved from par
ticipation in an American-Japanese
Intervention of a third power,
munitioned and equipped by one
of tbe belligerents, must make the
alliance apply to both signatories.
Dr. Wang declared.
The third "enemy," Dr. Wang
said, is the Lansing-Ishii exchange
of notes with their "equally un
tenable doctrine that geographical
propinquity confers rights."
"China Is determined to force
Nearly Cost "We'll Tell The World" V
Our Half Price Sale Drew
Many hundreds of people
to our store Saturday and
every department resem
bled a bee hive. We still
have a nice assortment of
ladies' ready-to-wear
garments on display that
we are going to sell at
Half Price. They may be
just your size and just
what you want Come in
and look them over
they are attractive, mod
erately priced and sure
to please and satisfy.
Crown Flour, per sack $2.25
Northern White Spray, per
sack $2.13
White Cap, per sack....$2.00
Oatmeal, 1 sack 49c
Blue Ribbon, per sack $1.90
Corn Meal, per sack 33c
Fancy Head Rice, 10 lbs 50c
Pancake Flour, I sack.,..55c
Maham Flour, 1 sack....48c
M. J. B. Coffee, 5 lbs 38c
M. J. B. Coffee, 3 lbs 40c
Diamond W 5 lbs., 48c val
ue 35c
Diamond W., 3 lbs 48c val
ue 36c
Diamond W., 1 lb., 48c val
ue 37c
Pure Lard in bulk, 6 lbs. $1
Best Shortening, 8 lbs. $1
Standard Tomatoes, 10
lbs. $1.00
Corn, 9 lbs. $1.00
11 lbs. Sugar $1.00
20 bars Crystall White
Soap ....$1.00
75c Broom 39c
Price the Main Object Why Pay
Shop Where You'll Always Find the Big Crowds
thep three issues to a satisfactory
coiiitMiiou this summer," said Dr.
Wang,? "as she fully recognizes
that so long as they rema.n in
thtr present condition, so long
hU hlr progress aud stability be
M'J.'A HAS ( MH Dili RST.
. ii r. - ----
:6N"Ion. April IS. a Java
tfljtpatj&h reports 2-1 peisons have
befei kilb'd and 60 ar mising a
a :resdlt of a cloudburst and a
iaiMl.-llde, according to the Rot-t-jiilail
correspondent of the lon
ildB Tinier.
?.' !. A Pfprtor. of
cWtkias) u4 w wUl
for trial. fMlwinniiif
j rcEMO HYcmuorASBion rjrsTmm.
These are the garments
the people demand an
a 1 1 r active assortment,
formerly priced at $35 to
Now $11, $14
and $18.00
These Silk Dresses are
beautifully embroidered
to appreciate them
you must see them, in all
sizes up to 50.
Men's Fine Shoes, regu
lar $8,50 xtra special
one week
The Well Known Conley
Shoe, famous for its high
class fit and wear in
black kid, mahogany kid,
and gun metal, former
price $8.50 extra spe
ciaJ, one week
We still have a nice as
sortment which we are
going to close out at
L f