The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, April 19, 1921, Page 1, Image 1

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The Statesman receives the leased
wire report of the Associated
Press, the greatest and most re.
liable press association in the
Tuesday rain; fresh southerly
American And Japanese
Governments Are Equally
Firm as to Status Of
Island of Yap.
Officials Believe Soundness
Of Position Will Be
American and Japanese govern
ments bate adopted equally firm
attitudes as to tbe status of the
Island of Yap. Diplomatic ex?
changes are continnlns. and those
to date were made public today
In Washington and Toklo. Tlreyj
consist of two memoranda and
three formal notes.
Japan tn Us last communica
tion received late In the Wilson
administration, insisted it had
been awarded a mandate for the
.. Island by the supreme council
May 7. 1919. and that It could
not agree with th raerican con
tention that Irrespective of any
award of mandate other nations,
-should hare free access to the
Island for cables.
In replying, Secretary Hughes
on April 6 stated that the United
States could not be bound by
action either of the supreme'
council or of the league of na
tions. and that as no one had
been "authorized to surrenderor
cde" the Tight rjl the United
State in the Island, the American
government could not recognise
the al location of the Island or
the validity; of tbe mandate."
si agues ' ore uoftMaerea.
Japan. now is considering this
t communication. Great Britain,
France and Italy alio hare be
fore them similar notes. Ex
changes between the four gov
ernments are understood to be
under way wltn a Tleir to mch
ing an accord.
Meantime, however, France In
a preliminary reply, stated'tnat
toe matter is one for the supreme
council to consider In Mar and
ini wnen u comes up, sne win
approach It with a ytw to find
ing: a solution airing every satis-
faction tn tha TinltoH States
" The viewpoint of the Harding
administration as explained to
day is that the a u eat ion of wheth-
er the supreme council did actu
ally' award the island to Japan
on May 7 Is of secondary impor
1 tatrce.
Tbe important point at issue,
it Is emphasized, Is recognition
by the allied governments of the
principle laid down by Secretary
Hugbes that the United States
' as a principal allied and associ
ated powr, has an equal right in
the former German colonies and
that thoss rights cannot be dls-
; posed of without consent of the
American government.
Japanese Policy 1'amire.
Administration officials believe
that the soundness of this po
sition will be- conceded by Its for
mer war associates. With this
principle recognized, it is be
lieved the details as to the Am
erican rights can be worked out.
No official information has
SnrA lnHAatlfttr Tan mABltlAfi
.vasav naff; - u m avo mu.
Press dispatches from Toklo,
' however, say newspapers there
(Cohtlnued on pas 2)
St. Louis Professor Declares That If Keformer Had Said "Re
voeo" at Worms, Ringing of Liberty Bell at Philadelphia
Would Neer Have Celebrated Declaration of Inde-pendente
NEW YORK. April 1. (Ry
the Associated Press) Protes
tants throughout the world recog
nised yesterday and today the
debt of gratitude they owe to
Martin Lufnr for their civil and
religious liberty. Four hundred
years ago. on April 17, 1521. the
fearless monk and reformer was
first haled before the German
diet at Worm and requested to
recant hfs assertions of the right
or tbj individual to act according
to the dictates of his own con
science. Millions of Protestants are cel
ebrating the anniversary of Luth
Jr'i trial, which continued for
two days. Thousands of speakers
attest that Lather's refusal to re
cant marked "the beginning of a
; mighty intellectual and religious
i revolution.
Harding AdilsTribute.
' President Harding has added
his tribute to the memory of the
rreat reformer in a statement he
Pleasure and Scenic Drive for
Tourists Is Routed by Stage
Line Operator
In company with a committee
from the Cherrians. the Commer
cial club and the Marion County
Realty board. Dorscy B. Smith, of
the King-Smith Travel bureau and
stage line, yesterday made a trip
over the same route used for
Blossom day. visited the state in
stitutions and viewed other places
of Interest in the county, with a
view to outlining a route over
wh!ch he may conduct parties of
tourists this summer. From all of
this a short tour, covering from
one and a half to two hours, will
be laid out.
Mr. Smith, who is a member of
the firm operating the big gray
auto busses between Salem and
Portland, is also connected with
the King-Smith Travel bureau. He
has installed information booths
at all of tbe hotels in Portland and
will co-operate with the manage
ment of each of these in outining
a week of travel for tourists who
come to Portland this summer,
slogan adopted by tbe, Portland
Commercial club for the tourist
season this year and toward this
end Mr. Smith is arranging an en
tire week's program of outings.
In a bulletin, of which Mr.
Smith is having 50.000 printed, he
has devoted one page to Salem and
Its possibilities with the intention
of including in the week to be
spent in Portland a one day's trip
to the capital city.
One of the beautiful spots which
impressed Mr. Smith in his obser
vations yesterday was the pano
rama view from the Kugel hill
overlooking the Dibble & Franklin
tulip and bulb farm in Polk coun
ty. From this hill can be seen al
most all of the prominent peaks
In the state and a magnificent
view of the valley.
Business House on South
Commercial Street Will
Be Remodeled
A deal completed yesterday
transfers the ownership of the
building owned by A. N. Bush and
Miss Sally Bash, and occupied tor
the past 30 years by the T. M.
Hrr plain bin jc shop, to Mr. Ba rr.
The consideration. Including some
Improvements which hare been
started on the structure, will ap
proximate $15,000.
The work ot remodeling the
building has already been started,
a 100-foot extension on the second
floor being the most extensive
change. This addition will nonce
the sheet metal shop which here
tofore has been conducted on the
first floor in connection with the
plumbing and heating shops. The
fore part of the upper story, now
used as office rooms, to which the
new addition will be attachedwill
be remodeled into apartment".
The entire cost of the changes
planned in the building- will
amount to about $2500. The first
floor of the building now c6ver3
165 by 30 feet.
1 Mr. Barr has occupied this
same building for the past 30
years. Mr. Hush having built it
for him at that time.
Wood is New Head
Of Penn University
Major General Leonard Wood
today was elected head of the
University of Pennsylvania by the
board of trustees. He was nom
inated by tbe board last month.
of the National Lutheran council.
in which he wrote:
"On the occasion of the
;400th celebration of Luth
;er's stand before thr diet of
"Worms. I think there will be
general agreement that Lu
ther's firm advocacy of un
fettered opinion deserves
commemoration as one of
the notable contributions to
ward mankind's intellectual
emancipation. Its fitting
celebration will be a testi
mony to the fact that the
world has. since his time,
traveb-d far on the way to
realizing his ideal of full in
dividual liberty."
The gTeat significance of Lnt ti
er's firm stand lefore his Judges
Is brought out by Prof. J. II. C
Fritz, dean of Concordia semin
ary of St. Louis, who says that
but for Martin Luther and his
unyielding convictions of liberty,
ringing of the Liberty bell at
i (Continued on page 5.)
Attorney for Telephone Com
pany Declares Commis
sion Cannot Grant Re
hearing Petitions.
Counties and Cities of West
ern Oregon Represented
At Conference
A question of the legality of
the procedure of Portland and
other Oregon cities that are ask
ing for a rehearing o." the Pacific
Telephone & Telegraph rate case
is the pivotal point on which the
public service commission will
make its decision relative to a
The issue developed at a con
ference here yesterday in speeches
by H. N. Tomlinson. deputy city
attorney for Portland, and James
T. Shaw, rate attorney for the
Telephone company, Shaw declar
ing the procedure absolutely Il
legal, and Tomlinson reading from
tbe public utility act to show that
It is legal.
Thirty-Day Ijiw Cited
Shaw declared that' if the case
is reopened it must be a new pro
cedure entirely and did not deny
the right of the service commis
sion to reopen the case on its own
motion. Since the new rates
have been on file with the com
mission for not less than 30 days,
however, he averred that the
Portland petition asks the com
mission to go contrary to law by
requesting that the rates be sus
pended pending a rehearing.
Frank S. Grant Portland city
attorney, said be bad been auth
orized by nearly all the principal
cities in the state to include their
petitions for rehearing with that
of Portland. Tbe Portland 'peti
tion he read, bringing out th
following main i-oinls:
That the increased rates are
excessive, unreasonable and un
lawful. That tbe profits accruing to tbe
telephone company as a result of
the rates are excessive, unreas
onable and unlawful.
That the telephone service is
poor and does not warrant the
rates demanded.
MjcteriaN Show Incline
That the return contemplated
for the company by the commis
sion in making its order was too
high and that the stock dividend
is increased from 8 tq 9 percent.
That the price of materials and
supplies has been reduced, mak
ing higher rates unnecessary from
'that angle.
Mr. Shaw, in his talkT first set
forth his argument that the pe
tiotions for rehearing are illegal
and asserted that not one pres
ented evidence sufficient to war
rant a rehearing. Any move to
grant tbe petitions, he said, would
be an abuse of power. The
petitions. Shaw declared, attaok
not only the order in question,
but three preceding orders, one
I in 1916 and two in 1919. He
reviewed all the hearings at
length, and going back as far as
1914, said 25 solid days had boon
taken up in hearings.
Threat is Made
Mr. Sharw appeared to be mak
ing a threat when he said that
the valuation of the telcohone
company as established by the
commission and on which the
recent increase was based is
$16,000,000, but that the actual
value is about $2.r ,000,0 00 and
that the company will insist on
that valuation if tho case is
opened again.
"The people of Oregon are now
enjoying many advantages under
the new rates." he said.
Referring to private branch
exchange patrons, Mr. Shaw said
this is the first order that has
included them in increases. Mak
ing comparisons, he said the last
three rate orders have increased
the rates slightly oser 50 percent,
while the cost of tabor and main
tenance has increased far more.
Farmers' lines Shaw mentioned
as about the most trying depar;
menl of telephone service and
said that at no time have they
paid rates commensurate with the
cost of their maintenance by tse
ScrkT I'lacftI First
Attorney Tomlinson. replying
to Shaw, said the purpose ot a
utility is to serve the people and
the purpose of the commission is
to see thai it does serve the peo
ple. The commission. he salt!,
has no right to increase
rates nn -
les it is for the benefit of the
people. He referred to the tele
phone increase as the most radi
cal made by any regulatory body
since the war. He referred to
tho present as a period of declin
ing prices when the country is on
the verge of panic, and declared,
"the bottom has been shot out
of the lumlwr. wheat and wool
industries In Oregon."
Warm Wortls Paused
"The "public be damned' policy
has become obsolete," said Tomlinson.
Continued on page 2)
Coolidfce & McClaine Struc
ture Will be Leased by Gov
ernment for Postoffice
SII.VKRTON. Or.,. April 18.--(Special
to The Statesman )
Ooolidg- & McClaine, bankers are
laying plans for the erection of n
new brick postoffire on which th
government has promisor! to take
a ten-year lease.
The building is to be 40 by ',
Toot and will be erected on. t ho
lot adjoining the nw bank vault.
For several yenrs the postoffice
lias occupied a part of the hank
building. With its greatly In
creased business the bank now
needy this; room.
It was with this purpose in
view that the bank submitted the
proposal of the erection of a new
building to the government.
Bids on Payment Are
Opened by Dallas Council
DALLAS, Or., April IK. (Spe
cial to The Statesman) Five bid
for the proposed pavement or l.
blocks of street were opened by
the city council hre tonight and
were taken under advisement for
consideration at another meeting
to be called Thursday night ot
this week. Specifications called
tor concrete pavement, and th"
lowest bid was $-.74 a square
llouch of Portland. Two bids
were submitted at $'.T5 and two
at $2 90. Som" time ago ttm
council was assured that concrete
pavement could bo obtained aa
low as S2.r,ri.
If you think you know
how to write a good classi
fied advertisement, here's
your chance to win one of
the three cash awards the
Statesman will give each
week for the best story en
titled "How to Write a
Classified Ad."
The first awards will be
announced in Tuesday's is
sue of each week, the first
announcement Tuesday,
April 20. Contestants must
see that their "stories"
reach the Statesman office
before Monday morning of
each week in order to be
The awards will be as fol
lows: first award, $2.50
second award, $1.50; third
award $1.00.
The Statesman wants your
ideas as to how these ad
should be written to get the
best results. Tell us what
you would say in your ad
and why you would say it.
Don't forget the why. For
example, do you think it
should contain price of the
article offered for sale, or
the price you are willing to
pay for an article you want
to buy? If you think the ad
should contain the price, tell
us why. )If you think it bet
ter to leave the price out of
the ad. tell us why.
Should it contain descrip
tion? Why?
Should it contain location?
Should it describe quality?
Tell us about ads for
"help wanted" and "work
wanted"', etc , etc. Also
about any and all other
kinds of classified ads.
Write your stories plain
ly on one sido of paper only
and mail to Classified Ad
Manager. Oregon Statesman,
Salwn, Oregon.
Tills ek's Award.
A number of very inter
esting "stories" about the
value of Statesman classified
ads were received last week
the jndses hnv decided up
on the following ns winners:
1st award, $2. SO. Klva
Landwing. Scotts Mills. Or.
Second award. Gertrude
Daily, Salem.
Third award. Hose Hus
ton. Newport. Or.
The story winning first
award is published in full
below; th others will he
published in future issues of
The Statesman. Watch for
Often n Classified In Th?
Oregon Statesman I loublc
Now it happened that William
and Lucy were buying a comfort
able home for t;s in one
f the beautiful sections of Sa
lem. As William wa. a laboring
in years they
!f01,n, jt necessary to bu
y on the
installment plan and pay with
their monthly savincs. Hut af
ter a while work shut down and
William was no longer able to
met. his payments. In ain he
tried to rase the money from
different Murces. At last, dis
b aliened he went home where
he round hia wife reading by tho
cheerful fireplac. She looked
up a? he entered. ' Well, what
luck did you have today, dear?"
"None at all," he igbed. "I
Riiess it's a case of giving up our
(Continued on pago 2)
Measure Provides Restric
tion From May 1 to June
30 Next Year to 3 Per
Cent of 1910.
Governor of California Urges
Fellow Executives To
Favorable report by the house im
migration committee on the bill
restricting admission of aliens
from May 1 to June 30 next year
to three per cent of e:uh nation
ality in the I'm ted States in 1910,;
was considered assured tonight. I :
The committee, acting in execu
tive session decided to report to
morrow and to ask the house for
Immediate consideration.
Before acting finally on the
temporary measure, the eomm.f
teo heard V. S. McClatchy, Sacra
mento, Cal., who submitted a dec
laration of principles for the Ja
panese exclusion league of Cali
fornia. He urged Japanese exclusion as
"necessary in the Interest of the
nation." and requested that pro
vision be made to prevent the
federal government' in the exer
cise of its treaty-making powers
from encroaching upon "state's
rights" and nullifying laws for
control of lands, or even affecting
the sale or lease of properties to
aliens ineligible for citizenship.
The only exemption on Japa
nese immigration, the witness
aaid. should be permission for
temporary residence for tourists,
tudents, artists, commercial men
and teachers. For tbe Japanese
legally entitled to residence, he
asked fair treatment in protec-
Ing their property rights legally
He submitted figures to show
the rapid Increase in the Japanese
population of th United State
and described the IncreasinK diffi
culties of Americans to meet them
in competition. Japanese, when
ever born, he declared, reniain
subjects of the Japanese emperor
and enjoy privilege of dual citi
zenship. SACRAMENTO. Cal., April 18
A request that they support the
attitude of the state of California
toward Japanese immigration a::
sent to the governors of all states
of the Union today by Governor
Williams D. Stephens.
The letter reads in part:
"The California legislature
passed unanimously a resolution
embodying a declaration of Cali-
fornia's principles in the matter of
Japanese immigration and urginn
upon the president, the state de
partment and congress the en
dorsement and adoption thereof.
"As a frontier state, California
is making the fitht of the nation
acainst the incoming rush of an
alien unassimilahle race which
would engulf our civilization, our
traditions and our ideals. Without
the co-operation of the other
states, California cannot hope to
secure such action as will put a
stop to the future development in
this country of an alien, .unassimi
lahle community, which must in
time engemh r racial conflict and
International misunderstandinss.
The way to preserve peace with
Japan is to aet in this matter with
justice and decision and to place
about our American citizenship
and ceonoin c interests such pro
tection as Japan properly places
about her own.
In view of the:c facts. I am
taking the liberty of ask in k your
assistance in upholding alltor
nias stand in th matter. Your
state legislature is probably not in
session at this time, but you can
aid in this fi-iit for the preserva
tion of the nation's interests by
representations to your state l l
vgatious'at Washington, urpin or
recommending thai they c. oper
ate with the California delegation
in an effort to secure absolute ex
clusion of Japanese immigration,
under conditions which wgll save
any real humiliation to Japan and
will make for peace now and per
tnenet friendship hereafter be
tween this country and Japan."
Bass Season is Closed
Game Warden Declares
Roy Mremmer. distrh I uame
law, calls attention to the fishing
law as it relate to 1.o-h. .Many
people, it appears, are uninformed
as lo the law and are fisliitm for
bass at this time which is a close,!
reason for that clas of fish. The
ip'n season for ba.-s is from .luT'.e
10 to April Z of the following
year. The hag limit is 30 fish or
20 oounds in one day. and f.0 fish
or 4 pounds In seven consecutlvo
JOHN FOSTER FKASEK. who was knighted in 1917
for journalislic service performed durirfr th war,
and who is now in America studying business prob
lems here, his major interest being in the tariff projects
of the United States. He U an authority on intetna
tional affairs and is hopeful of a successors to
i '"- J
Steady Streams of Automo
biles Pour Into Salem
All Day
Success of Second Venture
Assures Annual Bloom
Time Celebration
Marion county's second HIosMnn
day festival has come ;uxl gone
and thousands are maivHIniK a!
the heaulies of ntitui'c displayed
J both in this comity :'iid the ad
joining county, I'olk. Thousands
of acres of blossoming tre-.-s. pro
mise of a fulfillment to nun".
Fira(l over t lie' beautiful rolling
and valleys aloui Salem and
attracted many visit firs and ne'v
arrivals in the :;tate who as y t
have not definitely become locat
ed. According to e.-ti mates T Je;"!
in;; Cherrians and judging a
nartiul record taken at th" Dibble
& Franklin bulb farm, the mini
Ikt of persons going over the
Hlossom day route Sunday nimi
hered nearly 7't(it. ltd ween -,"
and J'' came on Hie train and
were taken over the route i,
t'herrians and other Salem res,
flent:; owning cats, this intuitu r
I'ciiig larger than last year. Ovr
I nun cars were re orded a vi:'
inn the tulip farm hut that i -port
was not kept during all of the
flay and is therefore tit c "lipid.-.
A majorilv o!' lli- visitors c;uu
from I'orfland although ;ir'.
very town in the vall'-y was i P
revnted. Tl0',e Known hi ii'i
come the farthest dlrtann
a man and his wii- who e.ifi"
from Port Townsend. Va:-h , to
look V?r Hie f-otnll'v with a l'O-
silde illtepli"H Ol lolatili) here. ,
The enormous uecss ol tit'-,
second lllos-om da r i- a : ran'
that It will he one oi lh- regular (
seasonal festivals and advcrti-i'u j
ev'iii.s of every year.
One of th" inofi pl jsiriK
lures of lllor som das th !i "
tulip prerented each visiior i "
included h stop at th- WiMde .
Franklin hull) farm in the trip
over the counties. A -te;iMy
stream of crs jias-ing tit s
place front mi 'lie morning
until lat- in the afternoon and !m
the middle of the day the traMf
l'iaiti' so congest"rl that it was
ni-cessarv for a number ol ' ", r
runs to take ehsirre ait "' 1
the traffic The' tulip -rarm th -largest
bulb farm o! its lind in
tne i nnil niaie .hi', j .-
dressed in a riot oi roiors. n w
til spot
by farm the most beantM
on the route. t
...n ,.r .,r,..u. i (.. MH.-s
nrnne orchard on h
road A fcign. bearing " tuossoms
are the promise but these are the
fulfillment." Invited tne passer
by to help themselves to the de-
llcious iruii.
I I ' "."''
- v - ' ?
T '-7.
Salem Pitcher Strikes t: Out
Hi i "-' i L
Sixteen Men in Sunday
Game With Leaguens
; ft,
Manager Hayes' Aggrega
tion Shows Promise! of
Brilliant Season
With "Lefty" Miller sepdinj? 16
of Hilly Spuas' Uegina leaguers
to the bench by the strikfe-jnit
route and everyone of the ISkjha
tois Mipporling hirn in ilrst class
fashion, the Salem team woii Sin
day's came by a score of 7;t:0 l.
The Kegina lads made sQveri '.hits,
however, to live by the local: boys,
hut also made seven errors to the
two made by Salem'. ,
Uegina had a disastrous KlXth
intiins; in which l a combination
of errors by tiie leaKuetis 8lero
was enabled to send it 4ix r.unft.
The Senators looked mighty
i:ood Sunday and if Ma nager -Ja-k
Hayes is able lo keep up the pH;s
i ni standard thai lias bohn tie$ jp
tin- team he should have; LhSun
iiu.ililied support of every iport
lover in Salvm t h i oughout. thejsea
son. jl; ;
Sunday's panic by innlngsf,
First Inning. : -: ,
Uegina Romero was ; out- pn
stiikes. Andrews f 1 jm1 lo Llttd.
Speas drove a liner that; an$ n
lielder would have been (ixcuiabe
in dropping, but Mike 'SlilU.'r it
stiori pulled it down and .thu aide
was out. ' ju1 I
Salem Siepp fanned. I Holmjbs
fanned. Mihiiop was RiIij iiii Hlah-
h.ird's error aiul slob.'! seeottU
lliiv :, smashed out a tK-bjkHr in; minister to Rumania,
and t'red IHhop. Kd wardsiJHil- j "
Kl'd, advaticint; Hayes to tltlrU.
1 Kdwaids Htole second. . I'rocir
was mil Andrews to I Uanciia r(Ji' j; :
Srrtnnl Inning. ; t- .
Retina Snvder and . RilrUe
I. 'lined. Fie.leticks flied 1( 1 1. jH.
S.i i f ii - l.iti'l. Mike Miller ,anl
"Lefiv- Miller all rallied. lf:
Tbird Inninir ' J
j Ris-ina I'.lanchatd singIed;;;aiWr
i : ai bed e(nnd on a passed jtialf.
i Xnike, Itoss and Romero '.aS
;;l.i!,f hard.
v, but w.ts
lo l;onie!o
S'l-pp out Romero fa
Holmes bunted i,tn
Ihiown out Andlt'Wj
when Rishop fboiJ
first on fielder's choice.' Bishop
slide second. Ross was unable to
chain them down and Hishop ijxik
third on a wild pifrh. Hayes: untl
both walked. , 1'rOCI or
fanned. :K S
I'oiM-tli Inning. , .
Uegina Andrewj singled, Jiiit
jfJ lrvjn
to s-tcal second waft
j thrown down. Und to Mike Mitler.
i Speas w as out Mike Miller to Und,
Miller making a wonderful lop.
! Snyder hit a rtubU?. liurkel
out Rishop to Lini. . i. ?
SaJern Lind tamped at first
when Fredericks dropped, hia fly,
Lind stole second. Mike Miller
(Continued-on4 page Z.J? j socaoad Germany."
Captain Martien, Second and
Third Mates Are Charged j
With Inattention to Their i
Master Absolved of Guilt and
Given Praise for Quick
-SEATTLE, Wash., April 18.
Blame for the wreck of the steam
ship Governor, rammed and sunk
off Fort Townsend, Wash., April
1, with the loss of fire lives, was
officially placed on the pilot of
the Governor, Captain Harry II.
Marden and Ernest Kellenberger,
second mate, and Arne Hage,
third mate of the Governor, In the
report of tbe United States steam
boat inspectors, made public to
day, w f
The three officers are epeclfl-i
cally charged with "Inattention, to!
the duties of the station." ; -1
The findings resulted from an
investigation conducted by Cap--tain
Donald S. Ames and Harry
C. Lord, steamboat : Inspectors, I
immediately after the sinking of
the Governor. Under procedure ot
the United States steamboat laws -
the three officers today, constitute .
a true bill against the officers who .
will be required to appear before
the inspectors to plead to the!
charge. - , j
Captain Marden and Third Mate I
Hage are charged with failure to?
leave the pilot house of tha Got.'
ernor. the windows of which were
closed, in response to tbe report!
of the lookout and bridge" quar-;
termaster that "certain ! lights
were in close proximity," and Sec
ond Mate Kellenberger is charged
with failure to keep "proper look
out after relieving tbe third mate
to take tbe 12 to 4 a. jm. watch."
Captain Edward I Bartlett, :
master of tbe Governor, Was ab
solved of blame and siren pralss
for his "intelligent supervision ot
the debarkation of survivors," In I
the report. - 1 - I
The Governor was rammed by
the West Hartland shortly . after,
midnight April 1 and Sank In 45
minutes. t
All Bids Rejected on j
Elks Residence Property
All bids submitted to tbe Salem
Elks for the residence . building
and barn on the Elks' State street
property near the First Methodist
church have been rejected and the
building will be allowed to stand
on the ground for another year,
pending tbe beginning ot , con
struction work on tbe proposed
new Elks temple. Four bids on
the house and one on the barti
were received. . .. . ,
The Elks have a tenant for the
house, which is probably the larg est
residence honse In Salenir ana
will rent it for a year." The ten
ant doubtless will sub-rent to
roomers. I
Nominations of Jay ; ; i
And White Confirmed
WASHINGTON. April 18. -The
senate tonight confirmed the nom
inations of Frank White of
Dakota to be treasurer of the
United States, and of Peter
Augustus Jay of Rhode Island.'
now minister to Salvador, to k
Dr, Axltns Says The Orienta
Country Wants to do
Her Share I :
LINCOLN. ANeb., April lg y
Speaking at a convocation of Uni-j
verslty of Nebraska students to
day. Dr. Axllng, a graduate os
the university, but for 20 year'
a missionary in Japan, declared
that country had no ambition for
conquest, not even for conquest
in Asia. Dr. Axling bad for hi
Kubjoct "Japan a Menace or ati
AsBet." He said he had made
thorough study of tb relation
of Japan and the United States
"Japan." -he said, "was am
bitious to do her share of th
world's work and to bear1 hei
i,hare of tbe burdens, but ehe cer-
talnljr .does not aspire to become
enl to the Iter. ItowaTd, R, Cold