The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, April 17, 1921, Page 5, Image 5

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Ffiares and flickers
under the direction of the Liberty
theater management, showing 22
of Salem's moat prominent busi
ness men starting at'the L.berty
theater Monday.
1 T fii'm ara tn ln in
JLSuced to the screen in the next
rr Pickford production. "The
toll Sght." hich ill be the
Kiuoi th L:birty Uleater
today, till Wednesday.
iTbii thrilling emotional drama ;
' laid In Italy and Mi!8 ikfnl
tlected the principal members of ,
lit cast while abroad and had ,
tiem transported to Hollywood.:
Alle the other Italian members'
of the organization were selected .
lit New York and at.o came to j
Hollywood especially for this one
production. I
I'Wno'a Who in Salem" is the j Patroiis of the Oregon theau i
t'ile Of the special picture mad;1 hn seeS-Kast Lynne." the mod-
The Rose City Four, a. hish
fflafts sinuliiK quartet has been se
cured to appear at the Grand today.
Clyde Cook, known as the
world's greatest comedian will be
seen at the. Grand today, tomorrow
and Tuesday, in his latex? comedy
feature, "The Huntsman."
crnized film version produced by
nugo Halliii, will find in it all
the dramatic appeal, pathos and
strength of the original story and
its numerous stage presentations
heretofore. This is unusual, since
most of the screen dramas liased
on well, known novels or plays
fall for short of expectations
"Hast Lynne" exceed thenu
Mr. Hallin accomplished a dis
tinct triumph in his moderniza
tion, introducing modern dress
and setting without losing the at
mospheie of the period as regards
character and action. The pro
duction will be greeted as an old
'riend in new dress and the greet
ing accorded will be warm in
able soft shoe dancing forms part
of the attractiveness. On the Hip
podrome show at the Hligh today.
Entertainers DeLux
"A Timely Appointment"
The Delightful Comedy
" "The Book Shop"
- In
"Tarnished Reputations
- Tuesday "Better Times"
There s a path that leads to
There's a iath that leads to pain;
There's a path that leads to treas
ure: T le found and lot again;
There's a path that leads to sor
row It's no pleasant path to roam;
Hut you find a bright tomorrow.
When you take the path "Down
"Tarnished Reputations" is the
feature booked for the IJligh thea
ter for two days commencing to
day. Ik!ores Cassinelli. the popu.
lar Cameo Girl of the screen, if
the star. The picture Is said to be
a highly dramatic one offering
Miss Cassinelli an opportunity to
run the entire gamut of emotions
and wear some striking gowns.
Sing ng and. dancing, piano and
xylophone and costume changes
form the entertainment to be pre
sented by Gleeson's and Houlihan
on the Hippodrome show at the
Bligh today.
A street in New York City Is
the spot selected by Mills & Moul
ton as the locale for their skit "A
Timely Appointment." On the Hip
podrome show at the Bligh today.
There's just one reason why
"Humoresque" takes its place
among the big pictures of the day.
lit is a great picture because it
is a human picture. It brushes
away superfluities and goes
traight to the heart. You're sur
prised at the smile on your face
but smile you do. The wet
ness on your face is a tear. You
didn't know you were crying.
That's "Humoresque. "
Once in a while a stranger
monies along and sweeps you al-
" most off your sat. Vera Gor
don is one of these.
bore Davidson as "papa." the
kindest old dog iu the world d
pite his leiocious bark, is great.
n unbeliever, papa. who. con
vinced against hi will, heroines
the loudest shout?r at the camp
Gaston Olass. a nice clean cut
oung chap, is good as the mu
sician grown. Hut P.obby Con
nelly as the young Leon i! better.
And little Miriam H.itti'ta is one
of the sweetst things you've s?en
for a long time a? a little lame
girl tenderly rhe'ishing a 'dead
cat which "she will plant all the
same as violets!"
Technically "Humoresque" is
just about perfect. The cast is
An optical feast is promised to
Dicture patrons when Do'iglas
Fairbanks' new photo-feature.
"The Nut," opens next Sunday for
four-day run at the Liberty thea
ter. Accord ng to advance reports
regarding this production, the
public may expect to view a real
celluloid innovation. For origin
ality and novelty of treatment,
this picture is said to excel any
thing yet attempted by the ingeni
ous "Doug."
The neat little comedy fluff
called "The Hook Shop," intro
duces the delightful players. Re
gal and Mack. A wh rl of fun
some songs, topical, and consider-
- I
i ; . , , i . rw v rK ' B
A production wifh vhich no comparison can
be made -The supreme effort of a true artist
And Comedy
Music by F. W. Richardson
Adults, 35c; Children, 10c
Today TomorrowTuesdayWednesday
' WHO'S WHO 9 Starts Monday
W'm V,t- I I I . .. nf 99 nf Cilum'u rnnul nrnminpnl VillV?nev:q
Tfl Pn C 4 a mi 'j i i a i l . .. 2... i tkn m fnw rinn uroolr ;i n H (hp
-r . owning iiionaay we win snow inc utn.iv v. mvm,
' f)llowln8 Monday we will show the faces.
Here Is Your Chance If You Think That You Are Good Gucsscr
$25 Cash Free
Gums Who's Who in Salem and Win $25.00 In Cash Prizes
JUL 11
Where The
Big Pictures
raws of
Governor Urges Prosecutors
To Use Caution In Ask-
9-k f I
g requisitions
"Those girls back in the old
dayp certainly were brave," re
marked Sylvia Ashton, heavy
weight character actress, as she
climbed 'into an old fashioned
side-saddle on a horse, for scenes
in Wallace Reid's new Paramount
picture, "The Love Special."
which will be shown at the Ore
eon theater next Sunday. Mon
day and Tuesdav.
Although this was her first
ride on a horse. "Mother" Ash
ton met with no mishaps and re
turned from the Yosemite loca
tion trip as healthy as ever.
"There were 14 pounds lost dur
ing that ride," related Mrs. Ash
ton. "but the horse lost them.
As for me. I gained five."
What is claimed as the most an
cient Kord in captivity, furnishes
some hilarious fun in "Better
Times." King Vidor's latest pro
duction distr.buted by Exhibitors
The "Lizzie" in question is a
1902 model, a side-winding bird
that is said to hop higher and
jump further than any "cock
roach" extant.
When ZaSu Pitts, as "N'ancy
Scroggs," dusts off the old boy,
takes him out of the barn and
starts for the station to meet the
train. Old Doc Yak himself would
feel envious. This flivver bears
serial number 23 and it runs like
the veteran it is. At the Bligh
Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday.
Monte Blue, the big Westerner
who made a 'distinct success re
cently in the Cecil De Mllle pro
duction of "Something to Think
About." has probably the strong
est role in Jiis screen career in the
Charles Maigne production of
"The Kentucklans," the well
known John Fox Jr. novel, which
comes to the Grand theater for
three days beginning next Sun
day. He enacts the role of Boone
Stallard. a Kentucky mountaineer,
who goes to the legislature with
the ambition of winning emancipa
tion for fellowmen.
A comedy drama which is being
much talked about will be shown
at the Grand theater on Friday
and Saturday of this week. It is
"The Week-End" by Cosmo Ham
ilton and producel by the Ameri
can Film company. Like all of tht
plays by that popular author, "The
Week-End" is light and airy, and
while it affects no purpose and
aims at no moral, it certainly
makes its point and makes it with
no uncerta n touch and this
while it never fails to entertain
and amuse.
I Ktrict attorneys of Oregon
are cautioned In a letter sent out
by Governor Olcott. to examine ail
cjBcs in which requests for lequi
sition are contemplated to makn
sure that they are not merely for
enirrcemout of civil remedies.
Co'lecMr-ns of dbt or non-support
complaints in which he per
son wanted has supported wi'e or
family u ; to the time of leaving
the state will not be cons t'.ered
canso for requisition.
Apparently it is the desire or
th- governors to establish a uni
form rulinp in this regard.
" I d.-sire to call your attention
to the tad that hut recently the
governor of a sister slate refused
to honor a roquisit'on from this
stste on the ground that It was
an effort to collect a debt, sttch
fact not be ng apparent on the
face o' the paper's but. developing
cn investigation by ) his office."
writes the governor, "Practically
the only applhations for requisi
tions from other states rejected by
myself have b-en dishonored for
the same reason.
"I desire to urge ach district
attorney to examine all cases com
ing be'.ore him very carefully be
fore making application for requi
sition to see that no effort is be
ing made to use this process In
the collection of a debt cr in the
enforcement of a civil remedy.
This office will scan all papers
carefully to that effect and where
ever it is apparent such an effort
is bem maue will refuse to hon
or such papers.
"I also ds're to call your at
tention to the fact that in non
support cases -where it is shown
that he arii8PH souse has sup
ported his family up to the time
of leaving the stale of Oregon
and that failure to support has
started only aftar he has left the
confines of the state that govern
ors of other states wilt, as a rule,
refuse to grant extradition war
rants. Great care should be ex
ercised in these cases to see that
the crime of non-support is actu
ally committed within the state of
Oregon before the man leaves the
state, otherwise he cannot be con
sidered a fugitive from Justice ac
cording to the rulings In many
cases and the rule which is very
closely adhered to by a majority
of the governors. Papers of this
nature will also be scanned very
closely in this office and where
any of the facts exist to which I
have referred it will be necessary
to dishonor the appl cation."
';''iall on firm nrrrasp Kluio S.
Wkiie. 40'2 Masonic Ten.ple.
ap (ilatitk. Kitpatiunr blackberry j
rlantft. any amount. I ow price in i
utint II f Ward K. Kichardaon, 'J395 j
Knint St. I'lione 44.
s(-Tirit . Ivan C. Martin. Maaonic
apartment. Iran (j, Martin. Mill
anil High. (
KOR NAI.K Ol.IVK.R It (iAl OK K IXfllj
plow. Mi je lit rontiidcr trade for wood'
or pools Vrite (inure .i, carr StaH- i
man or phone 1205M. j
tlironich achool, denirra room and board
i in return for ervirea. Handy atiout
I hoiihe . rtifthwahhinjc, woodchopping.
I'hone h:M.
a r rr.
Harvest Koo:j
Starting Wednesday
For Sale or Exchange
1200 Rich Level Productive Acres
Deeded water -tifibt for irrigating
'onidete equipment
Ib-autiful and rao4em Improvements
ioe tor flOO per aere
Improvements alone costj over $40.000.00 and are In first
class shape. Personal property as per list below worth $10,
000 or more. This property Ideated 2 miles from the city of
Livingston in Park Couniv, Montana, is one of the best Im
proved and most attractive ranches in the Yellow Stone val
ley and buildings front On the famous Yellow Stone trail.
Large residence, strictly modern, hot water, heat and electric
lights, fine barn with cement! floors and full t.teel equipment,
parage, blacksmith shop, rn a chine t.hed. granary, cottage for
help, chicken house, sheep bafn. cow barn, and hog house.
Fairy Creeks run right lb. rough pasture to Yellow Stone
River. .(
The -Following MM of Personal Property tioes With the Place:
1 "Titan" gas tractor. -1 pulverizer
1 "Advance" No. 7 Mollne f 2 sulky, rakes
binder 1 Van Brunt 10-ft. disc
1 side rake and tredder J' 1 leveler (wood drag)
2 6-Ht. McCormick mowers 3 open tooth drags
'1 grind stone $2 wacons
1 fanning mill S i light sled
1 sickle grinder 11 dynamo with switchboard
3 sets block and tackle with t, 1 gas engine for electric
ropes for hay stacking, J; plant
2 John Deere riding plows Jji 1 atove
1 hay fork and carrier : A lot of jack screws, shovels,
15 pitch forks s axes, saws, carpenter
1 blacksmith outfit (anvils J. tools, hay knives, ham-
I; tners, extra plowshares.
I Some timbers, dimension
i staff and small lot of lum
I ber.
3 beds and-bedding, c liaii a , J Lot of oil cans, gasoline cans
!nd tble and stove in f Platform scale
bunk house. Alfalfa renovator
3 hayracks fit) extra 6-ft. sickles
2 manure spreaders Jf 4 section drag harrow
2 hay derricks i single buggy
1 100 bushel grain wagon ' 2 Majestic washing machines
1 light bobsled "Refrigerator
2 road scrapers 5 Electric fixtures and globes
1 John Deere double disc
force, and tools)
2 hand saws
1 cross cut mw
1 barrel oil can
2 300 gallon oil taffks
1 walking plow
f Shades
IWater tank
f Heating plant
Fine Orchard, beautiful lawn an! desirable shade trees around
the home. This farm has $50fl00 first mortgage placed by
one of the Twin Cities Trust Companies to run ten years with
the on or before privilege. Tbife former owner has grown old
and rich and wishes to retire, feence the sacrifice price. Will
accept $25,000 down or smaller;Jarm or desirable piece of In
come property as part paymenf and carry balance for long
time at reasonable rate of ; Interest. .SPKRRY REALTY A
1XVKST3IKXT CO., PittsburghBldg., 8t. Paul, Minn.
Zane Cray's story, "The P.order
leeion." is in pictures!
Blanche Hates and Ilobatt I?os
worth are starred in the screen
version of this stirring drama of i
iove, romanco and adventure on !
the western pla ns and it's to be
the feature attraction at the
Uligh next Friday and Saturday.
The famous old Kreemont
which roamed the seas as a pirate
ship, was dynamited amidships for
a number of scenes in the new
special. "Half A Chance." The
Kreemont was used as a slave car
rier for many years before the
Civil war and made numerous
trips between Africa and the
southern states. It was 170 feet
In length and was cons'dred one
of the fastest sailing ships afloat.
Many tales have been told of mu
tinies, murders and adventure
which had taken place within this
old shell. And now, since its dy
namiting for "Half A Chance," its
days are numbered, even as a mo
tion p cture ship and it is almost
ready for the wood pile.
This feature production will be
shown st the Liberty next Thurs
day. Friday and Saturday.
When you're tired out and jaded.
And the whole world seems all
wrong: , -When
the flow'rs of hope are
And th dav jiist'drag along:
When the skies are gray and
And distractedly you roam;
With a heart that's sad and wearv
That's the tim time you need
"Down Home."
Today. Tomorrow. Tuesday, 3 Days Only
Regular Prices
- H S .
Happiness unalloyed until
lack of faith brought sorrow
and wrecked a woman's life I
Greater Than the Boole
Greater Than the Play
A World Classic Reborn
modernized and immortalized in the
Hugo Ballin Production
featuring Mabel Ballin and Edward Earle
I 1 "l
Owin to numerous re
quests wc will show
Wednesday Thursday
II. .i'
n .vjtk."
Friday and Saturday
- .I: 5