The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, April 16, 1921, Page 1, Image 1

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The Statesman receives the leased'
wire report of the Associated
Press, the greatest and most re.
liable press association In the
world. "
Fair; heavy frost in the morn
ing; moderate westerly winds.
Many Persons Killed and
Property Damaged in Tor
nado Wire Communca
tion is Cut Off.
Railroad Lines and Light and
Power Service Are
y Suspended
DENVER, April 15. The blU
urd which demoralized railroad
and wire communication in north
and central -Colorado abated to
algbt, after leaving a blanket of
saow varying from 11 to 14
Inches in depth. Snow flurries
t were Indicated for tomorrow, fol
' lowed by clear weather Sunday.
DENVER, Colo., April 15.
Denver was practically isolated to
: sight by the worst storm of the
'year which showed no sign ot
- - abating after more than 10 inches
of snow bad fallen.
The Denver & Rio Gran le. At
.i eblson, Topeka and Santa Fe and
the Colorado and Southern ratl-
- roads- annulled all trains to the
south. The Union Pacific an-
' nonnced that an effort would bo
- made to get trains out tonight to
" th north and west, though all
' lines were blockaded today and
no trains bad arrived. The Rock
Island. Lnion Pacific and Bur
llngton roaas reported their lines
to the east over the prairies were
'. 'cleared.
' . tim.- .nmniiii(latlnn was ent
i II liC vwiumuiv..
off to the sooth, west and nort
early today and only limited wire
service was available to the east.
I Several miles of .wire was down
between here and Colorado
, : Street ear service was almost at
a standstill tonight, only few ot
' the Une being open. Schools
. . were dismissed at noon.
, At Port Collins and Greeley.
. the storm broke the power wires
and Greeley, was without lights
and power. The Greeley Tribune
Repablicaa was forced to suspend
J: publication.
In the San Luis valley. 14 lnen-
es of snow had fallen late today
' with no signs of abatement and
at 'Alamosa the storm hindered
'fire fighters and two business
buildings were destroyed.
Eight feet of snow blockaded
; the Denver and Salt Lake road at
Storm Kill Eleven.
TEXARKANA. Ark.. April 15.
At least eleven ' persons are
known to have ben killed, more
; than 20 lnlnred. some probably
fatally, and- heavy property dam-1
. - a An 1 YlM I
; age causea oj -
swooped down upon a stretch of
rural territory near here late to
day. ' The storm, according to reports
. late tonight, indicated the storm
struck east of here and moved
northeast, cutting a swath two
tttleSiWide and 10 miles long.
Ehllelr and Trlgenta seem to have
borne the brunt of the twisting
wlnd in this locality, although
, because of impassable roads re
' lief parties found it impossible
to r investigate thoroughly tonight,-
1 Eleven bodies, several ot them
.those of negroes.' had been
.brought to Texarkana late tonight
, and the meagre reports received
here Indicated a rapidly mount
i lr list ot injured. It was be-
' lieved the property loss would be
Especially heavy damage is
aid to have been caused at the
' Boyce; Potter and Sims' planta
tions near Shiloh. Two of them
srs extensive estates with many
tenant houses. Five members of
the" family of Charles Jones, ten-
ants , on the Boyce plantation.
I ere killed. The only survivor ot
- te family Is a fi-year-old girl.
9 is In a hospital here. She
i badly injured.
At Shiloh. six miles east or
r Texarkana. a sehoolhouse was
i wrecked and Miss Lena Owens,
i demonstration agent, who was
Vldiag a meeting, and four chil-
were injured.
: Reports from the storm area
Tl a constantly growing list
rt Injured; some ot whom are ex-
- die- A doctor treated
; J1 Pmoni, who had been carried
! undamaged farm house.
i Tnr? of these are in a critical
' Ambnlances sent to bring In
MT Injured at the Mills place.
mile beyond Shiloh. returned
empty, blocked by bad roads and
j oVbrla,,
'J destruction on the Hoyce.
? Potter and Sims' plantations is
; waplete.-
; ,B02EMAN. Mont. April 15
; koieman and other parts of Gal-
U"H county was visited Thursday
, nd todav bv th worst wlnd-
). rmi ta 40 years. At Its highest
- -i unuutgiii, tue wntu
. (Continued on page 2)
Progressives Maintain Stand
That Pact Is Wrong To
WASHINGTON'. April l.V Th,?
Columbian treaty was broucht un
der hostile fire today in the scn
ate. Two Republican senators of tlv
progressive group. Johnson of
California and Lenroot of Wiscon
sin, attacked the pending act for
three hours as "a wrong to TTico
dore Roosevelt" and "an invita
tion to every crooked nation in
the world to blackmail the t'niiej
When they had concluded. Sen
ator Watson. Democrat of Geor
gia, making his maiden speech,
turned on administration leaders
supporting ratification and ac
cused Senator Lodge of Massachu
setts of having changed from op
position to support "because of
an oil concession which Secretary
Fall has pipe-lined into this
uespue tne not lire irom op
ponents, administration leacers.
througH Senator Curtis of Kansas
sent assurances to President Hard
ing that sufficient votes were in
prospect to bring about ratifiea
money under the banner of ecoi
tion next Wednesday, the day st
for the vote.
Ratification of the treaty with
its provision for payment of $25,
060.000 to Colombia for' the los
of Panama with its canal rights.
Senator Johnson told the senate,
wonld be "the first squander ot
money." If the United States gov
ernment had $25,000,000 to spend
he si.d it would be much better
to use It for the relief of Ameri
ca's starving farmers." disabled
soldiers and the unemployed.
Senator Johnson charged Presi
dent Harding with "preaching
economy in one breath." and in
another urging that 123.000,00'j
be "squandered and thrown away"
on Colombia for a mythical pur
pose which is yet to be disclosed. '
Representative Rogers Pro
poses Disarmament
resolution urging President Hard
ing to invite Great Britain. Franc?
Italy and Japan to a disarmament
conference here, was Introduced
today by Representative Roger
rt Massachusetts, ranking Repub
elgn r affairs Tcommittee. It would j
lican member of the bouse ior-
also declare that "until a pro
gram for the reduction of arma
ments is agreed to by the princi
pal nations of the world, includ
ing the United States, it is hereby
declared to be the policy of con
gress that the United States
should have a navy second to
"If work stopped on the pres
ent building program." Mr. Rog
ers said, "we would in a five
years have a navy decidedly in
ferior to Japan'a.
Teacher Resigns
After 42 Years' Service
PORTLAND. April 1 ". Miss
Christina MacConnell. for .'9
years continuously a school teach
er and for 4 2 of those years in
the Portland schools, has ten
dered her resignation, it was an
nounced today by the school
Miss MacConnell taught elocu
tion and dramatic art in Port
land's first high school. In re
cent years she has confined her
self tr th" teaching of dramatic
art only In Lincoln high school.
She Is a uraduate of the Univer
sity of Cincinnati. Ohio. Thou
sands of citizens now Jn business,
here, have been her pupils in the
Portland schools.
Oregon National Guard Now Holds
Third Place Among AH States of
Union, War Department Indicates
Oregon's National guard
jumped to third place in the
entire United States in strength
and "efficiency, as shown In
the monthly report received
at the adjutant general's of
fice yesterday from the sec
retary of war. Oregon con
tinues far ahead of all Pa
cific coast and western slates
and in the entire United
States Is led slightly In
relative strength by Rhode
Island and Minnesota. The
state of Washington has
dropped back to 13th place,
while California has sifpped
to Xr.tb place in the nation
al procession.
That Oregon would have
ben In first place long ago
except for exhaustion of the
state's military funds, is the
trpinion among national guard
officers, who recall that Ad
Highland Patrons Adopt Re
solutions Appealing To
County Court for Reten
tion of Department.
Two Blocks of Pavement Are
Signed For; Water Mains
To Be Extended
Resolntions addressed to the
county court approving the work
of the county health nur?e and
asking that, the department be
continued tn this county, were
adopted unanimously at a meet
ing of the Highland Improvement
association at the Highland school
last night, at which aoout 12.1 of
the patrons of the t-chool were
present. Many of the parents
and residents of the Highland dis
trict took the opportunity of ex
pressing themselves as favorable
to the public health iiurse move
ment and as appreciative particu
larly of what has been accom
plished in Marion county.
Two blocks of pavement, from
Market to Hood on Fourth street,
were reported as having been
signed up for pavement. The
water company was also reported
as having agreed to extend lh-i
water mains on Cherry avenue
within GO days.
Film Ih Shown.
A five-reel film, "Heads Win."
an International Correspondence
school film, illustrating the pos
sibilities for a man who improves
his mind by putting bis spare time
to advantage, was shown.
The resolution adopted follows:
'Whereas the Oregon Tubercu
losis association has paid all ex
penses of a public health1 nurse in
Marion county for six months In
order to demonstrate the value
of this service, now established in
15 other counties, and,
"Whereas, in the Highland
school and community we have
had concrete evidence of the real
value of this service, and
"Whereas, this nurse has ex
amined 1917 children for com
municable diseases, and given 136
school talks and organized 91
health crusades similar to that in
Highland. and has examined
physically 1663 children, and has
defects requiring at-
tention. including 901 cases of
bad teth. 503 with throat trou
bles, 2X2 with eye diseases and
a long list of other defects that
slowly but surely undermine the
health and working efficiency,
and in the rie results of time col
lect their certain toll of prema
ture deaths and great loss to the
community; and.
Whereas, scientific preventive
medicine and hygiene through
public health service is incompar
ably less costly to the taxpayers
of th community than the enor
mous totals of cash individually
paid to physicfans. trained nurses,
hospitals and patent medicine con
cerns by panic stricken sick peo
ple or their relatives trying to
have cured what should have
been prevented, perhaps far back
in their childhood, and
"Whereaf. the prevention of a
single serious school epidemic of
measles or scarlet fever, typhoid
! fever, or diphtheria will usually
save the community affected
more than the entire cost of the
public health nurse for a year, at
the present rate of per
month for salary and about $
for traveling expenses.
"Therefore, be it resolved, that
the county court be requested to
use every effort to maintain the
service established by the Tuber
culosis association, not necessar-
(Continued on page 2)
jutant General White refus
ed to ask for a deficiency ap
propriation and pulled the
servic- through last year
without going in debt. When
this year's appropriations
were made available by the
Oregon legislature Oregon
was in ninth place. The first
jump was to fifth place, and
the second month puts Ore
gon third. -
After-the-war reorganiza
tion of the citizen army has
brought out several surpris
es, as New York and Ohio,
which have always been able
to hold a high record for
national guard efficiency,
arc now in lMh and 19th
places. Pennsylvania ap
jiears fn 12th place on the
list, while Montana brings tip
the rear of the national pro
cession with 17th place.
Labor Commissioner Gram
Makes Report for Fed
eral Department
Oregon has from 300ft to 2 ;'.'
unemployed colnrrii workers Ac
cording to information which c
ti . WTam. stat? labor commission
er, nas iurn;snci dv request iu
Phil If. Brown. coromisston?r ot j
roiKMUtion of th? departnvit ot
labor at Washington, I). C. I
Mr. Brown askd for figures
re prf-snting the- condition of un-
mrdoyment among colored peo
ple on December 31. 1920, and
March 31. 1921. Commissioner
'ram replies that there has been
little change in the number of
roloied unemployed Fince the
former date.
Th? colored n'OPle. Mr Gram
ssavs. are inrlinr.l to ''eel
their unemployment i? due to the1
activities of the American lesion.
Relative to this Mr. Gram says
the legion is not making a cam
paign against employment of col
ored people, but that it is making
;i campaign for preference to ex
service men. whether they are
white or coloted. Due to the
comparative small colored popu
lation of Oregon there are not
many colored ex -crvire m'-Mi in
the state.
The largest number of colored
employes in Oregon says Oram's
letter are first with the lailronds.
ind then in order with the war
ren Construct ion company. tli
Willamette Iron Steel -orapany,
the I'acitic Hridge company, the
independent Paving company and
to some extent the city of Port
you think you know
to write a good classi
advertisement. here's
your chance to win one of
the three cash awards the
Statesman will give each
week for the best story en
titled "How to Write a
Classified Ad."
The first awards will be
announced in Tuesday's is
sue of each week, the first
Vinnouncement Tuesday,
April 26. Contestants must,
see that their "stories"
reach the Statesman o'fice
before Monday morning of
each week in order to be
The awards will be as fol
lows: first awaTd, $2.50
second award, tl.50; third
award $1.00.
The Statesman wants yonr
ideas as to how these ads
should be written to get the
best results. Tell us what
you would say In your ad
and why you would say it.
Don't forget the why. For
example, do you think it
should contain price of the
article offered for sale, or
the price you are willing to
pay for an article you want
to Buy? If you think the ad
should contain the price, tell
us v hy If you think it bet
ter to leave the price out of
the ad. tell us why.
Should it contain descrip
tion? Why?
Should it contain location?
Should it Ascribe quality?
Why? v
Tell us about ads for
"help wanted" and "work
wanted '. etc . etc. Also
about any and all other
kinds of classified ads.
Write your stories plain
lv on one sid of paper only
and mail to Classified Ad
Manager Oregon Statesman,
Salem. Oregon.
Last Week's Awards.
A number of very inter
esting "stories" about the
value of Statesman classified
ads were rucived last week
the Judges have decided up
on the following as winners:
1st award. $2,50, Wayne
Itlaco. route 2, Turner, Or.
2nd award. Mrs. Frank
Koschnider. 25 S. Twenty
first street. Salem.
3rd award. Hale Mickey,
823 South Twelfth street,
This story is one of the
many stories received and is
deserving of complinnentery
mention. j
How the
Cljtwdficri Afl 'Helid
Mr. Smiffi.
Mrs. Smith w?s washing the
breaktast dishes and nor daugh
ter. Maxine. wa drying them.
Maxine happened to glance out
of the window. "Why. she ex
claimed. " there conies addy. Il
surely Isn't coming for lunch al
ready, is he. mother?"
Befor" Mrs. Smith had time to
:di.-wer. the door opened and Mr.
smith appeared in the doorway.
She could tell by the expression
on his tare tnai someming imu
'What in the world is the mat
ter?'' she inquir-d. anxiously.
"Bad tiewr." replied Mr. Smith.
"I am out of work."
Out of work?" inquired Mrs.
?m"h surnrisd. "Oh whatever
shall we do if yon can't find an
other position?"
(Continued on page 2.)
Intense Relief Shown When
Contemplated Strike of
Transport Men Fails To
; Hodges is Criticized for Tak
ing Too Much Authority
Into Hands
LONDON, April 1".. A tense
day, replete in surprises, closed
tonight with an air of quietude!'
There was intense relief over
the knowledge that the contem
plated strike of the railway and
transport workers had been called
off and there was renewed hope
of industrial peace.
The situation tonight was that
the strike of the miners contin
ued and that everything depend
ed on the extent on which Frank
Hodges, general secretary of the
miners' federation, would be able
to maintain his authority over
the rank and file of the miners.
It is said that Mr. Hodges
threatened to resign but that the
miners' federation refused to lis
ten to him A national confer
ence of delegates of the federation
has been called to discuss the
whole question.
The breaking away from the
triple alliance of the railwaymen
and the transport workers on the
miners' rejection of the moder
ate course recommended by Mr.
Hodges, with a view to securing
a temporary adjustment of the
wage dispute, seems to have
brought matters to a crisis where
it was imperative to take a de-
i rtsion one way or another. Mr,
Hodges, it JLg declared, was se
verely criticised by hi- colleagues
for having made what was termed
a peace offer to members of the
house of commons without auth
ority. He is aid to have immedi
ately tendered his resignation,
lthough the general situation is
considered to have greatly im
proved, the government has not
relaxed its measures, military or j
otherwise. i
Owners Will Adjust Ih Wage, j
The mine owners issued an- j
other statement tonicht repeating
their previous stated opinion that
the wages of the lower paid men
ought to be adjusted and declar
ing they still were ready to meet
the miners in conference.
Not since the war wa? declared
has the hojise of commons wit
nessed more dramatic fluctuations
of hope and anxiety than wore ex
perienced today in connection
with the threatened industrial
crisis. . Last eveninc everything
looked black, but after it became
apparent that the mln owners
were prepared to consider a re
vision of their oriainal position,
and after the statement of Frank
Hodges, the miners secretary,
that lie was prepared to discuss
the question of wages, leaving
the question of a national pool
for future settlement, hopes rose
and they still were high when the
commons m t at noon today.
On th" assembling of the house
rumors were current that Mr
Hodges had been thrown over by
the miners executive and also
that he bad resigned. Then the
news came that the miners had
refused to meet the owners and
were insisting on their original
Assistant State Corporation
Commissioner Goes To
Financial Firm
Mark I). Mff'alUster yesterday
submitted to T. It. Handley. st'e
corporation commissioner. hH
resignation from the position t
assistant commissioner, the resig
nation to become effective May 1.
Mr.4 MeCallister has become nr
filiated with M. W. Dubisko &
Co.. a big firni of financial agents
with headquarters at Portland He
will be assigned a territory in this
part of the state .nd will rontinuo
to make S.ileui bis home.
Mr. MeCallister has t)oen with
the state corporation department
for six years. He first entered
the off c under H .1 Schulder
n.ian as a book . t f per and lattr
Mr. Schuldcrmnn appointed him
assistant commissioner. He h-is
continued in the same position
with Mr. Handley.
A successor to Mr. McCallls'cr
has not yet been selected by Mr,
Canadian Leaguers Suffer From Lack of Practice arid Visit
ors Are Listless When Victory is Assured Comedy
Stunts on Diamond Entertain Fair-sized Crowd
The New York Colored Giants, est homerun that has bee seen at
won from Hill Spea's Regina j Oxford park, clearing tile fence
leuguers at Oxford park yesterday land landing on the side oka house
fo a score of 9 to 3.
The colored men came up to all
expectations as far as comedy was
coiicerned, but along with the He
f'ina boys allowed thelOr playing
to become ragged at times. Speas'
team suffered from lack of prac
t .cc. for good practice weather
!.as been scarce, since Speas and I
' his cohorts landed in Salem. The
colored men played indilferently
when they saw the score coming
theii way without difficulty.
The "shadow practice" of the
Giants, going through all the mo
t onb of field practice without a
baseball, was a comedy stunt
worth the price of admission and
entertained the fair-sized crowd.
Hay, the colored catcher, contin
ued his comedy throughout the
Speas supplanted Solyan with
Renning in the fifth after the
former had a bad fourth inning
in which the colored lads bunched
hits and sent in five runs.
Ray. of the Giants won a round
of applause when he hit the long-
Former Provisional Prsident
Said to Be in Open
MEXICO CITY, April lk-
General Pablo Gonzales, former
provisional presidents today
crossed the Mexican boundary
ljne from the United States at
some point between Matamoras,
near Brownsville, Texas, and San
Fernando, according to a war of
fice announcement. He Is said to
be in revolt against the govern
ment. Eariy in April General Pablo
Gonzales, then in Laredo, Texas,
d.sclosed the existence of a plan
to overthrow the Mexican govern
ment, but said he had nothing t6
do with it, directly or indirectly.
"I consider as very laudable,"
he declared at that time, "the
purpose of those Mexicans who
eeek as their highest aim the sal
vation of my country, menaced as
it is by the bad management and
inconceivable turpitude of those
men who have seized the reins of
the administration."
General Gonzales then admitted
it was his understanding that he
would be offered the leadership of
tit? movement. In this connection
he said:
"In the event that I accept the
commission which is within my
right, I shall certainly continue to
respect the laws of neutrality of
this hospitable country, the cradle
of human yberties."
General Gonzales was captured
in July 1,1915. by federal forces
near Monterey, as the intellectual
head of proradic revolts. After a
short time his unconditional re
lease was ordered on the ground
that he no longer constituted a
peril to the administration.
Pablo Gonzales in turn has been
minister of communications, com
mander of the constitutional
forces in Mexico City and for a
period of three weeks, in May.
i 1!I2" he was in victual personal
control of the administration of
national affairs, subsequent to the
evacuation of Mexico City by
President Carranza. He is best
known as the conqueror of the
state of Morelos. which he wrested
from the Zapita rebels after they
had held undisputed possession
for nine years.
LAKKDO, Tex., April 15. -
General PaMo Gonzales, who was
reported in a war office announce
ment tonight from .Mexico City to
have crossed the Mexican boun
darv today and is said to be in re
volt against the Mexican govern
ment, was here tonight and has
been here for several days.
There is no revolution under
way, so far as is known on this
section of the border.
Gompers Announces
His Engagement
NEW YORK, April 1.1. Samuel
Gompers. president of the Am
erican Federation of Labor, to
night authorized the announce
ment of his engagement to Mrs.
Cert rude Gleaves Neusrheler of
this city. The marriage will take
place in the near future.
Justice Brown Buys Lot
And Will Build Residence
.lustier- George M. Brown ol the
stipienie court has purchased
from Mr.-. Martar -i M. Burroughs
a lot on Center street between
Capitol and Twelfth streets
It is said Mr. Brown will build
a residence on the property.
Ben F. W?st.
MX 0
Be the prounds and .ringing
the occupants to the windows.
The game by innings:
Firt Inning,
Kegina Baker wat hit? by Mc
Nair and took first Andrews flied
to McNair who doubled (o Haw
kins and put out rtaker. Speas out
wv; it i : -T
McNair to Hawkins.
Giants Ward flied to Freder
icks, Fagen singled. Hawiins hit
one to Andrews at second who
stepped on the bag and put out
Fagen and doubled Hawkins out
to Blanchard. j
Scond Inning. U
Regina Snyder filed to Haw
kins. Burke was walked by Sol
yan. Fredericks flied to Ward.
Spranger was walked byfMcNair
and Burke was sec
ond. Blanchard singled,; scoring
Burke and advancing Springer to
third. Solyan walked. Baker
struck out. ' I,
Giants Rogan was walked by
Solvan. Moore tapped the ball to
(Continued on page 2)
Senator Calder Proposes
Remuneration for Fojmer
Executives I
proposal that former presidents
be paid annual pensions of $10,
000 was introduced in thai senate
today by Senator Calder, fiepubli-i
can. New York and in th house
by Representative Dyer, Repub
lican, Missouri. f,
Another pension bill Introduced
in the house was that of Repre
sentative Ricketta. Republican, of
Ohio, providing from $6 tf $14 a
week for persons over 6 years
of ag? who have incomes loot ex
ceeding $10 a week and who are
attamntlnK to earn a living if
physically unable to do sal
Major Dusenbery Helfs
Soldiers Procure Medals
American l.ezion members and
ex-service men in general wll find
it convenient to get their Victory
medals from Major Dusefeberry,
regular army officer, who fas his
office in the armory. f
Major Dusenberry said yester
day that American Legion nten are
taking advantage of this opportu
nity iu large numbers, as e can
be seen conveniently without the
necessity of sending discharges
away for certification.
The papers are made out by the
major and sent to Philadelphia
and the medals returned o the
address of (he soldier. I
Milk Drops Another
Cent in Po
PORTLAND, April 1. -Mllk
which was recently . red i;ec(fri from
1" cents a quart to 1 1 celits by
the Oregon Dairymen's Cdjfoper
itive league, is slated for alwther
diop of a cent a qurt, according
to a statement issued today by M.
I'. Shrock, manage:- of the league,
the reduction to be effective
within three days. The present
11 -cent price is effective only at
1 .orery stores. Milk delivered to
residences still briigd 13 cuts a
quart. t;
Los Angeles Morals fl
Commissioner bead
LOS ANGELES. Cal.. Aptlil lr).
The Rev. Robert C. Barton, ex
ecutive secretary of the Lofc An
geles morals efficiency ropimisi
fcion. widely known for hissram
paigns against vice and the liquor
traffic, died at his home hefc to
day, lie was born in County' Ty
rone. Ireland, and came tO' Los
Angeles in 1911 from Minneapo
lis. Minn . where he had bfcn a
Baptist minister.
Yolo, County Grapes 0
Damaged by Frost
WOODLAND. Cal.. April $
Damage by frost to the grapesitrop
of Yolo county to the extenHfef 1
million dollars to date were' in
timated by Horticultural Commis
sioner William Gould todav. jam
ags to other fruit and vegetable
crops" were also confirmed.: by
25 Hundred Gallons ;
Of Wine Are Seized
WOODLAND. Calif.. April-15
Theodore Pappar. and Gust &ap
pas, his cousin, were arrested ihere
todav by Y olo county officers
Twenty-five hundred gallon ot
wine were sclied. im
Young Emergency and Anti
Dumping Measures Are
Put Through House By
Vote of 269 to 112.
Charges of Senate Dictation
Are Hurled at Pro
ponents WASHINGTON, April 15. Re
publican leaders, supported by all
except eigh of their party and by
15 Democrats, pushed the Yoong
emergency tariff and anti-dumping
bill through the house late to
day. The Vote 269 to 112, with
two members voting present. .
Passage of the measure came np
at the end of a stormy session,
during which a handful of Demo
crats, aided by a few Republicans,
had harrassed th leaders of the
Republican aide persistently. For
more than Tour hours charges that
the Republicans bad bowed to the
"dictation of the senate" were
hurled, not only by Representa
tive Garrett, acting Democratic
leader, but by Representative
Newton, Minnesota, aad Repre
sentative Luce, Massachusetts,
both Republicans as well.
Heated discussion marked the
lami oeDaie, wnicn reveal ea a
wide split In the Texas delegation.
Several . Louisiana members : also '
supported the tariff program. The j
discussion was particularly, point- !
ed when Representative Connoilyv : 1
Democrat, Texas, childed his col-
league. Representative Hudspeth. ;
for '"deserting his party." I ; j
15 Democrats Favorable ; , ,
Besides &rt. Hudspeth, the roll
call showed the following Demo- !
crats voting for the tariff: Parish,
Blanton and Jones of Texas; Du
penfavrot, Martin and Lataro ol
Louisiana; Smithwlck, Georgia:
Taylor. Colorado; Lea. California; .
ciara, fionaa; campDell, Lank !
ford. Georgia and Deal. Virginia. I
Republicans voting against, th
bill incltnied: Stafford, Wiscon
sin; Tinkham. Massachusetts:
Perlman, Volk, Ryan and Slegel
of New York; Luce, Massachus
etts and Keller, Michigan.
Chairman Fordney of the ways
and means committee precipitated
the charges of senate dictation
when he declared the senato
would accept no changes In the
bill as It was passed last: session,
not so much as "a crossing of a
'f or the dotting of an T -
Pordney Is Attacked
"Those are instructions," he
added. Mr. Newton, who had the
floor, retorted that he would not
' surrender Judgment and intelli
gence both on a question on which
he felt he was right, "senate ord
ers notwithstanding." 0 ,
"I don't propose to have the
house accept the dictation of the
other body," he exclaimed.
"That admission by Mr. Kord
ney is the most amazing I have
heard In my 18 years experience
in the house." Representative
Garner of Texas shouted. It ap
pears that the constitution is b
ing violated for It says explicitly
t hat revenue measures 'must orig
inate in the house and here we
have the chairman of the ways
and means committeeadmlttlng
frankly that the bill was dictated
by the senate. , , .' . '
"And further Mr. Fordney's
statement means that hereafter
no bill can be amended, in "this"
house if the senate leaders will
that it shall not be changed.. This
means that we must bow to the
senators' wishes whether or not
amendments have merit.
Republicans Down Changes
The Republicans downed every
attempt to make changes. Repub
licans v-ho sought to amend the
bill were disposed of with the.
same celerity as Democrats and
the bill now goes to the senate. ,
The bill as passed by the honse
is practically Identical with the
t-ordney mea surer vetoed In the
last congress by President Wilson.
rrotectton would be given a num.
ber of agricultural products In
cluding wheat, cotton, sugar.
wool. corn, cattle and sheep but
the bill would be operative for
only six months instead of the
ten provided for in the Fordney
The anti-dumping provisions
were not included in the Fordney
measure together with a system
for estimating the duties imposed
on the bacis of the American Tal
ue of foreign coin as determlnel
by the secretary of the treasury.
Bearcat Baseball Nine c
Defeats Oregon Team
The Willamette University
Bearcat nine yesterday afternoon
defeated the lemon-yellow aggre
gation of the state university on
the Eugene field by a score ot
six to three.
The report oh the game was:
R. H. E.
Oregon x 7 e
Willamette 6 3