The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, April 15, 1921, Page 5, Image 5

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,..- Case IHs'iiiIsmhI
Tn charge against A. B.
rhanc of issuing checks without
Mfflclent funds was dismissed on
motion of the district attorney
iter satisfactory settlement in
iu la8llce court Cftterday
rm.tlArn'n Mali
lUry Plckford In "The Iove
Light," Saturday 11 a. ra., Liberty.
Jad.) t
Decree Issued
A decree was issued In the clr
enit court yesterday quieting title
of Edward Johnson to lot 14 and
part of lot 15 the Drager gub
dirfarion. Baby Chlx on
Every day this week. Several
varieties. Reduced prices. C. X.
Needham, 558 State St.. opposite
bounty court house, (adv.)
Dr. Olson Elected
Dr. O. A. Olson of Salem was
elected one of the grand officers
of Royal and' Select Masons of
Oregon in the annual conclave
held at Eugene, having been elect
ed to the office of principal con
ductor of work. George Taylor of
Albany was elected grand master,
Uoyd L. Scott of Portland, deputy
grand -t master, and Horatio II.
Parker of Portland grand record
r. The appointive officers in
stalled with the elective officers
were Karl W. Evertsen of Marsh
field, frand captain of the guard;
ductor of the council: John K
Kollock of Portland, grand mar
shal; John K. Peuland of Albany,
grand steward; K. V. Carleton of
Eugene, grand sentinel; Fred S.
Dunn of Eugene, grand chaplain.
Auto Radiator Repairing
Modern equipment, prompt ex
pert service. Nelson Hroa., 35
359 Chemeketa SL Adv.
. In
Dacks and Drakes"
1 Is Our Comedy
Matinees 25c and 10c
Evenings 35c and 10c
' Coming Sunday
r: "East Lynne"
Hcrp From McaI
W. H. O llrien of Mexico, a
writer and friend of the late Jack
London, is a guest at the Marion
hotel. Mr. O'Br.en is at present
engaged in American colonization
of the island I'almito del Verde,
lying a few miles off the mainland
of Mexico. It is understood that
a number or citizens of Salem
have become interested in the pro
ject and may sonio time build
winter homes there.
Xcw Show Today
Hypodrome vaudeville, four
acts, at Tho Bligh. (adv.)
Mao Tr.l
Andrew Mace was arraigned bo
fore Judge G. E. Unruh yesterday
on a- charge of issuing checks
without sufficient funds. He plead
ed not guilty to the charge. The
trial Is set for Monday in the Jus
lice court.
Silent SaleMina
A Statesman classified ad is a
silent salesman soliciting business
for you.
Hum ti folio-
A suit was commenced yester
day in the circuit court whereby
J. Lucas seeks through the court
to recover $ 2 :'.!. f S from E. T.
Prescott. money alleged due him
from the sale of 1S79 pounds of
dried prunes The complaint
claims the fr'iil was the property
of the plaintiff.
Hour Monte Austin
Famous Tower or Jewels singer
Cole McElroy's dance Dreamland
rink tonight, (adv.)
feeds of the bonds will be used in
development work.
liear Miller IW-vlcr
Flute soloist, with Salem Sym
phony Orchestra, armory. Friday,
April 22, 8:15 p. in. (adv.)
WaJwio to liue llond
J. M. Devers, attorney for the
tate highway commission, has
prepared papers for a h ghway
bond election in Wasco county in
the amount of JS00.0OO. Of the
proposed issue $62f,onn would be
applied to The Dalles-California
highway. The county already has
issued in bonds.
en relative to petitions to the Sa
lem school board for establish
ment of the junior high school
grades at the Richmond school
next school year. It is said so
many are tho petitions
that the original nine petitions
hent out may not le enough.
Automobile lirportcil
An automobile bearing license
number 49000. was reported Wed
nesday to the police department as
having passed a street car al Che
meketa and L bprty streets while
it was unloading and receiving
passeneers. Kecords show that
the automobile is the property of
the Gile Mercantile company.
Dance Tonight
Cole. McElroy's famous orches
tra. Dreamland rink, (adv.)
Fltta for Fish
When you buy halibut or cod
demand the Newport fish as they
arrive here from three to six days
fresher than from any other point.
We also have some very fine fresh
Chinook Salmon. Fitts Market.
Phone 211. (adv.)
Final Accounts Filed
The final account of the estate
of Louisa T. Keeler, deceased, was
mt -a . .
mea yesieraay in tne county
court. D. D. Keeler Is administra
tor of the estate. The court has
set May 23 as a date for the hear
ing of objections. The final ac
count of the estate of Malinda
Snyder, deceased, was also oTared
on file, by Leonard A. Schlndler,
executor of the estate.
y.l TRggyzy? 1 9
it Nomklng Cafe, every Tuesday,
rhartday vand Saturday nights.
American and Chinese dishes.
1S2H N. Commercial St.
" i 1 1
Baits Cleaned ............ f 1.50
Bolts Praised. -50c
Salea Cleaners & Dyers
Jill ft. Com! St Phone IS 6 1
Hypodrome Vaudeville
iFour big acts at The Bligh to.
day. (adv.)
Clear Title Sought
:A complaint was filed yesterday
In the circuit court by R. G
Greene against William F. West
and Mary West, in an action to
quiet title to lots 41 and 42 in the
Ireton Fruit farm.
1W SprUf rUaUaa Orr Tnm
i 43 Ortfc BsfMtaf
7 ' tum ma
Jj ' t "J Sales
t it ,j . ,. ,
Ask ytrnr froeer for
: i .yi ; 23c doxeA
PI Court BU Phone ttl
Ui Vaccsza Cups haxe ar
j ,v riredat
'it Pays to Trade ni The
") ' C Barton Dardnll
1(7 Kortli Commercial 24T
Fnrnltare Store
; Tie Borne of the Victrola
Yo fet more for your money at
; Moore's
Can a H. Tracy Wood Co.
tot all kinds of
; ; dry wood
ompt deUvery Phone 820
for Taor Washing Machines and
nectrta Work and Supplies
HT Court 8t. Phone 488
-Wat Have You?
bay sell and eichange
ae,r ind second-hand furnl
Jtra, stoves, ranges, rugs.
la, etc We will buy you
f,4 Anctloncer
?l W. Com! St., Salem, Or.
, List TOnr ! with na
People's Fornitore
"lPftne 11147 Phone 7S4
Medium Uncle John Syrup.. 05c
$1.00 Brooms 6!)c
60 lbsi Dairy Salt 7.1c
25 bars Laundry Soap $ 1.00
8 cans Milk $1.00
At The Electric Sign "SHOES"
New Shoo Repairing Shop
Kasons Perfect Liquid Paints
Reasonable prices
Capital Furniture & Hardware Co.
285; N. Commercial l'hoe 7
404 Ferry St.. Salem. Oregon
Phones 11771211
Talking Machine and Records
Player Piano ana I'Uyer koiis
Rctx-kahM to Prill
Mrs. H. St. Helens is making
preparation for drilling a class in
the floor work of the Kobekah
lodco. to take part in a competi
tive dr. 11 contesting for a Hehekah
cup at Albany. The contest will
take place in about four weeks.
An effort is being made to secure
the upper room In the city hall for
practice work.
Popular Concert
Lastof the season. Salem Sym
phony "Orchestra, armory. Kridav
oHi 22. 8:15 p. m. All seats 50c.
Htage Drlvr Arreci!
A. Kastlund. driver of a Porf-land-Salem
stace, was arrested
yesterday by Traffic Officer Hay.
den for exceeding the speed limit
in driving on North Capito!
street at the rate or 32 miles an
hour, and also for cutting corners
at State and High streets. He de
posited a 20 bill as a guarantee
for his appearance before Judge
Earl Race Friday at 2 p. m. to
answer to the charge.
Mrs. Ir. V. Car It on Sin it
Soloist, In group of songs, with
Salem Symphony Orchestra, arm
ory, Friday. April 22, 8:15 p. m.
Wygant Lines Up
M. Wygant, route 8. box 227B,
is the latest to enlist with tho
broccoli growers under the Salem
Broccoli association. Mr. Wygant
has registered for one-half an
Hear W. If. .Mills
Beautiful concert solo with Sa
lem Symphony Orchestra, armory.
Friday. Apr. I 22, 8:15 p. m. (adv)
Vocational (lasses Start
Vocational classes In sewfner and.
millinery wfll begin tonight at
7:30 o'clock at the Salem high
school. The instructor is Mrs. F.
E. Barker and the work is under
the Smttb-Huehes act of congress
covering vocational training in the
schools of the United States.
Bonds Certified
The state irrigat on securities
commission today certified $30,
000 bonds for the 1'matilla drain
aged (strict at Stan field. The pro-
(top t
A TTom Avar from 1nmm
Stririly Modern l oo p-r Hr
100 rooms of Kolid Comfort
Only Hotel in Buinp District
Max 0. Baren
179 N. Com. St.
Do yon take
If not. why nott
No i other baths or treatments
can: produce the permanent re
lief to the person sofferlnc
from disagreeable cold or! ail
ments of the flesh or body like
the Turkish Baths will.
Open 8 a. m. until 9 p. m.
Lady and Gentlemen attend
We pay 2c above the
market price for eggs
and products
; Investigate
The Mutual Life
Up-to-dalc policies.
; Lower net cost.
District Mprr.
271 State St. Thone U9
Better Goods For Leas
Call at
We buy and sell every
thing 215 Center St. Phone 398
We ron!.der eacti
trust a sacred ob
ligation. ful
fill our duties in
an able diKniried
manner. Our u--ord
for fair de.l
I n g Is well
known. Fairness
in everything i
the motto of this
Money to Ioan
Klmo S. Whito has plenty of
money to lend. 4 0 2 Masonic bldg.
Citizens Petition
Sixty-two cit zens of Mulino and
shippers on the Willamette Valley
Southern railroad have petitioned
the public service commission for
a hearing on the tiuestion whether
that road shall maintain a station
aeent at Mulino. Tho petition
states that the company removed
its station auent there about April
1. although the business done
through the station has increased
six times since the first statioti
agent was appointed.
A Classified Ad
Will bring you a buyer.
Stories Announced
The stories this week for the
story hour at the public library
will he "The Blue Bird" and "The
Prince With a Nose." There will
be only one hour, 10 o'clock.
O. Kd !:, Public
Acountant. I'hone 2098H (adv.)
Quartet Will SinR
The I., vesley quartet will sine
at the West Salem Methodist
church revival meeting tonight.
The Kev. Krwin O. I.auton, will
Legal D'anka
Get them at Tn dlateeman of
fice. Catalog on application. (Ad)
Matzenauer Concert Toitlilt
Armory, 8:15. Seats now veil
ing. (at!v.)
Slicpard Ih Kinfd
After pleading guilty to the
charge of being drunk and disor
derly. I. D. Shepard, 144 North
Front street, was fined $10 yester
day Try Judge Karl Race of the ma
nic pal court.
Aggregation Will Also View
Fruit Blossoms Of
Marion County
Matzenauer .Concert Tonight
Armory. 8:15. Seats now sell
ing, (adv.)
Curtl Case Dismissed
The case against Charles Curtis
on a charge of nonsupport. which
came up before Judge G. E. I'n
ruh of the justice court, was dis
missed yesterday upon motion of
the district attorney.
Children's Matinee
Saturday, 11 a. m.. Mary Pick
ford in "The Love Light." Ye Lib
erty. (Adv.)
Club Meets Tonfglit
The necessity" of continuing
cleanup work even after the close
of the designated cleanup week
will be emphasized at a meeting of
the Richmond Improvement club
at tho Richmond school house to
night. Further "action will be tak-
Sl'TCMFFE At a local hospital
Thursday. April 14 at 11:15
m.. Mrs. Mary Sntelifre, 79
years old. She was born In
England had lived in the Unit
ed States years. The body is
at the parlors of Webb t
Frank J. Miller of Albany, for
mer member of the public service
commission, was a caller at the
state house yesterday.
William Hanley. widely known
Harney county stockman, was in
Salem yesterday.
George Lambert of Sublimity
was in the c ty yesterday confer
ring with the county court on road
L. J. Adams of Silverton was a
visitor in the city yesterday.
Custer Ross of Silverton was
among the visitors In the city yes
terday from that section.
F. C. Vaughn of Baker City was
in the city yesterday and attended
the Thursday luncheon of the Ma
r on County Realty association.
Dr. G. C. Bellinger of the state
tuberculosis institution was in
consultation with Judge W. W.
Bushey yesterday relative to
health interests.
Mr. and Mrs. D. B. Poole are
in Portland for a few days.
H. J. Beardsley of Salem Is in
Portland on business, registering
at the Cornelius.
TALMADCE At the residence of
her son. Charles M. Talmadge.
355 South Fourteenth street.
Wednesday. April 13. at 11 p.
in., Mrs. wVylia T. Talmadiie age
76 years, widow of the late Wal
ter E. Talmadge. mother of W.
E. Talmadge of Eastpprt. Idaho,
Charles M. Talmadge of Salem,
grandmother of David H. Tal
madge Jr.. Mrs. Earl Hedr'ck
and Miss Ruth Talmadge of Sa
lem and Mrs. L. M. Carmichael
of Eastport. Idaho, sister of
Mrs. W. W. Bowers of Sioux
City. Iowa. T. A. Thayer of Red
Wing, Minn., and H. E. Thayer
o Minneapolis.
Mineral services will be held at
lo:r?o this morning. April 15.
from Kigdon's, Rev. Stover and
the W. H. C. officiat ng. after
which the remains will be for
warded to West I'nion, Iowa, ac
companied by W. E. Talmadge, for
Leading Morticians
Webb & Clough
Funeral Directors
Hariman Will Go
To Jewelers Meeting
Amont; those who will go from
Salem to attend the convention
of the Oregon It -tail Jewelers'
association in Astoria .June 6 and
7. is Otto A. Ilartii'an. Other
Salem jewelers have not yet sir-
nified their Intention of attend
ing th? conference, although all
are members of th association.
The party will probably mee
in Portland and make the trip out
the highway in car?, being met
at a point between Astoria and
Portland by a delegation of As
toria jewelers and business men,
wjv?re lunch will be served, ac
cording to Mr. Ilartman. The
final evening is set aside for a
dance and banquet.
Officers of the state associa
tion are F. J. Donnerberg, As
toria, president; F. M. French.
Albany, secretary; Otto If. Hart
man, Salem. first vice president;
Joe Jaeger and Carl Greve, Port
land, executive committee.
The executive committee, which
includes the entire corps of offi
cers, held a meetinc preliminary
to the state convention, in Port
land. March SI.
Two volley ball teams from the
Portland Y. M. C. A. will invade
Salem Saturday afternoon to vie
with local "Y" teams, according,
to C. A. Kells. Salem Y. M. C. A.
secretary, who extended the in
vitation to the Portland men a
s,hort time ago. The Portland ag
gregation, which will be accom
lianU'il by several business men
and which will be headed by T.
II. Cunningham, will make the
trip in autos. leaving Portland
about 2:30 in the afternoon and
retiifning late in the day, after
making a short tour through the
country to view the spring blos
soms. O. II. Hull, local physical di
rector, who is in charge of prep
arations for the reception of the
visitors, has lined up two crack
teams from the S.alem business
men's class which will complete
their three days of practice with
a practice game tonight. The
game Saturday will be staged at
4: 30. o'clock on Chemeketa street,
between Liberty and Commercial
streets, being played out of doors
at the request of the Portland
team, who objeetedto playing
under the low ceiwiff of- the Sa
lem gym, when t hey had been
used to a very high ceiling.
The local management antic!
pate that a large crowd will wit
ness . the game Saturday, basing
their belief on the interest which
has been exhibited In the inter
class games which the business
men's class has been staging twice
a week here. The team from
Portland comes with a brilliant
record of achievement behind
them, having defeated the Mult
nomah club cohorts by a large
score, in addition to defeating all
of the club teams of their asso
ciation. The visitors have the
slight advantage, having played
together for some time, while the
locals have been playing together
but three days. '
While In Salem the visitors will
be the guests of Iocai business
men who are members of the as
sociation here.
attorney. Hanley was represented
by Evan Keames. attorney, ana
Garfield Stubblefleld W Grants
Pass and J. A. Baar of ..Portland,
engineers. Js
Vt Matesmaa Classified Ads
Judge How is it you haren't
a lawyer to defend you?
Prisoner As soon as tbejr
found out that I hadn't stolen
the money, they wouldn't havo
anything to do with the case.
Judge. I - 'f
.Established 1868
General Banking Business
Office Hours from 10 a. m. to 3 p. nv
j$f i THE feg
State Water Board Hears
Southern Oregon Trouble
The state water board yesterday
conducted a hearing oh an appli
cation of M. F. Hanley to extend
water rights which he holds on
Little Butte creek in Jackson
county. Protestants in the case
are representatives of the Rogue
River Canal company and the
Medford Irrigation district who
declare they hold prior rights to
the water involved in the contro
versy. They were represented at
the hearing by 11. P. Chadwiett.
engineer, and James T. Chinnock.
We take pleasure in announc
ing that our new improvements
have been completed, and extend
a cordial invitation to you to at
tend our 1
Spring 1 Opening This
Afternoon and Evening
Special Music
2-5 p. m. and 8-11 p. m.
1 1 ra.:
MMETjKOPIC eyes mean
ir tlioM? that are nor
mal in youth are rare.
Most ores have not the prop
er focusing accommodation.
When tKee defects make
themselves apparent no tinus
should be Iom in onsultlna
a competent authority. Oi.r
optometrist will s'nnli out
for oti in scientific fashion
the eye ttoubles that ate ln
tf Tiering with yo-ir visi n
and we will make glasses to
correct them.
Fraudulent Marriage is
Claim of Mrs. Lonsbery
Claiming that through frand
and force she was persuded to
consent to a marriage contract,
Idella P. LonsbeTy filed a com
plaint yesterday again? Freder
ick W. Lonsbery n a suit to annul
the marriage.
The complaint alleges
through false representations 'nd
deceit the defendant obtained a
marriage license from the Marion
county clerk's office on December
27. 1920. and thereafter for about
two months urged the plaintiff to
marry him. This, she 'In'mf. she
repeatedly . refused to do until
February '2tt. 1ft2 '. , when he de
fendant produced a falsn jnd
forged lettpr, puriorting to come
from the department of justice
warning them that it was necessary
! since they had obtained a license
immediately to marry or m'rer
criminal prosecution. P.eeause
she was frightened and to avoid
scandal the plaintiir claims, rhe
consented to nrrry. and did
without takinu into consideration
that she was not legally divorced
from a former hunband. 1'or this
cause the complain' asks the court
to declare the pretended marriage
void The record? Kive the :ige of
the plaintiff as T.O and that oT the
husband as 42. record this,
her third marriage and his second.
rr.v.w.ismuEfct' i
rwi.i.ujj- ui'i i.r i'J i. k
S- (lilMrrn
laliiif Sattirday
1 1 . in.
Send Tliet Kbl.llcn
May Reflect
There is no longer the sameness in all
blouses that we had to cope with several
years ago. It is actually a fact that the
woman who buys ready-made blouses can
choose one that is just as individual and
characteristic of her personality as an es
pecially tailored blouse would be.
We are Happy in
Our Ability
to give your spring and summer suit that
blouse which was meant to give it the fi
nal touch of perfect style.
Let the Mode of Your Suit Govern Your Choice
in Blouses-
Georgette Blouses $3.98 to $17.73
These sheer blouses come in more ornate than dress pat
terns. The colors are both Jn the darker and the more
delicate tints. So great is tile variety of design offered
that your own eyes arc needejd to do them justice.
Crepe Dc Chine Blouses $4.98 to
Among other models in these blouses, we can give you the
popular semi-tailored design finished with narrow pleat
ings at the collar and cuffs. We believe that we are of
fering the best blouse valuespn Salem. Many of our pa
trons have told us ho atid weSwould convince you of this
i act.
4. I ,
- "
Our "Pay As You Go" plan is training many a wife in the purchasing power
of the dollar
B 1 1
T i.r ,r 4 urn i ti . : mm im .so I t
3S9iSS B LIBERTY 1 iji JJB :
S?WCTx?D5- Mfr in iiiMi him in mi in i rr T- n r i I i ' inarnirrr ' " ' '
r I