THE ORftr.ON STATESMAN. SALEM, OREGON THURSDAY MORNING, APRIL 14, 1921 CITY NEWS IN BRIEF Kafoury ;iiK KM S. C. Kafoury of Kalonry I'.ro thers will leave within a few day.- for the eastern market to buy complete nw'sUock of dry poods and a n?w equipment of store fit tares. He will visit Minneapolis Chicago. Cleveland and New York. He will be gone until June. Children' Matinee Saturday, 11 a. m., Mary Pick ford in "The Love LiKUt." Ye Lib erty. (Adv. The Kafoury clerka' club heta their monthly Htore meeting last night in their Hub room. Im portant questions were taken up tn regard to arrangements or stocks, new fixtures and equip ment for the new store. gnU For Matenauer Concert On oaie at armory today, 9 n. m. (adv.) League Yll M-t A meeting of the Salem Height Improvement league is scheduled to be held Thursday niht at the Salem Heights community ball. All parents and taxpayers in Sa lem Heights school district are expected to be present. . Return Is SmaU A report covering Its poeratjons for 1920, filed with the public service commission, shows that the net return of the Oregon Washington Telephone company WANDA HAWLEY In "The Outside ; Woman" Wurlitzer Concert Tonizht at 8 p. m. Matinees 25c and 10c Evenings 35c and 10c Coming Sun., East Lynne DANCING UpsUIra A Nomkln Cafe, every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday nights. American and Chinese dishes. 1(2 N. Commercial St. Boltfl Cleaned .f 1.50 Boitf Preised .. . 50c Salea Cleaners & Dyeri aaM M m ma. mM m TREES Tmr Bprtof PUmtln Orr Ttoaa TUX SALEM NURSERY CO. ' 4Ji Orcgoa Bsildlag UL1M :: OKI90I rata 17CS imb Sales Service Valley motor co. i 1 i Aik your grocer for DIXIE DOUGHNUTS 25c doxen SALEM BAKLXQ COMPANY l Court SU Pbom S54 TheVacuum Cups haye ar- rived at !a.H. MOORE'S ft Pava tn TrmA si The FARMERS CASH STORE C. Burton Dnrdall 147 North Commercial 14T W.W.MOORE - Fnrniture Store The Home of the Victrola tou get more for your money at Moore's WOOD WOOD Call G. n. Tracy Wood Co. lor all klnda of dry wood Prompt delivery Phone 620 ELECTRIC MACHINE & ENGINEERING CO. rr Tkor Washing Machine and nne Work and Supplier MI Court St Phone 488 What Have Yon? w fcuy, tell and etchange and second-hand furni ture, itovca, range. Tug wol. etc. wa wui bay you OBt. COL. W. P. WRIGHT Auctioneer N. Com'l St.. Salem. Or. "t your sales with us people's Fnrniture J- Store .wight phona 1047 phono 714 for lat year than ono-halr of one rer cent on i i h investment i $..i.i:s.4 . Tin- u earning amoiiiited to fll.7o2.fi4. The company has headquarter at Hood Klver. Seats For MiM.nti-r Concert On sale at armory today, J a. m. (adv.) Woman Axkn IVrmlt An application for a permit to oractice law hefore the natron bar has been fill with the tui ptetne court ly Janet Randall White, who lias n certificate ot the state of Colorado. If her ap plication is approved she will es tablish an office in Portland. Will KUKrviM Display Mrs. C P. Hisbop lelt yesterda afternoon for Seattle, where she Koes to superintend a display ot of the product of the various Hish- op mills, at the Manufacturers' exposition, which begins Monday. This exhibition in exclusively toi Washington, but owing to the nt tractlveness of the Indian robes and blankets of t !i Pendlet'jM mills and the new .Maypole" yarn of the Selwood mills, these two plants will be represented, com ing under the jurisdiction of thjj big Washougal mills In Washings ton. The Vatican ver mills will also send products, in the way ot socks and shirts. Louis Steelharrr mer. superintendent of the latter establishment, will join Mrs Hishop in Portland, both remain ing through the week's exhibits. Card of Thanks We wish to thank our frlend3 and neighbors or their acts of kindness and floral offerings, dur ing the illness and death of our wife and mother. H. C. Hybee and family, (adv.) Salmon Shows lroi Yesterday frrsti Chinook sal mon took a drop of 10 cents, mak ing the market price 30 cents a pound. The salmon season closes tomorrow and will open again on the first of the month. Some local dealers are said to have laid in a supply to furnish the market in the interim. A Classified Ad Will bring you a buyer. Xadon Buy Ixt J. C. Nadon has purchased lot 7 of Springers fruit tract No. 1. from Frank Cababa at a cost of 16500. A record was made of the transaction yesterday in the office of the county recorder. Medium Uncle John Syrup.. B5c 81.00 Brooms 6c 50 lbs. Dairy Salt 7.V 25 bars Laundry Soap fl.OO 8 cans Milk Sl.oo HIGHLAND GROCERY At The Electric Sign -SHOES" -9 ; New Shoe Repairing Shop JUST RECEIVED Naaon Perfect Llqnid Palntf Seasonable price Capita Furniture & Hardware Co. 285 N. Commercial Phoae 947 AUCTIONEER G. SATTERLEE 404 Ferry St.. Salem, Oregon Phone 11771211 Talking Machine and Record Player Plnao and Player Boll Do you tale TURKISH BATHS It not, why not7 No other bath or treatment can produce the permanent ro ller to the person suffering from disagreeable cold or ail ments of the flesh or body like the Turkish Bath will. Open 8 a. m. until 9 p. m. OREGON BATH HOUSE Lady and Gentlemen attend ant Wevpay 2c above the market price for eggs and products PEOPLE'S CASH STORE Investigate The Mutual Life otN.Y. Up-to-date policies. . ; Lower net cost. J. F. mJTCHASON, District Mgr. 271 State St. Phone 99 - laiBaaBiiaaBaaal -aaa""- .'. Kl Rons I'ulilir Acuuutant. Phone 209SR. (ady.) lUcyde MonliTUl A Ken dint; standard bicyclo round by Charles Hyland in iront of his rsidence at 104 3 Market stn--t Tuesday niht, was identi fied yesterday as belong ng to Joseph Nunu. 1190 North Nine te inh street, and returned to the owner. Auto Radiator Repairing Modern equipment, prompt ex pert service. N'elfou Pros., 355 359 Chemeketa St. Adr. .utt Tire Stolen .While an automobile belonging to Mrs. i:. K. Fisher, 51 T, Market street, was parked in Iront of the high school, a spare tire was taken from the rack on the hick of the car. The police department has been notified by Mrs. Usher of the los.. Legal Rlanlts Oet them at Tn Statesman of fice. Catalog on application. (Ad) Ial Loses Illeycle Kobert Gale, 1280 Chemeketa street, reported to the police de partment yesterday the loss of a Uaner bicycle, which ho ur-.. taken from U'illa Tuesday morning. FitH for Fish Wi'.on you buv lialilmr rr- rA demand the Newport fish as they here from three to six days fresher than from any other point. IMF.:. FCF.I.ER Mrs. Emilv .1. Fuller d:-'! at a local hospital at 11:45 Tuesday nis;ht at the ago of "1 years and 2 months She is survived by a son. Charles M. Fuller, and three daugh ters. Mrs. Fred M. Mitchell. Sa lem; Mrs. A. M. Lund, Falls City, and Mrs. A. F. Sheldon. Grand .Junction. Colo. Funeral services will be conducted at Webb & dough's chapel at 2:30 p. m. Thursday under the auspices of the Ladies of the i. A. R. Rev. Stover will offic iate and remains laid to rest tn the City View cemetery. The remains are now at the parlors of Webb & Clough. FIXF.RAI-S The funeral of Mrs. Emilv .7. Fuller, who died April 12. 1921, will be held at the chapel of Webb & Clough Thursday at 2:30 p.m.. under the auspices of the Ladies of the G. A. R. Interment in City View cemetery. The funeral of Henry Fletcher, who died at his home in th's city Tuesday night will be held from the Webb & Clough chapel Friday afternoon at 2:30. Rev. W. Elliott of Portland will deliver the funeral sermon and Salem Camp No. 1 1 8 Woodmen or the World will take charge at the g)-ave. Interment will be in the I. O. O. F. cemetery. In addition to belonging to the Woodmen cf the World. Mr. Fletcher was a member of Salem grange No. 17 aid a United Artisan. RIGDON & SON Leading Morticians Webb & Clough Co. Funeral Directors x REX DRY PASTE Max 0. Buren DRY PASTE 179 N. Com. St. Better Goods For Lom FOR ANY BARGAINS Call at CAPITAL BARGAIN HOUSE We buy and sell every thing 215 Center St. Phone 398 ASK YOUR FATHER these three questions: "Would money spent for proper education be worth as much to me as if it Were de posited in a bank?" "Did you ever feel the need of a business training?" "Do you believe such a train ing would be a help and protec tion to me?" Abide by his answers. Your faiher has been "through the mill" he KNOWS. Come in and talk this over with us soon Bring your fath er with you. Capital Business College 8lm, Oragwa. va : We also have some very fine fresh Chinook Salmon. Fitts Market. Phone 211. (adv.) Rafferty Forfeit Itond T. A. Uaffety, chief traffic in spector for Oregon, failed to make an appearance Tuesday beiore Judge Karl Race to answer to the charge of operating an automobile without a rear light and a bond of $" was therefore forfeited. Mr. Kaftety was out of the city on the day set for the hearing. He was arrested by Traffic Officer Hay den several days ago during a traffic rrnsade in the city in which he took a prominent part. ll(tn'e Cole McElroy's famous orches tra, dreamland rink, Friday night. Case Dismissed The case against Sun Louie of the Cherry City restaurant on a charge of sentng adulterated milk was dismissed yesterday on mo tion of the district attorney. Hear Monte Austin Fatuous Tower of Jewels sing"1". Cole McElroy's dance dreamland r.nk next Friday night, (adv.) Road Contest Heard A road contest case was heard yesterday in the county court, in volving a proposed gateway on the farm of John Liso near Jefferson. The petition for the gateway was up before the cuonty court last month anr was presented by Frank Tichy. whose farm jo ns that of Mr. Liso. Both parlies were represented in court yester day by their attorneys. The court mused to pass on the matter un til after road viewers had investi gated further. Hairy 1iix on S;c Every day this week. Several varieties, ttedured prices. C. N. Need ham. "i5s State St.. opposite county court house, (adv.) Daughter Horn Dr. and Mrs. 1). X. Beechler are the parents of a nine and one half pound g.rl born Tuesday, April 12. She has been given the name of Vera Louise. Trasses Fitted a Tyler's Drug store by an expert in the business. (Adv.) Curtis to Have Tlearing The case of Charles Curtis on a charge of non-support will Iks K'ven a hearing before Judge O. E. Unruh in the justice court on Friday morning at 10 o'clock. Special For One Wrrk Sixteen-inch inside mill wood. c per cord. Car lots. Fred E. Wells, 305 South Church. Phono 1542. (adv.) Released, ot Keslgneil "The request of Lillian Tisch hauser to be released as teacher n the Washington junior high chool was received by the board of education and granted, to take effect immediately." (The above is the way the item on the subject should have read in thn rorvnrt nf the Salem school ooarc m(rttir in The Statesman of yesterday morn ing, so a mend or Misa Tischbau ser insisted yesterday. The dif ference is in the word released in stead of "resigned." as reported. The Satesman is glad to make the correction if the different word will make any one feel better about it. ) PERSONAL MENTION Father Lanik of Sublimity was a brief visitor in the city yester day en route to Portland. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Shields of Portland are visiting with friends in the city. John Herren of the Middle nur sery and Howard Jones, a nursery man east of Salem, were confer ring with S. H. Trump yesterday on horticultural business. Fred Looney of Jefferson was in the city yes'enray. Peter Ferres of Mehama was a visitor yesterday at t:ie court bouse attending to road business. Andy Siegmund of Gervals was in Salem yesterday. John Liso, a farmer near Jef ferson, attended county court Wednesday. Frank Tichy of Jefferson was among the callers yesterday from that section. Mrs. A. If. Simpson of Albany is a guest jn the city visiting with friends. HELPED II Kit LITTLE GIRL Children need all tieir strength for growing. A lingering cold weakens them so that the system is made open to attack by more serious sickness. Mrs. Amanda Flint. Route 4. New Philadelphia, O.. writes: "Foley-s Honey and Tar cured my little girl of the worst tickling cough. I had fried many things and found nothing to help until I got Foley's Honev and Tar." Gives immediate re lief from distressing, racking, tearing coughs. Sold everywhere' (adv.) Four More Acres Added To List for Broccoli Two more broccoli rowers have come to the front with two ares e.Th making four more acres to add to th car shipments that will go out of Salem next February and March, provided all goes well with the crop. The acreage is getting up to wards lf(). outside of the Inde pendence section. The Salem Brocoli Association dos not wish to assume respon s'bility for seed Rter Saturday nleht. so all others who contem plate growing broccoli this year, let it he repeated, should get th'r names in today, tomorrow or Sat urday. Th two new growers are: F. TV Anderson. Salem, route 2. C F. Valentine, Salem route 3. As the Valentine is the variety of broccoli to be frown in the Sa lem district. It Is yerv annropria that Mr. Valentine should be the latest man to Join In he gamer-- PACT CALLED s Kellogg Says Ratification of Treaty Breaking Faith With Roosevelt MEANS BAD PRECEDENT Acceptance Would Cast Shadow on Bright Page Of History WASHtxgto.v April 13. Ratification of the $25.ou,ooo Columbian treaty would not )) keeping faith with Theodore Roosevelt. Seuator Kellngg. Hi publican, Minnesota, declared to day in opening senate debate for opponents of the pact. Acceptance, even as amended, he asserted, would be a "pusil lanimous act," and "a shadow on i lie brightest page of the history of American accomplishments.'' He reviewed the part played by the I'nited States tinder President Roosevelt in the events that it tended the revolt of Panama fron Columbia and "looted a message he received in liUT from M: Roosevelt, saying ratification or "this infamous treaty" would ?'t a dangerous precedent. "It makes precedent," Mr. Roosevelt was quoted as saying, "for some successor of Wilson to pay at least as large a Bum apiec.j to Costa Rica. Nicaragua. Haiti and Santo Momingo for what Ikss bee,n done to tlirm recently, ami also to Chile for our insolent and Improper treatment of her in con nection with the Alsop claim." Senator Kellogg alo placed in the record a letter written by Colonel in 117, in which he declared the "crux cf the matter is as to whether we ought, or ought not to have rec ognized Panama." "If we did badly." Mr. Roose velt wrote, "we ore in honor bound now to restore both Pan a rnia and the canal zone to the bandits from whom they were severed. Mera payment of black mail is not enough. Of cours. no smallest particle of evidence to show we engineered the revo lution can be produced, because our every action was open. No revolution was ever more justified than that of Tanama against Co lumbia and had 1 not acted as 1 did, there would be no canal." CONDITION OF ROAD GIVEN IN DETAIL ' (Continued from page 1) wkll !nrtamiitd or r"vppd. This ttr-h of twnity three mile i fast, and g0d time ran te niaile through Can job Creek mnyon. In fait, it i an rmtr matter to drivp it in one hour. From Wolf Creek, over the divi.le. a diatanee of five miles, the road is paved From thi point to the lop of S.-xton mountain the road is inaeadaniized, but from the Ion of Sexton Mountain to Pleasant Valley, there is one khort de tour of afjproximiitely two miles over the old Sexton mountain road and thenev over the main line into Grants Pass, whirh has not yet been surfaced and the condition is onlv fair. The distance from the end of the pavement, five milea south of Wolf Creek to Grants Pans ia eighteen miles. Highway Surfaced 5"rom Grarts Pass to Roeue River, nfie miles, the highway is surfaced, hut from Rogue river to Gold Hill., ten miles, it will le .neressary to detour over the old highway, the condition of which is onlv fair. From IJotd 11:11 to Ashland, a distance of twenty-seven miles, the road is hard surfaced. Krom Ashlaml to the California line, a distance of twenty seven Miles, the road is hard surfaced. From Ashland to t!ie Ca'ifornia line, a distance of twenty two miles, t lie road is hrfrd surfaced cxreptine five mil-s and this is macadamized and in Rood condition. SALEM SCOUTS ARE ON KILLER'S TRAIL (Continued from page 1.) in the nation. il contest and it seems almost certain that Salem high will win one of the national prizes. Friday afternoon will be d voted to talks to the children m the grade schools on lessons of kindness. A number of'speakw have volunteered in erve in this cause and some of the schools will (have programs by the child ren. T. C. P.lish offers to throw fre announcements on the screen at his theaters for any minister who Watch This Sign for Good AMUSEMENT Salem's Best and Biggest SHOW EDITH ROBERTS In The I'nkhown Wife Trailing The Tiger Major Allen Hunt Picture Comedy Vaudeville Tomorrow 11 0, 0 00 wishes to announce a sermon on 1 humane education to be delivered' at his church on Humane Sunday Albany Man Arrested on j Charge Preferred Here A. R Chance was arre:-ted yes terday in Albany upon a warrant. Issued by Judge (J. E. I'nruh on a charte of obtaining money nn iiei fal-e pieten-es. Constable W. E. Hel.onii went Albany yes it rday i brint: the prisoner to this city to aiir-.wer to the charge find it is expected that arraign ment will take place today. A previous charge of a like na ture wa.s filed uL-aiiiKt Chance on January 4, and at time tin court allowed hint permission to sfitle and dismissed the chs". This second charge was filed upon the complaint of the proprietor of the White House restaurant, and it is lileged there are other concerns who will be brought in as witnesses. Mrs. Dodd Resigns and Mrs. Benson is Elected The resfgnatlon of Mrs. Alice Dodd from the position ot execu tive secretary of Willauette chap i,;i of the Ited Cross, which was accepted by the board 'if directors a short time aito, will become ef fective April 1.1. when Mrs. Dodd wi!i he succeeded by Mrs. Arthur Hoksoii. Mrs. lH-nson was an active worker in the Red Cross Service the war and since that time. During I he time she has nerved the lied Cross Mrs. Dodd has handled many ease.-s of varied kinds, helping both tluj returned soldiers, their families, and in some instances, needy families of the city. Mis.; Mary Fake, who has been associated with, her as stenogra pher, resigned some tinft ago, her resignation '.ul:ing effect about a week ago. SI IT ACCKITKO AS FEU RICHMOND. Va., April 13. The suit a penniless prisoner wore into police court today was ac cepted by his attorney as a fee. The lawyer procured, a pair of overalls and gave them to his client to wear. Hear MONTE AUSTIN With Cole McElroy's Orchestra Next Friday Night DREAMLAND RINK I . i . ' . Opportooiy Day MILLER'S'BARCIAIN FRIDAY. DOORS OPEN 8:30 Royal Worcester Sport Corsets and other makes Beautifully brocaded pink Corsets, ex ceptionally well made. Especially adapt ed for the young miss and athletie wear. Sizes 1.0 to 2. Opportunity Friday $1.89 Turksh Bath Towels r Made of High Quality Terry Cloth. A big full size 20jcl0. buyer found 10 dozen of these, that by taking the lot for cash, we can offer them Opportunity Friday, limit two customer. ' Half Wool Plaid 51 inch wide, wide range of plaids to se lect from, Opportunity Friday $1.69 LARMER TRANSFER 1 PHONE 930 E HUGO AST LYNNE wit EXWAXD EARIE a At The Oregon Theatre Next Sunday I 1 For The Woman Discriminating If you appreciate gar ments that are distinctive that have an indefinable "something" about them besides style, fine material , and perfect tailoring Come in and look; at the truly beautiful line of Tweed-0-Wool, Printzess and Wooltex Coats and Suits we are now ih owing. j Every garment on our racks has been greatly reduced ! , i, The adjusted prices range from , $15.45 to $69 JO . S FUlilERTONS! K WANT AD. IN THE STATESMAN WILL BRING RESULTS Tomorrow is Suitings Colgates mm Good Goods. Clean Coal and Cleanly Delivered We have It for those who need it. Our coal is what we are forced to call unusual, out of the ordinary grades because we find it piys us better to car ry it, and our customers get more real monetary satisfaction by using it. It lasts longer and saes you money. BALLJN andMaBELBALUN Long Silk Gloves This is ia) wonderful special. The famous '"Kayzer! Make", made of spun silk, 12 button length. Regular price $2.50 and $1.50. Opportunity Friday $1-98 Our spot to a Talcum Powder Cenuine Colgates reguiar 25c size, in the great assortments of scents, Oppor tunity Friday ! 9c