The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, April 08, 1921, Page 5, Image 5

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    W THEJMmnO - , , . FRIDAY MORNING. APRIL 8. liCl 8
Edward FU" I M ! rt- tins 1 3-4 pounds, or at the rate of
r.Mi-ce Williams r,awarus meu two pounds per dozen, were
honorable discharge from the hibited at
failed States army yesterday in yesterday
, " 0Hic of U. G. Uoyer. county Reynolds.
irk Mr. Edwards enliated July
s 1918. and received His
JJarge April 5.
Onimer aMl Sal Today
Chicken pie supper and utility
ale t tne parlor? of the First
PoniregaUonal church today and
tonight. (dv.)
Hues To Collect
IL C. O'Neill filed a complaint
In the circuit court yesterday
.ralnst Max Dixon to force pay
lent on a store build in located
t 305 South Twenty-firth street.
The complaint claims the building
vat "old nPn contract for the
am ot IH80 in November of last
rear to be paid or upon the In
iUllinent plan, alleging that a
1280 payment has not been met.
the complaint asks the court to
force the payment or In case of
default, that the defendant be
barred and foreclosed from equity
la the propeny.
- Aeto JUdJator RprlnP
Modern equipment, prompt ex
pert serrlce. Nelson Bros.; 355
jif Chemeketa St. AdT.
CTlck IV IHer
riltX cents a plate a 6 o clock,
at parlors of First Congregational
church. Bere and come, taav.)
. , -
Poses Egj WHjth Two J'oands
Another Ancona chicken raiser
come forward with evidence that
the Anconas are not only prolific
layers, but have a hobby for lay
ljig big eggs. In fact, they are di
viding honors with the Minorcas
la tfato respect. Nine eggs welgh-
Tho Statesman office
by Mrs. William McA
who in nroud of her
fine Hock of Anconas, which she
keeps at her poultry yards in
southeast Salem, Morningslde ad-ditiou.
I'ttlHy Sale
Hegins at 10 a. m. at the par
lors of the First Congregational
church today. There will be
many useful articles, for sale.
Come see for yourself, (adv.)
of this city. Slight damage was
done to bulb cars.
Charlie's Aunt
The K. O. club will- present
"Charlie's Aunt" with an all male
cast this evening in the Salem
UiKh school auditorium at 8:15
o'clock. General admission 35c.
I adv.)
Gray building, where he will be
glad to meet all the old-customers
and mainly new ones. Spuare
deals and satisfied customers will
be our motto.
(adv.) Joseph Barber.
lccree Granted
A default and decree quieting
title to lots 17 and 19 in Dragers
subdivision to Salem, were grant
ed yesterday in the circuit court
to William C. Siewert.
A CUmtfled Ad
Will bring yon a buyer.
Utility Sal Ami Supper
The first of the famous annual
chicken pie suppers and utility
sale's to be given since the war
will be given today and tonight.
The sale starts at 10 a. m. and
the dinner is at 6 this evening tn
the First Congregational church
parlors. (adv.)
Firemen IU-Knd Twice I
Thp 1 i-m firomanl n-AfA - !
- - - - - .... . 1 V I1IV11L "VI I U I 1 V 11
into service twice yesterday to
care for burning chimneys. In
neither case as .t necessary tor
the firemen to take action. About
9 o'clock a chimney in the Wasii-
iiigioii noiei sout n of the cour; '
house on State street burned out i
and a short time efter the second'
call came from 401 South High
si reetv
Mrs. G HI ley Fall
Mrs. E. .M. Gnlley. 1488 North
Liberty street, who has been in
poor health for twine time, fell
last Sunday and injured herself
and yesterday was taken to the'
Willamette san.tariuui. On ac
count of advanced age, she is do
ing as well as could be expected.
Our New Spring Suit;
At sixty dollars are absolutely
the best value that it is possible
to buy in the city. Mosher. (adv.)
Martin Made Kxecutor
An order was rile.t yesterday i:i
the county court proving the w'll
ot the late Nels Christian Jorgen
sen and appointing Carey F. Mar
tin executor ol the estate. L. 1.
Paulson. Kdward I'icard and A.
liudnall were appointed apprais
ers of the estate.
Hard Buy Property
O. F. Hurd has purchased of C
A. Davidson a fraction of lot 1
I anl lot 10 in block" 3 of Read'
aaauion to ftaiem tor a considera
tion of $1500. record of the
deed was made yesterday in the
office of the county recorder.
rrFt n r r n nrrr
. Comedy '
Don't Miss
Small Town Idol"
Charlie's Aunt
The K. O. club will present
"Charlie's Aunt" with an all male
cast this evening in the Salem
high school auditorium at 8:15
o'clock. General admission, 35c.
Legal Blanks
Get them at The Statesman of
flee. Catalog on application. (Ad)
CTanh on Highway
An automobile collision oc
curred yesterday, when cars driv
en by Mrs. T. Bolt of Portland and
S. I). Sanderson of Gervaia.
clashed on the Pacific highway
about two and a !alr mile nortn
Clothes iH.n't Make Hie Man
But our clothes will certainly
" lot. Mosher. the tailor.
lad v.); tAl X&XSU1
Hnv,. Vou Paid
Your dot: license tax? If not.
you had better hurry. See sher
iff's notice in this issue. ladv.)
Petition Ask Trial
An application was filed yester
day to place on the motion dock
et the case of Krnest Jolley vs
Herman Ftvsia. It requests the
court to place the case on trial at
the earliest possible date.
highwtfy north of Salem Wednes
day la reported to be improving
at the Deaconess hospital.
W. A. Cowing of the Williams
Personal Service bureau. Port
land, was in Salem Thursday.
J. II. Riches of Scotts Mills was
a visitor in the city yesterday.
S. H. Van Trump, county hor
ticulture inspector, spent yester
day in the S Iverton vicinity in thy
interest of the work he represents.
Owing to sickness yesterday W.
II. Goulet. county commissioner,
was unable to attent to county
court business.
Mrs. W. K. Hanson and son
went to The Dalles Thursday for
a visit with relatives.
Dr. A. K. Wrightman of Silver
ton was among" callers in Salera
yesterday from that section.
lilaine McCord was in the city
yesterday from Woodburn.
Dean George 11. Alden arrived
hopie yesteruay from Albany,
where he spent several days.
Review for Week in Western
Oregon and Washington
Shows Slump
Have You Paid
Your dog license tax? If not.
you had better hurry. See sher
iff's notice in this issue, (adv.)
Cowing Pays Fine
Li. Gowing. who drives a truck
for the Willamette Trans'er corn
pan v between Salem and Port
land, was arrested Wednesday
night by Traffic orricer Hayden
for operating a truck without a
rear light He appeared before
Judge Karl Race yesterday an. I
received the usual fine of '.
Do Yon Know ?
That the latest styles in both
fabric and design can be found at
my store? Mosher the tailor to
men and women, (adv.)
Keturninc to Snlrm
The following letter cornea from
George F. Smith, now at Newport:
We are coming back to Salem
after spending the winter here at
Newport. We just could not stay
away from Salem, the nicest city
in the northwest, and also cannot
uet along without the Statesman
which we have taken for nearly
10 years. Therefore, please change
ilie address on our paper from
Newport to !65 North Fifth street.
Salem. Ore., start. ng Friday.
April 8.
(Continued from page 1)
Tax. See sheriff's notice in th s
issue, (adv.)
twt Bprlag Waatimf Orf Tnm
439 Oww Bfliii
v flblK : O 00
:. i
Ask your grocer for
, . 2Se doxen "
)it Court EL , Poont 154
the Yaccm Cups haye ar
rired&t 4 A. H. MOORE'S
It Pays to Trade a The
yC. Bartoa DnrdaU
" 247 North Commercial 24T
Fvnltare Store
The Uome ot the Vlctrola
f o cet more for your money at
Call a H. Tmry Wood Co.
for all kinds ot
dry wood
Prompt delivery
Phone 620
for Thor Washing Machine and
Electric Work and Supplies
217 Court St, Phone 418
For Fine Jewelry ,
Jewelers and Optician
Trial Have You?
w bay, sell snd exchange
lew and second-hand furni
ture, stoves, ranges, rugs,
tools, etc. We will buy you
n Auctioneer
71 N. Cora'l St., Salem. Or.
Mat your sales with ns
People's Furniture
, Store
Klyht yhone 1047 phone 724
at Nomklng Cafe, every Tuesday.
Thursday and Saturday nights.
American and Chinese dishes.
162 M N. Commercial St.
Sulfa Cleaned .f 1JM
Suits Pressed .50r
Salem Cleaners & Dyers
121S & ComT SL Phone 186S
At The Electric Sign "SHOES"
New Shoe Repairing Shop -
Naaona Perfect Liquid Painti
Beaaonable prices
Capital Furniture L Hardware Co.
285 N. Commercial Phone 91
404 Ferry St.. Salem. Oregon
Phones 1177 12U
Talkinc Machine and Records
Player Pianos end Player Rolls
Do yon take
If not. why notT
No other baths or treatments
ean produce the permanent re
lief to the person suffering
from disagreeable cold or ail
ments of the flesh or body like
the Turkish Baths will.
Open 8 a. m. until 9 p. m.
Lady and Gentlemen attend-ants
We pay 2c above the
market price for eggs
and products
The Mutual Life
Up-to-date polices.
Lower net cost.
District Mfrr.
271 State St. Thone U0
Divorce Allowed
Mrs. It. A. Flannigan was grant
?d a divorce from ?. -K. Klannlsan.
yesterday by Judge Fercy R. Kel
:y in department So. 2 of the cir
cuit court. Dese:rt!on was th.
ause for the romplaint. The de
fendant did not appear to answer
to the charge.
The Ileal KM ate Firm
Ol Barher & Pearson has dis-
wlved nartnersh p hv mutual con
sent. Mr. Barber will continue the
business at the old Htand. 2on
top at
A flotn A w j Krnm Horn
Blrirtly Modern 9 1 pr my
1O0 rooms of Solid Comfort
Only Hotel in BusinrM Iitriet
Max 0. Baren
170 N. Com. St.
IMionr Hearing Set
The public conimipsion
has set Saturday, April 16. as
the date fo? nearing ot an appli
cation of the Grand Ronde Tele
phone company for a readjust
ment of service rates. On its own
motion the commission also will
investigate the service being ren
dered by the company.
lon't Forget That IHg I,lc
Tax. See sheriffs notice in this
isue. (adv.)
Turner Men (Tiargel
Robert lluiisaker and Donald
"teel of Turner were arraigned
7ednedar before Judge O. K.
I'nruh of the justice court on a
charge of not properly burylnff
the dead carcass of an animal.
They pleaded not guilty to the
rharge. The trial is set for next
!aon ! Iliet
The Woman's Home Misionary
society of the Jason Lee church
will meet at the home of Mrs.
Barnard. 2444 Maple avenue this
afternoon at 2:30.
$1.00 Brooms rc
60 lbs. Dairy Salt 7.V
25 bars Laundry Soap ftl.oo
g cans Milk 1.H
Better Goods For Less
We are buying good stock in
small lots or car lots
&42 State St.
Phone 717
Call at
We buy and sell every
thing 215 Center St. Phone 398
'Vderiion wince afternoon:
therefore he could not assume re
sponsibility. Organizations composing the
triple alliance held no further
meetings tonight. The board of
trade issued an official report of
today's negotial ions.
"Such a charge is as monstrous
as it is unfounded. The govern-
ii'vni ana community alike are
oesirous tnai tne best wages
should be paid In every Industry
thHt such Industrv can afford.''
The council of the independent
labor party called on its members
to support the miners by every
Don't Forget That Dog License ! means in their power, declaring
me crisis was due to "an attempt
bv oreanfzed capitalism to estab
lish the right of unlimited plun
der and degrade the standard of
living, which must be resisted."
T"rmt Justify Refusal.
In announcing the decision of
the railwaymen to support the
miners, J. H. Thomas, railway
men's general secretary, said the
meeting had decided that the
terms offered the miners was
such as Justified their refusal to
A verbatim report of the con
ference which the miners had at
the premier's official residence
today shows an impasse was
reached over the return of the
pumpmen and other safety work
ers as a preliminary to the re
opening of the peace negotiations
To this proposition, forcefully
put by Premier Lloyd George,
Committeeman Staker of the min
ers' executive body replied:
"I would rather capitulate than
filter into negotiations with a
rendition of that kind laid down."
The premier urged his con
dition strongly.
'AIT wr are asking." he said,
"is that while the negotiations
are going on firing Fhall cease
and the armies stand to their
Committeeman Smith, another
miner, interposed:
"Without being fed that is
what your conditions are. It is
no use bargaining about this. We
have got to get these two funda
mental principles agreed to a
national wage board and a na
tional pool-. Then we can talk
about th safety men."
IVIvale Talks I Wt lined.
The premier answered:
"if you Insist on that and say
the safety of the minrs will not
be conceded; that you will not
permit our taking nercs.sary fcfeps
to ensure th safety of tb mine
until we have conceded before
hand two things which, amongst
others, will have to bo discussed,
then it is an impossible position.
That is an ultimatum of a much
more serious character.".
Frank Hodges, mincirf' Bcrp
tary said:
"That is the decision or the
Miners' federation."
. The governmental conferees
thn retired and when they re
turned the premier said:
When I invited you here f was
tinder the impression fhat there
was a misunderstanding which
could In cleared up by discussion,
but the statements made on be
half of the miners have disclosed
there is a much graver diverg
ence of opinion than I anticipat
ed. I understand that the threat
to destroy the mines by deliber
ate action is to be utilized as a
means to force the owners and
the nation to capitulation upon
the two main claims which are
put forward by the miners."
The premier gave the miner
an opportunity of conferring pri
vately, which tny declined. The
conference nded.
Production in western Oropon
and western Washington lumber
mills for the week ending April L'.
was 4 r..".7 t .1 ftJ ltet. or i' por
cent below normal.
New business for the week 'o-
talled .'ri.L'i;.,SSl lect. of whi h
32 per cent is to move locally .
by cargo.
Shipments totalled .'.2. 201, 7 17
feet, of which 2! per cent moved
locally and by cargo.
Musiness accepted to move by
rail totaled 1.24H cars, as against
rail shipments of 1 . 2 .'! 3 cars. The
balance of unshipped business iu
the rail trade is M SI 1 cars.
Ivocal business continued fair
with new orders totaling 2,!2I.
'J2s feet and deliveries 4,007,777
New business in the domestic
cargo trade totaled 13.320.n;.3
feet and in the export trade 1,
aeo.tMMi feet.
Shipments by water totaled C
4!o.r04 by domestic cargo and
4.71u.466 feet export.
The unshipped balance In the
cargo trade is 60.09S.712 feet do
mestic and 13. 648. 100 feet export.
stmctive talk along the line of
successful loganberry production,
snd interest in the subject was
manifest in the questions asked
at its close.
Mr. Cunninaham has planted to
loganberries about 60 acres, and
in dealing with his subject talked
larefy from practical experience.
emphasized ' tbre" points as (
most essential. First, a rich '
ground; stcond, well drained
land, and third, land free front ;
frost ilatnagc. Stndy or hilly land '
is superior to level lands for lo-j
p;i n berries. Mr. Cunningham said. J
tccause of the natural drainage (
which is much to be preferred to ;
that obtained through I lie use idf i
That plants set out this reason
will be much more desirable than
those of last year, owing to the
fait that the season has been
milder and more favorabl" for
plant growth, was pointed out by
the speaker.
1 don't know." said the cour: .
clerk. "He told me he was go in? -to
have some roasjt pork for lunch,
and roast. pork always disagrees
with him." Itirmlngham, Agt-Hrald.
"Do vou think the judge will
t. 1. " .... . I7s.w1 '
C naru on me. aTi' an 01 m;
er who was waiting for that tardy
i"fifial tn return to his bench. I
Why Waste
: Time
'running around looking
:for a purchaser for your
A "For Sale" Ad
'n The Statesman will
find a buyer -
Realty Association Hears
Talk by Mr. Cunningham
Twelv'e new members havo
been added to the membership
list In the campaign which is be
ing put on by the Marion County
Realty association, according to
reports given at th regular meet
ing of the association held yes
terday at the Marion hotel. As
the name of the organization sig
nifies, membership is not con
fined to local real estate dealers
alone but also includes licensed
brokers from any part of the
county. The campaign will last
for several weeks, and at its close
the winning side will be the
guests of honor at a banquet to
be given by the losers.
Bruce Cunningham, a promi
nent fruit grower near Salem
was the princial speaker at the
luncheon yesterday. His re
marks were confined to a con-
Established 1868
General Banking Business
Office Hours from 10 a. m. to 3 p. nv
Family in Dire- Need
The Red Cross and the county
officials are taking action to re
lieve Amos Brown and family,
whose house on a garden plot near
Halls Ferry was destroyed by
fire Tuesday. Only a few chairs
and a mattress were saved aht
the familv is in dire need. Clofh-
Medium Uncle John Syrup. .." I 'ng and food for the relier or tho
family will be welcome at Red
Cross headquarters.
Card of Thank
We take this way of thanking
our friends, and ne ghhors for
their sympathy and help, also for
tho beautiful flowers during the
death of our uncle, John Neilsen.
(adv.) Mr. and Mrs. Hohti.
Ca in ping I'lare Sought
A. K. Younl. head of the boy'
department of the Y. M. C. A. in
Oregon is in Salem preparatory to
finding a suitable summer camp
ing; place for the summer excur
sions from associations In the
Willamette valley. He also will
visit Woodburn. Ktayton and Sil
verton. Mr. Yount van . honor
guest at a banquet by the Hi Y
club of the Salem high school laft
Charlie's Aunt
The K. O. club will present
"Charlie's Aunt" with an all male
cast this evening in the Salem
high school auditorium at S : 1 5
o'clock. General admission. 35c.
Hear H. S. Driver
Chapel Car Evangelist,
at the .
First Baptist Church
7 :45 p. m. Daily
has a complete line of garden tools, lawn mowers,
rubber hose. We also have a nice line of screen
doors and wire screen. See us for anything in
house paints and calcimine.
"If it is Hardware; We Have It"
286 North Commercial St
Phone 639
H. W. Moore o' the Nash gat
Hgp who was badly injured in an
automobile acrident on the Pacific
CAHPKXTKR Minnie Agnes Car
penter, aged ." years. 1 month.
10 days, died at the Deaconess
hospital April 7, at 4 a. in.
She leaves to mourn her loss,
one sister. Mrs. Charlea Ti
dale of Manitoba. Canada, and
three bothers, Adolphus Pettit
Carpenter. Harry Itertram Car ;
p'nter and Nelson Noriunn
..m..M.r n f f ivoulpv Or t
, i ...;n . kl,l i "as
I nr I n ii'rcii Sf r irnv win n". :
from th Webb & Clough chap-i
! Satordav at 2::'.0 P. m. In-'
torment will be in th-; Lee Mis
sion cemetery.
Another Acre is Added
To Broccoli Association
Our policy i"
to serve our cli
ents with a hiah
tesolve to mejlt
their onfid'iice
and gratified ap-pretlati'Mi.
P. A II. KY Tho funeral of Mrs. Al
ice K. Itailey. wife of Fred W.
Itailey, who passed away earl'
Wednesday morning, will b"
held Friday, at 2 p m. from
Uigdon's interment following in
Citv View cemetery.
Webb & Clough
Funeral Directors
; One more prosp-ctie broccoli i
I grower came to the front yester-
! A,..- . i' t I. ..II
u!. .iuiiii o. .naiMnii. naiem.
! rout.e i'i. box 1 3 K. askerl to be
enrolled for an acre. His nam
been handed over to I'. J.
Lehman, s-cietnry of the Salem
BrorroM association.
At the ineetinjr at o'clock to
morrow evening, at the Salem
Commercial club auditorium ther
will he a number of new names
to report.
It is desirabie thnt all who are
at all interested in the broccoli
industry, includine those who
have already enrolled, shall at
tendAthHt meeting, to the end that
final arrangements may be mad"
for the distribution of seed, and
for the securing of moi" seed jf
neressa ry.
Within a week it will be tim-
t begin the planting of the i-ed
from that time up to the fir.-t !
of Ma. or t bcreH bouts. !
Leading Morticians
"I'll give you $n a day. sp'f
cash." said the farmer to the
'ramp who had stopped to beg a
meal, "if ynirjl help m d'g po
tatoe. We'll begin now," he J
ruilnlnJ - I k I,:. (UIJ i ' I .. i
i"'iui N Hi III' .111. ii;ll, i"i am
I'm afraid the frost will get
"No." yawned th"' tramp. "Yo't
hetter die 'em. You planted 'em.
and vou know Just where th")'
After All It Takes a
To Give You That Tailor
Made Air that the Per
fectly Groomed W.oman
Desires '?
And this is especially ko of this season's
suits with their narrow, straight hang
ing skirts and straight box or semi-fitted
jackets. Even the wool jersey sports
suits, of which we have a splendid as
sortment, are unusually trim and dis
tinctive looking.
The Suits Shown At Shipley's Are '
marked by their good style theclever lines upon which they arc built the
excellence of the materials and linings and the perfect; workmanship with
which they are tailored. What more could you ask in buying your spring or
early summer suit? Predominating in colors are navy r; brown and the new
grey shades. -
We Are Now Featuring Three Groups
at $24.75 $34.75 and $44.75 .
1. (&. iltipl tj; Qll
Ib you Mill have those worried days at the first of the rtionth when you won
der how your income will meet your bills? If you follow the Tay As You Go"
plan, those days will be over.